Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 4 (1986) 665-704 665 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF (p2), p 4, 11(MOD 15) CHRISTIAN FRIESEN Departmert of Mathematics and Statistics University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3 JOSEPH B. MUSKAT Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Bar-llan University Ramat-Gan, Israel BLAIR K. SPEARMAN Department of Mathematics College of New Caledonia Prince George, British Columbia, Canada V2N 1P8 KENNETH S. WILLIAMS Department of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIS 5B6 (Received October 16, 1985) 4, 11 (mod 15) explicit formulae are obtained for the cyclotomic numbers of order 15 over ABSTRACT. For primes p GF(p2). KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Cycloomic numbers, Gauss sumsj Jacobi sums, Eisenstein sums. 19B0 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 2C20 I. INTRODUCTION. Let e 2 and I. We set q integers and let p be an odd prime such that e divides The ef + I. We fix once and for all a generator y positive integer f is defined by q +pZ-1 of the multiplicative group GF(q)* GF(q) {0} and set g y1+p+ pg g a 1 be pg and denote the finite field with q elements by GF(q). so that g is a primitive root modulo p. For a GF(q)* the index of a with respect to y, denoted by indy a, is the unique integer m such that a 0 s m _< q 2, and for a GF(p)* the index of a with respect to g, denoted by indg a, is the unique integer n such that a (mod p), 0 n p 2. These indices are related by the following congruence- for a GF(p)* we have ym, gn indya (I + p + + p-l) indga (mod p i). (I.I) The congruence (1.1) will be used many times throughout the paper. The number of solutions GF(q) + GF(q)* {I} of the pair of congruences ind (a I) h (mod e) Y ind a k (mod e) (I 2) C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 666 is denoted by (h, I. The numbers k) e, where h and k are integers such that 0 -< h _< e 1, 0 < k e (h, k) e are called the cyclotomic numbers of order e over GF(q), and they depend on p, 2, e and y. It is a central problem in the theory of cyclotomy to obtain precise formulae for these numbers. This has been done for a number of values of e and z--for small values of e these formulae are given in [11] and references to further results are given, for example, in [9]. The purpose of this paper is to give the first complete determination of the 15, L 2, p 4, 11 (rood 15) (so that cyclotomic numbers (h, k) e in the case e q (mod 15)). The two basic properties of cyclotomic numbers (6.1), (6.2) 225 cyclotomic numbers take on at most 46 values. As we have show that the e 2 reduces the (h, assumed that p (rood 15) the additional property (ph, 4 (mod 15) and 29 maximum number of possible different values to 28 in the case p in the case p 11 (rood 15). It should be remarked that in the remaining case for =_ 1 (mod 15), namely, p 14 (mod 15), the phenomenom of uniform cyclotomy which occurs (see [2- Theorem i]) and there are just 3 different cyclotomic numbers. In the case p 4 (mod 15), the 28 cyclotomic numbers are expressed (see AB, B AT, BT, AU, BU, Tables 13a, 13b, 13c) as linear combinations of P, 1, A 2 A, B, T, U are defined in Theorem and satisfy TU, where the integers 15U T 2 2 (1.3) AB + B A -1 (mod 3)-, B 0 (mod 3), p A (1.4) p T 2 + 15U 2 T -1 (mod 3) two solutions between the not alone does be distinguish It should noted that (1.3) (A, B) and (A B, -B), while (1.4) determines T uniquely but determines U only up to p2 k)15 Pk)15 p2 p2, 2, 2, 2, sign. For the case p 11 (mod 15), the 29 cyclotomic numbers are expressed (see 2 2 2 Tables 14a- 14g) as linear combinations of p2 p, 1, XU, XV, U UV, UW, V VW, W where the integers X, U, V, W are defined in Theorem 2 and satisfy 2 (1.5) p X 2 + 5U + 5V 2 + 5W 2 X -1 (mod 5) 2 2 UV U XW V Again, it should be noted that (1.5) alone does not distinguish between the four (X, V, -U,-W) (X, -U, -V, W) (X, -V, U, -W) (see [I0]). solutions (X, U, V, W) As an application of the formulae for the cyclotomic numbers in the case p 4 (mod 15), we prove the following theorem in 7. THEOREM 8. Let p 4 (mod 15) be a prime. Let y be a generator of GF(p2) *. Set g yp+l, so that g is a primitive root (mod p). The quantity y(q-l)/5 y2(q-l)/5 y3(q-l)/5 + y4(q-l)/5 GF(p) and a unique square root of 5 modulo p is given by V y(q-l)/5 y2(q-l)/5 y3(q-l)/5 + y4(q-l)/5 (mod p). (1.6) Then we have (1.7) -U (mod 3), ind 1/2(1 + V) g where U is given by Theorem 1. In particular, we see that 1/2(I + V) (equivalently 1/2(I )) is a cube modulo 4 (mod 15), if and only if, U 0 (mod 3), where U is given by (1.4). the prime p A sketch of a proof of this, using classfield theory, has been given by Aigner [1]. 1 This result complements that of Emma Lehmer (see [9: Theorem 2]) for the case p (mod 1,5-). CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p 2. 2) 667 BASIC PROPERTIES OF JACOBI, GAUSS AND EISENSTEIN SUMS. With the notation of {}I, we define the Jacobi sum e for integers m and n by n) jq(6m z GF(q) Bm ind y Bn) jq(Bm, over GF(q) of order + n ind y (2.1) where S exp(2i/e). These sums have the following well-known properties (see, for example, [11: Lemmas 13-16]): jq(Bm Bn): jq(Bn, (_l)nfjq(B-m-n Bm) Bn) (2.2) (2.3) jq(Bm Bn) jq(B-m B-n) q if e m e n e m + n (2.4) jq(Bm, Bn) -I if e m e n or e m e n (2.5) jq(Bm Bn) q_ 2 if e m (2.6) jq(Bm Bn) (_l)nf+l if e m e n e m + n (2.7) Jq(B pro, B pn) Jq(Bm, B n) 1, the mapping which sends B to BJ is an automorphism of the cyclotomic If (j, e) field Q(B), which we shall denote by oj. We have Bn)) oj(jq(m, jq(jm, Bjn) (2.8) Gq(Bm), tr Closely related to the Jacobi sum is the Gauss sum Integer m by Gq(Bm) where tr denotes the trace of m ind y B I: defined for any (2.9) GF(q)* from GF(q) to GF(p), that is 2 -1 + P + P + + P tr and { exp(2i/p). Gauss sums have the following properties (see for example [8: pp. 3-5] and [3: Theorem 2.12]) m) :-I, elm, (2.10) Gq(B G 2(Bm) p(_l)(p P + 1)/e’ if e m and e’ (2.11) P + where we have written e’ for e/(e, m) Gq(Bm) Gq( m) (-1)mfq, if e Gq (B pm) Gq(Bm) (2.12) m (2.13) In addition, these sums satisfy the Davenport-Hasse relations [4: eqns. (0.8) and (0.91)] (see, for example, [8" p. 20, Theorem 5.1] and [3" 8]) Gq(Bm(q’l)/(p-l)) (-I) -1G(B m) where the Gauss sum G(B m) is defined in (2.18), and for e integer t ty indyy (2.14) xy and an arbitrary + t). C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 668 The basic relationship between Gauss and Jacobi sums is (see, for example, Theorem 2.2].) Gq(Bm) Gq(13 r’) Jq (Bm’ Bn) Gq( m+n if e ( ( n m e m indya e [3" (2.16) ( m + n We also define the Jacobi sum j(sm, Bn) z a GF(p) t + n ind (I a) (2.17) and the Gauss sum mind a a (2.18) z y a GF(p)* m) We note that if (so that q p), then B n) J(B B n) and G(Bm). The sums j(Bm, Bn) and G(6m) also have tile properties (2.2), (2.3) with the right hand side replaced by p, (2.4), (2.5) with the right hand side replaced by p 2, (2.6), (2.7), (2.8), (2.10), (2.12) with the right hand side replaced by (-I) mf p, (2.13), and (2.16). Next, we define the Eisenstein sums E(B m) over GF(p2). We set p-1 mind (l+bx) G(Sm Jq(Bm, E(Bm) z B m, Gq(B Y (2.19) b=O where x is any element of GF such that (2.20) a + bx a, b O, 1, 2 GF(p p (p+I)/2 .) Clearly, E(Bm) is and x 2 GF (p). (For example, we could take x 1) runs twice through the square independent of the choice of x as bx(1 < b _< p roots of the quadratic non-residues of GF(p). Eisenstein sums have the properties (see, for example, [3- pp. 377-381]) (2.21) E(B m) p, if e m (2.22) E(Bm) -(-I) (p+l)/e’ if e m and e’ P + I (2.23) E(B m) E(B -m) p, if e’ p + (p2), 2) E(B pm) E(Bm) E(B jm) if (j, e) where, again, we have written e’ for e/(e, m). oj(E(Bm)) (2.24) (2.25) Finally, we remark that the Eisenstein sums are related to the Gauss sums as follows (see, for example, [3" Theorem 2.23])" mind 2 Y G m) if e’ p + I (2.26) E(Bm) B P 2(Bm)/G(B DETERMINATION OF EISENSTEIN SUMS OVER GF(p 2) FOR e 15, p 4, 11 (mod 15). p: and p 4, 11 (mod 15). We 2, q Throughout {}3 and 4, we take e 15, 2 m) 14) in the case p 4 sums 1, E(B (m begin by determining the Eisenstein 3. (mod 15). Set g m THEOREM 1. Let p 4 (mod 15) be a prime. Let y be a generator of GF(p2) *. yp+l, B exp(2i/15), and exp(2i/3) 1/2(-1 + r). Then -indglO 65 E(B) is an integer of Q(vrzi-) of the form T + U=T, where T and U are CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p 2) 669 rational integers, and we have E(B 4) E(6) E(B 7) E(B 2) E(BI4) E(B 11) E(B 13) E(B 8) E(B 3) m indglO (T -indglO UV-I-) (3.1) (T + UZ-) (3.2) E(B 12) E(B 9) E(B 6) + (3.3) -I -ind 2 E(B I0) E(B 5) m g -m (3.4) (a + B,) where (3.5) J(B, 8) A B Moreover, A, B, T, U satisfy (1.3), (1.4), as well as the congruences given in the following chart. ind 5 A B (mod 3) (mod 5) -T (mod 5) g 0 PROOF. 