267 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1987) 267-286 Vol. i0 No.2 THE MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS E.L. KOH Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Regina Regina, Canada $4S 0A2 E.Y. DEEBA Department of Applied Mathematical Sciences University of Houston-Downtown Houston, Texas 77002 and M.A. ALl #1598, Way 510 Muharraq 205, Bahrain (Received June 2, 19 86) ABSTRACT. This paper extends the Meijer transformation, (Mf) (p) 2p (i+) I f(t) (pt) /2K (2 p)dt, modified Bessel function of third kind of order kernel, e (-1, ) and K , is the to certain general- A testing space is constructed so as to contain the (pt)/2K(2 p), of the transformation. function space and its dual are derived. form, given by 0 where f belongs to an appropriate function space, ized functions. M, Some properties of the The generalized Meijer trans- f, is now defined on the dual space. This transform is shown to be analytic and an inversion theorem, in the distributional sense, is established. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. differential operator, Meijer transform, generalized functions, Bessel Schwartz distributions, Operational Calculus. 1990 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 46F12, 44A15, 46F05, 33A40. E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALl 268 In order to develop an operational calculus INTRODUCTION. i. for the Bessel differential operator B (-i,) and D d’ t Dt I+D, where Conlan and Koh [i] used the Meijer trans- The operational formulas obtained formation M f given above. mirrored those obtained by Koh [2] by means of a Mikusinski-type calculus. The latter is algebraic in approach and allows for certain convolution operators not covered by the classical To remedy this situation, the Meijer integral transform M f. transformation has to be extended to generalized functions. This is the object of the present work. The idea is to construct a testing function space ( which contains the kernel (pt)/2K(2 p). The generalized Meijer transformation M f is now defined on the dual space q’ U,y as follows: (Mf) (p) where e(-,l). for feI’ 2p < f(t) (pt)/2K (2 p)> (i.i) The definition in (I.i) coincides with the classical transformation whenever f is a regular distribution, that is, one that can be represented by a suitable integrable function. We note that there are various extensions of classical transforms in which the operational calculus is geared for other Bessel-type operators among which are the K-transform [3] and the Hankel transform [3], [4], [5] and [6]. In section two we shall describe the testing function space , its dual and study some of their properties While in section three we will give the definition of the generalized Meijer transform, show its analyticity in some region of the complex plane, and then derive an inversion theorem. Throughout the sequel we shall make use of the following notations and facts and are stated for the sake of completeness. MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS 269 We shall denote the interval (0,) by I, the Bessel differk ential operator and its k-iterate by B It by B tDtl-D follows that B k 2k [t D t +c tk-l_D t2k-i I k _u(t) k +ctk-2.2k-2 D + +CkD t ](t), where the c’s are suitable functions of The modified Bessel functions I (i 2) u only. (2 p) and K (2 p) of first and third kinds are defined by (see Watson [7]) I (2 p/) (pt) k+/2 k’F(k+l+) k=0 [ any real number, (1,3) and si Z (pt) k-/ k!F (k+l-) k=0 pt) k+/ k=0 K (2 p) (-l)k(-b-k-1) 1 [-logc (-) c (pt) k+/2 +(-i) k’ k 0 +1 not an integer, k! + i+) 1 + -+k i [ T) i=l i=l - (pt)k-/2 k=0 k’ (-$-) integer (1.4) ( is Euler’s constant) and the finite sums are taken to e be equal to zero whenever the upper limit is less than the lower limit. Further, B B k_ ((pt) /2K (2 p))= k p (pt) k k p (pt) /2 I (2 p) ((pt) /2 I (2 p)) /2K (2 p/), (1.5) (i 6) Finally, the following asymptotic expansions of K and I - (2 p) will be used repeatedly (see Watson [7]) K (2 /) and (2-[) "- (pt) e- i+0 pt -1/2 ], - < argp . (i.7) E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALI 270 l(pt)-i/4(e2 P+ie-2 P+i) 2/{ [l+0(Iptl -I/2) ], 3n -/2 < argp < T’ (1.8) -1/4(e2 p_i e -2 p-i [l+0(Iptl -1/2 -3/2 < argp < /2. The Testing Function Space 2. M In this and Its Dual. section we shall define the testing functions space M ,y’ its dual and study some of their properties. be any real number and e(-,l). Let ,,y {eC Define (I)lly,k(#)<} where sup l’k (#) 0<t< le In view of the weight function eY/tl-one may think of the as those smooth functions on I that grow no elements of faster than the exponential function e Yet for large t and behave like power functions near the origin. As will be seen in Lemma 2.1 below, the kernel of the Meijer transform is of this type. The family {I y,k is a countable multinorm k:0 1 2 Indeed, 1 y,k is a semi-norm for each k and 1 y,0 is a norm on We assign to the topology generated by this family ,Y ,Y of multinorms. Thus is a countably normed space (a fund- amental space and members of the dual space M’ functions). all 9 A sequence and for every k independently. {#9} are generalized e is Cauchy in for 0, I, 2, y,k We shall now show that the kernel, (pt)/2K (2 p), member of Lemma 2.1. For any fixed complex number p such that p arg p < n and Proof. Re2/ > y, (pt) /2 K (2 p) e 0, , Under the hypothesis on p, K (2 p) is an analytic MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS 271 function of t on the right half plane and hence a smooth function It remains to show that l on I. 1 From (1.5) 0, i, 2 k y,k ((pt)/2K y,k ((pt) / ’2K (2/)) we have suple/tl-pk(pt)/2K (2 p)) (2 p) tEI We will consider two cases: t small and for < I. (2 I) for small t and for large t. For not equal to an integer t/e asymptotic expansion of K (2 p) in (i 4) yields -<AReY/t IPl k+-i [IPtl i-+ iptl 2-+ eYtl-pk (pt) W/2K (2 p/) CeY/Iplk+-l[Iptl+Iptl2+Ipt 13+ + where A and C are functions of hand side of (2) for (2 2) Since W < i, there only. exists a real number T < 1 such that for ptl is bounded by a constant. 0, -i, -2, le/tl-pk(pt)/2K < T, the right For t small for the expansion in (1.4) yields _<A,eY/ (2 p/) k+-i 2 + CeY/{Iplk+-lllogC(pt) [Iptll-+ltl2-ptl3-+... + Ee/l pt where, A’ p k+-i C’ and E + pt i-+ 2-+ pt 3-+... are constants depending upon (2.3) only. Applying L’Hdpital’s rule to the second term in (2.3) and using the fact that < i, we imply that there is a real number T < 1 such that for Iptl < T, the right hand side of (2.3) is again bounded by a constant. is bounded for small t and Thus the left side of (2.2) < 1 for all k =0, i, 2, - We now consider the finiteness of (2.1) for large t. employing (1.7), we obtain, for le/tl-p k(pt)/21< (2 p) [I+0 < E’ < arg p < and for Iptl By > T, Iplk+-le(-Re2/)/{Iptl3/4-/2 IPtl-i/2)] E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALl 272 where E’ is a constant depending upon 2, and y< Re only. < i the right hand side of the last expression is Iptl bounded by a constant for > T. Thus in either case we have shown that 0, I, 2 for all k Since y,k (pt)/2K Therefore, ((pt)/2K (2 p)) < (2 p)eM ,y" By employing the following fact Dt[(Pt)+/2K -p(pt)-+/2-1/2K (2 p) - (2 p) and by arguments similar to the proof of Lemma 2.1, we have For p Lemma 2.2. Dt[(Pt) /2K k that 0, (2 p)] e M Dpk[(pt)/2K < arg p < and Re 2/ > y, Further, by symmetry, it follows (2 p)] e (D ,Y k is the k-iterate of D). In the next few lemmas we shall investigate some properties of the space M Lemma 2.3. Proof. y,k (#) subset < and its dual. ,Y The space Let {# 9 is complete. be a Cauchy sequence in for all k K of I, ,Y k B_() Then ,y Hence on every compact 0, i, 2 converges uniformly for each Let (t) be a smooth function on I and s rt a fixed point of I. Define | (T)dT. Then s D (s). It can be verified that (t) (t) 0, i, 2, k (D-I)(t) -1Dt t l+D-lt-B_(t) s () Dt(t) l-Ds (s) (2.4) and D-It-I+D-It-B _(t) (s) (t) L s(t)Ds$ (s) (2.5) where L s(t) Fs -(t-s 0 s(int ins) 0. Since multiplication by a power of t or the application of D -i preserves uniform convergence on K, it follows from (2.5) that Ds$ converges on K. From (2.4), it follows that MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS Dt Dt v D v by B -- - converges uniformly Repeating the same argument with and B k+l and B respectively, we deduce that # k 0, i, 2, k Now the convergence of on K as +=. converges uniformly Dt# Dtk(t) Since as +. {#} on I such that for Dtk(t) converges to < e/2. (-)+0 Further, since eM it follows that +. as e > N Since 1 Hence ,Y , such that if k we have for each teI and y,k y,k ,Y > , is clear that is a subspace of restriction of fe’ 7’r6tl-Bk_(-)l that k that there is a real number is in ’ ,Y if y > The real number 0 as leYCrtl-B () < 1 y,k k ( -#) ) + 1 ( y,k () is a complete space. M ,Y , belongs to ,Y ,y (t)M,y. Nk, (Indeed M ,y is a Fr4chet space) Now if y and e are any real numbers with y < to /. We will be done if we can show that > 0 there is N Iy, k (-) , for each is a Cauchy sequence, it follows that for each k and each Thus 1 and each tgI, 0, i, 2, replaced # on K as Therefore there exists a smooth function each k - imply the uniform convergence on each K of and B k 273 to , then it Further, the ’," This implies such that the restriction of f f and is not in if y < f ,y f" ’ is called the abscissa of definition of of f. For any real numbers y and e with M,e is a subspace of Lemma 2.4. of , However, ,Y If y < , < e, we know that is not a dense subspace then M ,Y Proof. Let (t) be a smooth function given by (t) We claim that (t)e %"y,k (#) < sup l<t<2 ,Y I 0 e-7/t-l+u Indeed, le/tl-UB k-la (t) + sup 2<t< - IeY/tl-UB k #(t) (2 6) E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALl 274 is a smooth function, it follows that the first Since (t) Moreover, is bounded. term on the right hand side of (2.6) from (1.2) and the observation that D t(e- /t-l+ k Pk(t where [Pk(t -i and +qk-i (t -1) t -i qk-l(t -1 -l+e-/ -I/2 t are polynomials in t -i Thus, the second term on the right hand side of (2.6) Hence ,k given by N N (#) < and e M ,y {eM1,yl. O 1/2 () is bounded. Let N a neighborhood of # be (-) <i/2}. y,0 X,O (-) < 1/2 implies ee/tl-@(t) e e/tl- l(t) > NOW for large t, that Thus (e-Y) / l(t) > 21--e-Y/t -I+ which implies Hence no element of ,o () remains unbounded as t+ N belongs to M Therefore is not dense in M ,y" that , , Finally, we shall discuss the adjoint of the operator B k It is rather clear that B k operator on M ,Y *k k adjoint B of B <B *k f - Let