IAY 12 19, R A -MFASUREMENT OF PREDICTABILITY OF THERMOELECTRIC COOLING By IDEAL THOMAS SALDI S.B. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY (1955) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMEN' OF THE REQUIREENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January, 1959 Signature redacted Certified by . . .-6*---- Accepted by. . - - * Department of Mechanical Engineering, January 21, 1959 Signature redacted * -0 * 0 0 * 0 - Signature of Author. - . . - . -*. - ----------- -- . . Thesis Supervisor . redacted /Signature . . . * Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students 3S ii MASSACHUSETTS INSTIT UTE OF TECHNOLOGY 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge 39, Massachusetts January 21, 1959 Professor Alvin Sloane, Chairman Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Department of Mechanical Engneering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Dear Professor Sloane: In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, I hereby submit this thesis titled, "Measurement of Predictability of Thermoelectric Cooling". Respectfully submitted, Signature redacted Ideal T. Saldi - ---~~1I U iii ABSTRACT At the suggestion of Professor Joseph Kaye, the author proceeded to design, build, and test a thermoelectric device that would produce a temperature difference of 20 0 C. The ultimate object being to compare the experimental results with the theoretical studies put forth in various forms in the literature. It should be noted that a minimum amount of experimental data has been published in this area due to the difficulties encountered in constructing these devices. It is hoped that the procedures outlined in this text along with the methods used in overcoming the major difficulties, which eventually led to achieving the desired objective, will be used as a basis for further investigations in this area. An experiment similar to this was carried out by J.R. Freeman, Jr. and E.S. Purcell, Jr. (1956)(1)* under the direction of the General Science Department. A cooling effect of 40C was reported. This thesis is also intended to provide readers, who are unfamiliar with this subject, a fundamental knowledge of the nature of thermoelectric cooling. -%Refers to the Bibliography at the end of this thesis. I iv ACKNOWLEDGMEN'S The author wishes to thank Professor Kaye for his encouragement and advice and to acknowledge the valuable assistance of the Staff of the Energy Conversion Group of the Electrical Engineering Department, particularly Mr. John Blair. The author also wishes to thank the Energy Conversion Group and the General Engineering Laboratories of the General Electric Company in Schenectady, New York for their gifts of materials which were used in this experiment. - U V TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Letter of Transmittal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Abstract*..............., . . . . . . . . . . - - - Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments. . . . . 2 ii . . . . . . . . . - - iv - . - . . - v . . . . . . . vii - - - . . - - . 0 vi'i . . Nomenclature . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . 1 .# Physics of Thermoelectric Cooling. . ....... .- 5 1.1 Importance of Semiconductors in Thermoelectric Cooling 5 1.2 Formation of Bismuth Telluride . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PART I - THERMOEL&EN' MATERIALS ....... . ...... PART II - HEAT TRANSFERS IN A CURRENT CARRYING THEOELEMENT 2.1 . . . . . .*.. *..... . .** The Thompson Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Peltier Effect. 12 12 * * 2.2 * . * * 2.3 Joule Effect . . . . . . . . . * * . . 2.4 Heat Conduction Through the Thermoelement. . . . . . . 13 16 17 . 17 THERMOELECTRIC CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . 23 2.5 Miscellaneous Heat Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . PART III - DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS FOR USE IN THE DESIGN OF THE PART IV -IESIGN OF THERMOELECTRIC CIRCUIT.. 4.1 4.2 . . . . . . Assumptions. . . . . . . . . . . . Design.Parameters. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 -.-...-.. . . .-* 4.3 Properties of the Bismuth Telluride Used in the Design 4.h 4.5 h.6 4.7 4.8 PART V - Geometry of Elements. . . .. . . . Design Calculations. Power Requirements . . . . Sink Design. . . . . . . . . ..... 5.2 5.3 23 25 ....... 29 . .. . ... . 30 . Configuration of Thermoelectric Cooler . . . . . . . . 35 . 37 .... . . . . *. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sink. of Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . Cooler. Thermoelectric of Assembly 37 CONSTRUCTION OF THERMOELECTRIC COOLER . 5.1 23 . . .. . . Machining of Thermoelements. . . . . . . . * . 38 39 -U vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (conttd) PAGE PART VI - EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 49 . 6.1 6.2 Optimum Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Resistivity of Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 6.3 Maximum Temperature Drop at Optimum Current. . . . . .51 6.4 Thermoelectric Power of the Device . . . . . . 6.5 Affect of Sink Design on Junction Temperatures 6.6 6.7 . . . Measurement of Peltier Coefficient . . . . . . . . .52 . .5 . . . 55 Calculations Based on Experimental Results . . . . . .56 PART VII - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOENDATIONS 7.1 7.2 . . . 66 . . . . . 66 67 . . Comparison of Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions and Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . * . * . . . & . . . . . . . . . . . 69 70 70 U vii LIST OF PIATES AND FIGURES Plates PAGE 1 Thermoelectric cooler 47 2 Thermoelectric circuit apparatus 48 Figures 1 Model of thermoelectric junction 3 2 Plot of material properties vs. electron concentration 7 4 Thermoelement illustrating Thompson effect 14 5 Theoretical plot of thermoelectric power vs temperature in bismuth telluride 15 6 Thermoelectric circuit 31 8 Sink 34 9 10 Thermoelectric cooler 36 Inert soldering gun 41 11 Graph showing current vs. temperature difference 58 across junction 12 Graph showing current vs. temperature drop of 59 cold junction 13 Graph showing temperature of hot junction vs. time for two sink arrangements 60 14 Graph showing temperature difference across element vs. time at optimum current 61 15 Graph showing thermoelectric power vs. time 62 16 Graph showing temperature of cold junction vs. time 63 time for two sink arrangements 17 Graph showing thermoelectric power vs. temperature 64 difference across junction 18 Graph showing Peltier coefficient vs. temperature of cold junction 65 -U viii NOMENCLATURE z Figure of merit 0C -1 Thermoelectric power volts/ 0 C Thermal conductivity watts/cm 0C Electrical conductivity 1/ohm-cm Electrical resistivity ohm-cm Q. Peltier heat watts Qt Thompson heat watts Qi Joule heat watts Qc Heat of conduction watts Qnet Refrigerating effect watts QS Q, Heat dissipated by sink watts Q2 Heat required for conservation of energy Tr Peltier coefficient volts Thompson coefficient volts/0 C T Temperature of cold junction 0C Th T ch Tc Temperature of hot junction OC Temperature drop of cold junction 0C I Current amps R Resistance of thermoelements ohms R Total junction resistance ohms Rcj Rhj A L W Cold junction resistance ohms Hot junction resistance ohms Area of thermoelement cm2 Length of thermoelement cm Power input watts V Voltage across elements volts Va Vt Iot Ohmic drop volts Thermocouple back emf volts k Tc Heat required for conservation of particles Temperature difference of hot and cold junction Optimum current for maximum temperature difference amps 0C ix NOMENCIATURE (cont) C.0.P Optimum current for maximum coefficient of performance Coefficient of performance V e Vh Free electron concentration Velocity of electrons Velocity of holes Io amps cm-3 t'0 INTRODUCT ION In 1834 a French watchmaker, Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, discovered that when a current flows through a junction of two different conductors a heating or cooling of the junction will result depending on the direction of the current. results correctly. However, Peltier did not interpret the His conclusion was that this phenomenon was a violation The true value of Peltier's discovery was of Ohms Law at low currents. demonstrated in 1838 by Emil Lenz when he froze a drop of water which was placed on the junction. For the next 110 years little or no work was done to develop these thermoelectric effects. However, during the late 1940's, the improvement of existing and the development of new semiconducting materials have revived and accelerated research in this area. In the past five years numerous articles have appeared in the literature dealing with various phases of this phenomenon. Presently the major areas of investigation are centered around improving and measuring the thermoelectric properties of semiconducting materials and in methods of manufacturing devices utilizing this principle. In the very near future appliances will be appearing on the market embodying this principle. In the not too distant future this phenomenon will form the basis of a refrigerator with no moving parts. In essence this will be a noiseless device with essentially infinite life. The number of potential applications of this phenomenon, in a variety of ares, is very large. In this thesis the area of refrigeration will be investigated. /J PHYSICS OF THERllllOELEGrRIC COOLING The Peltier effect is due to the presence of a potential difference at the junction of two dissimilar materials. When a current is made to flow in the direction of this potential difference a cooling effect is present. The reason for this cooling is that heat is absorbed when a current flows down an electrical hill. This absorbed heat is due to: 1. Conservation of Particles 2. Conservation of Energy at a Boundary. In order to further explain this· ·phenomenon a simple electron model will be used. Figure 1 shows a thermojunction, for cooling, consisting of two different materials. In the N-type material there is a flow of ne~tively charged electrons (Ve) from the cold to the hot junction, while in the P-type material there is a flow of positively charged "holes" (Vh)' vacated by electrons, also from the cold to the hot junction. The shaded area at the cold junction (Fig. 1) consists of both holes and electrons, however, only holes or electrons flow in the res.pective legs of the junction. In order to satisfy the !!,! of Conservation of Particles, electron-hole pairs must be continuously generated at the cold junction. This so-called generator is the atomic lattice of the material. However, the lattice must receive energy in order to generate these electronhole pairs. This energy (Q1 ) comes from the region near the cold junction, thus creating a cooling effect at this junction. The heat required to satisfy conservation of particles is only part of the Peltier effect; the other part comes from the fact that electrons 3 FIGURE 1 COLD JUNCTION HEAT FLOW HEAT FLOW COD HCT HOT V. y W.-TYPE P-TYPE7 00 -Q HO1 T JUNCTION Q& SCHEMATIC OFTHERMOJUNCTION ILLUSTEATING THE PELTI EV. EFFECT FOR COOUN& ME DEPT MIT .T SALDI SCALE: - HOT JUNC rION I THERMOJUNCTION I |DATE- 1-21-SlIF~GURE - 1 14 and holes are carriers of heat. Since electrons and holes flow from the shaded area in Fig. 1 to the hot junction, heat is removed from this area and deposited at the hot junctio4. In order to satisfy conservation of energy in this shaded area, heat (Q 2 ) must be supplied. This heat also comes from the region near the cold junction, thus creating an additional cooling effect in this region. Therefore, the heat required to satisfy conservation of particles plus the heat required to satisfy conservation of energy constitute the Peltier effect at the cold junction, or thermoelectric cooling. PART I THERMOELEMENT MATERTALS 1.1 Importance of Semiconductors in Thermoelectric Cooling The most important properties to consider in selecting a material for use in a thermoelectric cooling device are: thermoelectric power, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity. Numerous equations , relating these properties have appeared in the literature during the past (2) five years. Two of the most widely used are those developed by Ioffe and Goldsmid(3). It should be noted that the only difference in these two equations is that the Goldsmid equation is the square root of Ioffe's equation. Ioffe's equation will be used inthis thesis. This relation, which will be derived in a later section by a method different from Ioffe's, follows: * 2 Z (1 = ka + kb ,a TZ "Z" is called the figure of merit of a material. The higher the value of "Zt the better the material for thermoelectric cooling. The subscripts a and b refer to two materials which have thermoelectric powers of opposite sign, or in semiconductor terminology, P-type and N-type material. In metals the ratio of electrical to thermal conductivity has its highest possible value - the value given by the Wiedemann-Franz relation. *See nomenclature on page viii for definitions and units of symbols used. C 6 (This law states that the electrons in a metal are responsible for the conduction of heat as well as of electric current). However, the figure of merit of metals is restricted by the low thermoelectric power. Semi- conductors can have much larger thermoelectric powers, and in most cases this is more than sufficient to compensate for the low ratio of conductivities. In order to further explain why semiconductors make the building of thermoelectric devices practicable, a simple form of electron theory will be used. In a metal each atom contributes at least one electron which is able to move freely within the metal. In a semiconductor only a very few In an insulator there are essentially atoms release such free electrons. no electrons which are free to move within the material. The three properties entering into the expression for Z are not independent of each other, since they are all functions of free electron concentrations. The electrical conductivity (6) is roughly proportional to the On the other hand, the thermoelectric number of free electrons (?7) power (o() tends to zero when the number of free electrons tend to infinity. electrons. The thermal conductivity is proportional to the number of free These results are plotted in Fig. 2. Before proceeding with a conclusion to this discussion it should be noted that if P-type and N-type materials have the same properties (i.e., o(a= (by 6 az 6 b, ka k) the expression for Z reduces to: 2 (2) Z Lk k -4 7 FIGUI'E z Ir S De Co( u. u I u Fg X& 0 Ek ECTXON I if Cc CONCENTZAi ON x k ,q1 I -T INSULATORSi SEMI-COWDUCTOR5 MATERIAL METALS PROPERTIES ELECTRON CONCENTRATION ME. DEPT. MIT I. T. SALDI I Qr i .- l A-r - 1r I-i r-irm-,rimc- -> 8 Now as can be seen from Fig. 2, the optimum value of the numerator in eq. (2) falls into the semiconductor concentration range. This optimum value of concentration has been calculated(2),(h) to be 10 9 free electrons per cubic centimeter. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that semiconductors have the most favorable combination of properties. The semiconductor most widely used at present for thermoelectric cooling is bismuth telluride. This is the material that will be used in this experiment. In the discussion that follows it should be borne in mind that a material to be used for thermoelectric cooling should have a high thermoelectric power, high electrical conductivity (low electrical resistivity), and low thermal conductivity. These properties will be discussed in detail in Part II - Heat Transfers in a Current-Carrying Thermoelement. 1.2 Formation of Bismuth Telluride There are several methods presently employed for producing bismuth telluride. These include the Bridgeman technique and the pulling method. The most widely used method at present is the Bridgeman technique because it requires a minimum of monitoring, and the temperature at which solidification occurs can be accurately controlled. It is possible to "dope" a semiconductor to give either N- or P-type conductivity. In the case of bismuth telluride stoichiometric proportions gives P-type conductivity. To obtain N-type bismuth telluride an excess of tellurium is introduced into the melt. process it By this "doping" is possible to tailor a material to the users requirements. The process for making P-type bismuth telluride via the Bridgeman technique follows: 9 1. Pour stoichiometric proportions of bismuth and tellurium into This tube should be about 3/4" in diameter a pointed quartz tube. and 8" long for the size batch that will be discussed here. is used since the tendency for it Quartz to crack at extreme temperature The reason for the point will be gradients is at a minimum. discussed later. The stoichiometric proportions are 32.75 grams of bismuth and These materials come in stick or 30.00 grams of tellurium. granular form and should be of 99.999% purity for best results. Since tellurium is toxic extreme care should be exercised in removing the fumes. Pour the tellurium into the tube first then the bismuth. The reason for this procedure is that bismuth melts at a lower temperature than tellurium; as the constituents are brought up to temperature the bismuth will flow down into the tellurium and produce a more homogeneous mixture. 2. Place the quartz tube into a horizontal electric oven which is at a temperature of 100 0 C. -5 it until a vacuum of 10 While the tube is in the oven evacuate ma of mercury is obtained. can be obtained with nitrogen trap apparatus. This vacuum The reason for placing the tube in the oven is to remove any moisture present in its interior. When this is completed, seal the end of the tube by welding the quartz stem. (Since the interior of the stem is under high vacuum it will collapse once a flame is applied to the exterior thereby sealing the tube). 3. Suspend the sealed tube vertically (point down) from a small motor and gear reduction unit and through an electric oven. 10 4. Gradually bring the contents of the tube up to 7000C (Bi 2 Te 3 melts at 573C). During this melting process it very important to oscillate the mix vertically. is These oscillations need not be rapid -- about four per minute at a 3/4" amplitude. This oscillation is necessary since gases are released from the constituents during the melting process. It is important to remove these gases from the molten mix, for if they are allowed to remain in solution, voids will result in the solid state. These voids will decrease the electrical conductivity and thereby reduce the figure of merit. 5. After the constituents are melted, lower the quartz tube (point first) at a rate of about 1/2" per hour. since nucleation starts at a point. The point is necessary The mix will comnence solidi- fying from this point and gradually work back as the tube is lowered. The slow rate of removal from the oven is important since grain growth and overall nucleation is a function of the rate of solidification. This slow speed also prevents the formation of internal stresses in the casting. It is important that large grains be obtained since grain boundaries are points of higher resistance to electron flow. Hence the larger the grain size, the higher the electrical conductivity and consequently the higher the figure of merit for the sample. 