Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 22, No. 4 (1999) 807–815 S 0161-17129922807-4 © Electronic Publishing House THE RELATIVE DIHEDRAL HOMOLOGY OF INVOLUTIVE ALGEBRAS Y. Gh. GOUDA (Received 23 October 1996 and in revised form 19 May 1997) Abstract. Let f : A → B be a homomorphism of involutive algebras A, B. The purpose of this paper is to define a free involutive algebra resolution of algebra B over f and use it to define and study the relative dihedral homology. Keywords and phrases. Dihedral homology, free involutive algebra, relative dihedral homology. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 55N91; Secondary 55P91, 55Q91. 1. Introduction. Let A, B be involutive algebras (an involution ∗ is an anti-automorphism of degree zero and order 2) and let f : A → B be a homomorphism. Our first aim is to find a free involutive algebra resolution R of algebra B over the homomorphism i π R → B, where i is an inclusion and π is a quasi-isomorphism. The second aim f : A → is to define the relative dihedral homology as f R , ᏴᏰ• A → B = Ᏼ• (1.1) A + [R, R] + Im (1 − r where [R, R] is the commutant of algebra R, r is the involution on R, and study its main properties. First, we recall some definitions and facts from [4, 5]. Let A be an associative algebra over a field k(k = R or C). Define the complex C(A) = (C• (A), Ꮿ• ), where Cn (A) = A ⊗ · · · ⊗ A is the tensor product of algebra A(n + 1 times) and Ꮿn : Cn (A) → Cn−1 (A) is the boundary operator n−1 Ꮿn a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an = (−1)i a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ai ai+1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an + (−1)n an a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an+1 . i=0 (1.2) It is well known that Ꮿn−1 Ꮿn = 0, that is, the complex C(A) is a chain complex. This complex is called the Hochschild (simplicial) complex and its homology is called the Hochschild homology (ᏴᏴ• (A)). If A is a unital involutive algebra, then on the complex C(A), one acts by the operators tn , rn : Cn (A) → Cn (A) by means of tn a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an = (−1)n an ⊗ a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an−1 , (1.3) ∗ ∗ = ±1. rn a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an = (−1)n(n+1)/2 a∗ 0 ⊗ an ⊗ · · · ⊗ a 1 , Consider the quotient complex C Ᏸn (A) = Cn (A)/ Im (1 − tn ) + Im (1 − rn ) of a complex Cn (A). Following [3] the dihedral homology of algebra, A is the homology of the complex C Ᏸ• (A). 808 Y. Gh. GOUDA 2. Free involutive algebra resolution. In this part, we discuss the existence of the ∞ free involutive algebra resolution. Let E = n=0 En be a graded involutive vector space over a field K. Suppose that R is a differential graded (in short DG ) involutive K-algebra and let RE = R ∗ Tk (E) be the free product of algebras, where Tk (E) = j≥0 E ⊗j is the tensor algebra over K. We define an involution on algebra RE to be the unique anti-automorphism on RE which restricts to the given involution on R and E (this is enough thanks to the universal property of the tensor algebra and the free product). The product in RE is given by r1 e1 · · · rn en rn+1 · r1 e1 · · · rk ek rk+1 = r1 e1 · · · rn en (rn+1 r1 ) e1 · · · rk ek rk+1 , ri , rj ∈ R, ei , ej ∈ Tk (E), (r ∗ )∗ = (e∗ )∗ = e. (2.1) Definition 2.1. Let f : R1 → R2 be a homomorphism of involutive differential graded K-algebras. An algebra R2 is a free algebra over the homomorphism f if there exists an