Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. I0, No. 3 (1987) 473-482 473 A NEW CLASS OF COMPOSITION OPERATORS S. PATTANAYAK, C.K. MOHAPATRA and A.K. MISHRA School of Mathematical Sciences Sambalpur University 768019, INDIA Jyoti Vihar (Received May 30, 1984 and in revised form June 14, 1985) introduced. obtained. P: H2(T) H2(T), A new class of composition operators ABSTRACT. Sufficient conditions on P Properties of a parameters and b on the compactness of for (e it) with Pit : T/ is to be bounded and Hilbert-Schmidt are + ae have been investigated. with be -it for different values of the This paper concludes with a discussion P KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. pact operator. Space, Composition operator, Hilbert Schmidt operator, Com- 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 47BJ7, 47B99, 46J15. PRELIMINARIES. i. For a complex valued function f analytic in zl {z: D < I} and for I p < set MpCr,f) (I 2 M (r,f) Sup 0<2 ifCreie)ip 0 ,de -c) p l<p < and The function f is said to be in If HP(D) lim if r/l-- HP(T), {z: T Izl I}, be the class of (e 18) 12f 0 [1,2] that for It is known 8 and f, belongs to is in HP(D). then, f, Also, if f HP(T). f in in e in8 M (r,f) < P LP(T) functions in d8 HP(D) 0 lira n f(re Similarly, let such that 1,2,3 i8) f,(e i8) exists for almost all Conversely, the Poisson integral of a function in HP(D) has the sequence {a n as its Taylor coefficients has the same sequence as its Fourier coefficients and vice versa. spondence establishes an isometrical isomorphism between HP(D) HP(T) and HP(T). This corre- Thus, these S. PATTANAYAK, C.K. MOHAPATRA AND A.K. MISHRA 474 interchangeably used and are usually referred to as the Hardy Space two spaces are HP[I,2]. In the sequel we came across another space familiarly known as the weighted Hardy Let 0(n) be a sequence of positive numbers. An analytic function f:D+C, space [3] given by Z f(z) n anZ {e normal basis n H. Then, in H H Let Also we need the following definition. linear operator on Ha(0) is said to be in the class e (e n 2. it) e such that {e We note that be a bounded T be a Hilbert space and p(n)<. l[Ten II 2 Z < 0,1,2,..., the function n H 2. forms an orthonormal basis for n A NEW CLASS OF CONPOSlTION OPERATORS. Let : f((z)), z D D D. in C: be analytic and let C The operator [4]. study a new class of composition operators analytic’ also. That is : Let DEFINITION. T Hp (D) (Cf)(z) be defined by HP(D) P and In the present paper we introduce and on H2(T) where : many be ’non- T nonvanishing negative Fourier coefficients. D E for every set P H (D) is known as a composition operator on is extensively studied in the literature (a) Elan 12 is said to be Hilbert Schmidt if there exists an ortho- T Throughout in the present paper we denote by e n int lfl Ip if satisfy the following properties: T, of linear measure zero, -I(E) {z (z) T: w, w E T} is also a set of linear measure zero and (b) for every H2(T), fo is H2(T) H2(T) by f P: Then, define L2(T). in in P(fo) Pf P where is the projection of L2(T) H2(T). into Here some explanations are in order. be extended analytically into fo D is defined almost everywhere on series n 0 ane in@ We observe that a function as described in Section I. T Futher, let Then by the Weierstrass theorem, in H2(T) can be represented by the Fourier f n f So with the condition (a), 0 an( (ei) )n converges point- f((eiS)) for all 8 such that (e i8) D and by a result of Carleson [5] such that n0 an( (ei0))n converges pointwise to f((ei@)) for almost all (eie) T. Hence n 0 an((eie))n converges pointwise almost everywhere on T to f((eie)). Thus throughout in this paper we write 0 an((ei@)) n in place of f (#(elSe. wise to n We note theat if Graph Theorem, tions on , satisfies the conditions of the definition, then by the Closed is a bounded operator. P# fo$ # is in L2(T) for all f So