Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. I0, No.3 (1987) 621-623 621 M-QUASI-HYPONORMAL COMPOSITION OPERATORS PUSHPA R. SURI and N. SINGH Department of Mathematics Kurukshetra University 132 119, India Kurukshetra (Received November 12, 1985) A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for M-quasi-hyponormal composition operators. It has also been poved that the class of M-quasi-hyponormal ABSTRACT. composition operators coincides with the class of M-paranormal composition operators. Existence of M-hyponormal composition operators which are not hyponormal; and M-quasi- hyponormal composition operators which are not M-hyponormal and quasi-hyponormal are also shown. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. M-hyponormal, M-quasi-hyponormal, M-paranormal, normal composition operators. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 47 PRELIMINARIES. 1. Let (X,S,m) be a sigma-finite measure space and T a measurable transformation from X into itself (that is one 0 whenever m(E) 0 for E e S). Then mT-I(E) the equation C T fo T for every f in CTf is bounded with range in L2(m), L2(m) defines a linear transformation. then it is called composition operator. If If X the set of all non-zero positive integers and m is counting measure on the family of all subsets of N, then sequences). Let f o dmT dm -i L2(m) 2 (the Hilbert space of all square surmnable be the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the measure mT -I with respect to the measure m, dm(ToT) -I dmT Then dm(ToT) o’ dm h o ho fo" o" Let B(H) denote the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on the Hilbert space H. An operator T e B(H) is called M-quasi-hypornormal if there exists M > 0 such that M2T * 2 T 2- (T’T)2 >_ 0 N 622 P.R. SURI AND N. SINGH IT*Txll or equivalently 112xll M for all x in H [I]. T is said to be M-paranormal [2] if for all unit vectors x in H l[Txll 2 _-< M IlT2xl[. T is said to be M-hyponormal [2] if llTxll llTxll _-< M for all x in H. The purpose of this paper is to generalize the results on quasi-hyponormal composition operators in [3] for M-quasi-hyponormal composition operators. 2. M-QUASI-HYPONORMAL COMPOSITION OPERATORS. In this section we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for M-quasihyponormal composition operators and then show that the class of M-quasi-hyponormal 2 coincides with the class of M-paranormal composition composition operators on operators. We also show the existence of M-hyponormal composition operators which are not hyponormal, and M-quasi-hyponormal composition operators which are not M-hyponormal and quasi-hyponormal. Let C THEOREM 2.1. f2o M2ho PROOF. e T B(L2). Since for any f in L (C ,2 T Then C T is M-quasi-hyponormal if and only if 2, (Cf,Cf) 2 CTf,f) (Mh h lel z d, f,f), o ,2 where M h is the multiplication operator induced by h o CTCT Mf o Similarly it can be seen that if ,2 2 M C C T (C T* C T) 2 2 T C T o’ therefore 2 CT CT Mho is M-quasi-hyponormal if and only O. This implies that M2 M that is f2o M 2 h 2 h o Mf o 0, o Hence the result. f o COROLLARY. 2 M go" PROOF. Let C Since T e B(2). ho fo’go and Then C fo T is M-quasi-hyponumal if and only if is positive, therefore, by above theorem we get the result. if and only if THEOREM 2.2. Let C T e B(2). Then C T is M-quasi-hyponormal C is M-paranormal. T the sufficiency, PROOF. Necessity is true for any bounded operator A. For let C be M-paranormal, then T M-QUASI-HYPONORMAL COMPOSITION OPERATORS 2 2 IICTX {n}ll MIICT X {n}l for all n N I/2 J" IX {n} TlZdm -<- M( I IX{n oT212dm) M(I IX {n}12dm(ToT)-l) I/2 / IX {n} 12dmT-I or or am f} fo or {n f2 or O (n) for all n in N. is M-quasi-hyponormal. Let C THEOREM 2.3. e M({n} ho din)I/2 _-< M2h (n) O f2o M2ho; CT Hence 623 e T B(-) and T:N N be one-to-one. Then the following are equivalent. (i) (ii) (iii) PROOF. operator A. ICT then CTfll Normal M-hyponormal M-quasi-hyponormal. (i) implies (li), (ii) implies (iii) are always true for any bounded We show that (iii) implies (i). Let C be M-quasi-hyponormal. Then T <_- M Now T is onto because if T is not onto fll for all f in NIT(N) 2. IC NIT(N) is non-empty and for n e ICTCT X{n}l There exists no M>0 such that C T Since T is one-to-one, therefore, invertible and C T ICTCT X{n}l and O. is M-quasi-hyponormal which is a contradiction. T is invertible, by Theorem 2.2 [4] C is T [3]. is normal by Theorem 2.1 Here we give an example of a composition operator on 2 which is M-hyponormal but not hyponormal. EXAMPLE i. Let T:N T(1) 2, N be the mapping such that T(2) T(3n+m)= n+2, Then C T EXAMPLE 2. Let T:N 0,1,2 and n e N. m -hyponormal. C T 1,2,3 m is not nyponormal as T(3) i, -- foT $ 2 and and n fo for n N be defined by T(1) Then C T is N. i. C T is M-hyponormal for M 2, T(2) T(3n+m) I, quasi-hyponormal but C T /. n+l, is not is not quasi-hyponormal also. REFERENCES M-Quasi-Hyponormal Operators, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. I. SURI, P.R. and SINGH, N. (Communicated). 2. ARORA, S.S. and KUMAR, R. M-Paranormal Operators, Publications De L’Institut Mathematique Nouvelle Serie 2__9(1981), 5-13. SINGH, R.K., GUPTA, D.K. and KOMAL, B.S. Some Results On Composition Operators on 2, Internat. J. Math. and Math. Sci. 2(1979), 29-34. 3. 4. SINGH, R.K. and KOMAL, B.S. Composition Operator on Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 70(1978), 21-25. P and its Adjoint,