Brant Ave Public School School Handbook and

Brant Ave Public School
School Handbook
Code of Conduct
2015- 2016
“At Brant Avenue Public School, we treat others the way we
would like to be treated, persevere, learn from our mistakes
and share our gifts. “
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
Table of Contents
School Handbook
Brant Ave. Public School Mission Statement
School Staff 2015-16
School Council
Visitors to our School
School Schedule
Student Records
Custody and Guardianship
Safe Arrival Program
Safety Patrol
Code of Conduct
Student Rights Include:
Parent Rights Include:
Staff Rights Include:
Standards of Behaviour
Respect, Civility and Responsible Citizenship
Student Responsibilities
Staff Responsibilities
Parental Responsibilities
Specific Expectations for Student Behaviour at Brant Ave. Public School
General Student Expectations
Hallway Conduct
Lunchroom Conduct
Washroom and Change Room Conduct
Conduct on the Bus
Conduct on the Computer
Conduct on Teams, Clubs, Field Trips
Conduct in Physical Education / School Dress Code
Conduct on the Playground
Playground in Winter
Police Services
Community Partners
Implementation of the School’s Code of Conduct
Progressive Discipline
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
School Handbook
Brant Ave. Public School Mission Statement
In partnership with our families and the community, our mission at Brant Avenue Public School is
to encourage excellence in each individual by providing the best of educational experiences.
We will provide programs suited to each child’s intellectual, emotional, and social needs.
We will develop a School Code of Behaviour which will include prevention and intervention
We will plan and implement health, safety and well being programs which will include prevention
and intervention strategies.
School Staff - 2015-2016
Grade 1
Grade 1/2
Grade 2/3
Grade 3
Grade 3/4
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 5/6
Mrs. Dodsworth-Garvey
Mrs. Bond
Mrs. Pye-Clifford
Mrs. Anderson
Ms. Masters - LTO for Mrs.Dyer
Mr. Foote
Mr. Graham/ Ms. James
Mrs. Lundall
Ms. Gojmerac
Mrs. Licastro/ Ms. James
Mrs. Licastro
Ms. Moyer
Ms. Heasman
Mrs. Mitchell
Mrs. Moyer
Core French
Education Assistants
Office Co-ordinato r
Mme. Gill
Ms. Leyland
Ms. Shelleau
Ms. Nicholson
Ms. Sommerville
Ms. deVries
Ms. Snook
Mrs. Marx
Ms. Zorzi
Mrs. Fonte
Mr. Schenk
LTO for Mrs. Alton
Mrs. Gault
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
School Council
School Councils act in an advisory capacity to the schools' principals and the Board for the continued
promotion of excellence throughout the system. School Councils are composed of a majority of parents,
along with the principal, a teaching and non-teaching staff member, and community representatives. It is
hoped that the membership on School Councils will reflect the diversity of the school community it serves.
The members of School Councils shall: place the interests of the school and students first; participate in
Council meetings; participate in information and training programs; act as a link between the School
Council and the community; encourage the participation of parents and others within the school
community; and seek to reach consensus in the decision-making processes of the Council.
We are very fortunate to have many volunteers in our school. If you have an interest in volunteering at the
school please inform Mrs.Gault – Principal, and the appropriate arrangements will be made. We ask that
all volunteers coming to the school please sign the visitors guest book outside the office.
Visitors to our School
We welcome all visitors to our school. When visiting please ensure that you sign in, put on a visitor’s tag
and make us aware of your visit and its purpose. If you are picking up your child for an appointment,
please enter through the front doors to the office and we will call the students. If you wish to volunteer,
please inquire with classroom teachers or the office about your interest.
School Schedule
8:55 – 9:35
(40 minutes)
9:35 – 10:15
(40 minutes)
10:15 – 10:55
(40 minutes)
10:55 – 11:35
(40 minutes)
11:35 – 12:05
(30 minutes)
Half Day Mark
12:05 – 12:35
(30 minutes)
12:35 – 1:15
(40 minutes)
1:15 – 1:55
(40 minutes)
1:55 – 2:35
(40 minutes)
2:35 – 3:15
(40 minutes)
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
Student Records
The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the confidential, ongoing record of a student's educational progress
through schools in Ontario. The information in the OSR is available to supervisory officers, the principal,
and teachers only for the purposes of improvement of instruction. Except for clerical staff involved in its
management, the OSR is not available to any other person.
