Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. Vol. 9 No. 4 (1986) 733-747 733 PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS ENDOWED WITH A CONTACT CONFORMAL CONNECTION VLADISLAV V. GOLDBERG and RADU ROSCA l)epartment of Matl,emattcs N.J. Institute of Technology Newark, N.J. 07|()2 U.S.A. (Received January 30, 1985) M(U,E,,,g) endowed wlth a contact conformal It is proved tlat sucl manifolds are space forms M(K),K < O, and somo remarkable properttos of the 1,ie algebra of infinitesimal ABS’I’RACI’. Pseudo-Sasakian manifolds connection are defined. transformatton. of the principal vector feld of tle leaves of a co-tsotroptc foliation on TM bundle manifold having lq U I’! M on are discussed. Properties and properties of the tangent as a basis nro studied. Wtt J’’e, CICR sd,m,tiJ’old, relative conac infinitesimal tvmts fonatio, U-contact cmciculat" pa,{,v., differential form of Godbillon-Vey, fotn of E. Cat’tan, Finslevian Jb, mech,fca7 sjstem, dynamical system, spray, KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. CR product. 1980 SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. 53C25, 5.’;C40, 53B25 INTRODLICTION. In tle last years many papers have been concerned with Sasaklan mnifold M(,,,g) and related structures. manifolds M(U,,q,g) Recently Rosca and Goldberg and Roca [2] []] las defined have studied CICR 8nod (i.e. co-isotropic CR submanifolds) of H(U,,n,g). (2m+l)-dime,sional pseudo-Sasaktan manifolds re+l, m > 4, structured by a eo,,re eonfomna (abr. e.e.) connection. It is proved that such manifolds are hyperbolic space forms M(K), K < O, and with the In the present paper we study of index e.e. connection (which in fact is a natural generalization of the connection defined by Rosca vector [3]) fZd osca [3]) is associated (compare witl, U. . a so denominated I, Section 3 we develop some basic results The paper is organized as follows. induced by the c.c. connection and some re,,,.rkable properties of the Lie algebra of infinitesimal transformations (resp. (i) on or (il) u U) defined by is divergence J’ee and all connection forms (se Li=hnrowicz’ o, It is sho that (resp. defines an M infinitesil homothety) are Integral relatlon of invaianoe [a])" U-contact cm,imcul pairing (in the sense of eontaot Rosca [5])and any contact extension of O Is a relative and U define an 734 V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA infinitesimal transfoation (n (Ill) canonlcal form U define botl influ[tesl,,,al automorphlsms of UU and q Lq (q<m) where (resp. l.) u sooOP c are c CICR {q}, of eo-gsot’opie ogatgon Section 4 is concerned tth of submanlfolds of M and f Golon-Vey on blc (see Liclmerowlcz[6]) true integ,al 4nuargant of U is a on M codlm , c (2+I)-fo w UM Further the necessa c and sufficient conditions for the isotroplc component [;] Yano and Ken of U (2q+l)-forms (resp. the ? d/2). gg be considered as of the Is the dual form of (l,l)-operator taken with respect to the 2-form is the exterior dlfferentlal sgste,,, defined by M [3]) the ense of Rosca M may The leaves fo of which Is a tel.a- G feZ{ate is a CH Mc U and then the to be In thls case vanishes. . Accordlngly, lf is that product (see Rosc nd [9] and 1 by cert properties of he angent bundle Finally using soe notions Introduced by 7ano and Ishthara KIetn [10], antfold ue consider in Section 5 ’1’ (,,,g) hatng the manifold It Is proed that the c, as n basis. ompgt lfJ’t (" ad u of and respectively u on TM homogonoo of degree one and tlat tl,..I of E. eat’tan F{nner{an fo,,. Furthermore, we may associate with a regulaP is a are 2 PRELIMINARIES. Let (,) tgnature