Index to Board Minutes 1979 February 3, 1979 (Volume No. 43) 79-26 79-27 79-28 79-29 79-30 79-31 79-32 79-33 79-34 79-35 79-36 79-37 79-38 79-39 79-40 79-41 79-42 79-43 79-44 79-45 79-46 79-47 79-48 Approval of October 21, 1978 Minutes ................................................. Election of President .............................................................................. Faculty and Staff Appointments ............................................................ Resignations........................................................................................... Changes in Status................................................................................... Requests for Leave................................................................................. Retirements ............................................................................................ Redesignation of Division of Applied Arts and Sciences...................... Underenrolled Classes, Spring 1979...................................................... Approval of Revised Tenure Policy....................................................... Approval of Faculty Workload Spring Semester 1979.......................... 1978 Fall Semester twelfth Class Day Enrollment Report ................. 1978 Fall Semester Last Class Day Enrollment Report......................... Approval of FY79 Budget Adjustments ................................................ Approval of Prospectus for Sale of $5,500,000 Combined Fee Revenue Bonds, Series 1979...................................................... Approval of Prospectus for Sale of $1,250,000 Student Housing System Revenue Bonds, Series 1979......................................... Approval of Room and board Rates for FY80....................................... Approval of Preliminary Drawings and Specifications for the Construction of the Student Housing Project and Authority to Seek Bids...... Approval of Preliminary Drawings and Specifications for the Construction of the University Center Additions and Renovations Project and Authority to Seek Bids............................................................... Approval of Resurfacing, Repainting, and Renovation Projects ........... Authorization to Restore Dormitory Rooms in Mays Hall.................... Approval of Contract for Installation of Refrigeration Machine in Science Building ........................................................................ Authority to Change Name of Circle Drive to Aikman Drive............... 2 2 2 4 6 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 April 19, 1979 (Volume No. 44) 79-49 79-50 79-51 79-52 79-53 79-54 79-55 79-56 79-57 Election of Chairman ............................................................................. Election of Vice Chairman..................................................................... Election of Secretary to the Board ......................................................... Approve of Minutes of February 3, 1979 .............................................. Summer School Faculty and Staff Appointments.................................. Faculty & Staff Appointments ............................................................... Resignations........................................................................................... Changes in Status................................................................................... Leaves of Absence ................................................................................. 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 7 8 79-58 79-59 79-60 79-61 79-62 79-63 79-64 79-65 79-66 79-67 79-68 79-69 79-70 79-71 79-72 79-73 79-74 79-75 79-76 79-77 79-78 79-79 79-80 79-81 79-82 79-83 79-84 Promotions ............................................................................................. 9 Promotions to Emeritus Status............................................................... 11 Tenure Awards....................................................................................... 11 Retirements ............................................................................................ 12 Approval of Request for Major Concentration of Business Data Processing in the B. B.A. Degree Program................................ 12 Approval of Request for a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Degree Program for Transmission to the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System.................................................. 12 Approval of Request for a Bachelor of Social Work Degree Program for Transmission to the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System...................................................................... 13 Approval of Compensation for Teaching Off-Campus Courses............ 13 Approval of Amendment to Retirement Policy ..................................... 13 Approval of Faculty and Staff Appointments for Nine-Mo. Employment 13 Approval of University's Admission Policy for High School Graduates 13 Designation of Support for University Scholars Program ..................... 14 Approval of Statement of the Board of Regents Concerning Student Government Inquiry................................................................... 14 Resolution to Dr. Gordon Beasley ......................................................... 14 Authorization to Sell $1,250,000 SFASU Student Housing System Revenue Bonds, Series 1979...................................................... 16 Authorization to Sell the $5,500,000 SFASU Combined Fee Revenue Bonds, Series 1979..................................................................... 37 Approval of Rental Rates for University Woods Apartments Phase 1 (Nos. 301-332).............................................................. 53 Approval of Assessment of Student Union Building Operating Fee..... 53 Approval of Assessment of Building Use Fee....................................... 53 Approval of Budget Adjustments .......................................................... 53 Amendment of Room and Board Rates Beginning 1979 Fall Semester 53 Approval of Contract with Allen M. Campbell Company--University Center Expansion-Remodeling Project ..................................... 54 Approval of Project Budget for University Center ExpansionRemodeling Project.................................................................... 76 Approval of Contract with F. R. Lewis Construction Co. - Paving 1979 76 Approval of Contract with John Lee Slaughter, Incorporation Painting East Tower of Dorm 17 ............................................... 92 Authorization to Complete Planning, Obtain Bids, and Award Contracts (upon Approval of Chairman of Board) on Four Projects ......... 108 Approval of Change Order No. 1 - Fine Arts Building Cooling Tower 108 June 2, 1979 (Volume No. 45) 79-85 Authorizations: Dr. Billy J. Franklin to Attend 1979 IEM School at Harvard University; Reimburse Travel Funds; and Pay Registration fees of $3,200 to Harvard University..................................................... 