Students, and parents of students under age 18, may examine the OSR if they desire. They may also
request to the principal that inaccurate or inappropriate information be removed.
Custody and Guardianship
Although only a custodial parent can make educational decisions for a child, a non-custodial parent has
the right to information about a child and access to the child unless denied by a court of law.
If you have concerns about unauthorized access to children or information, it is essential that the
principal be informed and that verification of custody orders be placed in the OSR. Otherwise, the school
assumes that a situation of equal access exists.
Safe Arrival Program
Supervision on the yard begins at 8:40am. For your child’s safety do not drop them off or send them to
school prior to this time.
Please call the office before 8:40 if your child is going to be absent or late. The voice mail can take
your messages 24 hours a day. Please supply us with the student's name, class and reason for
absence/lateness. We will call parents of absent students if we have not been informed by a parent of
the reason for the absence. If a parent cannot be reached we will call all emergency numbers. Late
students are to report to the office before going to class to have their arrival recorded.
Board Policy on Safe Arrival reads:
“It is the responsibility of parents to:
a) provide current telephone contacts such as: home phone number, work number of both parents, number of caregiver,
number of safe arrival contact, and emergency contact numbers on the student admission/information form,
b) update the information during the school year,
c) communicate with the school, prior to the start of school in the morning or afternoon, when the child will be absent or late
for any reason,
d) provide written permission for their child to leave the school during the day, and
e) inform the school when their child will be returning after an absence of more than one day.”
Safety Patrol
Student patrols are on duty for fifteen minutes before classes begin and after classes end. They are there to help
students who wish their assistance. Our students are posted on the driveway in front of the school. Please discuss
with your child the route you wish them to take to and from school.
To assist our patrols and make it safe for our students we ask that you not stop or park in the no stopping zone in
front of the school and not drive into the school driveway while patrols are on duty. Please remember to pick up your
child(ren) at their regular dismissal door.
Patrol Times: 8:40 - 8:55 a.m. and 3:15 – 3:30 p.m.
Code of Conduct
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
At Brant Ave. Public School, we hope students will develop pride in both their school and personal
accomplishments. Students are encouraged to make wise choices that reflect the values important to our
school and community. It is expected that students will develop self-discipline and take personal
responsibility for their actions. We wish to ensure that every person is treated fairly and with respect in a
safe, nurturing environment.
Our School Code of Positive Student Behaviour is based upon the Ontario Code of Conduct and the
Upper Grand District School Board Code of Conduct (Policy # 213) which applies to all members of the
school community; students, administrators, staff, parents and guardians, visitors, volunteers, etc. while
on all school and Board property, school buses, at school-authorized events and off site at schoolsponsored activities, or in other circumstances that could have a negative impact on the school climate.
Student Rights Include:
to be treated with dignity and respect
to be provided with activities that are success oriented and build on individual strengths
to receive a quality education
Parent Rights Include:
to be treated with dignity and respect
to be heard and to have concerns addressed
to communicate with the school
Staff Rights Include:
to be treated with dignity and respect
to have a safe working environment
to expect parents and students to be involved in creating a positive school environment
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
Standards of Behaviour
Respect, Civility and Responsible Citizenship
All members of the school community must:
respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws;
demonstrate honesty and integrity;
respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions;
treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially where there is
respect and treat others fairly, regardless of their race ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic
origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability;
respect the rights of others;
show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;
take appropriate measures to help those in need;
respect all members of the school community, especially persons who are in a position of
respect the needs of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching
not swear at a teacher or at another person in authority, and
seek school staff assistance, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully.
All members of the school community must not:
engage in bullying behaviours
Definition of bullying:
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is
intended to cause (or should be know to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, selfesteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.Bullying takes on
different forms and contexts with age. It can be physical, verbal, social/emotional or through the use of technology.
Bystanders contribute to bullying by doing nothing to prevent it or by becoming actively involved in supporting it.
commit sexual assault;
traffic in weapons or illegal drugs;
be in possession of any weapon including, but not limited to, firearms;
use any object to threaten or intimidate another person;
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
cause injury to any person with an object;
be in possession of, or under the influence of, or provide others with alcohol or illegal drugs;
inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person;
engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or violence;
commit an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property or property located
on the premises of a school, or
engage in any form of electronic communication directed to an individual or group of people that
is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear, distress, and/or harm to other persons;
feelings, self esteem, or reputation, or that has a negative impact on the school climate.
