Syllabus: Math 251, Section 516 Engineering Mathematics III Fall 2014

Syllabus: Math 251, Section 516
Engineering Mathematics III
Fall 2014
Instructor: Séverine Biard
Office: BLOC 601C
email :
Meeting Times- Office Hours
♦ Lecture meeting times: Tuesday and Thursday : 2.20-3.35 p.m in HELD 107
♦ Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday: 12:45 a.m - 2 p.m in my office and by appointment.
♦ The webpage of the course:
♦ This course is worth 3 credits.
♦ Course description: Vector algebra, Calculus of functions of several variables, partial
derivatives, directional derivatives, gradient, multiple integration, line and surface integrals, Stoke’s theorem.
♦ Textbook (You purchased an electronic version (eBook) through course fees, the paper
version is not required and not necessary): J. Stewart, Calculus: Early vectors, Brooks /
Cole Publishing Company, 1999.
To have access to the Book, Login on Webassign :
♦ Course Objectives: We will cover the Chapters 11 to 14 of the book. We will generalize
notions already seen in R2 to the 3-dimensional space as vectors and we will cover different
objects used in Physics, Electronics: partial derivatives, multiple integrals and vector calculus. We will see many applications to engineering problems. At the end of this course,
students should be able to manipulate all these objects correctly in order to apply techniques seen in this course to engineering applications. For example, they should be able
• Visualize quadric surfaces in space.
• Differentiate functions of several variables at the second order and apply it to extremal
• Determine the tangent plane to a surface at a point.
• parametrize curves in space, compute line integrals and apply these notions to engineering problems.
• Apply multiple integration to geometric problems (area, volume,. . . ) and to engineering problems.
• Apply Stokes’ theorem.
♦ Weekly Schedules : I intend to follow the MATH 251 course homepage:
♦ Prerequisite: MATH 152 or equivalent.
Homework-Practices-Help sessions b
♦ You will have weekly assignments to complete on Webassign (Section: eHomework).
I suggest you do Practices (which are corrected on Webassign and which are similar to
Homeworks) before doing your eHomeworks (you won’t have answers).
♦ A list of suggested Homework can be found on
for practicing more, but do your eHomework first.
♦ Week in Review: Each week, a faculty member conducts a Week in Review. You will have
the chance to practice or practice again some notions seen in the course. For Fall 2014,
sessions will be given by J. Lewis Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 p.m in BLOC 169 (the J.R Blocker
This course requires a lot of practice to understand everything and succeed on the exam,
so Please, do not miss this chance ! A continuous work is strongly recommended.
♦ Help Sessions: The Math Department offers help sessions for MATH 251, these are sessions
given by a math department tutor who can help you to better understand some exercises.
Sessions will be Sundays and Thursdays, 8p.m-10p.m, BLOC 149. The first one begins Sunday, September 7th. Please, Check the room on
These are advices but do not forget that your instructor is also here to answer your questions. Do not hesitate to ask me questions even by email, I will answer you as quickly as
I can.
♦ Please, Bring me back the Information Sheet available on∼biards
the first week ( 09/02 or 09/04). The first part is at your convenience but the second is
strongly recommended! Students who won’t sign this form, should come in my
office to pick up their copies.
Exams Policy
♦ Quizzes of no more than 10 minutes will be given each Tuesdays at the end of the
class. These aren’t traps! Just to control basic notions seen in class.
♦ Two midterm Exams will be given at the regular time in the regular Classroom. Tentative dates for these are: October 7th (about Chapter 11 and 12), November 18th
(about Chapter 13 and 14 seen in class). If there is any change about these dates, I
will inform you in Class and the announcement will be updated on my webpage and
on Webassign! I will remind you each midterm Exam and its program a week before.
♦ The Final Exam follows the calendar on the math department Webpage : It will be
on December 17, Wednesday, 1-3 p.m.
ZCorrections of quizzes and exams will be given on my webpage (only after each of
♦ Grade ingredients: Midterm exams (40 %), Final Exam (25%), Quizzes (20%), eHomework (15%).
♦ Letter Grades: A (90 %-100%), B (80-89%), C (70-79%), D (60-69%), F (0-59%).
♦ Laptops, cellphones or calculators (electronic devices) are forbidden DURING Quizzes
and Exams. If you are unable to comply with this policy, you will be asked to leave
class and will not be allowed to make-up any assignments missed in class that day.
Don’t forget to bring your ID for the exams!
Attendance - Make-ups - Cheating i
♦ Academic Integrity Statement : Remember the Aggie code of honor : “An Aggie
does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” Please see for more details. There is no tolerance for any violation of
the Aggie honor code.
♦ Attendance and participation are very important and may, in some cases, help a
student’s grade.
♦ Make-up exams will be given only to students providing a University-approved excuse.
If you miss an exam, you have to notify your instructor within 48 hours. Otherwise
the students forfeits his/her right to make-up.
See http://student-rules-tamu-edu/ for more details.
♦ Disability services : The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons
with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with
disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an
accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call
For more information, visit
♦ Copyright Policy: All printed materials disseminated in class or on the web are protected by Copyright laws. One copy (or download from the web) is allowed for personal
use. Multiple copies or sale of any of these materials is strictly prohibited.
This syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion