Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1987) 79-88 Vol. i0 No. ON BAZILEVIC FUNCTIONS KHALIDA I. NOOR and SUMAYYA A. AL-BANY Mathematics Department,-Girls College of Education (Science Section) Sitteen Road, Malaz, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Received January 23, 1985 and in revised form June 28, 1986) Let B() be the class of Bazilevic functions of type B(>O). ABSTRACT. zf’ (z) A function fgB(B) if it is analytic in the unit disc E and Re f (z)g (z) I_B>O, We generalize the class B(8) by taking g Archlength, differk(k>2). where g is a starlike function. to be a function of radius Hankel determinant and some other problems are solved ence of coefficient, for rotation at most For k=2, we obtain some of these results for generalized class. this the class B() of Bazilevic functions of type KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Bazilevic rotation; Hankel determinant, functions, functions of bounded boundary close-to-convex functions, 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES 30A 32, i. radius of s-convexity. 30A34. INTRODUCTION. Bazilevic [i] introduced a class of analytic function f defined by the For zgE: following relation. E let -ai z f(z) l+a (h() ai) 2 where a is real, 2 g l+ai l+a B 2 (i.i) () dE 0 B > O, Re h(z)>O and g belongs to the class S functions. Such functions, we have for zeE Re he showed, zf’ (z) fl-8(z)gS(z This class of Bazilevic functions of note this B i class of functions by B(B). are univalent [I]. of starlike With a=O in (1.2) > 0 type (I.i), B was considered in We notice that if have the class K of close-to-convex functions. B [2]. =i in We de- (1.2), we We need the following defi- nations. Definition I.i A function f analytic in E belongs to the vlass V of functions with k I, f’(z) # 0, such that for 0, f’(0) boundary rotation, if f(0) bounded z 9e eE, 0<r<l K.I. NOOR and S. A. AL-BANY 80 (zf’ (z)) Re < d@ f"-(z/ k>2 k (1.3) For k=2, we obtain the class C of convex functions. It is known [3] that for 2<k<4,_ V consists entirely of univalent functions. The class V has k k been studied by many authors, see [3], [4], [5] etc. Definition 1.2 Let f be analytic in E and f(O)=O, f’(0)=l. to the class R Then f is said to belong of functions with bounded radius rotation, k if z--re eE, O<r<l 2 zf’ (z) IRe -fCz)IdO<k (1.4) k>2 0 It is clear that feV zf’eR k. We also note that We now give the following generalized form of the class B(8). Definition 1.3 k if and only if Let f be analytic in E and f(0)=l, f’(O)=l. class Bk(8) 8>0 if there exists a zf Re f We notice that, when 8=1, =1_ 8 (z) (z) g 8 (z) Bk(1) duced and discussed in [6]. geRk; k>2_ T Also B k’ Then f belongs to the such that > O, zeE (1.5) a class of analytic 2(8) , R2=S B(8) and B2(I functions intro- K, the class of close-to-convex functions. 2. PRELIMINARIES We shall give here the results needed to prove our main theorems in the preceeding section. Lemma 2.1 [3]. Let feV k. Then there exist two starlike functions zeE k i k 4 i (sl(z)/z) -+ f’ (z) (S2(z)/z) SI,S 2 k>2_ such that for (2.1) 2 Lemma 2.2 Let H be analytic in E, k H(z)=( Then, (i) and for z 1__ 2 + IH(O) I<i i )h l(z) (_k4 and be defined as i )h2(z) Rehi(z)>O’ i=1,2,k>2. re IH(z) 12-< l-(k2-1)r 2 l-r (2.2) BAZILEVIC FUNCTIONS 81 2T (ii) i IH’ (z)Id@< 0 k l-r (2 3) 2 [6] and, for k=2, This result is known we obtain Pommerenke’s result [7] for functions of positive real parts Lemma 2. 