I nternat. J. Mah. & 4ath Si. Vol. 2 No. 2 (1979) 229-237 229 ON THE ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS OF ALTERNATING TWO-COMPONENT LINKS MARK E. KIDWELL Department of Mathematics Amherst College Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 U.S.A. (Received September 5, 1978) ABSTRACT. A(x,y). Let L be an alternating two-component link with Alexander polynomial Then the polynomials (i- x) A (x,y) alternating. a way that That is, (i (-l)i+J y) A (x,y) and (i- y) A (x,y) can be written as 7 i,j c.. 13 are x i yj in such c.. > O. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Alternating link projection, Alexander 3ix and polynomial, Adjacency matrix, rooted tree. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. i. Pimary 55A25. INTRODUCTION. This paper extends the graphical methods of Crowell [I] from the study of the reduced Alexander polynomial A(t) to the study of the unreduced Alexander polynomial A(x,y). This extension requires extra care in labelling the edges of our graph and in comparing its adjacency matrix to the Alexander matrix of the alternating link. 230 M. E. KIDWELL Crowell also used his method to prove that for alternating links, A(t) deg 2h, h where equalities relating the is the genus. In a future paper, we hope to prove x- and y-degrees of A(x,y) to geometric properties of an alternating link. The author would like to thank James Bailey and Joan Hutchinson for their helpful comments. 2. ALTERNATING LINK PROJECTIONS. Let P be an alternating, regular, planar projection of a two-component K U L link K2, 1 6 [4, p.16] such as the projection of the link The components of L are oriented, and P in Fig. 1. inherits this link-orientation. The two thick arrows off the projection in Fig. I indicate link orientation. We call K 1 the x-component and K 2 the y-component. The crossings of a projection are either positive, as shown in Fig. negative, as shown in Fig. ent segments. 2b), We also distinguish four types of crossings depending upon how x-component overcrosses y-component. crossings y-component overcrosses x-component. r Y s -crossings x-component overcrosses itself. s -crossings y-component overcrosses itself. x Y The capital letters then These are: r -crossings x type. Rx YR--’ Sx, and S y denote the number of crossings of each We follow Crowell’s convention that if P R x R y 0 for a projection is not alternating. We shall need the following not-quite-obvious fact: LEMMA 2.1. or depending upon the orientations of the constitu- x- and y-components enter in. the 2a), In an alternating link projection P, R x R y P, 231 POLYNOMIALS OF ALTERNATING LINKS Let PROOF. 0 be the union of the f r (J) e Ux, (i) R x x (i) Let U s -crossings and let 0 be a crossing in x must terminate (go under) at an adjacent since the projection is alternating. 0 and x Ux, Define R so x (J). f((i)) + S x R + S x y R y x If a projection has that and x x is a one-to-one correspondence between and r s -crossings. and y x-component at The overcrossing vertex be the union of the x (1) be an (2Rx+l),...,(d) crossings labelled d r -crossing, x (2),...,(2Rx) s s -crossings. be or x be (1),(2),... ,(d), r x or we stipulate r -crossings, and y y A Wirtinger presentation [2, p.86] for the link group HI(S3- L) has one generator for each overcrossing segment in a regular projection of the link. If the projection is alternating, we can label the segment which overcrosses at vertex (i) "x i oP (Thus we y-component of the link. "x." I Yi depending on whether it belongs to the "Yi" The relators define only one of the two symbols 1,...,d, r i, i or x- of the Wirtinger presentation are of the form r for the crossing of Fig. 2a) xj Yi Xk i 3. -1 Yi and of the form ri for the crossing of Fig. -1 xi YJ -i xi -i Yk Pb). ASSOCIATED GRAPH THEORY. We now regard the projection vertices and the segments of P P as a graph with the crossings of Joining