Manuscript Collection Inventory Illinois History and Lincoln Collections University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Note: Unless otherwise specified, documents and other materials listed on the following pages are available for research at the Illinois Historical and Lincoln Collections, located in the Main Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Additional background information about the manuscript collection inventoried is recorded in the Manuscript Collections Database ( under the collection title; search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding collection record in the database. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois History and Lincoln Collections phone: (217) 333-1777 email: ALBERT BRISBANE COLLECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ A. Correspondence and Personal Papers 1 - 46 B. Legal Papers 47 C. Drafts of Books and Articles 48 - 52 I. II. III. Dated 1868-1889 Undated French 48 - 49 50 - 51 51 - 52 D. Transcripts of Articles 53 E. Writings of Redelia Brisbane 54 F. Printed Articles of Arthur Brisbane 55 I Papers of Al bert Br i sbane Series I . Co rrespondence Ill i nois Historical Survey University of Illinois COR.Tl.2:SI>ONDENCE Off ALBERT BRISBANE Folder 1 1840 1840 Nov. 16 A[lbert] BRISBA~E . To Ni cholas BIDDLE . 1 p. Not postmarked and apparently delivered in person . Brisbane has left copy of Four i er ' s Trait~ and wishes to discuss it with Biddle . Brisbane ' s first book exp ounding Fourierism was published in Philadelphia during this year . This 1I1S is the gift of l'rof . Bestor, Jr ., and was not a part of the Brisbane l'apers as received from the family . Arthur~ . Catalogued by A. E . Bestor , 2 July 1951 v f. ~ . /3~ Hw- · 10 I l '1 f'l Brisbane . I . l . l Fapers of Series I . J lbert :i3r isbane Correspon'ence Illinois ~ ist J rical 0urvey Jniversity of Illinois .I:<'o lder 2 1 34·3 - 1 S50 L1 ~4 3J Dec . 13 1 ~49 Jept . 10 [ Albert BR I SBANE ] to ? ... ~, pp . .J·' i sb' ne . I . 2 . 1 :-0 salutation , sign3.ture or postm(~rk . l'he }eRr h~s been added in pencil , but seers correct fr~m internal evidence. 0uper scribed by bis third wife, ~edelia: "..wetter on Adele -- beautiful" A[lbe~tJ 3[rnS:DAl:~.c;.J , I~atavia, _~ . Y . J 01m J ,J . D'/I I Gr~.1.' , o s ton . 2 pP• 0 J3 risbane . I . 2 . 2 '0 ~\I • .l . Jep 10" . uigned 1 C . '4 9 ~' along one ed t! e , po si~ly in different h nd . oen1s third and conclu<iinC p,rticle 'in ,Ior'.< ine"en's s80ci8 ti-:.·ns in I FI.ris . J riticizes articles in t~le .l-ostm ~rv.ed , ",::iatavia " A . :D r i s'h a n e , ) e pt . ~~I2Q9_t]{'J~ • Dl'349 - 50?j vc t . 12 .t1.[lbertj _, U~ AL~, .t. e\v Yo:' 'k: . m. IGHT, [ ~ o s to n j i 2 pp . _' 0 LJohn SJ ....)r isbane . I . 2 . 3 Sends four articles on ooci21ism in -rance • other articles prep red . .Iants to know if circ~l ~ ti on of Jhronotype has dropped since pr ice was raised . •-:3S [19:-;OJ Apr . ?( A[lbert] ',rL ) A':,~, ~rew :"or}~ • noston . 3 pp . 'f .::'0 J[qhn ,) . :0r isbane . I . 2 . 4 DI/L-;'~d', 1: ost1"l"l.1''..\ed Itl~ew lor - Apr 27 . " Proposes 'I 1 J j.o I r'J (.. / 11 til.- rra. -')f J /(r I rtf. azin rnonthl:y mae:::' to be edi ted by hirr.self , /:>'1 /)tP '7.h,~ ~tJ...e..V5 D!.'i;·-·lt and .. . GF lbs ~h'1nning.,......-;i'lnts to R flf"I U ' ~'\. vl"publ~translations fr em the ~'rench p ~ tOti.r:r, Jon s i cie r an t ',s a.A d .QiPl.~e rs . Co"s "t~ 01...1 lHtS J'oc- 'tt./e.s 1 '350 Jrlay 5 .rl. [ 1 b e r t ] B R I 3.3 Al;J;, r~ e VI Yo r k • Doston . 2 pp . as tlad no R.ns" er from D'-i£-ht . posal for magazine . l ... L1 1~O ] Jlhe 10 l' 0 J0h n i:j . A~lbertJ .GRI;J~A....E , Me1j, lor:c • :;.I~-I.J.' , oston . 2 pp . Repeats uro .1'0 John S . }'ostrn-1.r'cee., ".;"e'p Yor v 11 Jun . " J!' urth "r di s cus s i on of oropose d mapazi~e . B i i s ban e hc:-c s "'0ea:ltiful ll place S" miles frorrl :":;ew r ork . I n v i t e s DVI i gl1 t to vis it . ...;'?taloeued by J . ',{ . ueaver, .July 3, lS51 I (. ~,B, Jj risbane .I. 2 . 5 D\.I(~·-IT , Sr i sbane . 1 . 2 . 6m- Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey UniTersity of Illinois OORRESPONDENCE OF ALBER~ BRISBANE Folder 3 1867 Oct. 4 ~-A[lbert) BRISBANE~ Scotch Plains, [New York]. To [E. P. ) G(a£BT J. 21 pp. Brisbane .1$3.1 Letter contains article by Brisb ane entitled "What Constitutes Ha rmony?1t This is a transcript from the original with annotations by E. P. Grant. 1867 Oct. 1, A[lbert) BRISBANE, Scotch Plains, [New York]. To [E. P.] GRANT. 22 pp. i2 1 Brisbane.I. 3.2 Letter contains article by Brisbane entitled "Functions of Man." This is a transcript from the original with annotations by E. P. Grant. [1867] [Oct.] 1867 Nov. 13 [Albert BRISBANE]. To [E. P . 7 pp. GRAN~]. Brisbane.I . 3. 4 Letter is without date but note written by Grant (p. 25) states that it was received about Nov. 1, 1867 along with the two above lette rs . It contains an article by Brisbane entitled "Universal Laws: Statistical and Dynamical." This is a transcript from the original with annotations by E. P. Grant. [Albert BRISBANE. :31 pp. To [E . P . ] GRANT . 9 sheets,Brisbane.I.3 . 5 :9 Letter transmits article by Brisbane entitled IIMethods of Study. It r: ..:> ..:.-;. 1867 A[lbert] BRISBANE. To [E. P . ] GRANT . 39 pp. Brisbane.I.3 . 6 [Nov. 28J Letter trans.mits article by Brisbane entitled ~ode of Using the Method . " The article was sent to Grant in two installments , December 14 and 17, 1867 and was received December 17 and 20, 1867. E. P. Grant transcribed this copy from the original and included annotations and the brackets around the date. 1867 Dec. 23 [E. P . GRANT]. (incomplete) . To A[lbert] B[RISBANE]. 2 pp. Brisbane.I.3.7 These are extracts from the original letter made at a later date by E. P. Grant. Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 3, 1955. Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois Papers of Albert Briwbane Series I. Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE OF ALBERT BRISBANE Folder 4 -1868 1868 Jan. A[lbert] B[RISBANE] . To [T . C. DURANT , ington, D. C.). 41 pp. (filed after November, l869) jL~~'s 1868 Feb. 22 E. P . GRANT , Canton, O[hio]. BRISBANE. 13 pp. To [Albert] Brisbane.I.4 . 2 Letter is appended to a commenta ry written by Grant entitled "Remarks on Mr ~ Brisbane's Plan for the Transitional Organization of Industry. I' 1868 May 18 E . P . G[RANT) , Canton, Ohio. BRISBANE. 7 pp. 1868 June 25 [Albert BRISBANE], Buffalo, [New York]. [E. P . ] GRANT. 77 pp. To A[lbert] Brisbane.I . 4.3 To Brisbane.I.4.4 Letter transmits article by Brisbane entitled "Organization." This is a transcript from the Driginal by E . P . Grant. 1868 Dec. 17 [Albert BRISBANE], St. Louis, [Missouri]. [E. P.] GRANT . 49 pp . (incomplete) To Brisbane.I.4.5 Letter contains a discussion of the three phases or stages in the development of all finite things. Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 4, 1955. Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey Unigersity of Illinois CORRESPONIDENCE OF ALBERf BRISBANE Folder 5 1869 Aug. 29 -1869 E. P. G[RANT), Canton, O(Hio]. BRISBANE. 8 · pp . To (Albert) Brisbane.I.5.l Letter contains Grant's recording of a conversation between himself and Brisbane at Scotch Plains, New York, August 14 and 15, 1869 concerning "Laws." 1869 Sept. 11 [Albert BRISBANE) , New York, [N. Y.). P.] GRANT. 6 she e ts, 16 pp. To (E. Letter transmits article by Brisbane entilled ~at Laws Are and Their Sources." 1869 [Oct. 19) A(lbert) BRISBANE. To (E . P . GRANT) . sheets, 16 pp. (incomplete) Brisbane.I. 5.3 4 Letter contains article by Brisbane entitled "Laws." It is undated. The date was determined from a tra.nscript of the letter by E. P. Grant. See Brisbane.I.5.4. 