B Meson Physics on the Lattice Matthew Wingate DAMTP University of Cambridge Quark flavor mixing e+ CKM mechanism in the Standard Model Weak interactions change quark flavors ! u d! "! c s! "! t b! " W+ u νe d! Flavor mixing ! d Vud s! = Vcd Vtd b! Vus Vcs Vts d Vub Vcb s b Vtb V is the CKM matrix. Unitarity implies 4 undetermined parameters For other reasons (Higgs fine-tuning, gauge coupling-unification) we expect new physics at the TeV scale Success of CKM model tightly constrains new models of EWSB New physics models & quark flavor little Higgs w. MFV UV fix ED w. SM on brane generic Little Higgs generic ED w. SM in bulk MSSM MSSM SUSY GUTs supersoft SUSY breaking MFV MFV dirac gauginos low tan! large tan ! effective SUSY SM like B physics new physics in B data Discovery potential of flavor physics experiments or Nondiscovery rules out/tightly constrains these models Figure from G. Hiller, hep-ph/0207121 Illustration from I. Shipsey, Nature 427, 591 (2004) Wherefore LQCD for Flavor Physics? a. Want to study weak decay of b to u b. Confinement: Nature shows us the B meson, not just the b quark c. Expt. sees B − → π 0 e− ν e LQCD brings us from meson level to quark level Wolfenstein Parameterization Expansion based on empirical observation |Vus | = 0.22 ! 1 |Vcb | ≈ |Vus |2 |Vub | ! |Vcb | 2 3 1 − λ /2 λ Aλ (ρ − iη) + O(λ4 ) −λ 1 − λ2 /2 Aλ2 Aλ3 (1 − ρ − iη) −Aλ2 1 In practice, go to next order ! 2 λ ρ̄ = ρ 1 − 2 " ! 2 λ η̄ = η 1 − 2 " Wolfenstein Parameterization λ = 0.2205 ± 0.0018(0.8%) o s A a s r a e f fa y ew ρ̄ = 0.196 ± 0.045(23%) A = 0.824 ± 0.075(9%) . . . go η̄ = 0.347 ± 0.025(7%) Experimental Constraints sin 2β from B → (J/ψ)K 0 ∆M from B ↔ B 0 } need LQCD input } εK from K 0 ↔ K 0 Vub and Vcb from exclusive semileptonic decays B → π"ν B → D!ν Persistent Standard Model UTfit collaboration PRL 97, 151803 (2006) η CKMfitter Group (J. Charles et al.) http://www.ckmfitter.in2p3.fr version of Oct 2006 γ 1 β ∆md ∆ms 0.5 V ub V cb 0 α -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 ρ A couple discrepencies at 3σ: Hints or fluctuations? FIG. 1 (color online). Determina 3 New flavor physics Master Formula Beyond the SM rmula (4.14) can be generalized to a master formula for weak decay amplitudes that goes b M [59]. It reads A(Decay) = ! i i i Bi ηQCD VCKM [FSM i + i FNew ]+ ! k k BkNew [ηQCD ]New VNew [GkNew ] , k i = F i (x ) given explicitly in (4.1 here the first terms represent the SM contributions with FSM t A. Buras’ master formula New physics can contribute to our master formula in two ways. It can modify the i a given operator, already in SM, through the new short distance functions Variouspresent classifications (5)the of new physics models pend on the new parameters in the extensions of the SM like the masses of charginos, squark MFV: only new Inami-Lin--like functions FNew particles enter the new box an ggs particles and tan β = v2 /v1 in the MSSM. These new agrams. In Complementary more complicated for extensions of the SM operators direct searches fornew new physics (Dirac structures) that sent or very strongly suppressed in the SM, can become important. Their contributions are k k theory high precision , [ηQCD ]New ,and VNew , GkNew being analogs of the corr the secondRequires sum in (4.21) with BkNewexperiment k jects in the first sum of the master formula. The VNew show explicitly that the second sum B factors are hadronic matrix elements, need LQCD nerally new sources of flavour and CP violation beyond the CKM matrix. This sum may, how clude contributions governed by the CKM matrix that are strongly suppressed in the SM b k k . Clearly the new functions portant in some extensions of the SM. In this case VNew = VCKM k as well as the factors V k may depend on new CP violating phases complicating co Big picture We expect physics beyond the Standard Model, e.g. to explain the hierarchy problem, unify forces, give a good dark matter candidate. Directly create new particles at the LHC: measure masses New particles couple to Standard Model particles Discern new coupling constants from precise flavor experiments (BaBar, Belle, Tevatron, LHC, ...) Most new models have new sources of flavor changing interactions, even having a flavor problem Flavor physics is LHC-era physics Lattice QCD connects meson measurements to quark couplings through systematically improvable first principles calculations Outline Importance of flavor physics and