615 I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 2 NO. 4 (1979) 615-626 DIFFERENTIALS OF THE 2ND KIND ON A PRODUCT SURFACE J.C. WILSON Department of Mathematics Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois 62901 U.S.A. (Received January 15, 1979) ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the problems of representing an arbitrary double differential of the second kind, defined on a surface which is the topological product of two curves, in terms of the products of simple differentials of the second kind on the two curves. The curves are assumed to be non-singular and irreducible in a complex projective 2-space. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Algebraic srface, pduct sface, algebraic curv, double differ of the second kind, simple differentials of the second kind, Able,an different, genus, extr product, pola crves rest. T980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. 14C50, 52J25. INTRODUCTION. Our purpose in this paper is to prove a theorm, stated by Lefschetz, concerning double differentials of the 2nd kind on an algebraic surface. will employ the Picard-Lefschetz technique as described in Lefschetz [i]. We J.C. WILSON 616 This amounts to reducing the initial differential to a new one of the same kind, but in a more suitable form for our purposes. A precise statement will be In all that follows, our ground field, denoted by K, will be given below. Also, K(x, y, ...) or K[x, y, ...] will indicate the the complex numbers. field of rational functions or ring of polynomials, respectively, in the com- plex variables x, y, with coefficients in K. Suppose C I and C are two distinct, irreducible, non-singular algebraic 2 curves, each in a complex projective 2-space. the topological product C 4-space. If C I and C C2, I The product surface , i.e., is then a non-singular surface in projective affine equations 2 have respective, then an afflne model, S, of (, 8) 0 and (*, 8*) 0, may be thought of as the surface of pairs of points (, 8; *, 8*) in complex 4-space. We will deal pri- marily with an affine model in this paper. "Our objective is to prove the "Every double following: modulo de, (where of products to C I and * A * differential of the 2nd kind on is reducible, ), to a linear combination is a simple differential on belongs of simple differentials of the 2nd kind, where belongs to C 2 and neither are derived." See Lefschetz [2]. We point out that the last above statement can also be realized by In particular, see page 80 using modern techniques of algebraic topology. of Hodge and Atiyah’s paper "Integrals of the 2 nd Kind on an Algebraic Variety" appearing in the Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 62, 1955. However, we feel that the classical approach used here has merit in itself since tech- nique ranks equally with results in algebraic geometry. SECTION I. Let R P( 8 * 8*) Q(, 8, *, 8*) be a rational function such that for fixed and 8 or fixed e* and 8", Q is . DIFFERENTIALS ON A PRODUCT SURFACE not in the ideal generated by or [3], i.e., if Q nomials, then Q’s are distinct, irreducible poly- is of the 2nd kind relative to 2 on S such that simple differential tersection of where the Qk’ QIQ2 We assume that the double differential Here we employ the Lefschetz definition Rde*d is of the 2nd kind on S. 2 a polar curve of m2’ Qh provided there exists a de is regular at the points of in- 2 Such points generally form a curve on S, called 0 with S. Qh 617 and we designate it by h" The simple differential depends on the choice of h and we say that is of the 2nd