Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2008, Article ID 561638, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2008/561638 Research Article Subordination and Superordination Results for a Class of Analytic Multivalent Functions S. P. Goyal,1 Pranay Goswami,1 and H. Silverman2 1 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, India Department of Mathematics, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424, USA Correspondence should be addressed to H. Silverman, silvermanh@cofc.edu Received 25 September 2007; Revised 19 February 2008; Accepted 21 May 2008 Recommended by Dorothy Wallace We derive subordination and superordination results for a family of normalized analytic functions in the open unit disk defined by integral operators. We apply this to obtain sandwich results and generalizations of some known results. Copyright q 2008 S. P. Goyal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Let H denote the class of analytic functions in the unit disk Δ : {z : |z| < 1}, and let Ha, p be the subclass of H of the form fz a ap zp ap1 zp1 · · · , p ∈ N {1, 2, 3, . . .}. 1.1 Let Ap be the subclass of H of the form fz zp ∞ ak zk , p ∈ N. 1.2 kp1 If f and g are analytic and there exists a Schwarz function wz, analytic in Δ with w0 0, |wz| < 1, z ∈ Δ, 1.3 such that fz gwz, then the function f is called subordinate to g and is denoted by f ≺g or fz ≺ gz, z ∈ Δ. 1.4 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences In particular, if the function g is univalent in Δ, the above subordination is equivalent to f0 g0, fΔ ⊂ gΔ. 1.5 Suppose h and k are analytic functions in Δ and φr, s, t; z : C 3 × Δ→C. If h and φhz, zh z, z2 h z; z are univalent and if h satisfies the second-order superordination kz ≺ φhz, zh z, z2 h z; z, 1.6 then h is a solution of the differential superordination 1.6. Note that if f is subordinate to g, then g is superordinate to f. An analytic function q is called subordinant if q ≺ h forall h satisfying 1.6. A univalent subordinant q that satisfies q ≺ q for all subordinants q of 1.6 is said to be the best subordinant. Miller and Mocanu 1 have obtained conditions on k, q, and φ for which the following implication holds: kz ≺ φhz, zh z, z2 h z; z ⇒ qz ≺ hz. 1.7 Ali et al. 2 have obtained sufficient conditions for certain normalized analytic functions fz to satisfy q1 z ≺ zf z ≺ q2 z, fz 1.8 where q1 and q2 are given univalent functions in Δ with q1 0 1 and q2 0 1. Recently, Shanmugam et al. 3, 4 have also obtained sandwich results for certain classes of analytic functions. Further subordination results can be found in 5–8. 2. Definitions and Preliminaries Definition 2.1. For fz ∈ Ap, Shams et al. 9 defined the following integral operator: z σ−1 z ftdt t 0 ∞ p1 σ zp an zn , σ > 0. n 1 np1 Iσ fz p 1σ zΓσ log 2.1 2.2 For the operator, one easily gets zIσ fz p 1Iσ−1 fz − Iσ fz. 2.3 Also for −1 ≤ B < A ≤ 1 and λ ≥ 0, Shams et al. 9 defined a class Ωσp A, B; λ of functions fz ∈ Ap, so that p − λ Iσ fz λ Iσ−1 fz 1 Az ≺ . p zp p zp 1 Bz 2.4 The family Ωσp A; B; λ is a general family containing various new and known classes of analytic functions see, e.g., 10, 11. S. P. Goyal et al. 3 Definition 2.2 see 1. Denote by Q the set of all functions fz that are analytic and injective on Δ − Ef, where Ef ζ ∈ ∂Δ : limfz ∞ , 2.5 z→ζ 0 for ζ ∈ ∂Δ − Ef. and are such that f ζ / We will require certain results due to Miller and Mocanu 1, 12, Bulboacă 13, and Shanmugam et al. 4 contained in the following lemmas. Lemma 2.3 see 12. Let qz be univalent in the unit disk Δ, and let θ and φ be analytic in the domain D containing qΔ with φw / 0 when w ∈ qΔ. Set Qz zq zφqz, hz θqz Qz. Suppose that i Qz is starlike univalent in Δ; ii Rezh z/Qz > 0 for z ∈ Δ. If pz is analytic in Δ, with p0 q0, pΔ ∈ D, and θpz zp zφpz ≺ θqz zq zφqz, 2.6 then pz ≺ qz