3 be univalent in E. i with there exists a z Then: Let S (i) ,IZll I =r such that for all z, IZ-Zll IS l(z) I<_ 2r l-r Izl =r 2 see 2 (2.4) [8] and r (ii) (l+r) <--IS1 (z) I< 2 r (2.5) [9] see (l-r) 2’ Definition 2.1. z+ Z Let f be analytic in E and be given by f(z) qth Hankel determinant of f is defined for q>l, a a n a n+l n>l 2 a z n n Then the n+q-1 an+ 1 (2.6) H (n) q an+q- 1 a n+2q-2 Definition 2.2. Let z f(z) z+ be a non-zero complex number 1 Y, a z n n=2 n Then, with A0(n,zl,f) an; we define for j>l, Aj (n,zl,f) Aj_l(n+l,Zl,f) Aj_l(n,zl,f (2.7) Lemma 2.4 Let f be analytic in E and let the Hankel determinant of f be defined by (26). Then, writing Aj=Aj(n,zl,f), we have A2q_2 (n) A2q_3 (n+l) A2q+3 (n+l) A 2q-4 (n+2) Aq_ 1 (n+q-l) Aq_ 2 (n+q) (2.8) H (n)= q A q-1 (n+q-l) A q-2(n+q) A (n+2q-3) 0 Lemma 2.5 With z n i n--- y’ and v>0_ Aj (n+v,zl,zf’) any integer, k=0l () k y (v- (k-l) n) --(n+l)- k Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5 are due to Noonan and Thomas Aj_k (n+v+k, y, f) [i0]. 82 K. I. NOOR AND S. A. AL-BANY Lemma 2.6 [ii]. Let N and D be anlytic in E, N(0)--D(O) and D maps E onto many sheeted region which is starlike with respect to the origin. N(z) implies Re DZ-- 3. Then Re >0 > 0. MAIN RESULTS. Let feB THEOREM 3.1: k(8) 0<8<1. k>2, Then Lr(f)<C(k_ ,8) MI-8(r) (I)_ C(k,8) where is a constant depending on k,8 the closed curve f(Izl=r<l) L (f) denotes the length of r only. and M(r) max PROOF: We have zf’ z L (f) r z=re de, 0 2 If 0 _< 1_ 8 (zig 8 (z)h(z)[de, using (1.5), where geR k and Re h(z)>0. M1-8(r) Ig 8 (z) h(z)lde 0 < MI-8(r) 12 I 0 < r r2n Mi-8(r) 18g’ (zlg 8-1 (z)h(z)+g 8(z)h’(z) 0 ir0 0 1 12 ir where H(z) g(z) is defined as Using Lemma 2.1, Lemma 2.3 (li), k 8(y Lr(f)<C(k,8)M l-8(r) (r) (z)IdrdO ]2 I 0 r 8 (z)zh’ (z) i ldrde} 1g 0 in Lemma 2 2 Schwarz inequality and then Lemma 2.2 for both general and speclal cases (k>2, k=2) depending on k,8 g 8 (z)zh 8(z)h(z) Idrde+ 0 0 (z)h(z)Idrde 0 0 2rr g g(z) Idrde. we have + 1) 0<8<1, C(k,8) is a constant only. Corollary 3.1 For k=2, feB(8) and (-) 28 i Lr(f)<C(8)Mi-8(r) THEOREM 3.2. Let feB k(8), 0<8<1, la n !_< Cl(8,k) and f(z) k>2_ C 1 z + l a z n=2 Then for n>2 1)-1 1 .n (8,k)M1-8(1 ) is a constant depending only upon k and n 8 BAZILEVIC FUNCTIONS PROOF:Since, with z=re 83 Cauchy’s theorem gives n a zf’ (z)e -ine de, 1 n 2r n 0 then nla n-< [2 Izf’ (z)Id@ f i 2zr n i 70 2r 1 Using theorem 3.1 and putting r=l e r (f) n we obtain n the required result. Corollary 3.2 When B=I,fET k and from theorem 3.2 we have la n This <A(k)n result was proved in k/.2 A(k) being a constant depending on k only. - [6]. Corollary 3.3 For k=2, fgB(8) and la n I<A 1 (8) M I-B (i- 2B-I I). n n n>2 THEOREM 3. 