a natural question is: in H2(T). under what condi- The present paper primarily deals with this question. . In the following sections we first obtain bounds for the norm of conditions on Then we consider defined by (e it ae it + be P -i t under suitable and study 475 NEW CLASS OF COMPOSITION OPERATORS foe e L2(T) such that b and a conditions on PC section we have discussed the compactness of 3. for all f H2(T). in In the last with the help of some examples. P. NORM OF We have the following results. THEOREM I. : Let D T be such that f2 o P Then, dt Let f H2(T) in (3.1) < I1%11 --< (M()12) I/2 is Hilbert Schmidt and PROOF. M() -I( it) f(z) be given by Jf((elO) 2 Ea ((e n z n le) n 12 < z T. in Then, (Elan 12) (El(el8) 2n) ie) so, Next, with the orthonormal basis n rO lP, CCr) 12 s P Thus, < M() ilfll 2 2 (M(*)/2) I/2" IIP, II and we get ilfoll 22 2 < iiPfll e n n we have $2l(elt) 12n 0 leno*l 12 nO 0 H2(T), of 0,1,2 dt (M()/2)< . is Hilbert Schmidt. COROLLARY 2. : If T+D is continuous then PC is Hilbert Schmidt. The condition (3.1) is trivially satisfied if # is continuous. By an example in the next section we will show that (3.1) is only a sufficient conto be Hilbert Schmidt. We need the following lemma due to Gabriel [6] dition for PROOF. P for the proof of our next theorem. LEMMA. Let f H2 every in THEOREM 2. (i) Let F : be a rectifiable convex curve in the closed unit disc. T+D be such that describes a closed rectifiable convex curve in (il) inf[’ (eli) m llPll Then, PROOF. Then, for > 0, 0 D and 2 t (2/m) I/2 By lemma and the condition (ll) we have 2 2 lifll If( (eit ))1 i (=)1 dt > m 12 I(fo) (eit )ldt 0 so that lP,fl < o ,2r 2 Cfo,) ( it,I 2 dt < lfl S. PATTANAYAK, C.K. MOHAPATRA AND A.K. MISHRA 476 P The conditions (i) and (ii) in the above theorem are not necessary for to be As an example consider bounded. (eit (t) e 0 < t < 0 _< t_< 2 does not satisfy any of the conditions (i) or (ii) of the theorem. so that Now, I 02 If( P This shows that 4. If(eit) 12 =i f0 )(e it))12 dt II PII is bounded with 2 at + lfl 122 If() Imdt -< </2. A FAMILY OF COMPOSITION OPERATORS. P In this section we study the properties of T tions D given by (z) where lal + Ibl for the particular family of func- ! I. + az lal We note that if # Ibl ellipse containing the orgin in its interior. P Hence by Theorem 2, (4.1) z e T bz then the curve traced by Also inflae -it m P It turns out that is bounded. perties for different values of the parameters and a bl is an > has many interesting pro- We need the following tech- b nical lemma. LEMMA I. For all n k 2k> k PROOF. Z+ in + n < 2n+2k (4.2) We shall prove (4.2) by method of induction on Let n 0 n so that we have to show 2k < (k) 22k for k (4.3) 1,2,3 We establish (4.3), also by the process of induction on is trivially true. I, k (i) Next, assume that (2kk To complete induction on k < 22k, (2k+2)! (k+l) (k+l) k 2n+2k n+l+2k. k Thus (4.3) is true for all k-- 1,2 2k k < 22k (2k+l) < (k+l) 2 k 2 (2k+l) (k+l) 2 Next, let 1,2,3 2k+l k .n+2k. < k 22 k < we consider k+l Thus, (4.3) is true for all (2k) (k!) (k!) i.e. 2(k+l) Now, assume that For k 2 < 22(k+I) Then, n 2k+l To complete the induction we consider (n+2k) (k!) (n+k) and (n+l+2k) (n+l+k) n 0,I,2 < 2n+2k 2< 2n+l+2k 2 2 < 2 NEW CLASS OF COMPOSITION OPERATORS (1) : Let THEOREM 3. T D I, [a] [b], then fo need [a + [b] If lal (ll) If + Ibl la[ The inequality PROOF. 