kind on S provided such an As an analogy to Lefschetz’s exists for each polar curve of 2 2" plane section, we employ the curve C and its copies on S, the latter obtained 2 by varying "general" C 2. on C 8 and First consider the intersection of I. h with such a A suitable choice of affine co-ordinates will insure that none of the polar curves pass through a point at infinity on a general C 2. a non-singular linear transformation will guarantee that both d d 8 2 I and (*) where d I and d 2 are the degrees of and , Also, and contain respectively. Such co-ordinate changes do not effect the kind of differential involved. P2(, 8, Pm (’ 2’’ 82")’ with a general C Suppose as parameters, we designate by 8 and Treating The 2. el* and 8, am*, 8m*) 8i*’s our general R -n ( 8, i* 8i*) + the intersection points of h and 8. Then, in a neighborhood of P i on R-n+l (a, + We use (e* el*’ 81")’ the following expansion of R is valid: C2, R= 8, will depend on the choice of is a polar curve of order n. h PI(, i* 8, i* 8 i *) higher powers of (* .*). 1 as parameter and all numerators are rational in their variables. 618 J.C. WILSON LEMMA i. is regular on PROOF. There exists a simple differential h" m Define H(, 8, *, 8*) i=l R_n( an expression for with respect to 8* 8, and E Let E el*’ 8i*)" We first will obtain be the resultant of 1 of E and 2 the resultant 1 2 + dlh on S such that .,)n. 1 (, R lh Qh with respect to 8. and E2 may be considered as a polynomial in e* with polynomial coefficients in e and .*’s as such, has the For e finite, this implies that as its only zeroes. the elementary symmetric functions of the c.*’s are polynomials in a. .,)nl (, i=l Xh n (c, c*), where Xh n For simplicity, set and *. is a polynomial in may be thought of as the projection of plane. It is evident that H(, 8, *, 8*) is of order zero on H(, 8, i*’ 8i*) Thus (*-i*) i=l h on the (c, h" Also, n c*)- m =1 (i*- .,)n3 R_n(, 8, H(, 8 R_n(, 8, i*’ 8i*) i*’ 8i *)" Hence ei*’ 8i *) m .,) (.* (1.2) n j=l Next we set V n i n- I m R -n ( 8 (, i=l i* 8*) i .,)n-i (1.3) 1 from (1.2), we see that V not only has Using R n -n h as a polar curve but can have poles i) at points of intersection of h and their occurrence depends on ii) iii) at points where if or 8 is such that is infinite. with k’ # h, for then H k and 8; i *=j* j # i; has poles DIFFERENTIALS ON A PRODUCT SURFACE 2 + d[Vnda] We can now show that with n replaced by (n R -n (e, 8 e i * (e* i). 8 i *) (e, 8, -n 8 i *) el*’ de*de ei*)n (e* + d[Vnde] behaves llke R on but h First , 1 n 1 + R m 1 do*de + d ei*)n R Rde*de 619 I n -n (e 8 8i*) ei*)n-i (e* (1.4) -n d da ei*)n-i (e* i=l A typical element of the last sum can be written as (e* e Since not both 1.*)n-I e and do 8e + 88-n d8 8 vanish, -n (n- i) (e* 8 we can assume # 0 el ,)n and get d8 e de (n do*. Then (1.4) can be written as R -n (e, 8, (e* + el*) n m 1 n 8") i ei* 1 1 { el.,)n-i (e* i=l do*de + IDR-n De DR-n D8 de 8 i) R-n (e*-ei*) n de* } de The exterior product then gives R-n (e* e.*)n 1 Thus, in a neighborhood of replaced by (n- i). (n Pi’ i--i (e* Next, we can i’ de*de. + R-n+2 with the term we will arrive at the differential e.