MINUTES OF Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University VOLUME NO. 1 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING December 12,1969 INDEX Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University held in Nacogdoches, Texas December 12, 1969 VOLUME NO. 1 Page 69-1 69-2 69-3 69-li 69-5 Election of Election of Election of Re-Election Approval of 69-7 Approval of Orders Adopted by the Board of Regents, State 1-3 69-8 69-9 Schedule of Regular Meetings Signature Authorizations 2.-^ u. 69-6 Chairman of the Board of Regents Vice Chairman of the Board of Regents Secretary to the Board of Regents of President of the University Faculty and Staff Recommendations Listing of Staff Appointments Senior Colleges ^ 1_2 1^ x_3 69-10 Authorization to Approve Official Travel and Reimbursements 69-11 69-12 Authorization for Pay Telephones Authorization to Approve Official Travel and Reimbursement 69-13 69-IJ4 69-15 Appropriation of Expenses of Board of Regents Approval of Employees Blanket Bond Insurance Authorization for Contract - Temple Associates - Chemistry 69-16 Approval of Central Mechanical Controls System Plans and 1-iO 69-17 Approval of Clock and Bell System Plans and Authorization to 1-iO 69-18 Authorization for Final Payment - Dormitory 19 1-10 69-19 69-20 69-21 69-22 for University Personnel for Members of the Board of Regents Building Renovation Authorization to Advertise for Bids Advertise for Bids Authorization for Final Payment - Liberal Arts Building Approval of Street and Sidewalk Lighting Improvement Plans and i-io 1-10 Approval of Change Order No, 1 - Landscaping of Liberal Arts Bldg. Authorization for Final Payment of Landscaping of Liberal Arts Bldg, 1^.0 1-10 Authorization to Advertise for Bids 69-23 Adoption of Fiscal Regulations 69-25 69-26 69-27 69-28 Approval of Architects Fees Approval of Curriculum Changes Selection of By-Laws Committee Selection of Executive Committee 69-2lt 14; l-^ l-£ Authorization for Televising of Basketball Games Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University held in Nacogdoches^ Texas The meeting was called to order by E. W. Steen, Acting Chairman, at 10s00 a.m, December 12, 1969. PRESENT: Members: Mr. R. E. McGee of Houston Mr, John Harold Bates of Houston Mrs, Lera Thomas of Houston Mr. Douglas Bergman of Dallas Mr. Walter Todd of Dallas Mr. Roy Maness of Beaumont Mr. Joe Bob Golden of Jasper Mr. Sam Tanner of Longview Mr. James Irvine Perkins of Rusk PRESENT: Dr. R. W. Steen, President of the University Mr. C. G. Haas5 Comptroller 69-1 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Maness, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that R. E. McGee be elected Chairman of the Board. 69-2 Upon motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that Joe Bob Golden be elected Vice-Chairman of the Board. 69-3 Upon motion of Regent Todd, seconded by Regent Perkins, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that Co Go Haas, Comptroller of the University, be elected to serve as Secretary to the Board of Regents* 69-1+ Upon motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that: Ro Wo Steen, President of the University, be re-elected President of the University for the 1969-70 fiscal year and that he be commended for his past performance of dutieso 69-5 Upon motion of Regent Todd, seconded by Regent Perkins, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the following faculty and staff recommendations be approved: Ao Faculty Appointments: I- Mrs. Annette Spruance Dawson, 30, Mo S. one semester, 2o (Stephen F, Austin State University), Instructor of Biology at a salary rate of $3,500 for effective January 26, 1970. Miss Jamie Lee Dyess, 25, M. M, (Eastman School of Music), Instructor of Music at a salary rate of $3*500 for one semester, effective January 26, 1970. Bo Staff Appointments: lo Mrs. Brenda Murphey Hazle, 27, B. So (Stephen F. Austin State Uni 2. Miss Annette Cleo Sword, 195 Keypunch Operator, at a salary rate of 3<> Mr. Don Allen Barton, 29, Vending Service Man, Vista Inn, effective 1|. Mrs. Shirley Ann Clifton, L. V. N., UU, University Nurse, Student versity), Transcript Evaluator, Registrar's Office, at a salary rate of $3,900 for twelve months, effective November 15, 1969. $3,600 for twelve months, effective November 2\\, 1969. October 15, 1969, at a salary rate of $6,000 for twelve months. Health Services, effective December 8, 1969, at a salary rate of $U,200 for twelve months. 1-2- C. Resignations; 1. Dr« Thomas Eo 17, 1970, 2. Brown, Associate Professor of Geology, Dr, Mrs. Carolyn B* effective January Brown is resigning to accept employment elsewhere. Hardy, Transcript Evaluator, Registrar's Office, effective November l£, 1969« Mrso Hardy is accepting employment elsewhereo Da 3* Mrs* Sue Jean Grimm, k* Mrs. 5* Mrs. Billie LaMerle Russell, Secretary, Dean of Women, effective November 7, 1969, to accept other employment« 6. Mrs, Donna J, Newton, Secretary, University Center Administration, effective December 12, 1969c Mrs* Newton is expecting a baby, 7* Miss Mary Jane Goggan, Program Consultant, University Center, 111, 1969- 22, Equipment Operator I, effective November Mrs- Grimm has not reported for work since November lli« Tressie Ann Billeaudeau, Equipment Operator I, effective December 5, 1969, to accept other employment. effective December ll|, 1969, to accept other employment• Changes in Status: 1. Dr* Cecil A, Roberts, Assistant Professor of English and Philosophy, from a salary rate of $10,750 for nine months to a salary rate of $11,000 for nine months, effective January 26, 1970. Dr. Roberts ! salary is to be increased because of exceptional classroom performance. 