81 I ntern. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol 2 (1979) 81-90 GAUSSIAN INTEGERS WITH SMALL PRIME FACTORS D.G. HAZLL:WOOD Department of Mathematics Southwest Texas State University San Marcos, Texas 78666 U.S.A. (Recleved April 18, 1978) ABSTRACT. exceeding x Let 2t G(xt,x) denote the number of Gausslan integers with norm not whose Gausslan prime factors have norm not exceeding x 2 Previous estimates have required restrictions on the parameter t with respect to x. purpose of this note is to present asymptotic estimates for G t (x x) for all ranges of the parameter t with respect to x. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Gausian integr, small prime AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. IOH40. faors. Primary 10-02, IOH15, IOH25, The 82 i. D.G. HAZLEWOOD INTRODUCTION. Let = Throughout the discussion 6, e arbitrary positive constants. the norm of u, and . denote a Gaussian integer, p a Gaussian prime, N the constants implied by the use of the0-notatlon will be absolute unless other- wise indicated. For real numbers x => 1 and t _>_ 0, J. H. Jordan [3] and the author [2] gave asymptotic estimates for the number of Gausslan integers with norms not exceeding x 2t having only Gausslan prime factors with norm not exceeding x 2 However, Jordan’s estimate fixed the parameter t and our estimate had t bounded with The purpose of this note is to present an asymptotic estimate for respect to x. all ranges of the parameter t with respect to x. 2. MAIN RESULTS. THEOREM. exceeding x TG(Xt,X) Let 2t denote the number of Gausslan integers with norm not having only Gausslan prime factors with norm not exceeding x 2 Then: i) If t =< (log x)3/5-, then ux2t(z(t) G(xt,x) + )e "iogttZ(t)x" (2.1) for t outside the interval (I, I+) where Z(t) (the well-known Dickman function) satisfies the equation t with initial condition Z(t) Z(t) ll) If (log z’ (t) =-z(t-1) 1 for 0 < t < I. exp{-t(log t + log log t x)3/5-6 < t G (xt x) x 2t __< x/log 1 + Further as t log log log t t) / (logt t )) x, then exp{-t(log t + log log t I) + (t log log log t t)} (2 2) GAUSSIAN INTEGERS WITH PRIME FACTORS If x/log x < t < iii) TG(xt,x) If t > iv) x2/(elog Tc(Xt,x) G(X) where x2/(elog x 2t 83 x), then exp{-t (log t + log log t +0(i))} (2.3) x), then exp{C(X) log t x 2 + x 2 2 21gloglgx x +0(l.og x) (2.4) denotes the number of Gaussian primes with norm not exceeding PROOF of the Theorem. behavior of Z(t) x 2 Now Case i) follows from Theorem 5 of [2] and the To derive (2.2) and (2.3) we will first write a lower G(xt,x) estimate and then an upper estimate for that are of the same order. For the lower estimate we follow the manner of A. S. Fainleib [I] (for rational integers) and consider the sum log Na Nu< x p[c 2t (2.5) => Np < x 2 We easily see that (2.5) does not exceed Tc(Xt’X)’ 2t log x and after some routine calculation, (2.5) is at least as large as 2 (I t- -2u ) x 2t log x x u, x) du t-I for 0 < < I (fixed) and e e(x) << exp(-a(log x) 315) for a an absolute positive constant, Thus we have PG (xt’x) > x-2 G(xu, x)du O-) t t-I (2.6) 84 D.G. HAZLEWOOD Now we let t Z