feM’ is a continuous linear e ,Y and ,Y We define the by the equation > <f Bk > k 0, l, 2, - The continuity and linearity of B will imply that B *k fe’ ,y *k is and B a continuous and a linear operator on Further ,y *k in lieu of equation (1.2), the expression for B is given by *k B_ ’ k CkD t + k+l + Ck_itDt - where the C’s depend only on + . B* B tD + k t D 2k t Indeed if k + (I-)D t while B B 1 then (i 2) + (l+)Dt) tD Inductively, we obtain B *k k We end this section by the following remarks. Remark 2.1. f(t)e-Y/t -I+ If f(t) is locally integrable on I and is absolutely integrable on I, then f(t) generates a regular member f of (2.7) Moreover, we can show that the adjoint operator B *k is B k yields B .k-I 2k-i Dt Clt ’ ,Y via Thus 275 MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS f (t) <f,> #eM ’Y (t)dt, 0 (2.8) The space D(1), of all smooth complex valued Remark 2.2. functions on I whose support is contained in a compact subset K of I equipped with the seminorms (t) suplD teI Pn () K is a subspace of M ,y Further, the restriction of any fe to D(I) belongs to where #eD(I) is such that supp ,7 D’ (I). 3. The Generalized Meijer Transform. In this section we shall give the extension of the Meijer transformM f to generalized functions belonging to ’ We shall also prove the analyticity ,Y of the transform and exhibit an inversion theorem which is a generalization of the classical inversion formula (see [i]) For fe’ e(-,l) and ,Y pelf {PEIRe 2/ > y > o,r p arg P l<n}, we define the Meijer transform of generalized function by 2P (Mf) (p) F’(I-) < f(t) (pt)/2K(2 p)> (3.1) In (3.1) if f(t) is a regular generalized function (see Remark 2.1) then we obtain the classical Meijer transform (Mf) (p) r (I-) I f(t) 0 (pt)/2K(2 p)dt where Je(-l,). Theorem 3.1. Let transform in (3.1) for f&.(’,y and (%f) pef. Then k S (B f)(p) Proof. For (Bkf) (p) pelf, 2p k pk (f) (p) 0, i, 2, < (p) be the Meijer Bkf(t) we have (pt)/2K (2 p) > (3.2) 0 E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALl 276 - k (pt)/2K r (i-) 2p < f(t) B 2p < f(t) pk (pt) /2 K (2 p) F’(I-) pkM (2 p) > > (f)(p) by equations (1.5) and (3.1) respectively. Theorem 3.1 is the basis for an operational Remark 3.1. calculus for the operator B It is the generalized function analogue of the differentiation theorem of Conlan and Koh ([i] Theorem 2, page 149). We shall next prove the analyticity of the transform However, we need the follow lemma. M (f) Lemma 3.1. point in f. Then eY/ (pt) I- /2K sup 0<t< Proof. Lemma 2.1. , as t (2 p)l <_ c (+Ipl-/2+ 4 The idea of the proof is similar to that of Since K (2 p/) is analytic except at t we need only to show the boundedness of 0 and as t K(2 p/)__ m. (1.4) with leY/E(pt) I-/2K such that 0, -i, -2, (2 p)l < A e YF AI Y[Iptl+Iptl=+Iptl +..-] only. For T < 1 < T, the right hand side of the last expression is bounded by a constant if we employ (1.4) with R independent of p and t. ey/E(pt) i-/2 K(2 p) is independent of p and t. Similarly, then, for Iptl < 0, -I, -2, we have where Q eY/(pt)l-/2K we obtain and A’ are constants depending upon Ptl 0 and Employing the series expansion of + where A (3.3) ). . is a constant depending only on where C t Let y be any real number and p be a fixed < Q T, (2/) MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS 277 For t large we employ (1.7) to obtain le/(pt) I-/2K (2 p) where L 3/4e (y-Re2) /2+ L1l pt _< is again a constant independent of p and t. E max{R,Q,L}. Then (pt)l-/2K sup (2 p/) < E 0<t< Re2/ and since