6. Once the contents of the tube has solidified, a higher degree of purity can be obtained by zone-refining the contents. The zone refiner consists of a horizontal "boat" which is slowly passed through an induction coil. In this process only the section 11 of the Bi 2 Te 3 which is in the vicinity of the heating coil is in the molten state. This molten "puddle" is slowly moved from one end of the casting to the other. Since the impurities in this material have an affinity for the molten state, they are carried by the t puddle" from one end of the casting to the other and allowed to solidify at one end. acid or mechanical cutting. L This end is then removed by PART II HEAT TRANSFERS IN A CURRENT CARRYING THERMOELEMENT A thermoelectric effect is any phenomenon involving an exchange of heat and electrical potential energy. When this exchange can occur from heat to electrical energy or vice-versa, the effect is called reversible. Two of these reversible exchanges are the Peltier and Thompson effects. However, when the exchange can occur only from electrical energy to heat, the thermoelectric effect is termed irreversible. The most notable irreversible effect is the Joule effect. 2.1 The Peltier Effect This effect is described as the absorption or rejection of heat per unit area at the junction of two dissimilar metals. Qp This is given by: (3) TT I TT is the Peltier coefficient and depends on the materials and the temperature of the junction in question. This is given by: TT = (a(a - c$b( T Therefore, the Peltier heat at the cold junction, combining eqs. (3) and (), is given by: 9,(ea o*bb c 1 (5) As can be seen from this expression, the higher the thermoelectric power, for a given current, the larger the amount of heat absorbed. This is one reason why the thermoelectric power is used in determining the merit of a material for thermoelectric applications. 13 __ 2.2 The Thompson Effect This effect is described as the absorption or rejection of heat per unit volume of a homogeneous material in the presence of an electric current and a temperature gradient. For the absorption of heat this is defined by: '(T-T) h c t (6) I is the Thompson coefficient which is defined by: Tz (7) T d The Thompson coefficient can be either positive or negative depending on the relative flow of current and holes (or electrons), (see Fig. 4). Remembering that in a junction for cooling the holes and electrons flow from the cold to the hot junction in both the P- and Ntype legs, and in this same circuit, the current flows from the hot to the cold junction in the N-type leg and from the cold to the hot junction in the P-type leg. In this case the Thompson coefficient is negative for the N-type leg, since the current flows in the opposite direction of the electrons, and positive for the P-type leg since the holes and current flow in the same direction. Hence, same direction Thompson coefficient positive; opposite directions Thompson coefficient negative (refer to Fig. ). To determine the direction of Thompson heat flow for bismuth telluride, refer to Fig. 5 and the analysis below. Refering to Fig. 5, it can be seen that the slope (4) for P-type bismuth telluride is negative while the slope for N-type is positive. Also from the analysis above, the Thompson coefficient is positive for P-type and negative for N-type bismuth telluride. into Eq. 7 (' T ) it Substituting this information can be seen that the resulting equation for both 14 FiGURE 4- ELEMENT COLD JUNcTION HOLE FLOW ELECTZON FLOW II Ir-------- w P il Li ." I ELEMENT HOT JUNCTION Bix. 3 JUNCTIONS SCHEMATIC OF BISMUTH TELLURIDE' JUNcONS ILLUsTrATINC& THE- THOMPSON EFFEC.T ME DEPT MIT THOMPSON I T SALDI E FFECT |TrE I-21-59[FIGVRE |SCALE: - 4- 15 FIGURE 5 P-TYPE 0 T N-TYPE o.< THERMOELECTRIC POER ,(() vs. TEMPERATURE FOR BISMUTH TELLURIDE ME DEPT MIT T vs .T SALII SCALE'. - lArE %-2I-59 FIGVlE 5 16 the N-type and P-type legs is positive. By further substitution into eq. (6), it can been seen that Thompson heat is absorbed by both legs. Some P-type materials have a positive slope on these coordinates. In this case, Thompson heat will be rejected. It can be seen from this analysis that the direction of flow of Thompson heat depends on how the thermoelectric power varies with the temperature of the material. As compared to the other heat transfers in a thermoelectric circuit, the Thompson heat transferred is negligibly small. Therefore, in the remainder of this thesis the Thompson heat will be neglected. However, for the sake of completeness, it will be included in a solution of the differential equation for the temperature distribution in a thermoelement. This equation and its solution will appear in the Appendix. 2.3 Joule Effect The Joule heating is given by: Q (8) = 12 R Here R is the electrical resistance of the thermoelement in ohms. This type of heating always works against us. It will be shown in the Appendix that one-half the Joule heat goes to the hot junction and the other half goes to the cold junction. This heat is always present irrespective of the temperature gradient in the element. Since the resistance is inversely proportional to the electrical conductivity, materials possessing a high electrical conductivity should be used in order to minimize this detrimental heat transfer. This is the reason why electrical conductivity is chosen as one of the properties which determine the merit of a material for thermoelectric applications. 17 A Joule effect also appears at the junctions of the materials due to soldering. This adverse affect will be discussed in Parts IV and V. 2.h Heat Conduction Throu h the Thermoelement This heat is given by: I. QC= k (Th ~ TC) Here k is the thermal conductivity. 9 This is also a detrimental heat transfer since heat is conducted through the thermoelement, from the hot to the cold junction thereby reducing the refrigerating effect. the thermal conductivity should be as small as possible. Hence, This is the third property discussed in this section which contributes to determining the merit of a material for use in thermoelectric applications. It can be seen from the above that -the net heat absorbed at the cold junction is given by: Qnet -p - 1/2 Q = - QC(10) ~b) o~ I Tc - 1/2 I 2 R - K (Th- Tc In order to improve Qnet the following must be done: 1. 2. Increase the thermoelectric power thereby increasing QP. Increase the electrical conductivity thereby decreasing Q.. 3. Decrease the thermal conductivity thereby decreasing Qc Thus, the reasons for selecting these particular properties and the form of equation for determining the figure of merit of a material can now be seen. 2.5 Miscellaneous Heat Transfer Radiation and convective heat transfers will also occur at the thermoelement. 18 In this experiment the convective transfers are minimized by insulating the elements. The radiation transfers are negligible in this temperature range (25 - 75* F). However, if radiation transfers were appreciable they could be reduced by a reflective shield. Both these transfers will be considered negligible in this experiment. PART III DERIVATION OF EQUAT IONS FOR USE IN THE DESIGN OF THE THERMOELECTRIC CIRCUIT The coefficient of performance is defined by: C.O.P. = (11) w where Q is given by equation (10) and W (work) is defined by: W = V Iot Here V (voltage) is the sum of two voltages V=Va t 'Where Va is the voltage drop across the element when the temperature difference is zero (ohmic drop) Va - that is Iot R and V is the back emf induced in the element due to the temperature difference. This is defined by V ((<a -~*b )(Th - T)d Therefore the total voltage is given by V = IotR4- ( <a (12) o<b)(Th -T) .0.P. _ a b Tc I I I R +( 12 R(Th T c)(kaa bb(- Th - T)] + b ( Substituting this information into eq. (11) it becomes (13) 20 In order to derive the figure of merit from this expression the heat conduction term will be expressed in another form. Remembering that a Ab + kb a Lb MultipLying both sides of this equation by R, it becomes C TC) QcR = (Th Q (T-T(k h - TC) (ka (ka + (14) R kbA) But since R=Ra R b /oa (15) +/ObLb Equation (14) becomes Ab Aa SR=(Th - T ) (kaa + La / 4Lb (16) Assuming both legs have identical lengths, identical resistance and equal conductive heat flow the following is obtained: Aa ka = Ab kb a I~ b Solving these for Aa/Ab and combining, results in the following expression: /ka(2),(5) (7 k a = -b kb /b Substituting (17) into (16) it becomes: QcR (Th TC) ( ka + b 2 Replacing Q c in eq. (13) by its expression given in eq. (18), results in the following expression for the coefficient of performance: 21 ( 2 R I c ) (oa C.O.P. I ) IR kA b2 a+ Th -TC) (o<a o<b) (Th - Tc In order to find the current (Ioc) that will give the maximum coefficient of performance, eq. (19) is maximized and the following result is obtained: Ob ) Th -TC) O~a = oc T)) be (20) -- ~ (1 2 Substituting Ioc for I in eq. (19) an equation for the maximum coefficient of performance is obtained Th - 1 -(21) (oa - T T T 2+ Tc V 1b)2 kb the term in the square bracket is identical to Z Since - ma Jka+b2 1 + -h+ c (COP)Tc Th (o~a - cdb) 2 TT the figure of merit of the material. Substituting Z for the square bracket the equation for the maximum coefficient of performance becomes: T h *Tc T max = (C.o'.) EThh c / Th 1+ Z (4 1+ z ( Z h 4-1 - (22) It can be seen from this equation that the coefficient of performance does not depend on the geometrical dimensions of the thermoelement. It depends only on the figure of merit and the temperature of the junctions. 