MINUTES OF Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University VOLUME NO. April 27, Nacogdoches, 23 1974 Texas INDEX Minutes of the Meeting Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents held in Nacogdoches, Texas April 27, 1974 VOLUME NO. 23 74-48 Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary 74-49 Approval of Minutes of January 31, 1974 and the Amendment 74-50 Appointment of Executive, Finance, Building and Employment 74-51 74-52 74-53 74-54 Policies Committees Adoption of Resolution - Mr. R. E. McGee Approval of 1974 Summer School Faculty and Staff New Faculty and Staff Appointments Acceptance of Resignations 74-55 74-56 74-57 74-58 74-59 74-60 74-61 74-62 74-63 74-64 74-65 to the Board 23-2 to the Minutes 23-2 23-4 23-5 23-6 23-6 23-6 23-8 23-8 23-9 23-9 Changes in Status Leaves of Absence Returns from Leave Retirements Approval of Promotions 2340 Approval of 1974-75 Faculty and Staff 2342 Change Order No. 1-Classroom Buildings (A.M. Campbell) 2342 Change Order No. 2-Library Furnishings (Rockford Furniture Co.) 2342 Change Order No. 1-Austin Building Boiler No. 2 (Sumners, Inc.) 234 2 Approval of Appropriations to the 1973-74 Budget 2342 Approval of Curriculum Items 2343 MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF REGENTS STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY HELD IN NACOGDOCHES, April 27, TEXAS 1974 The meeting was called to order by Joe Bob Golden, Vice Chairman of the Board of Regents, at 10:00 a.m. April 27, 1974. PRESENT: Members: Walter Todd of Dallas Ernest Powers of Carthage James Mrs. I. Perkins of Rusk George Cullum, Jr. of Dallas Peggy Wedgeworth Wright of Nacogdoches Joe Bob Golden of Jasper Robert C, Gray of Austin Glenn Justice of Dallas PRESENT: C. Dr. G. R. Haas, W. Secretary of the Board Steen, President of the University PRESENT: Guest: Mike Finley, President of the University Student Government Karen Bradshaw, Secretary to the University Student Government Dr. (Note: Patricia Read, Assistant Professor of English One Board position is vacant.) 74-48 Upon motion of Regent Cullum, seconded by Regent Justice, with all Regents voting aye, it was ordered that Regent Todd be elected Chairman, Regent Gray be elected Vice Chairman, and C. G. Haas be elected as Secretary to the Board. 74-49 Upon motion of Regent Gray, seconded by Regent Golden, with all Regents voting aye, it was ordered that the minutes of January 31, 1974, be approved as amended with the following addition which was inadvertently omitted from the printing of the minutes: Upon motion of Regent Todd, seconded by Regent Powers, it was ordered that the agreement with the Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development be approved and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the agree ment as follows: 23-2 STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY NACOGDOCHF.S. DIVISION OF CONTINUING TEXAS 7W96I EDUCATION Contract Between Stephen F. Austin State University and the Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development The Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development grees to provide Stephen F. Austin State University a written report escribed as follows on or before July 25, 1974. A report which could be described as a statement by the state's professional educators of what "ought to be" in the public schools of Texas and from which cost differ entials (weights) can be computed and total costs to the state can be projected by program through 1980-81 for the following components: kindergarten, elementary (grades 1-6 or as defined by district), junior high school (grades 7-9 or as defined by district), senior high school (grades 10-12 or as defined by district), vocational education, special education, bi1ingual education, migrant education, and compensatory education. The report is to be developed and written by a Task Force consistng of leading educators in the State of Texas. The report is to be eceptable by the Governor's Office of Educational Research and Planning To provide for the costs of developing the report, Stephen lustin State University agrees to pay the Texas Association for lupervision and Curriculum Development the sum of Five Thousand )ollars. Payment shall be as follows: February 15, 1974 March 15, 1974 April 15, 1974 Completion o n - F. (5,000) $1500.00 1500.00 1000.00 1000.00 The February 15, 1974, payment will be made to enable the study begin. Subsequent payments are dependent upon satisfactory progress the development of the report as determined by Stephen F. Austin's spresentative to the Task Force. xas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Stephen F. Austin State University 23-3 74-50 Upon motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Powers, with all Regents voting aye, it was ordered that the Executive, Finance, Building, and Employment Policies Committees within the Board be appointed as follows: Executive Committee Regents Powers, Wright, Perkins Finance Committee Regents Justice, Wright, Perkins Building Committee Regents Gray, Cullum, Golden Employment Policies Committee Regents Perkins, Golden, Powers 74-51 Upon motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Justice, with all Regents voting aye, it was ordered that the proposed resolution honoring Mr. R. E. McGee be adopted as follows: 23-4 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Texas in 1969 officially redesignated Stephen F. Austin State College a State University and created for it a separate Board of Regents; WHEREAS, among