Manuscript Collection Inventory Illinois History and Lincoln Collections University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Note: Unless otherwise specified, documents and other materials listed on the following pages are available for research at the Illinois Historical and Lincoln Collections, located in the Main Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Additional background information about the manuscript collection inventoried is recorded in the Manuscript Collections Database ( under the collection title; search by the name listed at the top of the inventory to locate the corresponding collection record in the database. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois History and Lincoln Collections phone: (217) 333-1777 email: Fr*vs;& e **13-*et5,*r: sf** Allne *wen S*s. }i*w i{as*e*g r 3c*{iime sl&€3gs Ass s{iTffi*.*Ki* *tr *I.15{&ft* ffbres xs4s Fee, ts F*ac}:t* Yslqm*s RItr3{.&3t3} t}*ffi" }#*t*ack *aste !l**"ltg *cltllg3ee f*v s*f*attf *c 1**acme* at G**ng*tewao ii:r" r ax* **lfv*re* p{*s*}.1s&*e*t:* s'sterrtXf l* *at*s* *tk*r ggs* rn*l*" Y Llg s 4 $14 !ns?a*s" ? 1*S* trray $1 ri:m,6es nqt $ept" ts Rai{ a. filFrY*L* l{*t ml*r*ftlpr*d. *!--eYsbgred fiIt]"+{e€:t:] *',#SFi* tl*gh .&e**rell'*o Si,nrp* e&d ?{*$ere,#'lgt Bgsk* S{S* so3** S x S tr:*?:ga* 11& *qmbere& P*6:ear ?itl* *n #svsrr 3n bie be**l*lt*ch*E* iJHe$*s 3,S6* :_*6$ .&*16, *A}4,$ er+.e. a StS"g"** r*c {2d}yi.iJt+ry, *.' r*. ti*t) *aslt er/c ":: . " - [rtt]rtyi eYror#.nd* vermanent, t3*rg; E t 'r gn#rarY iienn ' ?lrg d.l*ry* **eeri*69 &it* . er!"od indicaf,ed, oc+uni*e FF. ffi-SS- unISthis trest sf &fu v*3.ure 1:s.* ksc ss3.*r*filr::*d. 1S** Aprtl ta 1**F **t. 1# 1? RE*ffei?s *ei#S. $*arp* Ki4* ve3.'o g t1* x ? lf€ *,s:chas* ffegw* ns* r*tne**re** 'i*ltls *tE ssgsr "*,*i* fXyS*$E"f * L* *"-*.?li:*rrs harr$t F33t*lt*es* iiwerrte e$*g.g frsx "'atrc-il t* **t* 3?* ISSS"" ;in 4aet p&ge ie t?re Fensilleri nCIte r eovere*' illary.F ",lontt iH .9'* Leeathgr n+t bae* lece&*d bp 6h* A$*g Tht* ha* **te3*6tler. so;,rme gr,cmg?;& *et*?ag**d by A. 6' Se*t,*rp 1S *ete&ffi lg$** R*ig o UF*v*S Frivate Cslleottsn tf SrE* Aline r.}w*n Seslr Sew i{s.r:lfinyr IsdLana. ,;*RRSS*S$:).1ttr#i* AhE ::! 3.*3s $af,. 3.? f i,j{pffir$ oF R3tr}tARI} ftgEH FsL**r Rlob*rtl *lalEJ *'68$', $ew Har:notrgr S.l*har€ slgE$r +*. in*.oa*re s&tr{ J, Ine omtrllete " 1 ilin*ineali. To Anne 4 [r':iqepJ pF* * f* 4 pp* Rrdlds.1.1 Qf6lis*tr ,* f}re lrtter hs.e been dated" te e tlse *hert1.y before hip rnarrlage ,on Snternal eyidcneaf €rgr he enumerates hLe q:lali.fisettr*ee *ld dlogu*lific*titnx for marriag€. lc*, t*g?] nr*rrar* [$ff$;pj. 5 ;rp* Tlra letts? has b*en eserlbe* te the yeer cf hle na::rf.aget *ince ?re wxi"tesl nAs I yext*rday tc*k the lllarty af urslng yo* ta sCItlssnt tt oirr bei$S :s*r* f$rsvg*El" Ts Anae RrLlO.l.s rlgd*rrs 1.339 Oei. 21 *avJ.d. *;A.!AC-E, &ererner sf, Ind.