22 As the figure of merit (Z) increases and approaches infinity the coefficient TC of performance approaches the Carnot efficiency T - T h c With the cold junction perfectly insulated, the refrigerating ) will be zero and therefore the C.O.P. would also be zero. effect ( Under these conditions the temperature difference will be a maximum since the cold junction will be cooling itself. From eq. (22) with the C.O.P. equal to zero Th T-h= TC J T 2 or (Th -Tc) max or (Tc (23) Z 142 Z T- .*-Zh min Th -Tc TC 1 + Z (T2 - l(2) Z24 In order to find the current (I ) that will give the maximum temperature difference, eq. (10) is maximized and the following expression it obtained: ItIt (< a R- <b) T (25) R Since the object of this thesis is to obtain a temperature difference of 200 C and to compare experimental results with the analytical study, the current given by eq. (25) will be used in the analytical study. * It should be noted that I ot is always greater than Ioc PART IV IESIGN OF THERMOELECTRIC CIRCUIT 4.1 Assumptions 1. Thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity do not vary with temperature 2. Thompson heat transfers are negligible 3. There are linear temperature gradients in the thermoelements 4. 4.2 4.3 Radiation and convective transfers are negligible Design Parameters 1. Maximum temperature difference 2. Temperature of cold junction 3. Temperature of hot junction 4. One stage element 200 C - 20 C (271 Ok) 180 C (291 Ok) Properties of the Bismuth Telluride Used in the Design(6) P-type Element a) Thermoelectric power ( K<a) b) Electrical conductivity ( 6-a) c) Thermal conductivity (ka) 200 microvolts/oC 500/ohm-cm 0.0157 watts/cm 0C (Parallel to cleavage planes) 2. 4.4 N-type Element a) Thermoelectric power ( 0<b) b) Electrical conductivity ( 6b) c) Thermal conductivity (kb) -215 microvolts/ C 1500/ohm-cm 0.0157 watts/cm 0C Geometry of Elements It is interesting to note from eqs. (22) and (23) that the geometry of the elements has no bearing on the coefficient of performance 24 and on the maximum temperature difference. What this implies is that with any combination of length and cross section, the same C.O.P. and temperature difference is obtained. This is true, however, the refrigerating capacity is generally the important item in the design of a cooling device, and it is in this item that the geometry becomes important. The refrigerating effect is a direction function of the ratio of length to cross-sectional area. refrigerating effect. The smaller this ratio the higher the However, the smaller this ratio the more current required and therefore the power input is proportionately higher. Conse- quently the coefficient of performance remains unchanged. To help clarify this fact, the first two terms in eq. (10) are repeated here Qnet - T 2 (10a) }IV For illustration sake it is assumed that L/A is decreased. By virtue of L , and the current this change the resistance is decreased, since R=f for the same load is increased, since I = . The first term in (10a) will increase while the second also increases but not as rapidly. The overall change will be an increase in Qnet (refrigerating capacity). Values of L/A from twoto five are recommended. However it is important to keep the following in mind: Semiconducting materials are expensive and heavy 2. In a majority of designs, space requirements are vital (examples - 1. small appliances, missiles, etc.) Therefore in deciding on the geometry of the elements, consideration should be given to the above in conjunction with the desired refrigerating capacity and the power available for operating the device. 25 This latter consideration coupled with the limited supply of Bi 2Te 3 available to the author were the determining factors in selecting the following geometry for this design: 1. La = L= 2. Aa 2 .345 cm b =0.595 cm2 The lengths were made the same in order to facilitate assembly. According to eq. (17) the areas should not have been made the same since the electrical conductivity of both legs are different. However, the areas were made the same in order to facilitate machining. 4.5 Design Calculations 1. Figure of Merit From eq. (1) (c<a -<b) Z 2 Vka kb (210 x 10 -6volts/oC 0.0157 watts/cm 0 500 1/ohm cm 0.0157 watts/cm 0 c 1500/ohm cm + C 12 oC 2.33 x 10-3 2. - 215 x 10 - volts/ c) 2 + Resistance of Elements Using eq. (15) 7 La R = Ra + Rb A a 2.345 cm 0.595 cm2 10.5 x 10-3 1 500 1/ohm-cm ohm 4L + 1 1500 1/ohm-cm 26 3. Optimum Current Using eq. (25) O~a I ot p<b) Tc - R 25 x 10-6 votso k)(271 ok) 10.5 x 10-3 ohm 11.0 amp h. Voltage Drop Across Device Using eq. (12) Va =1I ot R = (11.0 amp)(10.5 x 10-3 ohm) Vt( V o b)(Th - Tc) =(425 x 10 a (20 Ok) 8.5 volts Va +Vt 124.0 x10-3 volts =115.5 x 10-3 volts -6 volts/o k) It should be noted that this voltage drop does not include the drops due to junction resistances. 5. Coefficient of Performance a) Using eq. (22) Th 4Tc T c (C.0.P.L! T h- /+ Tc 271 0k 2 1 + Z+ (T h+ T C h 2 Tc) 0I 291 0 k - 271 0 k 1.21 Z (- Th ~5C 41 o '291 'k 1 + (2.33 x10~ 3 / k)(281 k) - 271 2k (2.33 x io-3/ ol ok)(2810k)' +1 PF-- 27 b) Theoretical C.O.P. for 200 C Temperature Difference Using eq. (13) .Qp = aa (c)It ~ cb) (h25 x 10 volt/ 0 k)(271 'k)(ll.0 amp) 1.270 watts 2. Q. } 12 R (11.0 amp)2 (l0.5 x 0-3 ohm) 0.635 watts Q, 2 (T -T) kk wtts Z(2)(20 0 k) (0.0157 wa 0.9 ( ' cm22 cm ) 3. 0.160 watts h. -1.270 - 0.635 - 0.160 Q 0.h75 watts 5. Power Input W Iot [ot R + ( '<a - 4,b)(Th - Tc 11.0 amp [(11.0 amp)(l0.5 x l0-3 ohm)-(I25 x 10-6 volt/ 0C) (20C0 1.355 watts C.O.P. Qnt 0351 .75 28 6. Maximum Temperature Difference (cold junction perfectly insulated) a) Using eq. (23) - i 2T c 2 (Th - T) max Z =} (271 'k) =85.5 2 (2.33 x 10- 3 /Ok) Ok b) Minimum Temperature of Cold Junction (with perfect insulation) Using eq. (24) (T Th -l 1 +-2 Z i z /1+2 (2.33 x 10~,/ Ok)(291 Ok) 2.33 x 10 / -1 0k 228 Ok Heat to be Dissipated by Sink Applying the first law of thermodynamics for a cyclic heat engine: Qs Oet + W 0.475 watts -- 1.355 watts 1.830 watts This can also be arrived at by considering the heat transfers at the hot junction: Qs p + 7. ( ~c"<a j - Qc ) I Th+I2 (b)Ih 122 R -Qc (425 x 10-6 volt/0 C)(ll.0 ampX2910 k) +2 1 (11.0 amp) 1.835 watts (10.5 x 10-3 ohm) - 0.160 watts rI 29 4.6 Power Requirements In many cases this becomes a serious problem due to the high currents required to compensate for the rather low thermoelectric power of materials presently used for thermoelectric cooling. However, in this experiment the current (I ) is rather low so the power requirements can be easily satisfied. Two methods of satisfying these requirements will be described. For optimum operation the current must be ripple free direct current. The presence of ripple will tend to nullify some of the thermoelectric effect. For low currents, such as in this experiment, a DC "wet" cell is ideal since this delivers essentially pure DC current, and eliminates the need for transformers, rectifiers, and filters. The following apparatus was used to satisfy the power require- ments anc to obtain the required data: Quantity 1. 1 Description 4 volt exide wet cell type 2 - nlx - 13 Cat #410-- 3. 1 1 6 volt 50 amp rheostat 6 volt 8 amp rheostat 4. 1 5. 6. 1 2 7. 8. 1 1 1 1 1 0-50 amp DC ammeter (panel mounted) General Electric Cat. #3383268 45 amp SPST circuit breaker switch Rubicon potentiometers Cat. #'s. 71800 and 96220 Model No. 2732 leeds and Northrop potentiometer Ser. No. D1331658 0-200 MV DC voltmeter Ser. No. D186414 2. 9. 10. 11. 0-25 amp DC ammeter Ser. No. Dh36 0-15 amp AC ammeter Ser. No. D24962 Hewlett-Packard vacuum tube voltmeter Ser. No. D18317 Model #4000 30 The electrical circuit used to deliver this power to the thermoelements is shown in Fig. 6. The output of the battery in this circuit could be reduced in steps of 8 amps from 48 to 0 by the first rheostat, R1 . Rheostat R 2 ' which was connected in parallel to Ri, could carry from } to 8 amps. With this arrange ment the output of the battery could be varied from 0 to 48 amps in steps of 1 amps. The current from the rheostats was passed through an ammeter and then through a h5-amp circuit-breaker switch. The current then passed through the load (thermoelements) entering the N-type leg and leaving the P-type leg and then back to the battery. This is a relatively simple circuit, as can be seen from Fig. 6. The major drawback of this circuit is that the battery must be recharged after every 10-15 hours of use. In order to alleviate this drawback it may be desirable to rectify AC line current. However, this introduces the problem of removing the rip- ple from the rectified current. It is possible to filter a major portion of this ripple but some will always remain. A description of this type circuit follows: The 110 volt AC line current is passed through a variac and transformed down to two volts. two volt AC current is then passed through a rectifier. This The rectified DC current is then filtered to remove as much of the ripple as is possible. This filter can be three two-volt wet cells connected in parallel. The fil- tered current is then passed through the same circuitry described above. 