Shake-and-Bake, Grid Computing, and Visualization Russ Miller Center for Computational Research Computer Science & Engineering SUNY-Buffalo Hauptman-Woodward Medical Inst NSF, NIH, DOE NIMA, NYS, HP University at Buffalo The State University of New York Buffalo, New York Two Seasons: Winter and July 4 The Queen City: 2nd Largest City in NYS Waterfront City: on North Coast of U.S. City of Lights First U.S. city to have electric street lights Pan American Exposition (1901) Pres. McKinley Shot Architecture Frederick Law Olmsted Frank Lloyd Wright Underground Railroad: slaves escaped to freedom in Canada Four straight Super Bowl appearances Culinary Delights (Buffalo) Wings: Anchor Bar, 1964 Beef on Weck University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Academia in the st 21 Century Embrace digital data-driven society Empower students to compete in knowledge-based economy Support research, scholarship, education, and outreach Computational Science & Engineering: Simulation & Modeling Complements Theory & Experimentation Can lead to generation of new knowledge High-Performance Computing & High-End Visualization Deliver high-end cyberinfrastructure to enable efficient Collection of data Management/Organization of data Distribution of data Analysis of data Visualization of data University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Center for Computational Research 1998-2005 Overview High-End Computing, Storage, Networking, and Visualization ~140 Research Groups in 37 Depts Physical Sciences Life Sciences Engineering Scientific Visualization, Medical Imaging, Virtual Reality 13 Local Companies 10 Local Institutions External Funding: $300M+ Total Leveraged WNY: $500M+ 1100+ Publications EOT, Economic Development, Software, Media, Algorithms, Consulting, Training, CPU Cycles… University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR CCR by the Numbers (2005) Current Technical Staff: 20→13 Initial 7-Year Funding Model Seven (7) Contracted & Univ Tech Staff cut by Provost Associate Director Computational Scientist (3) Database Administrator Scientific Visualization System Administration (5) Storage Area Network Admin Multimedia Support Staff: 3 FTE Financial/Contracts (2) Receptionist Research Staff: 5 FTE SUNY-Buffalo Contribution: $1.3M Personnel: $1.2M Operating: $0.1M User’s Contributions: $0.4M Annual Expend: ~$2.4M Opportunistic Funding Model Equipment, Maintenance, Licenses ROI: $7M → $300M @ SUNY-B New Administration’s Model Moved into Bioinformatics Move 30 mins from Main Campus 50% Additional Reduction in Personnel & Operating in Addition to Current Cuts Maintain Opportunistic Funding Provost Rationale Will Increase Users Contributions “Provides Stability” University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Major Compute/Storage Resources Dell Linux Cluster (10TF peak) SGI Altix3700 (0.4TF peak) 1600 Xeon EM64T Processors (3.2 GHz) 64 Processors (1.3GHz ITF2) 2 TB RAM; 65 TB Disk 256 GB RAM Myrinet / Force10 2.5 TB Disk 30 TB EMC SAN Apex Bioinformatics System Dell Linux Cluster (2.9TF peak) Sun V880 (3), Sun 6800 Sun 280R (2) 600 P4 Processors (2.4 GHz) Intel PIIIs 600 GB RAM; 40 TB Disk; Myrinet Sun 3960: 7 TB Disk Storage Dell Linux Cluster (6TF peak) 4036 Processors (PIII 1.2 GHz) 2TB RAM; 160TB Disk; 16TB SAN HP/Compaq SAN IBM BladeCenter Cluster (3TF peak) 75 TB Disk; 190 TB Tape 64 Alpha Processors (400 MHz) 532 P4 Processors (2.8 GHz) 32 GB RAM; 400 GB Disk 5TB SAN University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR CCR Visualization Resources Fakespace ImmersaDesk R2 Portable 3D Device Onyx2: 6 R10000 @ 250MHz 2 IR2 Pipes; 3 64MB texture memory mgrs. Tiled-Display Wall 20 NEC projectors: 15.7M pixels Screen is 11’×7’ Dell PCs with Myrinet2000 Access Grid Nodes (2) Group-to-Group Communication Commodity components SGI Reality Center 3300W Dual Barco’s on 8’×4’ screen Onyx300: 10 R14000 @ 500MHz 2 IR4 Pipes; 1 GB texture mem per pipe University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR CCR Research & Projects Archaeology Bioinformatics/Protein Folding Computational Chemistry Computational Fluid Dynamics Data Mining/Database Earthquake Engineering