1869 Oct. 19 A(lbert] BRISBANE. (incomplete) To [E. P. GRANT). 6 pp Brisbane.I.5 . 4 This transcript of the above letter by E , P. Grant contains only the two postscripts. The first posgscript is ent i tled "Sundry Problems Discussed." 1869 No v . 4 [Albert BRISBANE], Buffalo, [New York). [E. P.] GRANm. 10 pp. To Brisbane.I.5.5 Transcribed from the original by E. P. Grant. 9 1869 to.w. 1868 Jan. l 19 A[lbert] BRISBANE, Scotch Plains, [New York]. To [E. P.]GRANT. 12 pp. Brisbane.I.5.6 A[lbert] B[RISBANE]. To [T . C. DURANT], Wash- Brisbane.I.4.l ington, D. C. 41 pp. Letter contains a manuscript of Brisbane's article IIPlanJ[ of the Transitional Organization of Industry.1I Appended are additional remarks including copies of two supplementary articles, "Organization of Labor," (previously sent to Victor Considerant at San Antonio, Texas~ February 19, 1868) and "Law of the Series Applied to the Capital Stock of an Association Supposed to be Divided into Shares of $50 Each." Transcribed from original by E. P. Grant. }- a-oers 0 f _'"1.1 bert 3r is' ane Series I . Correspondence ILlinois ~ist~rical ~urvey Jniversity of Ill i nois J JR iU '-1} O:{D~~~:; cB J:J' .ALi3 .£'-=IT :3 R I 83 .i~ J~ ~'older , .. 1370 1370 i!~el) 27 [Albert 3~qIS8iL\i£J, ~,ew lor\: . 27 pp . To '?'? 3rishane . I .6. 1 r"'1oughts on t"le historical develo9ment of tlle ':Luman race . Also an inaccur8te tran s script of the same, typed by l'tede1 ia Brisbane . 14 pp . Jatalogued by J . w. ~eaver , J~ly 6 , 1951 . V (. i'ht . 11>~ 7 _ "mers of Albert Brisbane Series I . Jorrespondence Illinois "istorical .:3ur7ey Jniversity of Illinois JO::U~S?OKjrt:N::::~ u.B' ALS-,-,Rf Folder ; 1372 ~e1Jt . 21 [Albert 1:3 US3.lLi.2; J, \v [? ] . _:ULJdiUE] . 4 pp . To [Bed.el ia Jatalo[ued by J . -·d . IVea.ver, July 7, 1S:51 V Z:' Yht . /3>. ~)'US1jAl\E J3 l' i s"0 an e • I •1 . 1 -~ is t orical Su:::,vey Jniversity of Illinois kaners of nlbert 3 risbane Series I . Jorresp)ndence III i no i s ':;UR."RL!;SlJOKD~l:C~ u3' .B'o Ider ALil~~U' g 3RIS SA:.JE 1874 1 ~74 _~ug . 14 [A1"Jert 3··USBA1~j!J~ 3[J.ffa1o'?] . d l' .,..,'1·,JDr;.l'.~J . . ..,., ,'~' . 6 pp . 0 [ .\e, e ... l8. :::-n. 'Jataloizued by J . I/ . ',veave1' , July '7 , 1 95 1. V ~. Ih1 , /J. 1'0 .0 ri soane . I .B.1 l'apers of Albert 3 risbane 3eries I. 80rrespondence ~niversity ::: ORRLS.r~;'; o~., t"o Ider 1375: :. . ....,--::l. ::!::'i.I' 1r:I Sb ,A~-J.: 9 ~anJary~:ay 13'15 Jan . 11 A [1 bert] B~n S-SA..G, ~;ew .,£ or~. 3 : I Sl3 Ald J • 4 P P • 1 '375 [Aloert Apr . 6 BqIS~Al~J, "3 u f ' 87S" "~.:l-,-S')JL'Ii£] • 4 pu . CIILaE~T 1J~/.I84'~I:'JI 1 75 [ ,.1 ~ e rt ~~/J/Jllllii A~. , . 7 J . "p f. )U 'J'3 A-,Ji: J '='-lIi:i'''i.rJ:;'~ J. 4 pp . , f al 0 • 1375 Aor . 11 r0 B C(}~FII LoJ . [ 1 '"")75 . 2~ t~'le ..; <-' 1/ a sentence . .r age i:.-ledelia .ur i s 'ban e. I. q .~ To [Redelia ::J' i s'bane . I . 9 . t [Albert c~.qISB"\l,r.c;~ , '3: uffalo]. ~'o [ ed elia ,)1I,J.:.A.c.E ]. 4 p-') . (Incomplete; -H isban e. I . q. J -, ' 18, t P ag e s [Albe"t BHldi3A.,.....J] , .0[uffalo]. ",-1 ~ i J .. ,\....\ ~ ] • 4 PP • t 81 0 gu'" d by J . " . ,. e a v e r, J u 1 y 6, 1 c,. 1 . [, Dr isbane.I. , .'J Pq,L'es ind.ic · tes t . lat pp . 1 -1 6 UT"'O e ,t i n g in c.. i cat est missing . 1 1)'15 o~ [Albert jRI::.iL.A~~], B[uffaloJ . 4 pp . ,-j, J • a ,,--:j JT ""r" :.I'~ ..J .I... :. ay l? .or i soane .I. q . 2 a t lS f;L~ e, I. 7 b 1:,f£:/>I:-LI/I [Albert 33ISrjAldJ , ..:; [uffaloJ . i'o .....,:nS:3A-.;.J:!J] . 14 pp. (hlCor;'p l ete) on are missing. ,.3 .ct e del i a (In (.,()".. f /1.11., ) -jelffalo. 1'0 [Redelia (I nc Jmpl "'te) ends in the middle ~,ll",,'berinG .. . . ; ri sl)ane . 1. 9 .1 _' 0 [::-{eJel ia -'op of p:1.,;-·es :z, and 4 ''las l;een cut o.C'f . ~ dJrvey of Illinois Illi~o i sistorical .if11. b- 3 ::m d 4 ar e 1'0 :.t1edelia. B ris t)ah e . I. 'I .S /0 Illino i s Pauers of Albert 3 risDane Series I . Corresponden~e ~~ist o~ic"l J~iversity ~l~l"vey of Illinois 0 1" ALJ3~Ii.:::' .'31.13BA:;;E ..? /TJ 0 0Rq~;')}lOYJE,- 8.c:: 1375 [1375 J Oct. 23 1 (3'7~ : ~ ctober - Dece;'1ber [Aloert __dI,it·, ,:J~J , ~ [uffaloJ . I"'" ,-.....:.oJ 00 ' . 4 pp 1:1 .~, r' [Albert 53.IStL\,,~ O, 4 PP• [buffalo? J . -' ov . 4 :; a I 813 A _'3 J• 1 ~"'::: [Al':>ert .jqIS}' .;..'~-~J , -1 [ 11 .t'fa.loll . _, 0 ,.f' ~T • II NH. t 6 1875 1375 •• C 'fT . c~7t:,,-i ~d~ 8i.v~J: e CI1J-Ja/oJ . a(()Je~NFJ. - ov . 1 2 17 l'o [~edelia ~ risbane . I .ID. l T -J_L I/- t>p. ~' o 1'0 [3.edeli -, [-i.edelia To rtetAlilt- Br i sbane . I .rD. 2 . . , ri s'")ane . I .rD. 3 iJrl t blU1t.. . I·JP. 'f (.rn~~/,/~h). r • ':0 [ :\ec1e li a -' ris Jan e. I ./D.b CAlbert .J f USi3Aid] , b uffalo . B=t I OJ A::' ..,~ j . 2 JP . 1' 0 [Redelia .~ ri snane [.H.lbert -:>'1 13 ~.tL,..£J , n3IS"l A.:.'.Jj j . 6 pp . ,uffal ":8t"l.10£?ued by J . -.. . .. eaver, July t , l S5 1 . v (/h"A . .I .ro.6 1/ Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE OF ALBERT BRISBANE Folder 11 1&ll 1877 Aug. 5 To [Redelia Brisbane.I.Il.l [Albert BRISBANE]. To (Redelia BRISBANE]. 2pp. (incomplete) Brisbane.I.ll.2 1877 Sept. 1 A[lbert] B[RISBANE], Buffalo. BRISBANE J • 2 pp. Brisbane.I .11.:3 1877 Sept. 25 [Albert BRISBANE], Fanwood. BRISBANE]. 2 1'1'. 1877 Nov. 10 [Albert BRISBANE], London. To [Red.lia BRISBANE]. 2 pp. (incomplete) (1877) [Aug. 31D [Albert BRISBANE], B(uffailo]. BRISBANE] • 6 1'1'. To [Redelia To (Redelia Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 6, 1955. Brisbane .1.11.4 Brisbane.I.ll.5 1,9- Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois CORRESPONDENCE OF ALBERT BRISBANE Folder 12 1880 Jan. 16 1880 [Albert BRISBANE], Nice. To BRISBANE]. 6 pp. [Rede1ia Brisbane.I.12.1 To [Rede1ia Brisoane.I.12.2 Written largely in French. 1880 July [Albert BRISBANE], Fanwood. BRISBANE] • 17 pp. Letter contains article entitled "Heads of Method." 1880 July [Albert BRISBANE], On board steamer goin~ to Brisbane.I.12.3 the United States. To (Rede1ia BRISBANEj. 8 pp. 1880 Aug. [Albert BRISBANE], Fanwood. BRISBAlIB]. 2 pp. To [Rede1ia B risbane.I .12.4 Letter contains article entitled WMeans of Acquiring Know1eage Which the Mind Creates for Itself." Note at top reads: "this follows, I think, the last MSS sent you from Liverpool July, 80." The date of the letter seems to conflict with th~t of the above. 1880 Aug. 23 [Albert BRISBANli J, Fanwood. To (Rede1la BRISBANE]. 18 pp. (Incomplete) Letter contains article entitled 1880 [Albert BRISBANE], Batavia. Sept. 19 BRISBANE]. 4 pp. 1880 Oct. 9 Brisbane.I.12.5 ~ethod." To [Redelia [Albert BRISBANE]. To [Rede1la BRISBANE]. 2 pp. (Incomplete - fragmentary) Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 6, 1955. Brisbane.1.12.6 Brisbane.I.12.7 18 Ill i wl i s :~i s t o r i cal ,Jurvey :Jnive"sity 0: IL_inois rEl.p e rs of Aloer t "'3 ri s'bane 3e~ies I . Corresp o nden c e ::(;1a.c.3_0~ . .J~1:.j~ ,)j'..u, ..!J-{l' :)R I 3 A.'£ ,lolrl e1' 13. 'ri s"o an e • I .13 . 1 , .is is e typed transcriJt 1"''32 'l~ 11 I It 'L ""'1 1 S3'"' ~ .. '3.Y 2'7 [.\.lrert R.I,3~ L rl." l ' , JJ, ",r: '\- ar( ~ ~edelia . G' he] t~II;..e.~ el:t~~S»Ir;~Jl~ Ki~"u. J ] ~ hfy1. ~ity of ::{or"e . T - (' ... ;> ... . ri ,~ 2~~T ~"I , 2[ , 7·1 ......... 11j2 ~' 1 ":\ "32 . ~a"avla . , o f pp . ~ , 4 , ? an~ 8 ~ave r"-es "ol l oB i ~C p . 1 0 &re ~een ~nd miss i n~ . [Al bert I:' ~IS~"'A_.~:;, . ansa::;; Ji ty . J, I j ,.:\:.. •...}., J • 4- ~l.) . J. tglo "'J.ed 1-:y J . ... . .,e"ye1' , J'.lly 6, lS 51 . v i.~j)' n e • 1. U . 6"' torn off ~arts .oJ 81"\:-> ' r i sb".ne . I.l!.6 ~o ( It' C O::!1) 1 e t e ) 1'] .Jept . F' _ris'"\,one . l . 13.. ') 70 r~t.,k"'~ iJt",J,I>It.#'J(...r · I~. 3 ~t.Js.fJA-"' EJ. Kpf' C~f~ ~ ~11Iu#uJ ~ 1Ht.tu.-l" [ ..\l"lel"t {I.l.,A.·.....;j, roo lY'l . ~o L.:~eJel i .,. ~Jri3b·.lne . I . 13..~ ~j L.uA_:~ J. 4 Dp ~I'0comp1eteJ "I to Lrteoel i a J1'isDane . I . l 3.