Internat. J. Math. & MatSci. (1987) 373-380 373 Vol. I0 No. 2 SOME LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RATIOS OF TRANSITION PROBABILITIES RITA CHATTOPADHYAY Department of Mathematics Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (Received October 8, 1986) BSTRACT. In this paper, infinite dimensional forward convergent stochastic chains have been considered in the framework of [I]. The main result of this paper deals with the observation that the total flow of probability from the C-states to the T- states is very small compared to that from the T-states to the C-states, if the chain is observed for a sufficiently long time. Some examples have been given to justify the assumptions involved. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Infinite stochastic convergence, basis, C-states, matrices, T-States. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 1. 60J. Ik’TRODUCTIOM. (Pn) Let (P) n Then and is proved a in be a sequence of finite or countably infinite stochastic matrices. is called a convergent chain iff for each stochastic [I] that of the state space Here matrix. k > Pk,n Pk+l Pk+2"’’’Pn I, lira n+=o for k < Pk ,n Qk n. {T,C I, for such a chain there exists a unique partition S such that for any limit point Q of the Qk s exists It has been C2,...} the following are true: Qij O, for all i if jet 0, if i and j belong to different C-classes Qkj’ if i,j,k belong to the same C-classes. One of the problems, here, is to identify the T-states and the C-states for infinite convergent chains. THF.OREH 1.1. Let L T. Also, the following theorem is known (see [2]) for finite chains. Let (Pn) be a finite convergent chain with basis Then for each positive integer m r. I im m n=k m E n=k where (Pn)AB (Pn)TCL (mn)nn iEeA (Pn)ij" jB c 0 k > I, {T,C I,C2,...,Cp}. R. CHATTOPADHYAY 374 The above dimensional theorem case and other some have results Some been extended examp_les have A convergent, forward stochastic chain (P) with modifications. some to the infinite- been discussed to justify the assumptions involved 2. PRELININARIES. ONDITION (U). (U) condition if for each Sup ie T lira k j n is said to satisy in each C-class in the basis, (Qk)ij 0 Qij This condition yielded a number of finite space like results for infinite chains in [I]. However, the next few examples demonstrate that Theorem I.I fails to go over directly to the infinite state space, even for infinite chains which satisfy condition (U). (a) KKA?LE$. any L T For a convergent, infinite chain with basis {T,CI,C2,...} and the ratio m r. q=k (Pq)TCL m X q=k for k > I, c (P)EL q may not go to zero as . m For, if 0 I/2 1/22 0 I/2 i/2 2 I12 2 first n rows 0 I12 0 0 0 0 then it has been shown in [I], that for each lira n/(R) Pk ,n 0. 1/2 1/22 0 I/2 I/22 The basis of this chain is of course m Y. n=k (Pn)TC,{ I} m E n=k (Pn){ ’T c {T k, {1}, C-- {2,3,...}}. But for all k < m, SOME LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RATIOS OF TRANSITION PROBABLITIES It can be IQ k QII (b) If that seen this for all 0 chain satifies a condition stronger than (U) because k. This example is given to show that the previous limit may be finite but not zero. a k 2 4(k-l), k _> a with k _< n 1/2 j (P3n_2)ij ij (P3n)ij {0,1,2 Here, the state space is lm n P }. 1/2 I/2 0 k,n 0 r. E n=3k+l so that c (p)T n (Pn) < {0} m-k m-k < i= j > i j if j n and if 0 if j n, i if i n, j if i= j < k k+l if < i < k i=j <k > k 0 n It has been shown in [I] that 1/22 1/2 2 Here, T n--3k+l 3m let i=0, j>1 if I/2 k (P3n- < ak+ 1, if I-I/2 {0}, C I, for k {1,2 < }. But m 0} ,T e m lim m n=k m l n=k (Pn)T e, O} I, for all k (Pn){0} ,r c so that the limiting value of the above ratio is not zero. 3. 375 MAIN RESULTS. LKMMA 3.1. Let (Pn) be any chain (finite or infinite). Also, let R. CHATTOPADHYAY 376 {Jl T and assue that m P k, Qk 7. i+ , (Pn)LL c n 0, for all (Pm,n)ij lira (Pn)LL c 7. ie L JeL PROOF. 7. Suppose (Pn)LL c < n for all For any k . > lemma the that Then we have are stochastic matrices. where > e Then for given (Pn)ij T. and L c is false. O, i} and for all m L Then there exists k(e) there exists T such that such that k (e), tEL, Z n>k (Pn)LL c < (Pk ,n tL l ie S Z ieL c e. Pk+l Pk+l ,n tL (Pk+l)ti (Pk+l ,n )iLc (Pk+l)ti(Pk+ l,n < max (Pk+l n)iL c ieL + iL c + l leL c (Pk+l Pk+l,n ti iL c (Pk+I)LL c" maxteL (Pk,n)tLC _< maxteL (Pk+l’n)tLC + (Pk+I)LLC" Therefore, Repeating the procedure, n tEL Therefore, for > k E jeL < tL c- (Pk ,n max k(e) and (Qk) tj < c which is a contradiction. 