role of lattice QCD Our strategy for achieving accurate results now Recent results B→πlν Neutral B mixing New effort: radiative & semileptonic penguin decays (b → s) Lattice QCD in a nutshell QCD Lagrangian a F a,µν − L = − 14 Fµν ! " # µ a a γ (∂ − igA ψ µ q q µ t ) + m q ψq = Lg − ψQψ Break-up spacetime into a grid Quarks on sites Maintains gauge invariance Breaking of rotational/translational Lorentz invariance at short distances is controllable and removable Glue on links Lattice QCD in a nutshell QFT : Euclidean space path integral 1 !J (z )J (z)" = Z ! ! [dψ][dψ̄][dU ] J (z ! )J (z) e−SE SFT : Sum over all microstates ! " 1 ! −βH Tr J (z )J (z) e !J (z )J (z)" = Z ! Use same numerical methods! Monte Carlo Simulation : Find and use field “configurations” which dominate the integral/sum Lattice QCD in a nutshell Gluonic expectation values ! 1 [dψ][dψ̄][dU ] Θ[U ] e−Sg [U ]−ψ̄Q[U ]ψ !Θ" = Z! 1 [dU ] Θ[U ] det Q[U ] e−Sg [U ] = Z Fermionic expectation values !ψ̄Γψ" = ! δ δ −ζ̄Q−1 [U ]ζ [dU ] Γ e δ ζ̄ δζ Probability weight " " −Sg [U ] " det Q[U ]e " ζ, ζ̄ → 0 Determinant in probability weight difficult Quenched approximation 1) Requires nonlocal updating; 2) Matrix becomes singular Set det Q = 1 Partial quenching = different mass for valence Q−1 than for sea det Q Challenges (viz systematic errors) Lattice volume must be big enough Lattice spacing must be smaller than physically relevant length scales Cost increases quickly as a decreases: a−4 × a−(∼2.5) Heavy quarks have small Compton wavelengths Singular behavior at light quark masses requires extrapolations from feasible masses to physical masses Need mild mass dependence or trustworthy theory (chiral PT) Summary of our strategy The goal: to address all systematic errors simultaneously (Improved) staggered fermion formulation in order to be in chiral regime Nonrelativistic bottom quark to avoid extrapolations in mb -treats heavy quark effects through effective field theory Discretization errors treated via Symanzik effective field theory Perturbation theory -- automation Some critics think they can do better in the future with other methods. GOOD! That is progress This approach has been very successful in improving lattice results for phenomenology (compare: quenched, outside chiral regime) Light quark effects are important C. Davies, et al., PRL 92 (2004) Other checks and predictions Bc meson mass (Fermilab/HPQCD LQCD; CDF expt) D & Ds meson decay constants (Fermilab/MILC LQCD; CLEO-c expt) D → K!ν form factor (Fermilab/MILC LQCD; BES, FOCUS expt’s) QCD coupling and quark masses (HPQCD) Fermilab/HPQCD Fermilab/MILC 6600 D → Klν 2 6300 1.5 2 6400 f+(q )/f+(0) 2 mBc (MeV/c ) 6500 HPQCD 2 s 2.5 lattice QCD, Feb. 1999 lattice QCD, Nov. 2004 CDF, Dec. 2004 2 qmax/mD* 1 0 6200 experiment [FOCUS, hep-ex/0410037] lattice QCD [Fermilab/MILC, hep-ph/0408306] 1σ (statistical) 2σ (statistical) 0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 2 0.25 2 q /mD* s 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Logic of 4th root hypothesis Hypothesize that 4th root procedure is QCD in continuum limit A testable hypothesis Comparable to hypotheses of quark mass extrapolation from outside the chiral regime Empirical tests So far so good -- obviously better than quenched LQCD Skeptics welcome Also invited to look hard at non-lattice CKM uncertainties Progress in understanding 4th root (Shamir, Bernard, Golterman) All approaches should be pushed hard Lattice NRQCD for heavy quark S0 = ! d4 x Ψ† " iDt + ! 2 |D| 2mQ # Ψ Foldy-Wouthuysen-Tani (FWT) transformation Take lattice action as given: can analyze just like continuum HQET Requires amQ > 1 , satisfied for b quark on present and near future unquenched lattices The following phrase is often uttered: “The continuum limit cannot be taken.” In theory, there are no lattice artifacts on the renormalized trajectory In practice, discretization errors are short distance effects, systematically removed using Symanzik’s EFT Improvement & matching rely on perturbation theory Nonperturbative methods preferable in principle, when practical & precise Overview of simulation parameters MILC collaboration’s 2+1 flavor configurations (AsqTad staggered) “coarse” a = 0.13 fm and “fine” a = 0.09 fm Spatial volume (2.5 fm)3 Lightest up/down mass ms /8 We compute at both unquenched and partially quenched masses NRQCD action for bottom, correct through O(Λ2QCD /m2Q ) Semileptonic B to pi decay ! B 0 → π − "+ ν! Vµ b ν u B π " d Combine with 1.2 1 0.8 B 0 → D − !