Environ Modeling & Simulation Grid Computing Videos: MTV Urban Simulation and Viz StreetScenes I-90 Toll Barrier Medical Campus Peace Bridge Accident Reconstruction Scientific Viz Molecular Structure Determination Physics University at Buffalo The State University of New York Dental Surgery MRI/CT Scan Confocal Microscopy Crystallization Wells Collaboratories Center for Computational Research CCR StreetScenes: Real-Time 3D Traffic Simulation Accurate local landmarks: Bridges, Street Signs, Business, Homes Can be viewed from driver’s perspective Real-Time Navigation Works with Corsim Synchro Generate AVI & MOV Multiple Simultaneous Traffic Loads Simulation Varying POV University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Peace Bridge Visualization: Animation & Simulation International Crossing The Problem 75 year old bridge 3 lanes – poor capacity Existing US plaza: small and poor design Proposed Options Relocate US plaza Build a 3-lane companion span & rehab existing bridge Build a six lane signature span University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Public Forum University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Song: I’m OK (I Promise) Band: Chemical Romance IBC Digital & CCR Gaming Environment: Death Jr. MTV University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR 3D Medical Visualization App Collaboration with Children’s Hospital Leading miniature access surgery center Application reads data output from a CT Scan Visualize multiple surfaces and volumes Export images, movies or CAD representation of model University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Recent Biomedical Advances (Buffalo, NY) PSA Test (screen for Prostate Cancer) Avonex: Interferon Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Artificial Blood Nicorette Gum Fetal Viability Test Edible Vaccine for Hepatitis C Timed-Release Insulin Therapy Anti-Arrythmia Therapy Tarantula venom University at Buffalo The State University of New York Direct Methods Structure Determination Listed on “Top Ten Algorithms of the 20th Century” Vancomycin & Gramacidin A High Throughput Crystallization Method NIH National Genomics Center: Northeast Consortium HHMI: Center for Genomics & Proteomics NYSCOEBLS: $360M with RPCI & HWI Center for Computational Research CCR Groundwater Flow Modeling Regional-scale modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport (Great Lakes Region) Ability to include all hydrogeologic features as independent objects Current work is based on Analytic Element Method Key features: High precision Highly parallel Object-oriented programming Intelligent user interface GIS facilitates large-scale regional applications Utilized 10,661 CPU days (32 CPU years) of computing in past year on CCR’s commodity clusters University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Geophysical Mass Flow Modeling Modeling of Volcanic Flows, Mud flows (flash flooding), and Avalanches Integrate information from several sources Simulation results Remote sensing GIS data Develop realistic 3D models of mass flows Present information at appropriate level University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR X-Ray Crystallography Objective: Provide a 3-D mapping of the atoms in a crystal. Procedure: 1. 2. 3. Isolate a single crystal. Perform the X-Ray diffraction experiment. Determine molecular structure that agrees with diffration data. University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR X-Ray Data & Corresponding Molecular Structure Reciprocal or “Phase” Space Experiment yields reflections and associated intensities. Underlying atomic arrangement is related to the reflections by a 3-D Fourier transform. Phase angles are lost in experiment. Phase Problem: Determine the X-Ray Data set of phases corresponding to the reflections. University at Buffalo The State University of New York Real Space FFT FFT-1 Molecular Structure Center for Computational Research CCR Overview of Direct Methods Probability theory gives information about certain linear combinations of phases. In particular, the triples φH+ φK+ φ-H-K=0 with high probability. Probabilistic estimates are expressed in terms