Document 10456232

Possible “thought” problems What does the “waving” in ma8er waves? What profound result or interpreta;on came from the electron double slit experiment? (see where “profound” used in lecture notes, see Applet 5.5, 5.6 referenced in class) Why does the speed of a ma8er wave not equal the speed of the par;cle the wave supposedly describes? What does the schrodinger eqn represent We say that energy levels in atoms or par;cles in a poten;al well are quan;zed. Why does this quan;za;on occur/how does it arise? What classically forbidden phenomenon do we find in QM, for a par;cle in a finite well? Describe/solve in math & words Something about schrodinger not allowing transi;ons between E levels unless you add pertuba;ons What does it mean to say an energy level is degenerate? How does this relate to the eigenfunc;on of the energy level? • 
Possible Calculable Problems Calculate deBroglie Heisenberg effect on par;cle physics & decay Par;cle in 1D well for variety of n, boundary condi;ons (ie 0 to L or –L/2 to L/2), find E, prob of being at a posi;on, etc. Calculate the expecta;on value Transmission & reflec;on and barriers 3D Schrodinger for a box, for an atom Assembling wavefunc;on from R, Y Quan;za;on of angular momentum/q #s Quantum #s Selec;on rules for transi;ons in atoms Spectroscopic nota;on Magne;c moments, effects of internal & external B fields 