· rJ }qners af ,eries I . Albe~t ~ris~ane 111in~is Jorre.:3ponder:ce ist:ric~1 J~r~ey Jiliver.3i ty of II1LJ,)is 1'333 1 { ..J ? 1 :'3 'Z, .~:) .ansa,s ";ity . 33 n • .3 I' • r'l"C c r v~ Y t - rl.f".rip],l'''' ... _ _ '" -,',') ,.-. "~ j "'PI• l .J tr~nscri~Jt .r~r: ~_l"C' ty~,ed [3ede1ia .ris'b::ws . I . 1 ~. 1 1'0 '- \ ,,'j ..-}"".o..J ~;risbQ..l1e, l'o • by ~-i.edel i" Rent -Sa :'..'15 .vee. 12, 10()6. 13'33 .av . 20 IY11 N, 'I. ZI 1333 _.OV . 2' iemar"-;;: '.'l1 the,-ol'.,'Y· syst~"'-, '.;' i t:1 letter to ~e~eli~, SUTe ~~t9. _~anS(-l,S l~S7. ..Jec . J i ty . [hloert ':;.-tn,.)J':L'~~" :s 1 333 :Jec . 23 ':-~I Y lL. _I";':.L.,2;j . [Albert 4 pp .' :ans'l,s .Jity . _'0 [3edelia '::i t~r . '0 LP..edelia ~-:\ riS')3.11e . I . 1 l\-. 9' 1'0 [.2.edelia 3ris ' Jane . I '·n,:;-'~ -L~J' l·~2.nSas c: =. 2 'Pp . as 0 i t Y • l L1C 0 In P 1 e t e ) 1333 :::Je c. 't , 29 :(an S lages following p . 4 1Q3::S ,uec . 31 [n1'bert '3~n)l3A!liEJ, =3I.3~A~jEJ . 4 pp . ~ 1talogued f. by J I"]/h . j3. :.i . ,I eaveI', !'>..8,flS1.S Jul J . 1". 'I ~issiDg . Jity . Jan. 1 v -' r is b o.n e . I . 1 ~." C) 1'333 J)e c . :27 1 -=3'34 caverin~j' g , 1951 . 1'0 [R.edelia r i s'b a 11 e • I • 1 4.1.l> ;. p per s ~eries 0 f I . .Al ~J e r t 'B r i s'J q 11 e Illinois ,~istoric8.1 Survey J~iversit~ of Illinois Jorre~pol1dence .],G'L.:lI. G.L:~C'.J 1.3'34 JccD 3 1334 J8.~ :.;..:; i.._ ~~ ;2- S•.£.-U' ..:t'older I S i ty . " 10 [p • . 8 d e l '13. K"Dsas 'Jity . ." .!. 0 rC<dl' v,e, e l.~ 1'0 [1edeliq 'crisbane . I . 1 S: '3 10 [:{e·~eli3.. . I . 1 S: 4 --3.1'1 4 ':3~I3i3AL:"£ sas .~ 1 'i '34 ":'eb . 2 [.rl11)ert ;)~I~j':-UJ,~~J, ,~J.I'3~"iL:::J . 2 P',) . K'1ns8.s ~ity . 1 334 L?y 7 [Albert .-5':tIS')~~:.~j, _ ,I..):=> ,t'J::,~ J• lOp P • :ansas Jity . .Jri sbane . I . 1S. 1 Dated on p . 5 . 1334 " 2Y 20 [.Hoert _·),:~I3jA::.!J], ~ansas Jity . To R[edeli:J. J . I.l '-. 5 4 ~p . (Attached envelope) ,?, ~~I33~~..5 . Att8.ched enve10pe dated, 13·34 = ay 2 ~ l'h . J. [Albert .5~U:;..jA''''.::!Jh '="'nsas '::ity . '>=tI -::D.\.'.\:i: J • C pp . !"a~r 30, 1~.34It 1'0 [.'(edelia 3r i 13'34 J ay 29 1334 , ay 31 [Albert B::U3S 'u:;~J , K:='nsas Jity . 3.'US"l,_1':.::GJ . 2 pn . (IncoTll)lete) rases ]"lissinq follo'i!in-:: 1) . 2 . 'jats.lo,;ued oy J . " . " eaver, July 10, 19b1 V 3ris )ane.I . 1 S. 6 " t· 'nt , 8. .20 [rtede1ia 81') an e.1.1 s: 7 =3r isbane. 1 . 1 5: 3 /5 If(; apers of AI J ert lr is~~ne Series I . ~orr~s]ondence Illinois I istoric ~ l 3urvey Jni vers i cy 0: III it, 0 is;_ . .J~_ ~~ i!'0 v] Ider 1 34:J Lme tL....J.1J.1' II, ~1L::i ~ .iL;~ - {uly To 13'34 June 5 ",'" }/AlKL-S Tc r· . L;:-:e d ell:1 1 1'34. :'.lne l~ ~etter l~~r'-ed ro t :JvI\L Brisl)' ne e 1 . 16 . .:1 ttaca ed e~ve oJed post Jity, J' H1e 1 . . , 1·r:34 1f • J June 12, l 'z, r 1'1 /iVlJb"t1L I · 1, . 2... d~ted . ·'HarS3.S 1 13 I .r isoan e . I . l ' . l r is l) 1.11 e . .£ • 1 ' . If /3 ",.s ~e. .r: I I. 5" ' 7 j.. 1 314 . une 2 6 -. I ", ~Lt l"V..; ~.-.!.. June 27 133[1. J·.lly 3 Ir J, 'Pp . .'an s as Jity . 1'0 [{edel ia .;. IS'3A... ..(J, Kans::l.s -':':ity • .'0 H[e eliail o. e '·, YOl''.:: . 1 2 pr . (Il'com~llete) (~~ve1ope attached) :Al oert ~~I,.):).;'; r'l, l' art .L1riSD'lne . I.1 h .j" P;) . '( , , g <1.11 d 1 0 ill iss i ng • los t n ~ r \. torn frJID envolope . _ ost al r:'ll·ks on revel'se read, "_ . Y. 7 - 6 - !,," an d 'l. . Y . ..... 0.1 0 f 'j ~ t 2. ~l') "' _"_9·' . " .) r i s b 3.n e • I • 1' . 1 T34 July 9 .r a:es pt t a8 1 '34 ..:r'll :', 12 1 ~i4 c..'-°1: : (V'l, [ .• l"oert ")"T0 ~.l.. ... .:.> p. :2 i'if3s in c . _'ranscr i pt .U ..J.l.....:..~J, u i1 \:v i 1 Ie . .1'0 .Lo l1oVJi n~ • ~e ... -l..-...:..!J .J .. [Al'lert 1 .. r-~~ _, U) .... ,...: .J . 4: pp . .;,.,.t-=clo ' led by .T . .. . [.{edeIi ·. • 1..'I"S .... 8 ":i:: . leayer , ':::-'lly 1 0 , 1 95 1 . l'o LI [:{ecleli., f, "'ht . /3 . r r i shr.ine .I . 1 b ./:P Jer i es I . Jorl'=~::; -- .... J ' .... -'- ..:!c { . .)~-:j ... l:.l·:D~ '-' .:t, j~ )-.Jr-{ ....\ ..:l'O lder 11 J-~ 1 S 34 lJ,'V ,ov . 13 :,.'J.."lJ, '3.. t -. ~~,...-- ) ..... - , , l, "') , i.J...J_.) . .cL'-..-...J ~ Jarres - (Qo~",:;"Y , .,,:lffalo . ~'o Geo[ [eil _,:<1 ~.J.? . 'L~ 3 9 e'·Jf Yor"\{. 1 p. ~)Ol"P ')1'1e it'''ec' -:;h~.t1 = ')0)"'-2," (-lo<::c::i'llv,-"oorre _.;.;: '- ....., v --'--' -)TlS'O.rle) . \-, ,13.S written po~e very angry I'8T""'r'-cs alol'J/ t:lP Tl['rcins aml "l~ "c, e "'J)tt'JIn of the ~9pe . -'-";" Jniversity of Illinois ondence v ....... J Papers of Albert Br isbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois CORRESPONDENCE OF ALBiRT BRISBANE Folder 18 1885 Jan. 9 -1885 [Albert BRISBANE] , Kansas City . 6 pp. To [ ]. Brisbane.I.18.1 Letter contains article by A. Brisbane entitled dAn Integral Theory of Geology." 1885 Jan. 26 A(lbert] BRISBANE , Etats-Unis. 32 pp. To [ ]. Brisbane.I . 18 . 2 Letter contains article by A. Bia sbane entitled IfHypoth~se sur l'existence d'un force centrifuge." It is signed itA . Brisbane Etats-Unis January 26, 1885," on page 11. 1885 May 17 [Albert BRISBANE]. 18 pp. To [Redelia BRISBANE]. 1885 June 16 [Albert BRISBANEJ~ Enroute between Chicago and New York. To LRedel ii. BRISBANE] . 20 pp. 1885 J aily 8 . AIibert] B [RISBANE]. To [ ]. 24 pp. Brisbane.I.18.3 Brisbane.I.18 . 4 Brisbane .1.18.5 Letter contains article by A. Brisbane entitled "Nutrition." 1 885 [ Albert BRISBANE] K[ansas] C[i ty J. July 26, [Redelia BRISBANE~ . 14 pp. 29, 31 Aug. 2 1885 [Albert BRISBANEJ ~ K[ansas] C[ity]. July 27 [Redel ia BRISBANE J. 2 pp. To Brisbane .1.18.6 To B ri sba ne. 1.18.7 1885 Aug. 23 [Albert BRISBANE] , Enroute between Buffalo and New York. To [Redelia BRISBANEJ. 6 pp. Brisbane.I .18.8 1885 Aug. 23 [Albert BRISBANE], Enroute between Buffalo and New York. To [Redelia BRISBANE]. 4 pp. Brisbane. I .18 . 9 Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame , March 6, 1955. 19 Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois CORRESPONDENCE OF ALBERT BRISBANE & FAMILY Folder 19 ~ 1886 April 25 [Albert BRISBANE], London. To [Redelia BRISBANE]. 4 pp. (Incomplete) Brisbane. 1.19.1 Pages following p. 4 are missing. 1886 May 6 [Albert BRISBANE], London. BRISBANE]. 6 pp. To [Redelia Brisbane.I .19.2 1886 May 6-7 [Albert BRISBANE), London. BRISBANE). 6 pp. To [Redelia Brisbane.I.19.3 1886 May 9 [Albert BRISBANE), London. BRISBANE] • 6 pp. To [Redel is. Brisbane. I .19.4 1886 Oct. 19 [Albert BRISBANE), Paris. To Arthur [BRISBANE], London. 2 pp. Brisbane.I.19.5 1886 Oct. 20 l A[lber~ B[USBANE]. 2 pp. Brisbane.I. *q .6 1886 Oct. 26 To Arthur [BRISBANE]. [Albert BRISBANE], Paris. [BRISBANEJ. 2 pp. To Arthur 1886 Oct. 30 A[lbert] B[RISBANE], Paris. [BRISBANE, London]. 4 pp. 1886 Nov. 3 [Albert and Alice BRISBANE], Paris. Arthur [BRISBANE, London]. 4 pp. (Incomplete) Brisbane.I .19. 7 To Arthur To B r i s ban e • I • 19 • 8 Bri Boo. ne.I .19. 9 Alice's letter to her brother begins on p. 4. Pages following p. 4 are missini. 1886 Nov. 5 A[lbert B [, RISBANE], Paris. [BRISBANE, London]. 2 pp. 1886 NOT. 11 A(lbert] B[RISBANE], On board ship. Arthur [BRISBANE, London]. 4 pp. Catalogued by Edmond M. Be~e, To Arthur March 7, 1955, To Brisbane.I.19.l0 Brisbane. I .19 .11 Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey Uni versi ty of III ino is CORRESPONDENCE 0:1 ALBERT BRISBANE & FAMILY Folder 19 ( continued) !!ill§. 1886 Nov. 12 [Albert BRISBANE], On board ship. Arthur [BRISBANE, London]. 2 pp. 11186 A[lbert] B [RISBANE], New York. [BRISBANE, London]. 3 pp. NOT. 26 To Brisbane.I. 19.12 To Arthur I .19.13 1886 Dec. 5 [Albert BRISBANE], Wooster, Ohio. To Arthur BRISBANE, London. 8 pp. (Envelope a.ttached) Brisbane.I.19.14 1886 Dec. 19 [Albert BRISBANE], K[ansas] C[ity). Arthur [BRISBANE, LondonJ. 6 pp. To Brisbane. 