of normalized structure factor magnitudes (|E|). Optimization methods are used to extract the values of individual phases. A multiple trial approach is used during the optimization process. A suitable figure-of-merit is used to determine the trials that represent solutions. University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Cochran Distribution •N=non-H atoms in unit cell •Each triplet of phases or structure invariant, ΦHK, has an associated parameter AHK=2|EHEKE-H-K|/N1/2 •AHK is large if •|EH|, |EK|, |E-H-K| are large •N is small ΦHK=φH+ φK + φ-H-K University at Buffalo The State University of New York •If AHK is large, ΦHK≈ 0 Center for Computational Research CCR Conventional Direct Methods Tangent Formula Trial Phases FFT Phase Refinement Density Modification (Peak Picking) ? Solutions Reciprocal Space University at Buffalo The State University of New York Real Space Center for Computational Research CCR Shake-and-Bake Method: Dual-Space Refinement Trial Structures Shake-and-Bake Structure Factors Tangent Formula Trial Phases FFT Phase Refinement Parameter Shift FFT-1 Density Modification (Peak Picking) (LDE) Reciprocal Space Real Space “Shake” “Bake” University at Buffalo The State University of New York ? Solutions Center for Computational Research CCR A Direct Methods Flowchart Shake-and-Bake University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Generate Triplet Invariants Reflections Triplets Rank H K -H-K A 4 4.65 1 1 4 45 3.90 7 30 3.67 2 1 3 165 3.52 5 1 1 3.67 3 3 5 17 3.37 4 8 8 5 3.26 4 1 3 289 3.16 5 6 0 1 3.15 5 1 28 40 3.09 10n=840 7 0 3 1.33 100n=840 19 259 734 0.71 841 2 4 30 1.33 8401 142 179 283 0.71 Rank h k l 1 0 3 2 0 3 |E| n = 84 unique atoms University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Getting Started: Random Atoms Random Number Generator 5 n = 10 atoms (30 coordinates) φ1 φ2 φ3 φ4 φ5 φ6 φ7 φ8 φ9 φ10 9 2 8 3 7 4 10 1 6 r o t ac F e on r u i t t c a u cul r t l S a C University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Useful Relationships for Multiple Trial Phasing Tangent Formula tan φ H = − ∑ | EK E− H − K | sin(φ K + φ − H − K ) K ∑| E K E− H − K | cos(φ K + φ − H − K ) K Parameter Shift Optimization 1 R(φ ) = ∑WHK ⎛ I1 (WHK ) ⎞ ⎟⎟ WHK ⎜⎜ cos Φ HK − ∑ I 0 (WHK ) ⎠ H ,K ⎝ 2 H ,K where | EH | ∝ | FH | normalized in resolution shells Invariants : Φ HK = φ H + φ K + φ − H − K ≈ 0 Weights : WHK = AHK = 2 N −1/ 2 | EH EK E− H − K | University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Peak Picking University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Sorted Trials University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Ph8755: SnB Histogram University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Minimal Function Traces University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Phasing and Structure Size Se-Met with Shake-and-Bake ? Se-Met 567 kDa (160 Se) Multiple Isomorphous Replacement ? Shake-and-Bake Conventional Direct Methods 0 100 Vancomycin 1,000 10,000 100,000 Number of Atoms in Structure University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Shake-and-Bake Applications: Structure Size and Data Resolution Basic Data (Full Structure) ~750 unique non-H atoms (equal) ~2000 such atoms including 8 Fe’s 1.1-1.2Å data (equal atom) 1.3-1.4Å data (unequal atoms, sometimes) SAS or SIR Difference Data (substructures) 160 Se (567 kDa / ASU) 3-4Å data 5Å truncated data have also worked University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Grid Computing University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Grid Computing Overview Data Acquisition Imaging Instruments Advanced Visualization LHC Analysis Computational Resources Large-Scale Databases Coordinate Computing Resources, People, Instruments in Dynamic Geographically-Distributed Multi-Institutional Environment Treat Computing Resources like Commodities Compute cycles, data storage, instruments Human communication environments No Central Control; No Trust University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Collaborations High-Performance Networking Infrastructure WNY/NYS Grid Initiative Grid3+ Collaboration iVDGL Member Only