Zl(t) be defined by the equation l(t) with initial condition Z l(t) + (I-) Z l(t-) Zl(t) t for 0 _< t (I-) Z l(t-1) : By Lemma __< 1 of Fainleib [I], ast/(R) Z l(t) where b b0t 0 and b + b I + exp{-t(log + log t log t -i) +t logloglog t) t It is easy to see that for t I are real numbers. I (l-e) Z(t) ’t >= 1 tZ (u)du 1 t-i Now we let -2t K(t,x) x G (xt ,x) XZ(t) where X is a sufficiently small positive real number. K(t,x) => 0, Then for 0 < t _< I, and for t > 1 K(t,x) => jt- (1-e)t K(u,x)du. t-1 Therefore by Lemma 2 of Fainleib [I], K(t,x) > 0 for all t > 0 so that G(xt,x) > X x 2t Z(t) which in turn, implies that xt,x)- > x2texp{-t(log t + log log t I) + (t log log log t t) +te)}, (2 7) for t > i which is the lower estimate that we need. Now we follow the manner of B. V. Levin and A. S. Fainleib 4] to obtain the following general results which as a special case of Lemma 2 give the required upper estimate for G(xt,x). GAUSSIAN INTEGERS WITH PRIME FACTORS LEMMA I. Let be a completely multiplicative non-negative function f x < 0 satisfying for where h(u) . < x N0 < y2 %f(N0 r) =O((iog ))-i, NO, + R(x2,y 2) real number, D is an absolute constant, T is a and (u log u) lR(u,y2)[ -I - du < Further assume for every Gaussian prime 0 and s > -i for all 6 > 0. f(Nor)NO -rs log P(-l,y) h(min(x2,y2)) + D + log(min(x,y)) T f(N0r)-log u y < 0 and r2f(N0 r) N0 85 converges. ! Y 0 < Then, if 2 1- 8 (’I-) log y + log 7 (7!$) + (y) -< 1- 1/log y, 0( y2 (I-) +0( that R(u,y l2 + log y 6 -1 u log u) du) 2 (2.9) with I P(s,y) N0<y 2 (I + I f(N0 r) rs) implies the index is over only those Gaussian primes 0 in the first where the quadrant of the complex plane or on the positive real axis. PROOF. Let x > y. Applying Abel’s summation, we find that %f(N0 r) r <-x2 NO NO 2 NO -< y rs log NO F(y2) r y 2s log y y2 F(u)d( 22 x + 2 where F(u) log u + D + h(u). 1 u61og R(x2,y + u x 2s 2 R(u, y2 s io8 u+l du 2 s+l u log u log x 2 D. G. HAZLEWOOD 86 Assume s > 0, and letting x tend to we obtain 2 N0<_y 2 r=l N0 rs logN0 r y 2s f(N0 r) N0 r=l sufficiently large, we have Now since log y ) + F(u)d (- s 2 u -rs < 1 for all 0 such that N0 < " log P(s,y) NO s io s+l R(u log u u y2 s u+l du. 2 log u if s is Af(N0 r) <=y2 51o r=l rs log NO r Hence by the uniqueness of analytic continuation Y F(Y2) log P(-l,y) y 2(6-1) log y 12 2 2 F(u)d u 6-1 + log u ]R(u,y2) (6-I) u 6 lg u+l du, 2 log u (2.10 for all 6 > O. Substituting F l(u) + h(u) for F(u) where F T l(u) log u + D, we see that the right hand side of (2.10) is equal to 2 z__ 2 (u61g u) -ldu +0(1) +O(y2(1-6)log-2y) +C)( 4 2 (u61og2u) -ldu) + 2 [R(u,y2) (u61g u)-Idu) +0( 2 with 2 (u61g u)-ldu 2(I-6) 2(1-6) + O( Y’ (1-6) log y 2 (i-6) 21og2y Y Therefore substituting these results into (2.10) we get (2.9) to prove GAUSSIAN INTEGERS WITH PRIME FACTORS In the following lemma, we shall require that R(x2,y 2 87 R(x2,y 2) satisfy the condition ) og min (x,y (2.11) which is generally satisfied when f(N0 LEMMA 2. Let f r NO) =0( IOEr Np’ log NO be a completely multipllcatlve non-negative function satisfying (2.8) where R(x2,y 2) satisfies (2.11) and let Na f(Na) F(xt’x) Then