+ ν! 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 V ub V cb -0.2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 ! work done with E. (Gulez) Dalgic (Simon Fraser) A. Gray (EPCC) J. Shigemitsu (Ohio State) C. T. H. Davies (Glasgow) G. P. Lepage (Cornell) (part of the HPQCD Collaboration) Semileptonic Decays B 0 → π − "+ ν! G2F "! 3 dΓ 2 2 = | p | |f (q )| + 2 2 3 |Vub | dq 24π 1 !π(p! )|V µ |B(p)" = f+ (q 2 )(pµ + p!µ ) + f− (q 2 )(pµ − p!µ ) Currents in EFT (0) J0 (x) Temporal components (1) J0 (x) (2) Γµ ≡ ! γµ γµ γ5 for Vµ for Aµ J0 (x) (0) Jk (x) (1) Jk (x) Spatial components (2) Jk (x) (3) Jk (x) (4) Jk (x) = q̄(x) Γ0 Q(x), 1 = − q̄(x) Γ0 γ ·∇ Q(x), 2M0 1 ← − = − q̄(x) γ · ∇ γ0 Γ0 Q(x). 2M0 = q̄(x) Γk Q(x), 1 = − q̄(x) Γk γ ·∇ Q(x), 2M0 1 ← − = − q̄(x) γ · ∇ γ0 Γk Q(x), 2M0 1 = − q̄(x) ∇k Q(x) 2M0 1 ← − = q̄(x) ∇ k Q(x), 2M0 Perturbative matching For example, !A0 "QCD = (1 + (1 + J (i),sub = (0) αs ρ̃0 ) !J0 " + (1),sub αs ρ1 ) !J0 " + (2),sub αs ρ2 !J0 " J (i) − αs ζ10 J (0) Turns out to be leading uncertainty Perturbative coefficients computed in E. Gulez, J. Shigemitsu, M.W., PRD 69, 074501 (2004) Fits, fits, fits, ... 1) Fit 3-point correlators 2) Combine LO and NLO 3) Interpolate to fixed Eπ 4) Extrapolate in quark mass 0 !π|V |B" = √ 2mB f! √ k !π|V |B" = 2mB pkπ f⊥ "2# "2# "3# "3# "4# "4# ! " % hJ i ! " % hJ i ! " % i: (13) for the spatial currents Vk . s s s TABLE II. Matching k k k k k hJk coefficients he B rest frame. From these Where errors are explicitly, they are of order one or e dominated by f? , i.e. by "1#;sub "1# not indicated"0# We introduce the combination J % J & " & J $ $ $ s 10;$ less in the last digit. aM0 is the .bare heavy quark mass in lattice d f0 by fk or the matrix This subtracts out power law contributions to theinmatrix units and n a parameter the NRQCD action. The three selected "1# to the b quark on the MILC extravalues foroperator aM0 correspond elements of the higher dimension J$ through hadronic matrix elements "1# coarse, coarse and fine lattices, respectively [28]. s ="aM## [42]. iceO"" simulations. ThereJ$areenters the matching already at tree "1# physical levelone andmust after relate the subtraction is left First, the ~k"0# with%the %k"2# %k"3# %"4# &10;k aMone 0 n % k k 0 k O"" =M# contribution that is a relativistic correction to ts, V QCD and V , to lattice 4.00 2 0.256 0.484(3) 0.340(6) 0.244(3) &0:137"3# 0.041 leading law subtractions of the other he the heavy and order light term. quarkPower2.80 2 0.270 0.349(3) 0.169(6) 0.218(4) &0:029"4# 0.055 4 current corrections come in as O""2s ="aM## thedimension second step the matrix 1.95 2 0.332 0.232(3) 0.121(8) 0.161(4) 0.063(3) 0.073 effects andmust are only partially included here. The one-loop nt operators be evalcoefficients %"j# levant amplitude, i.e. &the $ and 10;$ for $ % 0 are given in Ref. [39]. B MESON PHYSICAL REVIEW D 73, 074502 (2006) round state BSEMILEPTONIC meson and FORM FACTORS FROM . . . there are two dimension 4 current0.14 corrections to the temopriate0.04 momenta, must be poral components and four such corrections to the spatial Eqs. (7), the form factors components. To the order that we0.12 are working, one has 0 ht quark mass and the pion 0.02 "0# "1# "1#;sub hV0 i % "1 ! "s % ~"0# i ese numerical results must 0 #hJ0 i ! "1 ! "s %0 #hJ0 0.1 0 al pion. In the next three -0.02 "2# "2# (1),sub (4),sub(12) ! " % hJ i s 0 0 J J ese three steps in kturn. -0.02 k 0.08 and -0.04 -0.04 CURRENTS (1) (4) Y-LIGHT 0.06 "1# J"1#;sub "0# Jk hVk i % "1 ! "s % ~"0# #hJ i ! "1 ! " % #hJ s k k k kk i rrents -0.06 between continuum "2# "2# "3# 0.04 "3# "4# "4# ! " % hJ i ! " % hJ i ! " % s s s k k k k k hJk i: (13) eory with two-component -0.08 -0.08four-component ds ! and "1#;sub "1# "0# 0.02% J$ We introduce the combination J$ & "s &10;$ J$ . Ref. [41]. -0.1 Since staggered to the matrix 0.2 0.4 This 0.6 subtracts 0.8 out 1power law contributions 0 terms -0.1 of 0four-component E in GeV "1# π 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 elements 0.6 1 dimension operator of0.8 the higher J$ through the formalism developed in GeV E Eπ in GeV "1# "0# [42]. J$ enters the matching already at treeπ o the calculation. s ="aM## FIG.present 2 (color online). The ratioO"" hJk"2# i=hJ i for two ensembles k "4# "0# level and the subtraction oneFIG. is left with online). the physical "1# for after u"0#0 am 0:01 and versus pion energy EThe entFIG. notation foronline). the heavy $ . Squares f ! 