P R E S S I N F O R M A T I O N SCA FOREST PRODUCTS AB Communications SE-851 88 SUNDSVALL Tel +46 60 19 30 00 Fax +46 60 19 31 75 www.forestproducts.sca.com SCA Transforest receives EU Clean Marine Award On Tuesday, 1 June, European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström presented the EU’s Clean Marine Award to Rolf Johannesson, President of SCA Transforest. SCA Transforest received the award for promoting and leading the development of environmentally friendly vessel transport and for successfully reducing emissions to air from maritime transport. The EU’s Clean Marine Award was being presented for the first time in connection with the “Green Week,” organized by the European Commission to enhance commitment to environmentally sustainable development in Europe. The award was established to provide recognition for the shipping and transport companies that take action to reduce environmentally hazardous emissions from maritime transportation. The European Commission recently conducted a study showing that sulphur dioxide emissions from vessels in EU waters corresponded to three quarters of the landbased emissions, including industry and vehicular traffic. Winner SCA Transforest represented by Rolf Johannesson, President. Nominated was also Volvo Logistics Corporation & Wallenius Wilhelmsen (Sweden), represented by Mr. Åke Niklasson. “Ship transportation is one of the largest single sources of emissions,” says Margot Wallström, European Commissioner. “The Clean Marine Award is an expression of our willingness to cooperate with shipping and transport companies to reduce environmental impact from sea transport.” SCA Transforest received the Clean Marine Award for its long-term environmental work. In 1998, SCA Transforest converted to low-sulphur fuel in its system transport. In 1999, the company initiated the installation of catalytic exhaust treatment in its system vessels. Catalytic converters reduce sulphur emissions by more than 90 percent. The vessels have also been extended and have increased load capacity, without any increase in fuel consumption and emissions. Finally, efficient transport planning and return transports have resulted in a considerable reduction in emissions per transported ton. The EU’s “Green Week” is being held in Brussels between June 1 and 4 and will gather more than 4,000 delegates from the EU’s 25 member countries. Sundsvall, 2 June 2004 SCA FOREST PRODUCTS AB Communications For further information, contact: Rolf Johannesson, President, SCA Transforest, Tel: +46 (0)70-511 78 61 Download photo on this link Download SCA FOREST PRODUCTS produces publication papers for newspapers, magazines and catalogues, pulp, solid-wood products and forest-based biofuels. SCA Forest Products also manages SCA's extensive forest holdings, supplies SCA's Swedish industries with wood raw materials and offers cost-efficient transport solutions to SCA's units.