Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. Vol. 9 No. 4 (1986) 653-658 653 P-REPRESENTABLE OPERATORS IN BANACH SPACES ROSHDI KHALIL Department of Mathematics The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, 4I09, U.S.A. (Received November 7, 1985) ABSTRACT. Let E and F be Banach spaces. An operator T L(E,F) is called p-representable if there exists a finite measure u on the unit ball, B(E*), of Lq(,F), + and a function g such that -= Tx E* x,x*> g( x*) d x*) B(E*) for all x The object of this paper is to investigate the class of all E p-representable operators. In particular, it is shown that p-representable operators form a Banach ideal which is stable under injective tensor product. A characterization via factorization through LP-spaces is given. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Representable Operator, Banach Space, Stable Ideal Operators. 19 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 47BI0. I. NT RODU CT ON. Let L(E,F) be the space of all bounded linear operators from E into F and B(E*) the unit ball of E*, the dual of E The completion of the injective tensor product of E and F is denoted by E F Integral operators in L(E,F) were first defined by Grothendieck, 12], as those operators which can be identified with elements in (E F)*. These operators turn to have a nice integral representa14], for statements and proofs of such representations. We refer to Jarchow, Later on, Persson and Pietsch, [5] defined p-integral operators in L(E,F) as those operators T" E F such that Tx / <x,x*> dg-(x*), for all x C E* tion. where G is a vector measure on B(E*) B(E*) with values in lifB(E,) q(x*)dG(x*)ll i(x*)IPd)l/P<(JB(E*) F and for some finite measure on B(E*) The representing vector measure for T B(E*) Further, if G is of bounded variation and F doesn’t have the RadonoNikodym property, then T need not be a kernel integral operator. The object of this paper is to study operators which are in some sense kernel ingegral operators. Such operators is a sub-class of Pietsch p-integral operators. Throughout this paper, if E is a Banach space, then E* is the dual of E and on and all continuous functions need not be of bounded variation. B(E) the closed unit ball of function of K If (,u) E If K is a set then is a measure space, then 1K is the characteristic LP(.c,,E) is the space of R. KHALIL 654 .. p If with values in E, for all p-Bochner integrable functions defr,e on es3ecia!]y bounded functions on L with values L’(’,,E) is the space of p + Most of ir, E. always denote the conjugate of p q The real P q refer [I]. We Uhl and Diestel and our terminology and notations are from Pletsch [6] to these texts for any notion cited but not defined in this paper. 2. Rp(E,F). DEFINITION 2.1. L(E,F) is called p-representable operator if defined on the Borel sets of B(E*) and a function x,x* g(x*)d(x*) and Tx ilg(x*)ll qd An operator T there exists a finite measure g’B(E*) --F such that iBfE,,, , B(E*) x E. It follows from the definition that every p-representable operator is Pietsch-pbe the set of all p-repreintegral operator, but not the converse. Let sentable operators from E into F. for all Rp(E,F) Rp(E,F) LEMMA 2.2. Let PROOF. I + 2" Rp(E,F) TI,T 2 Ti(x) Set is a vector space. . such that x,x* gi(x*)di(x*). B(*) Then Consequently, Further, since fi d d; hi(K) #(K) for all Borel sets K on B(E*), it follows that 0 <_. fi(x*) <__ a.e. p <-, and 1,2. Let (x*) gl(x*)fl(x*) + g2(x/)f2(x*). Since 0 fi(x*) for all x Lq(B(E*),’,F). Further we have This ends the proof. E. Rp(E,F), we llT!lo(p) For T e (TI+T2)(XT= define inf {(Illg(x*)l!qd(x*) I/q where the infimum is taken over all g and u for which T(x) !I_ (p) is a norm on It is not difficult toshowthat x E liTi ilTli ..... Rp(E PROOF. F) For T LEMMA 2 3 Let Tx ( <x,x*>(x*)du, B(E*) Rp(E . o(p) <x,x*>g(x*)d(x*) for some B(E*) | <x,x*>g(x*)du(x*), F B(E*) and lg(x *)I !qd(x*) such that Definition 2.1. Choose g and O. Then, using Holder’s inequality" for a given small i’T’:o(p) IITI! ]ITI] (p) LEMMA 2.Zl. PROOF. some g E Let +c. Since Every element T Tx _< llTllo(p)_ + (!, B(E*) ilg(x*)]Iqd(x *) 111q ]ITxI’ Hence g as in the I/q -x,x* B(E*) Lq(B(E *),u, F). Choose + is arbitrary Rp(E,F) the result follows is an approximable operator in L(E,F). g(x*)d..