I ntnat. J. Math. Math. Sci. Vol. 2 (1979) 45-60 45 ON THE OVERCONVERGENCE OF CERTAIN SERIES M. BLAMBERT and R. PARVATHAM Institut Fourier Mathmatiques Pures Boite postale 116 38402 ST MARTIN D’HERES FRANCE (Received April 27, 1978) ABSTRACT. In this work, we consider certain class of exponential series with polynomial coefficients and study the properties of convergence of such series. Then we consider a subclass of this class and prove ce[tain theorems n the overconvergence of such a series, which allow us to determine the conditions under which the boundary of the region of convergence of this series is a natural boundary for the function f defined by this series. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. LC-Dirichletian element, L-Dirichletian element, Convergence, Overconvergence. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CASSIFICATION (1920) CODES. $0A6, $0A64. 1. INTRODUCTION. Le us consider the following LC-dirichletian element If] " Pn(x)mn 1 where Pn (s) j=O (i.I) exp-knS anjS an..j are complex constants with an,mnO s=g+ir, 46 M. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAM I ((,I) E (kn) and is a sequence of complex numbers such that (Iknl) a D-sequence. That is to say (l nl) is a sequence of positive real numbers satisfying Ixxl < I21 0 < < Let L lim sup An Max n mn n lim sup gn n LJ g - n =I s6 mn) s (1.4) /n6 IN-J0} Let us denote by depea4/ng on that (1.3) (1.5) be the set of points of 01 (s) (ni) Pn (1.2) /n6]N-[0} Ilanl/6 (0, and Let I%1 lim n- gd ( which are zeros of the derived set of where (nj) n and and IN-[0] is an infinite subsequence of dug let P (s) is a closed set. Let us suppose is non empty. We put Iog 6(n,s) - l(s)exp(-s) for sufficiently large n In his paper, using a technique similar to that used by M. B lamber[ and J. Simeon enable us o [2], we prove two lemmas for a LC-dichleian elemen which discuss Zhe proies of absolute convergence and uniform conver- gence for (I. I) in exclusively. Then we prove Jentzsch’s heorem for a L-dichletian elemen tha is for element of he type (I. I) where positive real numbers satisfying (1.2) [(k n) is a D-sequence) kn are and a heorem on he overconvergence for a L-dichletian element. 2. MAIN RESULTS. DEFINITION. It is said that a function is sub-lipschitzian on an open set, if it is lipschitzian on each compact subset of that open set. 47 OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES LEMMA 1. Let be any compact subset of Then the following assertions are true. (1) (2) and If there exists a then the function v [1,2,..., mn] _w n’ nn’ [6w(So) such that < (- Then it is easy to see that (l’2""’mn) = nj {J V (],) is the open disc centred at ds, where dist e 3 ]0,[ so 6 is sub-llpschitzlan on 6 w PROOF. Let s is lipschitztan. n’ n>n’ <(R) If 6 (n, s) 9s the function 3 c- ds, and and of radius s is the sequence of zeros of Pn(S) (Cnj) (with its order of mul- plicity is taken into account). More precisely let us show that, v - e]0,eX[ Ge Let s6 subset of d v B n’ nn’ ds, e It Let s indexed by S,’ [j6(1,2,...,mn) s is evident that e’9 ]0,e-e[ G where =Znj’ds,e the closure of Ge e]0,e[ The set of discs Hence we have is an open covering of on is a compact a finite subcoverlng 3 o(s1, Let s implies that and d U s k) J=l s’ sj,’ d s, s’ 3 J*(1 ,...,k) J(1,...,k) n’(=nj) DG s’G hence Then s’ k t j=l d which d sj, Now sJ nn’ sd Pn(S) 0 Sj,’ and hence P (s)# 0 nMax[/j(1 which gives n s Maxtl/j6(1 is arbitrary on n k)] j(1,2,...,k) sd k)} we have Pn (s’) 0 As s is arbitrary on ]i and 48 H. BLAHBERT & R. PARVATHAH v 3 E]0,}[ n’(=n) = mnj k) [jE(1 y nan’ sg ds,e] From which we have log V V nn’(=n (s,s)xx Under the above conditions elated to I(n,s)-(n,s’) mn B i(s)l-log (s’) Is-s’l i o mn [s-s’[ g ,s’-%],, s and s’ with n + log 1+ s log i+ S-S.’ j=l s’ 1+ j=l Is-s,+’ ls-s’[ as su,1(1 mn 1+ O 3 V 6]0,K V + lo(l+lS-S’) s-s’l ]m 1 mn Is-s’ eknl sup log(1 ) x I(n -(n,s’i 1 I-’l 16(n,s)-6(n,s’)i V /x>0 1. Puttin ,n n’ n>n’ (s,s’)E}x which proves the first pact of the lemma. Now let cE]0,X[ las lim sup p ,n n-*m 1+/ with E]O,)f[ as SoEG-g .