Student Responsibilities
All students will:
accept responsibility for their personal actions;
demonstrate respect for self, and others, and for those in authority;
fulfil expected academic obligations;
come to school punctually each day, prepared and willing to learn;
obey the rules of the school, on school buses, and at other sites during school activities,
dress appropriately in accordance with the Board’s and the school’s policies regarding
appropriate dress;
use respectful language, free from profanity;
work cooperatively with staff and other students;
be honest in their academic work (refrain from plagiarism, cheating, etc.); and
use free time responsibly.
Staff Responsibilities
The Principal will:
take a leadership role in the daily operation of the school by demonstrating care and commitment
to academic excellence and a safe teaching and learning environment;
hold those under their authority accountable for their actions and behaviour;
empower students to be positive leaders in their school and community, and
communicate meaningfully and on a regular basis with all members of the school’s community.
Teachers and school staff will:
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
maintain order in the school;
maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students;
help students work to fulfill their potential, develop self-worth, and prepare them for the full
responsibilities of citizenship;
communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents/guardians;
demonstrate respect for all students, staff, parents, volunteers, and the members of the school
community; and
empower students to be positive leaders in their school and community.
Parental Responsibilities
Parents play an important role in the education of their children
and can fulfill this responsibility by:
demonstrating respect for all students, staff, volunteers and the members of the school
supporting the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment;
showing an active interest in their child’s school work and progress;
communicating regularly with their child’s school;
assisting staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child;
helping their child be neat, dress appropriately, be well rested and prepared and ready to learn;
ensuring that their child attends school regularly and on time;
promptly reporting their child’s absence or late arrival;
showing that they are familiar with the Ontario Code of Conduct, the Board’s Code of Conduct,
and the school’s Code of Conduct and rules of behaviour, and helping and
encouraging their child in following the Board’s Code of Conduct and the school’s Code of
Conduct and the rules of behaviour.
Specific Expectations for Student Behaviour at Brant Ave. Public
General Student Expectations
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others, and for those in authority by:
“Treating others the way we would want to be treated, showing perseverance and learning from our
working to the best of their abilities by accepting and expecting challenges
voicing their concerns in a respectful and productive manner
completing assignments and homework within the allotted time
coming on time and prepared for class
not having items (e.g., toys, MP3s, game boys, etc.) that distract from the learning environment
Hallway Conduct
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others for those in authority and for our school
building by:
•walking—not running—down the right side of the hallway in an orderly fashion
• quickly removing outerwear so as not to block the hallways and neatly placing the outerwear in its
appropriate location
• quickly moving to their next destination
• not eating in the hallways
• using appropriate language
• using the appropriate hallways
Lunchroom Conduct
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school
building by:
• sitting in their assigned seats
• speaking in soft, indoor voices
• placing items in the garbage or recycling only when they are finished eating
• waiting to be dismissed before going outside
• ensuring that their area is clean
• following the direction of the lunchroom supervisor and the student helpers
• staying on school property for lunch unless a parent or guardian has given permission for the student
to leave
Washroom and Change Room Conduct
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school
building by:
• not loitering in the washroom or change room
• reporting vandalism immediately to a staff member
Conduct on the Bus
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school
building by:
• being picked up and let off only at designated stops
• keeping personal items (e.g., lunch box, backpacks) on their laps
• keeping arms and heads inside the bus at all times
• leaving windows closed unless the driver gives permission to open them
• staying seated while the bus is in motion
• following the direction of the driver and the safety patroller
• respecting the property of community members and being courteous to other pedestrians (e.g.,
stepping to the side to allow a parent pushing a stroller to use the sidewalk)
Misconduct on the bus will have consequences at school. Furthermore, serious or repeated misconduct can result in
the loss of bus riding privileges.
Conduct on the Computer
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school
building by:
• using Internet access to support education or research
• not using e-mail or chat rooms unless approved by teacher for educational purposes
• respecting the privacy of others
• reporting to a staff member any e-mail or Internet data that is inappropriate (i.e., that violates the
Code of Conduct)
• accepting responsibility for the security of his or her own access and user identification
• not transmitting or downloading information or software in violation of copyright laws
• not plagiarizing
• not attempting to gain unauthorized access
Conduct on Teams, Clubs, Field Trips
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school
building by:
• always acting in ways which reflect positively on their school and their family
being attentive and following the direction of others (e.g., museum curators, performers, officials,
No student will be precluded from participating in these activities for financial reasons.