2. Mr, George Hardy Hancock, Patrolman, Security, from a salary rate of $ii,800 for twelve months to a salary rate of $5,200 for twelve months, effective September 7, 1969. This raise gives Mr, Hancock a salary equivalent to others in the department, Eo Leave of Absences 1. Dr0 Tollie Bowers Davison, Associate Professor of Physics, from October 31, 1969, to January 26, 197Oe Dr* Davison is ill and will be unable to assume his responsibilities during the fall semestero 69-6 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Thomas, with all Regents voting Aye, it was agreed that clerical staff appointments not be listed in the Board Report each time, but be approved in the budget only,, 69-7 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that all orders adopted by the Board of Regents, State Senior Colleges, through its meeting of November 7, 1969, pertaining to Stephen Fo Austin State University be approved and that they remain in effect until changed by specific order of the Board of Regents, Stephen Fo Austin State Universityo 69-8 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that regular meetings of the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University shall be four in number and shall be scheduled during the months of October, January, April and July. The April meeting is designated as the Annual Meeting. 69-9 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the following officers of the Stephen F. Austin State University be authorized to sign vouchers for the University and that their signatures be filed for that purpose with the State Comptroller of Public Accounts: R. W. Steen, President C. G. Haas, Comptroller Otto Ehrlich, Business Manager Travis Whitaker, Auditor 69-10 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the President of Stephen F. Austin State University be authorized to approve in-State and out-of-State official travel and reimbursements for University personnel during the biennium September 1, 1969, through August 31, 1971. 69-11 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that Stephen F. Austin State University be authorized to locate pay telephones during the biennium September 1, 1969, through August 31, 1971, in University buildings with the net proceeds to be accounted for as state revenue and the amount collected to be accounted for as local funds. 69-12 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the Secretary to the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University be authorized to approve official travel reimbursements for members of the Board during the biennium September 1, 1969 through August 31, 1971. 69-13 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the sum of $5,000 be appropriated for expenses of the Board of Regents during the fiscal year September 1, 1969 through August 5^ LfO 69-12* Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the Board approve the Employees Blanket Bond insurance currently in force and that it be allowed to continue to the policy's expiration. 1-1*- 69-15 Upon motion of Regent Maness, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the contract for $Ili35200 with Temple Associates, Inc. of Diboll, Texas for the renovation of the Chemistry Building be approved and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the contract, as follows: THE STATE OF TEXAS jf COUNTY OF NACOGDOCHES $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THIS AGREEMENT, made this the 12th day of December, 1969, by and between the^Board of Regents, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, acting herein through its President, hereinafter called "Owner" and Temple Associates, Inc., Diboll, Texas 759l|l, hereinafter called "Contractor". WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the considerations hereinafter named agree as follows? 1. The Contractor agrees to provide all of the materials, furnish the labor, and do all things necessary to complete fully all of the work shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications entitled "CHEMISTRY BUILDING - PHASE III", STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS, prepared by Kent, Marsellos & Scott, Architects Engineers, Lufkin, Texas, acting as and in these Contract Documents entitled the Architectj and shall do everything required by this Agreement, the "General Conditions" of this Contract, the Drawings and the Specifications. 2. The "General Conditions" of the Contract, the "Supplementary Conditions", the Drawings and the Specifications, together with this agreement, form the Contract, and they are as fully a part of the Contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. The following is an enumeration of the Specifications and Drawingss Drawings and Specifications entitled "CHEMISTRY BUILDING - PHASE III" STEPHEN Fo AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY, NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS, sheet and section numbers as listed in Paragraph 1.1 of "Supplementary Conditions". 1. This Contract is to cover the General Contract Work, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electric Work, complete. The said Drawings, Specifications and "General Conditions" of the Agreement are identified by the initials of the individuals signing this agreement, and each and all said Speci fications and "General Conditions" are made a part of this Agreement for all intents and purposesj provided that if anything in the said "General Conditions" of the Contract is in conflict with this Agreement, this Agreement shall control and govern. 