Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 21 NO. 4 (1998) 767-774 767 ON THE EXISTENCE OF A PERIODIC SOLUTION OF A NONUNEAR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION HSlN CHU University of Marylnd College Park, MD 20742 and SUNHONG DING Institute of Mathematical Sciences Academia Sinlca Chendu, China (Received March 8, 1996 and in revised form December I0, 1996) ABSTRACT. Conslder a planar forced system of the followlng form (x,y) + h(t) -{x,y) + g(t}, where h{t} (y) and and P{x,y} g(t) 2x-perlodlc contlnuous functions, t are (-m,=) are continuous and satlsfy local Llpschltz condltlons. and In this paper, by uslng the Polnc&re’s operator we show that if we assume the condltlons, {C2) and {C3) {see Section 2), then there is at least one 2=-perlodlc {CI), solutlon. In concluslon, we provlde an expllclt example whlch is not in any class of known results. KEY WORDS AND PIIBASES: Polnc&re mapplng, Polnc&re index, Nonlinear Jumpln dlffer- entlal equation. 1980 AMS SIBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES (1985 Revlslon}: 34C25;58F14. 1. INTROIKICTION We consider the following planar forced system of ordlnary dlfferentlal equa- tlons: ----= --d[t Cx,y) + hCt) (1.1) -vCx,y) + gCt), where h{t) and g(t) are 2-periodlc continuous functions, t e C-m,=) and and v{x,y) are continuous and satisfy local Lipschltz conditions. (x,y) Our work is inspired by previous work on the existence of periodic solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by Aguinaldo and Schmltt [I], Cesari [4], Ding 768 H. CHU AND S. DING [6-8], Dine [9], Lazer and Leach [12], Leach [13], Loud [14], Mawhln [15], [16], [18], among others. In this paper, we show that if we assume the conditions, {CI), {C2) and {C3) {see Section 2), then there is at least one 2=-perlodlc solution. In conclusion, we provide an explicit example which is not in any class of known results. The authors wish to take this opportunity to thank the referee for polntlnE out the wonderful paper Capietto et al. [2], which has results related to Theorem 2.1 as well as Lemma 2.1, and which both of us had overlooked. Mawhln and Ward [17], Mawhin et al. 2. NAINRITS - Consider the system (1.1}. Let x p cose y and p sine. Expressing {1.1) in polar coordinates form, we have k(p,e) + (2.1) de where g(e, t) -(p, el p (p cose,p slne)cose k(p,e) I{ [p cose (p,e) (e,t) h(e,t) p(p cose,p sine)sine. p sine)sine + P(p cose p slne}cose} h(t)cose + g(t)sine, and (e,t] g(t)cose. h(t)sine We now shall establlsh the followlng theorem. TI 2.1. Suppose the system of dlfferentlal equations (1.1) or (2.1) satisfies the conditions: (C1} IA(p,e)I < k(p}, where k(p) is a continuous function and satlsfles a local Lipschltz condition. (C2} (a] 2x+, some (b) < llm 5, 0" de OX dB (p,@) < 0 < 6 < mln {2/(2n+I),1} 0" V+I-) lira 2 + 6 < p+---- 0 < 6 < <Ii-- (pe) -p+= (C3) lim mln (p,B}p p= 0sB<2x > 0 de (p,e) for some 1t--p+(R) 2x-6 --n for some n e Z + and or 0 de (p,’e) < for some 5. in (0,1}. Then the system has at least one 2x-periodic solutlon. Take note that the assump- tions of this theorem are comparable wlth the assumptions of Theorem 3 in [2, p.367]. We first establish two lemmas. LENI 2.1. If the system {1.1) or (2.1) satisfies (CI), then for each positive number M there exists a positive number H, with M so that for M 1, each solution (p(t},e(t}) of (2.1}, with an initial condition p(t 0} > M for t e [0,2}, we have p(t} > M for 0 t 2. O This lemma is very close to the "elastic property" in [2,p.351]. NONLINEAR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION From [2.1 PROOF. 