 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLN: 13‐05 April 9, 2013 File Code #: R02 MEMO TO: FROM: Martha Rogers, Director of Education Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance
RE: SIR ISAAC BROCK PS GRADES 7 & 8 FEASIBILITY STUDY Report Classification: DECISION BACKGROUND As part of the Westminster Woods PS Boundary Review in 2008, Staff recommended the phase in of Grades 7 & 8 at Sir Isaac Brock PS beginning in September 2015. Staff also recommended that a review of the feasibility of phasing in Grades 7 & 8 at Sir Isaac Brock PS be completed in April 2013. An alternate motion was approved by Trustees which directed that Staff prepare a report outlining a plan for implementing the JK‐8 boundaries for Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS in October 2010. An Information Report was presented to Trustees at the Business Operations Committee meeting on October 12, 2010. The report concluded that expanding the program at Sir Isaac Brock PS to include Grades 7 & 8 in 2011 would be premature until the boundaries of the planned new dual track South Guelph elementary school were known. As part of the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) Capital Plan, it was determined that the new South Guelph elementary school would open in September 2014 as a JK‐8 French Immersion (FI) school. Therefore, the boundary review for the new South Guelph elementary school did not contemplate changes to the Regular Track (RT) boundaries of Sir Isaac Brock PS or Rickson Ridge PS, nor a possible expansion to the Sir Isaac Brock PS program to include Grades 7 & 8. ISSUE To present Trustees with a report initiating a feasibility study for expanding the program at Sir Isaac Brock PS to include Grades 7 & 8. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT memo PLN: 13‐05 entitled “Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 Feasibility Study “, dated April 9, 2013 be received. 2. THAT staff be directed to meet with Sir Isaac Brock PS and the Rickson Ridge PS communities to discuss the feasibility of expanding the program at Sir Isaac Brock PS to include Grades 7 & 8. 3. THAT staff be directed to bring a final report to the Business Operations Committee meeting on June 11, 2013 to share with Trustees the input received from affected families and to provide staff’s recommendation(s) regarding implementation of any changes. Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 Feasibility and Implementation Study RATIONALE An outcome of the Westminster Woods PS Boundary Review (June 24, 2008) directed: “That staff prepare and present to Trustees in October 2010, a report outlining a plan for implementing the JK‐8 boundaries for Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS, as shown on Maps 5 and 6, and including the anticipated implications of the changes proposed.” Report PLN: 10‐19 entitled “7/8 Implementation Plan at Sir Isaac Brock PS” was presented to Trustees in October 2010. At that time, it was assumed that a new Dual Track (DT) JK‐8 school would open in South Guelph prior to 2017. Since the opening of a new DT school had the potential to impact the attendance area boundaries of Rickson Ridge PS and Sir Isaac Brock PS, Staff advised that adding Grades 7 & 8 to Sir Isaac Brock PS in 2011 would be premature. It was suggested by Staff at that time that “the question of a 7/8 program at Sir Isaac Brock in the future boundary review process” should be included. Through the development of the FDK Capital Plan it was determined that the new South Guelph elementary school should be a JK‐8 FI centre. Therefore, the boundary review process for the new South Guelph elementary school did not contemplate any changes to RT boundaries. Staff recognize that there remains strong interest in the Sir Isaac Brock PS school community for the school to offer a full JK‐8 program. Completion of a feasibility study for Grades 7 & 8 at Sir Isaac Brock PS this spring is:  consistent with the original timeframes suggested by Staff in the Westminster Woods PS Boundary Review,  compensates for the fact that the new school serving South Guelph will not open as a DT as originally envisioned, and  recognizes that no review of RT boundaries is otherwise contemplated at this time. CURRENT ENROLMENT INFORMATION Enrolment projections have been prepared to determine the impact of establishing Grades 7 & 8 at Sir Isaac Brock PS in 2015/16. The enrolments provided in Table 1 reflect the Status Quo. Currently, the Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 6 students graduate to Rickson Ridge PS for Grades 7 & 8. The Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 enrolment are in italics at the bottom of the table for information. The FDK capacities shown on Table 1 assume the proposed renovations to accommodate FDK have been completed. These capacities do not include any temporary capacity, such as portables, on the sites. Page 2
Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 Feasibility and Implementation Study Table 1 ‐ Status Quo Enrolment Projection for Rickson Ridge PS and Sir Isaac Brock PS FDK Capacity Rickson Ridge PS 455 Sir Isaac Brock PS 527 Grade JK‐6 7/8 Total JK‐6 7/8 Total Sir Isaac Brock PS 7/8 Enrolment Total Enrolment at Sir Isaac Brock with7/8 Current Enrol 2012 240 186 426 402 0 402 2014 291 196 486 432 0 432 Projected Enrolment 2015 2018 304 313 201 221 505 534 423 377 0 0 423 377 2022 322 187 509 336 0 336 111 114 124 91 543 537 501 427 ANALYSIS OF FEASIBILITY Staff’s analysis of feasibility will have to examine, but may not be limited to, the following factors: 1. Size of the current 7 & 8 classes at Rickson Ridge PS. 2. Size of the 7 & 8 classes if started at Sir Isaac Brock PS. 3. Size of the 7 & 8 classes remaining at Rickson Ridge PS. 4. Implications of move to school enrolment/utilization at Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS. 5. Suitability of facilities to accommodate 7 & 8 classes (i.e. gymnasium, lockers, tech space). PROPOSED PROCESS 1. A letter will be sent to the parents/guardians of students at Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS currently in Grades JK‐Grade 5 advising them of this Sir Isaac Brock PS Grades 7 & 8 Feasibility Study. 2. An information meeting will be held for the parents/guardians of students at Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS on May 2, 2013 in the gymnasium at Rickson Ridge PS from 7:00‐9:00pm. 3. A report will be brought to the June 11, 2013 Business Operations Committee meeting summarizing the input received from affected families and providing staff’s recommendation(s) regarding the feasibility of Grades 7 & 8 at Sir Isaac Brock PS and implementation plan should the program be expanded.. 4. The public will have opportunities to appear as delegations before the Program and Business Operations Committees or the Board. COMMUNICATION PLAN The Communication Plan has two goals: 1. Keep the community informed through a variety of channels. 2. Provide ways for people to submit comments. Page 3
Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 Feasibility and Implementation Study To accomplish these goals, staff will:  Present a report to initiate the feasibility study to the Business Operations Committee on April 9, 2013. 
Send a letter home to parents/guardians of Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS students about the Sir Isaac Brock PS Grades 7 & 8 Feasibility Study. The letter will provide background information, key dates, and details on how to learn more. 
Publish a brief notice about the Sir Isaac Brock PS Grade 7 & 8 Feasibility Study in the Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS newsletters. 
Create an online forum that gives community members the opportunity to sign up and receive email alerts when significant new content is added. 
Create an online comment submission form. Comments received up to May 24, 2013 will be considered by Staff in the final report being presented to the Business Operations Committee on June 11, 2013. Comments will also be shared publicly on the Board’s website, without names or personally identifying information. Users submitting comments will be informed in advance that it will not be possible to provide individual responses. 
Inform parents/guardians about the opportunities for delegations to appear before trustees. 
Send a letter home to parents/guardians of Sir Isaac Brock PS and Rickson Ridge PS students upon release of the final report that includes staff’s recommendation(s). Page 4