1.19 .15 1886 Dec. 22 C. L. DOBS[ON], Kansas City. [BRISBANE, London). 2 pp. To Arthur Brisbane.I.19.16 One edge of the sheet is damaged and several words are missing. Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 7, 1955. ')../ apers of I . 0e~'ies Illinois ~istorica1 ~urvey university of Illin~is Al~ert ~risbane Jorrespondence ::;V.{USI "l,})i: ,--) qI';~;\):3; &- ;'A! TLY L..!' ....\.L.) ",qI' J~ .Ll'older ,lO 1337 1 '~l7 J9 n . 1 [Albert 1 [Al'lJert ::)~I'J~""\A... .Bj, l\.~nsas '.~ity • [~~ ~I .); ..L L, I.ol1G.onj . ~ pp. ~'37 T~ t.. L~. n• 5 RI'3Ij.iL~.cJJ, - ..-'nsas ~ity . [BIU.J::A~':1!l, .London~ . 1 "pp . .nrthur l'O Drisoane . I . l.O . ili Ar t hur .L'O ..:- ri I .le . 2 1 . ., ,1"1, Jan . 13 [A1hert :.::n.J:!.·L... ~J. Kansas Jity . [.3~LLAl{r£ , LondonO , 4 pp. , 1 3C\ 'I Jan . 24 ~[lbertJ L[HIS A~.3J, \.." S'1.S City . Art~ur [3:qI'3l-iiu';w, LondonJ . 3 pp . lo ~3 ri sbane . L aS . 4 13'"37 A[l'oert] :0[RI..:.o'BA-,'E h l\anSaS -':ity . Arthur [---:; ti.1 dBAL,:jJ ,Lo ndon J. 4: pp . 1'0 J::\ r isban e . I : 2. O. elli 0 • 6 l)P . I'o :.:, ri sbal1 e . 1. 20 . 6 ) Jr. n . 23 1 137 J- n . 23 '"7' 1':337 QI [ n." t ::- .. . IS;:" ~ ] • ~'~ . . ' - " ::>,.1"\...l2JJ, 4 pp . Jersey \]ity . (I flC ompl ete) 1 'Fl'( E[awly 3.:i.IS'3A._~j, .,ooster, u1'1io . Arthur [3nludf.}.,.!J, Lond.Jl1] . 4 pp . 1 33'7 A[lbertj -8 [:=USBJu',1.;J , K(1 l1s~sJ J a. tyl Arthur [~.c;~1 gr~A~',~, Lo n do l1 J • 2 Pp . 1 '.1 SE'A. i!.. J ~ 1\..;=tn S ~ S [3 ':ISBA.!.(..i , Londonj . 4 pp . --,,'eb . 18 ')0,", , .J I . 25 LAloer'(, ..... , ~ ..5 -) , .}, -:1 - 'T.- "' 'J • 1 +- uy . llCj'( A[lbert.,J n[R1bGfu ..c;J, :'ansas City . Arthur [.dRIS'EA}J~ , LondoDJ . 4 pp . 1 S ~ry _o-;,[lbet t J B[lnS.drl:L~J , Paris . [:2dLfi:;iu l!; f London] . 2 pp . :,' ay 1(' Ju1} 1 £. "»t,;3. [.-i.e de 1 i '1' 0 1'0 .:;risbane . 1 . 1G . 3 "!. ~) .3 I' i s'o an e • I . 20 . 7 Dri sllan e . 1 . 20 . 3 1'0 ~'o Art (JUr 1'0 1'0 ~~ArtDur .JgtaloEued by J . \I . \Jeaver , July 11,1(51 . V fo Art~1ur _":> r i s ban e • I . 2.0 . 10 3risbane . I . 1.0 . 11 L r i s ban e • I . 1S . 12 Fapers o f Aloert ::5 risoc:me 0eries I. Jorre8pon~ence Illinois lL ist or ical uu. 'vey Jniv ersit ~ of Illinois ~()~~SI 'd:~D~l~j.~ C/ ':.L )8~r )i.I~3·8 -.. ~ .,5'older 19 ..!J F.~ I.u~{ jJ,. 1 88'7 ( ]ontI1Lled) 1 (313'1' Jul~T 2 rAl b·~r t .SR IS''''.:':...!:3;j , l-aris . t .l.Uu3.1L'.~, Lo ndonj . 4 pp . fo Arthur (IncoMplete) 1 '3'"37 ..~[lbertJ B[:~U:3.),.ud~ , Dux , Rrance . ..;rtllur [ .i.I.3)~\l,~ , Londonj . 6 P::') . 1 :B 7 July 15 A[loe rt~ July 9 IV3" Ju ly ? oj PCUC'-. [~I3 ; Al,.rl]] , I S~.:i:B , London: . [~ A[l""ertj ~ [ 3 IS-3_--L:..J.;j , Pn.ris . l,.... ~ J • 2 pp . r o [3.edelia B:.1I i:.);:. A trRtlscript typed by .0r isb a ne. 1 .2~. ~'o .20 .n.rt~lUr 4 :pp . [Aloert LRL:l..3A!:~l.'.J] , h:nis . ~'o [~edelia .·RIS::).H2.. ..l'~J . 4 ·OP . (Incomp l ete) 1 1'37 July 2,3 [Al iJ c rt ':3:1 I ·3lAt ;.; J, :F ar is . ..:HU ,3'"~ Ar.~ ~ • 8 pp. • [1'D el'l.,... .n. ] ,:).;;\ n [ DI':..<D' ,~~ , .:J.0iL.i2J .J' 12,r is. [3.1.U :.L;"'C 1i: , Lo ndonJ . 2 P~) . Llq~"?j [Al "ber t -'- lIST~ .L. ~ . 'to ~~rt Qur 2 ~p . (IncoVDlete) A L1lr~ ""? ~ '.0 Date [19 '~ 7?J ~ 0 ,J"'-ce f 'aCT <"n t pr . [, ~roer t 2 pp . '1-,'··' ::l.' .. u,..!, j • J'L l' 0 .rtr tb. ur LnS3~U:; 20 .Art:"·J.r ~.RI0 , ~ 0 ( Inc O!'lD 1 e t e ) J'? :>:-t..,lo0'ued '0Y J:h . .. eaver , Ju.~ h .. br i sbane .I. 2~. 16 _ r i s ban e • I • 2,.0 • 1 7 ::5r is 1)ane . l .29.1 3 ~ ~. isba n e • 1 • 2~ • 1 <2 Jrisbane . 1 .2C. 20 d.J ' [Arthur' -'. LJ3A,....:; j • An odd sheet. I~,r;n./$ risbane .I.2C'.1 :=: of one sheet . [_'"1.1oert ~qI':Sr:.i\.:.;.£~ . 2 [Lte del i r:-. l' 0 1017 ? 28 dat e 14 ~ede li a . 1 37 July 27 ... 0 ~l" isbane . 1 .2~.13 11, lQ:l . .L· i s"b an e • I . '10. 22 r'"1."Ders of A1')e rt ,risoane ,Jerie~ I . ;or-res')oncleuce 1llin ,is "~i"'toric'?~_S11rvey J~iversity of 11liDJis . . ~J.l..Jqr 1 :=tI.3~.t\.:-~ 501(ler :? ~ j~" '1, .J'_;' T ,r .J... ...... J..!. 1rn ";.. [ l - '0 c> ,_ r t JTT '~, r ,'.' " :!J, L :.::)L_T ,_:L'l 1 ,'39 ,r n . 12 • r [ -, :-I. • l ' ) --.J ... ~ e 1" t ~,~ r 1) I L L ~ r ') I J _ ' \. .. - L..l ...J,U~:"_.~, ' " .-t.... U -'J .. , T -" ., ....,0 l1uOD j • .. ..wO r-o , ~J ~ ., .'>,- -~," ;J -, J , .:.' 0 ";'1't'1'.1r 20 .i. l' J .:'I.ome • th'ur [l:-U::r .·L~, LCndon j . 2 pp . (Il1 coT1p l ete) .L [ . 1 ',,er[' ~qces e.+. ll' __ ork. ..l.' 0 (..:iJ, clo sure) 1 ~'3g . F' 1"IiiIjR . " rI . l (Jc~on ..J. 1'3 '1, 3 ar e 15 1,'3'3'3 t .. ~ .:3risb~ne . I. ->1 ..L ,--,". . n ..!J_ , I --- \fl . L ,-, 11 ~ followinc pace 2 missing . To 1"I.r01u1' i '1ert] :9[{ IS-r'Al'..,i; ] ~ Faris . 4 pp . [.::ns:s.n.2.~.3 , London] . :Srisbane . I . 2 ~ . 5 [Al'-)ert .DR15BMl~l!; , I\fi nsa SJ Cg tyJ. ( 1 ) J . To [~edeli2. '3.K1S2..~Ali~J . 4 pp . (Incomp l ete) 1 333 June 6 " .."T'lSOane • • 1 .:1. }aces followigg p . 4 1 '3 r~'3 June 1 2 CAlbert 3-q S'1AkE , [Rede 1 iaBRI S"B, Ai:,'::; ] 1 '38'3 J une 1 2 i~ l lJert i s bane . I • 2' • 6 ~,issiflg . .h.anS8.F /jity ( . )] . 7 pp . • Eo .J-[eorge IT 3[R.IS.3A.c~J;J , 3atavia , l.eYl Yo r k . ~"U ,~:G~)l'l1.ii: , ],0 ndon . 4 pp . In envelope . .b r -, r i sb an e • I . 2 (J .7 1'0 lhe letter is in several p ii ces July 26 .:-'. [lbertJ .D[RIS~:.ALL£] , Ca.rlsr:ad , XliX 'r~t"'ur ["')lC," 'ondOD .J1 • (') pp • .ii. !l _ .......):\. UJ.'"Al'\"? "~ 9 .1..J ~ 1 '38,8 Cct . 2 A[lbert] :B [:ntI5'BANE] , ViII e)"ai sso n , j'r 23') ce • "r t"lur [-~...... 2L __ '-"3' AI'''7 _r a .no 1 London] . 2 pp . ::3 r is 1) an e • I • 2 t/J • 1 0 18'38 Gct . 2 A[roertJ 3 [HI:3'3Al:EJ , Villemaisson, J:!'rance . 1'0 l'rthur [BRIS3Al\~ , Londo n] . 4 pp . :B r i s b an e . I • 2 rJ • 1 1 133~ .J!~~ Q::lZX . LJ 1) u~...:.....:.J , Cat a 1 0 gu e d by J . W. V 't. 'ftt ,I. 1' 0 . 'IV e a" e r , J u 1 y 11 , 1 95 1 • 1- ape "8 of .hI bert)ri sban e Jeries I . ~orresnondence 0ClliJ-£..::il ( ::-:;:; I1linois_i"'torical .J:J.rrey Jnivers ity of Illinois ~J.'::;-2J ('3 A.l.23G.i.T :UI _;-)k'Ji' -E?A ID Y ffolder 2C1 1'-3'>38 ( ,; 0 1393 ,-ct . ? 01 318J Cet . ( ?) A[roert] ~[3 u:':::"L~J, Vi11eT'l':tisson . Art'1ur[3.RIS'BA:,L!; , Londonj . 1 p. 1'0 3r isb ~ne . I . 2 1 . 12 _'"I.[l1-Jert] '3 [.RI0~.ludJ, Vil1er·-8.isson . Arthur rr-=,:!:t IST--j ~~ , Londonj . 2 pp . 1'0 5risbane . I . 2 f . 13 c~'71?t('/Y~ LI ntlil ue d) f. tf11t( B. q /: / 9~ / Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois CO&qESPONDENCE OF ALBERT BRISBANE Folder 22 1889 Feb. 5 (Albert BRISBANE), Bordeaux, France. To Arthur (BRISBANE). 4 pp. (Incomplete) & FAMILY Brisbane. 1.22.1 Pages after p. 4 are missing. 1889 March 6 [Albert BRISBANE], BDrdeaux, France. [Radelia BRISBANE]. 1 p. 1889 sept. 18 (Albert BRISBANE), On board the City of Paris. To [Redel ia BRISBANE] • 10 pp. Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 7, 1955. To Brisbane.I.22.2 Brisbane.I. 22. 3 Fapers of Alrert 2 risr'we ..jeries I . 00rres"ond.ence Jd\~~8r' l'JD~::':.!J III in 0 is_Ii st cr i c al Survey ~niversi~y F ALJ..J~q:, ?01c1 er 23 of Illinois D::nS:H.rUr~ A[lbertO 3RI~J.13A:~JJ; . fo Janes A . G•.;R£I.3LD, on Con~ittpe of Appropriations, [J . G. rlouse of ::te_.resentatives~ ilasnincton, ~ f- pp . J...J . u ~ • C~~ir~aD "7'\ .-; to ~ave Jongress revive the balance cf tne appr' priat i on rrade fo r t"le F neun1'l.t ic ~·~be . 3,('00 reverted to t h e i'reasary "Jher the constraction was not co~,leted before the deadline set by t"le c~ntract. ~etition J~t8lo~ued by . J . ~ . r/ £.. 1vt ( ". Weaver, July 14 , 1 051 . 3risban e.I .23. l Papers o f Alb e rt -3r isbane 1eries I . Correspondence I llino is distorcial Survey of Illinois ~niversity Jm1R8;Si)O:G-D.Ha~C J; liE' A 1·"Cl:£HT '3PI SEAN']; ,;!'o lder 8.1/ l H3?5? ] [Albert :3J.nS-q£~J£ , ?? To:i.edelia 3:,I33Ald . 4 pp . Jndated In-:',ated [Albert 3RI SBA!