INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PLANNING Process Name: Low Cost Housing: Subdivision of Area Designated According to Act 113 If Area is not Designated According to Act 113, follow process as mapped/ Recommend LUPO LUM PLANNING OFFICIAL HOUSING /PROJECT MANAGER -Verify that area is designated according to Act 113 -Land Use Management conditions (electronic info and Approved General Plan) are included in comment. Request comment from Land Use Management PLANNING PROCESSOR INDEPENDENT PLANNER Submit LUM Application to Subdivide an Area designated According to Act 113 PLANNING OFFICIAL Land Use Management comment & conditions to Housing PLANNING OFFICIAL INDEPENDANT TOWN PLANNER Brief/Letter of Appointment for Town Planner/Land Surveyor is drawn up. Land Use Management Conditions are included. Submits Land Use Management Application Form If Erf is not in LUM:GIS Database contact LUM:GIS to create new properties PLANNING PROCESSOR -Create new Record -Capture: File No, Applicant’s Name (Independant Consultant), Contact Person’s Name, Planning Processor’s Name, Planning Official’s Name, Applicant’s Address & Tel, Fax -Select erf details -Add type of Application (Subdivision of Area Designated According to Act 113) -Describe briefly what applicaton entails -Capture current Zoning and Designate according to Act 113 -Capture Submission Date -Capture Date to Registry and Date received from Registry -Capture Date to Planning Processor -Capture date to Planner *Receives Application *Verify completeness of application *Calculate Fees (Fees only calculated to indicate amount of income not generated by City) *Application to Registry: File Opened, File Ref No allocated GIS Forward to Planning Processor Generate Maps Planning/GIS Module & LIS -Search LUM:GIS Database for erf number -Search LIS for owner information PLANNING OFFICIAL PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING PROCESSOR PLANNING PROCESSOR *Complete Checklist for Internal & External Circulation (Planning Official to verify) Request Locality & Route Map from GIS (These maps will form part of Report) Place Locality and Route Map on File. PLANNING PROCESSOR File to relevant Planning Official -Scrutinize Application -Verify/add Checklist for external/internal circulation (Responsible for completeness of Checklist) Planning Module Planning/GIS Module Interface Planning Module programmatically notifies GIS Module that a new Subdivision was Submitted GIS/Planning Module LAND USE MANAGEMENT: GIS GIS scannes proposed Plan of Subdivision, geo-references plan, save as a tiff image * places on “Subdivision Application” Layer All Application History Available when erf is clicked GIS Module PLANNING OFFICIAL s e Y File back to Planning Processor INDEPENDENT TOWN PLANNER INDEPENDENT TOWN PLANNER Obtain comments from interested parties Forward Comments to Planner “Subdivision Application Layer” can be viewed on Viewer PLANNING PROCESSOR Was Independent Planner appointed? PLANNING PROCESSOR No Planning Viewer PLANNING PROCESSOR Receive internal & external commment Capture: -Internal Circulation Date -Internal Closure Date, and -External Circulation Date if applicable -External Closure Date if applicable -Complete Internal Circulation Details -Tick Comment Received -Complete dates Comments were received on Internal Circulation Details Planning Module Planning Module COLOUR CODE Independent Town Planner LUM: Planning Processor LUM: Planning Official PGWC LUM: GIS Building Development Management Interface Version 1 June 2006 Trigger System Task Input/Output Document Interface End Process Manual Task Process Name: Low Cost Housing: Subdivision of Area Designated According to Act 113 (Continue) GIS/Planning Module PLANNING OFFICIAL / DEVELOPMENT CO-ORDINATOR LUM PLANNING PROCESSOR LAND USE MANAGEMENT:GIS GIS/Planning Module GIS scannes proposed Plan of Subdivision, geo-references plan, save as a tiff image * places on “Council Approved” Layer * Captures decision Endorse Plan of subdivision All Application History Available when erf is clicked Evaluate & Forward decision/conditions to Council Forward PGWC decision to Council Planning Viewer GIS Module LUM PLANNING PROCESSOR PGWC: INDEPENDENT PLANNER LUM PLANNING PROCESSOR Submits Plan of Subdivision to PGWC (- Land Use Management Application Form - Report & Condition GIS/Planning Module All Application History (including date sent to PGWC) available when erf is clicked Captures date sent to PGWC “Council Approved” Layer” can be viewed on Viewer. Planning Module INDEPENDENT TOWN PLANNER All Application History Available when erf is clicked * Log PGWC’s Decision and date received from PGWC on Planning Module * Prepare Letter to inform relevant parties of PGWC’s Decision Planning Module Low Cost Housing developments will automatically be displayed in a different colour LUM PLANNING PROCESSOR *Notify of PGWC’s decision *Captures Final Approval Planning Module Planning/GIS Module Interface Planning Module programatically notifies GIS Module that Final Approval was issued New Property Information to LIS/SAP Planning Module Planning Module Planning/GIS Module LIS/SAP GIS notifies LIS/SAP of new erf numbers All Application History Available when erf is clicked Planning Module LUM GIS Appointed Land Surveyor Submits Electronic General Plan to GIS (according to Brief) Receive Electronic copy of General Plan GIS/Building Module GIS tick to indicate that , Electronic General Plan was submitted LUM GIS GIS converts to shapefile * Erf Numbers * Str Names & Numbers * Zoning/ Integrated Zoning Data is placed on “Low Cost Housing Layers” GIS Module GIS Module All Application History Available when erf is clicked Building/GIS Module Independent Land Surveyor Submits Approved General Plan to GIS (according to Brief) Building Module searches GIS Database for new Erf Numbers City Viewer LUM GIS Receive Approved General Plan & Notify Planning Official that conditions have been complied to BUILDING DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT GIS/Building Module GIS tick to indicate that approved GP/SG was submitted Building Module/LIS/SAP Before Occupation Certificate may be issued the Building Inspector is responsible to verify that; a) the Street Name is correct, b )the Street Number is indicated on the unit and, c) the Building Inspector is to capturethe Occupant’s Full Name and ID Number in the Building Module Building & GIS Module/LIS/SAP Owner Information is programatically forwarded to LIS/SAP SAP Advice: -Billing -Plant Maintenance -Valuations When owner’s name, Id, title deed registration is captured, automatically notifies the “Confirmed” Layer GIS Module GIS Module “Confirmed Layer” can be viewed on Viewer (Low Cost Housing Developments will be indicated in a different colour) LUM PLANNING OFFICIAL Contact Housing Project Manager to notify that all conditions have been complied to and that Planner/Land Surveyor may be paid. Check that all relevant information is on file END OF PROCESS COLOUR CODE Independent Town Planner LUM: Planning Processor LUM: Planning Official PGWC LUM: GIS Building Development Management Interface Version 1 June 2006 Trigger System Task Input/Output Document Interface End Process Manual Task