isomorphism α : R1 E R2 , where E is an involutive differential graded vector space with the following commutative diagram: f / R2 JJ α JJ JJ i $ R1 J J (2.2) R1 E, where i is the inclusion map. Lemma 2.2. Let f : A → B be a morphism of involutive K-algebra. Then there exists an involutive differential graded algebra R = i=0 Ri with the following properties (i) π is surjection and the following diagram is commutative R ~? ~ i ~ π ~~ ~~ / B, A f (2.3) where i is an inclusion map. There is an amorphism j : R → A such that j ◦ i = 1A . (ii) π is quasi-isomorphism, i.e., π• : Ᏼ• (R) → Ᏼ• (B) = B, where B is a differential graded algebra, (B)i = B, i = 0, 0, i > 0, and the differential ∂ B = 0. (2.4) (iii) The involutive DG algebra R is free over the homomorphism i : A → R. Definition 2.3. The involutive DG algebra which satisfies the conditions (i), (ii), and (iii) of Lemma 2.2 is called a free involutive algebra resolution of algebra B over f . 809 THE RELATIVE DIHEDRAL HOMOLOGY . . . Proof of Lemma 2.2. First step. We construct a commutative diagram of involutive algebra (0) R |> i0 || | π0 || || / B, A f (2.5) where R (0) is free over the homomorphism i0 : A → R (0) , π0 an involutive surjection. Define Ati = AE(ti ), where E(ti ) is an involutive vector space generated by {ti }, or generated by the family {ti , ti∗ }. The automorphism ∗ : E(ti ) → E(ti ) is given as (0) follows: ∗(ti ) = (ti∗ ), ∗(ti∗ ) = ti . We choose a system {Ꮿi } of generators in algebra B. This family is assumed to be closed under an involutive on B. (0) (0) (0) Now, let R (0) = Ati , where ti is equivalent to the generator {Ꮿi } of algebra B, (0) (0) (0) and suppose that βi = ti or (ti )∗ . We may define π0 using the universal property of R (0) . Let π0 be the unique homomorphism of involutive algebras R (0) → B which (0) (0) restricts to f on A and sends ti to Ꮿi . (0) Since i0 : A → Ati is an inclusion map, i0 (a) = a, i0 is an involutive algebra homomorphism and π0 i0 (a) = π0 (a) = f (a). Hence, diagram (2.5) is commutative and π0 is surjective. Let j0 : R (0) → A be the unique homomorphism involutive algebra restricting to (0) the identity on A and mapping the tn to zero. R (0) is a DG involutive k-algebra: (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (R )0 = R , i = 0, (R )i = 0, i > 0, ∂ R Bij = 0. The algebra R (0) is free over the homomorphism i0 : A → R (0) since R (0) = At (0) . Second step. We construct the second commutative diagram (1) R |> i1 || | π1 || || / B, A f (2.6) where R (1) is a free algebra over i1 and π1 is an involutive surjection. Choose a system (1) (1) Ꮿj of generators of ker π0 which is closed under the involution. Let tj be indeter(1) (0) (1) (0) minates which are in bijection with the Ꮿj . Define R (1) = Ati , tj , where ti (1) βj (1) tj is (1) (tj )∗ . defined above. Suppose that denotes or The homomorphism π1 is defined to be the unique homomorphism of involutive algebra R (1) → B restricting (1) to π0 on R (0) and sending tj to 0. We can see, from the above discussion, that the (0) homomorphism π1 can be defined as π0 and that π1 is surjective since π1 (β1 ) = Ꮿi , (1) (0) (1) π1 (βj ) = 0. The homomorphism i1 : A → Ati , tj is inclusion. The diagram (2.6) is commutative since (π1 i1 )(a) = π1 (a) = f (a). The homomorphism j1 is defined to be unique homomorphisms: R (1) → A, of involutive algebras restricting to identity on (1) (0) (1) A and mapping ti to zero. The algebra R (1) = Ati , tj is free over i1 . Finally, we have a