Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1987)89-92 89 Vol. I0 No. ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF RETARDED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS CHEH-CHIH YEH Department of Mathematics Central University Chung-Li, Taiwan Republic of China (Received November 15, 1985) Some integral criteria for the asymptotic behdvior of oscillatory ABSTRACT. solutions of higher order retarded differential equations are given. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. 1980 1. Retarded differential equations, oscillation. AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 5K15. INTRODUCTION. Recently, Tong Theorem. Let [I proved f(t,u) be negative continuous functions g(u) function for /.v(t)p(t)dt (a) (b) g(u) R x R. v(t), p(t) + If there are two non- 0, t for and a continuous such that < u > is positive and nondecreasing for If(t,u) (c) 0 u the following interesting result. continuous on v(t)p(t)g(t-’ lul) 1, u e R, where a, b t for 0, then the equation u"+f(t,u) has solutions which are asymptotic to b 0 a+bt, are constant and 0. In this note we generalize Tong’s result to improves also the results of Chert and Yeh [2] a more general case which Kusano and Singh and [5]. Using this result, we establish an asymptotic behavior of oscillatory solutions of retarded differential equations. 2. MAIN RESULTS. Consider the following retarded differential equations (2.1) where LnY(t)+f(t,y(g(t)) L n is an operator defined by h(t), t 0, n 2 C.C. YEH 90 Loy(t) (t) n ri(t Here "= :: ro . LiY ()’= cn-i [R+ ,R] e "%- dt i-’ ri(t with > 0 for ’"’" ()’ 0,1,’’-,n-1. i Sufficient smoothness to guarantee the existence of solutions of R an infinite subinterval of will be assumed without mention. + conditions are assumed to hold in (i) C[R+ xR,R] f (2.1) on The following thSs note. p(t), and there exist two positive functions / that Iz(t,u) (it) g, h (iil) CIR.,R], g(t) < t, > 0, lim inf w(,u) whvre s ..(t,u) lim sup T > 1,2," ,n-2, Let < < y(g(t)) is a solution of (2.1), y(t) (il) that there exist a then 0(Wn_,(t,T)) for 0. Let Proof. It follows from constant i t(s)as...asa,. r(,)’’" Ju Ih(t) ldt some oo, s, [ ,(, := (2.5) y(t) < (t,L Wn_, (t)p(t)dt If , g(t)= lira (2.2) hold. lu I), defined by t(t,u) Theorem 1. -< ,(t)( m (2.1) be a solution of (ill) and on an interval T > To [To,oO), T such that g(t) > To for t > T and inf tT By (tlt), = there is a positive constant m c < c.n-1 (t,T), wi(t,T such that i 1,2,’’" n-2 Now a simple argument shows that lY(g(t))l m n-1 .< ILoy(g(t))l .< E i=O r(t) r,(s,) /T s’ ILiy(T Iwi(g(t),T s ra(s2)--" /T s n-2 r n-1 (Sn_ )/T >0. and a positive ILnY(S) idsds n-1, ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF RETARDED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS t n-1 .< cw (t,T) n- 91 (t iY(T):+Wn_ i=0 Z T)/T IgnY(S) Hence n-1 "< cm Z .ly(g(t)) w-n- (t T) i=O .< M+ ILiy(T)I* fvt mfTt Ih(s) [as. mfTt p(s)H(y(g(s)))ds (s,T)p(s)H(.(s)) n’t (s’T)? s’ Wn_ wtere i=0 [LiY(T)[+m; JT [] or LaSalle’s inequality M :: cm Z By Biharl’s inequality wlY(l{tl)! where O(x) (2.2) imply Remark := . fx dt ]T For [ ]. Remark 2. For (x) O and [y(g(t))] (t T) result Tong’s G-’iG(M)+/TtWn- .< t T; n-’ lh(s)Ids. [u[ r, H(u) G(x). is and is completes the prof. g(t) and r e where [2, eorem results of Chert and Yeh s,T )p( s )ds r(t) r0(t) 2, we have is the inverse function of is bounded. n [5] eorem t, (0,1], eorem Kusano and Singh and improves improves the [5, which Theorem require the condition f= ri (t)dt Using of vtos eorem 1, 1,2--’,n-1. i we can prove the foiiolng theorem which extends (2.2) Let ,(s,) (2.5) and (,)-.. Js r n--I Assume that for some hold. - ,(s (s,_) n-I n-2 < for any constant (2.5) hold. c > ,(s, O, >/s? t proof of (s)" /s rn_ (Sn_ /s Liy(t eorem 2 Is e (s T))asa, n- -.-a, y(t) of n-2 0 for t l(s) ]asas n_, ..’ds < n-I (2.1) satisfies 1,2,’-’,n-1. essentially the same as that of so we omit the details. Exampie 1. T 0 and Then every oscillatory solution lim e eorem [6]. eorem2. (2 ) for =, differential equation (t’(t)).(t)= t eorem In [6], C.C. 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