0 1 0 2 From (1.1) we have for a nd a (I + p) -T GF(p)* nd a (mod g Y so that a ind (3.6) -ind g p2 1) (3.7) a (mod 3) and ind From (2.18) and (3.8) we see that G(B n) G(Bm) We begin by proving (3.4). if m - (3.9) n (mod 3) We have ind 2 Y E(B 5) (3.8) 0 (mod 5) a Y Gq(B5)/G(B 5) ndg2 Gq(B5)/G(B 2) (by (2.26)) (by (3.7) and (3.9)) -indg2 {G(B)}2/G(( 2) ndg2 J(B, B) =-m (by (2.14)) (by (2.16)) -ind 2 g (A + B) where A and B satisfy (1.3) (see, for example, [7- Prop. 8.3.4]). Appealing to (2.25), we obtain E(B 10) E(B5), which completes the proof of (3.4). We note that (3.3) follows from (2.22), and in view of (2.24) and (2.25), to complete the proof it suffices to prove indglO E(B 2) E(B) (3.10) and ind I0 E(B) First, we prove m (3.10). Taking t g (T + U/15) 1, x 3, y (3.11) 5 in (2.15) and appealing to C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 670 (2.12), we obtain ind 5 Y q2Gq(5) 13 Gq() Gq( 4) Gq(B 7) Gq(B I0) Gq(B Applying (2.26) and (3.9), we have indg5 q2G(2) BIB E( 7 E(B i0) E( E( 5 {G(B)} 5 E(B) E( Multiplying both sides by GB) and appealing to (2.!2), (2.23) and (2.24), we obtain B4 2 ind g 5 G(B)6 E()2 p2 E((2)2 E(5)2 giving ndg5 G(I) 3 E(() + p E(( 2) E(B 5) (3.12) As G(B) 3 J(B, B) G(B 2) G(B) we obtain from (3.4) and (3.12) E(B 2) p(A + Bm) indglO (3.13) E(B) we (3.13), of We now determine which sign holds in (3.13). Cubing both sides +/- obtain E(B2)3 E(B) 3 + and so Since (3.14) E(B 6) +/- E(B 3) (mod 3) E(B 6) -I, we must have the + sign holding in (3.14), giving (3.10). Raising (3.10) to the 5th power and reducing modulo 5, we obtain E(B 3) {E(B2)} 5 E(B 10) m -indglO {E(B)} 5 -= m -indglO E(B 5) (mod 5) Then, appealing to (3.4), we obtain -ind 5 g A +Bm 2 B 0 (mod 5), if A B (mod 5), if A 0 (mod 5), if Next, we prove (3.11). We have g ndg5 indg5 ndg5 ind 10 -ind 10 o2( g E(B)) From this equation, we see that -indglO so that m g E(B) is an integer of -ind 10 g E() m where p -indg10 This proves (3.5) -ind 10 g E(B 2) E(B) Q(/:T). Hence, we have 1/2(t + uVC-), where t and u are integers such that 4p 2U, and 2T, u odd, so t T 2 + 15U 2 - (mod 3) (mod 3) 2 (mod 3) 0 E(B) is invariant under the automorphism -ind 10 02 (mod 5) (A + Bin) which gives E(B) (3 11) t 2 t + 15u u 2. T + U/:- (mod 2) Clearly, t and u cannot both be CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p 2) 671 -I (mod 3). Cubing (3.11), we obtain by (3.3) We now show that T T T 3 E(B) 3 E(B 3) -I (mod 3) Finally, we prove (3.6). Raising (3.11) to the fifth power, we obtain by (3.4) that is - indg2 (A + B) E(B 5) _= -ind 10 -ind 10 T5 g E() 5 _-- g T (mod 5) ind 5 T _-- g -m (mod 5) (A + Bm) which together with (3.15) gives (3.6). This completes the proof of Theorem 1. Next we determine the Eisenstein sums E(Bm) (I _< 14) in the case p m 11 (mod 15). THEOREM 2. Set g Then y, E(B) p+l 11 (mod 15) be a prime. Let p exp(2i/15), and o B E( 4) E(B II) B 2 E(B 14) 3 (5 1/2 exp(2xi/5) F. i=O E(( 2) E(B8) E( 7) E(B 13) 0 E(B 3) 2 -indg24 E(B 12) z i=O E(6 I0) E(B 5) . 4 E(9) E(B 6) i=O where the integers t (0 _< < + 4 indg2-indg3 0 GF(p2) *. i(I0+2(5)1/2))/4 Let y be a generator of indg3 (3.16) tio 4 I: t i=O o2 ti Oi (3.17) (3.18) -I (3.)9) ti 02i (3.20) 4) satisfy 4 -I t i=O and are of the form - (3.21) 1) (4X to tl= (-1- X) + U + V +W t2 t3 t4 . 4 i=O tio V W (3.23) U + V W (3.24) (-1 X) + U (-I X) (3.25) (-I -X) -U -V + W where (X, U, V, W) is a solution of P X 2 + 5U 2 + 5V 2 + 5W 2 XW V 2 UV U 2 Moreover, we have (3.22) X + Ui(5 + 2(5)1/2 X 1/2 + Vi(5 -1 (mod 5) 2(5) 1/2 1/2 + W(5) 1/2 (3.26) C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 672 and 4 tio2i: X + Vi(5 + 2(5)I) 1/2 }1 i=O PROOF. From (1.1), we have for a (1 + p) nd g a nd a GF(p)* (mod p2 Y 2(5)1/2) 1/2 Ui(5 W(5) 1/2 1) so that ind Y a 0 2 nd (3.27) (mod 3) and nd a Y g From (2.18) and (3.27) we see that G(Bm) G(B n) if m We set A G(6) B From (3.29) and (3.30) we have n G(62 (3.29) (rood 5) G(62) (3.30) G(66) G(611) G(67 G(612 G(() (3.28) (mod 5) a A (3.31) B Next appealing to (2.12), (3.29) and (3.31), we have G(63 G(68 G(613 G(64 G(69 G(B In (3.32) (3.33) p/B p/A Also, from (2.18) and (3.27) we have G(B 5) G(B 10) -I Next, we determine the values of the Gauss sums Gq(6 i) (0 G(1) A, B, p and g. Taking m Thus, taking n Next, taking m Also, taking m (3.34) < 14) in terms of 4n in (2.14), we obtain Gq(B3n) {G(B4n)}2 1, 2, 3, 4 and appealing to (3.31), Gq(63 pZ/A2 Gq(66)g) p2/B2 B2 Gq(6 Gq(612) A2 5, 10 in (2.11), we obtain Gq(65) Gq(B I0) p have (3.35) (3.32), (3.33), we obtain (3.36) (3.37) (3.38) (3.39) (3.40) 0 in (2.10), we (3.41) Gq(1) Further, from (2.13), we have Gq(6 llm) Gq(6m) From the Davenport-Hasse relation (2.15) with x (appealing to (3.40)) Gq(63) p2 and with x 5, y 3, t 3 ind 3 6 Y 2, we have 6 ind 3 Y 6 Gq(66) p2 (3.42) 5, y 3, t 1, we obtain Gq(6) gq( 66 Gq( 611 (3.43) Gq(62) Gq(67) Gq( 612 (3.44) 1, the equation (3.43) becomes Appealing to (3.36), (3.37), (3.42), with m -2 indg3 2 2 0 Gq(6) p2 B2/A (3.45) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p (3.37), (3.39), (3.42)with m and appealing to -4 2) 673 2, the equation (3.44) becomes indg3 p4/A2B 2 (3.46) faking square roots in (3.45) and (3.46), we have -ind 3 g p B/A -+0 (3.47) gq(6 2)2 6) Gq(B) -2 ind 3 Gq(B 2) g -+o p2/A (3.48) B Raising both sides of (3.47) and (3.48) to the fifth power and reducing modulo 5, we see that the + signs must hold in both equations; that is, -ind 3 g p B/A (3.49) o The values of the Gq(B) -2 indg3 p2 /A B Gq(( 2) o remaining Gq(g i) follow imn, ediately from (3.49) Gq(6)) Gq(B 4) Gq(B II) Gq(B 14) (3.5o) and (3,50) as Gq(B 2) Gq(B 7) Gq(B8) Gq(B 14) (3.51) (3.52) We now appeal to (2.22), (2.26) and the above fomulae for the G(B i) and Gq(B i) to obtain E(B) E( 4) E(B II) E(6 2) E(B 7) E(6 8) We now examine E(B 3) g o 2 e E(613 o -2 0 ndg 6 indg6 p B / A2 P2 / A B 2 2 ind 2 g p B / A2 O E(B 3) E(B 12) E(B 5) E(B I0) E(B 6) E(B 9) E(B3). 2 ind 2 E( 14) 0 ndg2 p2/ A B2 We have p B / A2 2 / G(B indg2 G(B4) 3) 2 ind g 2 (by (2.16) and (3.29)) e J(B B + a) 4 ind (1 4 ind a 2 ind 2 p-1 Y g Y z B =-e a=2 a) 2 indg2 p-1 indga + 4, 4) indg(1 B E 8 a:2 2 0 6) indg2 R5(1, 2 ind g 2 (in the notation of [5- eqn. (3.1)]) 1) 4 7. i=O B5(i 1) 0 [5" p. 345] (3.53) (3.54) (3.55) (3.56) (3.57) 674 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 4 }: j:O 4 r. j=O 4 7, j:O B5(.i__ I) e j 2 ind 2 g B5( j 2 ind 2 I) g’ t.O j J where (see [5" eqn. (9.5)]) for 0 _< B5(J j 2 _< - (p- I)} 0J 4 1 I) indg2, (p I) (3.58) From [5. eqn. (9.6)], we have 4 z j=O and [5- (3.59) tj Theorem 8] 5t 0 + 4X, t + t 2 4V, t t3 t4 4U (3.60) t 2 + t3 t4 t2 t3 + t4 4W, where X, U, V, W are integers satisfying (3.26). Solving (3.59) and (3.60) for t O t 1, t 2, t 3, t 4, we obtain (3.21) (3.25). This completes the proof of (3.18). From (3.53) and (3.5b), we have 2 ind 2 ind 3 g g E(B e E(6) t 3) which together with (3.18), gives (3.16). Applying the automorphism 02 to (3.16), we obtain (3.17), and applying the same automorphism to (3.18), we obtain (3.20). Finally, we note that 4 4 z i:O ti oi z (t i:l to oi (-X + U + V + W)e + (-X + U X(-0-02-03-04) + U(O + V W)o 2 + (-X W)o 3 +(-X-U-V+W)o 4 U + V 02 03 04)+V(o-O 2 + 03 04)+W(o 02_03 + {)4), that is 4 z te X + Ui(5 + 2(5)1/2) 1/2 + Vi(5 i=O as required. Applying 4 r. i=O ti 02i o 2(5)I) I + W(5) 1/2, (3.61) 2(5)1/2) 1/2 W(5) 1/2 (3.62) 2 to (3.61), we obtain X + Vi(5 + 2(5)1/2) 1/2 Ui(5 as o2{i(5 + 2(5)1/2) 1/2) o2(i(5 2(5)t) 1/2 o2(0 + 02 03 04 02 + 04 -e + o 2 i(5 i(5 + e3 + e4 2(5)1/2) t and o2((5) 1/2 This completes the proof of Theorem 2. (5) 1/2 6) 6 2(5)1/2) 1/2 08 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p 4. 