Visions of New Physics on Rare B Decays and CP Violation May 24, 2007 @ NTHU Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 1 Outline I ΔmBs, ΔΓBs Intro: ΔS, ΔAKπ Z Penguins and Boxes Why 4th Generation Revisit? ACP(K+π0) ≠ ACP(K+π−) II Accounting for ΔAKπ and ΔS (in NLO PQCD) III Bs Mixing vs B → Xs ℓ+ℓ− → Large CPV in Bs Mixing Large CPV Phase (or Nil) ΔΓBs related effects; AFB in B → K*ℓ+ℓ− IV DCPV in B+ → J/ψK+ ? IV Aside: KL → π0νν; D0 Mixing V Conclusion Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 2 I. Intro: ΔS, ΔAKπ Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 3 We want New P hysics b ↔ s CPV Phenomena Is Current Two Hints • Sf in b → sqq • AK+π - − AK+π Puzzle 0 • ΔmBs • ΔΓBs Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV NP Frontier TCPV DCPV Mixing-dep. Direct SM-like George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 4 Ssqq − b SccsJ< 0sProblem 2006:ΔSφ1= with Penguins Smaller Smaller than than bJccs bJccs in in all all 99 modes modes Theory Expect sin2φ1s-penguin > sin2φ1cc(bar)s Naïve Naïveaverage averageof ofall allbbJ Jssmodes modes eff sin2β sin2βeff==0.52 0.52± ±0.05 0.05 2.6 σ deviation 2.6σ deviationbtwn btwn bbJ Jsqq sqqand andbbJ Jccs ccs New Physics !? Need More Data ! Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 5 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 6 Acp on B → Kπ Events / (30 MeV) B → K ±π μ Belle B ABAR Preliminary 400 200 0 -0.1 0 0.1 ΔE (GeV) Acp = −0.107±0.018 +0.007 −0.093±0.018±0.008 −0.004 −0.086±0.023±0.009 • World Average including CLEO: Acp(K+π−) = −0.097±0.012Δ A Kπ • Acp(K+π0) = +0.047±0.026 ⇒ ΔA(Kπ) = −0.144 ± 0.029 @5σ • Need to explain the deviation. Hadronic effect or new physics? • A(K0π0) FPCP07, 15 May = −0.12±0.11; ⇓ = +0.33±0.21 S(K0π0) P. Chang ⇒ Super B factory! Rare Hadronic B Decays 6 Why ΔA Kπ = AK π − AK π > 0 a Puzzle ? + 0 −9.5±1.3 % + − +4.7±2.6 % ? ΔA Kπ ~ 0 expected Large C ? Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV Suppress Tree CPV Phase George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 9 Kπ decays: direct CPV asymmetries Outlook/Golutvin/FPCP07 Direct CPV asymmetries in K-π+ and K-π0 channels differ by 4.4 σ Various interpretations (unlikely to be a “puzzle”) : ¾ factorization in SCET (see Mike Gronau, Iain Stewart, ¾ Large color suppressed tree contribution Hsiang-nan Li) ¾ pQCD NLO DCPVth/Gronau/FPCP07 Really? Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 11 SCET fitted Failed fitted Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 12 DCPVth/Gronau/FPCP07 Really? Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 13 Baek-London, hep-ph/0701181v2 Neubert@FPCP07: Just a fit, cannot sustain from computation. I’m in agreement with Baek-London. And this is the start of our Vision Thing. Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 14 Why ΔA Kπ = AK π − AK π > 0 a Puzzle ? + 0 −9.5±1.3 % + − +4.7±2.6 % ? ΔA Kπ ~ 0 expected Large C ? Suppress Tree CPV Phase Large EWPenguin ? Need NP CPV Phase ∵ T and PEW ≈ same strong phase B− b t, t’? u Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV s u d 0 _ π d K− 4th Gen. in EWP Natural George W.S. Hou (NTU) Why ? 05/24/07, NTHU 15 4th Generation !? Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 16 4th Generation Still? • Nν counting? 4th “neutrino” heavy Massive neutrinos call for new Physics Despite MiniBooNE ruling out LSND. Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 17 4th Generation Still? • Nν counting? 4th “neutrino” heavy Massive neutrinos call for new Physics • Disfavored by EW Precision Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV (see e.g. J. Erler hep-ph/0604035; PDG06 George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 18 Ben Grinstein @ CKM06 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 19 Ben Grinstein @ CKM06 Close to what we’ll see ! Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 20 4th Generation Still? • Nν counting? 