~3 J , E [uffalo J• 3RI.y:)/L,;Ej . 2 pp . [1375'?] Jndated '~TC"-- ,'" , [AI '"<,.,ert"J.. '3' .·"\..L.::>d.i1.....,~ "1ISIlL'\£J . 2 pp . [ ,0,-.,,,,;>1 ~'.J' oJ. J 1 T f.i:'La1 0 _,U .. (Q) •• (Inco-"'plete) J )r isoane.I ...-erI. l •I To eRe deli a .J r0 ->:: i soane . I .~ 3 J Redelia r 1 S oJ an e - -, NL ') . tIIiTO '-' :::"lis is '=;.n odd sheet , A.'Qparently from the :' iddle of 2. letter . [ [13 7 5? ] Jndated ~) r is-b ane . 1 .111. 4 [Albert jaIS3A~.E , 3uffalo (?). To Redelia '""IRI;j_3Al~E J. 2 pp . (Incomplete) l'his is an odd sheet , numbered pp . 5 and 6 . B [uffalo j • Ll ,3'75?] Jndated ~13ry5,? J fo 3 r isbane. I [Rede li ". [Al bert B -U8EA':"JE , B uffalo ('?) . 1'0 Radelia S3ISBAlu!JJ • .J pp . (Incomplete) 'J~d3.ted .ll'. 5 nr is1Jane.I •.t¥. 6 fop of the first sheet has been torn off . [lS"'5?J 'Jndated ,"b er t Cl"7 II ,. - ,,' , "• "• [ _'"U. -,-,', I .",,-, ::>:::>.n.L~.J.:J S pp . (Incomplete) [13"15?J 'Jnd 8ted D ·-'..... ;,) -,' , Q';> .l ,;).c.' &.--'-1 _ .• [Al h_, e r t 3 _"\. 2 PD . (Inc omnlete) -- • To Redel ia :3 RIS ..,U;J.!J . ] .3ri slJane . I ..a4 '7 J }3r isbane.I ~ 8 To ~edeli;., BRISTL\'~il~ . r~is is qn odd sheet, apparently from the middle of a letter . [Albert 3R IS ;~AF.i: J, :8 uffal o . To [.::te del i a 3lUi:lbA~.EJ . 4 pp . (Incomplete) [1~'75'?J Jndated lhe end of the letter has been cut off. Jatalo~ued t/ by f. Ih1. B I J . ~ . Weaver, July 6 , 1 951. . , ...--1/ a nr lsoane •I •~ " Illino i s _~istorical ,.Jll~nvey University of Illino i s Papers of Al"0ert "Brisbane Series I. Correspondenc e O~' ALS Folder (cont inued) .jORRJ;Sl'Ui'fD;~~~Cii; .zf ~Rr 3RISBAlfE Undate4.: cir£,! 1875 [13 7 5?] Hov . 5 [3ede 1i a 1EU;36ki...G to ALB.3RT B2IS3A.ld . ] 3 pp . 3ri sbane . I ~. lO [1~75?J [Red8l i a .3US~iA1u:!:: to Albert ·S.U3:':A-\2: . 0 (})l=-te) 2 pp . '::;risbane . I •.1J". ll Jndate d Ar:; odd sheet . [Alber t B~I;3BA.I:'lj;J , .6[uffaloil . 3 U S3A~~E ] • 3 pp • L13'15?U Jndated [1376?J Jndated To [1edelia [Albert 3::=?IS"~AX.3.; to .1edelia 3:tIS3A2.\".2; . J ~Incomp l ete) 2 pp . ~risbane . I ~. 12 3ris")ane . I .~ 13 An odd sheet . ~art of an earlier letter ends at the top of p""(.ge 1. [13'16?il A[ 1)ril? ] [Albert .:-=tLJ"'Bk.:2;] , 3uf::~· alo . 4 pp . 3·Qla3A.. EJ . Jatalo[ued by V f- J . ~ . ~eaver , rn'/, ~. J~ l y 6 , 1 951 . 1'0 [ii.edelia .c;ri.soane . I .lJl. 14 ~~. err- 0-[' I. ~a~ies .;.l""'':rt Jorres Illi'lois :..i2toric'3..1 J'Ju've'y :.,i'l8l'sity of :lliu:;is .ri::,~)'"'ne .OD~e~ce . -J. .J _ -, 'oJ ....I ~'older ~ circa 1334 Jit:y . ~ I"co""uletE-) CIQi4?] o dp"t e L1 -''34? "I) --'-nBa,? J ....~ to :Refelio, '3IR.I')-:l,.::.,~j " _.n ado. s''leet, ',,'p. 3 ~nd 4 , , '1 e e t 13. been tOt' n off . ~:o J date -,ctelce'ued v «(Ih(.,13 [~edeli':o c ()' )) 1 e t e) l}"'te L1~84"? ."lO r l 'oer t ~-..)i:\. '~1 -, " -, . .:l.''':'L'-'.J 'I ~, 4' • ::J.,-,>,-,-,-,.J" ~p . L:~ 1 -, lJy , ~ottor'l .!:,,-an s as J i t J • (Incom~)lete) J . " . .. eavl.r, July 10, lS51. :::'0 of t~le L '.edelia .., ----'" r l' >::I'_'C:l,.._e ~ i, " 11 ' • I • 1. D---. 3 Illinois istorical Survey University of Illi~ois Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I . Correspondenc~ GOR'1.J;SP01~DEl~ G.3 O:? AIBiDRT . ?older 26 Jndated: l~ 0 Date . 1'0 ~~ elen -- - [Albert :3RIS13k\;i;], -, uffalo . g pp . (Incomplete) ~eflpctions on Free letter are missing . Jatalogued by J .~ . BRI33Al~.~ ~ove . 1'0 ~-relen [?~ . Last pages of the Weaver , July 13, 1951 . Brisbane . I . 26 . 1 31 Illinois .. istoric 1 Ju:,vey Jniversity of Illinoie. of Albert Jr isoane Ser ies I. :orresDondence Pa~ers .:::ORl{J:Jl'LNj)~.!..,J~ OF AL..-3 501 del' ~ Jndated: to P37(?) :.0 ~efeli~ .:..:; u ' f ~ 1 0 • op of sheet torn off . date . 0 L--tedelia b r i s ban e • 1. 2' . 1 3egarding fin' nces . [Albert 3RISBAl'I~j , 3uffalo . qlwJ·~J . 6 pp: fo [lted~lia .~ r is ban e • I • 21 . 2 T On the coming "new religion . ~.o l' (Incomplete) date . 133 ( £) 0e:9-:. 11 B'1I::0 .. \.I.l2.. ~f ?-7 1i [-.lbert ~RISB~r.L£J . To [~edelia ~RI~-=jAEEJ . 14 pp . Incomplete B r i sb ane • I. 2~ . 3 vn love . ::'~o dat e . LAlbert ,-,:;:Us:3Ai~ . 26 pp . ~one To Redeli3. BR I SJA.LTJ£ . philo sophical consi0erations. Jntalovued by S . n . ~e"ver , July 13, 1 ~5 1. J Brisbane .I. 2?4 Papers 0: _'"l.lbert "Brisbane Series I . Correspondence ]CRR};SP01;l)~1 III in 0 i s ~Ii s tor i c al J ur ve y University of Illinois C::!: 0] AIJ3ZRT 3.::?I 33AtJ.e; 23 J:I~older undated: rtedelia to Albert 3risbane [Redel ia B3ISBJL,-l!; . .3 pp . To Albert BRI S3PJIrt: ] • sees art and architecture through eyes . S~e hi~ [Redelia 3'11S'1:(£3J , Vichy, .Jrance . ro [Albert BRISBAl\3] . 8 pp . ( I ncomplete) Ce.talorued by J .\i . '" eaver , July 13 , 1951 . 15 r i sb an e . 1 . 23 . 1 .3r isbane . I . 28 . 2 Illinois ~istorical Survey Jniversity of Illin ois rapers of Albert Brisbane Series I . Correspondence co:;:mEsrO~!DE~<~E OF .rU.,. ~EHT BnI SBAl~:E: • 2 't ~' ol d e r lJQ ('-at e . [Al rert .sRI SEAJIT -.: . To Arthur (Incomplete) 2 pp . ~ugggstions in Catalogued by Art~ur f s J .~ . ::: ISl3AX~ . ] for materials to be included letters to his newspaper . Weaver , July 13 , 1951. ~ r i C"b an e • I • 2fj . l Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I . Corresponden~e '::;uRR ,Sl Illinois Historical Survey Jniversity of Illinois C~\.D.d:KSE [Albert 3=tI:J3A:T~ . 38 pp . OF ~13K-{T' li'older • '30 BHI S3A~ri!J To Redelia P,'i.IS'SA.!."'i".J£(?) • .J Uiscellaneous fragments from letters and wri tings of ....lbert Brisbane , typed by 3.edelia . Yost of the i terns are undated . ~he oricinals seem to have been destroyed . ~at81ol!ued by J;.. . -deaver, July 13 , 1951 . 30 B r i sb an e . I. at'. l II Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois CORRESPONDENCE OF ALBERT BRISBANE Folder . . 31 Miscellaneous ,ragments Miscellaneous fragments from the letters of Albert Brisbane. Some of the fazgments consist of whole pages, others are mere scraps or jottings. rapel's' of Al"bert 3ris'')ane :3eries I . }' anuscripts Illinois lIistorical ';urvey Jniversit~ of Illino i s .c<'older ~ 3'2.. 1867 - 1384 186'1' Apr . 0 1369 June 11 ~ Patent for "Improvement in 'I ,ooden :'r.- ipes" issued to A . Brisbane of .... ev. lork. .3 la.tent for III'TIproved 1 neunlatic .::'ube for Transporting Goods" i.-:-sued to "Albert .,-,risbane of _.ew York . II ~ 'CJ. r ,. Brisbane . I • .!~ . l :3risbane . l .-:i~ . 2 ..".. .It . 3 1 ·3 70 Dec . 23 AcknowledgeJl'ent of alloVlance of patent fer "he.,~te:::-s for G-:::-een "10~ses,'1 aridressed to IIA1-oerl.... .0r1S . 1) .•• .. ew Y or k • II I 13""5 Jan . 16 f i c "l. tic n t 1 a t ~ C.,. v a e t ' I "l S bee n f i 1 e d re12.ting; to 3. "I. ode of Disposin~ of t 1e Dead, cy "Albert '3risbane of J..~ew Yor1(' . ,I I 1182 June 14 Gertification that a ~avaet has been filed relating to "Tre8tr 'ent of .,ood for the ~'. anu f:)cture of ~leels and >:>oles of Boots and i::l"1oes ~ 'C , II by ";,lbert Brisbane, .3rc.oklyn." I 1384 Aug . 1 '? J? '" ten t for lip r e UT" ~. tic ~ aT l' i e l' , " iss u edt 0 IIAlr,ert3ri:'oane , of .1.~ew York , :; . Y., and '~obert Gillham, of _=ansas ,jit:, , . iSS0urL" 1 B4 Aug . 1'1 Patent for lI}>neUPJ<·.tice Ca.rrier, II iS2ued to "::;.obert Gillhm, 0: -~<>nsas City." .0ri sbane . I lQS4 Aug . 19 Patent for "J:-neurD'ltic Carrier , " iss e.ed to "Ro~Jert'illha'1, of -~"'n ses > i t~l . II ') ·Hisbane . I . :!~ . 1 39' ];latent for "PneU!!18tic Carrier," issued to "nobert Gilln ,1m , of ~,-ansas City . " -::'\ .l").ug . 1 9 ~risbane . I r~ e rt i v C <> taloued by J .·I~ . '\1' e aver, J It. , 1 £01 . .:j r i Sban e • I • J.~ • 4 II rlrisbane . I . ~~ . 5 ..J l' i s b 3. n e • I • 3 ~ . 