4.7 Sink Design Since any thermoelectric device gives a specific temperature dif- ference, depending on the materials used, it is important in a cooling device to keep the hot junction temperature as low as is practicable. This lower I SPST SWITCH V A + uI Re FlGURE 6 ME DEPT MIT I. T SALDI ScCA I I -i ~ E -- THERMOELECTRIC CIEculr ITE. I ~'-~'' d-7.-.Cat * I %J5~%. II'c' 6 P 32 hot junction temperature insures a lower temperature at the cold junction since the temperature difference occurs over a lower range. The hot junction temperature is kept at a minimum by the proper design of a sink. The function of this sink is to remove, as rapidly as possible, the heat pumped from the cold junction plus the energy supplied to the element. The heat to be dissipated consists of the following: Qs = Qnet V- It will be assumed in the remainder of this thesis that all the heat generated at the junctions due to junction resistances will be absorbed by the respective junctions. It is very difficult to estimate these junc- tion resistances since they vary considerably depending on the solder used and the care exercised in preparing the junction. For this reason these heat transfers have not been included in the previous calculations, however, the sink will be overdesigned so as to compensate for any of these transfers. The sink for use in this experiment was designed to utilize free convection heat transfer. The common practice in sink design is to obtain a "ball park" figure and then to add a factor of safety. In order to obtain a "ball park" figure for this design, Chapter 7 of Brown and Marco's Introduction to Heat Transfer was used. Following are the sink design parameters: 1. 5 Btu/hr (based on calculations in Section h45) must be removed by the sink. 60% of this heat will be removed by free convection, the remainder by conduction through the sink. 2. The sink temperature must not rise more than 70F above room temperature. 3. Fins will be used so as to give a large convective surface area. fins will be made from 1/16" brass plateo These 33 Based on these parameters and using eqs. 7-8 for air in Brown and Marco, the film conductance was calculated to be 0.595 Btu/hr ft2 o F. . Using this and eq. 6-1, the surface area required to satisfy the design 2 parameters was calculated to be 55.5 in To allow for junction resistances the convective surface area was made 80.0 in2 by arranging ten 2 5/8" x 1 1/2" plates as shown in Fig. 8. The purpose of the copper bar connecting the fins is to conduct heat from the hot junction to the fins from which convection takes place. Initial experiments on this sink showed that the method of heat transfer (free convection) chosen was not a wise choice since the efficiency of the sink was affected by continually changing room temperature and air circulation. Also the heat from the lower plates would be convected to the higher rLates since the hotter air having a lower density tends to rise. This factor alone considerably reduced the effective convective area. One way to minimize convection from the lower to the higher plates is to turn the sink on its side so that the plates are vertical. This could not be done in this experiment without rebuilding the sink. Based on these findings, the author recommends using free convection only as a last resort. Data taken from this sink showed that the hot junction temperature increased from 10-15 0 F, depending on room temperature fluctuations, while the cold junction temperature dropped to only 35 0 F. This same sink was then placed in a water bath which was continuously stirred. The results of this test showed that the hot junction temperature increased by only 2 0 F while the cold junction dropped to 26 0 F. Thus, this 90 F colder "cold" junction is strong evidence in favor of proper sink design. m F 34 I 0 @\ / F-IGURE @ @' I PPER BAR. J 8 ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR\ COPPER PLATES n~1 r-f r~nrf~n -- -- -n T I ilil I 11111 :11111ILI~ ~i~J~j~[j ~I!)mhIEq KLE[IIU L~K[IIE~ !VTTKI I I g A. 1. I INSULATING BASE II 11111 STEEL. SPACERS I I H' ME EPT MIT V NV SALDI 1SCALE - FULL JbATE 1-71-5)I FIGURE I.T L 8 4.8 Configuration of Thermoelectric Cooler Figure 9 shows the configuration used in this experiment. In this configuration the current flows parallel to the direction of grain growth in both the P- and N-type legs. These legs are soldered to the sink at one end and are bridged by and soldered to an intermediate copper element at the cold junction. Copper is used as a bridge in order to keep the Joule heating to a minimum. This configuration will be discussed more fully in Part V which deals with the construction of the thermoelectric cooler. 36 FIGURE 9 COP PER BeIDGE JOI Jol NT :rco 4M JOINT 'Z COLD IT 4 Nj pJ I JOINT I. 1f HE' SINK I I I I I I I 'F t4I SCABLE DETAILS OF THERMOELECTRIC COOLER. ME DEPT MIT I.T SALIA THERMOELECTEIC COOLER. ISCALE-FULLIDNATE: 1--2-59|I~~IGUE I. PART V CONSTRUTION OF THERMOELECTRIC COOLER 5.1 Machining of Thermoelements The machining of bismuth telluride is very difficult since there is ready cleavage in the samples perpendicular to the direction of crystal growth. brittle. This poor bonding between crystals makes the material very Its brittleness is similar to that of plaster. This property of bismuth telluride limits the number of ways it may be cut or formed. The following methods have proven successful: 1. Acid cutting - For the most brittle materials 2. Turning - This process can be used only when cutting perpendicular to the direction of crystal growth. It is virtually useless for cutting parallel to the direction of growth since the cutting tool will tend to separate the material along the crystal boundaries instead of cutting it. 3. Hand sawing 4. Hand sanding - The safest method, but very tedious. Methods 3 and 4 were employed in this experiment. The thermoelements used in this experiment were made from a 3/4" diameter casting (Bridgeman technique) about 6" long with the direction of crystal growth parallel to the length. Since the desired dimensions of the elements were approximately 1" long and 3/8" square, the author had no choice but to cut the samples such that the 1"1 dimension was parallel to the direction of crystal growth. If the other choice were available, that is the length perpendicular to crystal growth, the thermal conductivity 38 could have been reduced by a factor of three (7 thereby increasing the The electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power are independent of crystal orientation . figure of merit. In sawing the casting to obtain the desired length a "through" cut was avoided since there existed the possibility of separating some of the crystals just prior to completing the cut. The method employed was to cut half way through the casting with a hacksaw from one side and then to complete the cut from the other side. During the sawing operation the casting was held by hand, since the application of moderate pressures by mechanical clamps, such as a vise, would shatter the casting. Once the desired length was obtained from the casting the cross section was then formed by a combination of hand sawing and sanding. fine grade (3M-1A31) emery A cloth was used in the sanding operation. The following precautions were required in this rather tedious operation: 1. Avoid excessive pressures on the element during sanding. 2. To carefully wash from the body any Bi 2Te 3 that accumulated during the machining process since accidental swallowing of minute amounts of this material will result in "garlic breath". The final step in the machining process was to sand the ends of the elements until they were flat and at right angles to the length. This It was done by using the same grade emery cloth as above and a 6" square. is important that this be done since it facilitates assembly to the sink and bridge and also aids in minimizing junction resistances. 5.2 Fabrication of Sink (see Fig. 8) Eight 2 5/8" x 1 1/2" x 1/16" brass plates and two 2 5/8" x 1 1/2" x 1/8" copper plates were cut from sheet stock and simultaneously drilled. Two pieces of copper bar 5/8" diameter and 1 1/2" long were cut from bar stock, 39 ends square, and tinned with solder (50% tin and 50% lead). The drilled plates were then placed over these copper bars and spaced 1/4" apart by steel washers. The plates were then soldered to the copper bar by con- ducting the heat supplied by a soldering iron through the bar and melting the tinned solder. This sub-assembly was then assembled to an insulating base (textolite) with 8 bolts. Provisions for electrical connections were made on the copper plates. 