2) 675 DETERMINATION OF JACOBI SUMS FOR e 15 AND p _= 4, 11 (mod 15). B) (1 m 5), The Jacobi sums of order 15 over GF(p 2) are conjugate to 5). We first evaluate these for p _= 4 (mod 15). We prove and THEOREM 3. For p 4 (mod 15), with the notation of Theorem 1, we have jq(3, 3) Jq(Bm, jq(5, dq(B, B) 2 Jq(B (A + Bin) (T + UvC-Ig) (4.1) (T + U -/Z) 2 (4.2) B) dq(B 3, Jq(B 4 g ) P (.3) (T + U-) 2 (4.4) ind 5 jq(5 g ) J(B 3, Jq(5,5) PROOF. B) -ind 5 (4.5) (A + B)(T + B 3) p (4.6) (4.7) B) 2 (A + From Theorem 1, we have indg5 (T + U--in) G() Gq() Gq( 4) Gq(B II) Gq(i’14) -indg5 (T + UC-ir) G(B 2) Gq(B 2) Gq(B 7) Gq(B 8) Gq(B 13) Gq(( 3) Gq(B 6) Gq(( 9) Gq(B 12) p and G(B) 3 Gq(B 5) Gq(B i0) p(A + Bm) G(B2) 3 (4.8) (4.9) (4.10) (4.11) G(B) 2 (4.12) p(A + Bm 2) G(B) G(B 2) P (2.16). (4.7) follow from (4.8) (4.12) and The values of the Jacobi sums (4.1) This completes the proof of Theorem 3. Next, we evaluate the required Jacobi sums in the case p 11 (mod 15). We prove THEOREM 4. 11 (mod 15), with the notation of Theorem 2, we have 4 2 indg2 4 3j For p Jq(B, J Jq(B 3 {i:OI: tioi} {j=OE t.Bj o B) q(B2 ,6)=-0 2 B):- (4.14) P . 4 i=O Jq(B 4, Jq(B 5 indg3 2 ind g 3 -o indg2 B) 2 ) B) Jq(B 3 B 3) jq(B5 o 2 4 tie =0 11 }{ 11 j =0 4 I: i=O p (4.15) (4.16) 4 ind g 2 85) tie P indg2 indg3 (4.13) tie 2 tjo3 j (4.17) (4.18) (4.19) 676 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K.S. WILLIAMS PROOF. Theorem 4 follows from (2.16), (3.36) (3.40), (3.49) (3.57) and Theorem 2. 5. DETERMINATION OF DICKSON-HURWITZ SUMS FOR e 15 AND p 4, 11 (mod 15). For any integers and v, the Dickson-Hurwitz sum Be(i, v) is defined by e-1 z (h, vh) e (5.1) Be(i, v) h=O where the cyclotomic number (h, k) e was defined in (1.2). Jacobi sums and Dickson-Hurwitz sums are related by the formula e-1 Bn) (_l)nv f z B e (i v) B ni i= 0 jq(Bnv (5.2) The Dickson-Hurwitz sums have the well-known properties Be(i, v) Be(i, e v I) and f if e e O) 1) Be(i, Be(i, f ifei (B.3) =IL Taking n (5.4) 0 in (5.2), we obtain e-1 z Be(i, i=O v) q 2 In addition, Whiteman [12" Lemma 1] showed in the case -I v -I) where vv -1 v)= Be(i, that if (v, e) (mod e) Be(iV It is very easily checked that, in fact, (5.6) holds for > 1 We next establish the relation (h, k) e (ph, pk) e which will be needed in 6 as well as to establish property (5.8) below. to be the least positive integer, such that 1 (mode), we have (ph, pk) e z 1 # z 1 1 (5.6) (5.7) Defining r pr GF(q) I) ph (mod e) pk (mod e) nd ( Y indy c pr-lindy( pr-1 ngy z I GF(q) 1 GF(q) r-i ind ind (-I) p Y r-I Y P GF(q) I) h (mod e) k (mod e) h (mod e) k (mod e) ind ind z (P Y Y r-I I) --h (mod e) P r-I k (mod e) (h, k) e GF(q) nd (1- 1) _= h (mod e) Y k (mod e) ind 1 Y From (5.7) we see that Be(Pi, as v) Be(i, . (5.8) v) e-1 Be(Pi, v) h=O (h, pi vh) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p From (5.3), (5.4), (5.6), (5.8), 2) e-1 r. (pk, pi vpk)e k=O e-1 r. (k, vk) e k=O 15, q we see that for e 677 p2, the values of all 14) are known once the O, 1 225 Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(i, v)(i, v the e 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) O, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11; v values of the 45 sums B15(i, v)(i va|ues of the 50 sums 4 (mod 15), and the have been determined in the case p have been determined 5) 3, 4, 2, 1, v 5, 4, 12; 6, 8, 9, 2, 3, I, O, (i v) B15(i, 11 (mod 15). This is clear in view of the following" for each in the case p 2 -= 14) Bl5(i, O) Bl5(i, Bl5(i, B15(i, Bl5(i, v) Bl5(i, 14 v) (8 < v -< B15(13i, 13)= B15(13i, 1) B15(i, 8) B15(2i, 2) 7) 6) 14) (5.9) and for each v B15ri, v) fB15(4i’ v), 4 (mod 15) if p (5.10) (mod 15) 11 15 (11i, v), if p We begin by determining the system of linear equations which have the nine v) (i O, I, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11) as solutions when Dickson-Hurwitz sums -= B15(i, 4 (mod 15). THEOREM 5. For p 4 (mod 15) and for each integer v, 1 < v < 6, the nine O, I, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11) are the solutions of Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(i, v) (i the matrix equation p (5.11) C(v) M B(v) where the 9 x 9 coefficient matrix of determinant -3375 2 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 is independent of v, 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 -1 -2 -2 -I -1 2 0 -1 2 0 0 0 -1 0 2 -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 2 0 -I 2 0 -1 0 I 0 0 2 1 -1 0 1 0 0 -I 0 0 -I -33 53 2 -1 -2 -2 1 -1 -1 0 (5.12) C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN, K. S. WILLIAMS 678 B(v) The values B15(0, v) B15(1, v) B15(2, v) B15(3, v) B15(5, v) B15(6, v) B15(7, v) BI5(IO, v) B15(11, v) of the Ci(v) are given CI(V p2 2 p if v C2(v) -1 if v C3(v) -A 2 + B 2 C4(v) -2AB + B 2 c5(v) C6(1) C8(1) C6(2) C8(2) C6(3) C6(4) C8(4) C6(4) C8(4) C6(4) AT 2AU (T 2 4TU p 2) 15U -4TU, C9(4) 8TU 0 C6(5) C8(5) C6(5) C9(5) C6(5) C8(5) 2) C9(4) 15U C7(4) C(v) C4(v) C5(v) C(v) C7(v) C8(v) C(v) (5. 3) Cg(v) by (5.14) 1, 2, 3, 6 (5.15) 4, 5 0 if v 1, 4, if v if v 2, 3, 5, 6 1, 4 (5.16) (5.17) (5.18) -(T 2 (T 2 Cl(V) C2(v) 2, 3, 5, 6 4AU 2BU C7(I) BT 2AU + BU 6TU C7(2) 8TU -4TU CB(2) C7(3) 0 C8(3) 0 CB(3) 0 3AU + 2BU 15U + 6TU 4TU 6TU (T 2 4TU if v 2) (5.]9) C9(I) (5.20) (5.21) 0 C7(4) if -8TU indn5 z 0 (mod 3) C7(4) =4TU IBU 2) C8(4) 2TU -4TU Z (5.22) (mod 3) if indg5 C8(4) -( if indg5 2 2) 15U 2TU 2 (mod 3) C7(5) -4AU + 2BU -BT + 2AU BU, if indg5 0 (mod 3) 2BU, C9(5) BT 3BU, C7(5) 2AU + 2BU, C8(5) -2AU + 4BU -AT + BT AU BU, if indg5 1 (mod 3) (5.23) AT 3AU BT + 3BU, C7(5) 2AU 4BU 4AU AT AU + 2BU, if indg5 2 (mod 3) 2BU, C9(5) 2 8TU 6TU, C7(6) C6(6) (T 15U (5.24) C8(6) 4TU, CB(6) -4TU We remark that the value v 6 has also been included in the statement of Theorem 5 as the solution of (5.11) yields an additional property of the Dickson-AT + 3AU, -2AU 2) GF(p2) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER 679 Hurwitz sums of order 15, namely, 6) (5.25) (5.3), (5.6) and (5.25), we obtain B15(2i, 2) B15(i, 2) (5.26) B15(i, so that by PROOF. 2) BlB(i, (5.11) follows from (5.5) and The first row in the matrix equation (5.10). The second and third rows are derived as follows. 15), we have 4 14 3i Jq(B3v,B 3) where z 2 S(j, v) 11 i=O 3, e z S(j v) 53 j v)B BIB(i, From (5.2) (with n (5.27) (5 28) v) B I 5 (j + 5i Appealing to (5.10) we deduct that S(4, v) 02, 03 Thus expressing (5.27) in terms of the basis {1, o, Jq(B 3v, B 3) for Q(o) we obtain 2 + S(l, v))(C) S(l, v)) + (S(2, v) (S(O, v) (5.29) S(2, v) S(l, v), S(3, v) 03 (5.3o) From (2.2), (2.4), (2.6) and Theorem 3 we have jq(B3v,B3) p if v I, 2, 3, 6 -1 if v 4, 5 (5.3z) and so C3(v) S(1, v) S(2, v) C2(v) S(1, v) S(O, v) which are the second and third rows of (5.11). The fourth and fifth rows of 15) we have 5, e are obtained as follows. From (5.2) (with n Jq(BBv, 5) 14 =0 BlB(i, 2 v)B 5i v)B 5j, I: T(j, j =0 (5.11) (5.32) that is jq(BBv, 55) T(2, v))m T(2, v)) + (T(I, v) (T(O, v) where 4 s T(j, v) From (2.4), (2.6) i=O have 3 we Theorem and B15(J (A + Bm) 2 dq(BBv, 5) if v if v -1 (5.33) + 3i, v) 4 (5.34) 2, 3, 5, 6 From (5.32) and (5.34) we derive (5.35) T(O, v)- T(2, v) C4(v), T(I, v)- T(2, v)= CB(V) which are the required fourth and fifth equations. The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth rows of (5.11) are obtained by equating the 5 2 coefficients of 1, B, B and B respectively in Jq(B v, 14 B) T. i=O BlB(i, v)B (5.36) C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 680 7} after representing both sides in terms of a basis {1, B B of Q(B) with the 6) given by Theorem 3. The B)(v 1, 