4 (color Same as Fig. 2 for hJ i=hJ i. 1 the (color ratio hJare i=hJ i for one ensemble k k 0 0 circles forthat u0 amf ! 0:02. O"" pion=M# contribution that is a relativistic correction to finds through energy E! . The lower (u 0 amf % u0 amq % 0:01) versus theQCD j(4)/j(0) j(1)/j(0) j(2)/j(0) 1/mb corrections Form factor shape Ball-Zwicky, 4-parameter Becirevic-Kaidalov 2 f (0) r q̃ + f+ (q 2 ) = 2 + 1 − q̃ (1 − q̃ 2 )(1 − αq̃ 2 ) f+ (0) f0 (q ) = 1 − q̃ 2 /β 2 3 2.5 Considering analyticity and unitarity constraints (...) could remove model dependence. Bourrely et. al; Boyd et al; Fukunaga & Onogi; Lellouch; Boyd & Savage; Arnesen et al; R. Hill; P. Mackenzie; P. Ball; Flynn & Nieves; ... q̃ 2 ≡ q 2 /m2B ∗ f+ f0 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 2 2 q (GeV ) 20 25 Experiment + Lattice QCD G2F "! 3 dΓ 2 2 = | p | |f (q )| + 2 2 3 |Vub | dq 24π |Vub | = 1 (3.55 ± 0.25 ± 0.50) × 10−3 expt. using HFAG avg b.f. with q2 > 16 GeV2 EPS 2005 3 2.5 LQCD f+ f0 2 1.5 Inclusive B → Xu !ν 1 |Vub | = 0.5 0 0 (4.46 ± 0.20 ± 0.20) × 10−3 5 10 15 2 2 q (GeV ) 20 25 E. Gulez, et al., PRD 73, 074502 (2006), erratum ibid 75, 119906 (2007) expt. th. HFAG avg (DGE) summer 2006 Comparison 5 0.1 −2 dΓ 104 Γ1Tot dq 2 / GeV f+,0 (q2 ) 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 25 0 q2 / GeV2 (q2 )] 0.035 Green: LCSR,!0.6 Red: HPQCD, Blue: FNAL/MILC, Black: experiment*norm, Curves & bands: fit to Omnès parametrisation (Flynn & Nieves) !0.8 Plot from J. M. Flynn and J. Nieves, arXiv:0705.3553 0.03 0.02 0 Comparison 5 10 15 20 25 0 q2 / GeV2 0.035 !0.8 0.03 !1 0.025 Pφ f+ m2B∗ log [ m2B∗ −q2 f+ (q2 )] !0.6 !1.2 !1.4 0.02 0.015 !1.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 q2 / GeV2 Green: LCSR, Red: HPQCD, Blue: FNAL/MILC, Black: experiment*norm, Figure 1 Results obtained from the fit to(Flynn experimental Curve & band: fit to Omnès parametrisation & Nieves)partial bran factor The top left plot shows the two form factors wit Plot from J. M. Flynncalculations. and J. Nieves, arXiv:0705.3553 Error budgets LAT2005)207 cs 20.51 1.627(185) 0.676(41) 21.56 1.816(126) 0.714(56) where the errors are statistical, systematic, and experimental. If we instead use the accepted values of the CKM matrix elements as inputs, we obtain for the seen Improvement D meson decay rates with use of random wall HPQCD error budget is given by (previous Table VI): Estimate0of percentage errors in f+(q2) for q2 >−316 −1 GeV2sources: K. Wong et al, − + Γ(D → π l ν) = (7.7 ± 0.6 ± 1.5 ± 0.8) × 10 ps , source of error size of error (%) Lattice 2007 Γ(D0 → K − l + ν) = (9.2 ± 0.7 ± 1.8 ± 0.2) × 10−2 ps−1 , statistics 10 Γ(D0 →+π −chiral l + ν) extrapolations = 0.084 ± 0.007 ± 0.017 ± 0.009, Γ(D0two-loop → K − l + ν)matching 9 (3.4) discretization 3 where the errors are statistical, systematic, and from CKM matrix element. relativistic 1 Klν form factor, a highAfter the publication of our results for the q2 dependence of the D → statistics measurement of the shapeTotal appeared from the FOCUS Collaboration 14 [10]. As can be seen in Fig. 7, the results agree well. From E. Gulez, et al., Phys. Rev. D 73, 074502 (2006), erratum ibid 75, 119906 (2007) FNAL/MILC artially integrated rates (previous Tabledecays. VII):Errors Improved action: M. Table 1: differential Systematic errorsdecay for CKM matrixbecome elements from the semileptonic for Vub decay 2. Oktay and A. S. Kronfeld, are obtained from the integration with q2min = 16 GeV ! dΓ 2 2 −1 Fitdecay f+ (q = 0) [ ps B] → πlν 2008 D ub →|π(K)lν dq2 /|V 2 2| CKM matrix element |Vcd(s) |Vubq|2 0 ≤ q 2 ≤ qmax 16GeV ≤ q2 ≤ max discretization effect BZfitting 0.31(5)(4) 9.10(1.82)(2.55) 3- and 2-point functions BKchiral 0.31(5)(4) extrapolation9.30(1.86)(2.60) parameterization) SEq2 dependence 0.30(5)(4)(BK9.35(1.87)(2.62) current renormalization a uncertainty total systematic From P. Mackenzie, Lattice 2005 207 / 4 9% 9% 0% 1% 10% 1% 1% 11% 2.07(41)(39) 3% 3% 2.13(43)(40) 3%(2%) 4% 2% 4% 2.02(40)(38) Updating the experimental br. frac. HFAG update B.F. (q2 > 16 GeV2) * 104 Vub * 103 (HPQCD) EPS 2005 0.40(4)(4) 3.55(25)(50) LP 2007 0.35(3)(3) 3.33(21)(+58-38) Vub(*103): FNAL 3.6(2)(+6-4), BZ 3.4(1)(+6-4) vs. Inclusive 4.5(2)(2) Tension between inclusive and exclusive determinations is a continuing