Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. I0, No.3 (1987) 513-517 513 ON M-IDEALS IN B(.lpZ CHONG-MAN CHO Department of Mathematics College of Natural Science Hangyang University Seoul 133, Korea (Received May 8, 1986) n ABSTRACT. < p, r < =, X For I i=l i p r ), {n i} bounded, the space K(X) of all com- pact operators on X is the only nontrlvlal M-ideal in the space B(X) of all bounded lin- ear operators on X. Compact operators, hermltlan element, M-ideal. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. Primary 46A32, 47B05, secondary 47B05. INTRODUCTION. 1. Since Alfsen and Effros [I introduced the notion of an M-ideal, many authors have studied M-ideals in operator algebras. It is known that K(X), the space of all compact operators on X, is an M-ideal in B(X), the space of all bounded linear operators on X, if X is a Hilbert space or , C P Smith and Ward [2] proved that M-ideals in a (I < p < ). -algebra are exactly the closed two sided ideals. < p < proved that, for , K(P Smith and Ward is the only nontrlvlal M-ideal in [3], and Fllnn [4] B(p). n of this paper is to generalize this result to B(X), where X r< and {n i} a bounded sequence of positive integers. I i=l @9 i p r The purpose ), for < p, In this proof, the ideas and results of [4], [2], [5] and [3] are heavily used. NOTATIONS AND PRELIMINARIES. 2. If X is a Banach space, B(X) (resp. K(X)) will denote the space of all bounded llnear operators (resp. compact linear operators) on X. A closed subspace J of a Banach space X is an L-summand (resp. is a closed subspace II x + y II llxll + 5 of X such that X is the algebraic direct sum of J and IlYll (resp. llxll max {llxll, IIYlI}) P: X X is an L-projectlon (resp. M-projectlon) if llxll llPxll, II ( M-summand) if there p)xll for very x x. llxll for x e J, y e llPx II + II( I 3, and 3. A projection P)x II (resp. C.M. CHO 514 A close4 subspace J of a Banach space X is an M-ideal in X If J+/- {x e X x ’Ij --0} is an L-summand in X (Xi)i= If llxll _< P <_ , pXi llx illp) I/p < 7. is the space of i--I (x i)i=l, all sequences x and sequence of Banach spaces for is a su.p[llx ill} 1 < e xi with the norm Xi’ . if p llxll _< p < if An element h in a complex Banach algebra A with the identity e is hermltlan if lleiXhll If Jl - are complementary nontrivial M-summands in A (i.e. A J2 M-projection of A onto Ji (i onto J2’ e zJi A (e z) P(e) and z Jl since I z)J i- is hermit+/-an, (e j i P is the JlJ2), z then z is hermit+/-an with z Jl’ 0 [2, 3.2 and 3.4]. 1,2) and zJ 2 z 2 z (e z) )Jl(e z [6]. for all real and 2 [2, 3.1], P is the M-projection of 2) and i 0. If M is an M-ideal in a Banach algebra A, then M is a subalgebra of A [2, 3.6]. h A is hermit+/-an and h 2 M and M] M e, then hM If A is a Banach algebra with the identify [4, Lemma I]. then A** endowed with Arens mult- e, A** iplication is a Banach algebra and the natural embedding of A into isomorphism into [6]. hermltlan element z e If J is an M-ideal in A, then A** jll If J+/-+/- (j+/-l is an algebra and the associated commutes with every other hermit+/-an element of A ** [5 .22]. n i < p, r < and {n i} where =I a P r bounded sequence of posit+/-rye integers. An operator T e B(X) has a matrix representation with respect to the natural basis of X. From the definition, it is obvious that any diagonal matrix T e B(X) with real entries is hermitlan. From now X, will always denote E i=l Fllnn [4] proved that if M is an M-ideal in B( matrix, then hM M and Mh M. and h e B( P His proof is valid for X. a nontrivial M-ideal in B( ), then M a K( ). P P is a diagonal P He also proved that if M is Again his proof with a small modification is valid for X. Thus we have observed that if M is a nontrlvial M-ideal in B(X), then M If M is an M-ideal in a Banach algebra A and h e M is hermltian, then hAh Indeed, (e Since zA** z hAh A 3. z)h M +/-+/- (e z)2h (e z) z)h(e h(e 0 Thus if e e M, then A MAIN THEOREM. We may assume that X m ( r h. M. m p hz M. hzAzh e M+/-I. Since h e M, M +/-I [2: 3.4], zAz & M 1+/- and hence