ba a 01,) (2l)-dimanstonal cmnacted pseudo-Rtemanntan ntfold > 4. and suppose that At each point p e M one has the standard decomposition T() P (see Rosca [1]): (2. l) P P H, and T% are the tangent space, a (2m)-dlmensional nut vector P t{me-l{ke llne orthogonal to 1, respectively. space, and a P Let S, S H be two 8eZ-oPthoonZ (abbrevlatlon s.o.) m-distributions where T, P , P P P which define an inuolut4ve automorphlsm operator defined by Libeann [11]) U Let on which defines a contact structure of square , e r% P and and +I (U e is the () p be the pairing be the covartan tton operator defined by the metric tensor g. The if for the structure tensors (,,,g) sattsgy on any vector fields ’ g(Z,) %.% % dn(Z,Z’) V, n(Z), %.% -2g(UZ ’), (2.2) UZ, ,,() 1, (, ,g) hs been elled pedo-Saoakgan mangod (ee Re [1]). In rder to study real eo-gott,ope nd gaotopge Jgatgon n (that gml’’opev terstons tn ), we consider an adapted gteld of tt ,B,C 2}. The vectors h 0, 1, and h (al re nu a a* and is the an{8ot’op4e vector field of the W-basls {h We set the manifold ; ;aa) A}. {hA ho Sp [hal, P [ha } (2. PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS 735 and as is known, one ha, g(ha,hb*) g( Ii 5al), 0 (2.4) and Uh If { d (d W meut {) ha a U Uh * =-11 *, a a W, we is tile cobasis associated witll (2.5) O. set q and the line ele- is a canonical vector l-form and is independent on any connection on is given by d ’A ’ ’A" It [ollows fom (2.4) that tle metric tensor g 2 g (2.6) Is: + O (2.7) a If A A curvature C "Be h C()) (BC are the connection forms and the B respectively, then the structure equations .d - () 2-forms on the bundle .;,.,, (E. Caftan) may be uitten in the indexlcss form as follows: vh d -t, d Referring to (2.4) and (2.8), one eb a ,-- O, +"0 a o 0 (} a* By virtue of (2.8), 0 (2.9),and (2.11) b* - ’,a a* I,-,, o,,e 0, (2.11) a O a (2.0) + and 0 (2.9) +o :! 0 (2.8) (2.12) (2.13) a and (2.14) where and ’ are any vector fields on In tire following we agree to call tlte 2-form (2.15) Since by (2.11) one has a a @a ,= O, a (2.16) we shall call R a (2.17) a and a a (2.18) 736 V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA the Rfec l-oPm the form and the Rcc 2-olvn defines the R i’sA [12]). respectively (see Rosca oy class Cheu of As Is known, H. Using (2.10) and referring to (2.12) and (2.15), one quickly obtains The above equation proves that the Hence the two coctdcZ.e8 F Let now and R c is a oonao f (1) c), is {nvant i.e. D H, o[ T (H p p satisfying: ) by suppressing H f,a,iant i.e. D The distribution distribution. p c H UD c (resp. Goldberg and Rosca H p-- Da) [] that M c D D p D P is called the hoPizontal (resp. submanifolds is called CICR CR of a maximal (oae denotes the Induced elements on UI)xC 1x( ). p- p c Such type of H2() 2-cohomoogy 0a88 and denote by Is there exists a dlfferentlable tl,.,t and p the complementary orthogonal di.tribution (ii) are homologous. I It lws been sl,own by Goldberg and Rosca C D D: p distribution belong to the smanJd CR and R be a colsotroplc foliation on Integral manifold (leave) of bl 2-forms T (H c) P is an- vertcal) manod8 (see [2]). PSEUDO-SASI bIFOLDS ENDOWED Wl’l’ll A CONTACT CONFOL CONNEXION. As a natural generalization of the de[[,ttton given by Rosca [3], we assume tha the structure equations (2.9) are urltte in the 3. (u+n) A,, , (.