Index to Board Minutes 1976 January 31,1976 (Volume No. 31) 76-1 76-2 76-3 76-4 76-5 Approval of Minutes of October 25, 1975 Faculty and Staff Appointments Resignations 76-6 Changes in Status Promotions Retirements 76-7 Authorization for Budget Adjustments (1975-76) 76-8 76-9 76-10 76-11 76-12 76-13 Approval of Contract - Security Building Approval of Change Orders Approval of Contract - Science Building Renovations Approval of Contract-Drainage Improvements Agreement for Architectural Services Approval of Contract - Drainage Improvements to Coliseum Parking Lot 31-2 31-2 31-3 31-3 31-5 31-5 31-6 31-6 31-24 31 -24 31-34 31-50 31-73 76-14 Approval of 1976-77 Room and Board Rates 31-81 76-15 76-16 76-17 Authorization to make Repairs and Renovations to Dormitories Adoption of Vacation and Sick Leave Policy Authorization to Seek Approval of Coordinating Board for 31-83 31-83 Construction of Greenhouse 31-83 76-18 Naming of University Library 31-83 76-19 Acceptance of Collection of Cut Glass 31-83 76-20 Approval of Curriculum Changes 31-84 March 27,1976 (Volume No. 32) 76-21 Election of President 32-2 April 24,1976 (Volume No. 33) 76-22 Election of Chairman 33-2 76-23 Election of Vice Chairman 33-2 76-24 Election of Secretary 33-2 76-25 Approval of Minutes of January 31, 1976 and March 27, 1976 33-2 76-26 Appointment of Committees 33-2 76-27 Election of 1976 Summer School Faculty and Staff 33-2 76-28 Election of Faculty and Staff for 1976-77 33-2 76-29 Faculty and Staff Appointments 33-2 76-30 Resignations 33-4 76-31 Changes in Status 33-5 76-32 Promotions 33-6 76-33 Leaves of Absence 33-8 76-34 Returns from Leave 33-9 76-35 Retirements 33-9 76-36 Adoption of Resolution (Dr. Ralph W. Steen) 33-9 76-37 Approval of 1976 Summer School Budget 33-11 76-38 Approval of 1977 Operating Budget 33-11 76-39 Adoption of Board Policy - Surety Companies 33-11 76-40 Approval of Contract - Big State Water- proofing Co. (Exterior 76-41 Approval of Contract - Faulkner Roofing (Repair & Reroof Mays 76-42 Approval of Contract - Simon Traylor & Sons, Inc. (Asphalt 76-43 Approval of Contract - R. G. Muckleroy, Jr. (Agriculture Renovation U. Center, Gibbs & Mays Halls) Hall, Gibbs Hall, etc.) Resurfacing of Swimming Pool Area, etc.) Classroom-Office Bulding) 33-11 33-30 33-41 33-61 76-44 Purchase Order Authorization - East Texas Carpet) 76-45 Authorization for Building Committee to Approve Contract - 76-46 76-47 Approval of Amendment to Student Government Constitution Approval of Contract - R. G. Muckleroy, Jr. 33-79 33-79 76-48 (Construction of Agriculture Green-house) Approval of Contract - T. G. Evans Company (Repairs to Biology Department Green-house) 33-100 76-49 Approval of Architectural Contract - Kent-Marsellos-Scott 33-118 76-50 Approval to Petition Coordinating Board 33-141 76-51 Changing Name of Dept. of School Services 33-141 76-52 Authorization for President Johnson to Sign University Documents 33-141 76-53 Naming of Science Building 33-141 Interior Renovations of Various Buildings 33-79 33-79 July 31,1976 (Volume No. 33.1) 76-54 Approval of April 24, 1976 Minutes 33-2 76-55 Summer School Faculty Adjustments 33-2 76-56 Changes in Status - Summer Budget 33-3 76-57 Faculty and Staff Appointments 33-4 76-58 Resignations 33-8 76-59 Changes in Status 76-60 Leaves of Absence 33-10 33-9 76-61 Retirement 33-11 76-62 Approval of Adjustments to Voluntary Service Charges 33-11 76-63 Approval of Budget Adjustments 33-11 76-64 Approval of Contract - T. G. Evans Company (Renovation of Dormitories) 76-65 76-66 33-13 Approval of Architectural Services Contract - Kent-Marsellos-Scott.... Approval of Contract - Navasota Roofing Company 33-31 33-54 76-67 Approval of 1978-79 biennium Legislative Appropriation Request 33-72 76-68 Appointment of Special Committee to Study future Project (Landfill of Intramural Playing Fields) 33-72 76-69 Authorization to Obtain Bids on Water Main Extension and 76-70 Authority for Building Committee to Approve Contract Assignment to Building Committee: Employment of Professional Consultant to Update Campus Master Plan 76-71 Approval of Change Orders 33-72 33-72 76-72 Approval of Budget Revisions 33-72 76-73 Appointment of Chairman and Committee for Decisions on 76-74 76-75 Painting and Repairs to President's Residence Authorization to Comply with National Pipeline Safety Act Building Committee Requested to Participate in Final Inspection of Completed Projects 76-76 Approval of Curriculum Changes 33-72 33-73 33-73 33-73 33-73 October 16,1976 (Volume No. 34) 77-1 Approval of July 31, 1976 Minutes 34-2 77-2 Faculty and Staff Appointments 34-2 77-3 Resignations 34-6 77-4 Changes in Status 34-7 77-5 Leaves of Absence 34-9 77-6 Authorization to Reimburse Regent Wright for Tea 77-7 Acceptance of Building Committee's Recommendations on 77-8 Ratification of Contract - Temple Associates Inc. - 77-9 Approval of Contract - Interface Interior/ Wiener, Hill, Morgan & Construction Projects Water System Improvements 34-10 34-10 34-10 O'Neal - Furniture and Interior Requirements for President's Residence 34-24 77-10 Approval of Contract - Eagleton Engineering Company, Engineers 77-11 77-12 Approval of Contract - Bernard Johnson Incorporated Authorization to Obtaing Bids - Loose and Movable Equipment 34-52 77-13 for new Agriculture Classroom Building Approval of Budget Adjustments 34-64 34-64 77-14 77-15 Approval of Changes in Student Health Service Fees Approval of Account Balances for Fiscal Year 1976 34-64 34065 77-16 77-17 Approval of Change Order No. 1 - Temple Associates Incorporated.... Approval of Curriculum Changes 34-65 34-66 (Gas Pipeline Safety Project) 34-45