Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. 3 (1987) 443-452 443 Vol. i0, No FOURIER COEFFICIENTS AND GROWTH OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS A. FRYANT Department of Mathematics Utica College of Syracuse University 13502 Utica, New York and H. SHANKAR Department of Mathematics Ohio University Athens, Ohio 4570| (Received October 7, 1986) ABSTRACT. We consider Harmonic Functions, H of several variables. We obtain H necessary and sufficient conditions on its Fourier coefficients so that entire harmonic (that is, has no finite is an singularities) function; the radius of har- monicity in terms of its Fourier coefficients in case H is not entire. Further, we obtain, in terms of its Fourier coefficients, the Order and Type growth measures, both in case H is entire or non-entire. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Harmonic function, Spherical harmonics, Entire harmonic func- tion, Radius of harmonicity, Fourier coefficients, Order and Type growth measures, Liouville’s theorem. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. |. 3|B05, 42A16. INTRODUCTION. Let iables H x k denote the set of all homogeneous, harmonic polynomials in the x 2 x having real coefficients. n H k n var- is a vector space of dimension d k (n+k-3)! (n + 2k- 2) k! (n- 2)! (see [, p. 237], or [2, p. 145]). <f g> With respect to the inner product f(x) g(x) do 2 and n-l do is the element of surface area on this sphere, let {YImdk|__ n be an ortho- A. FRYANT AND H. SHANKAR 444 H normal basis for Such orthonormal, homogeneous, harmonic polynomials k m Yk are It is well known that spherical harmonics called spherical harmonics of degree k of different degrees are orthogonal. That is, (see [2, p. 141]). H Let be harmonic in a neighborhood of the origin in n l H That is, satisfies Laplace’s equation 2H + 2H x21 -22 If throughout then on this sphere 0 > 0 2H + 0 x n2 xl is chosen so that the sphere is contained in 0 has the Fourier (spherical harmonic) expansion H d k H(x) k=O m=l akm r r where 02k+n-I (’On- Ix I=0 akm Here do series 0 n-1 (1 1) do H(x) Y:(x) do xl is the element of surface area on the sphere 2 L sense on the sphere 0 Ixl converges in the absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets of the interior ball The 0 and thus converges Ix] < The series 0 (l.l) might, of course, converge absolutely and uniformly within larger balls centered at the origin, depending on the location of the singularities of H The objective of this paper is to characterize growth properties of H explicit- Specifically, necessary and sufficient akm are found so that H is entire (that is, has no ly in terms of its Fourier coefficients conditions on the coefficients akm finite singularities), the radius of harmonicity of the spherical harmonic expansion H is computed in the case where is not entire, and the order and type of H found in both the entire and non-entire case. 2. CONVERGENCE OF SPHERICAL HARMONIC EXPANSIONS. The following result THEOREM. If {Ykm}dk m=l [2, p. 144] is . d k m=l for all x Since on the unit sphere d (n + 2k k d k m=l [y(x)]2 of fundamental importance in our work: is an orthonormal basis for 2) lYe(x) ]2 d and k then k n-! Ixl (n + k 3)! 2) kW (n H 2n/2 n-I 2)(n + k r(n/m)(n + 2k n/2 k! (n 2)! 2 r(n/2) 3)! we have Ixl This result is a natural generalization of the Pythagorean identity are FOURIER COEFFICIENTS AND GROWTH OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS sin2@ For, in k R2 _" we have d 2 k and -2 cos kO sin kO are (akl, ak2 k + cos 2 0 The two spherical harmonics of degree and the result of the preceding theorem becomes (_I__ sin k@) 2 Let a k terms of degree 445 akd k) in the expansion akl (a2kl 2 (I ,-cos k@) + 2 2 be the vector of Fourier coefficients of the (l.l) + We define 2 + ak2 + akd k ) 2 Our first result gives the radius of harmonicity of the series these (l.l) in terms of ]akl. THEOREM I. The series d [ k=O k [ akm r kY(x/r) m=l xl r Ixl converges absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets of the disk < R where is given by R -I lim suplakl I/k Further, such convergence obtains within no larger ball centered at the origin. PROOF. d d k Z Z k=O m=l akm k (x/=)l k < I =k m=!Z akmY(x/r)[ k=O .. d < k=O m=! [ k=O d k a 2 km ) (Ik m=! [Y(x)]2) [ak[(dklmn_l ) r k Z =n-I k=O I"kl= Now, lim (dk) llk k-K:,lim lira k-o Further, since r(k + a)/r(k + 8) [(n + 2k- 2) (!k-2)!3)! + l12k + k- 3) [(n (."] I/2k 1)! ka-8 the above limit is n-2)l12k lim --(k Ikl rk has radius of convergence R-I li_sup( dvk lakl I/k li_suplak[ l/k Thus the power series ’k=O R where R A. FRYANT AND H. SHANKAR 446 d_k ’k=O m-I Since this series dominates the spherical harmonic series akm rky(x/r the spherical harmonic series converges absolutely and uniformly for all Ixl < R > E 0 Ixl and thus on compact subsets of the ball such that x < R To see that such convergence cannot obtain within any larger disk centered at the origin, consider d M2(r) oo n-I r I:!: n-I k m=O k=l do)J akm Ixl If the spherical harmonic series converges uniformly for then term by term r integration yields d [Mm(r)] 2 k 2 I m=l . ,. k--O akm r d r2k k=O k r2k to n-! 