I ntenat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. 29 Vol 2. (1979) 29-34 SOME RESULTS ON COMPOSITION OPERATORS ON R.K. SINGH D.K. OUPTA . 2 B.S. KOMAL Mathematics Department University of Jammu Jammu IB000 i, India (Received August 12, 1978) ABSTRACT. A necessary and sufficient condition for a bounded operator to be a composition operator is investigated in this paper. Normal, quasi-hyponormal, paranormal composition operators are characterlsed. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Invertible, normal, quasi-normal, hyponormal, quasi-hyppaanormal composition operators. onorm, AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. Let 2 N Primay 47B99, Secondary 47B99. be the set of all non-zero positive integers and be the Hilbert space of all square-summable sequences. ping from from 12 N into itself. Let be a map- Then we define a composition transformation C into the space of all complex valued sequences by C f In the case C fo is bounded and the range of position operator. The symbol 12 for every C is in 2 we call it a com- B(l2) denotes the Banach algebra of all bounded 30 R. K. S INGH, D. K. GUPTA & B. S. KOMAL linear operators on 2 In the first section of this paper, a criterion for a bounded operator to be a composition operator is given. In latter sections, Normal, Quasi-hyponormal, Paranormal composition operators are characterized. CRITERION FOR A BOUNDED OPERATOR TO BE A COMPOSITION OPERATOR. 2. In this section we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a bounded operator A to be a composition operator. THEOREM 2. I. only if for every (n) A e B( Let N n Let A m N e n (p) np is a composition operator if and n e N A * e (n) Conversely suppose m This shows that is unique. A C C (m) Thus and hence (n A * e (n) A e (m) where (the Kronecker delta). 2 Then A m (n) * (n) C e for some C$ * [6]. C by definition of Then define e A * e (n) such that A be a composition operator on (n) * e (n) ( (n) Then A * e Let defined, since Then there is an is the sequence defined by PROOF. 3. 2) is well for every N. n C NORMAL COMPOSITION OPERATORS. An operator A B(H) is normal if A commutes with its adjoint. true in general that every invertible operator is normal. It is not It is true in case of composition operators and is shown in the following theorem. THEOREM 3.1. Let B(Z 2) C Then C is invertible if and only if C is normal. PROOF. Suppose that C is invertible. Then by Theorem 2.3 of [6J is unitary and therefore, it is normal. Conversely, if C is not invertible, then by theorem 2.2 of is not invertible, and so either is not one-to-one or [6] is not onto. C RESULTS ON COMPOSITION OPERATORS If some C N n for Ic_ is not one-to-one, then # And if N \ (N), n e (n) II I where (N) IC and IC is not onto, then 31 e (n) II e 1 (n) II and > for IC e (n) II 0 Thus in both the cases, is the range of This proves the sufficient part. is not normal. COROLLARY. Let n e N Then n C C_ is normal if and only if is normal. 4. QUASI-HYPONORMAL COMPOSITION OPERATORS. B(l 2) Ce Let Then the measure [4]. )t respect to the measure -i is absolutely continuous with It is clear that the measure -I absolutely continuous with respect to the measure d Let f d% (the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the measure o -I An operator x e 12 x vectors A in go I A [I, p. 133] Then by Theorem A B(Z 2) -I with and h o go d% (@o@) d f -I h o o IA*A xll < IAA xll IA xJl 2 < IA2 xll for all for is quasi-hyponormal if is called Z2 is .), dl (@o@) d%@ -1 # -I respect to the measure all )(o) paranormal if unit It is shown in this section that the class of quasi- hyponormal composition operators coincides with the class of paranormal composition operators. THEOREM 4.1. if C# e B(Z 2) Then C is quasi-hyponormal if and only fo < -o PROOF. where or Let X_ Suppose C$ is quasi-hyponormal. is the characteristic function of the set II MfoXEII 2 _< CCCXEJ Then _< CC+XEI 12 E lXEO O l by proof of Th. 3 [3], 32 R.K. SINGH, D. K. GUPTA & B. S. KOMAL or or - or E Since this is true for all fo < -o Conversely, if f -< O go N d% fE (ho-fo2) N < hod% d% -> 0 therefore, then f2 _< O f h go O f2o > o h This shows that O " lfl2dfl2dX j" N lf12d ()-i N lccfl 12 ICC This completes the proof. THEOREM 4.2. if C C C e B(2 C Then is quasi-hyponormal if and only is paranormal. PROOF. if Let Necessity is true for any bounded operator is paranormal and N n A then for all or flX{n}Ol 2 or fiX{ n} 12 or fo(n) or (fo(n)) (:IX{n}l 2 d%-< dX,- 1 _< (fiX{n)] d% 2 n e N (o)-i) 1/2 dX (qoq) -1 1/2 I f o d% < or For the sufficiency, h d%) {n} o (ho(n)) < 2 _< ho(n) go(n)" fo(n) for all n e N 33 RESULTS ON COMPOSITION OPERATORS fo -< go Thus THEOREM 4.3. Let Hence C is quasi-hyponormal in view of the previous theorem. C B(2)r. N and / N be one-to-one. Then the following are equivalent. PROOF. is normal (ii) C is hyponormal (iii) C# is quasi-hyponormal A Here we show that (iii) implies (i). be quasi-hyponormal. taking for C The implications (i) implies (ii), (ii) implies (iii)are true for any bounded operator C (i) n to be X{n) N\ (N) Then is onto, because if {(n)} we have which is a contradiction. C is not onto, then the characteristic function of the singleton set IC$CX{(n)}[[ 1 I[ccx{(n)}II and 0 is one-to-one by hypothesis, therefore Since By theorem 2.2 [6] is invertible. For this let C is invertible and so by theorem 3.1 is normal. REMARK. - - - One has the following inclusion relation for classes of operators. Normal Quasi-normal All the inclusions are proper [2]. Hyponormal Quasi-hyponormal We show with the help of examples that these inclusions are also proper for composition operators. EXAMPLE i. Quasi-normal but not normal. Let # (n) N N (n+l)/2 n/2 be defined by if n is odd if n is even 34 R.K. SINGH, D. K. GUPTA & B. S. KOMAL Then from theorem 3 of [3] it follows that C0C 0 Mf 21, where I C identi’ty is the is quasi-normal since 0 C But operator. O is not normal 0 in view of theorem 3.1. EXAMPLE 2. Let f (n) o But N 0 0(3n+m) n+l 3 Hyponormal but not quasi-normal. for if (fo0) N n EXAMPLE 3. Let equals I 0 and 0,1,2 m # 1. (2) # and llCx]l 3 n e N. It is clear that fo(2), C hence Then 0(2) and f (n) 2 o Hence f o0 < f o o 1 equal 1 and and if n C is hyponormal. 0 is not quasi-normal. 0 Quasi-hyponormal but not hyponormal. N + N 0(3n+m) x(1) and 0(1) be the mapping such that n+2 for hyponormal in view of theorem 4.1. is such that 0(1) be the mapping such that 2. x(3) llC0xll = 1,2,3 m But C 0 and n E 0(3) equal 2, N Then C 0 0(2) is quasi- is not hyponormal because if I and x(n) --0 Thus and llCxll x otherwise, then llCxll REFERENCES i. Halmos, P. R., Measure Theory, Springer- Verlag, Berlin- HeidelbergNew York, East West Press, New Delhi-Madras, 1974. 2. Shah, N. C. and Sheth, I. 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