2 79-86 79-87 Approval of contract with Temple Associates, Incorporated, Change Order No. 1, and Project Budget on Student Housing Project............. 2 Approval of Preliminary Plans for Home Economics Facility and Authority to Seek Approval of Coordinating Board and Develop Working Drawings and Specifications for Bidding .............................................. 10 July 21, 1979 (Volume No. 46) 79-88 79-89 79-90 79-91 79-92 79-93 79-94 79-95 79-96 79-97 79-98 79-99 79-100 79-101 79-102 79-103 79-104 79-105 79-106 79-107 79-108 79-109 79-110 79-111 79-112 79-113 79-114 79-115 79-116 Approval of Minutes of April 19, 1979 and June 2, 1979 ..................... Faculty and Staff Appointments (Summer) ........................................... Resignations........................................................................................... Changes in Status................................................................................... Faculty and Staff Appointments, 1979-80 ............................................. Resignations........................................................................................... Requests for Leave................................................................................. Promotions ............................................................................................. Changes in Status................................................................................... Approval of Twelfth Class Day and Last Class Day Enrollment Reports Approval of Underenrolled Class Report .............................................. Approval of Parking and Traffic Regulations, 1979-80 ........................ Approval of Guidelines on Tuition and Scholarships............................ Authority to make Application to Coordinating Board for Approval of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Generic Program) .................. Approval of Budget for FY80................................................................ Authority to Consolidate Student Fees .................................................. Approval of Revised Personnel Pay Plan .............................................. Renewal of Bank Depository Contracts................................................. Approval of FY79 Budget Adjustments ................................................ Authorization to Sign Vouchers and Checks ......................................... Authorization to Approve Travel........................................................... Authorization to Approve Travel for Board of Regents ........................ Approval of Change Order No. 2 - Student Health Clinic..................... Approval of Change Order No. 2 - Fine Arts Bldg Renovation Contract Approval of Contract - Love, Friberg & Assoc. (Engineering Consultant) Approval of Contract - Love, Friberg & Associates (Storm Sewer Project) Approval of Contract - Kent-Marsellos-Scott........................................ (Architectural Services for Miscellaneous Projects).................. Appointment of Committee of Regents to Counsel President on Purchase of Ollie Bailey Farm .................................................................. Instructions on Somberg v. Walker, et al Lawsuit................................. 2 2 3 4 5 7 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 30 41 69 69 October 27, 1979 (Volume No. 47) 80-1 80-2 Approval of Minutes of July 21, 1979 With Correction of Minute Item 70-105 ........................................................................................ Election of Vice Chairperson................................................................. 2 2 80-3 80-4 80-5 80-6 80-7 80-8 80-9 80-10 80-11 80-12 80-13 80-14 80-15 80-16 80-17 80-18 80-19 80-20 80-21 80-22 80-23 80-24 80-25 80-26 80-27 80-28 80-29 80-30 80-31 80-32 80-33 80-34 Adoption of Resolution in Memory of Regent Powers ......................... Faculty and Staff Appointments (Summer II) ....................................... Changes in Status (Summer II) .............................................................. Faculty and Staff Appointments ............................................................ Resignations........................................................................................... Changes in Status................................................................................... Request for Leave of Absence ............................................................... Retirements ............................................................................................ Award of Tenure .................................................................................... Approval of Faculty Workload Report for Fall Semester, 1979............ Approval of Department Name Change ................................................ Approval of Degree Redesignation........................................................ Approval to Establish Regents Professorships ...................................... Approval of Official Program Inventory ............................................... Underenrolled Classes, Fall 1979 .......................................................... Curriculum ............................................................................................. Approval of Final FY79 Budget Standing ............................................. Approval of FY80 Budget Adjustments ................................................ Transfer of Funds for Student Financial Aid Programs for FY79 ......... Approval of Fiscal Regulations ............................................................. Authorization to Sell Stocks .................................................................. Authorization to Approve Travel........................................................... Rules Governing Investment of Local Funds ........................................ Rule Governing Vacation Leave............................................................ Authorization to Obtain a New Estimate from Architects and Resubmit to Coordinating Board the Home Economics South Project . Approval of Contract to Renovate Stadium Running Track.................. Proposal of Alumni Association for Office Facility .............................. Approval of Contract with TP&L to Provide Underground Electric Services - student Housing Project ............................................ Approval of Architectural Services Agreement - Forestry Facility....... Approval of Architectural Services Agreement -Art Studios Facility... Approval of Change Order - University Center Expansion/Remodeling Project ........................................................................................ Approval of Contract to Reroof Dormitories 10 and 13 ........................ 2 4 4 5 10 12 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 19 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 34 63 92 92