PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED IN S.1177, THE EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT, AS APPROVED BY THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ALL PROGRAMS ARE AUTHORIZED FROM FY 20017 THROUGH FY 2020 (ALL NUMBERS IN THOUSANDS) NOTE: The bill states that it the sense of Congress that authorized funding levels should be adjusted based on future revised limits to the Budget Control Act’s nondefense discretionary spending caps. Total FY 2015 Appropriation for ESEA programs (includes McKinney Homeless Education and Investing in Innovation) = $23,304,953 Total Authorized levels in S. 1177: FY 2017 = $24,540,409 (+$1,235,456 over FY 15, +5.3%) FY 2018 = $25,103,614 (+$563.205 over FY 17, +2.3%) FY 2019 = $25,566,532 (+$462,918 over FY 18, +1.8%) FY 2020 = $26,080,025 (+$513,493 over FY 17, +2.3%) TITLE I: IMPROVING THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF THE DISADVANTAGED Part A: IMPROVING BASIC PROGRAMS OPERATED BY LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES FY 2015 Appropriation: $14,409,802; FY 2015 Appropriation for School Improvement grants: $505,756 (Combined appropriation: $14,915,558) AUTHORIZED LEVELS: 1 FY 2017: $15,012,318 FY 2018: $15,457,459 FY 2019: $15,897,371 FY 2020: $16,182,345 Note: School Improvement Grants is eliminated as a separate program, but the current law 4% set-aside by states from their Title I allocation for school improvement is increased to 7%. Part B: STATE ASSESSMENT GRANTS FY 2015 Appropriation: $378,000 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $378,000 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 PART C: EDUCATION OF MIGRATORY CHILDREN FY 2015 Appropriation: $374,751 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $374,751 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 PART D: PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WHO ARE NEGLECTED, DELINQUENT, OR AT-RISK FY 2015 Appropriation: $47,614 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $47,614 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 (through Section 8601) PART E: FLEXIBILITY FOR EQUITABLE PER PUPIL FUNDING PART F: GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR EVALUATION: FY 2015 Appropriation: $710 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $710 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 TITLE II: PREPARING, TRAINING, AND RECRUITING HIGH-QUALITY TEACHERS, PRINCIPALS, AND OTHER SCHOOL LEADERS PART A: SUPPORTING EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION FY 2015 Appropriation for Teacher Quality State Grants: $2,349,830 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $2,295,830 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 PART B: NATIONAL ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED LEVEL TOTAL for the subparts listed below: FY 2017: $468,881 FY 2018: $468,881 FY 2019: $469,168 2 FY 2020: $489,168 o Subpart 1: Teacher And School Leader Incentive Program AUTHORIZED LEVEL: 49.1% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for each year, FY 17 through FY 19 (maximum of $230,221 for FY 17 and FY 18; maximum of $230,361 for FY 19) 47% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 20 (maximum of $229,909) o Subpart 2: Literacy Education for All, Results for the Nation (LEARN) 34.1% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for each year, FY 17 through FY 19 (maximum of $159,888 for FY 17 and FY 18; maximum of $159,986 for FY 19) 36.8% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 20 (maximum of $180,014) Sec. 2226: Innovative Approaches to Literacy o Subpart 3: American History and Civics Education 1.4% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 (maximum of $6,564 for FY 17 and FY 18; maximum of $6,568 for FY 19; maximum of $6,848 for FY 20) Sec. 2232: Presidential And Congressional Academies For American History And Civics (Not less than 26 percent of the amount available for this subpart is for this section.) Sec. 2233: National Activities (Not more than 74 percent of the amount available for this subpart is for this section.) o Subpart 4: Programs Of National Significance 15.4% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for each year, FY 17 through FY 19 (maximum of $72,208 for FY 17 and FY 18; maximum of $72,252 for FY 19) 14.8% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 20 (maximum of $72,397) Sec. 2242: Supporting Effective Educator Development (Not less than 74% of the funds for this subpart is for this section.) Sec. 2243: School Leader Recruitment and Support (Not less than 22% of the funds for this subpart is for this section.) Sec. 2244: Technical Assistance and National Evaluation (Not less than 2% of the funds for this subpart is for this section.) 3 Sec. 2245: STEM Master Teacher Corps (Not more than 2% of the funds for this subpart is for this section.) PART C: GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE III: LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION FOR ENGLISH LEARNERS AND IMMIGRANT STUDENTS PART A: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, LANGUAGE ENHANCEMENT AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT ACT FY 2015 Appropriation: $737,400 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $756,332 FY 2018: $769,568 FY 2019: $784,960 FY 2020: $884,960 o Subpart 1: Grants and Subgrants For English Language Acquisition And Language Enhancement o Subpart 2: Accountability And Administration o Subpart 3: National Professional Development Project (6.5% of the amount appropriated each year except that not more than $2 million of such amount may be reserved for the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Educational Programs in Sec. 3202) PART B: GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE IV: 21ST CENTURY SCHOOLS PART A: STUDENT SUPPORT AND ACADEMIC ENHANCEMENT GRANTS o Subpart 1: FY 2015 Appropriation: NA AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $1,650,000 FY 2018: $1,600,000 FY 2019: $1,600,000 FY 2020: $1,600,000 4 Sec. 4107: Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities Sec. 4108: Safe and Healthy Students Sec. 4109: Effective Use of Technology Note: LEAs that receive an award of $30,000 or more must spend at least 20% of their funds on at least one activity in Sec. 4107, at least 20% of their funds on at least one activity on Sec. 4108, and a portion