2, values of the Jacobi sums Jq(B v, right-hand side of (5.36) in terms of the basis {I, 7 z W(i, v) B 7} is B i=O where B15(O,v) B15(2,v) B15(6,v) + B15(7,v) B15(10,v) + B15(11,v), BiB(l,v) + BIB(2,v) B15(7,v) B15(ll,v), W(7,v) B15(2,v) BiB(3,v) + BIB(6,v) B15(ll,v), (5.37) -BiB(2,v) + BIB(5,v) + BIB(7,v) BiB(lO,v), W(O,v) W(l,v) W(2,v) W(B,v) W(B,v) w(n,v) -W(3,v) O. we have by Theorem 3 When v Jq(B, + (-2AU 2BU)B 3 + (4AU Jq(B 2, B) 2AU + BU)B 5 + (2AU 2BU)B follows. When v 2 we have U(-I5)1/2) 2 15U 2) (T + 2B7)) 2BU)B 4 + (BT (5.19) 2B 5 + 2BU)B + (2AU + 2BU)B 2 3AU) + (4AU (AT from which 3 2B + 4B 4 (A + BB 5)(T + U(-3 + 4B + 2B 2 B) 7, 5 4TUB + 4TUB 7, from which (5.20) follows. The remaining v can be treated similarly. It should be ((T 2 noted that for v indg5 6TU) + 8TUB + 4TUB 2 3 4TUB + 8TUB 4 4 and 5 there are three cases to be considered depending upon (mod 3). This completes the proof of Theorem 5. We next determine the system of linear equations which have the ten DicksonO, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12) as solutions of the matrix Hurwitz sums B15(i, v)(i equation MB(v) (5.38) C(v) where the 10x10 coefficient matrix of determinant M 1 1 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 is independent of v, 2 -1 0 2 0 0 0 0 -1 0 2 -1 0 0 2 0 I 1 1 2 -I 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 -1 2 -1 2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -6075 2 -1 0 0 0 2 0 -1 0 0 1 I -1 -1 -1 -I 0 0 0 -35 52 1 1 0 0 1 0 -I -1 -1 -1 (5.39) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 GF(p B(v) v) Cz(v! C2(v) C3(v) C4(v) CB(v) CB(v) C7(v) C8(v) BIB(g, v) Cg(v) The values of 2 if v p Cl(V C2(v) 681 B15(0, B15(1, B15(2, B15(3, B5(4, B15(5, B15(6, B15(8, v) v) v) v) v) C(v) v) v) B15(12, v) the Ci(v) are p2 2) (5.40) Co(V) given by (5.41) 1, 4 (5.42) -1 if v 2, 3, 5, + indg2) 3, 4, Ci(1) Ci(3) Q(I + indg2) Q(3 3, 4, 5, 6, Ci(2) Q(3 + indg2) Q(4 + 2i + indg2) C3(4) C3(5) -I, Cj(4) Cj(5) O, j 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Ci(1) R(2i + 1 + indg2) R(3 + indg2), p, if indg3 z 2 (mod 5) (mod 5) -p, if indg3 z 3i 7, 8, 9, 10 Ci(2) 5, 6, (5.43) (5.44) (5.45) (5.46) (5.47) O, otherwise Ci(3) Q(1 + indg2 + 3indg3) C7(4) p, Cj(4) O, j 8, 9, Ci(5) R(3 + indg2 + 2indg3) Q(2 + indg2 + 3indg3), R(2i + + indg2 + 2indg3), to Q(1) Q(2) Q(3) Q(4) 2tlt 4 + t22 + 2tot 4 + t422 + 2tot 3 + tl + 2tot 2 + t32 + 2tot I + tlt 2 + tlt 3 + R(O) to 2 R(1) t22 tot I tot t42 + tot I + tot R(3) R(4) + + 2 + + 3 2 + + tot 3 + tot4 + t32 + tot 2 + tot4 + tl (5.48) (5.49) 10, where (the t are specified in Theorem 2) 2 + Q(O) R(2) 7, 8, 9, 10, 2t2t 3 2tlt 3 2tlt 2 2t3t 4 2t2t 4 t2t 4 + tlt 4 + tlt 3 + t2t 3 + tlt 2 + 7, 8, 9, 10, (5.50) (5.51) t3t 4 t3t 4 t2t 3 t2t 4 tlt 4 (5.52) C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 682 and Q(n) Q(n + 5) R(n + 5) R(n) for all integers n. PROOF. The first row in the matrix equation (5.38) follows from (5.5) and ( 5, e The second row is derived as follows. From (5.2) (with n 14 5i B BlB(i, v)B i=O 4 2 z B15(3i + j, V))( J z j:O i:O 1 4 z (B15(3i + j, v))- B15(3i + 2, v))) J z j=O i=O v) v) + v) v) . jq(B 5v, 5) 15) we have B15(4, v) B15(3, B15(2, B15(1, BIB(O, -B15(5, v) + B15(6, v)- B15(8, v) + B15(9, v) + B1512, v) C2(v) now follow from (4.19), (2.4) and (2.6). The values of The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth rows are derived as follows. (with n 3, e 15), we have 14 14 j 1 S(j, v)O (i v)B 3i j=O i=O 2 j + 5i, v) S(j, v) where i=O 0 we have -1 Hence, as 3 j dq(g3v B3) From (5.2) B15 B15( 02 03, 04 jq(3v, T(j, v) where Appealing to (5.10) we obtain BIB(O, v) T(I, v) 2B15(I, v) T(2, v) 2B15(2, v) T(3, v) B15(3, v) of C3(v), C4(v), CB(V), T(O, v) B3) T(j, v)O (5.53) j=O S(4, v) S(j, v) 2B15(4, v) + 2B15(5, v) B15(9, v) 2B15(4, v) + B15(6, v) B15(9, v) 2B15(4, v) B15(9, v) + B15(12, v) 2B15(4, v) + 2B15(8, v) B15(9, v) and C6(v) follow from (4.18), (2.2), The values (2.4), (2.6), and (2.7), by equating coefficients of 1, 0, and in (5.53). The seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth rows of (5.38) are obtained by equating the 3 2 coefficients of 1, o, o and o respectively in J (B v, 02 03 B): (B 15(0, v)+ + + + B15(2, v) -B 15(5, v)- B15(12, v)) (B15(2, v) + B15(3, v) B15(8, v) B15(12, v))O (-BIB(I, v) + B15(2, v) + B15(6, v) -B15(12, v))O 2 (B15(2, v) B15(4, v) + B15(9, v) B15(12, v))O 3, which was obtained from (5.2) (with e 5, n 1) by expressing the right-hand side in terms of a basis {1, B, Q(B) of and then using (5.10) to express it in B 7} CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p 2) 683 Jq(B v, (92, -C) 3}. terms of {1, O, The values of the Jacobi sums B)(v, I, 2, 6) are given by Theorem 4. This completes the proof of Theorem 6. Next we use Theorems 5 and 6 to determine the values of the Dickson-Hurwitz sums. We treat the case p 4 (mod 15) first. Inverting the matrix M given in (5.12), we obtain from (5.11) B(v) TNC(v) (5.54) where 4 -1 2 2 -3 -3 2 2 -3 2 2 -I -1 4 -1 -1 4 -1 2 -1 -1 2 -I -I 2 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 2 -1 C1(v) Substituting the values for obtain the following tables of values of v 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Table 1" 15(0,1): 15(1,1): 15(2,1): 15(3,1): 15(5,1): 15(6,1): 15(7,1): 15(10,1): B15(11,1)" 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15B 15B 15 B 15 B 15 p 1 1 1 4 -1 -1 -1 4 1 -i I -I 1 1 4 -1 B15(0,2): B15(1,2): B15(2,2): B15(3,2): B15(5,2): B15(6,2): B15(7,2): B15(10,2): B15(II,2): -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 6 2 2 2 -3 -4 -4 -3 4 -2 3 -6 -2 4 3 -2 -2 -4 -2 (5.55) 8 -4 -2 C9(v) specified i, Theorem B15(i, v) (i O, 1, 2, 3, B15(i, AB B2 AT BT -2 1 2 -4 2 2 2 2 -4 -4 2 1 8 1 -4 -2 1 -2 1 1 1 B15(i, -2 1 -2 1 1 1 -2 -2 -4 -2 -4 1 2) p -2 1 8 1 1 -4 -2 1 T2 U2 4 -4 -1 8 -I 1 -2 -4 -2 1 -4 1 -120 -15 -15 30 60 30 -15 60 -15 -4 -1 4 -1 -I 4 -4 -1 -1 -I -I -I I AU BU 15 15 -15 -15 15 15 -15 -15 4(mod 15) p -I -I 5 i,to (5.54) we 5, 6, 7, 10, 11; I), p= 4(mod 15) A2 Dickson-Hurwitz sums p2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 -2 -4 -2 1 -4 Dickson-Hurwitz sums p2 Table 2- 8 TU 30 30 -30 -30 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 684 Table 3- B15(i, Dickson-Hurwitz sums p 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Table 4a- 2 ’15 B15(0,4)- -6 B15(1,4)" B15(2,4)" B15(3,4)" B15(5,4)" B15(6,4)" B15(7,4)" B15(I0,4)" B15(II,4)" 15 15 15 15 15 Table 4b" I I -1 -1 -1 -6 -1 -1 -I -I -I 2 -4 2 2 -I I Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(0,4)" B15(1,4)" B15(2,4)" B15(3,4)" B15(5.4)" B15(6,4)" B15(7,4)B15(I0,4)B15(11,4)" 1 I -4 -1 -3 -2 -2 -4 -3 AB -2 -4 12 A2 -6 p2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 B15(0,3)B15(1,3)" B15(2,3)B15(3,3)B15(5,3)B15(6,3)" B15(7,3)B15(I0,3)" B15(II,3)- 4(rood 15) p Dickson-Hurwitz sums B 15(i,4), p p 15 15 15 2 3), p - 4(mod 15), B2 T2 -i I 2 4 2 -I p -= I 4 -2 -I 4(mod 15), A2 AB B2 T2 -6 -1 -2 I -1 1 -2 1 -2 1 2 -4 2 2 2 2 -4 -4 2 4 2 -1 -I -6 -1 -30 -30 -I -2 -2 -I -2 1 I -2 4 -1 2 -8 -I U2 TU 1 -2 1 -1 -6 -1 O(mod 3) indg5 -8 2 2 -4 -4 2 B15(i,4), -I -I 30 30 120 15 15 -30 -60 -30 15 -60 15 l(mod 3) indg5 TU 30 -30 30 -30 U2 -60 -30 15 15 -60 15 -30 120 15 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p Table 4c" p2 B15(0,4)" B15(1,4)" B15(2,4)B15(3,4)B15(5,4)" B15(6,4)B15(7,4)" B15(10,4)B15(11,4)- 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Table 5a" -6 A2 AB -2 2 -4 2 2 2 2 -4 -4 2 -I -I I -1 -6 1 -1 1 -2 I -2 -I -6 -1 Dickson-Hurwitz sums p2 B15(0,5)" B15(1,5 )B15(2,5)" B15(3,5)" B15(5,5)" B15(6,5)" B15(7,5)" B15(10,5)" B15(II,5)- 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Table 5b- 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 B15(i,4), Dickson-Hurwitz sums 1 1 1 B15(i,5,, -3 -5 -3 -5 T2 -2 -! 