Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1987) 315-320 315 Vol. i0 No. 2 A MONOTONE PATH IN AN EDGE-ORDERED GRAPH A. BIALOSTOCKI Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho 83843 and Y. RODITTY School of Mathematical Sciences Tel-Avlv University Tel-Aviv, Israel 69978 (Received January 8, 1986 and in revised form September 23, 1986) ABSTRACT. f An edge-ordered graph is an ordered pair (G,f), where in (G,f) is a simple path f({vl,vi+l}) Pk+l:VlV2...Vk+l f({vi+l,Vi+2}) < IE(G) I}. {1,2 is a bljective function, f:E(G) It is proved that a graph > is a graph and k such that either f({vi+l,Vl}) for i 1,2 k-l. has the property that (G,f) contains a monotone G path of length three for every G in f({vi,vi+l}) or G A monotone path of length f G iff contains as a subgraph, an odd cycle of length at least five or one of six listed graphs. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Edge-orded graph, monotone path. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. 05C55, 05C58. INTRODUCTION. Graphs in this paper are finite, loopless and have no multiple edges. by G G(V,E) as its vertex-set. on n E(G) a graph with Kn’ Pn Let vertices, respectively. x(G), and d(v) a subgraph of C as its edge-set of cardlnallty and H G We denote and V(G) be the complete graph, the path and the cycle, n The vertex-chromatlc number of is the degree of a vertex G e(G) V(G). v By H G G is denoted by we mean that H is is the negation of this fact. Definitions and Notation I. An edge-ordered graph is an ordered pair is a bijective function, f:E(G) 2. path {1,2,3 A monotone path of length k, k Pk+l:VlV2...Vk+l G in f({vl,vi+l}) < (G,f), where G is a graph and f e(G)}. 3 in such that either f({vi+l,Vi+2}) (G,f), denoted by MPk+ I, is a simple A. BIALOSTOCKI and Y. RODITTY 316 or f({vi,vi+l} 3. function MP G We denote by f({vi+l,Vi+2} > for the fact that k 1,2 i (G,f) k-l. MP contains an k for every f, and let {GIG MPk}, 3 k The following Theorem i.I is well known, see [I], [2], [3], for a proof and generalizations: THEOREM I.I. such that For every positive integer k, there is a minimal integer Kn Ak for every g(k), a g(k). n The main result of this paper is: A graph THEOREM 1.2. G belongs to A 4 iff G contains either C2n+l, n 2, or one of the following graphs: Fig. REMARK. 2. G Notice that a graph belongs to A3 iff G contains a path P3" PROOFS The following lemmas are essential for the proof of Theorem 1.2. LEMMA 2.1. to A H The graphs H 2, H 3, H 4, H 5, H 6, and C2n+l where n Z 2 belong 4. PROOF. prove that there is an The proof is a straightforward verification for each of the graphs. H 4 f A 4. isomorphism, the integers following 5 ways: Assume that The proof of the remaining cases is similar. such that no MP 1,2,3 4 occurs in (H4,f). It turns out that up to can be assigned to the edges of H 4 in the We A MONOTONE PATH IN AN EDGE-ORDERED GRAPH 317 Now, one can see that in each case it is impossible to complete the labeling of the (H4,f) edges such that MP does not contain an 4. The following definition is needed for the next lemma. DEFINITION. m 0 and R2n(al,a 2 n Let 2. a2n) a,b,Cl,C2,...,Cm+l,a ,a2n be non-negative integers where The graph Ll(m,a,b,cl,c Cm+l), L2(a,b), L3(a,b), and 2 are defined in Fig. 2. edges edges Lz(.b) L$(a .b) eZn L1(m,a,b,cl,c edges ,Cm edges ItZn(a! ’aZ ’ab,) edges A. BIALOSTOCKI and Y. RODITTY 318 LEMMA 2.2. where m 0 and do not belong to (ii). PROOF. For all non-negative integers (i). 2, the graphs n A 4 e(G). for e K A 4. For the proof of (1), a partial labeling of the does not belong to edges of the graphs in question is presented in Fig. 3. edges is arbitrary. a2n a2n 4. The complete graph We set L I, a,b,Cl,C2,...Cm+l,a L2(a,b), L3(a,b), and R2n(al,a 2 An MP 4 will not occur. in Fig. 3. Fi. 3a The labeling of the remaining A labeling of E(K 4) is also presented A MONOTONE PATH IN AN EDGE-ORDERED GRAPH x Y - m even c r Z- " 319 2 Wt odd " w even 3 ta Odd 2 W even _l+ e_ tm Odd LI L1(m’a’b’c1’c2 Cm*1 Fig. 3b PROOF OF THEOREM 1.2. an H i 1,...,6 i We may assume that x(G) two cases: CASE I. path. If Let t Clearly, every graph belongs to A 4. G is connected and contains a 2 and X(G) 4, then 2. G x(G) If is a tree, let is double star yielding Pt 5. Note that the maximality of to Pt’ say Pn’ 3 i t-2 there is a vertex-disjoint path to where n x i, then C2n+l, n P4’ hence x(G) 2. 2, or G e A 4. We consider Pt:XlX2 x t be its longest A4, a contradiction. G Hence, implies that there is no vertex-disjolnt path 3, with initial vertex HI that contains 3. G t initial vertex is G To prove the opposite containment let Pt’ x 2 say G, and we are through. or xt_ I. Pm’ where If for a certain i, m Otherwise, G 3, whose can be embedded A. BIALOSTOCKI and Y. RODITTY 320 R2n(al,a 2 in a graph G that Let be the shortest cycle in One can see that if some non-negative integers H H it follows that if integers Case al,a 2 ,a2t G G. G 2 and A 4, a contradiction. Thus we may assume 3. t G then Assume first t 2, i.e., H G R4(al,a2,a3,a 4) 3 G then and hence by Lemma 2.2, G al,a2,a3,a 4 Thus we may assume that tion. and non-negatlve integers n is not a tree. C2t 4-cycle. for a certain and in view of Lema 2.2, G a2n al,a 2, a2n) is a for A4, a contradic- Similarly in view of the mlnlmallty of R2t(al,a2,...,a2t implying that C2t G C2t for some non-negatlve A4, a contradiction. Hence, the proof of is completed. Let CASE 2. we are through. G triangle in Let (i through, or H that Hence 6 (G) 3. Hence with a vertex-set d(x), d(y), d(z) G K4 G. L2(O,I) G contains an odd cycle So we may assume that or G {x,y,z}. G. # C2n+l. contains only triangles. H4 By Lema 2.2, G # K4, hence L2(a,b) If n 2 Let C be any 3 then Consider two cases: It follows that either 3. L2(O,I Again Lemma 2.2, G G G and we are K G 4 for all non-negatlve integers implies that one of the graphs H 2, H 4, or H 6 implies and b. is contained in G. a This completes the proof of case (1). (li) G Assume that at least one of the vertices x,y,z is of degree 2. By Lema 2.2, L or L2(0,b) or L3(a,b) for any non-negatlve integers is not a subgraph of a, b, and c; hence G must contain one of the graphs completes the proof of case (ll) and of the theorem. H H 2, H 3, or H 5. This REFERENCES I. 2. 3. BIALOSTOCKI, A. An Analog of the ErdBs-Szekeres Theorem. Submitted. CALDERBANK, A.R., CHUNG, F.R.K. and STURTEVANT, D.G. Increasing Sequences with Nonzero Block Sums and Increasing Paths in Edge-Ordered Graphs, Discrete Math 50(1984), 15-28. CHVTAL, V. and KOMLS, J. Some Combinatorial Theorems on Monotonlclty, Canad. Math. Bull. 14(1971), 151-157.