of their funds on at least one activity under Sec. 4109. LEAs that receive less than $30,000 must only do one of those three. o Subpart 2—Internet Safety PART B: 21ST CENTURY COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTERS FY 2015 Appropriation: $1,151,673 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $1,000,000 FY 2018: $1,100,000 FY 2019: $1,100,000 FY 2020: $1,100,000 PART C: EXPANDING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER SCHOOLS FY 2015 Appropriation: $253,172 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $270,000 FY 2018: $270,000 FY 2019: $300,000 FY 2020: $300,000 PART D: MAGNET SCHOOLS ASSISTANCE FY 2015 Appropriation: $91,647 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $94,000 FY 2018: $96,820 FY 2019: $102,387 FY 2020: $108,530 PART E: FAMILY ENGAGEMENT IN EDUCATION PROGRAMS FY 2015 Appropriation: NA AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $10,000 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 5 PART F: NATIONAL ACTIVITIES FY 2015 Appropriation: NA AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $200,741 FY 2018: $200,741 FY 2019: $220,741 FY 2020: $220,741 o Subpart 1: Education Innovation and Research 36% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 17 and FY 18 after the $5 million reservation for Subpart 3 (maximum of $70,467) 42% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 19 and FY 20 after the $5 million reservation for Subpart 3 (maximum of $90,611) o Subpart 2: Community Support for School Success 36% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 17 and FY 18 after the $5 million reservation for Subpart 3 (maximum of $70,467) 32% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 19 and FY 20 after the $5 million reservation for Subpart 3 (maximum of $69,037) Sec. 4264: Promise Neighborhoods (not less than 95% of the amounts available for this subpart is for this section.) Sec. 4265: Full Service Community Schools o Subpart 3: National Activities for School Safety – includes Project SERV (Of the amounts appropriated $5 million is reserved for this section.) o Subpart 4: Academic Enrichment 28% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 17 and FY 18 after the $5 million reservation for Subpart 3 (maximum of $54,807) 26% of the amount appropriated for National Activities for FY 19 and FY 20 after the $5 million reservation for Subpart 3 (maximum of $56,093) Sec. 4641: Awards for Academic Enrichment Sec. 4642: Assistance for Arts Education Sec. 4643: Ready To Learn Programming Sec. 4653: Supporting High-Ability Learners and Learning (Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program) TITLE V: STATE INNOVATION AND LOCAL FLEXIBILITY 6 PART A: FUNDING TRANSFERABILITY FOR STATE AND LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES PART B: RURAL EDUCATION INITIATIVE FY 2015 Appropriation: $169,840 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $169,840 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 o Subpart 1: Small, Rural School Achievement Program o Subpart 2: Rural and Low-Income School Program PART C: GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE VI: INDIAN, NATIVE HAWAIIAN, AND ALASKA NATIVE EDUCATION PART A: INDIAN EDUCATION o Subpart 1: Formula Grants to LEAs FY 2015 Appropriation: $100,381 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $100,381 FY 2018: $102,389 FY 2019: $104,436 FY 2020: $106,525 o Subpart 2: Special Programs And Projects To Improve Educational Opportunities For Indian Children FY 2015 Appropriation: $17,993 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $17,993 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 o Subpart 3: National Activities FY 2015 Appropriation: $5,565 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $5,565 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 o Subpart 4: Federal Administration o Subpart 5: Definitions, Authorizations OF Appropriations PART B: NATIVE HAWAIIAN EDUCATION FY 2015 Appropriation: $32,397 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $32,397 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 PART C: ALASKA NATIVE EDUCATION FY 2015 Appropriation: $31,453 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $31,453 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 7 TITLE VII: IMPACT AID o Sec. 7002. Payments relating to Federal acquisition of real property FY 2015 Appropriation: $66,813 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $66,813 FY 2018: $66,813 FY 2019: $66,813 FY 2020: $71,998 o Sec. 7003. Payments for eligible federally connected children (Basic Support payments) FY 2015 Appropriation: $1,151,233 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $1,151,233 FY 2018: $1,151,233 FY 2019: $1,151,233 FY 2020: $1,240,573 o Sec. 7003(d). Payments for children with disabilities FY 2015 Appropriation: $48,316 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $48,316 FY 2018: $48,316 FY 2019: $48,316 FY 2020: $52,065 o Sec. 7007. Construction FY 2015 Appropriation: $17,406 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: FY 2017: $17,406 FY 2018: $17,406 FY 2019: $17,406 FY 2020: $18,757 o Sec. 7008. Facilities Maintenance FY 2015 Appropriation: $4,835 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: 8 FY 2017: $4,835 FY 2018: $4,835 FY 2019: $4,835 FY 2020: $5,210 TITLE VIII: GENERAL PROVISIONS PART A: DEFINITIONS PART B: FLEXIBILITY IN THE USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER FUNDS PART C: COORDINATION OF PROGRAMS; CONSOLIDATED STATE AND LOCAL PLANS AND APPLICATIONS PART D: WAIVERS PART E: APPROVAL AND DISAPPROVAL OF STATE PLANS AND LOCAL APPLICATIONS PART F: UNIFORM PROVISIONS o Subpart 1: Private Schools o Subpart 2; Other provisions o Subpart 3: Teacher Liability Protection o Subpart 5: Gun Possession o Subpart 6: Environmental Tobacco Smoke PART G: EVALUATIONS TITLE IX: EDUCATION OF HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTHS; OTHER LAWS; MISCELLANEOUS PART A: EDUCATION FOR HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTH FY 2015 Appropriation: $65,042 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $85,000 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 PART B: OTHER LAWS; MISCELLANEOUS o Sec. 9213 PRESCHOOL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS FY 2015 Appropriation: $250,000 AUTHORIZED LEVELS: $250,000 for each year, FY 17 through FY 20 9