4th “neutrino” heavy Massive neutrinos call for new Physics • Disfavored by EW Precision (see e.g. J. Erler hep-ph/0604035; PDG06 • Flavor physicists should not throw 4th Generation away ! Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 21 CDF Continues to Search Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 22 CDF Continues to Search Softening of Bound Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU ! 23 In era of LHC, can Directly Search for b’, t’ Once and For All ! CMS/ATLAS Duty. A set goal at NTUHEP Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 24 4th Generation Still? - Nν counting? 4th “neutrino” heavy Massive neutrinos call for new Physics - Disfavored by EW Precision (see e.g. J. Erler hep-ph/0604035; PDG06 • Flavor physicists should not throw 4th Generation away ! • EW Precision test is “old” ...; Overconstrain ourselves, or look forward to LHC ? Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 25 Personal Reason for 4th Generation Revisit ACP(K+π0) ≠ ACP(K+π−) Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 26 3.8σ 2005 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 27 Sakai Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 28 ... ... It was the handiwork of “yours truly” ... Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 29 My first B paper nondecoupling EW Penguin HF & BPh -4 + Box George W.S. Hou (NTU) ISSMB06, 9/28/06 30 On Boxes and Z Penguins nondecoupling GIM , charm , ε K small ε ’K , K → πνν (still waiting) heavy top , sin2φ1/β Z dominance for heavy top 1986 → 2002 HF & BPh -4 George W.S. Hou (NTU) ISSMB06, 9/28/06 31 On Boxes and Z Penguins nondecoupling GIM , charm , ε K small ε ’K , K → πνν (still waiting) Bs heavy top , sin2φ1/β Z dominance for heavy top 1986 → 2002 All w/ 3-gen., t, Just wait if there’s 4th HF & BPh -4 t’ George W.S. Hou (NTU) D! b’ , t’ @ LHC ISSMB06, 9/28/06 32 II. Accounting for ΔAKπ, ΔS Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 33 Effective b → s Hamiltonian and t’ Effect SM 3 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 34 t ➯ t, t’ t SM 4 t M 12 ∝ f B2s B B s { λ c2 S 0 ( t , t ) + 2 λ c λ t' [ S 0 ( t , t ) − S 0 ( t , t' ) ] + λ t2' [ S 0 ( t , t ) − 2 S 0 ( t , t' ) + S 0 ( t' , t' ) ] } GIM Respecting Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 35 Box/EWP Sensitivity to 4th Gen. γ, g less sensitive Ci C4 t 0.6 ΔS 0(1) = S 0 (t , t' ) − S 0 (t , t ) ΔS 0( 2 ) = S 0 (t' , t' ) + S 0 (t , t ) − 2 S 0 (t , t' ) 0.4 EW penguin i9 0.2 i4 i6 0 i7 0.2 200 2.5 t Si S 0 0 nondecoupling (No New Operators) 250 QCD penguin 300 mt' GeV 2 350 i2 1.5 1 i1 0.5 0 250 300 350 400 450 500 mt' Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 36 ACP ACP(K+π−) ~ −0.12, ACP(K+π0 ) ~ +0.04 ? 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’05 K Π0 LO PQCD 180 270 K Π 0 90 Φs 360 ☞ ACP(K+π−) almost independent of t’ ☞ ACP(Kπ0) − ACP(Kπ) > 0.1 demands • φsb ~ +π/2 ∼ 0.04 Large Effect • Large mt’ and rsb Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 37 Use nominal mt’ = 300 GeV Change mt’ , Change parameter range Effect the Same. Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 38 ΔA = AK π − AK π ~ 14% 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 LO PQCD ♁ 4th Gen. + − ΔA ≈ 12% vs 14% (data) 0 K Π B− K Π 0 90 180 270 K Π0 Both 0 Joining C & PEW ΔA 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV Φsb Δ ≈ −0.11 1.0 and ΔS0.9in Right Direction ! 0.8 S vs −0.34±0.2x (data) SM3 input 0.7 0.6 K Π 0.15 − K u WSH, Li, Mishima, Nagashima, PRL’07 0.05 0.1 s t, t’ d 0 _π d 360 ΔA ≈ 15% 0.05 b u Φs NLO PQCD ♁ 4th Gen. ACP 0 SΠ0 K0 ACP + 0.5 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 George W.S. Hou (NTU) Φsb 05/24/07, NTHU 39 Opposite Sign Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 40 III. Prediction: Large CPV in Bs Mixing Two Reasons WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 41 and mBs 1ps 30 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL’05 25 20 Just Around Corner! (SM3-like) 15 10 0 90 180 Φs 270 360 1 sin2Bs Prospects Phase 0.5 ~ −0.2 to −0.7 ! Defintely BSM if measured ! 