5.3 Assembly of Thermoelectric Cooler The four major components of the cooler (sink, bridge, P and N-type elements) were assembled by soldering. This was by far the most difficult operation in the whole process. It was also the most important since the junction resistance must be kept to an absolute minimum or the resulting Joule heat may be large enough to overshadow the Peltier effect, thereby making the device useless as a cooler. In the assembly of a junction, a solder must be used that has high electrical conductivity, good wetting properties, a low melting point, and must not soften at any temperature in the working range. It has been reported( 8 ) that with a solder consisting of and 50% 50% indium tin the theoretical cooling effect can practically be realized. This indium tin solder melts at 1380C and satisfies the above conditions. It is important that a low temperature solder be used since the soldering of copper (sink or bridge) to the elements at an elevated temperature may change the P-type material to N-type at the junction. The reason for this change is that copper is a doner impurity with a very high rate of diffusion into P-type bismuth telluride. It is believed that nickel-plating 40 the ends of the elements tends to eliminate this diffusion, however, it was recently reported(9) that copper dissolved in the molten solder will diffuse through the nickel-plating into the P-type bismuth telluride. Shilliday(10) reports that good results have been obtained using junctions plated with rhodium and ordinary soft-solder. Aside from the aforementioned, there has been no other successful methods reported, to the author's knowledge, for obtaining consistently good soldered junctions. In this experiment, the author has tried four different methods of soldering junctions. In these four methods, each of which will be described below, both ends of the thermoelements, the face of the bridge, and the area of the sink that was to be assembled to the element were tinned with solder prior to final assembly. 1. Inert Gun Method It was observed by the author that indium tin solder loses its wetting properties when heated to an elevated temperature (usually greater than 1500C). controlled. Therefore, the heat applied to the surface must be carefully Also, the Bi 2 7e 3 seems to oxidize readily at room temperature; therefore, an inert atmosphere is desirable. In order to satisfy these two requirements a special inert soldering gun was built. This is shown in Fig. 10. The construction and principle of operation follow: 41 ohm of nichrome wire was wrapped around a grooved insulating cylinder. This cylinder was then placed into a 120 cc distilling tube. An electrical wire and plug was then soldered to the nichrome wire. The top of the tube as then sealed with an insulating fiber, leakage, and argon was then forced into the stem to prevent any of the distilling tube. The thermoelement ready for tinning was then placed into a bowl. I HANDLE INSULATIM& ROD HEATED ARGON FIBER SEAL L-4ffir I //// I H OWER NICHROME WIRE I ARGC DISTILLING TUBE FIGURE 10 DETAILS OF INERF SOLDERING GUN ME DEPT MIT 1. T SALDI SCALE INERT SOLDERIN I GUN - /4IDATE I-ZI-S7|FIGURE 10 42 The nichrome wire heater was plugged into a 20 amp variac fed by a 110 volt AC line, and the argon was turned on. The plan was to pass the argon over the heated nichrome wire thereby heating the argon. the tube through a small opening at one end. then directed onto the thermoelement. This heated argon left The hot stream of argon was Argon being heavier than air would stay in the bowl. This arrangement satisfied both conditions since the temperature of the emerging jet could be accurately controlled by controlling the flow of argon and/or the current supplied, and the argon captured by the bowl would provide the inert atmosphere. Several days of testing showed that the temperature of the jet could be accurately controlled ( 't5%). However, it was very difficult to obtain uniform temperature over the surface of the thermoelement thereby resulting inrn-uniform tinning of the surface. Some areas of the surface, although bridged with solder, were not wetted. The outward appearance of the solder gave the impression that it was a good tinned surface; however, upon filing through this solder it was observed that adhesion took place only in isolated areas. Since it took a relatively long time to heat the surface it was thought that the heating capacity was insufficient so an additional length of nichrome wire was added to the heater. This did not result in any noticeable improvement. In lieu of spending additional time with this idea it was decided to investigate other methods of tinning the surfaces. 2. Crucible Method In this method, a stainless steel crucible was placed on an electrical heater and a small quantity of solder was melted in this crucible. This solder was kept in the molten state until ready for use. The method of preparing the surfaces for tinning in this process This method is outlined below: differed from that used previously. The surface to be tinned was sand-blasted with a sanding unit a) manufactured by the S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company using The surface was sand-blasted so S. S. White #1 abrasive powder. as to remove any oxidation that may have formed on the surface and also to increase the surface area of the thermoelement face thereby providing a more desirable surface for nickel-plating. In this sanding operation it is important to keep the flow of abrasive powder to a minimwm since excessive flow will tend to fracture the thermoelement along the crystal boundary. The sand-blasted surface was then nickel-plated in the following b) nickel-plating solution for 1 minute at O.5 amp: sulfate, 6 oz/gal NiCl 2 , h O oz/gal nickel z/gal boric acid, the remainder being distilled boiling water. This process gave a plate approximately 0.001" thick. This nickel will not oxidize as readily as the Bi 2 Te 3 thereby eliminating the need for an inert atmosphere. It also provides a more wettable surface for soldering. The prepared thermoelement surface was then dipped into the crucible of molten solder (temp 460 0F) for five seconds, removed, and the accumulated solder spread with a clean cloth. good tinned surfaces. This process provided fairly The copper bridge and the sink were then tinned with this same solder using a soldering iron. The method of assembly follows: a) Holes were drilled in both the sink and bridge and copper- P. 4 constantan thermocouples were soldered in these holes, using the same solder that was used for the junctions. b) The copper bridge was then soldered to the elements by placing the elements on a flat surface and the bridge over the elements. No clamping devices were used. in contact with the bridge. A soldering iron was then placed The heat from the soldering iron was conducted through the copper bridge to the junctions thereby melting the tinned solder at these junctions. c) This sub-assembly was then placed on the sink and the same process of conduction as above was used here. However, this proved much more difficult since the sink absorbed a large portion of the heat supplied. When the assembly was completed, various current were passed through the device, none of which resulted in a cooling effect. It was first thought that the junction resistances were too high, but upon further investigation it was found that the end of the P-type element changed to N-type. This was due to the elevated temperature (solder melted at 460 0 F) at which the copper was assembled to the elements. This high temperature increased the rate of diffusion of the copper through the nickel-plating thereby creating the change. As a result of this experiment, the P-type element was ruined and a different one had to be fabricated. 3. Ultrasonic Soldering A sonobond ultrasonic soldering iron was used in this method. The surface to be tinned was prepared in the same manner as described under the Crucible method. The prepared element was then placed vertically on a hot plate which was set at 1750C. The heat was conducted through the element to the surface that was to be tinned. Indium-tin solder was then melted on this surface and spread with the hot tip of the ultrasonic iron. This method proved unsuccessful, partly due to lack of familiarity with the equipment. 4. Flux Method This method proved to be the most successful and was the one adopted for use in this thesis. The surfaces were sand blasted and nickel-plated as described in the Crucible method. nickel-plated surface. Then a non-acid flux (nokorode) was placed on the Heat was applied to this surface with a Weller soldering gun. hen the flux started to boil, indium-tin solder was applied to the surface. The molten solder was then spread with the soldering gun. This method gave consistently good results. The elements were assembled to the sink and bridge in the same manner as described in the Crucible method. After passing various currents through the device it was found that 14.5 amps gave the largest temperature difference (A T ch). was higher than the calculated optimum current (I ). This It also took a relatively long time for the cold junction to form ice. the malfunction, the junction resistances were measured. In order to locate These measure- ments, which are listed on the next page, showed that the junction resistances were quite low but could be improved. As a result of these measurements the device was disassembled and the junctions were prepared and soldered more careful3ly. Measurements of these junction resistances showed a marked improvement over the first soldering. This data follows: -I 46 Junction Resistances (Refer to Fig. 9) First Soldering Second Soldering Joint #1 0.570 x 10-3 ohms 0.108 x 10-3 ohms Joint #2 1.140 x 10-3 ohms 0.216 x 10-3 ohms Joint #3 0.850 x 10-3 ohms 0.072 x JC3 ohms Joint #4 1.300 x 10-3 dhms 0.216 x 10-3 ohms 3.860 x 10-3 ohms 0.612 x 10-3 ohms This data shows that by repreparation of the same junctions the resistance was decreased 84.4%. These resistances were measured using AC current. 5. An alternate method of tinning the elements, if there exists any objections to using flux, is to use a reducing flame (hydrogen) to heat the element surfaces. This reducing flame will tend to retard any caidation of surface, thereby essentially serving the same purpose as the flux. PLATE I - THRMOELEC'RIC COOLER i~I PLATE II - THERMOELEMOTIC CIRCUIT ,tf PART VI EXPERIMENWAL RESULTS The data was obtained in these experiments from the device assembled by the Flux method using copper-constantan thermocouples. The measuring instruments used are those described in Part h.6. 