-,,) a d da where d/2, il and t, a,ta, u e A e C (H), and + + ?a (3.) a () Is a closed l-fo. Note that are the components of a vector field U Z (tl,a+ta, h a ,) (3.2) of eonat length. We shall say (see Rosca [3]) that In tlIs case the pseudo-Saaaklan mnlfold Is endowed with a eonae$ oonfoa (abr. c.c.) eonneotgon. e aIo agree to U the princpa vector feld associated with this connection. Since (?,71 const, we may write by (3.2) that [ ta, ta, c, c const. (3.3) a Taking exterior diferenttals of (3.1), we get d?a {+’)?a % enote by and by I where 2 2a* (3.4) g the exterior dtferenttai syte degtned by equatt (3.1) nd (3.) the gdea correpondtng to g The exterior dtferentttt (3.4) %a and m satisfy (3.1), Because of this, dl I, that is E that the system ? d/2, d s a O, leads to the identity. eZosed system. It follows from this E defining the pseudo-Sasakian antfold endowed enneeton is eompleeZ ;nt’able and ts solution depends on 2 entnts (the number of equations in (3.4)). PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS 737 From (3.4) and (3.3) we also obtain [ cu and () % 0 a (t *=-t a (3 5) a which shows that u is an :,ztegeal reZation of invoice for (see Licl,nerowlcz [4]). In the following we agree to call u the principal PJhJ’fan associated with the c.c. connectio,t. Consider no the U l-form a aktng the exterior dtfgerent(al of v, one finds tth the help og (3.1) and (3.4) that c 2. In this case we deduce d= 2 and this equation asserts that v (3.) is exe’iop PeeuPren (see atta [13] 2 tth s the ’eem’enee l- fo. gy (2.4) and (2.5) one easily ginds t Hence if Poor’ []4]) T() T*() ? a a ,. (3 8) Is the musicaZ f:’o,nohgsm with respect to (see "’ Since b(O?), =b (U). is closed, it follows ffrom (3.7) that the mntold N under coun lderatton is oltated by 2-codtmensional ubmantlds orthgonal t and Next if ,: + T() T*() is tl,e bundle isomorphism defined by R d/2, one readily gtnds we may write: . u i?, p(?) 2; (3.9) In the following we agree to call the p)’e:)!/m/,let{o form fundammztat Let now (dim ker() O) the 2-form on f ( + C=()) Lle derivative with respect to Uf. be a eontt eztengon of Then by (3.9) one quickly finds Therefore according to the definition given by Roses [3], and f f we may say that the O. f z’eZaive contact infinitegmaZ transformation of Denote now by S (reap. oS) the simple unit form hteh eorropond ). One has (resp. a OS % OS* A...A (3.10) 1" A...A %m* and by (3.1) the exterior differentials of (3.10) are ds ["(+)-] ^ 7s " " "" OS* ds* [m (u-n)+vJ ^ ,b (3. II) Since o and Os, are both exterior recurrent, it follows from a well-known S property that both co-lsotropic distributions S + {} and + {} are t{ve (orth. S*). It is worth to emphasize tl,at orth. (+{}) ; (*+{.}) this property is true for any pseudo-Sasakian manifold. * V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 738 Now wltll the help of (3.1), one flndn tllnt tlle connection forms are given by a ., + a /2 + a’ (,,o ,,,on) 3. 2 ,b* a ’a By (3.12) and (3.6) one finds R and (3.7) shws that R is exterior Comt,g back to reIatto,s (3.12), oe re;dlly [tnds Therefore we may say that all connection forms of the pseudo-Sasaklan manifold under consideration are ntt’a ’eZatoa of m,aganoe for the vector field UU. H. he volume elemet of Denote no by Oue ay take a ieal rtentatton such tha o A 2m+ 1- q* AqT ,: and de,ote by s A oS, A the aP n, opPatoP determined by e any vector ield If, llke TM, then, a is known, for means the vector space of sections over sually, . (3.15) one has (3.16) Haktng use of (3.4), (3.11), (3.16), and tho fact that [ (taha+ta ,ha,. U one finds after some calculations: dlv llence U is div(U) d{verenoe fPee and UU %A’ Now If (see Poor 0 [14]), one has ’ 2 t3 (3.18) 4 ,lff{niesimaZ homohe on is an (’)AhA [ tata, a are any vector fields, then, as Is known Therefore, by (2.3), (3.4), and (3.12)we get We also note that since (()+c) ); () is