differential graded algebra R (1) = R (1) 0 ⊕ R (1) 0 ⊕ · · · , (1) deg βi = 0, (1) deg βj = 1. (2.7) 810 Y. Gh. GOUDA Note that the algebra R (1) also has a universal property with respect to derivations (not only homomorphism). This property should be used to define the differential. (1) The differential ∂ R of R (1) is the unique derivation on R (1) satisfying the graded Leibniz rule and commuting with the involution which restricts to zero on R (1) and (1) (1) (0) (1) (0) (1) (1) (1) sends tj to Ꮿj . So, ∂ R βi = 0, ∂ R βi = Ꮿj ∈ ker π0 , ∂iR = 0, i > 1. In the same manner, we can construct the commutative diagram (2) R |> i2 || | π2 || || / B, A f (0) (1) (2.8) (2) where R (2) = Ati , tj , tk is a DG algebra, free over i2 , R (2) = (R (2) )0 ⊕ (R (2) )1 ⊕ (R (2) )2 ⊕ · · · , (0) deg βi (1) = 0, deg βj (2) = 1, deg βk = 2, the differential of algebra R (2) is also defined by using a universal property and, hence, ∂0R R (2) (2) (2) (2) R (2) (0) βi = 0, ∂1R (2) (0) βj (1) = Ꮿj , = 0, i > 2. ∂1 βj = Ꮿk , ∂i Consequently, we can construct an involutive algebra R (i) , i ≥ 0 with the following commutative diagram: (0) R = P0 P1 / R (1) | i0 || | π0 | | || /B A / ... Pn−1 / R (n) πi ... B P0 / ... (2.9) πn ..., B where πi is an involutive surjection, i ≥ 0, in = Pn−1 ◦ · · · ◦ P0 ◦ i0 is an inclusion map from A to R (n) , Pi is also an inclusion map from (0) (1) (i) (0) (1) (i) (i+1) Pi : A tm , tm1 , . . . , tm , tm1 , . . . , tm , tmi +1 . to A tm (2.10) 0 0 i i (0) (1) Define in = qn ◦· · ·◦qi ◦j0 , where qn is the projection of the map from Atm0 , tm1 , . . . , (0) (1) (i) (i+1) (n) (i) tmi on Atm0 , tm1 , . . . , tmi , tmi+1 . The diagram (2.9) is commutative since in+1 (βi ) = (n) πn (βi ) = 0, n ≥ 0. Define R = lim Rn , π = lim πn , i = lim in , j = lim jn . Then the DG algebra R satisfies the items of Lemma 2.2 since (1) π = lim in is an involutive surjection, the diagram (2) R = || | | π2 || || /B A f i2 (2.11) is commutative since i(a) = a, π (a) = f (a). (2) π is a quasi-isomorphism of DG algebras (R)0 o π0 B o ∂0R (R)1 o ∂1R ... o π1 0o ... o R ∂n (R)n o R ∂n+1 ... (2.12) πn 0o ..., THE RELATIVE DIHEDRAL HOMOLOGY . . . 811 where ∂iR = lim ∂iR , (R)0 = ker (π )0 = B, Im ∂ R = ker ∂0R , i.e., Ᏼ0 (R) = B, Ᏼi (R) = 0. (3) The DG involutive algebra R is free over the homomorphism i : A → R since R = E, E is an involutive vector space generated by the system (0) (1) (n) ti0 , ti1 , . . . , tin , . . . . (2.13) 3. The relative dihedral homology. In this part, we define the relative dihedral homology and study its properties. Let f be a morphism of involutive algebras A and B over a field K with characteristic zero. Let RfB be a free involutive algebra resolution of algebra B over f and, for r1 , r2 ∈ RfB , let [r1 , r2 ] = r1 r2 −(−1)|r1 ||r2 | r2 r1 , where |ri | = deg ri , i = 1, 2. Let Ꮿ = [RfB , RfB ] be the linear space generated by [r1 , r2 ], r1 , r2 ∈ RfB . It is clear that, Ꮿ = [RfB , RfB ] is a K-submodule of a K-module RfB . We construct the complex ([RfB , RfB ] + Im (1 − r )), where r (P ) = (−1)|P |(|P |−1)/2 P ∗ , ∗ is an involutive on RfB , = ±1. It is clear, from the definition of RfB , that Im (1−r ) is a subcomplex of RfB . We have ∂[r1 r2 ] = r1 r2 − (−1)|r1 ||r2 | r2 r1 = ∂r1 r2 + (−1)|r1 | r1 ∂r2 − (−1)|r1 ||r2 | ∂r2 r1 + (−1)|r2 | r2 ∂r1 = ∂r1 r2 − (−1)|r2 |(|r1 |+1) r2 ∂r1 + (−1)|r1 | r1 ∂r2 − (−1)|r1 |(|r2 |+1) ∂r2 r1 = [∂r1 , r2 ] + (−1)|r1 | [r1 , ∂r2 ], |∂ri | = |ri | − 1, (3.1) i = 1, 2. Then RfB , RfB is a subcomplex in