*.s.*a* eoa* m$.*eisx t* fi,l*kard, *\tS3{ a"s e*;*t*,in ef irr the gStb regfu*en4 of, tbe Indiana H11l?l*. Sndoreed by S[1111*]p ,f. Sfsw*n $seretary *f [3iata" 3 p* cavaXrg RiGliC*1..4 Frlvats **ll*etlan *f 3ire, ill"lne ilsren iieal1 llew i{arnsnyr 3*S"l.erra. *#]1Re$,};*5,};13;*5 FJ;]} }.aJ:';-lAS riF 3?,f,*&qRn ?eilder *40 ;'rUg* 1 Sg.rtld ff ft.i.e.o. I Ls40 {.ret* 7 & Sct. 8* R, JiiifS:S' St" J*hn* i\in$. lH*w Sran*wiek]" IIF* g .1 9* J*sJ.*}r $. Ss,::n* lriss i{ar:*ony" 4 pg* 3t ia *Lear tirat the writsr *f this a*rl the letter ${a-*} w*,s e €*rn&.*, fcllosl*g **rslll $et lat n" . r ,]oneelts, she writael "but mymelf " e e . rt es *lriruk yCIt: *;$.r1 l-eve anSr it* fl^iAO, gLF*g.e "r*3{.it$r Si. John, re, Lj. [H*w Syur:gwi$kj " f o Jo*ieh [s. J iJ,'Lru}{, irew i{*rr::otr3r. S 5:3:'. ?he l*t*er le d.sted at ;.i*. J{:hft. Ihe 43'j** B la f*urr4, i* trrya f;14' $l*st,*r.::erksr *i3t" Andrew*g tt$*"" Jslrnl li,i,.'r I ?he cii:er .,:.o1E.H- liee aiec **te t* fcreg*iug ita::1, W{n;1 . 3"*€e. *? & 1$61 ft^l{O. }|h,fi.S !t. J$i'ijti, S** Jehn, i.{.J . ll,i*w jirunswiak]. f a #ssfah ls.J i;-rtril{, iiew iiarrc*ny* A FF. The^ noteg to the alsve t'eo [ts:,*e frE@.r & g] apply to thie Left'er *1*s" I.848 ..ltlehard #"+l,j$ * 1ffL:.L. * 1S4S f*** I Jr*n" g1 gl3*. Ritaess6*,.py * i{. billts* i*"$" G;A O, 3tF.3 "4 andjaceVs all of ]'lew "Iarr,,ony. ad,ded ]la:'. 1r 1i34? rerokin6 l* t* Ja*epir $eef c"nd wi.f* an$. re€ir* f,tn.g annr"ll€y te *craisa lieef g eodi.*lL witne*se& by l{enry iloblnu**, fh* pshols c*.nceled by ]?3,*hard ;Jvren{ s lgla"de in eigae* en*etrse:?entr el€ew slLl s*,ichard 1358tf o Seagll note an ba*ks #enertt* ol"d wil]. * lzst tke *ne treft at ti.:*e of his deaths, i,J.aeey, **d"iei} 1S4g $e;: * l"s6$ *ei* PS A R* ;o. S,{KilR, 3**n*rt:y, lFen*a33.'-.autaJ. l?f.chard, *$r$S, }i*w 1{*rr*$rtg* S pF** ,T* $" i{13{*}t*,RSS aEd" eilliqn TG Rril o. ffi*9.$ C*irf^ O. ;{It'i3;&ix*ii$}{, 'tF"A*$ .$eweaetl**on*Ifn€r [;fnglaxd],'i'e ]lrs* 1{*.rgarat tdSS}{, i'l6ar l{ar*ony" 3 pF. t"-^rua) il*3leeti*n of $ry+en iim*lp iiisw "ra"r*:s?19 r Ir:diiansA" ffr*.v*at* litrs" Alirie ';*:*?ij$p*3;*i3{*;i jiii* i,;r}'fie$ $_' R3{:;iJ:jqj,r #r"i{H { 1 :f.t-tr, ,t F. .l *€c" Sl 3'old*r * continued} 3:irs. sgry J*a* #,#5q, Hashir:Et*n, ll),r:.]" i jane [;are u'ren rrAuJii,,i.{--T ? ], !e [kro. !I{ew iier:.rony.,j " B pi}. Incor:tp1ete, Cf,^*,e o. g. &ls. ? {}nly *ight p;agi€s olri af aR +ri* ELr:al" twslse 3 the etrrvivirtg Feges ;ars eumbcred 1*4 arld *-}.*, ?h* raciplent, wae at &Erer iiannr:ny, fcf, trlrs. {hsen writes r sI tirink ef a}l orrr Hs.r.r$crty cir*l"e t . . &neL sha31 he deliglrted t,o g;et a:ncng*t yor:. all t:a** .n*r€ * ; . .,r lihe waso in all ;*r*bab11i*y, !:fE. -iane {JweB *.'auntSerey* * SrArg* siwent g gleter-in*1arry. lea.134SJ (?