0 0.5 0 4th generation 90 180 Φs 270 360 George W.S. Hou (NTU) Flavour/LHC 2/06 42 Bs Mixing vs B → Xsℓ+ℓ− Large CPV in Bs Mixing Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 43 Use nominal mt’ = 300 GeV Change mt’ , Change parameter range Effect the Same. Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 44 bs 106 mBs ps1 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 24 SM 22 r (high) sb 20 0.01 18 CDF 2σ range 16 0.02 14 12 0.03 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 12 Φsb 0.03 0.02 10 8 0.01 6 HFAG 1σ range 4 2 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 • Fixed rsb ➯ Narrow φsb Range ‧ destructive with top For rsb ~ 0.02 – 0.03, φsb Range ~ 60 ° - 70 ° Finite CPV Phase Consistent w/ Φsb Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV [Vcb ~ 0.04 George W.S. Hou (NTU) B(b→sll) SM-like ! Large CPV Possible ! Despite ΔmBs, B(b→sll) SM-like 05/24/07, NTHU 45 Large CPV in Bs Mixing sin2Bs mBs ps1 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 24 SM 22 r (high) sb 20 0.01 18 CDF 2σ range 16 0.02 14 12 0.03 1 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Bs rMixing Measured • Fixed sb ➯ Narrow φsb Range @ Tevatron in 4/2006 destructive with top ‧ For rsb ~ 0.02 – 0.03, [Vcb ~ 0.04 φsb Range ~ 60 ° - 70 ° Finite CPV Phase Φsb 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.01 0.02 ? 0.03 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV Φsb George W.S. Hou (NTU) sin2ΦBs ~ ±0.5 - ± 0.7 Despite ΔmBs, B(b→sll) SM-like 05/24/07, NTHU 46 Large CPV in Bs Mixing sin2Bs mBs ps1 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 24 SM 22 r (high) sb 20 0.01 18 CDF 2σ range 16 0.02 14 12 0.03 1 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 Δ Sign Predicted ! ? 0.03 60 120 180 240 300 360 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV π K A Can Large CPV in Bs Mixing Be Measured @ Tevatron ? 0.01 0.02 0 S Δ , Φsb George W.S. Hou (NTU) Sure thing by LHCb ca. 2008 sin2Φ ΦBBss ~~ ±0.5 −0.5 -- ±−0.7 sin2 0.7 Despite ΔmBs, B(b→sll) SM-like 05/24/07, NTHU 47 Sin 2βs expectations Use CP asymmetry in Bs! ψφ 0.6 ¾ 80% CP-even 0.5 Reduced asymmetry ¾ Tevatron could reach σ(sin2βs) < 0.2/exp. ¾ ~ early LHC-B Also, K. Pitts private comm. PSI + TTT sigma S(Psi p Sψφ = 60% sin 2βs J/ψ triggers J/psi phi 986 events in 1 fb-1 J/psi+Psi' 0.4 ed2=0.07 0.3 SVT triggers 0.2 672 events in 1 fb-1 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Int. Lumi (fb-1) back CKM workshop, Nagoya 2006 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa 6 χ: Tevatron prospects (?) & LHC Outlook/Golutvin/FPCP07 Bs →J/ψφ is the Bs counterpart of B0→J/ψ KS In SM φS = -2arg(Vts) = -2Λ2η ~ -0.04 Sensitive to New Physics effects in the Bs-Bs system if NP in mixing → φS = φS(SM) + φS(NP) 2 CP-even, 1 CP-odd amplitudes, angular analysis needed to separate, then fit to φS, ΔΓS, CP-odd fraction LHCb ATLAS will reach s(φs) ~ 0.08 (10/fb, Δms=20/ps, 90k J/ψφ evts) ΔΓBs related effects: another avenue hep-ex/0702030 WSH & Mahajan hep-ph/0702163 J. Piedra @ Flavour/LHC Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 50 sin2Bs Large CPV in Bs Mixing 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 cos2 Bs 1 rsb 0.01 0.02 sin2ΦBs ~ −0.5 - − 0.7 0.03 0 0.9 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb 0.8 Measure @ Tevatron ? cos2ΦBs ~ 0.85 - 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 51 AFB in B → K*ℓ+ℓ− Probe Complexity w/o CPV Hovhannisyan, WSH and Mahajan, hep-ph/0701046 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 52 C7, C9, C10 taken REAL Why should they be ? M. Iwasaki @ CKM06 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 53 Form factors induce some level of theoretical uncertainty Use form