and qz is the best dominant. Lemma 2.4 see 4. Let qz be a convex univalent function in Δ and ψ, γ ∈ C with Re1 zq z/q z > max{0, −Reψ/γ}. If pz is analytic in Δ and ψpz γzp z ≺ ψqz γzq z, 2.7 then pz ≺ qz and qz is the best dominant. Lemma 2.5 see 12. Let qz be univalent in Δ, and let φz be analytic in a domain containing qΔ. If zq z/ϕqz is starlike and zp zϕpz ≺ zq zϕqz, 2.8 then pz ≺ qz and qz is the best dominant. Lemma 2.6 see 13. Let qz be convex univalent in the unit disk Δ, and let ϑ and ϕ be analytic in a domain D containing qΔ. Suppose that i Reϑ qz/ϕqz > 0 for z ∈ Δ; ii zq zϕqz is starlike univalent in z ∈ Δ. If pz ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q, with pΔ ⊆ D, and if ϑpz zp zφpz is univalent in Δ and ϑqz zq zϕqz ≺ ϑpz zp zϕpz, 2.9 then qz ≺ pz and qz is the best subordinant. Lemma 2.7 see 1. Let qz be convex univalent in Δ and γ ∈ C. Further assume that Reγ > 0. If pz ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q and pz γzp z is univalent in Δ, then qz γzq z ≺ pz γzp z, which implies that qz ≺ pz and qz is the best subordinant. 2.10 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences The main object of this paper is to apply a method based on the differential subordination in order to derive several subordination results. 3. Subordination for analytic functions Theorem 3.1. Let qz be univalent in the unit disk Δ, λ ∈ C, and zq z pp 1 Re 1 > max 0, − Re , q z λ λ/ 0 p ∈ N. 3.1 If fz ∈ Ap satisfies the subordination p − λ Iσ fz λzq z λ Iσ−1 fz ≺ qz , p zp p zp pp 1 3.2 where Iσ fz is defined by 2.1, then Iσ fz zp ≺ qz 3.3 Iσ fz . zp 3.4 and qz is the best dominant. Proof. Consider hz : Differentiating 3.4 with respect to z logarithmically, we get zh z zIσ fz − p. σ hz I fz 3.5 Now, in view of 2.3, we obtain from 3.5 the following subordination: hz λzq z λzh z ≺ qz . pp 1 pp 1 3.6 An application of Lemma 2.4, with γ λ/pp 1 and ψ 1, leads to 3.3. Taking qz 1 Az/1 Bz in Theorem 3.1, we arrive at the following. Corollary 3.2. Let −1 ≤ B < A ≤ 1 and Re1 − Bz/1 Bz > max{0, −Repp 1/λ}λ / 0, p ∈ N. If f ∈ Ap and p − λ Iσ fz λ A − Bz 1 Az λ Iσ−1 fz ≺ , 3.7 p p p z p z 1 Bz pp 1 1 Bz2 then Iσ fz 1 Az ≺ zp 1 Bz and 1 Az/1 Bz is the best dominant. 3.8 S. P. Goyal et al. 5 Putting p 1 and qz 1 z/1 − z in Theorem 3.1, we get the following corollary. Corollary 3.3. Let Re1 z/1 − z > max{0, − Re2/λ} and λ / 0. If f ∈ A1 and λIσ−1 fz 1 − λIσ fz 1 z λz ≺ , z z 1 − z 1 − z2 3.9 Iσ fz 1 z ≺ z 1−z 3.10 then and 1 z/1 − z is the best dominant. Theorem 3.4. Let qz be univalent in Δ and 0 / γ, μ ∈ C, and α, β ∈ C such that α β / 0. Let f ∈ Ap and suppose that q satisfies zq z zq z Re 1 − > 0. 3.11 q z qz If 1 γμ αzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz zq z − p ≺1γ , σ−1 σ qz αI fz βI fz 3.12 then αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ ≺ qz, 3.13 μ/ 0, α β / 0. 3.14 and qz is the best dominant. Proof. Let us consider a function hz defined by hz : αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ , Now, differentiating 3.14 logarithmically, we get αzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz zh z μ −p . hz αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz 3.15 By setting θw 1, φw γ , w 3.16 it can be easily observed that θw is analytic in C and that φw / 0 is analytic in C/{0}. Also, we let Qz zq zφqz γ zq z , qz pz θqz Qz 1 γ zq z . qz 3.17 3.18 6 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences From 3.11 we see that Qz is starlike univalent in the unit disk Δ, and from 3.18 we get zq z zq z zp z Re 1 > 0. 