2. The work called for and included in this Agreement is to be done under the direction of the Architect above named and his determination of the true meaning and proper construction of the Specifications shall be con sidered as final. 3. The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced on or before a date to be specified in a written "Work Order", and shall be fully completed by August 1, 197O. The Contractor further agrees to pay as liquidated damages the sum of $100.00 per day for each consecutive calendar day the work remains unfinished as specified in Paragraph 1.U7 of "Supplementary Conditions" and in Proposal. k* The^Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Contract, subject to additions and deductions provided herein, ONE HUNDRED FORTYTHREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NO/lOO ($1113,200.00) DOLLARS, out of Funds available to the Owner for expenditure for the use and benefit of Stephen F« Austin State University from House Bill 2 of the Sixty-First Legislature, second called session. The basis of the above Contract Price is as followst Base Bid ~ $lli3,200o00 The Owner shall make payments on account of the Contract as provided there in as followss On or about the fifteenth of each month ninety percent (90$) of the value, based on the Contract Price of labor and materials incorporated in the work and of materials suitably stored at the site thereof up to the first day of that month, as estimated by the Architect, less the aggregate of previous payments? and upon substantial completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to ninety percent (90%) of the Contract Price provided satisfactory evidence is furnished that all payrolls, material bills and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid* The Owner at any time after $ of the work has been completed, if it finds that satisfactory progress is being made, may make any of the remaining progress payments in full. Final payment shall be due thirty days after substantial completion of the work provided the work be then fully completed and the Contract fully performed. Upon receipt of written notice that the work is ready for final inspection and acceptance, the Architect shall promptly make such inspection, and when he finds the work acceptable under the Contract and the Contract fully performed he shall promptly issue a Final Certificate, over his own signature, stating that the work provided for in this Contract has been completed and is acceptable to him under the terms and conditions thereof, and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, and noted in the Final Certificate is due and payable• Before issuance of Final Certificate the Contractor shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Architect that all payrolls, material bills and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paido 5o The Contractor shall pay premium for and furnish Performance Bond and Payment Bond in amount of 100$ of Contract Price; on form to be furnished by Architect, with sureties acceptable to the Owner, conditioneds 1. That Contractor shall faithfully perform his Contract and fully indemnify and save Owner harmless from all costs and damages 'which may be suffered by reason of failure to do so, and fully reimburse and repay Owner all outlay and expense which Owner may incur in making good any default• 2a That Contractor shall pay all persons who have contracts directly with Contractor for labor and materials save which persons shall have a direct action against Contractor and the surety on his bond, subject to Owner's priority*, Surety Companies shall be\on approved list of Uo So Treasury De partment of "Companies holding Certificates of Authority from the Secretary of the Treasury under the Act of Congress Approved July 30, 19^73 as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds" and within the Underwriting Limitations listed therein for any single risk* 1-6- Bond shall comply with requirements of all state laws; including those of Article £160 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925 as amended by House Bill 3hh, Acts 56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959, effective April 27, 1959. 6. The Contractor shall effect, pay for and maintain during the life of this Contract insurance acceptable to the Owner, conforming to the following schedules a) Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance; As required by the laws of the State of Texasj Employer's Liability Insurance, $500, ooo ooo o b) Public Liability Insurances In an amount not less than $300,000.00 for injuries, including accidental death to any one person* and subject to the same limit for each persons and in an amount not less than $500,000.00 on account of one accidentj Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $100,000.00, each occurrence $300,000,00 aggregate. " — c) Automotive Public Liability and Property Damage Insurances d) Include Broad Form Property Damage Insurance,, e) Covering all automobiles and motor vehicles used in Contractor's operations on the campus of the College in an amount not less than $300,000,00 for injuries including death to any one person and subject to the— same limit for each person? and in an amount not