RrB . Therefore, the chain complex of the K-module B B Rf , Rf + Im (1 − r ) is a subcomplex of RfB . Definition 3.1. Let f : A → B be an involutive K-algebra (char K = 0) homomorphism, RfB be a free involutive algebra resolution of algebra B over f . Then the relative dihedral homology is defined as follows: RfB f . (3.2) ᏴᏰi A → B = Ᏼi RfB , RfB + Im (1 − r ) The main properties of the relative dihedral homology are submitted in Theorems 3.2, 3.6, and 3.7. Theorem 3.2. Let A be an involutive algebra. Then ᏴᏰi (A → 0) = ᏴᏰi−1 (A), where ᏴᏰi (A) is the dihedral homology of k-algebra A (char (k) = 0). Proof. To do this, we need the following definition and lemmas. Definition 3.3. The K-algebra At, generated by the elements a0 ta1 t · · · tan , n ≥ 0, can be considered as an involutive DG algebra by requiring that the morphism A → At is a morphism of involutive differential graded algebras (A is viewed as a DG algebra concentrated in degree 0) and that deg t = 1, ∂t = 0, and t ∗ = t. Lemma 3.4. The algebra At is splitable and is a free involutive algebra resolution of the algebra B = 0 over the homomorphism A → 0. 812 Y. Gh. GOUDA Proof. Define the following chain complex ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ A ← AtA ← AtAtA ← · · · ← At · · · tA ← · · · , (3.3) where At · · · tA (t-n-times) is a K-module and the boundary operator ∂ is given by n−1 (−1)i a0 ta1 t · · · tai (∂t)ai+1 t · · · tan ∂ a0 ta1 t · · · tan−1 tan = i=0 = n−1 (−1) a0 ta1 t · · · t ai ai+1 t · · · tan . (3.4) i i=0 Note that the differential ∂ in at is equivalent to the operator Ꮿn : Cn (A) → Cn−1 (A) (see [4]), defined by n−1 Ꮿn a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an = (−1)i a0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ai ai+1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an . (3.5) i=0 Following [4], the complex (Cn (A), Ꮿn ) is splitable and so the complex At is also splitable, that is, Ᏼ• (At) = 0. Therefore, the algebra At is a free involutive algebra resolution of the algebra B = 0 over the homomorphism A → 0. Lemma 3.5. The complex At/[A, At] is the standard simplicial (Hochschild) complex. Proof. Consider the factor complex At/[A, At]. The complex At/[A, At] is generated by the elements a0 ta1 t · · · an−1 t, since a0 ta1 t · · · tan−1 tan = an a0 × ta1 t · · · tan−1 t(mod[A, At]). The action of the differential ∂ on the complex At/[A, At] is given by n−1 ∂ a0 ta1 t · · · tan−1 tan = (−1)i a0 ta1 t · · · t(ai ai+1 )t · · · an−1 tan t i=0 + (−1)n a0 ta1 t · · · an−1 tan = n−1 (3.6) i (−1) a0 ta1 t · · · t(ai ai+1 )t · · · an−1 tan t i=0 + (−1)n an a0 ta1 t · · · an−1 t. Consider the complex id Ꮿ Ꮿ Ꮿ Ꮿ A ← A ← A⊗2 ← · · · ← A⊗n ← · · · , (3.7) where Ꮿ is the differential in the standard Hochschild complex (see [4]). Since the space (At/[A, At])n+1 identifies with the space A⊗n+1 : a0 ta1 · · · tan t → a0 ⊗ a1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ an , (3.8) and the differential in At/[A, At] identifies with the differential in the standard Hochschild complex, At/A + [A, At] is the Hochschild (simplicial) complex of algebra A. 813 THE RELATIVE DIHEDRAL HOMOLOGY . . . Now, we prove Theorem 3.2. Consider the factor complex: At/[At, At]+Im (1− r ), such that a0 ta1 t · · · tan−1 t = (−1)n an ta0 ta1 t · · · an−1 t, ∗ ∗ ∗ a0 ta1 t · · · tan−1 t = (−1)n(n+1)/2 ta∗ n tan−1 · · · ta1 ta0 = (−1) n(n+1)/2 (3.9) ∗ ∗ ta∗ 0 tan t · · · ta1 t, where = ±1, deg a0 ta1 t · · · tan−1 t = n, deg(an t) = 1, deg(a∗ n ) = 0, deg