3.2. If nk0 Z (Pk+j) LLC j=l teL, e Hence the supposition is false and the result follows. is an infinite-dimenslonal initial probability row-vector and (Pn) nk0 has all positive entries, then for each a sequence of infinite it follows that for a convergent chain, Also, for m < n lira n JET, n (J) > k 0 choosing k0 Pk0,m" If sufficiently large 0. and n+l (i) w (i) n nm stochastic matrices, then let n(i) Wm(i) Z ji n n-I Z E ji k=m (j) (Pn+) ji n (i) [I (P +)ll] (3.) n-1 k(j) (Pk+l ji Z k=m k(1) [I (Pk+l (3.2) SOME LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RATIOS OF TRANSITION PROBABILITIES 377 The above identities are use to get the following results:, Let (Pn) be a convergent chain with basis Suppose that teT. Then the following hold: TSEORKM 3.3. (A) [, (i) (m) n tt n=l (ii) For jeT, lira n+(R) (B) l [I lim C 2. ..}. (Pn)jt l-(Pn)t t 0 teS such that (Pn)tt n=| (ii) C! ]--(R) Suppose that there is a state (i) {T, (Pn) j t 0, uniformly for t. j n+- l- (p) n tt The n t T. (C) Suppose that there is only one T-state such that lira - n t (P) Then tT iff So that 0 (A) 3 < A. 3 ) for each 0 for each J t. ntt mntt [I n=l PROOF. < A. (0 (p) n+(R) and A, 3 Part (i) follows since (Pk ,n j ) t. > (Pk+l )t t (Pk+2 )t t (Pn)tt tt- n (Pk+m) tt (Qk)tt > k+l which means that E [I n;1 . (Pn)tt For part (ii), suppose that it is false for some a positive integer N such that for all n > J0gT. Then there exists 8 N, (Pn)Jot _> 8[1- (Pn)tt ]" Then from equation (3.2) for n > m > N, we have n--I l n(t)- m(t) _> k--m [8 k(J0 -k(t)][(l Fk+l)tt > 0 and R. CHATTOPADHYAY 378 which but m,n because impossible is k(JO > lira 0 part (i) and because the left side goes to zero as of and k(t) lira O. Therefore the supposition is false and part (ii) ms proved (B) tsT. Suppose n By (I), Then there exists > (t) r. < n jet < (j) + jt < n+l jt [I n n(t) (Pn+l)tt > n n+! > N B [1 then we have from above, for - + (t) (Pn+l )j t By condition (ii), there exists max (P n > no implies 0. (Pn+l) jt max jr t such that O (Pn+l)tt] [! 2 > 2 B n n O n+l (t) (t). such that n > N implies (Pn)tt] N, --< n(t) n+l(t) m E which means that which contradicts (C) (Pn+l)tt _< N+l(t) -m+l(t) < [I (i N+I 2 This part follows immediately from parts (A) and (B). BOR 3.4. (Pn) Let Then for all its basis. k > be a convergent infinite chain with I, m Z lira (Pn)BA n=k 0 m E (Pn)AA n--k where A (finite set) T,B (finite set) lim [inf (Qn) ti > E tsT iC rrm c If n n (A) (A)- c. Moreover, if 0 s then the above result holds for any FROOF. T l tsA m(A)_ (t) n A =T and n-I r. S E tA jet q=m m and finite < q n, then (j))Pq+l) Jt B =C {T,CI,C2,...} as SOME LIMIT THEOREMS FOR RATIOS OF TRANSITION PROBABILITIES n-I r. E q teA q=m (J) q--mE jEBE n-I E q(j)(Pq+l )jA tEA (finite) and Now, for all q Therefore, for (t) <RE q(t)(Pq+ l)tA c jEB (finite) and and q urn(A) > El n(A) E q--m tEA (j) > n-I E q--m q sufficiently large, E sufficiently large and m (Pq+l) tj jt n-I > 379 < m n, n-1 (Pq+I)BA EEl E q--m (Pq+I)AA c Let (m by any given sequence of positive integers. Then there exists r such that for each r k, there exists > 0 such that (3.3) (pr) (m r > Pr r E q=k E since (P)BA--< q (Pq)AA q E/2 E (P q=k Pr E q=r and c q)AAC (3.4) (Pq)^Ac > > (3.5) 0. Pr E But lira r q=r (Pq)BA 0 Pr E q=r from equation (3.3). Hence from (3.4) and (3.5), (Pq)AA c for sufficiently large r, we have Pr Z (P) q BA q=k Pr < l q=k c (P)AA q and the first part of the theorem follows. We refer the reader to a result obtained in [2] for the proof of the second part. It has been proved in [2] that for all E E n=l tEA (P) n i E C it Using the above result, the proof of the second part easily follows. L. 3.5. We now give an example to show that in Theorem 3.4, the condition that the flow in the denominator is from A to A c, is necessary. R. CHATTOPADHYAY 380 0 I/n 1/n 1-1/n l-I/n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 By Bernstein’s theorem, the products are weakly ergodic. Let P n (Pk,n+l)il Z (Pk,n)is(Pn+l)sl n+l (Pk ,n+l )i2 Z In fact, (Pk,n)i2 0 as n , for el_ i (Pk,n)is(Pn+l)s2 (Pk,n)il + (P n+l (Pk.n) i2 A {I}, B n+. as So, the chain is strongly ergodic with T k,n il c {2}. But if (2} m r. then n=k (P)2 n 1, for all m Z n=k k < m. (p) n12 Hence, the assertion is true. I. MUKHERJEA, A. 2. MUKHERJEA, A., 3. MUKHERJEA, A., 4. ISAACSON, D.L. and MADSEN, R.W., Markov Chains: Theory and Applications, J. Wiley, and NAKASSIS, A., Convergence of Non-homogeneous Stochastic Chains With Countable States, J. Multivariate Analysis Vol. 16, No. (1985), 85-117. NAKASSIS, A. and ISSAACSON, D., Determination of the Basis of a Non-homogeneous Markov Chain, Statistics and Decision 2 (1984), 363-375. 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