International Symposium Alternative Approaches to Enhancing Small-Scale Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management in Marginal Areas -Experience in Monsoon Asia- Elizabeth Rose Conference Hall, 5th Floor, UN House, Tokyo, Japan 29-30 October 2003 Tentative Programme as of 27 October Wednesday, 29 October 10:00-10:10 Opening Ceremony 10:00-10:05 Welcome Remarks Motoyuki Suzuki, Special Programme Advisor, UNU 10:05-10:10 Introduction of the Symposium Luohui Liang, Academic Programme Officer, UNU 10:10-11:15 Session I: Keynote Presentations Chairman: Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Professor, Tokyo University 10:10-10:35 Prospects of Agricultural Biotechnology for Marginal Areas A H Zakri, Director, UNU Institute of Advanced Studies 10:35-11:00 Smallholder-developed "Hybrid Systems" as an Underutilized Resource: The PLEC experience Miguel Pinedo Vasquez, Scientific Coordinator of PLEC, Columbia University 11:00-11:15 Questions & Answers 11:15-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-13:00 Session II: Agro-diversity Management Chairman: Eiji Nawata, Associate Professor, Kyoto University Commentator: Kazuo Watanabe, Professor, Tsukuba University 11:30-11:50 Agrodiversity Lessons: Examples from the Highlands of Northern Thailand Kanok Rerkasem, Research Scientist, Chiang Mai University 11:50-12:10 Dynamics of Rainfed Lowland Rice Varieties in Northeast Thailand Shuichi Miyagawa, Professor, Gifu University 12:10-12:30 Changes in Agricultural Biodiversity: Implications for Sustainable Livelihood in the Himalaya Krishna Gopal Saxena, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University 12:30-13:00 Discussion 13:00-14:00 Lunch Break 14:00-15:30 Session III: Farm Management and Livelihoods Chairman: Iwao Kobori, Professor, UNU Commentator: Yasuyuki Kono, Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University 14:00-14:20 Multiple Cropping of Slopeland Agriculture in the Central Part of Japan Kazutoshi Hoshikawa, Professor, Shinshu University 14:20-14:40 Household Options and Limitations in Marginal Upland Areas in Java Junko Goto, Independent regional planning researcher 14:40-15:00 Potential and Constraints for Intensive Land Use with Pond Irrigation in Northeast Thailand Masuo Ando, Senior Researcher, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences 15:00-15:30 Discussion 15:30-15:45 Coffee Break 15:45-17:15 Session IV: Forest Resources Management Chairman: Toshiya Ikeda, Vice-President, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan Commentator: Keshav Lall Maharjan, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University 15:45-16:05 Local Response to a Government Land-allocation Program: The role of NTFPs in Marginal Mountainous Areas in Lao PDR Shinya Takeda, Associate Professor, Kyoto University 16:05-16:25 Historical Change and Significance regarding the Management and Utilization of Forest Resources in Korea Eui-Gyeong Kim, Professor, Gyeongsang National University 16:25-16:45 Mangrove Forest Rehabilitation in Southeast Asia Ryuichi Tabuchi, Leader, Educational Resources Group, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan 16:45-17:15 Discussion 18:00-19:00 Reception Thursday, 30 October 9:30-11:20 Session V: Upscaling Farmers’ Technology Chairman: Yasuyuki Kono, Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University Commentator: Yunita T. Winarto, Visiting Research Fellow, CSEAS, Kyoto University 9:30-9:50 Experience in Supervising a Farmer Network for Sustainable Agriculture Development in Central Thailand Prateep Verapattananirund, Eco-community Vigor Foundation, Thailand 9:50-10:10 Employment and Income Effects of Orange Incorporation into Traditional Farming Systems in the Hill Region of Nepal Shigeki Yokoyama, Senior Researcher, the Headquarters, National Agricultural Research Organization, Japan 10:10-10:30 New Systems and Technologies for High Quality Citrus Production, Labor Saving and Orchard Management in Mountainous Areas of Western Japan Kunihisa Morinaga, Chief, Integrated Research Team, National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region, Japan 10:30-10:50 Development of Indigenous Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture in Northern Upland Vietnam Le Quoc Doanh, Vice Director, Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute 10:50-11:20 Discussion 11:20-11:35 Coffee Break 11:35-13:00 Session VI: Institutional Reform and Empowerment Chairman: M. Taeb, Research Fellow, UNU/Institute of Advanced Studies Commentator: Masaaki Okamoto, Associate Professor, CSEAS, Kyoto University 11:35-11:55 Agriculture and Forestry Research and Development for improving Upland People’s Livelihood and Natural Resources Management Bouahom Bounthong, Director General, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR 11:55-12:15 Community Participation in Resource Management and Well Being of People in Nepal Keshav Lall Maharjan, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University 12:15-12:35 Enhancing Off-farm Employment and Migration Participation: An alternative Approach to Enhancing Small-scale Livelihoods and NRM in Poor Areas of China Linxiu Zhang, Vice Director, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences 12:35-13:00 Discussion 13:00-14:00 Lunch Break 14:00-15:30 Session VII: Synthesis and Agenda for Action Chairman: Koji Tanaka, Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Reports from Session Chairs Discussion Conclusions