2 k [Y rn-1 [x[--r akm ton- f ixi--1 m= d 2k (x/r)]2 do eYe(x) ]2 di 2 akm k=0 m= [ lak 12 r2k This series then must be convergent, which implies r Thus r < R -I and the proof of our theorem is complete. dk k If H(x) r is harmonic in a neighborhood of r k=0R m=O akm Y(x/ COROLLARY. the origin, then the distance given by R lisuplaki I/k__ R > -I H from the origin to the nearest singularity of is ll/k., suplak k-o lim By Harnack’s theorem, the uniform limit of a sequence of harmonic functions is harmonic. Thus our previous theorem ensures that H is harmonic in the open -I ball ixl < R where R Further, H cannot be harmonic throughPROOF. li_supiak il/k out any larger open ball centered at the origin. would exist a 0 > R H such that For if this were the case, there would be harmonic on the closed ball (that is, harmonic throughout an open set. containing the closed ball ix[ Ixl 0 0 ). Since the spherical harmonics are complete in the space of square integrable func- tions on any sphere Ixl (see [2, chap. 4, sec. 2]), O H would then have the Fourier series expansion d k H(x) k=Om=O where the series was at least L 2 akm r kY(x/r) convergent on the sphere convergent on compact subsets of the interior ball the result of our previous theorem. where on the sphere Ixi R Thus H Ixl < 0 ixi 0 and uniformly But this contradicts must have at least one singularity some- FOURIER COEFFICIENTS AND GROWTH OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS In view of the result of this corollary, it is natural to call H As an aid in investigating the growth of harmonic functions analytic functions of the radius of r we next obtain which provide good upper and lower bounds on M(r) max THEOREM 2. If "(x) [:l- akmrk (x/r) [-0 M2(r) for all R H harmonicity of M(r, H) 44? r < M(r) < R less than the radius of harmonicity H of where lakl 2 2k) ([ 2(r then and PROOF. Theorem I. M(r) < M(r) Derivation of the upper bound is contained in the proof of For the lower bound, we have [ s2(r) k=O lakl 2 r2k) % .F H2(x) do] i dO) % max H(x) n-I < (, n-l M(r) 3. ENTIRE HARMONIC FUNCTIONS The results of the previous section allow for the characterization of entire hat- monic functions in terms of their spherical harmonic coefficients. That is, a har- monic function having the series expansion (l.l) is entire if and only if R -l where R In this section we characterize the growth of entire lisuplakll/k harmonic functions explicitly in terms of the functions’ spherical harmonic coefficients. As measures of growth we use the classical concepts of order and type. p of an entire harmonic function H is defined by The order p where M(r) M(r, H) lira sup loz log M(r) log r is as given in the previous section. zero order, then the type H of z If H is of finite, non- is defined by M(r) lim sup ,l..,og p r-K= r THEOREM 3. is given by If H(x) k=O [’dkm=l akmrkYkm(x/r) is entire, then the order of H 448 A. FRYANT AND H. SHANKAR k log k lira sup PROOF. M2(r) Let lisuplak ll/k 0 t4(r) and I. 1 be as defined in Theorem 2. . [M2(r)] Thus the analytic continuation of [M2(z)]2 H Since 2 is entire, that is lak 12 z2k is an entire analytic function of the complex variable 2 where r Also, 2 z Further, ’’IM2(z)l 2 Izl [M2(r)] log log lim sup < [M2(z)] 2 lira sup r-o log log lim sup log r r-o Thus the order of [M2(r)] log log M(r) log r M2(r) log r r-m O(H) is less than or equal to the order f(z) the order of an entire analytic function o(f) =0 k log k lim sup Ck O(H) of H But is given by z [2, p. 9] We conclude that 2k log 2k lim sup k- M(r) og lim sup k lak I-z is also an analytic function of of its variable. k log k og < O(H) lakl-’ and thus can be continued to complex values r We have n-I Now, lira sup k-= as was shown in the proof of Theorem entire function. since ?4(r) < the order of max ?4(z) p. 9] the order of I. d/k = Thus since H is entire, Appealing to the result of Theorem 2, we have [t4(z) it follows that the order of H t4(z) is also an M(r) < ?4(r) and is less than or equal to But according to the classical function theoretic result [2, 4(z) is lira sup k log k lira sup Therefore, P(H) < lira sup k’ k log k log lak[-I k log k FOURIER COEFFICIENTS AND GROWTH OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS 449 and the proof of our theorem is complete. Note that in the preceding argument we actually show that p[M22(z)] That is, the analytic functions of lower bounds on H M(r) p[M(z)] p(H) given in Theorem 2 which provide upper and r have the same order as H They also have the same type as as is shown in the proof of our next theorem. THEOREM 4. dk [k=O r Y (x/r) is an entire harmonic function m=l akm of H is given by then the type H(x) If of finite, non-zero order 0 (e0) -I PROOF. Since [M2(z)] 