*)n 1 d[Vnde] behaves like 2 but with n define a Vn_ of the same type as Vn with 1 d[(Vn + Vn_l do] will begin, in some Rde*de i) in place of n and Rde*de + neighborhood of P R-n m de*de- (e* el*) Rde*de + n-2 Continuing in this manner, d[Vn + Vn-i + + V2)de], double differential of the 2nd kind in which the corresponding n is one. a 620 J. C. WILSON If we still denote the coefficient of i e* by ei* then since R_l 2 is of the 2nd kind, its residue relative to any polar curve must be derived, i.e., dT R-I d- where T(e, 8, el*, 8i*) is a rational function on See Lefschetz [4]. only of type i), ii), or iii), above. T(de* m (V2 lh + + n + From the above, it is evident that Rde*de 2 relative to h dlh + d[ (V 2 + (e* i=l h’ as follows: Vn)de] behaves like + i, so we need to look only at dei* T(de* (.5) is regular on but with the corresponding n m de) de (e* i=l then we can immediately show that Rde*de having poles If we set dei* + V )de h de) e.*) Then, [ i=ml dT dT (e*- (e* m (e* dei* de (e* i=l el*) m i=l dT de m (e* i=l ei*)dT (e* T e* ei* ] de dede* de* + (e* T(de* T ei*) de .*)de* 1 (e* e.*) 1 2 -e.,)2Td(e* e.l*)I m e i ,) fdei* L de 2 T (e* ei m dei*de I’(e* d i=l a m.,) dT de m i;1 d ] Td(e* e.*)dT i=l i=l ei*) m de*- .dei* T.( [---J + i;1 (e* e.*) 2 dede* d d’e de DIFFERENTIALS ON A PRODUCT SURFACE m dr de i=l (e* e.*) 1 dT de i=l e* dei* m dede* T L" ’d + 621 2 de*de i=l (e* dede*, .* 1 since the third term in the last sum above is zero and the second and fourth However, terms are negatives of one another. dT de m i=l e* R_I m dde* i=l e* ei* de*de. el* This concludes the proof of Lemma i. For brevity, we will write lh Xh in From Lemma i, V and U are infinite on the 0 with S, so that in addition to on any other curve which projects onto residual intersection by D LEMMA 2. D h Xh 0. h’ they are infinite We will designate this h. may be replaced with a similar differential but with eliminated as a polar curve (or curves). , PROOF. to lh (1.5) as V(e, 8, e*, 8*)de- U(e, 8, e*, 8*)de*, where V and U are rational on S. intersection of lh (, For almost any non-singular affine transformation (e, 8, e*, 8*) *, *), (, *)-plane the projections of the transforms of and D h on the will have at most a finite number of points in common. Under such a transformation R de*de R de*de where we set h + d(Vde + d(V de Ude*) becomes U de*), 622 J. C. WILSON G(, 8, *, 8*) A, B, m’d G polynomials. 0(, 8) d =d to Here we have made use of the transformations (, g, *, g*) d*. We can also assume that neither to the absence of singularities. to and " be denoted by LI I’ with respect to LI + N 1 (, g, a*, g*) and ,(*, 8*) to 1" since LJ and I" i.e., la + gves a second resultant, say LJ 1 N us, LIa + NO are zero, due nor Let the resultant of J and with respect i Further, the resultant of G1, i.e., and in the transfoea surface It follows that are ero. in eliminating lh can be written as ih where A and both are polynomials. in the h (4, *)-plane, by LIA, , .LIB If we call the projection of the transform of h’ then G hn(, *)h(, I *), there exist polynomials n sxh + th p(). Using this last equality, we can write Therefore I n Xh Xh P () h n and s(, *) and t(, *) such that G where Considering them as polynomials in are relatively prime polynomials. with coefficients in B h P () Xh n P () h h’ DIFFERENTIALS ON A PRODUCT SURFACE [Ad lh P () P S + h P(alh n Atdfi- Btd* P(a)h n ()h n + P()h + tn Ph p--* d- + Asd- Bsdfi* P(a)h dfi*dfi + It is evident that t Bd*] 623 dlh is regular on the transform of is true even if we suppress the last term above, i.e., we replace lh with p ()h n p()h If PXh td- td* dE- Bhd* lh and this h sd- sd* we have n d*d+ dlh a differential of the 2nd kind on the transformed surface, regular on transform and the transform of D is no longer a polar curve of h h lh" SECTION 2. The above reduction and replacement can be carried out for all polar curves h of Returning to the original notation and co-ordlnates, we 2" would then have a set of the h 2+ lh 2+ d( h lh would be regular on