3.19 Re − Qz q z qz An application of Lemma 2.3 to 3.12 yields the result. Putting α 0, β 1, γ 1, and qz 1 Az/1 Bz in Theorem 3.4, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 3.5. If fz ∈ Ap and for −1 ≤ A < B ≤ 1, μ / 0, zIσ fz A − Bz 1μ − p ≺1 , Iσ fz 1 Az1 Bz then Iσ fz zp μ ≺ 1 Az 1 Bz 3.20 3.21 and 1 Az/1 Bz is the best dominant. By setting α 0, β 1, γ 1, σ 0, p 1, and qz 1 BzμA−B/B inTheorem 3.4, we get the following corollary. Corollary 3.6. Suppose fz ∈ A1 and let −1 ≤ B < A ≤ 1 and B / 0. If zf z 1 Az 1μ −1 ≺ , fz 1 Bz then fz z 3.22 μ ≺ 1 BzμA−B/B 3.23 and 1 BzμA−B/B is the best dominant. Remark 3.7. qz 1 BzμA−B/B is univalent if and only if |μA − B/B − 1| ≤ 1 or |μA − B/B 1| ≤ 1 see 5. Again by setting β 1, μ 1, α 0, γ 1/b, p 1, and σ 0, and by qz 1/1 − z2b b ∈ C \ {0} in Theorm 3.4, we get the following corollary. Corollary 3.8. Suppose fz ∈ A1 and b is a nonzero complex number for which 1z 1 zf z −1 ≺ . 1 b fz 1−z 3.24 Then, fz 1 ≺ z 1 − z2b and 1/1 − z2b is the best dominant. 3.25 S. P. Goyal et al. 7 The result contained in Corollary 3.8 was earlier given by Srivastava and Lashin 7. Theorem 3.9. Let q be univalent in the unit disk Δ, and let μ, γ / 0, η, δ, α, β ∈ C, and fz ∈ Ap. Suppose that q satisfies zq z η Re 1 > max 0, −Re . 3.26 q z γ Let ψz αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ αzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz η γμ − p δ. αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz 3.27 ψz ≺ ηqz δ γzq z, 3.28 If then αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ ≺ qz, αβ / 0, 3.29 and qz is the best dominant. Proof. Define a function hz by hz : αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ . 3.30 Then, a computation shows that and hence αzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz zh z μ − p hz αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz 3.31 zαIσ−1 fz zβIσ fz − p . zh z μhz αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz 3.32 Set θw ηw δ, φw γ, 3.33 and let Qz zq zφqz γzq z, pz θqz Qz ηqz δ γzq z. From 3.26, we see that Qz is starlike in Δ and that zp z η zq z Re Re 1 > 0, Qz γ q z 3.34 3.35 by the hypothesis 3.26 of Theorem 3.9. Thus, applying Lemma 2.3, the proof of Theorem 3.9 is completed. 8 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences By setting β 1, γ 1, α 0, and qz 1 Az/1 Bz, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 3.10. Let fz ∈ Ap and Reη > 0. Suppose that 1 − Bz Re > max{0, −Reη}. 1 Bz 3.36 If Iσ fz zp μ zIσ fz 1 Az A − B − p δ ≺η δz ημ , Iσ fz 1 Bz 1 Bz2 then Iσ fz zp μ ≺ 1 Az 1 Bz 3.37 3.38 and 1 Az/1 Bz is the best dominant. Again by setting β 1, γ 1, α 0, p 1, and σ 0, and by qz 1 z/1 − z, we get the following corollary. Corollary 3.11. Let fz ∈ A1 and zf z fz μ 1z 2z ημ , −1 δ ≺η δ z fz 1−z 1 − z2 3.39 then fz μ 1 z ≺ z 1−z 3.40 and 1 z/1 − z is the best dominant. 4. Superordination for analytic functions Theorem 4.1. Let q be convex univalent in the unit disk Δ, and λ ∈ C. Suppose λ satisfies Re{λ} > 0 and Iσ fz/zp ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q. Suppose that p − λ Iσ fz λ Iσ−1 fz p zp p zp 4.1 is univalent in the unit disk Δ. If qz λzq z p − λ Iσ fz λ Iσ−1 fz , ≺ pp 1 p zp p zp 4.2 Iσ fz zp 4.3 then qz ≺ and qz is the best subordinant. S. P. Goyal et al. 9 Proof. Let pz Iσ fz , zp z / 0. 4.4 Differentiating logarithmically, we get zp z zIσ fz −p. pz Iσ fz 4.5 After some computation, we get pz p − λ Iσ fz λzp z λ Iσ−1 fz . pp 1 p zp p zp 4.6 Now, using Lemma 2.7, we get the desired result 4.3. Corollary 4.2. Let q be convex univalent in Δ, and λ ∈ C. Suppose λ satisfies R{λ} > 0 and Iσ fz/zp ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q. Let p − λ Iσ fz λ Iσ−1 fz 4.7 p zp p zp be univalent in the unit disk Δ. If p − λ Iσ fz 1 Az λ Iσ−1 fz , ≺ zp p zp pp 11 Bz2 1 Bz p 4.8 1 Az Iσ fz ≺ 1 Bz zp 4.9 λA − Bz then and 1 Az/1 Bz is the best subordinant. Since the proofs of Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 are similar to the proofs of the previous theorems, we only give statements of these theorems without proofs. Theorem 4.3. Let qz be convex