Conduct in Physical Education
In addition to following the normal guidelines for classroom conduct, students are expected to
demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school building by:
wearing appropriate clothing (athletic shoes)
removing all jewelry, except medic-alert bracelets
informing the teacher before the class begins of any medical condition that might limit participation
Dress Code for School and School Activities
We ask students to dress appropriately at all times. Appropriate dress is defined as student attire that is
free of symbols of hate, gang membership, or images that portray violence, death, abuse, alcohol,
cigarettes, drugs, racial or obscene words, political or sexual statements.
Muscle shirts, spaghetti straps and low scooped necklines are not permitted. Bare midriffs are
unacceptable. Shorts and skirts must be a reasonable length. Undergarments should not be visible.
Hats/ hoods must be removed when students enter the school.
Conduct on the Playground
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, and others,for those in authority and for our school
building by:
• Playing away from school doorways, portables, bike racks, fences, the front of the school, and other
areas that are “out-of bounds” because of safety concerns
• Playing non-contact games and keeping “hands-off” of other students at all times
• Not throwing snowballs, stones or other objects
• Not eating on the playground
• Leaving skateboards, scooters, hockey sticks, baseball bats, and roller blades at home
• Not climbing trees, fences, backstops, or the soccer goal posts
• Being mindful of the environment (e.g., taking care not to damage trees, etc.)
• Using only soft balls (e.g., tennis balls)
• Throwing balls against a wall only in the designated area
• Calmly talking to other students and staff about playground problems
• Including other students in games or activities
• Moving quickly into the school when the bell rings so as to not be late for class
Students must:
Conduct on the Climber
Hang only with their hands.
Go down the slide on their bottoms, feet first.
Open their eyes.
Playground in Winter
Snow Forts:
Remember a snow fort is for that recess only and nobody owns the snow. We share snow and we are
considerate of others’ forts (i.e. we don’t break down what they are building).
Snow Hills
If hills are too slippery (or too high) then there will be a pylon on them indicating that the hills are out-ofbounds. You may slide feet-first down a snow hill only if you are wearing snow pants. People on the
bottom of the hill must move away quickly. People at the top of the hill must wait until the bottom is clear.
Sliding on the ice is permitted ONLY if the student slides on his/her bottom or knees and is wearing snow
People walking across ice will use common sense and be careful (e.g., no running).
Students demonstrate respect for self, and others, for those in authority and for our school building by
showing up for school on time.
Police Services
The Board believes that the Police are partners with schools and school boards in maintaining safe
schools and communities. Through the guidelines established in the Police/School Boards Protocol
Agreement, Police support schools by encouraging, enabling and maintaining positive relationships with
school administrators, staff, students, parents and members of the school community. Police train our
street patrols and are responsible for the safety protocol and rules surrounding the role.
Community Partners
The Board believes that community agencies and members of the school community are resources that
can help boards deliver prevention and intervention programs. Current and new partnerships, protocols
and outreach are encouraged and supported by the Board to formalize and enhance relationships to
maintain safe and communities
Implementation of the School’s Code of Conduct
Schools focus on prevention and early intervention as the key to maintaining a positive school
environment in which pupils can learn. The Board supports the use of positive practices and progressive
discipline as a whole school approach to foster the building of healthy relationships and encourage
appropriate behaviours, as well as the application of consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Progressive Discipline
Progressive Discipline is a range of early and later interventions, supports, and consequences that are
developmentally appropriate, and include opportunities for students to learn from mistakes and that focus
on improving behaviour. These may include, but are not limited to:
- Student Success and Character Development strategies and programs;
- Providing students with the opportunity to learn life skills such as conflict resolution, anger management
and communication skills;
- Utilizing models based on the concepts of peer mediation and/or peer counselling and restorative
- Documenting incidents requiring disciplinary measures, and applying the mitigating
- Being sensitive to unique circumstances which may affect student behaviour;
- Ensuring that contact with the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students, under the age of eighteen, is made
early in the disciplinary process;
- Maintaining contact with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and involving them in a plan to improve the behaviour
until the behaviour is acceptable.