External Member Open Science Grid Member Organizational Committee Blueprint Committee Security Working Group Data Working Group GRASE VO Grid-Lite: Campus Grid HP Labs Collaboration Innovative Laboratory Prototype Dell Collaboration University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC Data Grid Overview (Grid-Available Data Repositories) 182 GB Storage Joplin: Compute Cluster 300 Dual Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Xeon RedHat Linux 7.3 38.7 TB Scratch Space Nash: Compute Cluster 75 Dual Processor 1 GHz Pentium III RedHat Linux 7.3 1.8 TB Scratch Space 100 GB Storage 70 GB Storage Mama: Compute Cluster 9 Dual Processor 1 GHz Pentium III RedHat Linux 7.3 315 GB Scratch Space ACDC: Grid Portal 56 GB Storage Young: Compute Cluster 4 Processor Dell 6650 1.6 GHz Intel Xeon RedHat Linux 9.0 66 GB Scratch Space 16 Dual Sun Blades 47 Sun Ultra5 Solaris 8 770 GB Scratch Space CSE Multi-Store 40 TB 100 GB Storage Crosby: Compute Cluster 136 GB Storage SGI Origin 3800 64 - 400 MHz IP35 IRIX 6.5.14m 360 GB Scratch Space Network Attached Storage 1.2 TB Storage Area Network 75 TB Note: Network connections are 100 Mbps unless otherwise noted. University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Cyber-Infrastructure Integrated Data Grid Automated Data File Migration based on profiling users. Lightweight Grid Monitor (Dashboard) Predictive Scheduler Define quality of service estimates of job completion, by better estimating job runtimes by profiling users. Dynamic Resource Allocation Develop automated procedures for dynamic computational resource allocation. High-Performance Grid-Enabled Data Repositories Develop automated procedures for dynamic data repository creation and deletion. University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Data Grid Motivation: Large data collections are emerging as important community resources. Data Grids complement Computational Grids. Definition: A data grid is a network of distributed storage resources, including archival systems, caches, and databases, which are linked logically to create a sense of global persistence. Goal: Design and implement transparent management of data distributed across heterogeneous resources. University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Data Grid Functionality Basic file management functions are accessible via a platform-independent web interface. User-friendly menus/interface. File Upload/Download to/from the Data Grid Portal. Simple Web-based file editor. Efficient search utility. Logical display of files (user/ group/ public). Ability to logically display files based on metadata (file name, size, modification date, etc.) University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Data Grid Browser view of “miller” group files published by user “rappleye” University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Predictive Scheduler Build profiles based on statistical analysis of logs of past jobs Per User/Group Per Resource Use these profiles to predict runtimes of new jobs Make use of these predictions to determine Resources to be utilized Availability of Backfill University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR System Diagram Resource 1 SQL Database Resource 2 Predictive Scheduler Maintain Profiles and Predict • running time • backfill on resources Resource n User 1 User 2 University at Buffalo The State University of New York User m • grid load and utilization Center for Computational Research CCR Preliminary GA results Percent of estimates within 5% of actual values Percent of estimates within 20% of actual values University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Dynamic Resource Allocation at SC03 with Grid3 Small number (40) of CPUs were dedicated at night An additional 400 CPUs were dynamically allocated during the day No human intervention was required Grid applications were able to utilize the resources and surpassed the Grid3 goals University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Dynamic Resource Allocation 4 node Dell 2650 PVFS server (1096 GB) Node scratch space (120 GB) Joplin Configuration Diagram Dell 6650 4-way (ACDC) Dell 2650 backup