*i& o. [rra. J_*[aryj JierneJ *i+.S$o l&a*]rington, i]"*" l. gF.g.S I* [? - :ies *ote be].owJ * 6 pF* Ine em;:lete. Fhe letter ls f:i:aqn*nf,af,gr only iwo d"ie**nnec*ed sh*ets {4 pp. j cnrvlvinsi t}:e ftrst pege is r*issi*gn but the lastu b*ari*g the e i"gnat,ure, ls pre*e*t. Interrral svlden*e .;xakes ii cLear ths.t tlie writer* *;rs. fiwe*, vrs.s irl r*aghir:gJt*n. flrie {:*get}eer eit}:. the strxilarlty *f, F&s€F* fae€, inkr an<l suhj€st r*atter* inrlf*ate A etate'*iaee "ta t.hat cf the foreg*Xr:$ itern tTrF(e.f l, ?he ne;:16 *f the re*ipier:& i"e uncertal,n, ?he l-ei* ter e***lxdeer tiSt ha* bc*n twe week,* *ir:e* 3, }:eard a sgerd from i{arrle*3r ?rut X t,?rlnk 3 muet hear s*sH, . . . Gire my b*et loye t* iauis&"+f Frle'*"te iJel1*ciien sf }.lre. Al lne *,sen lie*,l, iiew liarrnongr Ind ia*e,. i: {JA r i{ Si' {: iili t:}:i';.E at,ij--r il,tj';E.R,3 F* I E4? li'eb * L4*"Y &1}g" t? 6. V* *o ^iri[.!..itq3d. *f :1Ir:il,lRS #rt$:; S 6t eAa. t8.3"1 ?o :{"i.citard ii",.;li}*," I p* $i":*?f , let Lleut 1S .lr,:flandy & Aet I in]g -foAdjutantr iierrd. ouartera ia.m- i]. !*. fta""A a. F.r'*A iliptIalnj I;ticiiardJ tr;'-u]$ a"nd *r*er i ort€*.r:at leg ;:ire*A$. Iatn] wftn-:,t -JoL r#ebb) f,or $apts'iR *we$rs *tgi6. e apt to eecor* e wegsofr train ts terey, l3i;slr16s,1. I F* c*mpany ls4? r Jbug dtri& l" $ 134 ? I J4'/ $ep. P1 g5 ei. llavtcli *ieleJ dHrlt;, iitllwaieru take $t* ')r*ix, ffi.s.s Te uaptaln l?iehard. *'*.elesnein ferrltcryj" *i;gH* lSth iieg:lment $'$' Snfer'riry, 16exic*" s ,S,*9" Elon* sF" gr.ia o. 3[sbertJ S[a1e] i;tuAi; n -tlew ii*nrr$sny. _?o [*aptal:rJ ro.3'4 riicnard IuI;',lii], f'Jamargo, ]'exico1. 4 FF' Nhe lo*attr*:r *f th* r**ii;ient ie indi*s'*ed bg tl:e worde; s" ' .3 w'ieYr i"oll Fi{:rs out *f t1:at unh*;rl"ttiy *r"n:arp;o"* fer.Ao. g.s ffi ilobeg't ilale-*Etfil;, *i*vr Serrr**y* ?+ fl**ptai*J Iti*hard, [cru*XS"], lFi*nter*Ys Hexlc* j " s Fp. rc*i;.:ie*t 1e indlcat* Ihe l-seati*n *f tl:e str *rn e*rd*c *d by the 5re*.tly rreJcise{ to l,'i*nt*f€y*o you. in r:e€* .he€sr tha* (*,*A 6, 1 S4? De*, el }?l*a,r€* lFt*.chard ui, r,3rJ 1 Sionte?€Sr i;lexlso" i's f;lf '5.S l'i * ilee nst* ?:e1*wj, 3 Fp, Rougir sfiFy, xu'*i: *c*red. tltr*ugh and ssr* ::eetsd, ef a lett*r i;i lipanls3ro *rpSlarents-lho was ten*hLrtg Owen ly t* g6rne perss?l the la*gl!e.#e - *'"ln *e:lforn:tda€ **.r la inte*eiox *xpre*ada en n:i earta *nteriorr Y* +*ntinus ry,1 exer*iei"o pare €srra*istl.F 1.,q4? .r-'€s. *P, #iij.F:&il o ::oeter6F, l."exies. ?c lure* -li{l*hard :l*sr* id*ef rJ*st+J. 4 pp. Apparently incoary:3"ete ein*e alr:x!gned." ?he hand.writtr::6 *xd pLace af arigin t*ent,ify tlre wrlte=" G;iA a. G.3-? t*^w-$ Fr*,vate *alleetion af Hrs. &] tteres Seall t{es i{arn*nyn In*1a?