0 b < z < e _’n+2k" [k tmn 0,1,2, n Z+ k a n--E0 (fan Imn + k-El + lal .n+2k. 2 k For a < n-ZO k--El lal 2n labl 2k which also implies (il) Schmldt. in H2 P so that n H2 (ab)k With respect if n < m if n m -2k if n m 2k + 2n 2k .n+2k. 2 k lal 2n labl 2k) .n+2k. 2 k al 2n abl 2k to show that the second sum in the right hand side is convergent. kl n0 since f Now .n+2k. 2 We use Lemma is Hilbert Schmldt. for 0 and n m e for all 0 where T. in then L2 not be in n has a matrix representation P la[ and bz in (1) is best possible. Consider the orthonormal basis to this basis + az H2 is not defined on the whole of (ill) (z) be given by 477 ZZ 22n+4k lal 2n lab 1-12al 2 labl < (eie) cos f(eie)) e ZZ 2k 12al 2n 1-14abl 2 P This proves that H2 For the proof of (ll) consider the b 2n function f(z) is Hilbert (l-z) -a 0<a<1/2 Thus, f(cos O) (1-cos e) a (2 a s in2a e and f2 I(f((e ie) )12 0 if a > for (iii) / 2 22-2a 4a de 0 sin de e > f/2 22-2a 4a 0 In the above we have made use of the well known inequality 0 < e de e 2e < sin <- 2 In view of (ii), for the proof of (iii), it is sufficient to show that not Hilbert Schmidt if condition e<e mE Itm, ml 2-- Observe that a / b and a > b. P@ is In fact, we show that under the above S. PATTANAYAK, C.K. MOHAPATRA AND A.K. MISHRA 478 (aeiO en((eiO) (a + b) Since n + kOn (k)n be-iO)n n n k k=Z0 (k) an-k b we have a n-k b k e i(n-k)O e-ikO Hence considering this sum as the I. inner product of two vectors We see ()an b 0 ()an-I that, since II [, n n kffiZ0 [(k a n-k (nn) b b k ]II [2 > a > b Further, we observe that if I us to n It n,n [2 land ..(.n.+.l!..t.e.r.s, I,I by Cauchy Schwarz inequality (n+l) () a n-k _> k n-r b r > n (n_r) a r bn-r [[P en[ [z _> il2(n+l) and so (z) Also, with the help of the same function az + bz P is not a necessary condition for b a f2 0 ab > 0 R in and f2 0 dt l_l(e it )12 al bl + I. we show that the condlto be a Hilbert Schmidt. Then, (1-(a-b) 2) sin 2 t P is Hilbert Schmidt. In the following theorem we present a sufficient condition on THEOREM 4. be given by PROOF. fo : n an 0 First let z Further if if((eiO))12 az an (e io) so that b a (z) be given by T/D f(z) f in H2 to L2(T). is in Let leading dt However, in view of Theorem 3, it follows that ensure that so that over half This completes the proof of the theorem. tion (3. I) of Theorem For this take n b (n+l) then of the above sum is from terms where 0 a + lal bz 0 with Ibl > and f then fo in H2 E L 2. n cos O. Now, n _< into cos= o (4.4) n+B (4.5) We know that n-E0- (I-z) B+ n z n and [7] Taking B -a n+B n n r(B+l) (4.6) in (4.5) and (4.6), we get cos nffi0 n 0 n r(-a+l) (1-cosO) (l-a) Thus, to complete the proof, it is sufficient to show that f2 0 (1-cosO) (2-2)d0 sin(4a-4) f2 0 However, this is ture because of the condition a > _.0 2 3 dO < To dispose of the general case NEW CLASS OF COMPOSITION OPERATORS 2a we observe that if ia e eiV 25 and a-+28 ei (a+V)/2 cos() ei8) $( then 479 and this leads to similar calculations as above. fo@ e L 2 Taking cue from the above theorem we next show that p(n). for a suitable choice of the sequence Let THEOREM 5. o(n) (i) 8. n fo# T L2 for all (e tO) be given by aeiO + be-iO is in 8 < f H 2 (0(n)) in there is a function PROOF. As in the previous theorem we assume Let in H2(0) f(z) be given by If(*(e io) )i 2 ow 1 ib and 8 > _I2 if f8 in a b L2 f la Then, for each (ii) : H2(p(n)) f e for an z n__E0 I0 % cos n 12 - H2(D(n)) f8o@ such that is not in f(@(eiO)) so that f(cos e). We have (-o ai < p(n)) (-o 2n cos p(n) o) using (4,5) and (,6) as in the previous theorem it can be shom that sin fo Thus 28-2 8 L2 is in n=E0 n-I r(-8+I) cos 2n 8. 8 > if For the proof of (ll) consider the function a f(z) (l-z) An z n a+1 By (4.6), ZlAIn 2 nS,,, Z n 2a+8 The sum on the right hand converges if in H2(O), n8 p(n) for if a a- but fo REMARK. Thus, for given is not in < < I/2 n 2 (i) fo# Let : T is in L2 for all (il) for each L2 (8+1)/2. a < Thus, f is if we chose is in H2(D) dO (3+28+2)/8 a remains open in the above theorem. but with slower rate than THEOREM 6. i.e. sl-n4a4- theorem we prove the same result for a sequence n -1 However, 22a/I f 0 dO 8 + 8 f L 2. 