story, demonstrating the challenges of precision physics. Semileptonic decay vs. sin2β Agreement with global fit (sin2β) HPQCD Flynn & Nieves Uncertainty Exclusive number (UTfit) Inclusive average (HFAG) Measurement From UTfit website, version of 28 September 2006 plus my decorations Updating the experimental br. frac. HFAG update B.F. (q2 > 16 GeV2) * 104 Vub * 103 (HPQCD) EPS 2005 0.40(4)(4) 3.55(25)(50) LP 2007 0.35(3)(3) 3.33(21)(+58-38) Vub(*103): FNAL 3.6(2)(+6-4), BZ 3.4(1)(+6-4) vs. Inclusive 4.5(2)(2) Tension between inclusive and exclusive determinations is a continuing story, demonstrating the challenges of precision physics. Total branching fraction + + → π0 l ν × 2 τ 0 / τ + BABAR SL tag: B + # "0 l+ ! ! 2$0/$+ BABAR SL tag: B 3.31 " 0.68 " 0.42 BABAR B reco tag: B 1.36 ± 0.33 ± 0.15 BABAR Breco tag: B + # "0 l+ ! ! 2$0/$+ 1.52 ± 0.41 ± 0.20 1.45 " 0.37 " 0.12 BELLE SL tag: B BELLE SL tag: B + # "0 l+ ! ! 2$0/$+ + 1.43 ± 0.26 ± 0.16 1.40 " 0.24 " 0.16 BELLE B reco tag: B 1.60 ± 0.32 ± 0.11 0 BABAR SL tag: B - + BABAR SL tag: B # " l ! 1.12 ± 0.25 ± 0.10 BELLE SL tag: B 0 # "- l+ ! 1.38 ± 0.19 ± 0.14 BABAR Breco tag: B 0 # "- l+ ! 1.07 ± 0.27 ± 0.15 BELLE SL tag: B 1.02 " 0.25 " 0.13 0 0 + + → π0 l ν × 2 τ 0 / τ + + → π0 l ν × 2 τ 0 / τ + + → π0 l + ν × 2 τ 0 / τ + → π- l + ν → π- l + ν BABAR B reco tag: B 0 → π- l + ν 1.48 " 0.20 " 0.16 + CLEO untagged: B → π l ν 1.24 " 0.29 " 0.16 1.33 ± 0.18 ± 0.11 CLEO untagged: B # " l+ ! + BABAR untagged: B → π l ν 1.32 " 0.18 " 0.13 1.46 ± 0.07 ± 0.08 BABAR untagged: B # " l+ ! BELLE B reco tag: B 0 → π- l + ν 1.38 " 0.10 " 0.18 1.49 ± 0.26 ± 0.06 Average: B 0 # "- l+ ! Average: B 1.35 " 0.08 " 0.08 0 → π- l + ν 1.39 ± 0.06 ± 0.06 2 % /dof = 8.0/ 7 (CL = 33.0%) HFAG χ2/dof = 3.23/ 9 (CL = 95 %) HFAG LP 2007 EPS-2005 0 0 2 - + -4 B(B # " l ! ) [ ! 10 ] -2 0 0 - + 2 -4 B(B → π l ν ) [ × 10 ] The total branching fraction has not changed much, while the b.f. with q2 > 16 GeV2 has moved ~1 sigma. This highlights the need for LQCD to extend its kinematic reach. Lower q2 on the lattice Low q2 implies large pion recoil But pion momentum must be small compared to inverse lattice spacing in lattice rest frame So far lattice and B frames roughly coincide in all calculations Progress can be made by discretizing in a frame which is boosted relative to the B p = mb u + k Extending the range of q2 will remove model dependence of shape and reduce statistical uncertainties due to better overlap with experimental signal Preliminary tests: S. Meinel, et al., PoS(Lattice 2007)377, arXiv:0710.3101 B 0 − B 0 Mixing b Bd0 Vtb∗ t W d W Vtd Bd0 Vtb t " d ∗ Vtd b 1.2 1 # Md # Ms 0.8 2 2 2 |Vtd | ∝ [(1 − ρ̄) + η̄ ] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 ! B 0 − B 0 Mixing b Bd0 Vtb∗ t W d Vtd ∗ Vtd d W t Vtb Bd0 b Constraint complements sin 2β & |Vub |/|Vcb | More likely New Physics contributions work done with E. Dalgic (Simon Fraser) E. Gámiz (Illinois) A. Gray (Ohio State, Edinburgh) J. Shigemitsu (Ohio State) C. T. H. Davies (Glasgow) G. P. Lepage (Cornell) (part of the HPQCD Collaboration) B 0 − B 0 Mixing Only Bd0 − Bd0 ∆md G2F 2 2 ∗ 2 m η S(x )m f = B |V V B t B B td d d W Bd tb | 2 6π Including Bs0 − Bs0 mBs ∆ms = ∆md mBd ξ = ! !2 ! ! 2 ! Vts ! ξ ! Vtd ! fBs ! BBs fBd ! BBd Most of the mass dependence, & simplest to compute on lattice B 0 − B 0 Mixing 2002 1.60 ξf 1.40 Chiral PT f2 = 0.8 GeV −2 f2 = 0.5 GeV −2 f2 = 0.2 GeV −2 Using staggered 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.0 Previous lattice data Linear 1.0 0.5 r Kronfeld & Ryan, (also JLQCD) = mq /ms 1.5 B 0 − B 0 Mixing 2005 A. Gray, et al (HPQCD) PRL 95, 212001 (2005) Coarse lattice, Partially Quenched Coarse lattice, Full QCD Fine lattice, Full QCD Full QCD Stagg. ChPT Physical Quark Mass Φ(Bs ) / Φ(Bq ) 1.3 1.2 Previous calculations 1.1 1 0.9 0 Φ(B) ≡ fB 0.1 √ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 r = mq / ms mB 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 B 0 − B 0 Mixing 2005 A. Gray, et al (HPQCD) PRL 95, 212001 (2005) r= Φ(B) ≡ fB √ mB Decay constant results fBs = 260 ± 7|stat ± 26match ± 8hq ± 5disc MeV fB = 216 ± 9|stat ± 19match ± 6hq ± 4disc MeV Most errors cancel in the ratio fBs fB = 1.20 ± 0.03 ± 0.01 M. W., et al (HPQCD) PRL 92 (2004); A. Gray, et al (HPQCD) PRL 95 (2005) B → τν Belle, hep-ex/0604018 fB |Vub | |Vub |DGS fB |Vub | = 0.77 = 175 ± 37 MeV BaBar, hep-ex/0611019 ! +12 −10 fB |Vub | " stat ! +7 −6 " MeV sys = 193 ± 46 MeV |Vub |HPQCD ! " ! " +23 +4 fB |Vub | = 0.70 MeV −36 stat −5 sys C3 (t , t ) = !0|Φ ($xs , t (4) ≡ 1 1 1 B2 s |OL|B s "(µ) ≡ fBs B Bs s (µ) MBs . (µ) 4.8GeV) = 0.212 [16] one findsfour-fermion B̂!OL" = !B 1.534. ts have been very encouraging. Here we apply the Bs /B Bssome B(µ) at scale µ, = L,S operators via lattice QCD methods, one 3 to the “vacuum saturation” approximati " x1 ," x2 ΦgiB 0 matrix 0 In order to evaluate hadronic elements of the then me successful lattice approach to Bmust − B mixing. first relate the operators in continuum QCD to ops s fermion operators OS and O3 have simil 8 8 B the MS methods, MSthat 2 Bs = 1 corresponds 2 The factor is inserted so four-fermion operators via lattice QCD one 3 ≡ !B . (4) B (µ) M !OL" f |OL|Bbag "(µ)lattice ≡ erators written in terms heavy and light quark B sown sof s B B (µ) s s parameter Φ3Bs is an interpolating operato We have studied the following four-fermion operators lat to the “vacuum saturation” approximation. The fourmust first relate the operators in continuum QCD to opfields. We carry out this matching between continuum the four-fermion operator Ô ispoifi t entererators into calculations of ∆M and ∆Γ in the StanΛQCD s 8 light fermion operators OS and O3 have similarly each their written in terms of slattice heavy and quark The and factor is inserted so that BBs =O(α 1 corresponds QCD the3 lattice theory through ), 5C O( (4f )M Btogether sfit S )(µ) MS 2 2 lattice. We w d Model (“i” and “j” are color indices) α f M !OS" ≡ − own bag parameter s B(µ) continuum fields. We carry out this matching between to the “vacuum saturation” approximation. The fourat some scale µ, B B (µ) !O theory works with NRQCD b-to and O( aM ). Our lattice Bs 3 LO operators 2 the fo 3 R point correlator, C (t), ΛQCD fermion operators OS and O3 have similarly each their Full 4-quark matrix elements QCD and the lattice theory through O(α ) 1/M the b fields in (1) - (3) s ), O( ele quarks. At lowest order M in B (µ) 5 8 αs (4f ) S own bagwith parameter MS 2 !OX" w MS 2 2 , t2 ) = works NRQCD b-sf|OL|B and O( aM ). Our . (4) BBs (µ)antiM !OL" "2MS ≡− !B ≡(tB 1/M 1 for 2s heavy , (5) M !OS" ≡ be replaced by NRQCD heavy quark ilattice theory j must sC i j B B (µ) (µ) B s (µ) s s OL ≡ [b s ] [b s ] , (1) 3 V −A V −A 3 R quarks. At lowest order in 1/M the fields. b fields The in (1) - (3)5 relation Nexp −1 At 1 NRQCD B̃S (µ)element quark tree-level between B % MS 2 2 S (µ) MS 2 2 i j 1/M ths ≡ !O3" f M , (5) M !OS" ≡ 8 − fBs j·t k·t 1 2 B must OS be replaced NRQCD quark or heavy antiB B (µ) (µ) [bj s heavy ]and , (2) ≡ [bi sby]S−P s s 2 The fields factor is3 given is 3inserted so Foldy-WouthuysenthatAjk BB(−1) 2 !O by Rthe S−Pfull QCD (−1) e s = 1 corresponds 3 R At O(α Λ QCD quark fields. The tree-level relation between NRQCD to the “vacuum The four) approximation. this brings in ditransformation. At O( (µ) Th j,k=0 1 saturation” MS 2 B̃SM 2 O3 ≡ [bi sj ]S−P [bj si ]Tani . (3) !OL" a S−P ≡ fto !O3" MBhave , similarly (6) fermion operators O3 each their with and full QCD fields is given by the Foldy-WouthuysenBOS (µ) s theand s 2 mension seven corrections four-fermion operators, one 31 2 B̃SR(µ) 2 This m ΛQCD MS own bag parameter ) this brings in diTani transformation. At O(which ≡ !O3" f M , (6) are of the form, goo Bs (µ) M one car 2 3 Bs R2 M % 1 with Bs mension seven corrections to thematrix four-fermion operators, B(µ) use M S scheme elements of! continuum QCD in the good ch ≡ . s ($ B 5 C (t) = !0|Φ x , S MS 2 2 B 2 2 NLO operators 1 with , (5) f M !OS" ≡ − i j R (m + m ) which are of the form, i j $ b s use for 2 ]V −A [b tio · $M γ sB [∇b (µ) se operators are parametrized in terms OLj1 of the≡Bs me3 Bs s R]V2 −A Bs "x 1 s 2M ≡ 2 tional o2 .2 (7) " M ! uu 1 decay constant fBs and so-called “bag” parameters 2 2 N −1 B exp s 1 R ≡Standard ) .j % foruum thetom sModel i b + m$ i(m $ i · $γ si ]V −A [bj sj ]V −A The 2 + [b s ] [ ∇b γ sjexpression ]V −A . (7) (9) OLj1 ≡ [∇b V −A R (mb + ms )2 · $ in ξj (−1 = 1 B̃ (µ) 2M ∆M is given by [17], S MS 2 2 s Th in (10) 2Model = L,S or 3) and matrix elements in " theand lattice theory !O3" Mdifference , j=0 theory (6) The Standard expression forfBis the mass Blattice cale µ, = L,S or 3) matrix in the is (µ) ≡elements s s cou 2 i j 3 R is ] jStandard The Model expression for the mass difference $ (10 count t + [b [ ∇b · $ γ s ] . (9) −A Vby −A Similar 1/M corrections OSj1 and O3j1 can be introthen given by (weV ∆M suppress the µ dependence), is given [17], 2 2 then given by (we suppress the µ dependence), s the ∆Ms is given by [17], GF M the latt The dimensionless matrix eleme B W OS∗ and 2O3. 