*,4* A};i} ts}"!:'}:"t$ S*RFLEf:F'CiHlTlXS.ff{ { Fol€er *F iqg*}t.gR* &S$S S continue*,} }dexlea. TE l? + [*a* ]"34?l fiaptf aiuJ 3lloh*,rd,,s{{;s$*pp, 3u*tmpl*te* S*e r*te b*LawJ* 8 '3he l,*t*sr ls *e sac qf ?c3e twe s:!rr vi.viltg br*tberar prob*,b}"y R*bert SaSe tlwes. ,[t 1E a;le s3:eet bearleg the e^it o. F*.S** *lgnatu*en "ltt*hi"cr& *'s*n S*pt 3,$ Xnfg** f,t^ia o SF*$,9 ffi,ieir*rd *,;:*Fi, fE{extaeJ" To l? l**. 1,$4?l ttfeard* il*s note bel*wj * E pp" 5*eorrplet,e. Fragmea? ef a r**gh ssFS , x**3t s**red tbr*ugh arid" *srreated,r sf a let* ter *.rl $panl*h €e a you,ng Sexiean lav*yar whs waa te*.*hlttg *we* the 3.*x:gr:46e" $ee al"*s tte:u In,5"S and neta* T!*g i;i*xfaax l.awy*r lc nentis*ed lR ltem tt 5.B, tgrre f+regolng ttem)" Frlvats talle*tt*n ef }if,.sr .411:re $'d;en )ieaLo iiew i'iarn:onFr lr:diana* *nu;6;;l-{iii j.;;:li,{*r' Al:;fi }Al'ii5t$ **lr RIiiitF;HI} i. es !'*l*.*r :.,34* J&s" :"? 4 5t*bert FaLs *'*;*34. ']opy *f ar? eFF:i**tl*s far prm:*tj"*a sf filclt*rct tw*tr *o maj*xt er:*l*sed 1$ Hobert ilaie ilwen t* Riehard 'iwenn * Apr., 1.q4sr {n&*i.4.$} " j3*ber! S*.1,e #',;$$u uashingtoa; lj).i:. J. Iiichard Owen. 4 pp. 1S4S ]al6 q$riiSiJ * i*Hli6 iixr*phri*a -parlorq lrionert [];ev* llarr".onyl. Te F'ichard l*"'d*l$rij" s FP- *3e{ay. S ro*4'1 S Fp. 1S4S JaR. 1* f?..iJa, To 6Qi.0. o' ffi.4.4 Rr.t o. ffilF'4'S Ina**p1ete' Sire enci of tSre leiter ie ',lleeln$r but the han*.Etrf.tlng ie e**t*.in3.y *hat af, jt*b* ert Fale i.]g*t:* 1 €"^iA *&S X{ar, *G 1S4A Kg,r. 1S&S A5lr, 51 S 1 *4S .itrBrn 34 o' nlavidj .i)[alqi ut'En, 'ffe*r lta,r:rcny* ?s,Rich- ffi"4,& ard [{..rkviirJ" 4 pF" .*i*har* l,!,dff' 3,i;or:ter*Fq Siext*9. *apnlai.nJ - j'ie*elpt 3to1?. I'io. 1s lie**rs af 'jicthing ...]o, o** I'Stb #**rr.p an* Garris*n ;rlqr.aipagg iAo, f;llt"4.S Ct 3*fyr lst {xart*r 1S4S. 6R^iAo. rilr*,ptlai]a FG"4'6 *s #!..51;n illew ,tarnony' $nle Rohert RleS:ard #*,i3i n !;lexie o] . I PP' j.r* ]i* Bji#;rl{, [3few i{*.r:"*ny]. T* Jf**ia3r] l3* J;i,rSS" l{ew {":rrlsa*s" ft PF' (t LA o. gt**.? ihe p}*.*e *f *rl;gln ls l'::,f1*ated' by the eo gi.#:*$f,k. 184S Hay 1* J.S. M AN N) 1ilJffEa FrANIIF@ .c"i*w 3ie${ #r3e*$s* ilav*?stt$r C{,*A O. ia ],ira. x,{ax.garet rG.4.8l $ FF" Q,riX, O. 1*4$ 3.{*y *$ il.4,n9 rlapt,l*,*.nj "r*.'f. J3lrl$*iin ilm.mer6qsl 1i65t66. 'Iivslee of slethlng dell.vered t* Saipt'' ;i, S, $i'!:l*y, &*st. i4. S"aster, i"I.ii. *o*yt for tra*xp*rtati+r: t* *a$.b. RLi.chardJ #.r;f$s 1*tb iJ"ii, Inf,antry, 1''"1*$t*r€f,e 3"i-exise* a {"*.:f""^.1/ Frisate *+trlse &i*s sf; Hrs* &lin* {}sen i;setr* $ee i.{s.rta*riy* In€J,an** *sF:*a$p*!*ii*39*s A3r* F3lFi:i;ft$ *F nE*I{}lRft #&}i$ . Fslder 4. { **** ir:ecd} ,1q4s Jtrll. € Stehard f {ffiggJ, []&eut,er69, I sl*xle*J* f,a 3fu4* Rt.*hsrd #"Si{r Sew Kepr**!x}'* 3 pp" .1S48 RighssS ffiSS* 3{crEt{er Re}"l J't*n" $S *f **p?*Ss Rna}r* ar$ #rwet*+a #*xp*.ffi *px ef lhe Six?eer.:tth Reg;{xea* qf {*f*ntvg " * r soamsn€gd by **3*r**t $*h* W* *lbbs.tte* A.Large Srlst* te6. fersr ftllsd 1u stt'h ink s* ba6?r a {r.4*1S G/i4 ftr*t o. iro.