6.1 Optimum Current The optimum current was obtained using the following procedure: With the cold and hot junctions at or near room temperature, various D.C. currents were passed through the device - each for five minutes. At the end of this period the temperatures of the cold and hot junctions were recorded using two Rubicon Poteniometers, the object being to find the current that would give the maximum temperature difference in this time interval. Prior to each test the temperature of the respective junctions were recorded. This data follows: Current (amps) t I 0 (00) t -5 (0C) t -0 (00) Tt = (oC) ch (0C) A (0C) 5.00 23.h 23.54 25.00 15.95 9.05 9.05 7.50 9.25 19.20 19.27 20-32 20.70 20.32 19.27 8.62 7.h8 12.82 13.22 11.70 11.79 10.10 11.00 19.67 19.85 21.07 21.70 19.67 19.85 7.07 7.22 14.00 12.60 12.63 12.00 20.08 22.05 20.08 7.23 14.82 12.85 13.00 14.30 20.17 18.82 21.70 22.05 20.17 19.02 6.92 6.59 14.78 15.66 13.25 12.h3 15.00 19.20 22.17 19.20 7.18 14.99 12.02 16.00 17.00 19.28 22.55 22.67 26.37 19.28 22.55 7.60 11.92 15.07 14.95 11.68 10.63 20.00 2h.15 28.12 2h.51 20.72 7.76 3.79 30.00 26.00 33.52 25.50 37.36 -h.30 -11.82 144.8 Plotting current vs AT ch (Fig. 11) and current vs AT c (drop in cold junction temperature) (Fig. 12), it can be seen that the optimum current differs on both curves. The reason for this is that the method of removing heat from the sink was poorly chosen. Heat is received by the sink faster than the free convection can remove it. This energy storage in the sink raises its temperature (see Fig. 13) thereby giving a misleading thermoelectric temperature difference. For this reason the optimum current (12.8 amps) shown on Rig. 12 (Current vs. Temperature Drop of Cold Junction) will be used in this experiment since this temperature difference is due wholly to the thermoelectric action. This current is higher than the theoretical optimum current (11.0 amps), but it must be remembered that junction resistances were not included in the theoretical calculations. It is important to notice that at 30 amps the temperature of the cold junction increased 11.82 0 C. This is a point where the Joule heating completely overshadows the Peltier effect. It can also be seen from Figs. 11 and 12 that the curves are relatively flat near the optimum point thereby indicating that a slight deviation from the optimum current will not adversely affect the maximum temperature drop. 6.2 Resistivity of Elements In this experiment at 13.9 amps A.C. current was passed through the device and the voltage drops across the elements were measured with a vacuum tube voltmeter. A. C. current is used since it automatically eliminates the effect of thermal emf's which are D.C. potential differences. Element Voltage Drop (volts) Resistance R (ohms) Resistivity P-type 93.0 x 10-3 2.620 x 10-3 0.670 x 10-3 1490 N-type 36.5 x 10-3 6.690 x 10-3 1.698 x 10-3 588 9.310 x 10-3 Conductivity /0 (ohm-cm) 1/ohm-cm As can be seen from this data, the resistance of the P-type element is nearly three times that of the N-type. This is normally the case with bismuth telluride It can also be seen that the experimental values of the conductivity and resistance are , very near the thermoretical values given in Part 4.3. 6.3 Maximum Temperature Drop at Optimum Current The data for this experiment was obtained by passing the optimum current through the thermoelectric device and recording the hot and cold junction temperatures, with the aid of two Rubicon Potentiometers, at one minute intervals. In order not to introduce any misleading temperature differences the sink was placed in a tap water bath which was continuously stirred. This data follows: Time Tc Th (00) (00) (OC) AT c ATh (oC) ---- ATch (00) -4-00 11:25 21.07 17-07 11:26 16.82 17.07 4.25 0.00 11:27 13.69 17.07 7.38 0.00 3.38 11:28 11.26 17.07 10.81 0.00 5.81 11:29 11:30 11:31 11:32 11:33 9.13 7.35 17.20 17.07 11.94 13.72 8.07 9.72 5.69 17.07 15.38 4.27 3.10 17.20 17.33 16.80 17-97 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.26 12.93 14.23 11:34 2.08 17.20 18.99 0.13 15.12 11:35 11:36 11:37 11:38 1.31 0.63 0.00 -0.66 17-33 17-33 17.33 17.33 19.76 20.44 21.07 21.73 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 16.02 16.70 17.33 17.99 11:39 11:40 11.41 11:42 -1.05 -1.51 -1.69 -1.51 17.33 17.57 17.57 17.70 22.12 22.58 22.76 22-58 0.26 0.50 0.50 0.63 18.38 19.08 19.26 19.21 11:43 11:44 11:45 11:46 11:47 11:48 11:)49 -1.82 -2.08 -2.20 -2.46 -2.59 -2.61 -2.74 17.83 17.83 17.83 17.95 17.95 17.95 18.07 22.89 23.15 23.27 23.53 23.66 23.68 23.81 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.88 0.88 0.88 1.00 19.65 19.91 20.03 20.41 20.54 20.56 20.81 11:50 -2.85 18.07 23.92 1.00 20.92 11:51 -3.00 18.07 24.07 1.00 21-07 24.05 24.05 23.92 24.02 24.02 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.25 1.25 21.20 21.20 21.07 21.27 21.27 11:52 11:53 11:54 11:55 11:56 -2.98 -2.98 -2.85 -2.95 -2.95 18.22 18.22 18.22 18.32 18.32 This data is plotted in Fig. 14. 0.25 11.38 As can be seen from the graph and the data above the maximum temperature difference is 21.27 0C with the minimum cold junction temperature being -2.95 0C and the maximum hot junction temperature 18.32 0C. These values are very near the desired values in the desigi parameters (see Part 4.2). 6.4 Thermoelectric Power of the Device The thermoelectric power was obtained by passing 13.9 D.C. amps through the device and simultaneously measuring the hot junction temperature, cold junction temperature, and the voltage drop across the element, with the aid of three potentiometers, at one minute invertals. The voltage (Va) across the device at zero temperature difference was first measured by passing 13.9 A.C. amps through the device. This voltage drop, which is due to the resistance of the elements and the junction resistances, was 0.137 volts. This value was subtracted from the values obtained when D.C. current was passed through the device. The difference of these two values was that due to the thermoelectric effect (V.,). Time Tc (o C) 2:20 2:21 2:22 2:23 2:24 22.80 18.82 17.07 13.82 12.56 2:25 11.02 10.02 2:26 2:27 2:28 2:29 2:30 2:31 2:32 9.00 8.10 7.47 6.72 6.23 5.82 Th (o) 25.33 26.49 27.22 27.66 28.08 28.44 28.93 29.17 29.66 29.90 30.29 30.76 V x 10- 30.88 149.50 31.21. 149.90 149.90 149-93 150.00 150.11 (volts ) V x 10 3 Ivolts) 137.00 144.70 147.10 6.70 147.55 9.55 148.00 148.20 148.50 148.70 148.85 148.94 149.10 149.30 9.10 10.00 10.20 10.50 10.70 10.85 (oC Oa - V) x 106 volts/ 0 C 2.53 7.67 10.15 13.84 15.52 17.142 1002 896 690 645 586 18.91 555 20.11 532 21.56 504 10.94 22.3 11.10 11.30 11.60 23.57 24.53 25.06 486 472 461 462 11.90 11.90 11.93 12.00 26.06 456 26.42 26.72 12.10 27. 40 451 447 142 441 2:33 2:34 2:35 2:36 2:37 2:38 Note: 5.18 5.05 4.92 31.147 4.74 31.64 31.83 32.07 4.67 27.09 This data taken with free convection heat transfer at the sink. This data is plotted in Figs. 15 and 17. electric power transient. Fig. 15 shows the thermo- It can be seen from this figure that the transient levels off into steady state at about a value of 438 x 10-6 volts/0 C. This is higher than the theoretical value given in Part 4.3. Figure 17 shows the thermoelectric power as a function of temperature difference. It can be seen that during the transient the thermoelectric power increases with decreasing temperature difference. However, when the device reaches the maximum temperature difference it the thermoelectric power levels off at 438 x l0 6.5 is capable of producing, volts/ 0 C. Affect of Sink Design on Junction Temperatures The data for this experiment was obtained in the same manner as outlined in Part 6.3. The data which follows was obtained using free convection heat transfer at the sink. T ime T (08) 9:4 21.07 9:45 18.95 16.07 13.83 11.79 9:46 9:47 9:48 9:49 9:50 9:51 9:52 9:53 9:5 4 9:55 9:56 9:57 9:58 9:59 10:00 10:01 10:02 10:03 10:04 10:05 10:06 10.07 10:08 10:09 10:10 10:11 10:12 10:13 10:l14 10:15 10.27 8.74 7.60 6.59 5.69 5.02 4.41 3.79 3.29 2.98 2.69 2.33 2.28 2.07 1.98 1.77 1.72 1.64 1.66 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.54 1.54 1.47 1.54 Th ATc (oC) (0C) 23.17 24.51 25.33 1.34 2.12 2.16 25.45 2.28 5.00 26.12 26.41 26.98 27.22 27.46 27.61 27.75 28.02 28.32 28.44 28.56 28.68 28.80 28.98 29.12 29.2h 29.32 29.4 29.51 29.66 29.66 29.71 30.07 29.90 29.98 30.05 2.95 3.24 3.81 ,..-- 7.24 4T ch (0C) 2.10 5.56 9.26 11.62 9.28 30.05 10.80 h.58 12.33 13.47 1 4 .-48 15.38 16.05 16.66 4.85 17.28 5.15 5.27 5.39 5.51 17.78 18.09 18.38 18.74 18.69 18.48 18.39 18.18 4.05 h.29 4. 4 5.63 5.81 5.95 6.07 6.15 6.27 6.34 6.49 6.h9 6.54 6.90 6.73 6.81 6.88 6.88 18.13 18.05 18.07 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.17 18.19 18.19 18.26 18.19 15.85 17.67 19.38 20.63 21.77 22.59 23.34 24.43 25.03 25.h6 25.87 26.35 26.52 26.91 27.14 27.47 27.60 27.80 27.85 28.10 28.10 28.15 28.51 28.36 28.h 28,58 25.58 This data along with the data obtained in Part 6.3 is plotted in Fig. 13 (Th vs. Time), and Fig. 16 (Tc vs. T.ime). Figure 13 shows that with free convection heat transfer at the sink, the temperature of the hot junction gets progressively hotter while with the sink immersed in tap water Th stays relatively constant. Figure 16 shows that with free convection the cold junction never reaches freezing while with the sink inmersed in tap water Tc drops at a greater rate to -2.950 c. From this experiment it can be seen that the sink should be kept at a relatively constant low temperature in order to decrease the cold junction temperature. This is very important in the design of a thermoelectric cooler. 