(x*), for some finite measure on B(E*) and and g such that P-REPRESENTABLE OPERATORS IN BANACH SPACES Let gn gn (x*)lq du(x*) !g(x*) IB(E*) 0. Define such that Tn(X*)=E,)<x,x*> gn(X*) lit is a finite rank operator, and T mable operators, Pietsch 16] Tn and Lq(B(E*),., F) be a sequence of simple functions in 655 O. (p) is approximable. d;:(x*). Then each Then by definition of approxiThis ends the proof. Rp(E,F), I(p) THEOREM 2.5. Let H, E,: F and G be Banach spaces, and T and B L(H,E). Then ATB IIBIII:T Rp(H,G) PROOF. measure u <x’x*> g(x*)d(x*) for all fB(E*) some g Lq(B(E*),u,F). Then Let Tx on B(E*) and ATx ( E and some finite ( =, x,x*> Ag(x*)du(x*) JB(E*) qdu(x*) B(E*) flAg(x*) llqdu(x*) _< I!aI, !BiE*) llg(x*)ll and x L(F,G) A Hence AT ( Rp(E G) IIATII(p) <- llallllTlio(p)" To show TB Rp(H,F), in Lq(B(E*), F) and and let gn be a sequence of simple functions converging to T n be the associated operators in R p (E F). So x,x* gn(x*)du(x*) TnX B(I*) With no loss of generality we assume into F via: Gn(K) g I!BI I. Define the vector measures G on B(H*) (y*)dG(y*) B’(E*) K (B*x*)Sn(X*)du(x*) B(*) K Clearly, G n is a countably additive vector measure of bounded variation. we define the measure \, on B(H*) via v(K) B(*) Further, if 1K(B*x*)d(x*), then, using Holder’s inequality: llGn(K)! BIE*) . lign(X*)l! q d;(x*) l’q .[,CK) I/p Since the range of G n is finite dimensional, it has the Radon-Nikodym Gn F) such that dG n Snd,,. (B(H*) property and consequently *here exists S n e Lq(B(H*) ,F). S tha check Further, it is easy to n An application of the Hahn-Banach theorem, we get: Hepce ’n BV By,x* a (x*)d...(x*) B(*) y,y*. B(h*) Sn(Y*)d..(y* ). B(E*), the sequence (. By,.>g n) is Cauchy in Lq(B(E *) F). Consequently the sequence(-y,. -S n) is Cauchy in Lq(B(H*), ,,,F). Let y,. S be the limit of (. y,. -Sn) in Lq(B(H*),,.,F). It is not difficult to see y,y*. S(y*)d (y*). that T [I converges in the operator norm to the operator Jy Since ti function n By,* is pounded on 656 R. KHAL IL However T n B TB e TB Rp(H,F). In the operaLor ,ITB Further !’T DEFINITION 2.6. L(LP(.-.,),F) (-,) Let TBy hence I’. =.f <y,y*. S(y*)d(y*), and B(H*) This enos 1;he proof. Bil (p)) (,,p Theorem 2.5 states nat T e norm. a normed operator ideal, is [6] F a Banach space. be a measure space and is called B-vecLor Integral operator if there exists An operator Lq(,p,F) g such nat / f(t)g(t)d(t) Tf for all LP(,). f if the function g is only Peztis q-integrable and the integral defining T is known to be called veczor integral operator Now using Theorem 2.5 we can prove- the Pettis integral, then THEOREM 2.7. E,F Let T be Banach spaces and L(E,F). Tf is [I] The following are equivalent" T e (i) Rp(E,F) (ii) There exists operators T e L(E,LP(2,)) and T 2 e L(LP(,),F) measure space (a,) such that T 2 is B-vector integral operator and T PROOF. (ii). (i) Let T e Tx Rp(E,F) on B(E*) T2T 1. and g(x*)d(x*) x,x* for some finite measure for some and Lq(B(E*),,F). g Define LP(B(E*)) T "E (TlX)(X*) <x,x* >, and T2 LP(B(E*), ) T2(f) Then T2 ----> F HIE*) f(x*)g(x*)d is a B-vector integral operator and TI(E,LP(,)) (ii) (i). Let T T2T I, operator in L(LP(.,), F). Then T 2 T2T Rp(E,F). Let Ip(E,F) IFFlli(p) IFFIli(p) T T2T I. and Rp(LP(,), F). T2 _ is a B-vector integral