769 and (C1), we have dp < k(p) + c k(p) < -[ -c where c lCe,t} max + where 0’ Os8s2x 0 > O. O<_t<_2x Let p*{t) p-{t) and be solutlons of the equations dtd’-P k(p} + c dtd- P -k(p) (+) and p+(tO) with the Inltial condltlons p+(t) Observe that if of (-}. p(t) c M for (+) is a solution of (+) then and p+(2=} p-(t O} p+(2+to-t} for (-}. will be a solution p+(2X+to-t} p+(2x). Let M p+{2=}. with p-(t O) < O, from (-}, we have p (2) s p (t) for all 0 s t s 2. p-{t) Thus cause -k{p) (-} c dp k(p,8) + be a solution of -[ (8,t) BeLet p(t O) > M. with an initial condition Then, according to the comparison theorem {e.g., see [I0,p.26]) of ordinary differentlal equations, we have p (t} < p(t), as 0 s t s 2. Together, we have M! p {2} s p (t} < p{t} M t, 0 s t s 2=. for all Observe that M p (t o z p(2} > O, from the above inequality. The lemma is now proved. LEMMA 2.2. If the system (2.1} satisfies (CI}, (C2), (a) or {b), and {C3} then there exists a constant M > 0 such that for every solution (2.1} with an initial condition p(t O} > M, for t e [0,2], o 2n= < 8(0} 8{2=} < 2(n+1}=, when n e Z {p(t),8(t)} of the inequality: + (2.2a} holds if (C2)(a} is assumed, and the inequality e[2] < 2 0 < 8[0) (2.2b) holds if (C2)(b) is assumed. PROOF. that for all By (C3} and (C2), (a) or (b), there is a p > M2, we have {p,8) > O, (p,e)p for any = c, llm mln (p,e)p p oe<2 n+l n e Z + , C constant M2 such {2.3} > c > O, and 2+C/2) for some > posl{Ive < de Jo (p,e) < 2x-(/2} n (2.4a) if (C2)(a) is assumed, or . ]0 2 2 + if [C2](b] is assumed. Let < / de ,(p,e) < (2.4b) 770 H. CHU AND S. DING c l(e, max 2 oe<2 o<t2 and (2.5) By Lemma 2.1, there exists H > 0 such that for every solution (p,(t,e(t]] of p(t 0) > H we have p(t) > H for 0 s t s 2=. Divide the second equa3 tion of (2.1) by -(p,8) and tntesrate between 8(0) and 8(2=): (2.1) with de g(e, t (p, e p dt dt + (p,e] (2.6] (o) Assume (2.2a (or (2.2b)) 2(n+1) z e(2=), e(0) false. + is nEZ where Then, n or e(0) say e(2] z 2(n+1 ], By usin8 (2.3), 0. or (2.4a) or (2.4b), (2.5), (2.6), we have: .e(0) 2=+ e(0) < (n+l) m(0) o(,O) Cp,(9) (0)-2= < (0)-2 (n+l)= (2) However, u(p,e) u(p’e) (2) We must have Thls ls a contradiction. 0(2=) < 2=). O(O) 0(0)- 0(2=) > 0). 2= + ..’ (p,e)p dt <2=+2 e(o) Slmllarly we e(0)-9(2=) <2(n+1)=, where have (0) 0(2=] > 2n=, where n eZ n Z + + (or (or The lemma is now proved. As a direct consequence of Lemma 2.2, we have the followlnE Corollary. COROLLARY 2.1. If, in addition to the conditions of Lemma 2.2, we assume h(t) g(t) O, then all 2=-perlodlc solutions of (2.1} are uniformly bounded, that is, there is a positive number M such that p(t) s M for every 2-perlodlc solution (p(t),e(t)) of (2.1). Let us denote PROOF OF THEOREM 2.1. of (1.1)with the initial condition point (x0,Y0), Since u(x,y), v(x,y), h(t) define the Poincre inE P(x0,Y0) v(x0’Y0) Y(2=;x0’Y0) of (1.1] and (x(t;x0,Y0), y(t;x0,Y0]) the solution (x(0;x0,Y0), y(0;x0,Y0)) (x0,Y0). For every mapping P(x0,Y0) (x(Z=;x0,Y0) y(2=;x0,Y0)). g(t) of (1.1) are continuous, the Poincre mappLet u(x0,Y0) x(Z=;x0,Y0) x and is continuous. Y0" 0 The pair (u,v) is a continuous vector field In the plane Let M be the positive constant Euaranteed by Lemma 2.2. Choose a positive that > M. to M’ M’ the Lemma 2.2, for all According (Xo,YO) such + (S’) 2, we have 2n= < 0(0) 8(2=) < 2(n+I)= for some nonnegatlve that v(x 0, y )) =(x Thus (u(x y integer n O’ 0 o’Yo for any real constant and 2for 0 + 2 (H’) 2 all (x0,Y0) such that As (x0,Y0) moves alone the circle x0 + x0 Y0 2 ,2 in counter (H) clockwise direction, the vector u(x0,Y0), v(x0,Y0) rotates Y0 constant ysuch x = 2’ throuEh an anEle of 2=. continuous vector field The sum of the Poincre index of a (u(x0,Y0), v(x0,Y0)) sinsular point of the in the compact domain {(x0’Y0)lxu + NONLINEAR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION y 2 s (M’ is equal to There must exist at least one singular point of the I. We denote it by