Index to Board Minutes 1983 January 25, 1983 (Volume No. 62) 83-37 83-38 83-39 83-40 83-41 83-42 83-43 83-44 83-45 83-46 83-47 83-48 83-49 83-50 83-51 83-52 83-53 83-54 83-55 83-56 83-57 83-58 83-59 83-60 83-61 83-62 83-63 83-64 83-65 83-66 83-67 83-68 83-69 83-70 Approval of Minutes ................................................................................... 2 Election of President ................................................................................... 2 Faculty and Staff Appointments ................................................................. 2 Changes in Statue........................................................................................ 4 Resignations................................................................................................ 5 Request for Leave ....................................................................................... 5 Retirements ................................................................................................. 6 Approval of Faculty Workload Report for 1983 Spring Semester ............. 6 Authorization for Chairman of the Board to Approve Twelfth Class Day Enrollment Report for 1983 Spring Semester ..................................... 6 Approval of Last Class Day Enrollment Report for 1982 Fall Semester ... 6 Request for Change in Admissions Requirements - Not Approved ........... 6 Approval for President to Admit a Number of Students not Meeting Requirements Set by Board ........................................................................ 6 Budget Adjustments for FY83 .................................................................... 7 Approval of Room and Board Rates for FY84 ........................................... 7 Approval of 1982 Final Fiscal Year Transfers ........................................... 7 Approval of Allocation for Student Housing.............................................. 7 Authorization to Lease Long Distance Telephone Equipment ................... 7 Authorization to Lease Automatic Teller Machines................................... 9 Approval of Change Order No. 1 on Chemistry Bdlg Renovation Project 9 Approval of Contract for Installation of Chiller in Power Plant 1.............. 13 Approval of Contract for Improvements to Sanitary Sewage System........ 24 Authorization to Plan and Obtain Bids on Summer Projects...................... 32 Authorization to Seek Bids for Repairs & Renovations of East College Cafeteria.......................................................................................... 32 Authorization to Seek Bids for Replacement of Coliseum Floor ............... 32 Approval of Preliminary Plans on Forestry Lab--1983 Renovation Project 32 Approval to Seek Bids on Construction of Motor Pool and Grounds Shop 32 Plans to Renovate Press Box - Not Approved ............................................ 33 Approval of Architectural Contract for Small Renovation Projects........... 33 Approval of Contracts for Furniture in the Math/Nursing Instructional Facilities Project.............................................................................. 62 Acceptance of Report on Purchase of Brick for Math/Nursing Instructional Facility ....................................................................... 98 Approval to Include Contract on the Renovation of Griffith Fine Arts Building into Minutes ..................................................................... 98 Approval of Change Order No.1 on the Field House Addition .................. 110 Approval of change Order No.2 on Chemistry Bldg Renovation Project .. 112 Endorsement of Proposed Sesquicentennial Project................................... 115 April 26, 1983 (Volume No. 63) 83-71 83-72 83-73 83-74 83-75 83-76 83-77 83-78 83-79 83-80 83-81 83-82 83-83 83-84 83-85 83-86 83-87 83-88 83-89 83-90 83-91 83-92 83-93 83-94 83-95 83-96 83-97 83-98 83-99 83-100 83-101 83-102 83-103 83-104 83-105 Election of Board Chairman ....................................................................... Election of Board Vice Chairman............................................................... Election of Secretary to the Board .............................................................. Approval of January 25, 1983 Minutes....................................................... 1983 Summer School Faculty & Staff Appointments ................................ 1983-84 Faculty & Staff Appointments...................................................... Faculty and Staff Appointments ................................................................. Changes in Status........................................................................................ Resignations................................................................................................ Requests for Leave...................................................................................... Returns from Leave..................................................................................... Promotions .................................................................................................. Tenure ......................................................................................................... Retirements ................................................................................................. Emeritus Status Promotions........................................................................ Regents'Professor Designations.................................................................. Policy on Faculty Develpmental Leaves..................................................... FY83 Budget Adjustments........................................................................ Approval of 1983 Summer Budget ............................................................. Authorization to Pay Hospitalization Premiums on 9-Mo. Staff Employees Approval of Construction Contract on Early Childhood Lab Project......... Approval of Early Childhood Lab Project Budget ..................................... Approval of Construction Contract on Liberal Arts Addition/Renovation Project ............................................................................................. Approval of Liberal Arts Addition/Renovation Project Budget ................. Approval of Construction contract on Renovation of Forestry Lab Building Project (1983)................................................................... Approval of Budget for Renovation of Forestry Lab Project (1983).......... Approval of Construction Contract on the Dorms 9 & 12 Repair Project (1983).................................................................................. Approval of Budget for Dormitories 9 & 12 Repair Project (1983)........... Authority to Issue Purchase Order on Garner Apt Re-roofing Project....... Approval of Construction Contract on East College Cafeteria Repair and Renovation Project...................................................................................... Approval of Budget on East College Cafeteria Repair & Renovation Project ......................................................................................................... Authority to Issue Purchase Orders for Coliseum Flooring, Protective Floor Covering, and Basketball Backstops................................................. Authorization for Chairman to sign a Contract on the Motor Pool Facility, to be Ratified at the July Board Meeting .................................................... Approval of Preliminary Plans on Griffith Fine Arts Building Renovation Project and Authorization to Obtain Bids................................................... Authorization to Issue Purchase Order for Construction of Sidewalls on the Intramural Fields ................................................................................... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 83-106 83-107 83-108 83-109 83-110 83-111 83-112 83-113 83-114 83-115 83-116 83-117 Authorization to Issue Purchase Order for Re-roofing Units 1, 2, 3, and Starr Apartments ...................................................................... 16 Authorization to Issue Purchase Order for Re-paving Parking Lots .......... 16 Authorization to Issue Purchase Order to Low Bidder for Air Conditioning at the Field House ........................................................................... 16 Authorization to Issue Purchase Order to Low Bidder for Air Conditioning at the Health Clinic ................................................... 16 Authorization to Issue Purchase Order for Chiller for Clark Apartments .. 16 Authorization to Issue Purchase Order for Two Chillers for Dorms 9 & 12 17 Approval of change Order No. 2 - Sumners, Inc.- Installation of Chiller . 17 Approval of Plans for Improvements to President's House, Authority to Accept Bids, & Issue Purchase Orders for Repairs .................... 17 Authorization to Purchase Ollie Bailey Farm............................................. 17 Approval of Changes in Admissions Requirements ................................... 17 Resolution of Appreciation - Regent Glenn Justice.................................... 19 Resolution of Appreciation - Dr. T.J. Stanly .............................................. 21 Contract - Snyder Const.(E.C. Lab)............................................................ 25 Contract - C. Const. Co. (Lib. Arts)............................................................ 44 Contract - T.G. Evans Co. (for Lab Renovation)........................................ 57 Contract - T.G. Evans Co. (Dorms 9&12 Repairs)..................................... 77 Contract - Pineywoods Investment Co. (E. College Cafeteria Repairs) ..... 97 Change Order No. 2 - Sumners, Inc. (Chiller)............................................ 117 July 25, 1983 (Volume No. 64) 83-118 83-119 83-120 83-121 83-122 83-123 83-124 83-125 83-126 83-127 83-128 83-129 83-130 83-131 83-132 83-133 83-134 83-135 83-136 83-137 83-138 Approval of Minutes ................................................................................. 2 Approval of "Texas Equal Educational Opportunity Plan for Higher Ed." 2 Faculty/Staff Appointments for Summer (1983) ...................................... 2 Changes in Status (Summer, 1983)........................................................... 5 Resignations (Summer, 1983)................................................................... 7 Faculty/Staff Appointments for FY 1983-84............................................ 8 Changes in Status for FY 1983-84............................................................ 12 Resignations for FY 1983 ......................................................................... 13 Requests for Leave.................................................................................... 15 Returns from Leave................................................................................... 15 Approval of Holiday Schedule.................................................................. 15 Approval of Policy on Employment of Persons With Criminal History .. 16 Approval of Last Class Day Enrollment Report for 1983 Spring Semester 16 Approval of Parking Regulations.............................................................. 16 Authorization to Review Athletic Program .............................................. 17 Approval of Budget Adjustments ............................................................. 17 Approval of Depository Bank Contracts................................................... 