2 lisup has order log[ by definition its type is 0 max iim sup IM2(z)12 r0 r-o log[ max 2 lim sup r0 r M(r) lim sup log r_o rO < 2 where as before result [3, p. ] order 0 M(r) the max Izl=r type of IH(x) Further, by the classical function theoretic [k=O f(z) an entire analytic function Ck z k having is Thus the type of (e0) -I [M2(z)] 2 li_sup klCk lO/k (eO) -I (f) is 2(e0) -I 2k(lakl2) 0/k li_sup li_sup klak lO/k and the previous inequality implies (e0) -I M(z) Also, since the order of z(H) S is klak 10/k and 0 (eP)-I li_sup (e0) 4. li_sup -I lim sup k-o (H) M(r) < H(r) < max IM(z)l we have k(%li/k lakl) 0/k klakl0/k GROWTH OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS IN SPHERES .. We next consider the growth of non-entire harmonic functions interior to the largest sphere centered at the origin which omits the function’s singularities. If dk H(x) k=O m=O akm r k Y(x/r) and A. FRYANT AND H. SHANKAR 450 -l R lisup then we define the order lakl ]/k and type 0 % R 0, H of interior to the open ball Ixl < R by lim sup 0 r/R lg+lg+M(r) r)] log[R/(R and log+M(r) r)]0 [R/(R lim sup % r-R where M(r) of non-entire lira sup k_o IH(x) max Ixl=r analytic ICk l|/k 0 < The definitions agree with those for the order and type functions (see [4]). I/R < 0 then the order and type of have been computed in terms of the coefficients c f of k ,.= k z k interior to the disk f(z) Further, if [4, 5, 6] f c where Izl < R These results are 0 log+log+Ick lim sup k-o o+l R k log k and iO T 0 (0 + I) 0+I lira sup k (log+lekl Rk)O+ k p Arguing as in the proofs of Theorems 3 and 4, we obtain such results for harmonic funct ions k R II 0 then the order 0 T H of H l/R, is given by + + k R log log lakl lim sup 0+1 and the type of 0 i=,<i’ /k g(x log k is 0 (0 + I) 0+I limk_osup (log+lakl Rk)0+ k0 The proof of this theorem is obtained by again appealing to the analytic bounds on M(r) 5. LIOUVILLE’S THEOREM provided by Theorem 2. A very simple proof of the analog of Liouville’s theorem for entire harmonic functions can be given by arguing on the function M2(r) defined in Theorem 2. We give this proof below. THEOREM 6. all x E R n PROOF. then If H If H H is an entire harmonic function in R n and iH(x) < is constant is entire, then it has the spherical harmonic expansion dk H(x) k=0 m= akm r k Ykm(x/r and the series converges uniformly on compact subsets of Rn Thus B for FOURIER COEFFICIENTS AND GROWTH OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS 2 [M2(r) [H(x) 2 do f on-| r 451 k--O Now, suppose IH(x)[ < B for all ik=O lakl2 r 2k < 0B 2 forfor kall I,r 2,> 0 implies k > [a k12 x Rn Then since Thus ,ak ,2 But a r M2(r) 2k < B 2 dk-- 2 for all Im=l akin This yeilds H(x) ]H(x) < max r Hence > we have which 0 akin 0 for all =- and all corresponding values of m ao0 For proofs of stronger analogs of Liouville’s theorem for entire harmonic func- tions, see [7, chap. 2]. Note that the argument given here could also be used to prove the classical LiouWe believe this apz ville theorem for entire analytic functions f(z) =0 Ck to its wider owing presentations, most found in that over proach is to be preferred applicability. In particular, it can be easily used to obtain analogs of Liouville’s theorem for solutions of many partial differential equations. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge this approach to Liouville’s theorem has not yet found a place in the literature. Finally, we note that all the results of this paper hold as stated for complex k m(x/r n r that is for H(x) valued harmonic functions in R m= akm are complex numbers. For this, only minor changes are where the coefficients ’k--O [dk Yk akm required in the corresponding development. 6. RELATED RESULTS Work on the growth of harmonic functions in dimensions greater than 2 has a history going back at least fifty years. In [8] and [9] the growth of harmonic func3 is considered, and the Bergman B 3 integral operator is used as a tions in R principal tool in the investigation. Paper [I0] contains results similar to those 3 The growth of harmonic functions presented here, but for harmonic functions in R n at the origin in [II, 12 functions the of to derivatives is related n > 3 in R equations is differential 13]. Growth of entire solutions of certain elliptic partial considered in [14, 15], and special cases of these equations yield axisymmetric har- n monic functions in R 3 In [16] the growth of entire harmonic functions in R is expressed in terms of n in terms of the maximum value attained by the the function’s coefficients, and in R h on spheres centered at the origin. harmonic degree spherical function’s kt ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This paper is dedicated to Professor Morris Marden. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. ERDELYI, A. Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol. 2, McGraw-Hill, New York, 953. 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