2 -I -2 1 p -8 -1 -1 2 4 2 4 -1 - 4(mod 15), BU 4 -1 2 -15 -15 15 -I 15 -8 -I -1 4 2 4(mod 15), 1 -8 4 -1 2 -! -8 -1 -1 4 2 4 I O(mod 3) AU BT -5 indg5 -60 15 -30 15 120 15 15 -60 -30 BT AT 1 -30 -30 4 2 1 -3 -5 -3 30 -1 p2 I I I 30 -8 -2 U2 TU -I Dickson-Hurwitz sums B 15(i,5), p B15(0,5). B15(1,5). B15(2,5). B15(3,5). B15(5,5)B15(6,5). B15(7,5). B15( 10,5)B15(11,5)" B2 2(mod 3) indg5 4 -I 1 685 4(mod 15), p AT -8 2) 15 -15 -15 15 indg5 1(rood 3) AU BU 2 -1 15 -i 15 15 -15 4 -I 15 2 -8 -I -15 - C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 686 Table 5c" Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(i,5), p2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 B15(0,5)B15(1,5)B15(2,5)" B15(3,5)" B15(5,5)B15(6,5)B15(7,5)" B15(10,5)B15(11,5)" AT BT 4 2 -8 -I -I -1 -1 4 -I 2 4 2 2 -I -8 I -3 -5 -3 I 1 1 Next, we treat the case p (5.39), we obtain from (5.38) -5 4(mod 15), p -8 4 -1 -I 11 (mod 15). indg5 AU 2(mod 3) BU 15 -15 15 15 -15 15 Inverting the matrix M given in 5 N C(v) B(v) (5.56) where 1 1 1 1 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 4 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 -1 -I -I 1 2 2 -1 -1 -1 4 -1 -1 -I -1 4 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4 -1 -1 -I -1 -1 4 -I -I -1 -1 -1 -1 4 -1 4 -1 -1 8 1 1 -2 1 -4 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -2 8 -2 -2 -4 (5.57) I -2 -4 -2 -2 8 -2 -2 -2 8 -2 Substituting the values of the Ci(v) given in Theorem 6 into (5.56), we obtain the < 4). There will be 61 Dickson-Hurwitz sums in terms of the Q(i) and R(i) (0 < tables as follows" v no. of tables 5 25 25 1 5 (depending upon (depending upon (depending upon indg2 (mod 5)) indg2, indg3 (mod indg2, indg3 (mod (depending upon (indg2 + 2 5)) 5)) indg3)(mod 5)) As we cannot display them all here, we just give one table for each value of v. CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p Dickson-Hurwitz sums Table 6" p2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 B15(0,1) B15(1,1)" B15(2,1)" B15(3,1) B15(4,1)B15(5,I)" B15(6,1)" B15(8,1) B15(9,I)B15(12,1)Table 7" 1 1 1 -I 2 -I -I 2 1 -I 2 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 B15(0,2)B15(1,2)B15(2,2)" B15(3,2)" B15(4,2)" B15(5,2)B15(6,2)" B15(8,2)" B15(9,2) B15(12,2)- 11(mod 15), -4 1 1 I I I I indg2 I 1 1 1 -4 1 -4 1 -4 O(mod 5) R(1) R(2) R(3) R(4) 8 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 1 8 1 -4 -2 1 -2 -4 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 I 1 -2 1 I -2 1 -4 -4 I -4 -4 1 1 Dickson-Hurwitz sums p2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 p 687 Q(O) Q(1) Q(2) Q(3) Q(4)R(O) p 2 -1 B15(i,1), 2) B15(i,2), p 2 -1 4 2 -1 -4 1 -4 -1 -I -4 -I -I -I 2 -4 -I -I 2 -8 -4 -4 -4 1 1 -2 -2 -2 -2 8 -2 11(mod 15), p indg2 indg3 Q(O) Q(1) Q(2) 1 1 -4 1 -4 1 i I 1 I I 1 -4 1 -4 I 1 -4 -4 I I 8 1 -2 -2 I -2 8 l(mod 5), 2(mod 5). Q(3) Q(4) -4 I I I I i 1 1 -4 -4 I 1 -4 I I I 688 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS Table 8" Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(i,3), p 11(rood 15), O(mod 5), 2(rood 5). indg2 ind 3 _= g p 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 B15(0,3)B15(1,3)B15(2,3)" B15(3,3)" B15(4,3)" B15(5,3)" B15(6,3)B15(8,3)" B15(9,3)" B15(12,3)" Table 9" 2 1 I 1 p 0 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I -I Q(O) Q(1) Q(2) Q(3) Q(4) -2 0 0 3 5 -5 3 0 -7 3 3 5 0 3 -5 0 -7 0 -2 3 3 0 0 -12 0 0 3 0 3 3 -7 0 -5 3 0 5 3 0 3 -2 3 -5 5 3 0 0 -2 0 3 -7 -4 -I -I -4 -1 -4 -4 B15(i,4), Dicksor1-Hurwitz sums p2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 B15(0,4)B15(1,4)B15(2,4)B15(3,4)" B15(4,4)B15(5,4)B15(6,4)B15(8,4)B15(9,4)B15(12,4)" P 1 I i I 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 -5 0 0 0 0 -6 -I -1 -1 -I -6 -1 -1 -I -1 p 11(mod 15) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p Table 10" 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 11(mod 15), Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(i,5), p2 p I R(O) R(1) 0 1 0 0 -8 0 0 -3 0 -5 -3 0 -3 -3 2 -1 2 -1 -I -I 2 4 -8 B15(0,5): B15(1,5): B15(2,5): B15(3,5): B15(4,5): B15(5,5)B15(6,5): B15(8,5): BI5(9,b): B15(12,5): 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2) p -I -I -I 2 2 4 2 2 -I -8 2 689 indg3 4(mod 5) R(2) R(3) R(4) 2 2 4 -B -I -I -1 2 -1 4 2 + 2 dg: -I 4 2 -1 2 -1 -I -i 2 -1 2 -8 -8 -1 2 2 -I 2 2 GF(p2). EVALUATION OF CYCLOTOMIC NUMBERS (h,k)15 OVER The cyclotomic numbers have the following well-know, properties (see, for example, [11-p. 25]) 6. (h,k)e (h,k)e (6.1) (e-h,k-h)e (k,h) e (k + if f is even, (.2) 1/2 e, h + 1/2 e) e, if f is odd, as well as the property (h, k) e (ph, pk) e p2, noted in (5.7). Taking e 2, q 15, p 4, 11(mod 15), and appealing to (5.7), (6.1) and (6.2), we see that each of the e 2 225 cyclotomic numbers (h, is equal to one of the 28 cyclotomic numbers (0, k O, I, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, II (1, k 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 (6.3) k (2, k)i5 5, 7, 8, g, 12 (3, k:6, 9 k)15 k)I5 k)15 k)5 when p when p (5, 10)15 4 (mod 15), and to (0, k)15 (I, k)15 (2, k)I5 (3, k)l (5, 10)15 11 (mod 15). one of the 29 k O, I, 2, k 2, 3, 4, k 5, 7, 8, k 6, 9 cyclotomic numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, B, 9, 12 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, I0, 11, 13 10, 12 (6.4) C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 690 These relationships are exhibited in Tables 11 and 12, in which (h, k)15 is in row h(O < h <- 14) and column k(O -< k 14), and we have written A for 10, B for 11, C for 12, and D for 13. Table 11" Relationships between cyclotomic numbers 0 3 2 0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,1 O,B 1,2 1,3 2 0,2 1,2 0,7 1,D 3 0,3 1,3 1,D 0,3 4 0,1 1,4 1,8 1,C 5 0,5 1,5 2,5 2,C 6 0,6 1,6 1,7 3,6 7 0,7 1,7 2,7 1,3 8 0,2 1,8 2,8 2,C 9 0,6 1,9 2,9 3,9 10 O,A 1,A 2,7 2,5 11 O,B 1,5 1,9 1,D 12 0,3 I,C 2,C 3,6 13 0,7 I,D 1,8 2,5 14 O,B 1,2 1,3 1,4 Table 12. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 0,6 0,7 1,6 1,7 1,7 2,7 3,6 1,3 1.9 1,D 1,A 2,7 0,6 1,9 1,9 0,2 2,9 1,8 3,9 2,8 1,6 2,C 1,A 1,2 3,9 2,5 2,8 2,9 1,7 1,8 8 9 0,2 0,6 1,8 1,9 2,8 2,9 2,C 3,9 1,2 1,6 2,5 1,A 2,9 3,9 1,8 2,8 0,7 1,7 1,7 0,6 2,7 1,6 1,3 1,7 1,D 3,6 2,7 1,9 1,9 I,A over 10 11 O,B 1,5 1,9 1,D 1,2 1,6 1,A 1,2 1,3 1,7 1,5 0,1 1,4 1,8 1,C O,A 1,A 2,7 2,5 1,A 5,A 1,6 2,C 2,7 1,6 0,5 1,5 2,5 2,C 1,5 Relationships between cyclotomic numbers (h ,k)15over 2 0,2 1,2 0,8 1,D 1,8 2,5 1,9 2,7 2,8 2,8 2,A I,B 1,7 O,C 1,4 2,C 0,8 1,D 1,8 0,4 1,2 1,3 0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,2 0,8 0,9 0,5 0,1 5 4 0,1 0,5 1,4 1,5 1,8 2,5 1,C 2,C O,B 1,5 1,5 O,A 1,9 1,A I,D 2,7 1,2 2,5 1,6 1,A 1,A 5,A 1,2 1,6 1,3 2,C 1,7 2,7 1,5 1,6 (h,k)15 1 0,1 0,4 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 1,A 3 5 4 0,3 0,4 0,5 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,D 1,8 2,5 O,C 1,4 2,C 1,4 0,1 I,B 2,C 1,B 0,5 3,6 1,7 1,A 1,D 1,3 2,A 2,5 1,2 2,C 3,9 1,A 1,6 2,C 1,6 5,A 1,3 1,2 I,A 3,6 I,D 2,5 2,5 1,9 2,7 1,4 1,5 1,6 6 0,6 1,6 1,9 3,6 1,7 1,A 0,9 1,9 2,8 3,9 1,A 1,6 3,9 2,8 1,7 7 0,2 1,7 2,7 1,D 1,3 2,A 1,9 0,8 1,8 2,8 2,5 1,2 2,C 2,8 1,8 8 9 O,8 0,9 1,8 1,9 2,8 2,8 2,5 3,9 1,2 I,A 2,C 1,6 2,8 3,9 1,8 2,8 0,2 1,7 1,7 0,6 2,7 1,6 I,D 1,9 1,3 3,6 2,A 1,7 1,9 1,A 10 0,5 1,A 2,A 2,C 1,6 5,A 1,A 2,5 2,7 1,6 0,5 1,5 2,5 2,C 1,B 11 0,1 1,B 1,7 1,3 1,2 1,A 1,6 1,2 1,D 1,9 1,5 0,4 1,4 1,8 1,4 GF(p2),p 12 0,3 1,C 2,C 3,6 1,3 2,C 3,9 2,5 I,D 3,6 2,5 1,4 0,3 1,3 I,D 4(mod 15) 13 0,7 14 O,B I.D 1,2 1,8 1,3 2,5 1,4 1,7 1,5 2.7 1,6 2,8 1,7 2,9 1,8 2,7 1,9 1,9 1,A 2,C 1,5 1,8 1,C 1,3 I,D 0,2 1,2 1,2 0,1 GF(p2),p--11(mod 12 O,C 1,4 2,C 3,6 1,D 2,5 3,9 2,C 1,3 3,6 2,5 1,4 0,3 1,3 1,D 13 0,8 I,D 1,8 2,5 1,9 2,7 2,8 2,8 2,A 1,7 2,C 1,8 1,3 0,2 1,2 15) 14 0,4 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 1,A I,B 1,4 1,D 1,2 0,1 In order to determine explicit formulae for the cyclotomic numbers in (6.3) and (6.4), we express each cyclotomic number (h, k)15 in terms of the Dickson-Hurwitz sums B15(i, v)(i, v O, 1, 14) and then appeal to the formulae for the v) derived {}5. in B15(i, CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p2) 691 Whiteman gave the following formula, which expresses each cyclotomic number of order e, where e is an odd