0(n) The case (8+I)/2. a <- 27 /0 ]f((ei8))[2 2a n I/2+ 0 (n) having faster in H2 (p(n)) 8 < 0, there is a function f8 rate of growth than 0 for any be as in the previous theorem and f However, in the next if in D(n) nl/2(logn)8. Then, 8 > I, H2(p(n)) such that f8o is not in S. PATTANAYAK, C.K. MOHAPATRA AND A.K. MISHRA 480 Let PROOF (i) f(z) f, given by anzn nffiZ0 be in H2(0(n)) so that : = 1/2(log n) 8 fan 12< II I By Cauchy Schwarz inequality, If((eiS))l 2 8 n.0 nl/2 (log n) lan 12)(n0= <_. cos 2n 8 (4.7) 1/2 (log n) B.)) n It is known [7, p. 192] that if (l_z)a+l A 8 (a,8) (4.8) R a, 8 (log n) 8 n r(a+1) n n A (a 8) z n Z= n 0 # -I,-2,-3, a > 2, a then for a -L) (log so that RI (117 / n I/2(log n) 8 n ieee ! / (cos 2 O) n n__Z0 nl/2(logn) 8 (log 0)I/2 (l-cos 2 -8 a l-cos 2 6) 2 -8 b sln----- (log Kin O -8 (4.9) In view of (4.7) and (4.9), in order to show that fo@ is in L2 it is suffi- cient to show that f2 0 (log sin sin 8 8)-8 dO < (28/) < sin 8 < 8 (0,6), of the function it is sufficient to show the Further, because of the inequality integrability, in an interval =., (log Making the substitution log h(O) _61 () (log ) lim/0 -8 -8 u, we get (log dO lira (ll) Let p(n) n 112( f(z) (l-z) where -I/2 parison of > y < f (8-I)12. I-8 8 > I. 1/4 (log _I.) I-8 This completes the proof of (i). Now consider the function 8 > 0. a (log 8 /0 Thus, the above integral converges if logn) -8 ) Tz y n 7.AYz n We first observe that f is in H2(p(n)). with (4.8) shows that A7 n n -3/4 r’(I14) (log n) Y Thus, ZlAVnl 2 p(n) rn -I (log n) 2Y- and the right hand side series converges because Y < (8-I)/2. Now, In fact, a com- CLASS OF CONPOSITIO OPERATORS If(*(e iO) )12 $20 where a b 2y-1/2 dO because of the condition REMARK. dO O de > Thus, we prove that although n2(logn) 8, p(n) The case 0 _< 8 < H2(p(n)) f fo, is remains unsettled. We conclude this section by showing that (e it + *(e it) H2 e- it )/2 cos t gn(t) g f(z) and f (,(e n L is in k=El knf iZ It)) --= cskt g f2w ign(t) S(t) n+m 0 L2. gn and log Z for f n Let so that ()) f_,_elt__ g(t) and k but is not in Fourier coefficients of lim H2 k fn(Z) =kE=l. Observe that is an unbounded operator on This we do by exhibiting a sequence of function k Let P, lP,fnl for which lim n+oo k 0(18 ’sin L2 not in th sin 0 The above integral diverges with the integral f/2 (log ) 2 0 in f/2 4 481 2y b a k and a (n) k=gl cskt k respectively be the n Since 0 dt we get a IP, 2 1tm 5. (n) a.. ltm n+oo n k_n Now, lal(n) 12 k.z_. /Ig(e it) 12 lak 12 at COHPACTNESS OF In this section we discuss some examples illustrating cases when and when it is not. (1) (ll) ’I (elt ae [eL ,2(e It) Let T ’1 ’2 ’3 -it / D P, is compact be defined by Jaj 0 < t < 2 it 0 _< t < 0 e (ill) (i) f(z) *3 (eli) P,I n__Z0 It Lae it + 0 _< t _< be -it _< t _< 2 a+b is a finite rank, hence a compact, operator. a z n n then (p, f) (elt P (n=0 a a n n e -int a # b, For, if a o f a,b _> 0 in H2 is given by S. PATTANAYAK, C.K. 482 MOHAPATRA AND A.K. For composition operators with analytic HP(D) C: limit of HP(D) (z). is compact then Schwartz [8] has shown that if I(e )1 < a.e. where PI We observe in this example that (e it) is the radial deviates in behaviour from lP211 We have shown at the end of Section 3 that (ii) MISHRA /2 < C We show here that P2 is not compact. By Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma the sequence in H2 However, P2 (en) the Fourier series of o0 2 e P(en2)’ e n n 0,I,2,... converges to zero weakly does not converge strongly to zero. is given by (enOO2)(e it) Z a e imt For, if then by direct computation it can be seen that i a m and (n-m) if n-m is odd 0 if n-m is even if nffim [IPqb 2 (en)[[ 22 mEffi0 [am 12 > Thus, P2 is not compact. By a similar argument as in (ii) it can be shown that compact operator. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. definition of P3 is bounded but not a The authors thank the referee for his useful suggestions regarding the P@ REFERENCES I. 2. 3. DUREN, P.L., HP.SPace s, Academic Press, New York, 1970. 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