Welcome to PHY2053 First part of introductory physics not involving calculus The lectures will be given by myself and Prof. Ho Bun Chan. Website: from physics department Teach this class twice on T Th, 2nd and 3rd period, one after the other Office is on second floor Office hours: HOME Text book (note that the instructor textbook has a color hardcover, student versions looks different) Enough copies? ~$55 comes with webassign code for HW, can only get from local bookstore Need for HW ~ $35 on its own 2 optional items: student manual: solutions to selected problems. Not all problems. Not mandatory. Blue book: Another optional item Society of Physics Students assembled a course packet of previous exams and they wrote the solutions. They sell it for $17 at target copy. Prof. Chan and I do not get any of this money. It was the SPS who solved the exam problems. You can get it at the Target copy at University avenue, not the one at Butler plaza. grading scheme HW HW to help you practice, very important cannot learn anything without practice need to log onto Webassign website questions are listed you enter answers will not turn in hardcopy Click on webassign UFID without hypen + physics e.g. 45639485physics (NOT gatorlink ID) Password: “phy2053” Everybody needs to use this password the first time he/she logs on. After you have logged on, Enter the code that comes with the book, or purchase on line. System lets you change password You have 13 days of free access to webassign. Can keep using this password. Must enter the code before the deadline. After the deadline, this universal password will no longer work. Will not be able to access the homework page First assignment is already up due Wed. 2am (Tues late nite): ungraded practice how to enter answers into webassign. Decimal places: if correct answer is 10.1 cm, will 10 cm work? 2% tolerance Assignment #2 will count towards grade! Have 1 full week to make sure you have no problem with webassign. Webassign will list problems we chose from back of chapter But everybody gets a different set of numbers e.g. your HW problem might involve dropping an object from 1 meter your friends problem might be 2 meters your friend will not get the correct answer if he/she copies from you. 5 attempts: after you submit each answer, you can find out if you are correct. Due 2am Wednesday You are encouraged to finish the assignment early, Can get help from office hours, discussion sections Tuesday night is your last chance of completing the assignment. Will not be able to get help if you have problem. Solutions: password: phy2053 Discussion section Click on discussion sections: not yet populated In addition to the two large lectures, there are also two discussion sections per week TA will answer questions Do the reading and have questions, they will help you. If no questions, they will do examples that help HW Classes are much smaller, easier for you to ask questions. Please make use of this help TA’s will enter their office hours Office hours: Can go to any one, does not need to go to your own Actual class of discussion: need to go to your own. Because of quiz grade Quiz Instructor will explain 20% of total grade 14 weeks of class, but only 10 quizzes not on week of exam, not this first week have 15 minutes to solve problems maybe at the beginning, end or middle of a class, no notes only part of the course that will be curved: 15/20 mean if not 15, will adjust need 85% to get A clickers (lecture) will ask questions during lecture and you need to submit an answer through remote 5% of grade. Ask John………….. scheme: 2 points if correct 1 point if incorrect 0 point if no answer Incentive to come, Even if you enter the wrong answer for all questions, Your score will be much higher than somebody who does not come to class For us to know how well we get across, immediate feedback May choose to repeat a topic if 90% of the class get it wrong There are no set number of clicker questions per day. Sometimes only 1 or 2, sometimes more, only one graded (announced) Bring calculators 15 % drop on clickers if at the end of the course, you have 85% of clicker questions correct you will get a full score of 5/5 you do not have to answer all questions correctly to get a perfect score maybe you are sick and cannot come to class, OK because of the 15% rule: you can still get a perfect score. If you are missing a few weeks of class, you need to talk to me. 15% also applies to webassign will start clickers on Thursday: get one! Will not count clicker response in the first 3 weeks. Will follow all procedures, I will ask clicker questions Your scores will be emailed to you If your clicker is not working properly, you will notice and find a remedy. You have 2 weeks. (start grading 3rd week) You should be very familiar with clickers when we start counting the scores. Cell phones off Midterm exams in evenings (2) dates are posted in the calendar formula sheet: 1 double sided sheet of paper. Prof. Chan and I do not pick the exam dates. As far as we know, both dates are not religious holidays. If you cannot make the exam, you need to talk to me or Dr. Chan. If you can convince us that your reason is legitimate, we will accommodate in two ways: (1) take the exam a little earlier (1/2 hour to 1 hour) (2) universal makeup at the end of semester. Student A might miss exam 1 with a legitimate reason. Student B might miss exam 2. Both will take the same universal makeup in addition to the final. The universal makeup will cover all material in the course, just like the final. Emails: we will respond to email Only from UF gatorlink accounts send to ilovephysics@phys.ufl.edu Calendar: Who is lecturing, date of exam, final Reading Lecture notes: Some ppt, some board Try to post Ppt posted the night before. Encouraged to print out. We also write on board. The important parts will also be posted, after the lecture. Clicker questions will be posted afterwards.