vertices as edges. P as Thus each over- crossing segment in an alternating projection contributes two edges to the graph. We will use the word "vertex" when we are thinking of P strictly as M.E. KIDWELL 232 a graph, and the word "crossing" when we are thinking of P We next orient and label the edges of the graph of P. toward (i). incident "i". P. the edges of "-y" edges which start at 0.) We bij . J det B’ H(T), J, the sum of the labels on the (If there are no such edges, then i. J$i b..11 # i b THEOREM 3.I (Matrix-tree theorem). adjacency matrix Fig. I shows the alternating of an oriented and labelled graph is the entry, and end at also define if the over- "-t". (bij) B (i,J) matrix having for dd "-y" We differ from Crowell [I, pp.260-61] only in using where he uses simply The adjacency matrix "-x" We indicate the alternating orientation by orientation and labelling of and (i) The edge on the right receives the label crossing segment belongs to the y-component. "-x" we The edge which is on the left with respect to the overcrossing seg- if the overcrossing segment belongs to the x-component and o__n P, edges which belong to undercrossing segments at ment receives the label arrows This alternating At each vertex (i) of orientation differs from the link orientation. orient the two as a link projection. i J" Let Thus each row-sum of B’ B is zero. be the matrix obtained from an B by crossing out the first row and column. Then where the summation is over all maximal rooted trees T with T origin (I) in the graph [i, footnote 2, p. 262] and H(T) of the labels on the edges of PROOF. See [3, p.?]. T. Our matrix regarding the difference in labelling). while Moon [3] denotes the product makes his row-sums zero. B is the transpose of Crowell’s Crowell makes his column-sums zero This discrepancy arises because Crowell is counting trees oriented away from the origin trees oriented toward the origin. (dis- (as we are) while Moon is counting POLYNOMIALS OF ALTERNATING LINKS 233 COMPARISON WITH THE ALEXANDER MATRIX. det B’ Our next task is to prove that the polynomial given in the last theorem is a link-type invariant. A [2, p.100] of The Alexander matrix and its Wirtinger presentation is the Fd/El(S3-L) map A . (aij) matrix T\-V (The displays the link group as a homomorphic image of a free group, and the Abelianizing map and columns of dd P with respect to the projection L ( sends all yi/y.) and all x.1 /x (1),...,(d) correspond naturally to the vertices The rows of the relators and generators of the Wirtinger presentation so correspond. P since Define A to be the matrix obtained from A by multiplying any row which corresponds to a negative crossing by -1. A From now on, we will call the Alexander matrix. LEMMA 4.1. +-X y-+q in [x, x -1 A by deleting the first be the matrix obtained from , Then there is a polynomial row and column. +p A’ Let y,y -1 ], det A(x,y) such that, up to units (1-x)A(x,y) This is a special case of a theorem of Torres A(x,y) is defined to be the Alexander polynomial of the link. link-type invariant [2, p.120]. to a segment from the THEOREM .2. PROOF. b.. ’ corresponding (1-y)A(x,y). r x x-1 A are identical, except for the diagonal entries in or r -crossings. y (resp. y-l) (i) If while aii is an y-1 r x (resp. ry-) (resp. x-l). This is a routine application of the free differential calculus, and exactly follows [i (2 10) p.261] Notice that b ii sum of the labels on all edges coming i__n to vertex (i). or det It is a For a given alternating link projection, the adjacency matrix B rows corresponding to crossing, then A If we had deleted a column of y-component, we would have gotten and the Alexander matrix x-I [5, p.61]. PROOF. y-l. is defined to be minus the This sum must be either D 234 M. E. KIDWELL We give below the matrices link 6 A B and for the alternating projection of the shown in Fig. 1. B (z,) ()(3),()()(6) (i), x-i -x 1 (3) -y (6) 0 0 y-i 0 0 y-I 0 0 0 0 0 0 x-1 0 0 x-1 0 0 -x -y 0 1 0 y-1 o o y-1 -x 0 1 0 -y 1 y-i -y 1 0 -y 0 1 0 -x x-I 0 i 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 -y 0 0 1 0 0 y-1 0 1 0 y-1 -y o -y y- / A d Recall that det B’ oelT" (-l)i=2H bio(i) Z where is the group of d permutations of {2,3,...,d}. written as a product of O(O(J)),...) Let b O H (algebraic) cycles Any permutation bio(i ). i=2 a can be (i,a(i), o((i)),...)