prime, as a linear combination of certain Dickson-Hurwitz sums of order e [12: Theorem 1]. We give the formula in the context of GF(q), as Whiteman’s proof for GF(p) goes over without difficulty to this case. We have, for e O, 1 an odd prime and r, s e-l, e-1 (6 5) s) e (q 1)(1 e) + e(l a + e r. B e (vr + s v) v=O e2(r, r) where r 0 (mod e) if r (.6) 0 (mod e) In Theorem 7, we give the corresponding formula to (6.5), where e is the product of 5, 3, y 15, x two distinct odd primes x and y. The formula will be used with e q p 4 11 (mod 15) We use the well-known identity 0 if r p2 y-1 Bx(i, z v) j=O Be(i + jx, v) (6.7) xy e to simplify formulae appearing in the proof of Theorem 7, often in the form y-1 z Be(i + jx, v) Bx(i, v)- Be(i, v) (6.8) j=l We also use a special case of the Ramanujan sum [6: pp. 237-238] k k, y I if x k k, y if x -(x-l) nk B k k, y -(y-I) if x n=l k, (x-1)(y-1) if x e-lr., (6.9) where the prime (’) indicates that the sunBation variable is restricted to values coprime with e. We prove THEOREM 7. Let e xy be the product of two distinct odd primes x and y. Then e-1 we have O, 1, 2 for r, s e2(r, s) e q + 1 e (a r + as + e-1 e-2 + z v=l ar_ s) r. [(e-l)Be(vr+s,v)-(x-1)Bx(vr+s,v)-(y-l)BY (vr+s,v)+u=l Be(vr+s+u,v)] (v,e)>1 + e-2 z v=l y-2 +y z w=l + + e-1 v)-(x-l)B x (vs+r,v)-(y-1)B (vs+r,v)+ [(e-l)Be(vS+r Y x-2 By(wr+s,w)-(y-2)(q-2)+ xw=1 (e-1)(Be(rax e-1 (Be(rax j=l B e (vs+r+u v)] B x (wr+s,w)-(x-2)(q-2) Be(sax + rby,ax)) j,ax) + Be(sax + rby + + sby,ax) + + sby + 4(q-1) + 2f(x+y) + such that ’ u=l j, ax)) (x-1)(asy + ary) + (y-1)(arx+ asx) where a and b are integers C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 692 ax + by PROOF. Jacobi sums (6.10) e It is well-known that the cycletomic numbers (r,s) e are related to the B n) by the formula jq(Bm, e-1 e-1 e 2 (r, s) e z z j (Bm Bn)B-mr-ns (6.11) m=O n=O q Splitting the double sum on the right-hand side into five sums according as O; m O, n # O; m # O, n O; m # O, n # O, m + n e; m # O, n # O, m + n m n we obtain, appealing to (2.4), e; # e-1 j (m Bn)B-mr-ns (6.12) e( r + s + r-s + q+l e 2 (r s) e m,n=l q . m+n#e The double sum on the right-hand side of (6.12) will be broken up into six sums S fol ows" (n, e) (m, e) S m + n # e (m, e) S2 m + n # e (m, e) (n, e) x S3 m + n # e (n, e) y S4 m + n e {m, e) S5 (m, e) x (n, e) y S6 (m, e) y (n, e) x First, we evaluate S 1. We have e-1 eol z, j (m,(n)( -mr-ns }i Sl n=l m=l as q (m,e)>l m+n#e e-1 e-2 z, v=l n=l (v ,e)>l e-2 z v=l n=l (v ,el>l e-2 e-1 e-1 I;’ z v=l -n(vr+s) jq(B nv, in)i . e-1 i=O B e (i v)B n i-vr-s) (by (5.2)) Be(i,v) =0 s e-1 I;’ n=l Bni_vr_s,, (v ,e)>l Appealing to (6.9), we obtain y-1 e-2 S1 z [(x-l)(y-l)Be(vr+s,v)-(x-l) z u=l v=l Be(vr+s+xu,v) (v ,e)>l e-1 x-1 (y-l) that is e-2 z $1 v=l z B (vr+s+yu,v) u=1 e + z’ B e (vr+s+u,v)] u=1 e-1 [(e-l)Be(vr+s,v)-(x-l)Bx(vr+s,v)-(y-l)By(vr+s,v)+ (v,e)>1 Similarly, we obtain ;’ B (vr+s+u,v)]. e u=1 (6.13) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p v=l 693 e-1 e-2 S2 2) [(e-1)B e (vs+r v)-(x-1)Bx(vS+r v)-(y-1)B (vs+r,v)+ r.’B e (vs+r+u,v)]. Y u=l (6.14) Next, we evaluate S 3. We have y-1 y-1 -x(tr+us) xt $3 z z J q (B Bxu)B t= u=l t+u#y y-2 y-1 z z dq(XUW, Bxu)B-xu(wr+s) w=l u=1 y-2 y-1 e-1 s z z w=1 u=1 i=O y-2 e-I r. w=1 j=O Be(i, y-1 Be(J 1) (y w)B xui-wr-s) Bxuj s + wr + s,w) (by (5.2) u=l . y-1 e-1 y-2 x-1 z B (yt + wr + s,w) e w=l t=O y-2 x-1 y r. z B e (yt + wr + s,w) w= t= 0 y-2 ey-2 + s,w) z r. y z w=l By(wr y-2 y z By(wr w=l j=O r. B (j + wr + s w) r. e w=l j=O YJ y-1 e-1 s B e (j + wr + s,w) w=l j--O (by (6.7)) w) Be(J, that is S3 w=l + s,w) (y 2)(q 2) (by(5.5)). (6.15) Similarly we have x-2 x z B x (wr + s,w) w= I Next we evaluate S 5. We have e-1 e-1 S4 S5 r. r. m=l n=l jq(Bm, gn) (x 2)(q 2) g-mr-ns xlm x-1 y-1 J q (B xt BYU)B-rxt-sy u t=l u=l Now we replace t by iax(mod y) and u by jby(mod x) to obtain 2 -sjby 2 y-1 x-1 g r. S5 i=1 j=l y-1 x-1 ax r. z o i=1 j=1 e-1 jq( Biax2 Bjby2)B-riax x+jy( Jq(B , BbY)B k(Jq(Bax, BbY)B -rax-sby) tr(Jq(Bax, BbY)B -rax-sby) o k=l tr(Jq(S aX, B)B -rax-sby) (by (2.2) and (6.10)) (6.16) 694 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS e-I tr( S i=0 e-I tr( z j=O i-rax-sby) ax)B Be(i, + sby+ j,ax)8 j) Be(rax e-1 e-i z j=O (x 1)Be(rax 1)(y BIJ z =I B e(rax + sby + j,ax) + sby, ax) (x t=1 e-1 x-1 (y (x y-I 1) s Be(rax + sby + xt, ax) 1) z B e (rax + sby + yt, ax) + s’ B e (rax + sby + j ax) t= j=1 1)(y 1)Be(rax + sby, ax) (x 1)(Bx(rax + sby,ax) B e(rax + sby,ax)) (y 1)(By(rax S5 (e- e-I B e(rax + sby,ax)) + z’ B e (rax + sby + j j=l + sby,ax) ax) that is 1)Be(rax (x + sby,ax) 1)Bx(sby,O) (y 1)By(rax,ax) e-1 z’ B e (rax + sby + j,ax) + (6.17) j=1 Appealing to (5.4) we have Bx(sby’O) gsy fY and By(rax,ax) By(rax, Similarly we obtain S6 (e- l)Be(sax e 1- by) By(tax, e 1) fx (x l)Bx(rby,O) (y l)By(sax,ax) + rby,ax) rx" e-1 + s’ B (sax + rby + j ax) (6.18) j=l e where as above we have Bx(rby,O fy- ry and By(sax,ax) fx sx" This completes the proof of Theorem 7. Applying Theorem 7 and appealing to the tables of the Dickson-Hurwitz sums obtained in 5, we obtain formulae for the cyclotomic numbers of order 15 over p z 4, ll(mod 15). In the case p z 4(mod 15) there are 3 tables depending upon the value of 3). All 3 tables are given below (see Tables 13a, 13b, 13c). The values of the cyclotomic numbers are given as linear combinations of I, A 2 AB B 2 AT BT AU BU T2_I5U 2 TU, GF(p2), indg5(mod p2, P, using the following abbreviations x y z -2A 2 + 2AB + B 2 A 2 4AB + B 2 A 2 + 2AB B 2 (6.19) CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p -- 2) 695 In the case p 11 (mod 15) there are 25 tables depending upon the values of indg2 (mod 5) and indg3(mod 5). The values of the cyclotomic numbers are given as linear compinations of 2 p, I, XU, XV, U 2 after eliminating the Q(i) and R(i) (0 p (see (3.21) 4) by means of the following formulae (3.26), (5.51), 5.52)): (o) Q() Q() Q() () and UV, UW, V 2 VW, W 2 p + p p p p :-p R(Z) -p R(O) + u v + xu + xu + + xu + + xu + xv + / u v v u + uv xv + u + uv + uw uv + uw xv 4U 2 4V 2 + XV / + u, + u 8W U + / XU+ V / v v + vw vw. + (6.20) vw vw 2, 4UV- U, + V, + / :-p uw xv R():-p / XU+ UV -U, R() uV / Vz V, + Z, Z, (6.21) UW + V + V, + W Only 7 of these tables are presented in this paper as the remainder can be deduced from them as indicated below. For n= 2, 3, 4 is it convenient to define n* 8, 2, 4 respectively. The 18 cases not covered in the given tables can be divided into 3 classes as follows() ind g 2 O(mod 5), ind g 3 n(mod 5), n 2, 3, 4, (B) ind g 2 (y) n(mod 5), ind g 3 m(mod 5), ind g 3 O(mod 5), n 2, 3, 4, n(mod 5), m 1, 2, 3, 4; n 2, 3, 4, g For cases in class () (resp. (B), resp. (y)) the value of (h,k)15 may be deduced from Table 14b (resp. Table 14c, resp. Table 14d (if m n (mod 5)), Table 14e if m 2n (mod 5)), Table 14f (if m 3n (rood 5)), Table 14g (if m 4n (rood 5)) by looking up the value of (n’h, and replacing X, U, V, W by X, -V, U, -W, if n 2, X, V, -U, -W, if n 3, X, -U, -V, W, if n 4. These transformations are clear in view of the basic properties ind 2 n’k)15 (m-lh, m-lk) (h, k) ind Y m m-lindy:(mod q-l) m E m (B n) Y Ey(Bm-ln 696 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS ym GF(q)* where (m q-l) and the dependence upon the generator y or of s shown by writing it as a subscript. Table 13a" Cyclotomic numbers p _= 4(mod 15), indg5 -_- O(mod 3) (h,k)15, 2 p 225(0, O) 225(0, 1) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 7) 225(0,10) 225(0,11) 225(1, 2) 225(1, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(I, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(1, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,12) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2, 9) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) Table 13b" 36 -3 -3 -9 12 -9 -3 12 -3 0 -3 12 0 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 12 I -3 -3 0 I I 12 12 -3 6 6 0 I Cyclotomic numbers p 225(0, O) 225(0, I) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 7) 225(0,10) 225(0,11) 