a closed (U) According to the defniton gven by Rosca form, we may say (see Poor [5] the [ormulae (3.19) show that the vector field Denote by D U the 3-distrlbution defined by [14]) and Rosca and Verstraelen defines a {,g,}. []5], U-=on =ooz’o=P By (2.2), (3.5), and (3.6) one readily finds from (3.19) that . [,]=0, [u,]=0. Hence both vector fields defines a see that D U U and U 3-folat4on conmute with on E (3.20) and by (3.19) and (3.20) we . PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS 739 It is worth now to make the following considerations. Z e Let M be any vector field on fo,,,uZa (see Poor [14]) : on T|len one has the general BoohneP 2 " wlere do + is the 6od Lapaoe-Bol 1.,n operato (or Laplacian) and the trace (abr. tr) is calculated Applying formula (3.21) to the w|tl, respect to the metric tensor g AT*, of and taking into vector field l, ri,,ell,.sl on account (2.7), one I,as (3.22) a a q a a ad 11/i2 2 [ a ’ <1, a"h a, J> + <Vr_,U’lU> (3.23) Now by (2.14), (3.4), (3.5), (3.16),and (3.19) one finds *Vhal V a h tata,U + a Since we have found (2-a ’a*/2)U[ + (3aa*/2-2) + (2-tata,/2)UU+(3’a a /2-2) + [ rata, 2 we dertve from (3.22) ta,ha, (3 24) (3 23), (3 24), and (3 21) a sattsgtes U that L Let (3.21) nd this equation is consistent tth be the operator of type (1,1) de[tned by the fundental q Lq Denote then by Since u and e A2q+l are both closed, q + td ence () (3.9) and aklng use of the properties f ie Lie one finds by dt that q gngnitegma autorphism of all (2q+l)-gor ( On the other hand, since g(,) const, e ay ay in tIar is an the case a Sasaktan antfoId that defines tth ). an Like usually denote by the eueatue by and ) operator. hen, a t given by is known, the eetgona oeat (,) degtned where R(,U,J ,UU) ’ (R(’,U)U,U). (3.28) Making use of (3.5), (3.6), and (3.19), one finds [, U] 4 (+2) (3.29) 4 (5+8) (3.30) and R(, U)U’ V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 740 -. K(II,Ui) (3.28) one gets llence by (3.27) and Now referring to (2.10) and (3.12) one finds after some calculations S a a VS, + v s A +aa , ,, ’a A a Vs A taU (.) (no suaation) + where we have set (3.32) As is known (see Libermann b a c* a bc, A a []] ]), R’foef. the components of the a* + a* bc tb aa /:.ensor are given by Because of this, we get from (3.31) that 0). c (3.33) a a o I follows from (3.33) tha tle componenC of the Rcci tensor are Rosca [16]). In addition, since the 8eaa cu’vauve tensor with respect to of, the Rieci C 4-m (m > 4). C (see is the trace g, one finds by (2.7) and (3.3) that Therefore we conclude that tie pseudo-Sasakian manifold space fo (4-m) of hpePboe (U,,,) be a pseudo-Sasaktan manifold M under consideration is a THEOREI 1. Let c.c. connection and let d/2) (resp. fl endowed with a be the principal vector field associated with this connection (resp. the fundamental 2-fo on ). One has the following properties: (i) (li) U is divergence free, and U defines an infinitesimal homothety on are integral relations of invarlance for all the connection forms on UU; (Ill) U) and define an U-contact couclrcular pairing, and defines a 3-foliation on (iv) f any contact extension + Infinitesimal transformation of (v) U and is a relative contact U q; define both an 4nflniteslmal automorphism of all Lq (vi) of where u q the Ricci 1-form of is the dual form of (2q+l)-forms U(q<m); is exterior recurrent, and the Ricci tensor is M disjoint; (vii) (viii) M is a space-fomn of hyperbolic type any such submanifold N _ is defined by a compietely integrable system of differenttai equations whose solution depends on co-isooc F0t^o o ?