I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 2 #3 (1979) 481-486 481 ON HAUSDORFF COMPACTIFICATIONS OF NON-LOCALLY COMPACT SPACES JAMES HATZENBUHLER and DON A. MATTSON Department of Mathematics Moorhead State University Moorhead, Minnesota 56560 (Received December 19, 1978 and in Revised form February 2, 1979) ABSTRACT. Let X be a completely regular, Hausdorff space and let be the set of points in R is compact. If so does the quotient one for X-R. X X R which do not possess compact neighborhoods. Assume has a compactification with a countable remainder, then X/R, and a countable compactificatlon of A characterization of when a countable remainder is obtained. X/R implies X/R has a compactification with Examples show that the above implications cannot be reversed. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Countable remainders, compactificions non-locally compact spaces, components of 8X X. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification Cod: 54D5. 482 i J. HATZENBUHLER and D. A. MATTSON INTRODUCTION. Let X be a completely regular, Hausdorff topological space. of characterizing when uX- X X has a Hausdorff compactification X, The question where infinite, has been answered for the locally compact case is countably by Magill [2] and for the case when the Stone-Cech compactification of 8X by Okuyama [4] (where uX In case X). X 8X is is an arbitrary completely regular space, no such characterization has been given. The purpose of this paper is to contribute results toward such a characterization. Let hoods. R be the set of points in X which do not possess compact neighbor- uX of X, R Then for all compactifications Herein we observe that for compact R, a countable compactification is that Cl0ux(OUX X) X. (See [5].) a necessary condition for X/R have one. X to have The main theorem of this paper characterizes when X/R has a countable compactification. 2. CRARACTER!ZAT!ON OF e,(X/R_). Throughout this paper all compactifications are Hausdorff compactifications. Let N denote the natural numbers. a completely regular space X tifying R to a single point. X and if then a countable compactification of R If is a compact, non-empty subset of has a coutable compactification yX, X/R can be obtained from yX by iden- It is readily verified that the resulting space is Hausdorf f. If e(X/R) a countable compactification of THEOREM i. X/R, then (X/R) is a countable compactification of If X X- R. is also Thus, we have the following: is completely regular and the following conditions implies the next: (A) X (B) X/R has a countable compactification; has a countable compactification; R is compact, then each of HAUSDORFF COMPACTIFICATIONS OF SPACES (C) 483 X- R has a countable compactiflcation. Examples will be provided to show that none of these implications can be reversed. If Let (A) no longer implies (C) as in Theorem I. is non-compact, then R be the unit disc in the standard plane with a countable dense subset X removed from the boundary. X clearly, R. The remaining boundary points constitute X- R, has a countable compactification but Then, the open disc, has no countable compactification. (SX- X) R. Y Let THEOREM 2. and non-empty. Then the following are equivalent: (A) X/R has a countable compactification. ’B) R PROOF. is a G6-set Y in (A) implies (B). {Pnln Take X/R, X into y(X/R). y(X/R). t has an extension t carries y(X/R), t to t (cf. Lemma 6.11 [i]). Y N NR X. N Since R_ N, t0[N] Thus, there is a neighborhood N Y t(z) t[SX is any neighborhood of S X] y G in in 8X, R of R in X/R. y(X/R) X/R. X- R 8X choose z e N t Y that onto Since the is dense in R such that t(x) t(x) is compact N y r R. in G X/R. t0[N (X 8X t[R] r where then since for which and it follows from the continuity of y(X/R) 8X is a neighborhood of (X/R) y(X/R) where which maps onto y e-SX- X, and there exists a compact neighborhood Set t Y. be the canonical mapping 0 X/R] {r}, [y(X/R) onto x e R If t is a homeomorphism and X- R carries 8X- X X/R, y(X/R) and let o We first show that restriction of and in Then e N} are components of R and components of is a countable compactificatlon of of R compact be a completely regular Hausdorff space with Let X N). X/R. If Then t(y). Hence J. HATZENBUHLER and D. A. MATTSON 484 Kn Since each Let m Thus C I, C choose {r} N} {Pn of N}. Y x C E f are components of Y. (B) implies (A). are clopen in Y {Vnln n e E N} N, t[R] # t(x). Since Kn x Thus R} Wn(x,r) Wn(X)Ix ( Wn(xs)lJ .,p(x)} Kn} n Let Y C1 R. covers R Take {Vnln N} is an open cover of N} R which Let For each R. Y, E is compact. @. Let (x,r) e