Using Theorem 2.6, This ends the proof. be the space of Pietsch p-integral operators from E into F, and be the p-integral norm for T e Clearly and < for all T This, together with the fact that is complete, Ip(E,F). Rp(E,F). IITllo(p) [5] THEOREM 2.8. Rp(E,F) Ip(E,F) Ip(E,F) one can prove" (Rp(E,F), llo(p)) is a Banach space. F has the Radon Nikodym property, then RI(E,F) Corollary 5 in [i], we see that RI(C(c),F) II(E,F) is the class of nuclear operators from E into F. If 5p(E,F) II(E,F), NI(C(p,),F), Further if is the class of p-summing operators from E follows from the Grothendieck-Pietsch represenation theorem [6], that and by using where NI(E,F) into F, then it Rp(E,F) IIp(E,F) P-REPRESENTABLE OPERATORS IN BANACH SPACES 3. 657 P,p. IDEAL PROPERTIES OF We let R denote the operator ideal of a’ p-representable operators. P lowing notions are taken from Pietsch [5] and Holu, 13]. T (i) An operator ideal J(E,F) if and only if J E and F, J(,F**), where K F is the natural embedding of F is called regular if for all Banach spaces KFT F**. Into (ii) J is called closed if the closure of all Banach spaces E and F. J (iii) is called injective if whenever E for all Banach spaces F. and JF Here (B(F*)). J (iv) T T The fol- J(E,F) JF T L(E,F) in J(E,=(B(F*))), ( is J(E,F) for then is the natural embedding of F T (E,F) into is called stable with respect to the injective tensor product if T ( T 2 J(E E 2, F F2), for all Banach spaces EI,E2,FI,F 2. THEOREM 3.1. R is regular. P PROOF. Let E and F be any Banach spaces and let Rp(E,F*), for and g as in <x,x*> g(x*)d(x*) for some L(E,F). Then J(Ei,Fi), then KFT KFTX B(E*) Definition 2.1. Now g(x*) ( KF(F) for all onto operator, the function g(x*) ( Lq(B(E *),, F). Further Tx B([*) Rp(E,F). Hence T B(E*). Since Kl(g(x*)) is x* KF(F) is an isometric KF’F well defined measurable and <x,x*>](x*)d(x*). This ends the proof. In a similar way one can proveTHEOREM 3.2. R THEOREM 3.3. R PROOF. Let T P P is injective is stable. Rp(Ei,Fi), 1,2 / x,x*> gl(X*)d;l(X*) x,x* g2(x*)dJ2(x*), TlX ./" T2x B(E) and ui and gi be the associated measures and functions as in Definition 2.1. with 1,2, is the completion of the injective tensor product of E E C$ F i, ( Ill, then T T 2 L(E 0 F I, E 2 F2). Further" ,y,y,> g2(Y*)du2(y*). / x,x*> gl(X*)dUl(X*) (T ( T2)(x y) where B(E) B(E) Let E2)*. B(E) - B(E) B(E), B(E)} {x* 8 y*" x* in y* ( ) Since the map B Eo*,. the projective tensor product of E 2, is continuous, [7], it follows that the map (x*,y*) x* 0 y* is continuous. This induces an isometric into K be the w*-closure of (E E with If F i, B(E), B(E) E E ET B(E) R. KHALIL 658 operator " C(B(E) C(K) there exists a measure K on B(E)) f(z*)d(z*) K ( and @ T 2 z Consequently, .2)(x*,y*). E2)* E2)* B(E), T2)(z) (T @ T o- E2)*----. B(E), for all f K. Further define =-0 on B(E @ by putting F @ F 2 via g(x* @ y*) gl(x*) @ g2(y *) if x g(z*) 0 otherwise. Then it is not difficult to see that B(E @ to g’B(E @ y* f o ,(x*,y*)d( B(E) B(E) Extend ,(f) defined by such that z,z*>g(z*)d(z*) B(E @ E2)* E @ E 2. Since g Lq(B(E @ E2)*,p, F 0 Rp(E @ E 2. F @ F2). This ends the proof. A negative result for R P F2), it follows that is the following- THEOREM 3.4. R is not closed. P PROOF: Assume R is closed. Since the ideal of finite rank operator is conP one has the ideal of approximable operators is contained in tained in By Lema 2.4, one gets R P the ideal of approximable operators. Theorem 2.8, together and with the open mapping theorem we get that Ii I are equivalent on This is a contradiction. Hence is not closed. Rp, Rp. ll(p) Rp ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The author would llke to thank Professor Ramanujan and Dr. Defant for stimulating discussions. 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