the appointees to tne Board of Regents was the Honorable R. E. McGee, of Houston, who had graduated from SFA in 1940 and who had served 1964-66 as President of the SFA Alumni Association; WHEREAS, Mr. McGee was elected President of the Board of Regents and served ably and seltlessly for five years in that capacity; WHEREAS, Mr. McGee brought to his leadership of the Board of Regents the same qualities that had earned liim the presidency of Tenneco, Inc., one of the nation's foremost business corporations with which he had been associated since 1945, and thus contributed immeasurably to the growth and prestige of SFA; WHEREAS, in recognition of his service to the emerging university, the SFA Alumni Association in 1969 selected Mr. McGee as its "Distinguished Alumnus*1; WHEREAS, in addition to serving SFA, Mr. McGee performed significant service for Baylor University, Houston Baptist University, and the University of Houston; WHEREAS, Mr. McGee engaged also in civic and philanthropic activities throughout the nation; and WHEREAS, on 23 March 1974 Mr. McGee died unexpectedly at the age of 57; NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University, in meeting assembled this 27 day of April 1974, express to Mr. McGee's family its deep sense of grief and its sympathy, as well as that of the administration, faculty, staff, and student body of the University, and that it furtner express its intention to perpet uate Mr. McGee's memory through the support of scholarship funds and otner memorials; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this expression of sympathy be spread upon the official minutes of tue Board and that copies be presented to Mr. McGee's family. President of the Board Secretary to the Board 23-5 74-52 Upon motion of Regent Gray, Regents voting aye, seconded by Regent Cullum, with all it was ordered that the 1974 Summer School Faculty and Staff appointments as submitted under separate cover be approved. 74-53 Upon motion of Regent Golden, seconded by Regent Justice, with all Regents voting aye, it was ordered that the following individuals be employed for the positions, dates, 1. and salaries indicated: Department of School Services Dr. William Earl Morrison, 43, Ph.D. (East Texas State Uni versity), Assistant Professor of School Services, at a salary rate of $15,500 for nine months, 2. effective August 23, 1974. Student Affairs Division Mr. Roger G. Dudley, 24, Patrolman, University Police Depart ment, at a salary rate of $6,000 for twelve months, effective February 4, 1974. Mr. Michael Lee Hill, 21, B.S. (Sam Houston State University), Patrolman, University Police Department, at a salary rate of $6,600 for twelve months, effective January 21, 1974. 3. Office of University Information Mr. Stephen M. Dodd, 24, B.S. (Stephen F. Austin State Uni versity), Photographer, University Information, at a salary rate of $8,100 for twelve months, effective April 4, 1974. 4. Physical Plant Mr. Larry F. London, 27, B.S. (University of Texas-Arlington), Work Management Center Supervisor, Physical Plant, salary rate of $9,900 for twelve months, at a effective May 1, 1974. 74-54 Upon motion of Regent Justice, seconded by Regent Perkins, with all Regents voting aye, it was ordered that the following resignations be accepted: 1. Department Mr. of Economics Bruce Gofer, Department was 2. Instructor of Economics, effective May 31, 1974. overstaffed. Department of Elementary Education Dr. Bonnie Lee Hensley, Assistant Professor of Elementary Edu cation, effective May 31, 1974. Dr. Hensley has accepted em ployment elsewhere. 23-6 3. Department of English Miss Gaile Haessly, Instructor of English, effective May 31, 1974. Miss Haessly has completed her temporary contract. Mr. Richard Kelly, Instructor of English, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Kelly has completed his temporary contract. Miss Shirley Scott, Graduate Interne in English, effective May 31, 1974. Miss Scott has completed her temporary contract. 4. Department of Forestry Mr. Lowell K. Halls, Lecturer in Forestry, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Halls has completed his temporary contract. Mr. John Stransky, Lecturer in Forestry, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Stransky has completed his temporary contract. 5. Department of History Mr. Wilbert Love, Graduate Interne in History, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Love has completed his temporary contract. Mr. Eugene Kirkpatrick, Instructor of History, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Kirkpatrick has completed his temporary contract. 6. Department of Modern Languages Mr. Ross 0. Bridewell, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Bridewell has accepted employment elsewhere. 7. Department of Office Administration Mrs. Karen Grunert, Graduate Interne in Office Administration, effective May 31, 1974. Mrs. Grunert has completed her temporary contract. 8. Department of Political Science Mr. Gordon Seth Howell, Graduate Interne in Political Science, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Howell has completed his temporary contract. Mr. James A. Davis, Instructor of Political Science, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Davis has completed his temporary contract. 9. Department of Psychology Mr. Ronnie Dale Ragain, Graduate Interne in Psychology, effective May 31, 1974. Mr. Ragain has completed his temporary contract. 