U (l+Iptl-/2+ 3/4 e (y-Re2)/ EU (l+IPl -u/2+3/4) (l+Itl < /2+ 3/4 e (v,-Re2)/ > y and pe(-,l), it follows that the right hand side of the above expression is less than with C P a constant depending upon p. U Let feW’ Theorem 3.2. pef. Dp(Sf) (p) Proof. (pf)(p) Then For 2 F(1-b)- is analytic in < f(t) Dpp(pt) / Namely, the Meijer transform f and 2Kp (2 p/{)>. C be the circle about p of radius r so pelf,let chosen that i lies entirely in some r (f) (p) is and Cp(l+Ipl -p/2+3/4) This completes the proof. We will now show that M f is analytic. of f and Let f and let gpl < r I < r for I (f) (p+Ap)- (f) (p) 2 Ap <f(t),D P p(pt)/2K U (2 p)> <f(t),#Ap(t)>, where (t) 2 (i-p) (p+Ap)[(p+Ap)t] 2K (3.4) (2/(’+AP-p(pt)2K (2/) Ap Dpp(pt) 2Ku (2) ]. show that In order to prove the result, it suffices to as Ap 0 in U,y. it follows that (3.4) k=0, i, 2 Since by Lemma 2.2 is well-defined. Ap(t) 0 Dpp(pt)O/2K(2/)e,, Further, since for 278 B k E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA Dpp(pt)/2K v (2 p) by equation (1.5) of p on f. D p and M.A. ALl pk+l(pt)/2K v (2) it follows that B k is an analytic function -U Ap By Cauchy Integral formula, we have Bk (t) -V Ap Ik+l 1 iF (i-) (t) V/2K (2 /f) C 1 1 (_p_ A--Ap iF (l-b) Since I-Pl l-p-Apl r leY/tl-B 2]dE k+l(t) V/2K(2) C (-P) (-p-Ap) 2 > r- r I -/2 3/4 and I _ eY/(t) I-V/2K (2 /6) is it follows that CI.Apl k (-p) ,: + bounded by C (l+ 1 _p f (l+ll 2 +34 C 2 Ap, F(I-) r(r-r I) sup < c p which converges to zero as (II k+ +II k+/2+3/4 0 and this completes the proof. The rest of this section is to prove a generalization of the inversion theorem for the classical Meijer transform (3.2) due to Conlan and Koh [1]. Our result is restricted to generalized functions belonging to the space D(I) (Remark 2.2). In particular, we shall prove the following inversion theorem Theorem 3.3. fe’ for f(t) lim V,Y Ol pefif. F(I-) 2i 2 where p(O) (Mf) Let (p) be the Meijer transform of Then I% -O 1 20 iO sec (vf) (p)p-l(pt) -V/2I v (2p) dp and 8 is a fixed real number in f. (The limit is to be understood in the sense of convergence in D’ (I)). MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS 279 The proof of Theorem 3.3 will be developed in a sequence of lemmas. We will state the lemmas and give them their proofs in the Appendix. Lemma 3.2. Let eD(I) and feM’ Then, for a fixed, ,Y 81 (0,), 1 A(p)p < f(t) 1 <f(t), -% (pt)/2K(2 p) I 8 1 > dp(8) A(p)p(pt)/2K (2 p)dp(8)> 1 where I A(p) #(t) (pt)- /2p- 1 I (2) dt, 0 y > max(0,of) Re2 and Let ED(I) be such that Lemma 3.3 be a real number such that 0 < such that > 0. Re2/ y, Q2,81 () < A. supp [A,B] and Then for any Y > 0 set I /-{+( 2 (/_) 2 L 81 (t,)B_k(t)dt, where L 8 (t ) 1 [ t-/2u/2 (/-Iu+I (2 p)K t-r + /I (2 p) Then e/ WSl() < to zero on 0 < on 0 < < e Y/ as @ Lemma 3.5. p (-81 converges uniformly 1 QI,8 I() S%1() p(81) Under the same hypotheses of Lemma 3.3 let Lemma 3.4. Then K+I (2 p))] I-[Q2’81()-Bk-#()] . as @ (2 p/) I-QI, . I 8 0 LSl(t’)Bk-(t)dt () converges uniformly to zero 1 1 Under the same hypothese of Lemma 3.3, let E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALl 280 I Q3,8 1 () Then R 8 L 8 (t,)B 1 - k (t)dt. converges uniformly to zero . < on 0 < (/+ e7/ I-Q 3 () ’81 as 81 () i 2 Finally, H81 Lemma 3.6. Let #(t) eD(I). e1 K (2 p/) I -81 (p)/2 () HI() converges in MU, 181 2hi 0l " Let (t)eD(I). (f) (p)p-l(pt)-/2 I -8 I (2 p)dtdp(O). #(t) Cpt) 0 to () as Proof of Theorem 3.3. <F(1-) i let real number y positive Then for any Re2/, For a fix We show that (2 p)dp(8), (t)> (3.5) 1 converges to <f(t), #(t)> as I (2 p-E)is Since (pt) 81 a smooth function on I, the integral in (3.5) is locally integrable with respect to t, it follows that (3.5) can be written as F(I-) 2i I 1 -e 1 (f) #(t) 0 F(I-) 2i ; 81 ; -e 1 (t)p (p)p-l(pt)-/2i(2 p)dp(e)dt -i (pt) -/2 0 I (2 p) "F(I-) dtdp by Fubini’s Theorem and (3.1). that <f(), > max(0,f) <f() (3.6) e For any real number 7 such to Lemma (3.2) implies that (3.6) is equal /2K p)J0 , (t) (pt) -/2 I r el (p) 1 (p)/2Xp/)>_ (2 (2 , M,y (T) > in <f (T) which converges uniformly to imply that Lena 3.6. Equation (3.5) will then (2 p)dtdp(8)> as el n by MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS f(t) F(I-u) lim "-2i %1/ rJSl_81 ( 2i )(P)P-I(pt)-U/2Iu (2 p/)dp(8) which completes the proof of the theorem. Remark 3.1. (Muf)(p) If transforms of f and g for (u f) (p) (Mug)(p) for equality in D’ (I). (Mug)(p) and pelf peg respectively and if then f g in the sense of and pefng, are the Meijer This uniqueness property is a consequence of Theorem 3.3. APPENDIX. In this appendix we shall give the proofs of Lemma 3.2 through Lemma 3.6. Proof of Lemma 3.2. A(p)p(p)U/2K U (2 p/)dp(8) N(Y) _% Set 1 Clearly N()EM U XY’k (N (r)) < This follows from Lemma 3.1 1 C -8 . IA(p) Ipl k+u(l+Ipl -]/2+3/4) Idp(8) < =0. (A1) 1 Let R(t,m) be the Riemann sums for N() given by m-i A(p( ))p( (Yp( )/2K (2/ 3=-m We need to show that for feM’ ,Y ,<f(t) ,R(,m)> converges uniformly to <f (t) ,N () >. Equivalently, since fe;’ ,’ we need to show that R(,m) converges in M to N() as m That is, U,Y Y/? e G(,m) TI-Bk (N(Y)-R(,m)) converges uniformly and absolutely to zero on 0 < r < Since l U (N(T)) < it follows that for a given r,k > T choose a real number T such that for suple Y/ >T and for all m - I-UBk N() < e/2 as m > 0 one can (A2) . 282 suple T - l-Bk >T E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALI < e/2( R(T,m) 18 1 iA(p idp(8))-i -8 8 m m-i (A3) which implies that there is m such that for all m > m (A3) is 0 0 Thus from (A2) and (A3), we have sup G(,m) < ,for less than e/2. T>T K (2-) as e/pk(pT)l-/2K 0 T to zero on p(-8 I) < p(8) < p(81). (2 p) converges uniformly If we redefine this function Y/ k p (p) to be zero at 0 for the given p(8), then e becomes uniformly continuous on (T,p) with 0 < p(-8 I) < p(8) < p(81). I-/2K (2 p/) < T and Thus R(T,m) will converge to the integral and hence there exists m > I such that for all m ml, sup (G(T,m)) < e. 0<<T Therefore, for all m > max(m 0,m I) sup O<T<oo That is, G(,m) converges uniformly to zero on 0 < < as In the next three lemmas we shall investigate the boundedness of the integral IL 0 where L 8 8 (t,)B 1 - k (t)dt (t,T) is as defined in Lemma 3.3. 1 of Lemmas 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 Since the proofs are essentially similar, we shall only give the detailed proof of Lemma 3.3. The idea of the proofs is to use the asymptotic expansions of K (2 p) and I(2 p) that and get appropriate bounds P (81) on the resulting terms. Proof of Lemma 3.3. Since supp (t) Q2,81 (T) (/?+c)2 (r+s)2. we consider 2 m>. < T and by employing the series expansion of Now for 0 < 0 if either (/_c)2 < T < 81 e i81 sec 2 --, < A or and 12 pl _> I’ sec el -I (/_c)2 Further, since it follows that 81 [A,B], it follows > B. Thus MEIJER RANSFURMATION OF GENERALIZED (see (1.8)) 283 (2p- (see(l.?) Employin the asymptotic expansions of K of I (2 p) FUNCTIONS and we have W8 1 () Jl + J2 + J3 + (A4) J4’ where 3__U 1 Jl 4 t 2 2 4 e sin ( 81 (/-/) tan-) 2 B k (t)dt y3/4-/2 I t-/2-1/4eY (/-/) siny (’?