front-end 292 – Dell 2650 production nodes Dell 6650 4-way (GRID) Dell 6650 4-way front-end Dell 6650 4-way (EAGLES) 1 node Dell 2650 NFS server (342 GB) GigE and Myrinet connection GigE connection 73 GB hard drive University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR ACDC-Grid Monitoring: The ACDC-Grid DASHBOARD ACDC-Grid Administration University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Grid-Enabling Application Templates (GATs) Structural Biology SnB and BnP for Molecular Structure Determination/Phasing Groundwater Modeling Ostrich: Optimization and Parameter Estimation Tool POMGL: Princeton Ocean Model Great Lakes for Hydrodynamic Circulation Split: Modeling Groundwater Flow with Analytic Element Method Earthquake Engineering EADR: Evolutionary Aseismic Design and Retrofit; Passive Energy Dissipation System for Designing Earthquake Resilient Structures Computational Chemistry Q-Chem: Quantum Chemistry Package Geographic Information Systems & BioHazards Titan: Computational Modeling of Hazardous Geophysical Mass Flows University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Grid Enabled SnB Problem Statement Use all available resources for determining a single structure Grid Enabling Criteria Run on heterogeneous set of resources Store results in SnB database Mine database (and automagically deploy new jobs) to improve parameter settings Runtime Parameters Transparent to User Assembling Necessary Files Number of Processors Trials per Processor Appropriate Queue and Running Times University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Grid Services and Applications Applications Shake-and-Bake ACDC-Grid ACDC-Grid Computational Computational Resources Resources Apache High-level Services and Tools Globus Toolkit MPI MPI-IO C, C++, Fortran, PHP Oracle MySQL NWS globusrun Core Services Metacomputing Directory Service Condor LSF Globus Security Interface GRAM Local Services Stork MPI PBS Maui Scheduler TCP RedHat Linux UDP GASS ACDC-Grid ACDC-Grid Data Data Resources Resources WINNT Irix Solaris Adapted from Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Startup Screen for ACDC-Grid Job Submission Instructions and Description for Running a Job on ACDC-Grid Software Package Selection Full Structure / Substructure Template Selection Default Parameters Based on Template Default Parameters (cont’d) Generating Reflections (Drear) Invariant Generation SnB Setup SnB Setup (cont’d) SnB Review (Grid job ID: 447) Graphical Representation of Intermediate Job Status Histogram of Completed Trial Structures Status of Jobs Heterogeneous Back-End Interactive Collaboratory User starts up – default image of structure. Molecule scaled, rotated, and labeled. Current Grid Efforts Grass Roots NYS Grid SUNY-Buffalo SUNY-Binghamton SUNY-Albany SUNY-Geneseo Hauptman-Woodward Inst. Columbia Niagara University Canisius College GRASE VO: Grid Resources for Advanced Science and Engineering Virtual Organization Harden (Non-Physics Research) Structural Biology Groundwater Modeling Earthquake Engineering Computational Chemistry GIS/BioHazards Dashboard Predictive Scheduler University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Outreach HS Summer Workshops in Computational Science Chemistry, Visualization, Bioinformatics 10-14 HS Students Participate Each Summer for 2 weeks Project-Based Program University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Outreach Pilot HS Program in Computational Science Year long extracurricular activity at Mount St. Mary’s, City Honors, and Orchard Park HS Produce next generation scientists and engineers Students learn Perl, SQL, Bioinformatics $50,000 startup funding from Verizon, PC’s from HP University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR Acknowledgments Mark Green Amin Ghadersohi Naimesh Shah Steve Gallo Jason Rappleye Jon Bednasz Sam Guercio Martins Innus Cynthia Cornelius George DeTitta Herb Hauptman Charles Weeks Steve Potter Bruce Holm Janet Penksa NSF, NIH, NYS, NIMA, NTA, Oishei, Wendt, DOE University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR University at Buffalo The State University of New York Center for Computational Research CCR