vector field in this domain. s (M’) + Hence that 2 2 771 2. (,). P(,y) (,y). (x,y), (x(2=;,), y(2=;x,)) It is clear This is a 2=-perlodlc solution. The following two theorems (2.2 and 2.3) are almost the same as two well-known However, theorems. _ these two particular theorems require slightly different Furthermore, these two,theorems can assumptions than the two well-known theorems. be proved using Theorem 2.1. TIl 2.2. where + and is a continuous Consider the following nonlinear ordinary differential equation: d2x dr2 (+)2x+ ()2x- are positive constants, x < < n2 + + H(t) max {-x,O} and max {x,O}, x If 2=-perlodic function. 2 n+l + (2.7) H(t) for some neZ + (2.8a) or 2 < < + (2 8b) + then the equation (2.7) has a PROOF. 2-perlodic solution. Let us define u(x) (+ )2 if x z 0 [(_12 if x < O. Then u(x}-x (+)2x+ )2x ()2x- f (+ [ (_)2x if xzO if x< O. Clearly, u(x).x is a continuous functlon of x. dx y. Then the equation (2.7) is equivalent to: Let (2.9) = which is of the same -u(xl’x + H(t} It satisfies a local Lipschltz condition. type as (I.I). Lipschltz constant is equal to Max {(e+ )2 ( 12 The Expressing (2.9) in the polar 1} coordinates, we have dp X(p,e) + H(t)slne (z. zo) -_(-H{t)cos e), -(p,e} when sine cose u(x}’x sine - p sine cose(l-u(x}) pslnecose(1 =+]2) if pslnecose(1 _}2) if e < e < 2 772 H. CH-U AND S. DING nd (p,e] sln2e + (x).x cose _ 2 2 sln2e + +cos e, sln2e + 2cos2e_ sln2e + g(x)cos2e Now, de + (p e) + -x if e < x e < If -. It Is easy to verlfy that the equatlon (2.7) satisfles the condltlons (C1), (C2) and (C3). THEOREN 2.3. Consider d2x dx + G(x) 2 (2.11) H(t) where G(x) is Lipschitz continuous with respect to continuous with respect to x, and H(t) is 2=-periodic and Suppose (2.11) satisfies the followin8 condition: t. G(x____) (n+6) 2 < lim x Ix-]-;- ml 2, (2. IZ] and some -= -/,-, - (n+l-6) Ixl(R) for the some non-negatlve Integer n 0 < 6 < < 1-- G(x----! x _< ml 2x Then the equation (2.11) has a 2-perlodlc solution. F. Let dx y, then the equation (2.11) is equivalent to the system -[ y (2.131 dy -G(x) + H(t). -[ the system Observe that (x,y) y, u(x,y) (2.13) is G(x), h(t] a 0 polar coordinates form (2.1), we have: sin2e + p!G(p cose) cose (e,t) special case g(t) A(p,e] H(t) sine of p and the system (1.1), where Expressin8 (2.11) in the H(t). and cose G(p cose) sine, (p,e) (e,t) -H(t) cose. Now, one can easily verify that the equation (2.13) satisfies the conditions (C1), (C), and (C3). 3. Consider the system dx (3.1) =-f(x,y} + H(t) where f(x,y) (x,y} O if k2x3 otherwise, x2+y2’ (0,0) NONLINEAR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION k > and H(t) is a continuous 2=-periodlc function. 773 PROOF. f(x,y) Observe that the function -- and (C3). Express (3.1), in polar coordinate form. dp A(p,e) and 6f + H(t)slne (3.2) (slnZe + kZcos4e) + H(t)cose k2cos2e) e cos e 8(1 p sin 6f and Then e(1-k2cos2e) p sine cos de with is continuous, We now show that (3.1) satisfies the conditions (CI), (C2), x,y. exist, for all - Then (3.1) has a 2=-perlodlc solution. sinZe + kZcos4e. w(p,e} and Using the Residue Theorem of complex analysis we find jo Let tan e w(p,e) j0 slne+k 2 cos 2 e d tan 2 tan2e + e -/2 k + 2 tan2e x then e d tan 2 2 .tan2 -/2 + (l+x2)dx =2 k2 + x4+xZ+k2 =2 (x2+ (l+xZ)dx x+k) (x2-2V-1 x+k) tan2e There are two complex roots: Xl 2 x2 2 and in the upper-half complex plane. Thus the above 4(2k-1)(k+1) 4i[2i Since follows that integer n k and (4k{Zk-1)) k+----such that ] inteEral is equal to 2(k+1) kV2k+1 are relatively prime and k + k2kV-f + i/k+ k + > v2k+l k z , it cannot be an integer, and thus there exists a non-negatlve n < k2kV < n + 1. k+l The condition (CZ}, satisfied. It is evident that (Cl} and (C3) are true. 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