**11 gtdeg, 3S€S &gS, Y i ? j eaww"r*, Huetfarinel {Jff,L*sr* ** eisr.l*tl, *ht€* {trttrfl*,*ta ef di,s* oh*r"g* *c s[ *.ekavi* ffiBF *x #aprtal.n rf #o*pany tr Xs lrf" 1 p* ('a:a o. ilF,4*:,9 tlsll"eeti*s *f HrE, ,*ltne {fu*e H**,}", Fr3^sate Fery S*rx:stl$r Ind,J.ans* fi0nR$sF$3*sffics &$s F,4:)*t:es *:F &:#:q*,q* {}ss}f . F+Lder 4 t/H Ric.h O. +!., le;a, lsds] nf olsriJ s[ar*J #€;tS. ?o la{*nar$ s&;iHJ. I Fp* FFI+I a i-he year le indlcated by a r*f,sr*nee ** *tbs {ia3"if*rai,e fsssrH" T}rs ltes} ls *n3y a fr*"g* ment * th* laet pe#* sf p let*ero b*arln$ &* :3* *svenr e sig*eture, 1n$S Atr*r* ts t fi.mslthyJ #- i#b'l{3F, $t. $i*;e*ta Iellanjd, rolfi;t }{rs. Ill*hs.rd, eq"s$n sashvll}.e, C*Ao. r1{.e. f:::p1::^_1s t'ennlesceeJ. 3 Fp, 1sssJane.D[a}.e-0weeJ$,e'fi{rLsN*Y*H|ewJI{[arm**yJ*ffi furro $ 1350 }i*v. Ag u'Prr iris$$t fo itichlarjd i*}-;rt]$n B1:ae Lisk *"r'sq i$pringr, :L*nttlcky* s pp* (l'riA o' ?*.3 Conslance;',igr".1'-;iJ:t{JY and, J[r*neJ nfafe Uqv'en] ---*ff F;\ll3uT.r"dItiJY, $ew iia.rmony* f,s itiehard^ {Jw.ii-bi, ' A^iae, ^ . ^ O' +:.4 lSLue !i*k lapringo, !{er:irtckry" 4 pp. Tb* p}*ee of erigl*r ie ind,teate$ *y iire poet-Ifl&Tk. 3, rivn.te,;*l,lestior: cf ,'..,:l:l . .,*l- itiG 'ij\.:r$lJ ,.,ilr;-:. e tr * {'i i l--:.r :,:. * -i elo; lla n* * y::,,' , il;.1i;.;;"i U,ii",ijri*; ,:r.'li ; ,l;r ;i'ili ;.ir .:li,irijl',J",* iii.::.;id :t'c,"i-Cl.e::5 L it.l: -j. ).-'4 {1 {JE*.5-w) lcJite::* l* rii"e;i*"rcl ii,''sit, fr.l:r;a J-, jj.. rl'.a:-ttrit,ir;l.*yr ijqi -i:'eb" 1J54. (f+e) il*!i:e,-.'t .i.r:r.le iJ,::*r:* *3 i*-,llu r ll:'i" (<pq) ji" ,.u ii+rgn, :.:ii i,laf* i*54- (# fO) {# ,Z) ! ; .j i:.1 . !:ln4 , rioi:€:r't ;-;a,1.: Jv;*ri, *1t;f , 1i354' (*f:) .ii " 'r,: " l:. f;tfi:/ |',, "i;i*;,:$ct;, 2 l:;+ i**4." '; l*tt,e:::g f,y*t:r :"1*rene * ,ijil..l-e {* t+) ,.,ijl€il * tt; lt r: .' " !l ,ut:: i.*l;* .,,i" j ;enci iioi:-r+s* ;: i ,-.r',T€i"l , " jiri'r'rii"ir ;.jr:,i.t1..'i-{:}l s i."l J-iit] (*zi) l- .i l1 " ] i;-,' , (+ ,l iir.;'er:" :4cts$ *f l-ect::res on:"i,:.1::.eo$ti.1CIgy i,:,:-^,,*llnti- i* VZ) &e*ls#Y, i#*:i1 .,i.r.ff, l:l:ie" 4n"r;.e +-pag c€^$Gn^.. i-iic]:a::i -i'r'*fli. j.,ir;** '.";ritten ilii iir* eIiftr'ting i;1;en Ty ';;:,f'€ ,.::rr,s {+ S) expee tcd t* ret*rn fron .i",*i"risYj.ll-e o Lcs"" l35PJ. j?1c1.':arr1 i iei.Lgf ft.o;t.r'*uj.nre;:;vilng t* irfe. J.,ann, l.';.,'";lT, l'l$3" {nq \ Sp{v*** fi*}"ls*tias af S.ra* ,f*3lue Ssg*t K**X Ses Harfieny' In€tene **RtrS#i*Hhffi$ffi$ eW; FeprRs sF &3*HA*i] *exffi Sgld.*r € ISS$*ISSS (r"ao. r l- t+) 1* }"*€tsrs &s H*skw.r* Swstr* f,r*x ** J* F*,l"I*w* 3* H.*g 1&&* (*, (?atP* Sa!" iffi,Gcr* 6 $etry *.s*s (+.) ,Y.J. O-&^r 81 atrg. 1&&S (+f) *s** ts5* p 4) Jslen #r**g*r, 9&*', € egw*,3. 3S$? (* S) g* *o Lfpgtr***At & #s** S Hsf SSSt F #**e* &o **x*" g.fffi-:*l;-{?}> *.