+’) 2 1 B k (t)(0(Ipt 1 i 81 (/{-/T) tan-) 1 2)+0(Ip 2)+0(Iptl) 20(Ip 2)at and y ,/’" J3 3/4-/2 [l+0(Ipl -1/2 (/T+ 2 B J4 _e k (t) 81 t-/2-i/4 e -7(/+/) cos ( (/{/ tan[l+0(Iptl-1/2)]dt - YF l-Bk - () We show now that (A4) converges uniformly to zero on 0 < . < Adding Jl and J4’ F- /T replacing x and adding and subtracting the term -el y/T l-Bk #() 81 I sin(yxtan-)dXx we obtain i I + e Y/{ _ - v (x, t) sin (yxtan--) dx l-Bk #() 1 [ I e1 sin(yxtan--) dx x i] (A5) 28 E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALI where eYX(X__ v(x,) e Y/ + I)-+I/2B k ((x+/{)2)_B k () /{ iT x - v(x,T) has a removable singularity at x 0 and is bounded / / 2 / A < r < (/ + on the domain < x < (x,Y)I--) }. So , given any e > 0 we can make the first term in (A5) less than e/3 by choosing small enough, say o of (AS) converges to zero as In J2 . 81 the terms represented by are bounded by C/ll+i tan 81 I The second term i" J1 + J4 < e/3. 0(Iptl -I/2) and 0(IpI -1/2 Thus for C sufficiently large. This implies that sin (y and sin (y 81 (/-/) tan) 01 (/-/) tan--) 0({ptl -I/2) 0(I < C’ (P)-I/21) < C" where C’ and C" are constants independent of 8 I. Therefore the This implies that given any e > 0, we can choose sufficiently integrand of is bounded on the domain J2 (t,) small, say o IA<t<B; (/_)2<< (/+)2}. 2 such that IJ21 < e/3. By a similar argument, for e > 0 we can choose sufficiently small, say Let 3. min(l,O2,o3). J31 such that e/3. Then for a given e > 0 there exists a 6 > 0 such that w (T) < whenever 8 1 w A (r) converges to zero on 0 < T < as 1 Finally, we shall prove lemma 3.6. 181-I Proof of Lemma 3.6. < < 6. . 81 Equivalently, Since (t) has a compact support and since the integrand is smooth, it follows that - Bk H8 1 () 1 Bk -%1 (pr) (2 p) (t) (pt)-/2I (2 p/)dtdp(8) 285 MEIJER TRANSFORMATION OF GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS Using (1.5) B (1.6) and we obtain k_UHSI() -! I@l-81(P) U/2K ]0f=(t) (pt) (2 p) -U k B (pt)U/2I (2 p)dtdp(@ Integrating the inner integral by parts 2k times, we get B k H 1 () (p) (Pt)-/2I (2 p) (2)B k (t)dtdp(0) _ and upon interchanging the order of integration - Bk H 81 (%) (pT) 0 -8 K (2 p)(pt)-/2I (2 p)B k (t)dp(8)dt 1 Now, by observing that (p)/2(pt)-D/ 2} (2 p)I (2 p/)dp(8) (t,T) (see Erd41yi [3], Equation 9 page 90) where L 8 (t,) is as in 1 Lemma (3.3) we obtain B k_H 8 1 (T) 0 Ls_(t,T)Bk_ 1 - (t)dt. If supp(t) is contained in [A,B), then, for o a real number such that 0 < o < A BkH8 I (%)= Bk H 8 (/{-o) 2 QI,8 I() where Qi 8 () i l respectively (T) can be written as 1 Now e dt + + ; (/+o) 2 dt + ; Q2,01(%) + Q3,81(%) i, 2, 3 are as in Lemmas 3.4 "f/’ uniformly to zero on 0 < Semma 3 5 respectively dt I-QI ,81() < as Moreover and e 81 e / Y/? 3 3 and 3 5 i- Q3,81 converges by Lemma 3.4 and i% ()_B k [Q2,Ol _(%)] E.L. KOH, E.Y. DEEBA and M.A. ALl 286 converges uniformly to zero on 0 < HSI () converges in .{,y to () as < 01 as @ . z. Hence 1 This completes the proof of Lemma 3.6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The work of the first author was partially supported by NSERC of Canada under Grant A-7184; a grant from the University of that of the second author by Houston-Downtown. REFERENCES [I] Koh, E.L., A Mikusinski calculus for the Bessel operator B Lect. Notes #564(1976), 291-300. E__q., Springer-Verlag Proc. Diff. [2] Conlan, J. and E.L. Koh, On the Meijer transformation, and Math. 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