for every F(x t x) < x 2t such that t exp{-t(log t .e t Na < x 2 P a = Np_<x 2 < t < + log log log x 8e io8) + Isloglogt t) +0(io gt t +0(log log x) +O(x x t -(i + 2t21g2tlog PROOF. + (2.12) Let 0 < 6 < 1- I/(21og x), then F(x t x) x2t6 2 Na< < p ]a f(Na) (Na) x 2t6 P(I-6, x) x 2 =>Np-<x Using Lemma I, then F(x t x) < x2t6 exp{ 2(-) (1-6) log x + x T Zog O( 2 (1-6) x 1-6 21o g2x + +0 [R(u’x2)[ (uzg u)-’du) + Zog Cf} where Now Cf is an absolute constant depending on f. D. G. HAZLEWOOD 88 (u,x where z 2) (u61og u) 21og x. Idu 2(I-2) log x + log log + x exp(-6uz +-[u]+’l du) u Further exp (-6uz 2 1-2 du uz + [u]+i )-- (.xlog x Hence, T F(x t,x) -< x 2t6 exp{ 2(I-6) x (1-6) log x + -/f) + 0 x og( +C(’x2i{ 2(1-6) (I-6) 21o g2x ") + (i-26) + log Cf} (2.13) Now if we let (log t 21og x + log log t log T + log log t log t in (2.13) we get (2.12) to comlpete the proof of Lemma 2. For the special case f(Ne) Ne -I we see that T 8 so that by Lemma 2, if 2 e<t < 1 x e log x G(X then t 2t x) <- x exp{-t(log t + log log t-I + log log t log t21g2t +0 (l---{gt + 0(log io g x) +0 (x21og x) t t) + (2.14) GAUSSIAN INTEGERS WITH PRIME FACTORS which is the required upper estimate for G (xt x) Combining (2.7) and (2.14), we derive Cases il) Finally, for Case iv), fix y manner of Levln and Falnleib x t y2 and ili) of the Theorem. 2 1 x where t > e log x [4] by letting integers with norm not exceeding 89 Fk(Y) We again follow the denote the number of Gausslan whose prime factors are "aong" the first k Gaussian primes, i.e., we can arrange the Gaussian primes lying either in the first quadrant of the complex plane or on the positive real axis by the relation i < j if N0 i =< N0j. We see that () Fk- F (Y) k _21ogx =logN0k where Ok denotes the k-th Gaussian prime lying either in the first quadrant of the complex plane or on the positive real axis. Now F0 (y) 4 and 4(I + Fy) 2loglog2y] -< Therefore proceeding by induction on k 4 >_ I, I 2 log y log 2 since t > 2 x e log x 1 we see that Fk(Y) __< k Where k 4 i log NOv 2k k’. k 2 k(log y)k (2.15) 90 D.G. HAZLEWOOD Similarily, Fk(Y > I G (x), Now we let k G(xt,x) 2k(log y)k 1 4 k k (2.16) then Fk(y ) =< exp{G(X) log 2t x Fk(Y) => exp{G(X) log 2t x 2 + x 2 + x log log 2 log x x+ (lo-g’x and G(xt,x) 2 log log x 2 log x 2 + )} which implies (2.4) to conclude the proof of the Theorem. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Partially supported by the Southwest Texas State University Organized Research Program. REFERENCES I. Falnlelb, A.S. An estimate from below for the number of numbers with small prime factors, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. UzSSR, No. 7 (1967 3-5 (Russian). 2. Hazlewood, D.G. Sums over Gausslan integers, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 209 (1975 295-309. 3. Jordan, J.H. 4. Levin, B.V. and A.S. Fainlelb Application of certain integral equations to questions of the theory of numbers, Uspehi Mat. Nauk, 22 (1967), No. (135), 119-197 Russ. Math. Surveys, 2__2 (1967),No. 3, 119-204. The divisibility of Gaussian integers by large Gaussian primes, Duke Math J., 3__2 (1965), 503-509. 3