hAh M. z) and so zh K(X). pr nk) n s) ( p r d p pr p nI r p Ank)p p r M-IDEALS IN B(X) Set s + m. + {I, 2 So Pjx _< j _< k, n + nj, + o for every x e X, where i S.x n n 0. \ Co, is the indicator function of the set s. A =i__Zlef(i) i and a fixed j(l < j < k). (a + n + O + CLAIM: n_ B iE__l . (B). Fix ( < s e + < g(i) ef (i) llBll Since )i M b For x then t II(x- Pj)x il IIBxll <_ ll(I B)xll ! / II(I II / Pj)x + Bxll (I + B)x aije j e i such that n O < # j, + + e M < n), and let g(i) M. Hence for all e Mso II + II IIBxll < ilxll-II(I Pj)x II p. X h , Ilxll p II’xll p / 1,2,3...). that #(GB) has (G) defined by and e + (i-l)B (i s Choose e B(X) B, Sj k) and s Suppose B and AB _> 8, f(i) e 2, where I1( Since Bx has support in Sj xll . .t and have <_ / t) 1/p (I (3.1) t) I/p. (211(I-Pj)xlIP) I/p 21/P(I I x + Bx II II f(i) To drawaontradiction, we will show that boe. IIPjxll p, t 7 Since I 0 + II <- II I +BII d Let e B(X) is the operator with gij aijeje i where f(i+l) ef(i), norm one and attains its norm at A e M. , Sj. B(X). then M we may assume that A B(X) be the projection on X defined Pj By multiplying by diagonal matrices from both sides, and as in Lemma 2 [4], PROOF. II*II Let where n runs over If M is an M-ideal in B(X) and contains A LEMMA I. (aii)i,l o (n + 8N), (el)i= with respect to (aij) Let N be the set of all natural numbers, Sj be the unit vector basis for X. (ei)i__l matrix + n < s < + n. n. + and 8 s e} and, for + n o + n j-1 by m 515 < I Pjx II + II (I Pj)x + Bx Hence II-< tl/p + 21/P(l-t) I/p (3.2) I/p < 2 so I/p + 21/P(I 2 t) I/p is continuous on [0,I] and F(O) F(t) < 2 for all 0 _< t <_ 6. For 6 _< t <_ I, + (I t) I/p < 2. By (3.1) and (3.2) M. above, II(I + B) ll < 2. Contradiction! Hence B Obviously, F(t) t Similarly C adjoint of I + B. Z i=l Hence fCi) lll+C[l Since M is an algebra, li+RN’ I e M. Since 1S e M (use g(i) CA c, (G) (CG) < 2). is+BN I I is compact, O llcll CB S M. Thus for all i I e M. O This proves M B(X). I + C is the C.M. CHONG 516 If M is an M-ideal in B(X) and there exists an isometry with (all)i> B(X) so that (M) contains an A i COROLLARY 2. Y.aljeje B(X) PROOF. Since then M E tljej B(X). Suppose T e M and T is not compact. PROOF. mk + nk mk ij=mk+ k rk k=Zl Tk, + < (x) X, k Let B Z e k_>[ (yk) X where m ke + N n N, and k k @ z X allwlthsupports (z i) k {l: m inok= k < i +I B= emk+l .@ej, C E C k_>l have norm one and DB Bk, k yjej ) emk+l Dk kE>ICk and D E k_> 1Dk" jZ>l_ k zej@emk+l r. Then all of these operators A CTB Let P be the matrix obtained from the identity matrix I by interchanging column and (m k in X since n g Choose 7 B(X) , fact, if + n k + j)-th column If’B " c J _< 8). Then P is an isometry o so that .c_ E II@I[ ((gmk+nk+l, by (G) then M B(X). M, then M attains its norm at B G for all k and j(l _< mk+l)k I) e B(X) "(1 M. "(I E G-- wher defined by Hence )). ((I,I,I,I and Egijej@ e i. O((I))k+l "(l() II"( Define norm one functional + Y II-- 2. I(Y + k Sp [{z k + emk+nk+l{{(Zk+ 21/P’ where 1 P + = I. emk+nk+ E X {{GI[ A M. In has norm one and But for any norm one --l(gmk+nk+l,mk+l + JkE zjgj,mk+l)kl YI)(G)I Then :+l B(X), we have <_ (mk+J)-th 8N. k CLAI, _< mk + nk l=Zk(Xk)" E I Xjemk k mk+l we may assume has norm one, there exists norm one vectors Yk Yk(TkXk) so that tlj ej e i, fITkll Wlog mk+l Since each T A= B(X). (M), by the lemma (M) g If M is an M-ideal in B(X) and contains a noncompact T THEOREM 3. k (M) is an M-ideal in B(X) and A B(X) Hence M x o B(X). then M T I) , M-IDEALS IN B(X) o II/II_< /P’ # 0. s.t. y(G) So P(G) belongs to e M if (gmk+nk+l,mk+l)_>l ,c o. I, then since c o. e i B(X)* e B(X). . This proves the claim. M (((Cmk+l,mk+nk+l)kK I) by I(G) (((CGB)mk+l,mk+l)k_>l) is not in + III SUPlk (CG)I,_ Imk mk + and so II Indeed, has norm one defined I and attains its norm at T e M, 517 hGM M The sequence of the diagonal entries of Thus by oorollary 2, M defined by (G) e B(X) Next Thus Mt S= =onr=on, But for any norm one 2. G e B(X), we have I( + < i )(G) _< . 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