23-7 10. Department of Sociology Mrs. Arnedia Chatman, Graduate Interne in Sociology, effective May 31, 1974. Mrs. Chatman has completed her temporary contract. Mrs. Joy Bennett Reeves, Assistant Professor of Sociology, ef fective May 31, 1974. Department was overstaffed. 11. Department of School Services Mrs. Hettie Legg, Instructor of School Services, effective May 31, 1974. Mrs. Legg has completed her temporary contract. Mrs. Judith Huffty, Instructor of School Services, effective May 31, 1974. Mrs. Huffty has completed her temporary contract. 12. Department of Secondary Education Mr. Newel Holland, May 31, 13. 1974. Mr. Instructor in Secondary Education, effective Holland has completed his temporary contract. Student Affairs Division Mr. Harry C. Manning, 41, Sergeant, University Police Depart ment, effective January 28, 1974. Mr. Manning is entering the police profession as Mr. Jimmy D. Rains, a city officer. 36, effective January 30, Patrolman, University Police Department, 1974. Mr. Rains was terminated due to refusal to comply with the policy concerning the carrying of firearms. 14. Office of University Information Mr. John M. Frazier, fective April 1, Photographer, University Information, 1974, Mr. ef Frazier is going into private business, 74-55 Upon motion of Regent Wright, seconded by Regent. Gray, that the following change of status be approved: 1. it was ordered Student Affairs Division Mr. Donald Lee Knebel, 22, from Patrolman to Sergeant, Uni versity Police Department, at a salary rate of $7,370 for twelve months, effective February 1, 1974. 74-56 Upon motion of Regent Justice, seconded by Regent Perkins, ordered that the following leaves of absence be granted: 1. it was Department of Home Economics Miss Mary Ruth McKinney, Fall Semester, 1974, on her doctoral program. ^ Instructor of Home Economics, for the in order to complete residency requirements 23-8 2. Department of Modern Languages Mrs. Bonnie E. Todd, Instructor of Modern Languages, from September 1, 1974, through August 31, 1977, in order to do graduate study. 3. Department of English Dr. Sidney Bellamy, Assistant Professor of English, for a con tinuation of leave for the 1974-75 academic year. 74-57 Upon motion of Regent Justice, seconded by Regent Perkins, it was ordered that the following returns from leave be accepted: 1. Department of English Dr. Leonard Cheever, Associate Professor of English, at a salary rate of $13,150 for nine months, effective August 23, 1974, 2. School of Forestry Mr. Montague Whiting, Instructor of Forestry, at a salary rate of $7,500 (3/4 time) for nine months, effective August 23, 1974. 3. Department of Political Science Dr. Stephen N. Smith, Associate Professor of Political Science, at a salary rate of $13,000 for nine months, effective August 23, 1974. 4. Department of Office Administration Mr. Marlin Young, Assistant Professor of Office Administration, at a salary rate of $13,250 for nine months, effective August 23, 1974. 74-58 Upon motion of Regent Golden, seconded by Regent Cullum, it was ordered that the following retirements be accepted: 1. Department of Chemistry Dr. Harold E. Abbott, Professor of Chemistry, effective May 31, 1974. 2. Department of English Dr. 3. Elma Heard, Professor of English, effective August 31, 1974. Department of Agriculture Mr. Cecil Jones, Assistant Professor of Agriculture, effective May 31, 1974. 23-9 10 74-59 Upon motion of Regent Gray, seconded by Regent Justice, it was ordered that the following promotions be approved: 1. Department of Accounting Dr. John D. Whitt, from Associate Professor to Professor of Accounting, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Whitt has com pleted the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 2. Department of Art Mr. William E. Arscott, from Associate Professor to Professor of Art, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Mr. Arscott has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 3. Department of Communication Dr. Robert T. Ramsey, from Assistant Professor and Acting De partment Head to Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Communication, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Ramsey has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean. 4. Department of English Dr. Patricia E. Read, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of English, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Read has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by her dean and department head. Dr. Bruce V. Roach, from Assistant Professor to Associate Pro fessor of English, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Roach has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 5. School of Forestry Dr. William T. McGrath, Professor of Forestry, from Assistant Professor to Associate effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. McGrath has completed the requirements for promotion and recommended by his dean. 6. Department of Health and Physical Education Miss Sandra Cole, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education, Women's Division, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Miss Cole has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by her dean and department head. 23-10 11 Dr. Andrew Charles Grimland, from Assistant Professor to Associ ate Professor of Health and Physical Education, Men's Division, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Grimland has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 7. Department of History Dr. Calvin W. Hines, from Assistant Professor to Associate Pro fessor of History, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Hines