-S* c**bc€92 X$ Hag :"SSF (*e) ,#:n* So }d*kh**ko 3, #t*a* 3r*&S (* tS ssb*rt ffi *w6s1n 1s r") * reta9*e.S e*pl*a *f Xet{er* *y H9*h*rd *sa*r set#g*r:g t* *eeth sf h$.s fstb*r1 -?*bxe* *w*ra (*f tr, ,.) #e# aansc*$**ng de**lr cf R*ber* *?sea (# , t Ssffiss*td?:ffi bts .qieha* *wssx *x bs*k sf; twa **ptw e *f, prietad **,rsu}.*r *f *s.v*d Sa,l* Sp*n al$ 6lls-kr€ $wam* 3r*yt*1*1eg *e Xl*d.l**a [*eel*g{s*.4i S**rr*p1 }S s*p* * e$$s* (* ,9 $rivste Solleeticn ef S?8" "{11ne {l$en r$eal, l{es }Iarmsn}r, Inrli**tta. esRRBrir*tfi)s3,{*s tu;]} trA!'.ggs *F sI#fiaR]} #ltg$ ? l"s$**1*s€ (^a. t- tb) 11 lettere t* Siehard, #wenn fr*mt B, Sil1fu*aa, Jtr*, 1S Fisy. 186S (+z) S. i.I* }'rlaey, f? j$or" LSSS (+f S) i{enryr t4 Jan* }.SSl (*+) o* S* H*rt**, **rr ia tlhf, *c*:miegion as i,t.0o1" of l$ th .Is?d, Y*3",},{llltia, ilH },!ay lSSl". (+}a) i''rsnk .!) ol t on, 30 Jun, 1 861 . (* t) F{" $" "L*.nsr BS **t" 1361" (t*S) Robe::t Bale *?",erro lL 3*lsvn l,flSL. (*q) S" p, .f,ii*rton, Say, sf 3nd. n E* -feb* 1g68. (+ f f) JcseplE Jahn L. liitnsfleld, 4 n:ar* l"S6t, (lf rr) s" ii*lmex, secretary Acad*rny af s*lence ef $t. ":,oui*" 3{ot lae of eleati*gr a* 6Grre*Ilsl:Sir:g inerxb*tr, 1S L{ar, }3fi4. G* r+) 'nl. itn i{oll*=-vayr }:r*.va*e *e*. t* iisrr. cf, redtana., l" nlrts* 1969. (* rQ 1 letter frnre :{j.*hs.rd *wen, ter .,*rs. Ric?r*erd $srenr 1$ i3ep. 1$S$, (s r) I?lshard Swen, #*py of blll ta ble bra*dwritlng f*r vartct"re miLlt*ry sxpefises, addr**sed te nEx*eutiqe *ommLttees, 1L i,rla}r 1S€1 , (nh 5) H.. F. O."'e.r, Rlshard {iwen* .?eceipt tor r+ilitary eqirtpr**r.l A 20 Jun. L862. (* rS) 1 letter fres ,fshn f" Key to #o1n Fl:*r-*a* j-i. Kay * f or F9* * .srstic]lr far *o1. Rl*hsrd #sgen* *0 Jan* ].-,68* (r*lo) I letter f,rCIn ssr::i.*l s* H*ttel*se *e :)e11a l&iannlg ls Fier. 1SSg, (=C,, Fr$sa&* #*l3*,et*.ee sf Srp* &3**s k*tl F{aeln S*w i€a s{ty* 5*r$i*ax** {}]**SffX*g &S,S j;,*;'l*RS *}P e?*ilA..i{s iSli;;SS F*]"*sy S (rt..*. t- l?) ? ts*t*r* gs H*,*har* *,mam* frwa S* .4* *g].*,e; 1 #*p* 3S#S+ (* fo) s*k*nt #* tsua*sr'l *S Sep* :.4$$* (+,D ${ea@e*er*ere }.Sth ,xl*Frgp :"* .l,f*s* l[*SS* (+ fz) 33s&se* 3ia1* #ec*** R*bes? l# -ilryb* 3S€{* C+13) ktrs {}w**; 1S Feb* 1.*SS* (* t) f #e*rge .ir'ra,trsls ?sqlg* &*g*-€ f,**3a*etcr *sE*ar*}.f lstb Sc.sS #erp** 1I, iJ*v, lSS4" ({} f 6) sry}*sr* ila3s r-}w#nn 1? aj;er* lS65* (+ f f) * ]"*t**y* fr+er 39strgsd, -3w*ri* t*r .Ht*g*na, f:t* #wqn], P J*n* l*$4* @ S) Hrso il{ahard iis*nF ** "9r*3* 3**S* (* g) I Letter fror'* ff[omeai i'. uv[enJ, tal* K**?rar* ,#wspn $t JHt* l*#S* (+q) {&*n* &*wp psF€r*t S ns*h* *f, }*,y,eL*S* @ *nss*ee, }, re*s*$ptr e13 Sstd LSSS* (* t, *.,F ,6,7) t Hlcft*,r*, z rrJrra h^ br^. U.S. t'...{ 3nk"t r863 L* z) F ,/ "la1 tt b3 (+, nra.Oali.l?F U;Ll,-^/? e'a^18t, Fr*ra*a SaSi*e*iea ef, 3dr6, ,{Llne oeea $eal. Jretr iier:ntony, Indiane. fi$ftrt"#*F0sffis*# *sB FepFRg sF Rrfr!