225(1, 2) 225(I, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(1, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(1, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,12) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2, 9) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) p 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 36 -3 -3 -9 12 -9 -3 12 -3 0 -3 12 0 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 12 -3 -3 0 12 12 -3 6 6 0 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 A ,B AT BT AU BU x y z x z x y y z x y z x y z x y z y z y x y z z x x x 48 13 -17 -2 -12 -60 13 4 -5 24 -5 13 -12 4 -8 -2 4 7 -2 4 -8 -2 -11 -2 4 -2 7 0 45 15 -60 0 60 -45 0 -15 -15 60 30 -30 0 30 15 -60 -15 30 -30 0 30 -30 -30 15 -30 30 0 0 -45 30 -15 0 15 45 0 30 -30 -60 60 15 0 -30 30 60 -15 -30 30 0 -15 30 -60 15 30 -30 0 -2 13 -12 -17 7 -2 -2 -8 -2 -2 7 -2 13 -2 -2 -2 -8 -2 -2 13 -2 -2 12 (h,k)15, p 4 -11 10 10 12 4(mod 15), T 2 15U 2 60 2 -4 -10 -24 -10 2 12 -4 -7 2 -4 8 2 11 -7 2 -4 -13 11 2 8 -13 -4 -4 5 5 -12 AT BT AU BU T2-15U 2 x y z 48 -17 13 -2 -12 -2 -17 -12 13 7 -2 -2 -8 13 -2 7 -2 -2 -2 -2 13 12 13 -26 7 24 7 13 -12 -26 1 -2 4 0 15 45 60 0 -60 -15 0 -45 15 30 -30 30 15 60 -15 -30 0 -30 -60 -15 -30 30 30 0 30 -30 0 0 15 0 -75 0 75 -15 0 0 -45 0 0 -15 -30 0 45 0 0 90 0 30 15 -90 0 0 0 0 0 60 -4 2 x x y z x y z y z y x y z z x x x -8 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 12 -2 4 -2 4 -2 4 -2 1 -2 4 4 -8 -8 -24 0 180 120 60 0 -60 -180 0 -120 -30 -60 60 -60 0 -30 30 60 60 -30 30 0 60 30 -60 -60 30 -30 0 l(mod 3) indg5 A,B z x y y z x y z TU -10 12 -10 -4 -24 2 -7 11 -13 8 -4 2 -7 11 2 -4 2 -4 8 -4 -13 2 5 5 -12 TU 0 120 180 -60 0 60 -120 0 -180 30 -30 3O 60 -60 -60 -30 30 0 -60 60 60 -60 60 -30 0 -30 30 0 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p Table 13c- Cyclotomic numbers p2 225(0, 0) 225(0, 1) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 7) 225(0,10) 225(0,11) 225(1, 2) 225(1, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(I, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(1, 7)= 225(1, 8) 225(I, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,12) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2, 9) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) p 1 1 I I I Table 14a- -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 36 -3 -3 -9 12 -9 -3 12 -3 0 -3 12 0 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 12 -3 -3 0 12 12 -3 6 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 Cyclotomic numbers ind 3 0(mod 5) (h,k)15, p -= 2) 697 4(mod 15), 2(rood 3) indg5 A,B AT BT AU BU T 2 15U 2 x -24 13 13 -14 -12 -14 13 12 -17 4 7 24 7 -17 -12 4 0 -15 -15 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 90 0 30 0 0 0 -30 -90 0 -30 0 90 -90 30 0 0 0 0 -15 30 45 0 -45 15 0 -30 -15 -30 -60 45 -15 30 15 30 15 30 -30 15 -45 -30 60 -15 60 -60 0 24 2 2 y z x z x y y z x y z -]2 13 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 x y z x y z y z y x y z z x x x -2 -2 16 16 48 (h,k)15, p - -2 4 13 4 -2 -11 -2 4 13 -2 4 -11 -8 -8 -24 11(mod 15), indg2 _= -16 12 -16 2 12 2 2 2 -13 2 2 2 2 2 2 -13 2 2 2 -13 -13 2 14 14 -48 TU 0 60 60 0 0 0 -60 0 -60 0 0 90 0 -120 0 0 0 120 -90 0 120 0 90 -90 -120 0 0 0 0(mod 5), g p2 225(0, 0) 225(0, 1) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 4) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 8) 225(0, 9) 225(0,12) 225(1, 2) 225(1, 3) 225(I, 4) 225(1, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(I, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,11) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, g) 225(5,10) I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I p -82 13 13 13 13 -37 13 13 13 13 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 98 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 14 -14 -14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 XU XV 0 -20 -110 50 20 0 -50 110 50 -50 0 0 0 40 20 0 0 0 -20 -40 0 40 80 0 -80 -40 0 0 0 0 -110 20 -50 110 0 -50 -20 50 50 0 0 0 -80 -40 0 0 0 40 80 0 20 40 0 -40 -20 0 0 0 U2 480 -10 -180 30 -10 180 -70 180 -70 30 -80 -20 40 80 -40 -20 100 -20 -40 80 -20 0 -60 220 -60 0 -20 -20 -240 UV UW 0 160 -160 -I00 160 0 100 160 100 -100 -40 100 -40 -80 -20 -100 40 -100 -20 -80 100 20 80 40 80 20 -200 200 0 0 -30 -60 -150 30 0 -150 60 150 150 0 -60 0 0 60 -180 0 180 -60 0 60 -120 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 V2 480 -180 -10 -70 -180 180 30 10 30 -70 100 -20 220 -60 0 -20 -80 -20 0 -60 -20 -40 80 40 80 -40 -20 -20 -240 VW 0 60 -30 150 -60 0 -150 30 150 -150 0 -180 0 0 -120 60 0 -60 120 0 180 -60 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 W2 240 -130 -130 140 -130 120 140 130 140 140 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160 -160 -480 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 698 Table 14b" Cyclotomic numbers indg3 p2 225(0, O) 225(0, 1) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 4) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 8) 225(0, 225(0,12 225(1, 2) 225(I, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(1, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(1, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,11) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) 91 I 1 I 11(mod 15), p indg2 O(mod 5), l(mod 5) p 68 13 13 -37 13 -37 13 -37 13 13 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 23 -2 -2 23 -2 -2 23 (h,k)15, -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 1 XU XV U2 UV UW V2 VW W2 -180 40 50 70 0 0 70 10 -30 -130 -10 50 -10 -20 30 20 -10 -10 -50 0 -10 -40 70 -40 -40 10 20 20 90 60 -30 100 10 -50 0 -90 -20 10 10 20 0 20 -60 40 -40 -30 20 0 100 -30 -20 10 30 -20 -20 60 -40 -30 -180 -90 -140 -30 -130 180 -30 180 170 70 0 120 -60 60 20 0 30 60 0 -40 90 -20 -30 -30 -80 -360 -120 80 -60 240 0 -60 0 -60 140 40 40 -140 0 -60 -80 -80 -20 120 0 160 -100 60 40 -40 -60 40 40 180 180 -230 -60 30 30 0 130 60 30 30 60 40 0 -140 60 120 10 -120 40 60 10 -120 -90 -50 60 120 -20 -120 -90 -60 0 -50 190 -160 180 -210 130 -10 -110 70 -110 70 60 -10 160 -110 -50 -90 -40 70 -20 -50 40 100 -110 40 40 30 -60 160 -30 290 -160 0 -110 -70 -10 90 30 -30 -150 -20 -70 60 30 90 70 80 30 -60 -70 0 -120 110 -60 -60 30 -360 -30 -130 140 -30 120 -60 170 -60 140 -30 70 -30 120 -30 120 -80 -30 -30 120 -80 20 20 70 20 -130 40 -60 -180 -180 120 -180 90 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(p Table 14c" Cyclotomic numbers indg3 p2 225(0, 225(0, 225(0, 225(0, 225(0, 225(0, 225(0, 225(0, O) I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) 2251,1 225 225(1, 2) 225(1, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(1, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(I, 7) 225(I, 8) 225(I, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,11) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) 1 1 1 I 1 I 699 ll(mod 15), p indg2 -z l(mod 5), O(mod 5) P -7 -17 -7 13 -17 -7 13 13 13 38 3 -2 18 13 13 -12 -2 18 -17 -2 -17 -7 -2 13 -7 -2 -2 -27 38 (h,k)15, 2) -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 1 1 1 1 XU XV U2 UV UW V2 VW W2 90 -20 -20 -10 50 30 -110 -40 -10 40 -40 -50 -10 10 -40 -10 40 20 10 80 10 -20 -40 70 -50 20 40 -10 0 30 50 0 30 -40 0 -70 90 -70 -120 0 -40 30 50 -10 30 -10 -30 -10 -40 -10 0 0 20 -30 -30 80 30 120 30 130 180 -70 40 0 130 -250 -170 -120 -20 40 10 -110 -110 70 10 -170 70 40 10 0 -100 40 150 -10 -20 130 120 300 -200 0 100 -40 120 100 -80 -100 0 20 60 80 -20 -40 140 0 -100 40 80 -120 120 40 60 -60 -140 0 -100 -240 330 90 -240 -70 0 120 30 -70 30 -120 -20 60 70 30 30 -110 30 -50 -90 -120 30 0 80 120 30 -10 -120 130 -120 -270 180 -120 230 70 -90 30 -40 130 -120 -60 -30 -150 30 -80 90 60 -120 90 -20 150 60 20 -30 -30 20 -120 30 0 -210 20 -20 -110 250 -90 -10 40 -110 40 -60 130 -90 -10 40 -30 40 0 -70 40 -110 100 40 10 -110 -80 40 90 240 -60 -30 20 -60 170 -30 -60 -30 140 -160 20 -30 20 -180 -130 20 -30 -130 120 20 120 20 120 -30 20 -30 -60 140 120 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 700 Table 14d" Cyclotomic numbers