(v,,n,l. UD’_ ’) D= b) arbitrary constants. M the following three distributions: r (i.e. of dimension 2(m-)+l D An gnarag distribution D i*=i+m}. m-; i=l by defined {hi,hi,, x of dimension orth D (i e D An isoropc distribution D We shall consider on a) 2m defined by A D {h.; r=m-E+l m}. PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS c) A transversal distribution by {h Dt r ,; r* 741 Cs,(D’ D)IS * I) defined of dimension 2m). 2m-+1, a These three distributions have no conunon direction and tley define on of tu’e rank (see 2 Sinha []7]). as follows: Accordingly we shall split the principal vector field U where U T e D " e D U e D t -st’uc- U q) t. ’ t (4.1) Denote now by g,2m- +] the simple unit fo which corresponds to ell-detned global gor. Since x ctent condition got eZas of g Ltclnerolcz on [7]) 0 .A2m (4.2) Because t. anntltlates oo-soeropgo to be a [la] exterior recurrent (see Lichnerowtcz d tlence one ust rtte A. , D ttI(c,R) t that be [7]). represent the l( y defines an eleen og ,R) (see In the case under dscusston one gnds (co,pare tth gan nd then the recurrence l-form [6]). that the necessary aud sufficient condttten for Fc D Dx tropic foliation is a the necessary and ogation and Yano and Kon and if is orientable, t case the recurrence l-form y of t receive a t Is that the component of vanishes. In this is given by (.3) (u-n). Denote by M for the and supress M c According to the considerations of Section 8ubmanoZd. Fc (2m-+l)-dlmenslonal leaf of a c induced elements on By definition we have I, it follows that Mc is a CICR Because of this and (3.1), the O. du exterior differentiation of (4.3) gives dy Equation (4.4) shows that the restrlction On the other hand, the form of the (2+l)-form w G e A2+I(M c w One knows (see Lichnerowlcz an element of H2+I(Mc;R) [18]) M Codb[||on-Vey [ve, (4.4) -2. is an exact (see Lichnerowicz [6]) on M c is by yA(^dx). G forum. c (4.5) that the class of cohomology of is an luvarla,t of tle folIaton. which is w G Using the same notation as in section 3 and applying (4.4), we may write w where we have set c _2 G +1 c(Lu-L,) c(8-Ln) (4.6) Thus it follows from (3.22) that uwG -CU (L n). (4.7) By means of (2.13) and (3.9) one has d(Ln) 2(A)+I (4.8) 742 V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA and dIu(L,) (4.9) 4u(A) Therefore we get LI(LED) -B A(A2) -11 (4.10) and finally uWt:-- cB Since that B (4.11) closed, the above equation gives 0 and allows us to say G ’eae ieg’a of int: U. G Further since the submanifold M is co-isotropic, t follows from ths that is duW is a w M the normal bundle M Since of M C is defined by C coincides with r m O, r D x. 2m-+l, and (3.12) that the covariant derivatives 2m, we derive from (2 8) of the null normal sections Vl h satisfy Vh Since h h (4.12) r are null vector fields, equation (4.12) shows that r dlrFctlons. has the v r Hence according to the definition of Rosca , eoeo opey. X Further if Y and are any vector fields of according to a known definition, the distribution r wth the improper inmerslon x: M Hoeso one has is (E is a field of . D one may say hat VyX moZe. D D are emg qmd,= o8 for the meod -<dp Vh r > Setting []9], hr D Thus associated covarlant setric M ), we deIve bv a simple argument that all vanish. Tlerefoe accodig to a we11-known deflltlon, we agree to say that the improper tensors of order 2 on x: M im,nerslon is [2] It was proved by Coldberg and Rosca If involutlve. oreo. l,olP oII are the leaves of that the distribution one easily finds that the improper Immersion es?a. Slnce x: M+ x: [Z]) Next as it was proved (Coldberg and Rosca wlich corresponds to M D to be . Since obvlously one has Since by definition in tlis case (2(m-)+l)-dimensional leaf of Jl[, M is PoP o# M #o#Z Heo- ee. the necessary and sufficient is that the simple unit fo D A then by (3.1) one finds that the q equivalent to the condition [ff O. Is i,volutive, let us denote Is a subnlfold, M M, and this implies (see Romca Because is as is kown an invariant submanlfold of tl,at is always be exterior recurrent. property of exterior recurrency for a is is a proper mmrsion, it is condition for the manifold D then in a similar nner as for I M CICR mmZ. Coming back to the case under discussion, using (2.8), (3.12) and the fact that on that M M Hence manifolds U one has t O, O, we can show by means of a imple calculation is also totally geodesic. M is follated by two familie,q of orthogonal totally geodesic sub- and M r PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS On the other hand, let []], Rosca one has Mc X PX + FX UX the normal) component of be any vector field on & c =M H According to c (resp. M1", one virtue of tle total geodestcity of Therefore the tangential component M M is the tangential VPX easily finds that [7], Yano and Kon (resp. FX) I’X where gy UX. 743 PX it follows from tlts that of X lq is a paraZeZ. is CR According to product i.e. 1". Mc Since is connected, this property can be checked by de Rhom decompoo theo’em. It is worth to note tllat this s[tuatlon is quite similar to that of cosubmanlfolds of a para Kaelilerian manifold structured by a geodeio connection (Rosca [20]). CR Isotroplc TIIEOREM 2. U tion and let M Let be a pseudo-Sasaklan manifold structured by a c.c. connec- be the principal vector field associated with this connection. Then the necessary and sufficient condition for c foliation to receive a co-lsotroplc U is tllat tile transversal component case tlle leaves M F of c c tile form of Godbillon-Vey on integral Invariant of of CICR submanlfolds of Mc is a (2+l)-form [M U t are WG In thls vanishes. M and if codlm M c which is a relative c , c In addition, one has the following properties: (i) (ll) x: M M is improper totally geodesic; c is foliated by anti-lnvariant submanifolds M which are improper the improper immersion H c totally geodesic and have the geodesic property. Further the necessary and sufficient condition for the vertical (or isotropic) component CR Mc is a 5. TANGENT BUNDLE LMq I FOLD Let U of U In this case TM. tangent buMZe ,naij’old be the to be foliate is that M c vanishes. product. TH H laving the pseudo-Sasakian manifold discussed in Section 3 as a basis. (A) the ca,oncaZ Wet,n, L Accordingly we may consider the set Denote by on TH. TM. cobasis on the vetieaZ Following Godbillon differentiation taken with respect to i v is a derivative ,[r 8* we shall designate by and the vertical derivation (d%r of degree [2]], fiel.d (or t/zo vector field of 8’ {A, dA} as an adapted d,, opez’aor, is an antidevuat{on of degree 0 of A (r,s) on r into the verticaZ and compZete lifts are linear mappings of T s Let . and respectively of T). be the set of all tensor fteids of type LiouvilZe) AT and In general r rT, and for complete lifts one has: (TtT2)C With respect to by * T 9 ,,(:+.r C e T V 2 2 the complete lift of the fundamental form %C n [ (daAma*+m%a Adva*_ Tile exterior differentiation of (5.1) by means of (3.1) gives fl d/2 is given (5.1) V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 744 (5.2) (5.2), Using we find i (:- ’i (: [2]]), As Is known (see Godbillon of degt’ee e (5,3) e(Imtion (5.3) shows that . 