6 5 . :l~ < 7 Q Papers of Albert Brisbane Illinois Historical Survey LEGAL PAPERS Folder 33 1872 Deed to Cemetery Lot in Plainfield Tmmship, N. J . 1882 Tax receipt, City of Plainsfield, N.J., 1882, paid 1885. 1885 Notice of renewal, N.Y . Common Pleas Court, A. Brisbane vs. Wm. L. Pomeroy, et. al. 1898 7 1/2 shares of stock in the Grayson Land Co. 4 items Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE OF REDELIA BRISBANE Folder 3'11890-1936 1890 Dec. 5 C[harles] L. neBSON, Kansas City. To Brisbane.I.26.l (Redelia] BRISBANE. 4 pp. (Envelope attached) 1891 Jan 4 C[harles] L. DOBSON, Kansas City. R[edelia) BRISBANE, Paris. 3 pp. To Brisbane .1.26.2 1891 April 7 C[harles] L. DOBSON, Kansas City. [Redelia] BRISBANE. 4 pp. To Brisbane. I. 26.3 1893 March 15 G. P. PUTNAM . 's SONS, New York. To [Rede1ia] Brisbane.I.26.4 BRISBANE, [New YorkJ. 2 pp. plus enclosure. Included is ~n estimate of costs for publishing Albert Brisbane] A Mental Biography. 1894 May 9 1902 Nov. 14 Br isbane. I. 26.5 B. 0 FLOWER, Boston. To R[edelia] BRISBANE, New York City. 2 pp. fA. FUIBRANDI~ St. Vallier de Thiey, Alps. Brisbane.1.26.6 To [Redelia BRISBANE]. 2!p. (Envelope enclosed) 1902 Dec. 5 T[heodore] T[ILTON], Paris. To [Redelia BRISBANE]. 4 pp. \Envelope enclosed) 1904 June 12 [Redelia BRISBANE], London. 3 pp. (Typed) 1909 June 28 H. A. POWELL, London. 4 pp. 1909 July 20 B. W. WILLET, London. 1 p. plus enclosure. To Li11 ie Brisbane. I. 26.7 ? Brisbane.I.2B. 8 To [Re del i , BRISBANE. B ri sbane • I. 26.9 To [Redelia$BRISBANE] .Brisbane.I. 26 .10 -? -? The letter is addressed to Mrs. [Ireleda] S1bbrena, which is the pseudonyn adopted by Redelia. Brisbane for the publication of her book, ~ Cele~tial Keys. The contract for public,tion is attached. 1909 July 22 B. W. WILLET, London. [London]. 1 p. To [Redelia BRISBANE],Brisbane.I.26.l1 Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 9, 1955. 39 I11ihois Historical Survey UniTersity of I11inoi8 Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I . Corr ~ spondence CORRESPONDENCE OF REDELIA BRISBANE Folder 3".. 1890-~ (continued) -! 1909 Dec. 24 H. A. POWELL. To [Redelia] BRISBANE . 7 pp. 1917 June 27 E[dward) P . BATES , Syracuse, New York. To Brisbane.I . 26.l3 R[ede1ia] BRISBANE, Madison, Conn. 2 pp. (typed) 19:30 June 28 Edwin M.ARKHAM , West New Brighton, New York. To [Rede1ia] BRISBANE . 1 p. Brisbane.I.26 . 14 19:31 Feb . 3 Ruth FESLER, The White House, Washington, D. C. To [Rede1ia] BRISBANE . 11'. (typed) Brisbane.I . 26.15 19:31 Ju1)t 15 Winfield SHIRAS, London. BRISBANE , New York City. B r i sb an e. I • 26 .16 1931 Sept. 5 P. H. BUTLER , The White House, Washington, D. Brisbane.I.26.l7 C. To [Rede1ia] BRISBANE. 1 p. (typed) 1931 Nov. 2 P. H. BUTLER , The White House, Washington, D. Bri sbane .I.26.18 C. To R[ede1ia] BRISBANE , New York. 1 p. (typed) 19:31 Nov. 5 Henry L. STIMSON , Washington, D. C. To American Diplomatic and Consular Officers. 1 p. (typed) (in envelope) To [Rede1ia] 1~. (typed) Brisbane.I.26 . 12 Brisbane . I. 26 .19 Letter introducing Rede1ia Brisbane who is about to travel abroad. 1933 Jan. 27 Arthur BRISBANE, New York. To Rede1ia [BRISBANE) . 2 pp. (typed) (incomplete) Brisbane. I. 26.20 19:35 Jan. 8 George E. O'DELL , New York. To [Rede1ia B]RISBANE . 1 p. (typed) (Incomplete) B risbane.I. 26.21 Half of the page is torn away. 1935 Jan. 11 Upton SINCLAIR, Pas adena, California. [Redelia] BRISBANE. 1 p. (typed) 1935 Feb. 1 [Harold D.] CAREW , Pasadena, California. Upton [SINCLAIR). 1 p. (typed) Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 9, 1955. To Brisbane.I.26.22 To Brisbane.I.26 . 23 Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I j Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois CORRESPONDENCE O~' REDELIA BRISBANE Folder ~ 3't ~-1936 (continued) 1935 March 16 Arthur BRISBANE, New York. To R[edelia] BRISBANE. (envelope only) Briabane.I.26.24 March 16 is the date of postmark. 1936 June 12 E • •• LUND~UIST, On board the Hakusau Marp. To [Redelia] BRISB~~. 4 pp. (typed) Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 9, 1955. Brisbane.I.26.21 .JII Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I. Correspondence Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois , MATERIALS CONCERNING THE WILL OF REDELIA BRISBANE Folder ~ 35" No date List of Matters to be mentioned in Last will of Redelia Brisbane. Catalogued by Edmond M. B eame, llarch 9, 1955. Brisbane.I.30.l Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I . Correspondence CORRESPONDENCE OF ARTHUR BRISBANE Folder 2!l 3(" 1891-1935 - 1891 Sept. 16 E . S . ~ULLINS , Beverly, Massachusetts , Arthur [BRISBANE] . 3 pp. 1892 Feb. 15 C[harles] L. D[OBSON] , Kansas City. Arthur [BRISBANE) . 2 pp. 1892 Dec. 6 C[harles] L. DOBSON, Kansas City. [BRISB~) • 2 pp. 1902 Nov. 12 Wil11am FROSTICK. 1 p. 1910 Aug . 23 Nathan S[TRAUS] , London~ BRISBANE . 6 pp. 1935 June 25 Bess M. MENSENDIECK, Copenhagen, Denmark. [Arthur] BRISBANE. 5 pp . 1935 July 1 Bess M. MENSENDIECK , Voksenkolleo , Norway . To [Arthur] BRISBANE . 2 pp. Brisbane.I . 27 . 7 1935 July 25 [Bess 1&: . MENSENDIECK] , Lofthus, .Norway • [Arthur] BRISBANE . 1 p. (Unsigned) Brisbane .1 . 27.8 1935 July Bess M. MENSENDIECK , Lofhtus, Norway . [Arthur] BRISBANE . 3 pp. To Brisbane.I . 27.9 1935 Aug. 4 Bess M. MENSENDIECK, Lofthus, Non/ay. [Phoebe) BRISBANE . 1 p. To Brisbane.I . 27 . 10 1935 Aug. 9, 16 Bess M. ¥....ENSENDIECK, Lofthus, Norway. [Arthur] BRISBANE . 3 pp . To Brisbane. 1.27.11 No date Adolphus ROSENBERG , [New York City) . Arthur BRI SBAN"E . 2 pp. To Br1sbane.I . 27.l To Brisbane.I. 27.2 To Arthur To A(rthur] BRISBANE. Brisbane.I . 27.4 To [Arthur] Catalogued by Edmond M. Beame, March 9, 1955. Brisbane.I . 27 . 3 Brisbane.I . 27.5 To To To Brisbane . I . 27 . 6 Brisbane.I . 27 .12 Illinois ~ istorical Survey University of Illinois Papers of Albert Brisbane Series I . ll._anuscripts PAPER S OF A,.-q1'E.JR. BR I SB AlfE £0 lder , . 37 1911 Jan . +8 ....Jast will and t e sta.:..Y1 en t of Arthur Brisbane , dated, Chicago , J"'.nu r y 1 8 , 1 9L 1 . 5 pp . B risbane . I . 42 . l Typ ed, signed and witnesse c . l S8 ? 81ipping r e latin g to Arthur 3r isbane, glued to a sheet v,' ith letterhead H~dit or t s uff ic e of t h e Lun, IJew York . " .{andvrritten note: "Ei'rom ~~t~lo[ued rOi/In l' op ics Sept by J . W. ~ e ave r , July 1 6 , 1 951 . 1 . 11 n ri 'bane . 1 . 42 . 2 of Albert nrisbane Series I . i~anus cripts Illinois Z istorical Survey Jniversity of Illinois ~~pers 2&11S §older .t:i3i J:-~lC1'0' I ."f 1876 3 e 8 son tic ke t to the Philadelphia Jentennial 1 9 76, bearing a photo graph lof Arthur 3 rieb ?) . 13 '1'6 ~eason ticket to the Philadelphia Centennial , B risbane . I . 41 . 2 1 876 , bee,ring a photogrp'1 (of Alice .2r isbane'?) . "t- ~ ;.l;..u.;t ;4 . f8..-... a.,..... Catalo g ued by J . # . ~eaver , risbane . I . 4 1 . l -1'1.u. ~ c-J July 16 , 1 9 51 . \ Papers of Albert 3risbane Seri e s 1. 1 an lscr ipt s 13'79 I'_B.r . 1 '7 Ko date . _,0 date . Illinois Historical Survey University of Illinois - . copies , Le .t' du Littoral, l-J ice, ~ rance, = archl?;l"S79 . -AcCO'ilnt" of lecture by Albert J risb a ne on pp . 2 - 3 . 3risoane . I . 39 . l ]lippin[" from [Z]g Qhr2.nicl~ ,, O?J . Account of lecture by nloert:-::risbane on "Labor, Itsiistorical :J:-ast . " 1 column . Bri abane . 1 . 39 . 2 \..T8.11ey proof copy, Hl'he ~h ree ~ssential Lovenents of the Age (:~xtra.ct from a p rrivate letter from Albert risbane) . " 1 column . .Jr isbane . I . :)9.3 Galley proof copy of open letter liTo t -(]e the :. embers of t Je Senate and 'ious e 0 f ~eprese nta ti ve s of t he un it e d States ll from It~lbert brisbane , _\:ew - York ]i ty" c8.l 1ing attention to "the gJ'eat imp ortance of ~heap and Rap i d fransportation to the developMent of t V:l e cor:lmerce and industry of our country . 