factors calculated within LCSR – Ball & Zwicky Forward-backward asymmetry Form Factor Products Richer Interference Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 54 SM like : & Hovhannisyan, WSH and Mahajan, hep-ph/0701046 data: LHCb MC (2 fb−1) a: SM b: 4 Gen. shaded: rough boundaries (for illustration only ) Constrained to 1σ experimental range for exclusive radiative and semi-leptonic rates Probe Complexity w/o CPV ~ Early LHCb data Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 55 Bd → K*μμ: FBA sensitivity Generator zero-crossing point: From 1000 experiments of 2 fb-1: s0 = 4.10 GeV2 No background With background s0 = 4.17 ± 0.38 GeV2 s0 = 4.11 ± 0.52 GeV2 With 10 fb-1 (with background) Example 2 fb-1 s0 = 4.17 ± 0.28 GeV2 With 10 fb-1 experiment Mμμ2 (GeV2) Jeremy Dickens Fitted zero-point (GeV2) @ CKM06 D by d e d eman ts t i P n Kevi IV. DCPV in B+ → J/ψK+ ? WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0605080 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 57 Intriguing “Prediction”: AJ/ψK + ≠ 0 ? • B → J/ψK+ dominated by color suppressed b → ccs (a2) [hard to predict - Inclusion of SM3 Penguin does not alter Weak Phase ~ 0 • The amplitude above likely has Strong Phase δ - ALL “color-suppressed” processes turned out Enhanced ~ some effective strong phase Examples: * B0 → D+π− and D0π0 ➯ δ ∼ 30° in Dπ system * B0 → π0π0 and π+π− ➯ δ ∼ ??° in ππ system (Belle vs BaBar) Expt - B → J/ψK+ Rate is enhanced: “hadronic” Analogous to enhancement seen in B → J/ψK* ➯ Strong Phase Diff. in Helicity Amplitudes: δ ∼ 30° • Enter t’: Weak Phase e i φsb Factorized amplitude : J/ψ spits off from virtual Z B− b u t, t’ Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV s u c _ J/ψ c K− ➯ δ George W.S. Hou (NTU) ∼ 30° Likely Retained Interference Making of DCPV ! 05/24/07, NTHU 58 AJ/ψK ≠ 0 ? + indirect 0.057 0.752 +−0.035 Another hint: Low SJ/ψK ? Belle/BaBar CKMfit 0.790 ± 0.031 UTfit vs. 0.685 ± 0.032 Cannot tell in b → d Show later JΨ KS 0.75 0.7 0.65 JΨ K JΨ KS 0.75 small δ effect small 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV δ∼0 0.7 0.65 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Δ George W.S. Hou (NTU) HFAG similar dip as ΔS 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb δ ∼ ± 30° PDG ’06 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Δ 05/24/07, NTHU 59 Prognosis for AJ/ψK + Measurement PDG ’06 lip f n Sig ICHEP06: AJ/ψK 124M 32M 10M 0 0.018 ± 0.021 ± 0.014 Belle −0.07 ± 0.028 ± 0.018 BaBar BaBar/Belle Should Update ! 89M • AJ/ψK + is getting serious • Systematics Control! — Needed towards SuperB !! Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 60 The White Horse Much larger control sample ! Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) Better Systematics ! 05/24/07, NTHU 61 Prognosis for AJ/ψK + Measurement PDG ’06 ICHEP06: AJ/ψK 0 0.018 ± 0.021 ± 0.014 Belle −0.07 ± 0.028 ± 0.018 BaBar BaBar/Belle Should Update ! 124M 32M 10M lip f n Sig 89M • AJ/ψK + is getting serious • Systematics Control! — Needed towards SuperB !! Could be seen by 2008 ?! Better than Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) K. Pitts CDF could reach 0.3% ΔA and ΔS ? 05/24/07, NTHU 62 JΨ K Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 δ ∼ ± 30° PDG ’06 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Δ George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 63 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 64 IV. Aside: KL → π0νν; D0 Mixing Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 65 Full 4 x 4 Unitarity ➯ Z/K Constraints “Typical” CKM Matrix WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’05 s ← b _ Z → bb d ← s ✓ b → s ∗ Vus Vub Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV Vts∗Vtb Vt∗′sVt ′b Satisfy b → d: Cannot tell triangle from quadrangle ∗ Vud Vub Vtd Vtb∗ x ~ 0.22 ∗ Vcd Vcb Vcs∗ Vcb George W.S. Hou (NTU) b→d Vt ′d Vt∗′b 05/24/07, NTHU 66 KLΠ0ΝΝ 1011 