6.6 Measurement of Peltier Coefficient The data obtained in Part 6.4 was used for this experiment. This data follows: Tc a - (OC) volts/OC 22.80 --1002 896 690 645 586 555 532 504 486 472 461 462 456 451 447 442 441 18.82 17.07 13.82 12.56 11.02 10.02 9.00 8.10 7.47 6.72 6.23 5.82 5.18 5.05 h.92 4.7h 4.67 Trx 103 ) x 106 These results are plotted in Fig. 18. volts -- 292 261 198 184 167 157 150 142 136 132 129 128 126 125 12h 123 123 It can be seen from this figure that after steady state is reached the Peltiar coefficient for this device levels off at approximately 120 x 10-3 volts. theoretical value calculated in Part 4-5. This is higher than the 6.7 Calculations Based on Experimental Results 1. Actual Coefficient of Performance a) Q = TT I (120 x 10-3 volts)(12.8 amps) =1.535 watts b) I Q. (elements) 2 R amps) 2 (9.31 x 10-3o ohm) " (12.8 16 0.764 watts Q (joints 2 and 3) 12 R (12.8 amps) 2(0.288 x 10-3 ohm) 0.047 watts c) Since measurements of thermal c onductivity require more elaborate equipment than used in this experiment, data on this property could not be obtained. Therefore the theoreti- cal value will be used. From Part 4.5 Qc d) Qnet = 1.535 = e) = 0.160 watts - 0.76h - 0.047 - 0.160 0.564 watts Power input W I Io Lo 12.8 amp R + (o' -o{)(Th ah L12.8 -c 4- I 2 R. (total) amp)(9.31 x 10-3 ohm) +(438 x l0-6 volt/C)(200Cj +(12.8 amp) 2 (0.612 x 10-3 ohm) 1.750 watts 57 C.O.P. : Qnet 2. 0.322 0.56h watts 1.750 watts W Heat Dissipated by Sink Q = net + W +12 Rhj 0.56h watts + 1.750 watts + (12.8 amp)2 (0.32h x 10-3 ohm) 2.367 watts 3. Figure of Merit <a Z - 0(b)2 438 x 10- volt/0 C 0.0157 wat 188 ohm-cm 0.0157 cm 0C 1490 o -c 2.72 x 10-3 /oC h. Voltage Drop Across Device V Va t 138.0 x 10-3 volts + 12.1 x 10-3 volts 150.1 x 10-3 volts S8 Tm IN .1 X . 1HI X .. . 14 1 ]t I IT: 1 .11:111f. Of., PIE I t I& "AtIll A _t , ME m'- . MM- MIM 7 -------- ....................... T 4P it- ----- ..... I t ............. 11111111,111 -1111 1 -1 .... .... 1.1- ......... ... In . v I-W t44 ETWITO I 11THIJIFFIEU .......... 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H, G4- 11 H-f J l its St -V NOR -1#4 4 ff 6 wi. i11-i IGUZE 'IR HifftfliftHi i i I i H*H M ftf X I X X wo I 144444141 1t1444 ~ 141114411414144 20 m 144 I~ M 144 L 0 H Mfiffiflilfl .... .. . ..... .. .... . .. .b. .....I 44-4 -"14i MH 444 4 11 . 444-- -- ~ ~~~~~~ I 4l~t~J'4 I.tn 4.4 PART VII CONCLUSIONS AND RECO1IENDAT IONS 7.1 Comparison of Results Theoretical Experimental 0C 1. Temperature difference (,aTch) 2. Temperature of cold junction (T) - 3. Temperature of hot junction (Th) 4. Thermoelectric power (o<) - volts/ 0 C 5. Electrical conductivity (6) - 1/ohm-cm - - C 0C 20.00 21.27 -2.00 -2.95 18.00 18.32 b25 x 10-6 438 x 10-6 N-type leg 1500 1490 P-type leg 500 588 0.0157 Thermal conductivity (k) 7. Figure of merit (Z) - 1/C 2.33 x 10-3 2.72 x 10-3 8. Resistance of elements (R) - ohms 10.5 x 10-3 9.31 x 10-3 9. Junction resistance (R ) - ohms 0 0.612 x 10-3 cold junction (R cjC) - ohms 0 0.288 x 10-3 hot junction (Rhj) - ohms 0 0.324 x 10-3 11.0 12.8 - 6. ) amps 10. Optimum current (I 11. Voltage drop across device (V) - volts - ohmic drop (Va) - volts thermoelectric (Vt) - volts 12. Peltier heat (Q ) 13. Joule heat (Q. )Q - watts 0.124 0.150 0.115 0.138 8.5 x 10-3 12.1 x 10-3 1.270 1.535 0.635 0.764 cold junction 0 0.047 hot junction 0 0.053 elements . - watts - - 67 Theoretical Experimental 14. Conduction transfer (Qc) - watts 0.160 15. Refrigerating capacity (Qnet) - watts 0.475 0.564 16. Power input (W) - watts 1.355 1.750 17. Coefficient of performance (C.O.P.) 0.351 0.322 18. Heat dissipated by sink (Q5 ) 1.830 2.367 7.2 Conclusions and Recommendations watts - Based on this experiment the author feels that a desired performance can be designed into a thermoelectric device with confidence, using the limited amount of data presently available in this area. The conclusion is supported by the close correlation of theoretical and experimental results shown in the chart in Part 7.1. This chart shows that predictability of results using theoretical values is very good. The accuracy of predictability is mainly affected by junction resistances, calculation of optimum current, and measurement of material properties. These three items are not independent of each other since calculation of optimum current depends on material properties and the junction transfers depend on current. The measure of predictability can be improved by developing new and more refined methods of measuring material properties. This alone pre- sents an area in which a considerable amount of research is required. In this experiment the thermoelectric power and consequently the figure of merit were rather high. In fact, the figure of merit was higher than that normally reported for bismuth telluride. This difference between theoretical and experimental results is in part due to the poor method employed in measuring the thermoelectric power; yet, this method is the most commonly used for measuring this property. - 68 With more accurate and reliable data on material properties the predictability of optimum current can be improved, which in turn will also improve the predictability of heat transfers. The prediction of junction resistance is rather difficult. The best way to improve the predictability of this item is to find methods that would minimize or eliminate it. This is another area in which a considerable amount of research is required. Other areas in which research should be started or continued are: 1. Sink design 2. Thompson effect 3. Methods of minimizing conduction and Joule heat transfers h. Development of new and improved materials for use in thermoelectric devices. We presently stand on the threshold of a new era of refrigeration, and only through continuing research in these areas can this threshold be traversed. It is hoped that this thesis will be used as a basis for further research in thermoelectric effects at M.I.T. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Freeman, J. R. and Purcell, E. S. "An Investigation of Thermoelectric Refrigeration" B.S. Thesis, M.I.T. General Science Department, 1956 2. Ioffe, A. F. "Semiconductor Thermoelements and Thermoelectric Cooling" INFOSEARCH, 1957 3. Goldsmid, H. J. and Douglas, R. W. ttThe Use of Semiconductors in Thermoelectric Refrigeration" Brith Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 5, p. 386, 1954 h. Jarmot, F. E. "Thermoelectric Effects" Proceedings of the IRE, March 1958, p. 538. 5. Eichhorn, R. L. "Thermoelectric Refrigeration" Refrigerating Engineering, June 1958, p. 31. 6. Wright, D. A. "Bismuth Telluride and its Thermoelectric Applications" Communication #797 from the Staff of the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company Limited, Wembly, England 7. Goldsmid, H. J. "The Thermal Conductivity of Bismuth Telluride" Proc. Phys. Soc. B, Vol. 69, p. 203, 1956 8. Justi, E. "Thermoelectric Cooling" Kaeltetechnik, Vol. 5, #6, June 1953, p. 156. 9. Goldsmid, H. J. "The Electrical Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of Bismuth Telluride" Proc. Phys. Soc., Vol. LXXI, p. 633, 1958 10. Shilliday, T. S. "Performance of Composite Peltier Junctions of Bi Te 3 Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 28, p. 1035, 1957 11. General Engineering Laboratories of General Electric Company Telephone conversation with H. Kasch APPENDIX Distribution of Joule Heat in Thermoelement A solution of the Domenicali equation will be used to show that one-half the Joule heat generated by the thermoelement goes to the cold junction. Writing the heat transfers for a unit volume of current carrying thermoelement results in the following differential equation. 4 ( kA k2 )h- IAT + -=o 2 (a) With the following boundary conditions: T = T at x = 0 T = Th at x = L Assuming that the thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and Thompson coefficient do not depend on temperature, the differential equation becomes one of constant coefficients since T= f(x) only. and 'T are For a solution of this equation in which k, /, functions of temperature, refer to page 63 of WADC Technical Note 58-200, Project No. 6058, DSR 7672. This article is titled, "The Efficiency of Thermoelectric Generators" and was prepared by the Energy Conversion Group at M.I.T. The solution of the Domenicali equation with constant coefficients, substituting boundary conditions, follows: T =Tc + B B TTh -TTc -C C CU (1- CB Ik X + X (b) mmi 71 where I- 1 A C a I T, The heat flux towards the cold junction in the thermoelement is given by =But since T (c) k A V T = f(x) only A ( Qk )) Differentiating eq. (b) with respect to x and substituting in eq. (d) results in the following: Tc -h Q + L X kA () G Expauding the expotential into a series, keeping only the first two terms and substituting the values for the constants, results in the following relation 2 T T (f) I (T - c) 12 + - Tc)" QX = kA T--h7L&h L To the first approximation it can be seen from this expression that one-half the Joule heat proceeds towards the cold junction. The refrigerating effect, using eq. f, then becomes: Qnet = Qp Q Qj + Q(g) This shows that the Thompson heat contributes to Ancreasing effect as was outlined in Part 2.2. the refrigerating