3. Let f be as defined in theorem 3.2. Then, for n>2,_ k Ilan+ l I-la II 0(z)M n where 0(i) PROOF:For n>2_ and z=re i0 used 0 12 Z-zlll i 2r z z n+l + i)-2 eE, we have I(n+l)z I lan+ 1 I-nla n I1< 2r 8( __I) .n n B. depends only on k and ZlgE (i- k> n+l i II zf’(z) Id@ 0 f (z) g (z)h(z) Id@, 2, where we have (1.5). TakiDg M(r)=max f(z) (n+l) z I an+l l-n an II and using < M I-8 (r) n+l 2r (2.1) (k ) 4 8 4 (2.4) and (2.5), we have i 2r 2 1-r 2 [ 2 0 .k+2 Is z(z) [--- i) Ih(z) lae, where S is a starlike function. 1 Schwarz inequality, together with Lemma 2.2 starlike functions (k=2) and subordination for [12] yields + i)-2 27r8( 4( r) MI 2r2 de)1/2" (2 -I+3r2)1/2 an+l l-nlanll < 2rn’+ () i@ 8(k+l-r2 l-re l-r2 0 ( + 1)-i <__C(k,B)M I- (r) (r) k (n+l) z 1 whre C(k,B) is a constant depending only on k and 8. we obtain the required result. Choosing z I r n __n_ n+l’ 84 . K. NOOR and S. A. AL-BANY Corollary 3.4 If 8=1, fT k and we obtain a known k llan+ll-lanll O(1).n [6] result, for k>3, 2 We now proceed to study the Hankel determinant problem for the class Bk(8) THEOREM 3.4. Let 8(+ feBk(8), q (n) of f be Then k 8( 7 + 1)-1, H (n)ffiO (1)M 1-8 (r) q PROOF: Since the Hankel determinant H 0<8<1, k>2 and let feBk(8) defined as in definition 2. q=l i) q-q q>2, k>_l 2 we can write 1-8 (z) g 8 (z)h(z), Re h(z)>0, gR k any non-zero complex number and Then for j>l,_ z Let F(z)fzf’(z). I zf(z)--f consider Aj(n,Zl,F) (2.7). as defined by 2rn+J 2r i0 Then (Z-Zl)JF(z)e -i(n+j)@ d 01 1_., IA j (n,Zl,F) zfre 0 1-8(z)gS(z) I n+j h(z)IdO 0 < Using (2.1), MI-8 (r) iZ_Zll ig (2.4) and (2.5), we have (2r22) 8( Ml-B(r)--------(--4r) (n,Zl,F)I< IAj --2rn+J j 1-r 12n k S lcz)l ( 1 + )-J IhCz) Id0 0 Schwarz inequality together with subordination for starlike functions k + i [12] and (2.2) gives us, for J>0, 8( )k IA j (n where + l)-J )8( I<C(k j)MI-8(r)(Tr ..... ’1 F) z C(k,8,J) is a constant which depends Applying lemma 2.5 and putting for k > 2 2 Zl= , uponok )e P io j(n,e n k f);O(1)Ml-8(r) n ( + 1)-j-1 k, and J only, We now estimate the rate of growth of H (n) q A a’ For q=l, H (n) (n) and 0 where 0(1) depends on q n 8 and J only. (n+) r-i 1 ---’n we have BAZILEVIC FUNCTIONS 8(k O(1)M I-8 n H (n) q 85 + i)-i q=l For q>2, we use the Remark due to Noonan and Thomas in [i0] and we have k 2 + 1)q-q H (n) 0(1)M i-8 (r)n q q_>2, 0<B<I, and k > 2 This ( completes the proof. Corollary 3.5 B--l, When feT and k q=l H (n)=O (i) q k + 1)q-q 2 (- q>2, This result is known [13]. Definition 3.1 A function f is called {(l-s) Re _ -convex zf’ (z) + if, for >0, (zf’ (Z)) ’We now prove the following THEOREM 3.5. Let feB k(B), k>2 and k>Sq- i0. f"(’z’)’} > Then f is 1 B>I. 0 zeE. convex for [z[<ro, where r0 PROOF:Since fKBk(B), we have fl-B(z)gB(z) zf’(z) _i (zf’ (z))’ h(z); Reh(z)>O, 1 zf’(z) + (i- ) ’f’(z)- --f(’z’)-- geRk, from which it follows that + 1 zh’ (z) g(z) (8>I) h---- Thus Re Since 1 zf’(z) ] >Re zg’(z) (zf’(z))’ + (i- 1 [ F zG’=geR k implies Re GeVk, Re g(z) h(-z) (zG’ (z)) G’(z) [14], 2 >l-kr+__r l-r (3.2) 2 [15] that it is known (z)l<__2,r_ (3.3) (3.3), we have Using (3.2) and Re 81 we have from a known result and for functions h of positive real part, zh’ 1 zh’ (z) g f [i (zf’(z))’ + (If (z) - zf (z) f >. 