Prediction for 250 Current E391A U.L. 200 150 Grossman-Nir Very hard to measure 100 50 0 0 60 120 180 Φds 240 300 360 SM 3 Rate could be enhanced up to almost two orders !! enhanced to In general larger than ∵ Large CPV Phase Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) or even higher !! !! WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’05 05/24/07, NTHU 67 4 x 4 Unitarity ➯ Z/K/D Connections “Typical” CKM Matrix (Too) Large/Imaginary Data Driven Ben Grinstein @ CKM06 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV Close to what we’ll see ! George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 68 4 x 4 Unitarity ➯ Z/K/D Connections “Typical” CKM Matrix (Too) Large/Imaginary Data Driven SM LD NP SD ∗ ∗ ∗ Vud Vcd + VusVcs∗ + VubVcb + Vub' Vcb' =0 −0.218 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV +0.215 George W.S. Hou (NTU) +0.0033 e −i 5° 05/24/07, NTHU 69 D. Asner Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 70 D. Asner Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 71 Short-distance Only WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 PDG06 310 270 mb’ = 230 GeV iφ db ∗ Vt ′d Vt ′b ≡ r dbe From 4 x 4 Unitarity ∗ Vub' Vcb' x = Δm/Γ ~ 1 - 3 plausible w/ Sizable (but not huge) CPV in Mixing ~ −15% N.B. SM LD could generate y ~ 1, x ≈ y [Falk, Grossman, Ligeti, (Nir,) Petrov] Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 72 Short-distance Only WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 PDG06 310 270 mb’ = 230 GeV Nir: xLD opposite sign to y (assumptions) but x, y expt same sign When can be tested ? xSD x == Δm/Γ Δm/Γ~ ~1 1- 3- 3plausible plausible w/ Sizable (buthuge) not huge) Sizable (but not CPV in Mixing ~ −15% CPV in Mixing ~ −15% to −20% N.B. SM LD could generate y ~ 1, x ≈ y [Falk, Grossman, Ligeti, (Nir,) Petrov] Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 73 V. Conclusion Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 74 On Boxes and Z Penguins nondecoupling GIM , charm , ε K small ε ’K , K → πνν (still waiting) Bs heavy top , sin2φ1/β Z dominance for heavy top 1986 → 2002 All w/ 3-gen., Just wait if there’s 4th Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV D! b’ , t’ @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 75 Outline I ΔmBs, ΔΓBs Intro: ΔS, ΔAKπ Z Penguins and Boxes Why 4th Generation Revisit? ACP(K+π0) ≠ ACP(K+π−) II Accounting for ΔAKπ and ΔS (in NLO PQCD) III Bs Mixing vs B → Xs ℓ+ℓ− → Large CPV in Bs Mixing Large CPV Phase (or Nil) ΔΓBs related effects; AFB in B → K*ℓ+ℓ− IV DCPV in B+ → J/ψK+ ? % level IV Aside: KL → π0νν; D0 Mixing sin2ΦBs ~ −0.5 - − 0.7 cos2ΦBs ~ 0.85 - 0.7 Will start to place bet if measured ! V Conclusion Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 76 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 77 bsΓ104 PDG ’06 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SM3 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb BR OK Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV 4 2 SM3 0 2 4 0 i9 0 0.2 200 Φsb beyond SuperB 0.4 0.2 60 120 180 240 300 360 ACP ~ 0 far away 0.6 Ci C4 t Heavy t’ effect decoupled for b → sγ ACPbsΓ % Consistency and b → sγ Predictions i7 250 i4 i6 300 mt' GeV 350 George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 78 K0π Predictions 0.05 K0 Π 0.05 Ri ACP 0 K0 Π0 0.1 0.15 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb ICHEP06: ~ 0 AK π 0 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 solid:Rn dash: Rc R 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φsb ~ −0.12 + − AK 0π 0 ≈ 14% ✓ −0.02±0.04 +0.02±0.13 HFAG (+0.11 ± 0.18 ± 0.08) Belle Rc ≲ Rn ≈ 1.08 ✓ R ≈ 0.94 Not in good agreement — Await further test Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 79 New Electroweak Penguins in the Ratios Rn and Rc q: measures the importance of the EW penguins with respect to the tree-diagram-like topologies φ: CP-violating weak phase NLO PQCD ♁ 4th Gen. SM