has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 8. Department of Music Dr. Thomas M. Houston, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of Music, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Houston has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 9. Department of Mathematics Dr. W. D. Clark, from Associate Professor to Professor of Mathe matics, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Clark has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 10. Department of Psychology Dr. Heinz A. Gaylord, from Assistant Professor and Head of Depart ment to Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Psy chology, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Gaylord has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean. 11. Department of School Services Mrs. Vera Graham,, from Instructor to Assistant Professor of School Services, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Mrs. Graham has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by her dean and department head. Dr. David A. Grigsby, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of School Services, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Grigsby has completed the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. Dr. Dr. H. J. Lewis, from Associate Professor to Professor of School Services, effective Fall Semester, 1974. Dr. Lewis has com pleted the requirements for promotion and was recommended by his dean and department head. 23-11 12 74-60 Upon motion of Regent Golden, seconded by Regent Gray, it was ordered that the 1974-75 Faculty and Staff appointments as submitted under separate cover be approved. 74-61 Upon motion of Regent Gray, seconded by Regent Cullum, it v.as ordered that Change Order No. 1 on the A. M. Campbell contract for the con struction of the two classroom buildings for a credit of $6,161.39 be approved and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the change order. 74-62 Upon motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Powers, it was ordered that Change Order No. 2 on the Rockford Furniture Company contract for library furnishings, for a credit of $6,185.00 be approved and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the change order. 74-63 Upon motion of Regent Justice, seconded by Regent Wright, it was ordered that Change Order No. 1 on the Sumners, Inc., contract for the Austin Building Boiler No. 2, for no change in money and an extension of 70 days, be approved and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the change order. 74-64 Upon motion of Regent Wright, seconded by Regent Gray, it was ordered that the following appropriations be authorized to be added to the 1973-74 University budget for the purposes indicated: Amount $15,000 $21,000 Account Purpose 1962 Housing System To purchase and install 65 window in Gibbs Hall (Dorm) Repair £ Renovation Fund heat pumps Non-Pledged Auxiliary To cover Enterprise Grounds Maintenance special design mowing machine (a) the purchase of a slopes $7,500; ments, $3,500; etc., (c) for (b) the site improve for an archery range labor and materials for general maintenance of intramural and intercollegiate playing fields $10,000 23-12 (yr.) 13 74-65 Upon motion of Regent Justice, seconded by Regent Perkins, that the following curriculum items, it was ordered approved by the University Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum Committees, be approved: COURSES ADDED: (Curriculum Committee) Hours Credit Department and Number Title Political Introduction to the Social Sciences Science 100 3 Psychology 393 Intermediate Analysis of Behavioral Data 3 School Services 450 Aphasia 3 COURSES TO BE DELETED: (Curriculum Committee) Department and Number School Services 451 COURSES ADDED: Title and Credit Language and Speech Problems of Exceptional Children (3) (Graduate Council) Hours Credit Department and Number Title Agriculture 414G Orchard Management Problems in College English: Internship Oceanography Advanced Graduate Studies Seminar on the Ancient World and Medieval English 581 Geology 555 Geology 576 History 531 3 3 3 3 3 Europe History 533 Seminar in Latin American History Seminar in Early Modern European History History 534 Seminar in Modern European History since History 532 to 3 3 1815 3 1815 History 535 History 536 History 546 History 547 Music 472G Sociology 450G Sociology 551 Sociology 580 Seminar in American History to 1865 Seminar in American History since 1865 Special Topics in European History Special Topics in American History Vocal Pedagogy Sociology of Retirement Sociological Inquiry Teaching of Sociology 23-13 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 14 COURSES TO BE REVISED: (Graduate Council) COURSES TO BE DELETED: (Graduate Council) Title and Credit Department and Number Geography 445 Climatology Geography 449 Psychology 498 Manufacturing Geography (3) Controversial Issues in Psychology 23-14 (3) (3) 15 The Chairman requested the Executive Committee to review policies on the naming of buildings and requested the Building Committee to study the need for the water treatment of certain mechanical systems of the University's physical plant. The Board may be called to a special meeting to consider the 1974-75 University's operating budget and the 1976 and 1977 Legislative Ap propriation's Request. In addition, the next regular meeting will be held July 27, 1974 in Longview, Texas. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. C. G. Haas Secretary 23-15