less than $500,000o00 on account of one accident; Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than $300,000*00 each occurrence. Remove "XCV" Exclusions Explosion, collapse, underground property damage). to underground wiring, conduits, piping• Contractual Liability Insurances Include damage As applicable to the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph U<,18 of "General Conditions". The Contractor shall obtain at his expense Owner's Protective Liability Insurance Policy naming the Owner and the Architect/Engineer as insured with the following limits? lo Bodily Injury $300,000•00 (each person) $500,000.00 (each occurrence) 2o f) g) Property Damage $100,000o00 (each occurrence) $300,000,00 (aggregate) Completed Operationss completion of work, Continue coverage in force for one year after Indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Owner and Architect ani their agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, acts of de struction, loss or damage to property, injury to or death of Contractor's employees, Owner's employees, and any and all persons whomsoever growing out of, or in any way connected with Contractor's operations upon the 1-7- campus of the above described University, Before commencement of operations hereunder, Contractor shall furnish to the Architect photostatic copies of the abovementioned insurance policies, together with a certificate from the insurance carrier that the insurance will not be cancelled or permitted to lapse until fifteen (l£) days written notice of said impending cancellation has been given to the Owner, 7' Builder's Risk Insurance; The Contractor shall provide Builder's Risk lfS^mCnnnSnnVeC±fitd ±U ParaSraPh ^ of Specifications in the amount of $l|00,000.00, in the names of the Contractor, Owner and Architect. 8. The Contractor shall complete the several portions and the whole of the work called for under this Agreement and shall deliver said improvements and premises, upon completion, to the Owner, free and clear of all liens and claims for labor furnished or materials used and other indebtedness whatsoever. 9. For purposes of complying with the State of Texas Sales Tax, the following is a division between labor and materials ; Labor $ £0,059.00 Materials $ 93,ill»00 Total _ $11*3,200.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this Contract m four {k) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original in the vear and day first above mentioned. BOARD OF REGENTS STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY By; Witness /s/ Wiley D. Kirkland Secretary /s/ R. E. McGee Chairman of the Board of Regents Temple Associates, Inc. "~ Diboll, Texas SEAL By; /s/ Elwyn Jones, President Witness READ AND EXAMINED; - ^ C G. Haas ^ , Secretary Board of Regents, Stephen F. Austin State University ' APPROVED AS TO FORM'; ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS John Reeves ^ Assistant (1) (2) (3) Corporation name of Owner Title of authorized official Strike out inapplicable terms. Secretary of the Owner should attest. Contractor is corporation, Secretary should attest. each person executing Contract. o 1-b- If Give proper title of PAYMENT BOND STATE OF TEXAS jj COUNTY OF NACOGDOCHES j KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Temple Associates, Inc. as principal, and Associated Indemnity Corporation (Firemen's Fund) as surety (s) are hereby held and firmly bound unto the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches Texas, for the sum of $1^3,200,00. Temple Associates, By° /s/ Inc. Elwyn Jones, Principal Approved as to Forms Associated Indemnity Corporation ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By: By; /s/ ; A. C. Pinch, Jr., Attorney in Fact /s/ John Reeves Assistant Attorney General PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS $ COUNTY OF NACOGDOCHES jj KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Temple Associates, Inc. as principal, and Associated Indemnity Corporation (Firemen's Fund) as surety (s) are hereby held and firmly bound unto the Board of Regents of Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, for the sum of $1[;3,200.00. Temple Associates, Inc. Bys /s/ Elwyn Jones, Principal Approved as to Form: Associated Indemnity Corporation ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By: By? /s/ /s/ John Reeves Assistant Attorney General 1-9- A. C. Pinch, Jr., Attorney in Fact 69-16 Upon motion of Regent Tanner, seconded by Regent Perkins, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the central mechanical controls system plans as engineered by Cowan, Love and Jackson, Inc., of Fort Worth be approved and that the University be authorized to advertise for bids. 69-17 Upon motion of Regent Todd, seconded by Regent Bates, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the clock and bell system plans as engineered by Cowan, Love and Jackson, Inc., of Fort Worth be approved and that the University be authorized to advertise for bids. 69-18 Upon motion of Regent Bates, Aye, it was ordered that the the University be authorized completion and all necessary seconded by Regent Thomas, with all Regents voting Board accept as completed Dormitory 19 and that to make final payment subject to certificate of related documents from the architects. 69-19 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Thomas, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the Board accept as completed the Liberal Arts Building and that the University be authorized to make final payment subject to certificate of completion and all necessary related documents from the architects. 