1. C ill no take the complete lift *. respect to cobasis [7]) u For this purpose e shall (A=O,I,...,2B) iti the general theory (Yano and Ishihara the Pfaffian derivatives of hB(t A) aB(t A) ts of the principal Pfaffian associated ith the c.c. connection with sructures denote by C Then according to t A one has wlere we have set u % ,A C u %A BA + UAV Referrln UA (5.4) B(UA)V (3.4) and (3.5) to (c=2), after some calculations one finds u =[ l(a,,V-t , , + ,,v I taV-tav )+ )u -vv +v The exterior differentiation of (5.5) by means of (3.1) gives dC I(I (aav+ta v’a) + [ ’vaa*-va*a) a .a dv Using (5.5) and (5.6), one finds +t d a*)) %C u % V of degree I. uC Hence %a%a* T: 2 T. and apply tl,e vertJc.,] differcntlaton of , and by mefllls dw I /%t,a tv (,, According to Godbillon ,a %a + +v %0 [2]], one (5.8) v n of (3. I) o.e gets " C TN respect to uC is also a homogeneous fo L Consider now the following scalar feld on % (5.6) A 8’ - fia* )-d) +2 is tim operator (,[ Yano and lshihara one has by (3.6) a a ,v +t ;I ). [7], (5.9) that is with (5. o) One qulckly finds (5.) L a.d since is closed, it follows from (5.11) tha PSEUDO-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS I i.e. I. is l,omogeneous of degree 745 blorpover, taking the vertical derivation of II, one has (see Codblllon On tle otler land, It is easy to see fr,, (5.9) that [21]) (;odbillon II tl,at onTH. FnsZPIn is a de differentiation Is of maxlmal rank (see II Accordingly,as i kuow, equations (5.11) and (5.13) prove Jtvu (See EI.I,, .,,,I Voutier is an anti-derivatio, ,,f [2]). square zoro, Since tle vertic,l one easily derives from (5.8) that d ’l’l,uq oJ" l-fo?rO cavra,, V of 116]). (see Rose:, Further one may call tl,o B tle vectorial basis dual to M. on Dv [9] (see Yano and Ishiimra or (:odbilion [21]) tl,e vertical lift Tien () V is expressed by ()v (S. IS) A Coming back to the case under co,,sd,,ration and using that (see of (U) V wltlt respect to II are both closed, it follows tom this that and since V @a v a Now, taking the duai V(tl) (c:2), we quickly find V U =-1() 3), we find by (5.15) that Section (U) funot{on (resp. [19]). (see Rosca {h A, Denote now by as is know,, TM on "r on (rosp. ) tire L?[ouo{ZZe T following we shall call the Lot(t,Ze 2-J>,vm (5 14) () Vl [21], ;ccording to (;odbillo, ]n tile o, r and referring o (3.5) (u)V= 0, i.e. is an infinitesimal aucomorl, ltsm of and (’b are tl,e kineto u Since ezergv and tire J’ieZd of Jb’’ns is closed, one Ires finds , d -[ T hand, since 8tl’,tur on [21]) tle and (see Codbillon and referring to [21]). (5.7), one quickly 2, (5.19) Lr Equations (5.19) show that ,r of 7. are lomor,eou8 of ctf?Pee 2. On the other potent{a sympe{c is an exact 2-form of maxim,l rank, it defines a TH. ilence, according to tie dof[,[tion given by Klein sysem Denote no by is Z d (see Godbtllon veuZav. the dneZ t’m asctated wltl s is knon,Z d - V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 746 is deflned via formula idl ’[’len: a) "’"! b) Since , and Since on lr i.e. [L,d] d" 2-form is of degree 2 manifold (U,,n,) vector field (i) Let TI L:) + " (5.20) are both homoget, ots and of the same degree, Z d integral relation of TIIEOREM 3. d(q l-(d-) the invaria,,ce for + Z 2 A dt e A (TxR) (Lichnerowlcz is a is an [5]). d be tile tangent bundle manlfold having as a basis tile (resp. defined in Section 3 and let (resp. the fundamental 2-form) on C the complete lifts and b. ) be the principal Then: --(U) uC of TM is a Finslerian form; and are homogeneous of degree one; (il) (iii) the 2-form of Cartan H system is a spray on on a regular mechanical system whose dynamical one may associate with M. 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