but would have poles for certain values of o and d(,lh h B. Let us write in the form W2 where such that A(o, [3 o*, S(o, 6, o*, B*)G(o) A, B, and G are polynomials and A/B is regular except possibly for points of infinity. LEMMA 3. where W 2 Ado*do BG can be reduced to the form (O, *, IB(a) B*) do*do is a polynomial. PROOF. We begin by replacing the affine co-ordinates o* and projective co-ordinates o0*, i*’ and o2" in both where B is to be regarded as a polynomial in * with (o*, 8*) and B(o, 8, o*, B*) e0*’ l*’ 2" with coefficients J.C. WILSON 624 in the field form A Y+ By Kapferer’s Theorem [5], A is representable in the K(e, 8). ZB, Y and Z polynomials s0* al* in . Thus, A polynomial in Y+ _ This is true since and B is a finite simple point ZB and on the surface, A s0* el* e2* a2*" and B with a multiplicity at must vanish at the simultaneous zeros of least as great as B and any such zero of of and with coefficients in ZB, so that A/B K(e, 8). Z, a Returning to affine co-ordinates, we see that the ratio A/B is a polynomial in e*, 8 with rational coefficients in e and so that we can write F(, 8, *, 8*) D(e, 8) B where F and D are polynomials. D and (, 8), i.e., E 8* y+ Let E be the resultant with respect to 8 of 6D. Therefore, F D E D F y E- and on the surf ace D E s0 is a zero of order r of E, then F must be divisible by ( If A/B has no poles for since (, 8, *, 8*) on S. finite. 2 0 )r Thus, F/E is a polynomial Finally, we can write W2 and W E nd*d (2.1) G(e) has poles only at the zeroes of G and possibly e at our final reduced form for 2’ i.e., polar curves on S are C 2 or its copies. kind may, by subtraction of a suitable (/G)de*d (modulo . We have arrived dl), whose only Any double differential of the 2nd dl, be reduced to one of the form (2.1). THEOREM. Any double differential of the 2nd kind on can be reduced, DIFFERENTIALS ON A PRODUCT SURFACE modulo dl, to the form cij i rials of the 2nd kind on C PROOF 1 and C We begin by writing j* A 2 and no 2 0 i or i in the form - and m.* are simple differen3 3 * is derived (2.1), i.e., de*de. 2 If where 625 is of degree d in 8", we can write c’s where the Cd[, 8, + + e*](8*)d + Cd_l[e, Cl[a, are polynomials. polynomial in *. 8, *]8" + 8, e*](8*) c0[a, d-i 8, *], Also, each of the c’s can be written as a Let the degree of c in e* be d i i. Then each c can be i written c i b d i + b i,d.-i (u*) di-i + (e*) i,d.1 1 where the b’s are polynomials in and 8. + bi,le* + b It is then clear that can be written as a finite sum of terms of the form (8*) q where P is a polynomial and p and q are positive integers. P( 8) (*)P(8*) q G() Consider (2.2) d*de. This is a double differential of the 2nd kind on S and can be written as (0*) P(8*) qdo*] (2.3) a() a product of two Abelian differentials, the first on C the second on C I. 2 and Each of them must be of the 2nd kind on their respective curves since, J.C. WILSON 626 Let the if not, the double differential would have non-zero residues on S. genus of C I be gl ad that of C 2 be g2 d9 2g dgl, d2, respectively. Also, let dl d2 d U2g I be bases for differentials of the 2nd kind on C and I and C 2, 2 Then 2g (,)P(8,)qd,-- 2 i kdk and 2g Pd_ G where the c’s are constant. i I cid i’ Thus, P(s, 8) (e*) p (8*)qd*d G() CikdVkd where Cik cik. Since each term in w/G da*de can be so written, the theorem follows. REFERENCES i. Lefschetz, Solomon. Algebraic Geometry, Princeton University Press, 1953, p. 196-210. 2. Ibid, p. 221. 3. Ibid, p. 202. 4. Ibid, p. 206. 5. Van der Waerden, B. L. Einfuehrung in die Algebraische Geometrle, Springer, Berlin, 1939, p. 209.