8 2Together with L,S or 3) and matrix elements in the lattice theory is duced for the four-fermion operators To MS 2 2 |V V | η S (x )M ∆M = 3 . (4) µ) M s tb 0 t Bs ele 3 ts 2 MBs . (4) B s |OL|B Bs s "(µ) ≡ fBs BBs (µ) a 2 then element 2 2 a (10) are given by, MS MS 6π 2 2 hen given by (we1/M suppress the µ dependence), Similar OSj1 and O3j1 be introGFcan 3 corrections !OX" = (X the one the order stated above, matching GM 2 2 2 !OX" 22 B BMS = between W FM W|V ∗∗V!OX" the M 1 | η S (x )M f B̂ , (8) ∆M = |V V | S (x )M f B̂ , (8) ∆M = B 2M s tb 0 t B B s s tb 0 t B B ts 2 s B s B ts s Bs s s 2M s 2 2 B duced for the four-fermion operators OS and O3. To ≡ 2 .B (7) 3 s A 6π6π where 2 00 2 m 2 in a sep in MS x = /M , η is a perturba R (m + m ) s corresponds insertedaso that B = 1 corresponds b s Ô" = ! t Bs= [1 + αs · ρXX ]!OX" + αs · ρ t 2 MS W !OX" + ]!OX" + αs · ρXY !OY " + of [20,ξ [1XY + !OY α ·Bρ"XX the order stated above, matching between !OX" 2# 2 2 s(X 0 2M of 2 B # $aa perturbative B n. The fours where x = m /M , η is QCD cor-cor-$ m saturation” approximation. The fourrection factor, S (x ) the Inami-Lim fun t where x = m /M , η is perturbative QCD 0 t t 2 W XX XY t XX XY 2Model W !OY The tStandard expression for mass difference − αrection !OX" + ζ(x ")αs.(ζ (10) cu !OXj1" −Inami-Lim !OX" + ζthe !OY ") .light(10) s"(ζ+ 10 factor, 10t ) the 10 10 ligh S function and V + αO3 +!OXj1" αseach · ρXYtheir !OY ly each their 0 ts ors OS [1 and similarly s · ρhave XX ]!OX" and V the appropriate Cabibbo-Koba rection factor, S (x ) the Inami-Lim function and V tb t ts are nece is0 given by Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa [17], # $ ∆M sappropriate XX XY and V the are tb eter !OXj1" −!OX" αs (ζ10without !OX" +the ζ10and !OYV") .the(10) appropriate (CKM) matrix elements. Thefornonperturb superscript MS stands for Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa the matrix without the superscript MS stands the from matrix tb !OX" th (CKM) matrix elements. nonperturbative QCD in2 The 2 fro M (CKM) matrix elements. The nonperturbative QCD element input theGlowest theory. lowest element inMS thestands lattice theory. Even at order into the combination Thein ∗ formula 2inB Even 2 ˆin-order Flattice W this put into this formula is the combination f 2isB̂at with OX" without the superscript for the matrix 0142(13) 0229(18) 0139(11) 0026(3) 0140(20) 0081(12) 0012(4) Total Results 15 % TABLE III: Results for the square root of quantities listed in E. (15). Dalgic, al, Phys. D 76, 011501, Theetunhatted bagRev. parameters are given hep-lat/0610104 at scale µ = mb . Errors quoted are combined statistical and systematic errors. Note that percentage errors here are smaller than those given in Table II by a factor of two due to the square root. ble I for our two mbined statistical etails on our fits show results for ions (after power seven operators. finds the physical or !OL", 11% for nts in the lattice the RHS of (10). 2/a) =Theory 0.32 [16]. which is close to using other heavy Experiment coefficients ρXY e µ through the u/d sea quark mass fBs fBs mf /ms = 0.25 mf /ms = 0.50 B̂Bs [GeV] 0.281(21) 0.289(22) BBs (mb ) [GeV] 0.227(17) 0.233(17) ! ! fBs fBs √ √ BS (mb ) R [GeV] 0.295(22) 0.301(23) B̃S (mb ) R [GeV] 0.305(23) 0.310(23) −1 ∆ms = 20.3 ± 3.0 ± 0.8 ps 2 (LQCD)(Vts) usually also taken as 1 × αs coming from higher order matching of the heavy-light current. We avoid unnecessarily separating the bag and possibly ∆m 17.77 ± parameters 0.10 ± 0.07 ps−1 in-(stat)(syst) s = out troducing ambiguities in error estimates by always working with the relevant combination f 2 B . Several years combination log( mµb ). We present results for µ = mb . Error budget We evaluate the RHS of (10) for !OL"MS , !OS"MS and !O3"MS and combine with the definitions in (4) - (6) to obtain the main results of this article, namely, fB2 s BBs , fB2 s BS , 2 R fB2 s B̃S . 