11 1 column . 3risbane . I . 39 . 4 r~ £~ursday, _~ ono:c'able \ Jatqlogued by J .~ . eaver , July Ie, lS51 . Papers of Albert Brisbane Illinois Historical Survey FINANCIAL RECORDS Folder 40 An account book with various notes on his financial affairs. Contents, in part: V.P. Considerant obtained a judgment against him for $13,000 owed by Brisbane for Texas land stock. How he paid it; quarrels with brother George Brisbane ofver property. pp.13-15 Note of the property left by James Brisbane in 1851, to be divided equally between Albert and George, his sons. Quarrels with George over the property, pp.19-26 47 B LEGAL PAPERS: the case of Lodoiska M. Brisbane v. Albert Brisbane 1883-1885. Documentation of divorce proceedings, including information relating to the dispute over Brisbane's marital status and legal obligations. Seven folders in chronological order, containing 74 items. FOLDERS 1 Legal papers: Brisbane v. Brisbane, May 1883 : 12 items. 2 3 4 5 6 7 , June-Sept 1883 : 8 items. petition of Rede1ia Brisbane. , 1883-1884 : 3 items, including the , May-June 1884 : 7 items. ----------------------------------------_________________, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 1884 : 10 items. , Jan-Apr 1885 20 items. , May-Dec 1885 14 items. 48 C . DRAFTS OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES Papers, c. 1868 - 1889. 160 folders ( 258 items and 14 volumes ). Writings by Albert Brisbane principally on Fourierism and soeio-economic t heories -- Society and Social Science, Art, Nutrition, Labor and Industrial Organization, Religion, the Sources of Knowledge, -- primarily versions and revisions of these t opicS wit h schematic tables, notebook entries and unsorted papers related to t hese themes . The pap~rs are ~ , divided into three sections: (I) Dated manuscript s, 1868-1889 : 62 folders in chronological order, containing 106 items and 2 volumes. (II) Undated manuscripts : 72 folders containing 110 items and 9 volumes. (III) French man~eripts : 26 folders containing 42 i t ems and 3 volumes. Certain papers ( folders 23 - 26 ) may be in the hand of Charles Fourier. FOLDERS C (I) Drafts for Publications 1868 - 1889 Sources of Knowledge, Feb. 1868 : 1 vol. (Notebook). 1 Organization of Labor, Feb 1868 : 1 item, 13 pp. 2 3 Organization of Society, Sept 1868 : 1 item. 4 Article I: The Series, 7 pp. Article II: Analysis of t he Branches & sub-Branches of Societ y, 3 pp. Article III: Classification of Men in respect to their State of Development, 4 pp.Oct 1868 : 1 item, 15 pp. 5 Introduction to the Study of Social Science, Oct-Nov. 1869 : 1 i t em. 6 Social Science, May 1873 : 1 item. 7 Social Science, June-July 1873 : 4 (drafts) items. ( The Social Condition of Humanit y: Duties of Men of Collective Thought and Collective Philanthropy.) Parts 1 and 3 only. 8 Organon: Method of Study, Aug-Sept. 1873 : 7 items. 9 The Integral Method of Study, Oct. 1873 : 1 item. 10 Means of Acquiring Knowledge, Feb. 1874 : 1 item (6 pp.). 11 Method of Study, April 1874 : 1 vol. (Notebook). 12 Social Science, April 1874 : 1 item . 13 Lecture on Religion, May 1874 : 1 item (2 sheet s). 14 New Method of Disposing of the Dead, July 1875 : 4 items . 15 Method of Study, Oct. 1877 : 1 item. 16 The Religion of the Future, May-Oct. 1878 : 9 items. Five parts separately dated. 17 The Integral Method of Study, Oct . 1878 : 1 item. 18 Method, Dec. 1878 : 1 item. 19 Heads of the Method of Study, c. 1878 : 1 item. 20 Religion of the Future, Feb. 1879 : 1 item. 21 Social Sciences, April 1879 : 1 item. 22 Order of Industrial Organization (Table) July 1879 1 item - poor condition • 49 FOLDERS c. (I) continued. 23 Law of' Gravitation, 187 : 1 item 24 Basis of' an Exact Social Science, June 1880 : 1 item. 25 Method, June 1880 : 1 item (2 sheets) 26 Means of' Acquiring Knowledge, July 1880 2 items. 27 Method of' Study, July 1880 : 1 item 28 Means of' Acquiring Knowledge, Aug. 1880 1 item. 29 Internal Intuitional Mode of' Action of' the Soul, Aug. 1880 1 item. 30 Internal Intuitional and the External Rational, sept. 1880 1 item. 31 The Function of' Laws, May 1881 : 1 item (3 sheets~ . 32 Method of' Study, Dec. 1880: 1 item. 33Internal Intuitional, 1880- : 1 (sheet) item. 34 Basis of' an Exact Social Science (and notes) , Mar. 1881 : 1 item (11 sheets 35 Biology and the Inf'luence of' Nature 0« Human Development, July-Aug. 1881 3 items. 36 Integral Method of' Study, Apr. 1881 : 1 item. 37 Method, June 1881 : 1 (sheet) item. 38 Integral Method of' Study, Sept.-Dec. 1881 : 12 items. 39 To the Thinkers of' Europe and America, Jan. 1881 : 1 item. 40 Method, Jan.-Feb. 1881 : 1 item (3 sheets) 41 Religion of' the Future (Cosmic destinies) Jan.-Feb. 1882 : 2 items. 42 Human Organisms, Mar. 1882 : 1 (sheet) item. 43 Methods of' Study, May 1882 : 1 item. 44 Theory of' Art, June 1882 : 1 item (10 pp.) 45 Method, Jan-Apr. 1883 : 1 item. (to pp. 175, incl. revisions) 46 Method, Oct. 1883 : 1 item. 47 The Integral Method of' Study, Oct. 1884 : 1 item. 48 The Religion of' the Future, Nov. 1884 : 1 item. 49 One Sidedness of' our Simple Organic Thinkers, May 1885 : 1 item. 50 Theory of' Nutrition, May-July 1885 : 1 item (21 pp.) with Additional hypothesis on Nutrition dated Aug. 1885. 51 The Sun, June 1885 : 1 item. 52 Human Destiny, June 1885 : 1 item. 53 Religion of the Future, June c. 1885 : 1 item. 54 First study in History, c. 1885 : 1 item. 55 Necessity of' Synthetical Views before explaining all Arts, ca. 1885 : 1 item. 56 One Characteristic of' the Sun's Atmosphere, ca. 1885 : 1 item. 57 To the Working Men of' the U.S., ca. 1885 : 1 item. (Kansas City?) 59 Integral Method of' Scientif'ic Investigation, Aug. 1887-Mar .1888 : 8 items. ;; 8 Integral Method of' Study, Nov. 1886 : 2 items . 60 To the Thinkers of' our Epoch, Nov. 1887 : 1 item. 61 Method of' Study, Mar.-June 1888 : 1 item ( 2 pcs.) 62 The Nemological Method, Nov.-Dec. 1889 : 4 i t ems. 50 FOLDERS C.(II) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Drafts for Publications: undated. The Labor Question (Newspaper articles - 20 sheets) : 1 vol. (Scrapbook). Remarks on Inspiration: 1 vol. (Notebook). Psychology and Sociology: 1 vol. (Notebook). Integral Method of Study: 1 vol. (Notebook) --5 essays or drafts. Law of Universal Harmony, Notes on Industrial Reform: 1 vol. (N.B.) Division, Distribution, Classification [of the Passions] : 1 vol. (N.B.) Evolution of the Globe: 1 vol. (N.B.) . Religion of the Future: 1 vol. (N.B.) Theory of Art: 1 item (17 pp.). Law of Organization : 1 item. Integral Method of Study: 1 vol. (N.B.). Development of the Globe: 1 item (3 sheets). Philosophy of Money: 1 item, typescript. Analysis of the Social System : 1 item, 60 pp. Social Organism ..• and Branches of Society: 2 items System of Society, 1 item IV pp. Social Science: 4 items. Rights of Man : 1 item. Dynamic Organism of Man : 1 item, 4pp. Man and the Universe : 1 item. Social Destiny of Humanity : 1 item, p.29-73. NeceSSity of a True Organization : 1 item, p.25-40. To the Thinkers of our Age: 4 (drafts) items. Organic Evolution: 2 items, (p. 14-30 and p.15 -20). Social Evolution: 2 items (p. 6 - 16). Stages of Social Evolution: 2 items (32-66 and 32-61, p. 49-53 missing) . Organization: 1 item. Organization of Industry : 1 item. Theory of Industrial Association 1 item. Unorganized or Inorganic Systems of Labor and ••. :l item (p.28-l59). History: 2 items. Social Science: 4 (mss.) items. Law of Evolution : 1 item. Religion: 1 item. Stages of Intellectual Development (notes) : 1 item. Mode of Action of the Mind ..