69-20 Upon motion of Regent Bergman, seconded by Regent Tanner, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the street and sidewalk lighting improvement plans as engineered by Cowan, Love and Jackson, Inc. of Fort Worth be approved and that the University be authorized to advertise for bids. 69-21 Upon motion Aye, it was contract of be approved of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Maness, with all Regents voting ordered that Change Order No. 1 adding $1,917.50 to the landscaping the Brazos Valley Nursery and Florist for the Liberal Arts Building and the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the change order. 69-22 Upon Aye, work make motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Maness, with all Regents voting it was ordered that the Board accept as complete the landscaping contract at the Liberal Arts Building site and that the University be authorized to final payment subject to the architect's certificate of completion. 69-23 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Thomas, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the revised Fiscal Regulations be adopted. 69-2U Upon motion of Regent Perkins, seconded by Regent Todd, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the University be authorized to allocate $3,500 to televise the home court conference basketball games. 69-25 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Maness, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the Architect's fee on the contract for renovation of the Chemistry Building be increased from 6% to 10.33$ and that the fee on the contract for renovation of the Austin Building be increased from 6% to 10.66*. 1-10- 69-26 Upon motion of Regent Todd, seconded by Regent Bergman, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the following curriculum items, approved by the University undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees, be approved? COURSES ADDED: (Curriculum Committee) Hour Department and Number Title HPE-Women HPE-Women Prevention and Control of Diseases Social Health HPE-Women Curriculum Design and Evaluation in Health Education Elenu Education Practicum in Kindergarten Teaching Social and Intellectual History of the Black History 317 Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Credi American (l89O-Present) 301H 302H 362 U61r* Liberal Arts Colloquium V Liberal Arts Colloquium VI 1 1 Ethics Mathematics 220 Biology 312 General Business 337 General Business General Business Music 136 3 Existentialism Introo to Probability and Statistics Mycology Government Regulation of Business Commercial Banking Music 139 1 1 1 Elementary Music Supervision 3 Composition I Composition II Music 3I4I 2 Ado Supervision of Elementary Music Music Composition III Composition IV Music COURSES TO BE REVISED; 2 3 3 (Curriculum Committee) Dept. & No. Title and Credit HPE-Men 10i| HPE-Men 105 HPE-Men 106 Health and Speedball Health and Soccer Health and Volleyball 1 Bibliography and Research Advanced American History 2 3 Eng. U98# Hist. 3U3* -3 J 1 Improvisation Music 21+1 Music 305 Music 315 3 3 3 3 3 Financial Planning and Policy Madrigal Singers Jazz Workshop Brass Choir Music 137 Music 138 3 3 3 3 3 New Title and Credit 1 l 10U 105 106 U98 hh3 Health Soccer Volleyball Bibliography and Research The Age of Jefferson and (1789-1850) Europe (161+8-1789) 3 Europe of the Old Regime Hist. 1*29* Europe (1815-1878) 3 European Nationalism and Hist. ii37 Development of American 3 337 American Social and Cultur- 3 Hist. h39 Development of American 3 338 American Social and Cultur- 3 Hist. U39* Revolutionary America 3 l+^o Revolutionary America 3 The American Civil War 3 The Era of the First 3 Hist. i5 Histo Ui5* Hist. 1+57 Civilization (1607-1865) Institutions (l86£-Present) (1763-1789) Advanced American History 3 (18£O-1877) Europe (1878-1933) 3 1-11- Jackson (1789-1850) (16U8-1789) I±h5 k$7 Liberalism (1815-1878) al History (1607-1865) al History (l865-Present) . (1763-1789) (1850-1865) World War (1878-1933) COURSES TO BE DELETED: Biology 397 (l) (Curriculum Committee) Instrumentation in the Medical Laboratory •^-Submitted for Graduate Credit also. COURSES ADDED: (Graduate Council) Department and Number Title Mathematics 519 Mathematical Statistics Political Science 575 Advanced Graduate Studies Mathematics 520 General Business 552 History 575 Accounting 575 Management 575 General Business 575 Art ^99 . COURSES REVISED; Hours Credi o Statistical Analysis { Current Developments in Commercial Banking Advanced Graduate Studies Advanced Graduate Studies Advanced Graduate Studies Advanced Graduate Studies 3 i \ \ \ M.F.A. Thesis \ j? (Graduate Council) Dept. & No. Title and Credit English 575 Special Studies in New No. 3 American Literature 577 New Title and Credit Special Studies in Ameri- 3 can Literature 69-27 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Todd, with all Regents voting Thp'ri^rf °rder?d+t|?ai the Chairman be authorized to appoint a By-Laws Committee, The Chairman appointed Regents Bates, Golden, Perkins and Thomas. 69-28 Upon motion of Regent Bates, seconded by Regent Todd, with all Regents voting Aye, it was ordered that the Chairman be authorized to appoint an Executive Committee The next meeting of the Board will be held in April, 1970. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at lls30 a.m. Co G. Haas Secretary 1-12-