a0 t · · · an t = n+1. The dihedral homology of t is the homology of the factor complex At/[At, At] + Im (1 − r ). By factoring At, first by the subcomplex A ← 0 ← 0 ← · · · and then by the subcomplex [At, At]+Im (1−r ), we get a homomorphism C Ᏸ• (A → 0) → C Ᏸ•−1 (A), which induces an isomorphism in the dihedral homology groups ᏴᏰi (A → 0) → ᏴᏰ−1 (A). Theorem 3.6. Let f : A → B be a homomorphism of involutive algebras over a field f B) does not depend on K (char K = 0). Then the relative dihedral homology ᏴᏰi (A → the choice of the resolution. Proof. The homomorphism f induces a homomorphism of chain complexes f• : C Ᏸ• (A) → C Ᏸ• (B), (3.10) where C Ᏸ• (A) is the dihedral complex. Consider the diagram RfB ? i A f π (3.11) / B, where RfB is defined above, i is the inclusion map. The idea of the proof is to show that the cone of the map i is quasi-isomorphic to an arbitrary category (see [2]), to the complex: RfB / RfB , RfB + Im (1 − r ). Since Ᏼi RfB = B, i = 0, 0, i > 0, (3.12) then the isomorphism π• : C Ᏸ• (RfB ) → C Ᏸ• (B) induces an isomorphism of the homology of these complexes. Since i• : C Ᏸ• (A) → C Ᏸ• (RfB ) is an inclusion, then M(i• ) ≈ C Ᏸ• (RfB )/ C Ᏸ(A), where M(i• ) is the cone of the map i (see [6]). Note that the symbol ≈ always denotes a quasi-isomorphism. It is clear, from the above discussion, that the following diagram is commutative C Ᏸ• RfB r8 rrr r π• r r rrr / C Ᏸ• (B), CD• (A) i• f• (3.13) 814 Y. Gh. GOUDA and, hence, M(f• ) ≈ C Ᏸ• (RfB )/ C Ᏸ• (A). Following [1], we have CC• (RfB )/CC• (A) ≈ 2 RfB /A + [RfB , RfB ] and by using the spectral sequence Eij = Ᏼ• (Z/2, ᏴCj (RfB )) = ᏴDi+j (RfB ), we have C Ᏸ• RfB CᏰ • (A) ≈ RfB . A + RfB , RfB + Im (1 − r ) (3.14) f B) does not depend on the So, M(f• ) ≈ RfB /A + [RfB , RfB ] + Im (1 − r ). Then ᏴᏰi (A → choice of RfB . Theorem 3.7. Let A, B, and C be involutive algebras. Then the following sequence f g B → C induces the long exact sequence of the relative dihedral homology A → f g◦f g f B → ᏴᏰi A → C → ᏴᏰi B → C → ᏴᏰi−1 A → B → · · · . · · · → ᏴᏰi A → (3.15) Proof. In Theorem 3.6, it has been proved that any homomorphism f : A → B of involutive algebras in an arbitrary category is equivalent to an inclusion i : A → RfB RB ∼ f ? i f / B. A (3.16) g f B → C of involutive algebras, we have the folThen, for an arbitrary sequence A → lowing complex A? ? i / RfB ?? ?? ?? B ? ? i / RgC ?? ?? ?? (3.17) g f B C. Consider the following sequence of mapping cones 0 → M(i• ) → M i• → M i• 0i• → 0. (3.18) In general, the sequence (3.18) is not exact. In fact, the composition of two morphisms will be non zero. However, the cone over the morphism M(i• ) → M(i• ) is canonically homotopy equivalent to M(i• 0i• ). So, we get the following long exact sequence of the relative dihedral homology g◦f f B → ᏴᏰi A → C · · · → ᏴᏰi A → g f B → ··· . C → ᏴᏰi−1 A → → ᏴᏰi B → (3.19) THE RELATIVE DIHEDRAL HOMOLOGY . . . 815 Acknowledgement. I would like to express my thanks to L. Debnath and the referee for their valuable comments and help. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] B. L. Feigin and B. L. Tsygan, Additive K-theory, K-theory, arithmetic and geometry (Berlin, New York), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1289, Springer, 1987, pp. 67–209. MR 89a:18017. Zbl 635.18008. R. Hartshorne, Residues and duality, Lecture notes of a seminar on the work of A. Grothendieck, given at Harvard 1963/64. With an appendix by P. 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