(J,o(J), A (geometric) cycle in a graph is a collection of oriented edges which forms a closed curve. LEMMA 2.3. Let b be a non-zero entry in (i,(i), ...) trivial cycle in c, det B’. Then for every non- P there is a cycle of edges in Joining vertex (i) to vertex c(i), etc. PROOF. This is clear from the definition of the adjacency matrix. In Fig. l, hashmrks indicate the (geometric) cycles corresponding to (3 h)(5 6). LEMMA h.h. to vertex o(i)crossing. PROOF. If For this example, (y l) (1) (-x) (-y) (-’y) Suppose there is an edge of the graph of P Joining vertex (i) (i) is an r x-crossing, o(i) is an ry or s x or s -crossing. is an r -crossing, then o(i) is an r y x y Then if (I) (i) The edge in question is part of an overcrossing segment at which belongs to the x- segment must terminate. crossing. b (resp. Thus y-) a(i) component. is an r y o(1), At or s x this overcrossing (resp. r x or s -) y POLYNOMIALS OF ALTERNATING LINKS COR0Y from 4.5. If b 0, e the number of off-diagonal factors If negative integers b b (x e l)Pl-l(y I) det A’ there are diagonal factors of b 1 e pl R -i x PROOF. By Lemma h.1, a O (x-l)ao’. (-l)ebO nating. That is, (-1) i+J PROOF. A’ By Corollary (l-y)A(x,y), THEOREM 4.8. x (l-y)A(x,y), det R r-rows and . reversed. det B’ and non- and x ao, In b e ao Since the off- y r -rows, there must be y this imbalance is up to units in (-1) 4.6, r r -rows. x 2[x,x -1 ,y,y-1 ]. (1-A (x,y), (y-l)ae’. up to units. Thus det B’ up to units. The polynomials (l-y)A(x,y) (l-y)A(x,y) and can be written as . (l-x)A(x,y) c i,J i jxiy j are alter- in such a way 0. cij The argument is identical to we can compute Pl [D PI-I( -x) P2 (-y)PB(x-I)P&(y-I) P 5 in the diagonal elements. h.7. Y (-x)P2(-y)P3(x -I) P& (y-l) p5 must be paired between THEOREM r -rows. is (x-l) Pl (y-l) In B’, an imbalance of then there is a positive integer coming such that P2’P3 ’pI’p5 ae PROOF. 0, e The corresponding term of that bie r -rows equals the number of off-diagonal elements coming from x COROLLARY 4.6. Let 235 det B’ (1-y)A(x,y) maximal rooted trees in the graph of [i, (2.13), p.262]. by summing the products of the labels on P. One of these products is positive if and only if it has an even number of edges labelled results we have developed for by making vertex (i) an (l-y)A(x,y) r-crossing. Y By Theorem 3.I, "-x" or "-y". can be duplicated for All the (l-x)A(x,y) 236 M. E. KIDWELL It would be interesting to know whether the polynomial A (x,y) alternating for alternating links. from our results. must be This does not follow by elementary algebra For example, the polynomial 3- 2x + 2x 2 2x2y +2y2 2xy2 + 3x2y2 -2y- xy- becomes alternating upon multiplication by the Torres conditions . [5, P.57], (i-x) or (i-y). According to ths polynomial could be the Alexander polynomial of a linking-number-one link each of whose components has Alexander polynomial 3- 5t + 3t REFERENCES i. Crowell, R. H. Cnus of alternating link types, Annals of Math. 258-275. 69 (1959) 2. Crowell, E. H. and R. H. Fox. New York, 1963. 3. Moon, J. W. h. Rolfsen, D. Knots and Links, Mathematical Lecture Series No. 7, Publish or Perish, Berkeley, 1976. 5. Torres, G. Introduction to Knot Theory, Ginn & Company, Count.ing Labelled Trees, Canadian Mathematical Monographs No. l, William Clowes and Sons, London, 1970. On the Alexander polynomial, Annals of Math. 57 (1953) 57-89. POLYNOMIALS OF ALTERNATING LINKS K K 2 I (5 6) (2) (t) FIGURE 1 a) + crossing b) FIGURE 2 crossing