univalent in Δ, and 0 / γ, μ ∈ C, and α, β ∈ C such that α β / 0. μ Let fz ∈ Ap. Suppose that αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz/α βzp ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q, and 1 γμ αzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz −p αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz 4.10 is univalent in Δ. If 1γ αzIσ−1 fz βIσ fz zq z − p , ≺ 1 γμ qz αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz then qz ≺ and qz is the best subordinant. αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp 4.11 μ 4.12 10 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Theorem 4.4. Let q be convex univalent in the unit disk Δ, and let γ / 0 ∈ C, η, δ, α, β ∈ C with αβ / 0, and fz ∈ Ap. Suppose that Iσ fz/zp ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q, and ηq z Re > 0. 4.13 γ If αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz ηqz δ γzq z ≺ α βzp then qz ≺ μ zαIσ−1 fz zβIσ fz ηγμ −p δ, αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz 4.14 αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ 4.15 and qz is the best subordinant. 5. Sandwich results Combining results of differential subordinations and superordinations, we arrive at the following “sandwich results.” Theorem 5.1. Let q1 z be convex univalent, and let q2 z be univalent in Δ, and λ ∈ C. Suppose q1 satisfies Re{λ} > 0 and q2 satisfies 3.1. If Iσ fz/zp ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q and σ−1 μ αI fz βIσ fz , αβ/ 0, 5.1 α βzp is univalent in Δ, and if q1 z λzq1 z λIσ−1 fz p − λIσ fz λzq2 z ≺ q z ≺ , 2 pp 1 zp zp pp 1 then q1 z ≺ Iσ fz zp 5.2 ≺ q2 z 5.3 and q1 z and q2 z are, respectively, the best subordinant and the best dominant. Theorem 5.2. Let q1 z be convex univalent, and let q2 z be univalent in Δ, and λ ∈ C. Suppose that q2 satisfies 3.11. Further suppose that αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz/α βzp μ ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q and 1 γμαzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz /αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz − p is univalent in Δ. If zq z zq2 z αzIσ−1 fz βzIσ fz 1γ 1 − p ≺ 1 γ ≺ 1 γμ , 5.4 q1 z q2 z αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz then q1 z ≺ αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ ≺ q2 z, αβ / 0, and q1 z and q2 z are, respectively, the best subordinant and the best dominant. 5.5 S. P. Goyal et al. 11 Theorem 5.3. Let q1 z be convex univalent, and let q2 z be univalent in Δ, and λ ∈ C. Suppose that q1 z satisfies 4.13 and q2 z satisfies 3.28. Further suppose that αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz/α βzp μ ∈ Hq0, 1 ∩ Q with α β / 0, and that αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ η γμ zαIσ−1 fz zβIσ fz −p αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz δ 5.6 is univalent in Δ. If ηq1 z δ γzq1 z ≺ αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ η γμ zαIσ−1 fz zβIσ fz − p δ αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz ≺ ηq2 z δ γzq2 z, 5.7 then q1 z ≺ αIσ−1 fz βIσ fz α βzp μ ≺ q2 z 5.8 and q1 z and q2 z are, respectively, the best subordinant and the best dominant. Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the referee for his useful suggestions. P. Goswami is also thankful to CSIR, India, for providing the Junior Research Fellowship under Research Scheme no. 09/1350434/2006-EMR-1. References 1 S. S. Miller and P. T. Mocanu, “Subordinants of differential superordinations,” Complex Variables, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 815–826, 2003. 2 R. M. Ali, V. Ravichandran, M. H. Khan, and K. G. Subramanian, “Differential sandwich theorems for certain analytic functions,” Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 87–94, 2004. 3 T. N. 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