2 R (15) The main errors in these quantities are listed in Table 3 II. One sees that the two dominant errors are due to eory for fixed b and statistics + fitting higher order matching uncertainTABLE and II: Error budget for quantities listed in (15). ght u, d sea quark ties. We have also included a nonnegligible error coming ors. + Fitting 9% from the uncertainty Statistical in the scale (lattice spacing) for Higher Order Matching 9 % the MILC ensembles used. At the final stage of extractms = 0.50 Discretization 43 %2 1069(92) ing results for (15), one has to convert a fBs MBs into Relativistic 3% 0687(61) physical units. An uncertainty Scale (a−3 ) of ∼ 1.8%5 in % the lattice 0142(13) spacing turns at this point into a ∼ 5% uncertainty for Total 15 % 0229(18) a−3 . In Table II we take the operator matching error to 0139(11) be 1 × α2s since matching is done directly for the combi0026(3) nation fB2 sTABLE BBs (and for the other quantities in (15)). III: Results for the square root of quantities listedAin 0140(20) 2 given at scale µ = mb . (15). The unhatted bag parameters are naive attempt to deal separately with f and BBs in the B s 0081(12) Errors quoted are combined statistical and systematic errors. formula for ∆Ms could increase the error estimate since 0012(4) Note that percentage errors here are smaller than those given is the perturbative error for just fBdue in Table II by a factor of two to the (unsquared) square root. s alone ing with the rel ago reference [2 with physical bag parameter Table III give quantities liste combination fB mass dependen any reasonable uncertainties w do not attempt quark mass an best determina particular, this crucial nonper quoted in the a f Using (16) on for ∆Ms base standard value mixing in full lattice QCD using NRQCD b quarks Christine T.H. Davies New data for ratios Xs / Xq coarse 1.35 Xs / Xq fine 1.3 !s / !q coarse !s / !q fine 1.25 1.2 ! Xq ≡ fBq BBq MBq ! Φq ≡ fBq MBq 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 mq / m s Xs Xq = √ f Bs BBs MBs √ f Bq BBq MBq and !s /!q = √ f Bs MBs √ f Bq MBq as a function of the light valence quark mass in the r. Errors are only statistical all the quantities plotted. E. in Gámiz, et al., PoS(Lattice 2007)349, arXiv:0710.0646 Bs and Bd mixing in full lattice QCD using NRQCD b quarks Christine T.H. Davies Sea quark/discretization effect for Bs 0.38 Coarse lattice (old results), no 1/M correct. Coarse lattice (new results), no 1/M correct. Fine lattice, no 1/M corrections (GeV) 0.36 RGI (1/2) 0.34 Improved precision due to smearing 0.3 s fB (BB s ) 0.32 0.28 0.26violation 10% scaling 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 mq / ms ! Figure 1: fBs B̂Bs (GeV ). Errors are only statistical. E. Gámiz, et al., PoS(Lattice 2007)349, arXiv:0710.0646 Tightening Vtd constraint (a) (ρ, η) from Δmd only 1.4 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ρ 2σ band 1.2 η η 1.4 2σ bands after HPQCD fB before 1.2 (b) (ρ, η) from Δmd and Δms 1 1.2 1.4 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ρ 1 1.2 1.4 mNRQCD & Form Factors L. Khomskii, R. R. Horgan, S. Meinel, L. Storoni, M.W. (Cambridge) C. T. H. Davies, et al (Glasgow) A. Hart & E. Müller (Edinburgh) (part of the HPQCD Collaboration) Motivation Increase precision in form factors by extending q2 range Increase list of observables (lesson from inclusive/exclusive Vub) More direct focus on standard vs. nonstandard FCNC Complement future progress on LHC measurements of, e.g. B → K ∗γ B → K ∗ µ+ µ− Rare B decays u,d B b K∗ t s W Physical point q2 = 0 γ Progress w/ mNRQCD? Independent way to get Vts Also Vtd, but worry about weak annihilation contrib. Full set of form factors s: s a m ator Matrix element ct e p s e ng a h φ decay(s) C Form factor Relevant → Bs !P |q̄γ µ b|B" f+ , f0 B → π"ν B → K!+ !− !P |q̄σ µν qν b|B" fT B → K!+ !− !V |q̄γ µ b|B" V µ 5 !V |q̄γ γ b|B" A0 , A1 , A2 !V |q̄σ µν qν b|B" T1 !V |q̄σ µν 5 γ qν b|B" T2 , T3 { B → (ρ/ω)#ν B → K ∗ !+ !− { B → K ∗γ B → K ∗ !+ !− Summary LQCD calculations of B decay/mixing matrix elements contribute to the study of physics beyond the Standard Model Taken approaches which allow us to address all systematic errors simultaneously (within 4th root hypothesis) List of postdictions and predictions having positive impact in flavor physics community Vub from B→π semileptonic decay consistently lower and in better agreement with CKM fits (sin 2β) than inclusive B semileptonic decays Chiral extrapolation of 4-quark operators underway Further improvement of actions, mNRQCD, automated lattice perturbation theory Many alternatives which will check and probably do better in the future. Need balance between perfection and timeliness.