K n x R. there exists a Wn(x,r). Now so that a finite subfamily Wn(X)={Wn(x,r i) li R Wn(X), and Y , E N, Un let $ x W (x) n l,...,p(x)}. Since there is a finite subcover UI, l,...,n- i}. and for {Wn(xj)lJ l,...,q(n)}. n > i, Cn Then each Cn take R to a point. [Y Then each {Uili is a clopen subset of Let c- be the equivalence relation in a point and {Unln Note that Y Y, where x in must be I ,...,q(,)). For each {Cili of r is a clopen subset of {Y R. t C f But so that components of Cl, Y satisfying is an open covering of l, W (x) n C are in distinct quasi-components of clopen neighborhood {Wn(x,r) r (Wn(x,ri) li N} E where This contradicts the fact We assume that each Kn Y- Vn. r and Thus, {Unln be open subsets of set (See [3]). First we show that there exist sets such that Y, be a component of i into the real numbers. is countable and Y. in C N). Now there exists a continuous InJectlon C. I Y are open in K n =U {Knln BX- X Evidently, G-set is a connected and not a singleton, since that the image of E ,N. n R and let be a component of C If C_ C I. for each is compact, the sets Knln R-{Y f t-l(pn), Kn Next, let Y l,...,n}] and 8X which identifies each The projection of SX onto 8X/e Un BX- X Cn to is denoted by H. HAUSDORFF COMPACTIFICATIONS OF SPACES For each N, n e Y into disjoint open sets. is a partition of separated by open sets U 8X/v. any other point of 8X- Y, It remains manner. Let mapping J 8X- Y X/R. X/R into of J can be H[V] and are can be separated from X- neigh- 8X/-- in the desired i X and let 8X in p be the is relation preserving, a continuous 8X/r, is induced such that J H p is also a closed mapping, hence an embedding of 8X/,%2 as desired. Cn have compact can be embedded in Since Y 8X/,%J is a compact Hausdorff space. it follows that onto H[U] H[Cn] (Cn,Y- Cn) Now and Cn Thus, This shows that X/R 8X/,#. in Evidently, be the natural embedding of X follows that 8X. in Since points of to show that i projection of V and 8X/,. disjoint open subsets of borhoods in H[C n] consider the point 485 It i. X/R into This completes the proof. In [2] Magill shows that a locally compact space X has a countable compactification if and only if 8X- X As has infinitely many components. an application of the proof of Theorem 2, the following is proven. COROLLARY 3. Let X be completely regular with a countable compactification, then PROOF. 8X X onto Let 8X- X a(X/R) X/R. compact. X If has has infinitely many components. be a continuous mapping of t R Since the subspace a(X/R) 8X onto K (u(X/R) X/R) which carries {t(R)} is compact and countable, it contains an open countable discrete subspace. Since a(X/R) X/R contains infinitely many components of K, Y must contain infinitely many components. The converse of Corollary 3 is false when Example (A) shows that Example to insure that is not locally compact. X/R can have a countable compactification, so that 8X- X has infinitely many components, but tion. X X has no countable compactifica- (A) also shows that condition (B) of Theorem i is not sufficient X has a countable compactification when R is compact. J. HATZENBUHLER and D. A. MATTSON 486 EXAMPLE (A). it is clear that X X. n e N, L and, for I I x n {n}. For Furthermore, R L0 and The existence of a continuous surJection from 8X- X fixed and which carries S- X onto The following example shows that for R n Ln’ S X- R a singleton, where S 8X is a compactification onto S which leaves guarantees that condition (B) R non-empty and compact the cation of (C) by (B) of Theorem i cannot be reversed. with X X/R has a countable compactification. Hence of Theorem 2 is satisfied. X, be the unit is not rim compact, xd hence does not have a countable X compactlfication (cf. [6]). of 2, R be the closed unit square in S I x {0}, L0 interval, Let imli- It suffices to exhibit has a countable compactification but X does not. EXAMPLE (B). X R [{(x,y) l-i (i,0)}. In the plane R 2 < x < i; Since X i < y < take i}{(i,01}1 (, 0), e N}. Then is not rim compact, it has no countable compactlflcation. However, a countable compactlfication for points -n {(n-- 01In for each n e N, X- R is obtained by adjoining the and taking the one-polnt compactlfication of the resulting space. REFERENCES i. Gillman, L. and Jerison, M. Rings of continous functions, The University Series in Higher Math., Princeton, N.J., 1960. 2. Magill, K. D., Jr. Countable compactifications, Caned. J. Math. 1__8 (1966), 616-620. 3. Mrowka, S. Continuous functions on countable subspaces, Port. Math. 29 (1970), 177-180L 4. Okuyama, A. 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