17 Approval of 1983-84 Annual Budget ....................................................... 18 Authorizations to Approve Travel Requests............................................. 18 Authorizations to Sign Vouchers .............................................................. 19 Service Award Pins and Certificates......................................................... 19 83-139 83-140 83-141 83-142 83-143 83-144 83-145 83-146 83-147 83-148 83-149 83-150 83-151 Approval to Increase Student Service Fee ................................................ 19 Ratification of Motor Pool Building Contract (J.E. Kingham Const. Co.) 20 Ratification of Low Bid on Air Conditioning for Field House................. 20 Ratification of Roofing and Repairs ContractBoynton Bldg. (Thomas & Thompson Const. Co.) ...................... 20 Authorization to Request Bids and Award Contract for Re-roofing Science Building ........................................................................... 20 Approval of Change Order No. 4--Instructional Facilities Science/Math Project ........................................................................................... 20 Authorization to Issure Purchase Order on Health Clinic Air Conditioning21 Approval of Change Order No. 3--Chemistry Bldg. Refrigeration machine21 Approval of Change Order No. 1--Dorms 9 & 12 Renovations Project... 21 Acceptance of Houseboat to School of Forestry....................................... 21 Resolution to R. E. Samuel, Jr. ................................................................. 21 Resolution to Walter C. Todd, Jr. ............................................................. 23 Resolution to Mrs. Tom Wright................................................................ 25 Change Order No. 4 - Instructional Facilities for Science/Math Project.. 27 Change Order No. 3 - Chemistry Building Refrigeration Machine.......... 28 Change Order No. 1 - Dorms 9 & 12 Repairs........................................... 29 Motor Pool Contract - J. E. Kingham Construction Company, Inc.......... 30 Roofing & Repairs-Computer Science, Masonry Repairs-Science Building (Thomas & Thompson Construction Co.) ................................................ 49 Information ............................................................................................... 67 November 1, 1983 (Volume No. 65) 84- 1 84- 2 84- 3 84- 4 84- 5 84- 6 84- 7 84- 8 84- 9 84-10 84-11 84-12 84-13 84-14 84-15 84-16 84-17 84-18 Approval of Minutes of July 25, 1983 ...................................................... 2 Faculty/Staff Appointments of Summer 1983 .......................................... 2 Changes in Status - Summer 1983 ............................................................ 3 Resignations for Summer 1983................................................................. 4 Faculty/Staff Appointments for FY84 ...................................................... 4 Changes in Status for FY84 ...................................................................... 14 Resignations.............................................................................................. 17 Retirements ............................................................................................... 18 Approval of Faculty Workload Report for Fall Semester of 1983 ........... 19 Authorization for Board Chairman to Approve for Retention Underenrolled Classes for Fall Semester of 1983......................... 19 Authority to Waive Employment of Persons Over 70 .............................. 19 Authority to Transfer Ex-Students Memorial Loan Funds ....................... 19 Approval of Curriculum............................................................................ 19 Approval of Budget Adjustments ............................................................. 28 Approval of Final Budget Positions as of August 31, 1983 ..................... 28 Approval of Fiscal Regulations ................................................................ 28 Authorization for Persons to Sign Vouchers and and Checks for Biennium Beginning 9-1-83 ...................................................................................... 29 Approval of Contract--Carney Roofing Co.Re-Roofing Science Bldg .... 29 84-19 84-20 84-21 84-22 84-23 84-24 84-25 84-26 84-27 84-28 Approval of Change Order No. 1/Motor Pool Building ........................... Approval of Change Order No. 1/Primary Electrical Extension Project .. Approval of Change Order No. 4/Chemistry Bldg Refrigeration Machine Project ............................................................................ Rejection of Bids on Griffith Renovation Project..................................... Approval of Contract--T. G. Evans Co. Construct Information Booth .... Approval of Information Booth Budget.................................................... Authorization to Purchase 1610 Baker Street Property and Take Bids on Approval of Contract--Kent-Marsellos-Scott Design and Supervise Construction of Residence Hall .................................................... Approval of Preliminary Plans for Intramural Field Project .................... Authorization to Accept Bids to Raze East College Apartments and to Accept Bids to Construct Parking Lot on Site .............................. Contract - Carney Roofing Company ....................................................... Change Order No. 1 - Motor Pool Building ............................................. Change Order No. 1 - Primary Electrical Extension Project .................... Contract - T. G. Evans Construction Co. .................................................. Contract - Kent-Marsellos-Scott ............................................................... 29 29 30 30 30 30 Con 31 31 31 32 50 53 57 75