As incidents arise, it is recognized that each situation is unique. Incidents are managed in a consistent
manner to ensure that fairness is integral to the process, and that this fairness is perceived by all
participants. Within this process, consideration for consequences will be given for:
- student age
- frequency of incidents
- nature and severity of incidents
- student exceptionalities
- extenuating circumstances
- impact on the school climate
The school will use a range of interventions, supports and consequences that include learning
opportunities for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students to make good choices. The
following are examples, in no particular order. The application of consequences, supports and
interventions are determined by the incident and the individual students involved.
Examples of Consequences:
verbal reminder
Examples of Supports/Intervention
review of expectations/rules
discussion with Principal
written or verbal apology
reflective paragraph/essay
incident sheet
problem solving **
yard: 5 minutes on the wall
conflict mediation
yard: walk with the teacher
social stories
letter written to parent
discussion with parent (next steps, solutions)
phone call home
conference with others involved
student contract sheet
restorative justice
Child and Youth Counsellor support
in-school community service
positive reward system
recess detentions
Attendance Counsellor support
class time detentions
student/teacher/parent meeting
loss of in-school privileges
case conference with school staff and/or Board
loss of field trip privileges
suspension from the bus
referral to outside agencies
Suspension/Expulsion Program
** For details concerning problem-solving and conflict resolution refer to following page.
Brant Avenue Public School - School Handbook
When engaged in solving small problems and conflicts students are encouraged try the strategies
from Kelso Wheel (below). If the problem is big, they are instructed to tell an adult.
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
Suspension and Expulsion
It is understood that discipline serves not only to correct inappropriate behaviour, but also as a deterrent.
To maintain a safe and effective learning environment, suspensions and expulsions may be imposed not
only to deter inappropriate behaviour, but also to remove individuals who pose a threat to the safety and
well being of others. The Provincial Code of Conduct specifies that for student actions that do not comply
with the Provincial Standards of Behaviour, suspension and expulsion may be considered. The Board’s
Student Discipline Policy (Policy #503) sets out the process for Suspension and Expulsion.
Mitigating Factors
The Principal will consider the following mitigating factors when considering a suspension:
the pupil does not have the ability to control his or her behaviour;
the pupil does not have the ability to understand the foreseeable consequences of his or her
the pupil’s continuing presence in the school does not create an unacceptable risk to the safety of
any other person.
The Principal will also consider the following factors if they mitigate (moderate) the seriousness of the
incident or the behaviour of the student involved:
the pupil’s history and age, whether progressive discipline has been used, if a behaviour has been
motivated by harassment or discrimination, the impact on the ongoing education of the student, the
student’s Individual Education Plan.
Note: In some cases, even though the offence calls for a suspension pending an investigation, the
consideration of the mitigating circumstances may cause a principal not to suspend.
Activities That May Lead to a Suspension
Police may be involved, as required, and a suspension may be imposed for one of the following
infractions which has occurred on school property, during a school related activity or event, and/or in
circumstances where the infraction has an impact on the school climate:
uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person;
possessing alcohol or illegal drugs;
being under the influence of alcohol;
swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority;
committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the
pupil’s school or to property located on the premises of the pupil’s school;
bullying, including cyber bullying
any act considered by the Principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school;
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook
h any act considered by the Principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of
members of the school community;
persistent opposition to authority;
habitual neglect of duty, or
a serious breach of the Board of school’s Code of Conduct.
Activities That May Result in a Suspension, an Investigation and a Possible Recommendation for
Police may be involved, as required, and a student may be immediately suspended, an investigation will
occur and may lead to a recommendation of expulsion to the Board’s Discipline Committee for one of the
following infractions which has occurred on school property, during a school related activity or event,
and/or in circumstances where the infraction has an impact on the school climate:
possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm;
using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person;
committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment
by a medical practitioner;
committing sexual assault;
trafficking in weapons or illegal drugs;
committing robbery;
giving alcohol to a minor;
an act or activities considered by the Principal to be significantly injurious to the moral tone
of the school and/or to the physical or mental well-being of others;
activities engaged in by the pupil on or off school property that have caused extensive
damage to the property of the Board or to goods that are/were on Board property, or
the pupil has demonstrated through a pattern of behaviour that s/he has not prospered by
the instruction available to him or her and that s/he is persistently resistant to making
changes in behaviour which would enable him or her to prosper
Brant Avenue Public School – School Handbook