{AR} SEffi ' Se16er S 1*sf*lffi& S (,ua. f - 5) l**te:r* ts R**her* *sce; fr*mr #sxr4& &a. Fs ]..? Jlx** LgSS* (+ r) Rsbart Ss.le $'wsn* trS Fseo 3"SS?* (fr r) Robert Eale fiwetrr lL Feb* 1$6g. (+ ") :. }-*ttqr frw_ Frs.*rk*g*slu6?*e *e S$}}.lem i{* sye&sff , xtres,g*{*g fi*.*h*cd &**; tI Ser* -Lffi&* (* g) Ei"ohard, Owan * papgr€. Ss*eP f,*n' A6*$.gu3.?w, *1 .&.€€s**p en .t*re "Pe,ir #r*en*g *f 3€***s* Sry* "&.gri.* Ssw* r SeSl :.SSSr e+ *) $s*ss s*r t*,s*&*.rg r*,*ae ix {trn$op i$}$* 3*€?* (++- e^*r4u,^r) Friva-?a Sa3.1es81ss *f, 3#re* alirle *wen *i*alo Saw l{emony * 5e* *,e**+ #*gtfts#*1$*s,:#B affi* geFiffis F*LS*r &tr ,ssi{eR} gs 3S 3S#9* *"prll,*#ns* (*. I i+) 5 lsttarc ** R*.*h*r* *s*s* fre* * H*r*ee Gr**t*Y" ? ndeg t"8ss. (+ z) ;T[s$*eJ *, Bl*i**, 3& S* -&* Lan:***, LS 3$.eyt S Hay tqes" e$€s* (tr (+C) ?) lst*erg af Sxr*,*ar *,rutrc$.xe€*.e* wrltten for Slahard Cweu on l,*Sg *. bgr t3r* f*L3ew*a6 €*itssr*r Rebert saLe *wsn {a} Jemsx &, B3*,ie* tAl &*&*"islblaak [r] S*ses S* Sut}Er il] 11.] (f* tr c (i33J (' *r) fr+ss! *e r ra r t3, l$) *, t &* &* *t$*rra3* ts $dreu W* **.shard *we*, *$ H*y l"*S*" (+ q) l**tpr btx irip ** i'. ?e.}r}.*r :xei:t1*m*.ng lst,*er froe: *3snr*e3 Ei* .*aff; t* &].esa#er ft*ff,. te bs S*,*hs.rS *xe*, *? H*f;. :"S€g* (*to) €e,rf:f.€* bY Frfr*ta fs].3e** of S16. .&line #wes $e*ln $ieeE ilarmo*Fr lad.i"a*a," s*RR;tffiii$s.lci{*:i Ai;} pAI,a*$ *;* Rtr*}i&*} ir;lFli{ x *$s1.11*i-*1*- (ra. 15- 4 J.etter* ts Bl*hmd *'x*n' fr*ml 2?) $* J$*''3"ssg* (*rS) Ar Heith Johca*f,q$" ? fx3* l"*sB* (+'z) sary E. [.l"asyJ t:re].]." *? -3*l*{:teg]' e tg) Ja:nee tri. F*nan fca* :.*s*J. (# zs) Jemee }{uglran a-'f 6JJt ' {} l"sttera frevn Riohar* ocreri {Xn iturap+} ts his wffajl'ss9l 4 Ju}." 3.4 Hay* s&* Ailgi, SI &ffi*. 1$ $ep" ?1 tot., 6 itis?'' au# fr* 3{*T,. (+ 16, tg, tt*, zo, zl ,zzr 23 r/+) * two vtsitl*ry csrde, with netes ef, intr*dr:cties fer *wea*s xls€r 186S * fror*r &*n. F. s' Festo *ernelr} af t''}:e TJ. $' ** Yienus" C#"'l.) S?. Ketth J*3:n*f,*;g, Se*grapher ta ths ti,?}*sltr S€l*bur6h' (+ZZ) Edlsher$ {rwex FriEa-t* &slleeti*e *f &?s*- Allt** *ses X*eel* i'ew Sarroony, Indl&D€L+ S*Rffi$F{JSFF6#S r13J;l FA}:j$R$ F*3*sy *F Rf*3{*ftS #eSH 3.H 1E?f]*l$?4" (,*.4.l- l3) ? lettsro to Riohrard Oweup frefrr &b*tel*w R*fsp 3-s f*** ISTS* e t) [S*ber* *a3e sxea]n $1 bfr&,r* 18?1- (*g) []toter? &e]"a sw*a}r 1 a3r* :,s?1, (*r+) &ebert Sala *w*:r* 1.9 $*y; 3.S?g* (*A) #enrad Eakers 36 S*x* 3*?4" (+f ?) Jeeleph} s* Setb*t; ? sep* 1&?4, (*q) .sred. *, Kr*egkc* s $*y" l,*?e* (+rra) S l.stter6 fr*s Xtsh*rd, #se*r te r SXe s*r*s *nd d,*rqhtars3 lY "iun. tS?** (*.) (* S) sJ.s ss$s f]$ugen* and f{e*aea *saei, * sev* }s.?a' (* to) E*gerr* fltueu3, *s sev* l"s?8* (+* r) su6ana *nd loee*Jr ].8 $ov* 1s?3 " Hrs* Rf.*hard *wae* X5 lie*o 1S?4. 