UCCS Campus Sustainability New committee chair in 2010


UCCS Campus Sustainability

December 11, 2009 Report to Faculty Assembly

New committee chair in 2010 . Professor Tom

Huber (Geography) is the new chair of the committee beginning in January, 2010.

Committee voted unanimously to support the Tobacco Committee in seeking a uniform 25 foot setback for tobacco we have LEED points for 25 feet for both buildings but the rest of campus is 20 feet and only from entrances. The LEED requirement is for 25 feet from all edges of the building.

Members will seek to add sustainability to department/college/individual goals. Sustainability is one of the campus strategic goals. A number of departments have adopted green meeting/event guidelines . All departments, clubs, etc. are encouraged to do so. Copy of guidelines attached.

Committee members will submit suggestions for an All Campus Reads title dealing with sustainability.

Faith communities are an important component of earth stewardship. Betsy Gaines Quammen, who spoke recently, is the founder and executive director of The Tributary Fund. The Tributary

Fund is a nonprofit environmental organization based in Bozeman, Mont., that engages communities around the world in conservation solutions by connecting religious, scientific and local leaders. Each project TTF undertakes joins culture and conservation. A goal of TTF is to promote the protection of native species, lands and waters in a way that is integral to native cultural traditions and practices. TTF is not a religious organization, but recognizes the power and importance of religious beliefs. Core programs in Montana, Mongolia and Africa focus on community involvement for conservation, conservation dialogues with religious leaders in local cultures, and environmental outreach and education.

A local campus summit on sustainability would provide all with the remarkable programs locally at the four major campuses—AFA, CC, PPCC, and UCCS.

Investigate inviting Conservation Hardware to exhibit their wares in the Student Center. A non-profit with much information about energy saving devices, etc.

Need tree champions as research indicates the value of trees and other vegetation in carbon sequestration. SEAS students have built and installed eight raised beds in preparation for spring planting. Students are working on developing a composting plan.

Kudos to Kevin Gilford on the great work he has done on the

Sustainability Office’s website

. http://www.uccs.edu/~sustain/

Submitted by Judith Rice-Jones


Statewide sustainability events calendar http://www.casba.info/calendar/events/index.php

January 11, 2010 Community: the Structure of Belonging , Peter Block, sponsored by PPLD.

Time and venue to be announced.

January 28 th

, 2010 Green Cities Coalition Annual Meeting , Carnegie Room, PPLD, 5:30-

7:30. For more info, contain Steve at sustain@ppjpc.org

February 26-27, 2010 Landscape Symposium , World Arena Doubletree. A major focus of this conference is water conservation. Keynote will be noted water harvester, David Lancaster.

March 1-3 Franke James, Environmental Artist ,

UCCS Legacy Lecture sponsored by Geography, LAS,

Kraemer Family Library, Office of the Provost www.frankejames.com

April 19 th

, 2010 National Hanging Out Day Why dries your clothing with coal, using six percent of the nation's electricity, when you can tell your friends that you have installed solar and wind power in your home, for the price of a clothesline? http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/04/national-hangingout-day.php

April 24 th

, Earth Day ( 40 th



Hosting a Sustainable Event: Aligning our actions with our values in a comprehensive commitment to sustainability there are some simple things we can do to make events, meetings, coffee hour, etc. more earthfriendly. From eliminating disposable plates and utensils to making sure recycle bins are available, there are many ways we can make a difference. General guidelines for hosting a sustainable event online are available through the Environmental Protection Agency. A few of these guidelines are as follows

 Ensure that all plates, cups and glasses are china or glass (nondisposable). If plastic, they should be washable (biodegradable or compostable is better). Styrofoam should not be used under any

 circumstances.

Condiments should be served in bulk containers, not individual servings, to save packaging. This includes sugar, creamer, butter, cream cheese, etc.

 Use cloth napkins whenever possible.

Ensure that recycling bins are present at all functions,

Print all handouts on two sides using post-consumer recycled paper.

 Consider recycled-content products when making purchases.

 Provide information about recycling options

Consider donating leftover food to a local food bank.

Reduce the number of handouts or consider making them available online instead.

Encourage walking or biking or car-pooling.

Share this list with organizations who partner with us or caterers who serve food at events and encourage them to also follow sustainable practices.