l(mod 5) ind 3 g -= p2 225(0, O) 225(0, I): 225(0, 2): 225(0, 3) 225(0, 4): 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 8) 225(0, 9)= 225(0,12)225(I, 2) 225(1, 3) 225( 1, 4) 225(1, 5)= 225(1, 6) 225(I, 7) 225(I, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 25(I,11) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) 1 I I I I 1 I I p 53 -7 -17 -27 -7 -7 23 3 23 -2 -2 8 13 8 8 28 -7 -17 -22 -7 -7 -2 18 -7 13 3 8 -17 8 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 I 1 (h,k)Ib, 11(mod 15), p indg2 - l(mod 5), XU XV U2 UV UW V2 VW W2 90 -40 -20 -I0 -90 30 -I0 20 90 40 I0 40 -20 -40 30 -20 40 40 20 30 I0 -20 -40 -20 -50 -10 40 -110 0 30 90 0 30 -60 0 30 -30 30 -120 0 -20 0 0 0 0 40 30 -30 -90 40 150 50 20 -150 20 0 -250 -90 50 200 20 -120 -40 80 -I00 -160 0 110 110 -70 120 80 -60 90 -I0 -90 0 50 60 -180 120 40 20 -160 120 -180 80 20 -80 -40 0 80 120 20 -40 -60 80 -120 20 -60 I00 80 60 -20 -220 120 20 0 -390 -110 -40 I0 I00 120 I0 130 10 -40 40 60 -80 40 -20 40 -60 -50 10 -110 180 -I00 40 -30 -I0 -II0 60 I0 240 -390 160 40 II0 90 -90 I0 -100 -90 160 -50 80 -200 40 -90 -80 20 100 100 90 -I0 -20 80 20 -170 50 -40 I0 60 30 -80 180 -270 150 -90 130 -60 30 -120 -30 80 60 -80 90 -180 20 0 -20 -30 -I0 0 120 -40 -30 -30 80 30 120 -60 70 220 140 -30 -30 -260 -130 -60 40 70 -80 -80 -80 -30 -80 -80 70 70 120 70 -80 20 70 -80 20 40 40 120 G 0 -50 -30 30 -20 30 120 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER Io Table 14e" Cyclotomic numbers l(mod 5) nd 3 (h,k)15, OVEK OF(p 2 701 11(mod 15), p indg2 2(mod 5), g p2 225(0, O) 225(0, I) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 4) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 8) 225(0, 9) 225(0,12) 225(1, 2) 225(1, 3) 225(I, 4) 225(1, 5) 225(I, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(1, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,11) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) I I I p 23 -7 -17 -7 3 -7 -7 -7 18 43 8 3 -22 8 -12 23 -12 -7 8 3 18 -17 8 3 -2 8 3 -22 23 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 XU XV U2 UV UW V2 VW W2 90 -10 -10 90 -60 -60 -110 40 -30 90 10 40 90 -30 50 0 0 10 -30 50 0 30 10 -40 30 -20 -10 0 10 -10 -60 -90 30 180 20 -70 60 -90 30 -70 -120 -70 -90 -70 120 120 -30 -30 -10 0 -90 -30 -160 170 80 50 80 -10 -70 180 -150 300 200 40 100 -120 -120 -100 -200 0 100 0 -100 -60 -40 -60 -60 80 120 80 60 -40 40 -80 20 -80 160 -100 0 -60 -210 60 -20 -10 -80 90 -210 50 40 190 -30 30 -60 120 -50 -90 -30 120 30 70 0 70 20 90 -80 -190 90 -60 -30 330 -70 190 -170 -100 0 -70 -20 80 -170 10 -20 190 -100 140 -110 -20 10 -100 50 -80 40 40 10 40 -80 130 -20 -30 270 30 -210 70 -240 120 -30 100 120 -30 10 -60 70 60 0 130 60 10 -60 -90 0 60 -140 -30 60 -20 -30 -80 -90 -60 170 70 -60 -80 -30 140 -30 40 -260 -80 70 70 20 70 -80 70 70 -130 -80 -80 70 120 -80 -80 -30 40 40 120 -110 4C 0 -10 -20 40 -10 10 -40 10 20 -20 -50 20 10 20 1 1 1 1 -110 80 20 -20 -10 20 -20 -10 40 90 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS 702 Table 14f" Cyclotomic numbers 1(mod 5) ind 3 (h,k)15, 11(mod 15), p indg2 3(mod 5), g p 225(0, O) 225(0, I) 225(0, 2) 225(0, 3) 225(0, 4) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 8) 225(0, 9) 225(0,12) 225(1, 2) 225(1, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(1, 5) 225(1, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(I, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,11) 225(I,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) 2 1 I I I I I 1 I p -7 3 13 -37 13 -7 -12 -7 13 13 -2 8 -2 18 -2 -2 -22 -2 -12 -2 8 -2 38 8 -2 -22 23 -2 38 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 XU XV U2 UV UW V2 VW W2 -30 20 -80 -30 30 0 20 30 -30 70 -40 0 20 60 -30 20 0 -10 -10 0 -60 70 0 30 40 -30 -30 20 -120 90 -60 -10 -10 20 30 -60 20 -10 -10 40 -70 40 0 -10 40 -40 -50 0 -40 50 -10 -40 20 80 -10 -10 40 0 210 0 10 210 -60 -90 60 -60 -90 10 20 -30 20 -120 30 140 0 180 -80 80 -220 160 -120 280 -40 -20 -220 -40 40 140 -80 100 -40 40 -100 -80 -80 -80 20 80 -80 80 80 -20 80 0 270 180 150 -30 -60 -90 -180 -180 -30 -30 0 -150 60 0 -30 -120 0 90 0 0 -30 90 0 60 0 30 -30 120 0 150 160 -200 !50 -130 0 100 -30 50 -50 0 -60 -60 40 -70 120 120 30 10 -160 60 10 -120 -90 -20 150 -150 0 60 -90 -60 0 -90 270 -120 60 -90 -90 210 0 0 -120 0 -90 -60 0 -30 150 0 60 -30 0 30 0 90 -90 60 0 540 -80 -130 -60 -130 -30 40 -30 140 140 20 -30 20 -80 20 20 120 20 70 20 -30 20 -180 -30 20 120 -60 -160 -180 -70 0 180 -150 -50 -60 0 40 210 -90 -40 -240 CYCLOTOMY OF ORDER 15 OVER GF(P Table 14g- Cyclotomic numbers ind 3 l(mod 5) g p2 225(0, O) 225(0, I)= 225(0, 2)= 225(0, 3) 225(0, 4) 225(0, 5) 225(0, 6) 225(0, 8) 225(0, 9) 225(0,12) 225(I, 2) 225(I, 3) 225(1, 4) 225(I, 5) 225(I, 6) 225(1, 7) 225(1, 8) 225(1, 9) 225(1,10) 225(1,11) 225(1,13) 225(2, 5) 225(2, 7) 225(2, 8) 225(2,10) 225(2,12) 225(3, 6) 225(3, 9) 225(5,10) I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 p 53 33 -7 -2 -37 -7 -27 -17 23 23 -2 -7 -2 18 -7 13 -7 13 -12 8 -44 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -7 8 1 1 1 1 13 8 -7 -2 6 -17 8 1 (h,k)15, 2) 703 ll(mod 15) p 4(mod 5) ind 2 g XU XV U2 UV UW V2 VW W2 30 -10 60 80 20 -30 -70 -40 -70 30 30 -50 0 -40 -10 30 -50 -30 20 80 -20 -30 -10 40 30 50 -20 30 -60 -270 60 -30 80 50 0 30 20 -70 30 -30 40 -60 60 -40 30 -20 0 0 20 -20 0 50 10 -30 -10 -20 30 0 -210 -140 90 40 110 0 190 40 -10 -210 50 100 -40 -140 80 50 -20 -100 -20 -40 100 -180 70 -110 -30 70 40 -10 240 60 -120 -240 160 -120 120 60 160 60 60 40 20 -20 0 0 220 20 -80 0 0 20 -60 -140 -40 60 40 -40 -140 -120 150 100 -30 0 10 -120 250 -60 -50 -150 -70 20 80 -20 40 50 80 -40 -80 -20 -160 60 30 -70 30 150 -100 50 -120 -30 -250 20 -280 300 -90 170 20 -30 170 -30 110 0 -40 30 -90 -10 -90 80 60 -40 -10 50 20 50 -10 20 -30 -120 -150 -50 60 -60 -130 -30 -160 270 -30 140 20 -60 -60 20 -30 20 20 -30 20 -30 -130 20 -180 120 -30 20 -30 120 20 -60 140 120 0 -20 90 -50 120 -50 -150 -10 10 140 40 70 50 -110 -70 -140 40 -80 30 90 40 90 -150 100 50 -60 PROOF OF THEOREM 8. Appealing to the well-known congruence (stated here for GF(q)) AN APPLICATION: 7. ind (I y see for example [9- p -yvf) e-1 (q 1)/2 + 499], and taking e u(u v) e (mod e) }: u= 15, q p2 p _= (7 I) 4(mod 15), we obtain, as (see (1.6)) _y6f (I (I + ) y 6f )(1 y 3f )- 1 (mod p) (7.2) the congruence 14 ind -) =- }: u((u,6)15- (u,3)15) Y (1 u=1 (mod 3). (7.3) Then, making use of Table 11, we obtain ind Y 1/2(I + ) (1,3)15 + (1,4)15 + (1,7)15 + (1,10)15 + (2,5)15 + (2,8)15- (1,6)15 -(1,9)15- (1,12)15- (I,13)15- (2,9)15- (2,12)15 (mod 3) (7.4) the values given in Tables 13a, 13b, 13c for (1,3)15, (2,12)15 into Substituting (7.4) we obtain indy 1/2(I + ) 1/2(T- A- B)U independently of the value of 225{(0,0)15 (0,1)15} and (1.4), we obtain glven (mod 3) 3). Reducing the expressions for by Tables 13a, 13b, 13c modulo 9, and appealing to (1.3) indg5(mod 704 C. FRIESEN, J. B. MUSKAT, B. K. SPEARMAN AND K. S. WILLIAMS T Combining (7.5) and (7.6) we get ndy A B 1/2(1 + V) 3U2(mod U3 9). (7.6) U (rood 3), that is ndg 1/2(1 + /) (mod 3), which completes the proof of Theorem 8. We remark that Theorem 8 can also be proved similarly to the proof of the case p-- 8. (mod 15) [9" pp. 499-501]. CONCLUD NG REMARKS. During the preparation of this paper, a number of Eisenstein sums, Jacobi sums, Dickson-Hurwitz sums, cyclotomic numbers, were computed for several values of p. These computations were performed using the facilities of the Computing Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Car]eton University and the numerical values obtained were of considerable use in formulating and checking the results. The help of Dr. B. C. Mortimer is acknowledged. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ([) Research supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada Summer Undergraduate Research Award. (2) Research supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada Operating Grant No. A-7233. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A. 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