1+ra) I La*t*r fral€ &torgan lfE_te fes[epkJ #* ear"S€f]t ]***n 3ii*h*p Ef, 3;***, L* &.r*g* :,*E*+ (+t) Fsl-eets *alleet{*c af Sfs* ,*Stx* *m*tr Hee.l" Ses i,{s.rye$}ty* 3n**,ass* tr*nRgsf#eEidff*s ffas #q*,gR# sF alfffiass ff#;ffi F*}*ep 1S lSY**} *?S, (,^co. t- tg) },$ le*tsra ts Ftlchar€ fiqea! frss* J[*g*e*] *, Jranerrd n 2'l &r.FH* 1S?$. (*t) Sl*.scal a. I"*amtlx&r * See* 1,*?5a (*") R*bert I3*1a $ran, 1? o}&n, 1.$?S* (+3) R*trert *a3e {}w**o € Hap }S?6, (.F.,) i"*o*ph Hetrry* Sa*rstsry Sr*ith**r:lan .Inntttr.** t? Bob*rt '*et* **s**r 11 .Iql. :*?S. (+ s) Rebevt *ale ilse r I &r*6* 3*?6' H,ebert *a*.e *wenl ? Sap" 1*?S+ (t F"ag 3#S* F4i) a) (* z) S.sber* 33als Sw*uo *€ }iab* 38?Sr. t+8) Joe[Bph] r], Talbot, 6.Dse, t8r6. (+t) (qf r,) Se$i.*X K*,r*w***.* 5 &ug* 1*??* 3"ot?1e I}al* *wenn )"* S*p* A*??* ({tt, Je**ph H*t:r;r, Se+retary $xrlth*qn*.** I**tj.*rrtiqan 1$ *et. :S??* (*,) Ka*ts*re of the ff413. af S**t3*s l*&q ffc" l.S$, I.*.{}'.F.r Bls*xs* l"ngtcn, 3"r:d*,r 1? Apr" tS?S* , (+f+) *" &s:eald' 6S Kar* [?j ?s?${ , (+f f) "fl*.nne*J }. 1attcr fr*st Rlebard Sese ta Sere*e flelwenj, $ Jari. 1*??* (*to) ?:riv*te Ssl].e*ti*$ ef, Htr&. ,*1"i.*e Sseca Sealt 3{ew $armsr}gr trndiar*a, eilE1*.#$t*S${SE +l}ip l'A}jE}tS OS R.i*i{Ai{* S?.*iS F*]"&sr L'{ ISSS*38SS (r.a. f - Itt) lt Lett*r* tc ll{shard Se*u* fr*v*l |- ? l, ae gd*rd*atre *dgdrar elr st$lstrt ds lrlatsrieu:*t .-gdmssi.etrcti*a dss l3sxaux*&.rts, €? H*ar* !$*** $*i***e* st i6{1'v6gn {$ruxe}.L*s} (#,) J*xfeph] *. ?e].bst, * €iepo 18se* (1+ ") Brtresel*p I* J:r}" 1i184. e 3) .Fl*h1 13*S" tregetlon, Slslxalas slsh, 3* Aug. * 3Ea4* (* S) La*rp, :llesr*,s, 18 $*p. 1845. (*rg) 3, irio?r* }* fsep. 1s$S" (+rf) f . Tosss, tr4 *cto :.*S5* (ftg) f" ?oeeop 3S &et* l**si (*a) . (* tO) tsmbeet Treeo wltLl ftrs* svt*losrlr*8, €fr {:*t* 13S?* ({tlr) RfLehard"] J. ogleeby, st5s, af Illi.neia, 3$ J*n' 1*8$. (+rt) I'srnbert Yre*s {3.S. &*gatl.onu 3r'*e*ele* },3 },{+e' l'tqS 3 letters from jilehard 0e{en, tot {f.$" }ilnlster at *:,&seels (rougFr 6apy}, 31 Jrn}." 18S4" (+,+) Hrs* Slcli*.rd $wen, 14 Ssr' 1g;l?' (+rrz) Lsrcbert Tre*; i3.S* },i*ntster !a.**lgirw, *1 t{*Y, 1*'}? trs:rgfr $ofy} (+ - Friva*e fallEs*l** *f; Hfs, "&l"ip* {-k*n }iee}"* $es 9ie,rm${r$r l*d{*.::a* SSRHF#F*&F.B3.{#E AS& t.*."S&S SF RI{}HAR.$ SSvFiH 3'+1d*r lF ilsdeteS (*.r-9 * 3.*&tere t* S,leberd Swens frsel ' F* a" Sr*Lgr*va" 4 Feb*. [ ? j sf ar'!.* i ni aXe J *w*x F (r* s) L) &ea* &s: (t Bllsene arls Eeres* [*sea] ft ],*t€*rg f,resn &*.ehard 3) 1I*$* ff:ltrlatsr *.t Sr*r**els1 {p*'xe*5 $spy} (+ ?) S other Lettersr &s follewar $illas *a ,&n*rew Siiller f* t) Hpa* Jr ,*o ${:t€s*rab. ts trsr *aagh*c'r $alle frr) ,f * REberta*n te 3{rs. 1{a n (+,) i{t}gh Rf,*hard #wes* 3*par ln hie h*** re3*ttag t* tbe sllsr*r hsir.a sf .fred.*p. (=tt Raelarrks ;'egardtry the eav*lry eernle*r {*ndore*d by$eb,grt *41* *:ryaa) - ffRee"p6+tfu11y waem*tte** Riahard *ssn S*p*, i{.*rmexy rRang'eret tlete Capi 16 iJ.$. rnf ty)" (+ './ +)