8(l-kr+r 8(l-r 2 )-2r 2 and this gives us the requaired result. For k=2, 8>1, feB(8) is i convex for Izl<r I (8+1) /-/’f . K. 86 I implies 8 (ii) This result fgT NOOR AND S. A. AL-BANY zI<r 2 and it is convex for k (iii) When k=2, and 6=1, [(k+2)- +4k [6]. see is known, fgK and it IzI<2-. is convex for THEOREM 3.6. Let Let, for GERk, k>2._ any positve integer, 1 2,3,...,n be defined as 2 z h(z) G (t) dt t 0 1 I +8) ( Then h is r (zh’ (z)) h’(z) PROOF: Since GeR + 1) (3.4) zG’ (z) G(z) [16] that is known zG’ IzI<r 0. Let GeR k, k>_2 I i- g(z) and II z ( --1 t PROOF [z I ( -E 0 0 given by (3.4) Now N’ (z) 8 valency -- and where IzI< r r 0, where i 2 G (t)dt t are defined as in + z i is given by G (z) (3.4). N(z) E _l which is (+ a -1) valently starlike for from theorem 3.6. zG’ (z) N’ (z) for 1 G3(t)dt, where D(z) Thus, 4). t to 1 r G(t)dt, _i_ 2 G 8(t)dt c z Izl<r O, _ -2 Then g is starlike for theorem 3.6. Re i Izl<r 0 (kI The (- i+) from the argument principle. THEOREM 3.7. and for Re---->0 Hence h is convex and thus starlike in foliows where /k 2 -4) i (k- 0 (I it k, _lzl<ro, valently starlike for Izl<r O, 8Re using r 0 given by zG’ (z) eg(---- Re have >0, since GR k" lemma 2.6, z’(z) (3.4), we N(z) for D--- > 0, Izl < r O, it follows that proof. and this completes the functions. result [17] for starlike obtain Bernardi’s (i) For k=2, 8 =1, we =I/2, we obtain a result (ii)Also, for k=2, proved in [18]. BAZILEVIC FUNCTIONS 87 THEOREM 3.8. Let FeBk(B) fB(z) 3.6. 1 z zeE and let 1-1/ t Then fEB(B) for (i/)-2 8 F IzI<ro,r 0 (t) dt, e and 8 defined (3.5) as in theorem is given by (3.4). PROOF:Let GER and let g be defined as in theorem 3.7. k for where 0’ r0 is given by (3.4) JzJ<r - - Then 8 is starlike Now, from (3.5), we obtain i (i-) B zf’ (z_) fZ-8(z)gS(z I z 1 t 0 z 1 2 B F (t)dt + z 1 2 t rz where D(z) 1 i (8+-i) is F (z) N(z) D(z------ (t)]dt C GS(t)dt t l valently starlike for 0 Also D-’-(z) Thus Izl<r O, s FI-8 (B). ce using lemma 2.6, we obtain the desired result that fgB(B) where r is given by (3.4). 0 for Corollar[ 3-8" (i) For k=.2, FEB(B) zeE and it follows from theorem 3.8 that fB(B) for (li) For k=2, 8=1 implies FeK and from theorem 3.8 it follows that f also belongs to K for zl <i. (ill) Let B=I, then to-convex for Izl< FeTk, r0, sult proved in [13] for and it follows from theorem 3.8 that f is close- given by @= (3.4). This is a generalization of a re- 1 _THEOREM. 3.9 Let feBk(S). O<el<e2_<2, Then for z-re o, f’(z)#O f(z) in E and 0<r<l, we have 2 (zf’ (z)) Re { f (z) PROOF: Sine feBk(8) zf’(z) zi de>- Re h(z)>O, geR k. + (B-l) f(z) l 8k. we can write fl-B(z) gS(z)h(z), fl-B(z)gB(Z)hl(Z) where fl-S(z) (zT’ (z))8 where TeT h(z)ffihSl(Z) Re h (z)> 0 1 k Therefore, _(zf’ (z)) f’ (z) (z) (_zT’ (z)) + (S-l) zf’ f(z) S --T"() (3.5) K.I. NOOR and S. A. AL-BANY 88 [6] for the class T k, we have by integrating both sides (3.5) between O I, O 2, Using a known result of 0<01<02<2 Re{ (zf’ (z)) f’ (z) 01 + (8-i) zf’_(z) fz- d0>- kn The following theorem shows the relationship between the classes B(B). More precisely it gives the necessary condition for Bk(8) fgBk(8) and to be univalent. THEOREM 3.10 Let feB (8). Then f is univalent if k k_< where 0<8<1._ PROOF:The proof follows immediately from Theorem 3.9 and the result of Shell-Small [19] REFERENCES i. 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