Manuscript Collection Inventory Illinois History and Lincoln Collections

Manuscript Collection Inventory
Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Note: Unless otherwise specified, documents and other materials listed on the
following pages are available for research at the Illinois Historical and Lincoln
Collections, located in the Main Library of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Additional background information about the manuscript collection
inventoried is recorded in the Manuscript Collections Database
( under the collection title;
search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding
collection record in the database.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
phone: (217) 333-1777
Episcopal Bishops of Illinois
Letters, 1871-1963 and 2005.
1. Alphabetical List........................................... 1
2. Chronological List.......................................... 3
1. Alphabetical List
Keith L. Ackerman (Quincy)
Apr. 12, 2005
Charles Palmerston Anderson (Chicago)
Mar. 10, 1904; Mar. 17, 1904; photo
Alexander Burgess (Quincy)
Oct. 28, 1878; 1879 (sig. only)
Albert Arthur Chambers (Springfield)
Oct. 8, 1962; Mar. 6, 1963
Charles A. Clough (Springfield)
May 26, 1949 (sig. only); Oct. 4, 1955
Wallace E. Conkling (Chicago)
Feb. 1, 1943
William L. Essex (Quincy)
Mar. 6, 1937; Sept. 23, 1937
Edward Fawcett (Quincy)
Mar. 17, 1908; Nov. 3, 1909; photo
Charles Reuben Hale (Cairo [asst. bp. of Springfield])
July 25, 1895
Francis W. Lickfield (Quincy)
June 10, 1958; Mar. 3, 1959
Richard T. Loring (Springfield)
Mar. 19, 1948
William Edward McLaren (2nd bp. of Illinois)
Mar. 20, 1878; May 18, 1878
James W. Montgomery (Chicago, suffr.)
Oct. 8, 1962; Mar. 4, 1963
Edwin J. Randall (Chicago, suffr.)
Dec. 26, 1940
Victor A. Scantlebury (Chicago, asst.)
June 7, 2005
George Fox Seymour (Springfield)
Sept. 18, 1877; Dec. 23, 1887; Jan. 16, 1903
[Laid into the last letter is a note from Bp. William Lawrence
to the librarian who maintained the scrapbooks: "Dear Miss
Fuller - You may keep or destroy these Episc. Autographs - that
from Bp. Seymour is interesting in the light of history: his
opposition to [Arthur?] Brooks' Consecration."]
Granville Hudson Sherwood (Springfield)
Dec. 21, 1920
George Craig Stewart (Chicago, coadj.)
Mar. 5, 1932
Charles L. Street (Chicago)
Feb. 14, 1950
Frederick William Taylor (Quincy)
Apr. 13, 1882, from Danville, Ill., before consecration
William E. Toll (Chicago, suffr.)
Mar. 14, 1914; Apr. 3, 1914; photo
John Chanler White (Springfield)
May 5, 1925; photo
Henry John Whitehouse (1st bp. of Illinois)
Jan. 24, 1871; clipped sig., n.d.
Note: The backs of some scrapbook pages bear letters, envelopes,
or merely notations concerning non-Illinois bishops. These
reveal at least who else complied with the request for a
Theodore Nott Barth (Tenn., coadj.)
Feb. 22, 1949
Howard Rasmus Brinker (Nebraska) Dec. 30, 1940
Horace William Baden Donegan (NY, suffr.) [ca. 1950]
Oliver Leland Loring (Maine) [ca. 1941]
Donald MacAdie (Newark, suffr.) [ca. 1959]
Theodor Harper McCrea (Dallas, suffr.)
Allen Jerome Miller (Easton, MD)
[ca. 1963]
Nov. 9, 1949
Winfred Hamlin Ziegler (Wyoming, missionary bp.) [ca. 1937]
2. Chronological List
Jan. 24, 1871 - H.J. Whitehouse {+ clipped sig., n.d.}
Sep. 18, 1877 - G.F. Seymour
Mar. 28, 1878 - W.E. McLaren
May 18, 1878 - W.E. McLaren
Oct. 28, 1878 - A. Burgess
1879 (sig. only) - A. Burgess
Apr. 13, 1882 - F.W. Taylor
Dec. 23, 1887 - G.F. Seymour
July 25, 1895 - C.R. Hale
Jan. 16, 1903 - G.F. Seymour {+ note by W. Lawrence}
Mar. 10, 1904 - C.P. Anderson
Mar. 17, 1904 - C.P. Anderson
Mar. 17, 1908 - E. Fawcett
Nov. 3, 1909 - E. Fawcett
Mar. 14, 1914 - W.E. Toll
Apr. 3, 1914 - W.E. Toll
Dec. 21, 1920 - G.H. Sherwood
May 5, 1925 - J.C. White
Mar. 5, 1932 - G.C. Stewart
Mar. 6, 1937 - W.L. Essex
Sept. 23, 1937 - W.L. Essex
Dec. 26, 1940 - E.J. Randall
Feb. 1, 1943 - W.E. Conkling
Mar. 19, 1948 - R.T. Loring
May 26, 1949 (sig. only) - C.A. Clough
Feb. 14, 1950 - C.L. Street
Oct. 4, 1955 - C.A. Clough
June 10, 1958 - F.W. Lickfield
Mar. 3, 1959 - F.W. Lickfield
Oct. 8, 1962 - A.A. Chambers
8, 1962 - J.W. Montgomery
4, 1963 - J.W. Montgomery
6, 1963 - A.A. Chambers
12, 2005 - K.L. Ackerman
7, 2005 - V.A. Scantlebury