• on Natural Phenomena: 1 item. Introduction to Fourier :1 item. Ending of the Laws : 1 item. The External Rational and the Internal Intuitional: 1 item (p.2 - 61). Intuitional Method (note to p.4) : 1 item. Soul: 2 (mss.) items. Preparatory tables : 1 item. Science (tables) : 8 items. Political Economy (tables) : 1 item (2 sheets). Sources of Knowledge (tables) : 4 items. First Class of Societies : 1 item. Social Organism: 2 items -- in oversize flat folder. Evollltf.on -(tables): 4 items -- 3 removed to oversize flat folder. Laws (tables) : 4 items. Theory of Nutrition : 1 item. 51 FOLDERS C.(II) continued. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 C .(III) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Superficial Views of our Men of Science : 1 item. Science of Art: 1 item. (3 pp.) Fourierist Principles (Tables) : 2 items, oversize flat folder. Pavements: 2 items. Sources of Ideas : 1 item. Subjects to be Investigated : 1 item. Elements of an E~ct Scierice of Political Economy 1 item. Marriage Ques~ion : 1 item. Integral Method : 1 item. Organon of Investigation : 1 item. Method or Organon of Scientific Investigation 1 item (6 pes.) General View of the Methods of study : 3 items. Integral Method of study (and others) : 1 item. method: 4 items. The Means and Methods of Acquiring Knowledge : 1 item (pp.1-26) Means of Acquiring Knowledge: 1 item, 4 sheets. Means of Acquiring Knowledge (Tables) : 3 items, 1 removed to oversize flat drawer. Method of Study (Tables) : 6 items, 1 item (Introduction to the Thinkers of our Epoch) removed to oversize flat drawer. Religion of the Future : 1 item. Geologie Integral : 1 item. "pages from unidentified treatises " •.• :1 item - 93 pp. assorted. Fragments: 1 item - 35 pieces. French manuscripts : Folders 1 - 8, 1880 - 1889, Folders 9 - 22 undated, Folders 23 - 26 ; in a French hand, not Brisbane's •.• Methode Integrale D'Etude, Apr.-May 1880 : 7 (drafts) items. , Feb. 1881 : 3 items. :-:M:-e-an-s~b:-y-w":'h-:i-c":"'h-M~an-A:-c-q-u-:i:--res Knowledge, May 1881 : 1 item. (and others) Emp10is Divers Auxquels Le Pave Nouveau Deut S'Appliquer, May 1881 : 1 item. Grand Besoin Scientifique de Notre Epoque une Science Sociale Exacte, Mar. 1886 : 1 item (to pp.21). Methode Integral D'Etude, Nov. 1887 : 1 item. QUe Faut-i1 Faire? Oct-Nov. 1888 : 1 item, ( 56 pp., 41-44 missing). Introduction a' Fourier, Jan-Aug. 1889 : 12 items (versions of). Theorie du Protop1asme, Law of Embryonic Evo1ution ... et.a1. : 1 vol. Notebook Serie de fonctions dans 1a Phalange : 1 vol. (Notebook) - c. 18441 Resume: de L'audition Co10rie par M. Geneono : 1 item. Loi d'Evo1ution : 1 item. QU'est -ce que la Religion? : 1 item (2 sheets). Loi d'Evo1ution, tableau General de la : 1 item (chart) - Oversize flat drawer. Les Lois Cosmiques : 1 item (3 sheets). Constitution du Solei1 [Laws of the Cosmos] 1 item. Base de 1a Loi d'Evo1ution : 1 item. Le Systeme Industrial : 1 item. 52 FOLDERS C.(III) continued. 19 20 21 22 23 24 Fourier's Series (Summary of) : 1 Vol. (Notebook) Series mesurees : 1 item (2 sheets) - Oversize flat drawer. Contact des Extremes et de la Contrepoissance : 1 item. L'Harmonie (c. 1844?) : 1 item. Bases D'une Science Sociale Exacte : 1 item, hand of Chas. Fourier? Developpemen [t]s Generaux: Foyers, Vibrations, Phases, Modes, Essors, Transitions : 1 item, pp.26-42. 25 Necessite d'une Science Sociale Exacte : 1 item, hand of Chas. F~urier? 26 Les Vins du Departement de la Girondel : 1 item (4 pp.) 53 D . TRANSCRIPl'S - of articles appearing in t he Tribune - 1842 - 1843'. Typewritten transcripts of Brisbane's column on Fourierism in t he New York Tribune : ASSOCIATION, or The PrinCiples of a True Organization of Society. Twenty-four folders in chronological order, containing 227 items. FOLDERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Transcript s of articles appearing in the Tribune, Mar. 1 - 15 1842 : 12 items. Social eVilS, reforms, remedies, Memoirs of Fourier. Transcripts of articles appearing in the Tribune, Mar. 16 - 31 1842 : 12 items. , Apr. 1 - 15 1842 : 12 items. , Apr. 16 - 30 1842 : 12 i t ems. , May 2 - 14 1842 : 11 items. , May 16 - 31 1842 14 items. Practical organization, The edifice. , June 1 - 15 1842 : 13 items, --~~----~~--~----~~~--------------System of Property and Labor. , June 17 - 30 1842 : 12 i t ems, ~------~~~-----------------------------Groups and Series. , July 2 - 15 1842 : 11 items. , July 16 - 30 1842 : 13 items. , August 1842 : 13 items, (sketch of t he edifice of a large Association .•. ). , September 1842 8 items. , October 1842 : 7 items , P&an for a re-organization of society. , November 1842 : 11 items. , December 1842 : 6 items, ----------------------------------------- --~S~y-s~t-em---o~f~E~du-c-a~t~i~o-n-.------------------------ 20: --~---~~--~~----~--~~---------------jan article on Brook Farm. --~~~~~----~~~------~------------Social Science, Religion, reform ... , January 1843 : 10 i t ems, , February 184a : 7 i t ems, March 1843 8 items. 18 19 __________________________ , April 1843 : 5 items. , May 1843 : 9 i t ems, 20 21 ---S~o-c~i~a~l~S~c~i-en-c-e-.•-.--------------------------- --~--~~~~~--~~--------------------june 7 : Position of women. , June 1843 : 6 items, , July 1843 : 6 items. 22 -------------------------------------, August 1843 : 6 items. 23 , Sept. - Oct. 1843 : 3 i t ems. 24 ------------------------------------------ 54 E . MSS WRITINGS AND DRAFTS of Redelia Brisbane. Papers c. 1876 - 1919. 17 folders ( 86 items and 2 volumes ). Typewritten drafts and not es of Redelia Brisbane, including a notebook of reminiscences of Albert Brisbane dated Mar. 1876, drafts fer 10 chapters entitled Love (folders 2 - 10) and numerous fragments and typewritten drafts relating ~women's issues. FOLDERS 1 2 3 4 5 Mss. writings of Redelia Brisbane: reminiscences of Albert Brisbane March 1876 : 1 volume (170 pp.) Mss. writings of Redelia Brisbane: Love [The Kingdom that was prepared for Thee from the Foundation of the World], Chapter I. Societ y at the Bar : 6 items. Chapter II. Social Analysis: 5 items. ____~----____--------____------ _____ , Chapter III. Marriage: 5 items. , Chapter IV. Divorce: 3 items. ----- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ----~4-1~·t~e-ms--.--------------------- , Chapter V. Family: 5 items. -----, Chapter VI. Children ____________________"""' Chapter VII. Ethics: 4 i t ems. Chapter VIII. Prostitution: 3 items. ____~__~~~~--~~__--~~~ _____ , Chapter IX. The Remedy and Chapter X. Conclusion: 4 items. Mss. writings of Redelia Brisbane: women's role in marriage, civilization, morality, sex, evolution, history: 1 item (pp.2 - 91). : women as victim, legal status ----T(a-s--p-r-o-p-e-r~t-y~)~,~t~hr--o-u-g~h-o-u~t~h~i~story, training and customs (in ot her CUlt ures), equality, suffrage: May 9, 1914 " The women's movement" May 4, Political and Social progress of .•• notes and fragments re Love, newspaper articles and quotations: 13 (groups) items. -women re. prostitution, birth control, eugenics, Primitive Monogamy, False Ideals ••• c. 1918 : 18 items. ______~-~---~---~~---: notes and fragments c. 1915-1919, on Inno'c§nce, Sex and Character , What is rel igion?, The Soul, Population and Reproduction, Utopias, and newspaper clippings with comments: 10 items (approc. 61 pp. of loose notes.). 1 volume (Notebook) and 1 mss. item Excerpts from Fourier, 2 items. Memoranda re: books, 2 items. 55 F. PRINTED ARTICLES of Arthur Brisbane· Newspaper clippings of Arthur Brisbane's articles and obituaries, with a single broadside of " Man with the Hoe " autographed by Edwin Markham. Three folders containing 10 items. FOLDERS 1 2 3 Newspaper clippings from Arthur Brisbane's column c. 1893 : 5 items. "Ingersoll, Buddha and Brisbane" N.Y. World removed to OVERSIZE FLAT FOLDER. , obituaries: 4 items]. Print ed broadside, The Man wit h the Hoe, aut ographed by Edwin Markham: 1 item.