Old WA Data New Belle Data w/414 fb-1 Buras, Fleischer et al, APO B36(2005)2015-2050 2006/11/01 DPF/JPS 4 x 4 Unitarity ➯ Constraints SM3 We need to deal with mixing matrix in detail to keep Unitarity b→s Kaon Cross Check ! b→d impose From b → s study Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 81 Constrain s ↔ d from K Physics 8 (shaded) rds 104 6 (E. Pallante et al.) R6 2.2 R8 1.1 R6 1.0 R8 1.2 R6 2.2 R8 0.8 4 2 “Standard” (J. Bijnens et al.) R6 1.2 R8 1.2 0 No SM3 solution 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φds Therefore…. well-satisfy Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) ! 05/24/07, NTHU 82 vs Vub ~ 0.01 e-iγ well-satisfy FB BB 246MeV 0.78 0.60 sin2ΦBd mBd ps1 0.65 0.55 0.5 FB BB 208MeV 0.45 0 60 120 180 Φdb 240 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.68 300 0 360 60 120 180 Φdb 240 360 Disfavored Vtd Vtb* VudVub* 300 Vtd Vtb* Vt’dVt’b* Vcd Vcb* Hard to tell apart (non-trivial) with present precision ∵ stringent s → d Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 83 AJ/ψK ≠ 0 ? Mechanism Generic + e.g. Z’ model of Barger, Chiang, Langacker, Lee, PLB’04 0.8 0.1 0.75 0.05 JΨ K JΨ KS Less constrained ! 0.7 0.65 0.6 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 ΦL 0.0 0.05 0.1 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 AJ/ψK Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) Δ + ~ few % possible 05/24/07, NTHU 84 AFB in B → K*ℓ+ℓ− made easy γ – Z interference with MZ brought low ! γ e+e− → hadrons B - K* Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 85 Quark level Quantum amplitude: Real by convention C 9eff = C 9 + Y ( s ) C 7eff = ξ 7 C 7 + ξ 8 C 8 + ∑ξ j ≠ 7 ,8 j Cj No Reason a priori why C7, C9, C10 should be Real To be Probed BY EXPERIMENT Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 86 Parameterization at weak scale Such an introduction of complexity is beyond MFV and may look very outrageous at first glance, though not impossible, e.g. in generic Z’ models or more than 3 generations B → ρλ λ : V V ub ≈ V V tb + − * ud * td C 9 → C 9 + λu # Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV BK l l 0.1 AFB N.B. Wilson coeffs. becoming complex is already present in SM (not via New Phys corrections) 0.2 0 0.1 BΡl l 0.2 0 George W.S. Hou (NTU) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 s 05/24/07, NTHU 87 General: Both Zero & Shape Sensitive to NP a: SM b: 4 gen. d: ruled out e: disfavoured c: ~ SM, even the zero, different for large q2 Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 88 General: Both Zero & Shape Sensitive to NP a: SM b: 4 gen. d: ruled out e: disfavoured c: ~ SM, even the zero, different for large q2 data: LHCb MC (2 fb−1) b → sγ DCPV can be tested at SuperB Early LHCb Data Can Tell Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 89 In general 10 operators ⇨ 20 parameters Impractical for early fit; Other measurables sought (K* pol.) Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 90 4th Gen. is non-MFV, SM-like Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 91 4th Generation the epitome Sheldon Stone Vision Rare b ↔ s/CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) 05/24/07, NTHU 92 Short-distance Only WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, hep-ph/0610385 mD ps1 0.1 0.08 PDG06 310 270 mb’ = 230 GeV 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 sin2D 0.4 iφ db ∗ Vt ′d Vt ′b ≡ r dbe From 4 x 4 Unitarity ∗ Vub' Vcb' 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φdb x = Δm/Γ ~ 1 - 3 plausible w/ Sizable (but not huge) CPV in Mixing ~ −15% 0.2 0 0.2 0 RareB/CPV-BSM 60 120 180 240 300 360 Φdb N.B. SM LD could generate y ~ 1, x ≈ y [Falk, Grossman, Ligeti, (Nir,) Petrov] George W.S. Hou (NTU) KEKTC6 2/8/07 93 Data (PDG06) • Hint for D mixing • No evidence for CPV Need more data ! Promising ! Real interest is x (probe New Physics) RareB/CPV-BSM George W.S. Hou (NTU) KEKTC6 2/8/07 94