(So) (s and where Inf[p/E]0,eX[] 1+-- Hence which completes the proof of the lemma. Under the condition (2) of Lemma 1 6 is continuous on (13-g <(R) OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES cz which implies that 49 -ge is an open subset of but /wz can have several connected components. LEMMA 2. 8" < = Kc-uc 8’>8 v / v a 6 R Let PROOF. then 3 n’ n>n’ s6K such that be a compact subset of and let /*c @ n(S)exp(-knS)l < exp(-nl(a-8’)) (otherwise the lemma is trivial) # We can easily see that /.a. P (s’) 0 n v v 3 e6]0,dist(s,)[ n’(=ns,c n>n’ s’6ds,c v s6([;- is the closed disc centred at d s, where When and of radius s P (s’) v v s6-* e6]0 K[ n’(=, 0 n nan’ s’6d Let us consider the compact subset Hence e of -e As s6E dist(E ,g) > 0 we have from lemma i, 6(n,s)-6(n,s’) 3 ’6]0,dist( ,)[ n’(=n ,) nan’ (s,s’)6 where mn I+ Pc’, n v n, n 6(n,s)-6(n,s’) e’ k v s6 s’ , (n,s) p,nS-S’ In particular, 6ds, Pe’,nS-S’ and hence (n,s’) Fuher V ’,n s-s’ mn 3 8’>8 < ’ and (n,sl-s-s’(+ ,I (n,s’l nmax[ Since is a compact subset of a we have 3 sh V ’>8 e’] 0,dist(e,e )[ n’ n>n’ s’6dS,e ? s6E n’=, 5(n,s’) > v 6(n,s’) > a nan’ 0-Is-s’l(l + ,) finally (2.1) H. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAH 50 ]0,[ is arbitrary in where and hence is an open covering for k [3 d 3 s 6 d 3 s ’(...) D ] Using (2.1) for the particular pair s,, s on Further 1= 1 sj,e D(Sl...sk we have indexed by ds, The set of discs (sj,,s) we have 6(n,s) > B ] 0 ,diet (g*,[ ’>8" Let Max[nsj,8,, n n’(=i,,8,,, j6(l...k)] and e’ < Choosing BB B n" hen" e]O, 6(n,s) > a- is any arbitrary point of 8’>8e B n" g and v v n" v 6(n,s) > s6 and hence v Nc 8’>8 THEOREM 1. v B n’ nn’ When converges absolutely on deend 6(n,s) > --8’ hc_. 8’>8" n’ nn’ v does not nan" sE] v B and 8’ - 8e is arbitrary and strictly greater than 8’ we have dist(e’e ---2 s cE]0,h[-- Is-s,,l(l+r,) , dist(, e) < we have w As [s-5 < e as e’] 0,dist(ee, )[ n" nan" 8’>8 =- 6(n s) > -s(l+ ) 3 where nan’ v sN 8e < 2,L+Se 8’ (s) exp-knS L< we have < expe kn(-8’)) the LC-dirichletian element and uniformly on any compact subset of ,L+8 PROOF Let us suppose that 2),L+8 We know that compact subset of 2) ,L+8 is non empty Let B Ko c 2) o Let be a If] 51 OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES 8’ 6 ]Se, c-L[ From Lemma 2 we have, IPn(s)exp(-knS)l 3 v n’ nan’ s6} -8’ > L where exp[-Iknl(e-’) Hence IPn(s)exp(-knS)] n=n’ < < n=n’ and the series on the right hand side is convergent which proves that converges absolutely and uniformly on subset of / e, Since }o is any arbitrary compact o converges uniformly on any compact subset of If] L+8 e and absolutely on /)e,L+ e REMARK 1. Then By the following method, we obtain a bigger set of absolute 3 V Let If] convergence for s6/)eL s>0 6e(s) /)eL be supposed to be non-empty and > L+ s -Log IPn(s)exp(-knS) n=n, IPn(s)exp-k n sl n>n’s /)e,L+8 e > < 3 n’s nan’s (L+s) Iknl 6(n,s) > L+ s L< and Hence Z exp[-(L+e s) ll n 11 n=n s s and as the series on the right hand side converges, the series (I.I) converges eL absolutely on REMARK 2. 6e(s) where < 0 and (nj) In this if] we have no restriction on resu|t, - diverges on 6 e (s) < 3 06R o+ (-ge-/)eo If Hence s 6 -ge-Ao 3 3 (nj is an infinite subsequence of IN-[0] 8e then 6(nj s) 0 we have <-0 Therefore [Pnj(S)exp(-ln.S)l] > exp([knj[) > and which shows that [f] diverges on convergence of the series (1 .I) in /)eo c -ge-eo (B-g e When L and divergence in We do not discuss the property of convergence of the series in From here onwards we consider a L-dirichletian element, e 52 M. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAM , If] P (s) exp(-k s) n 1 (2.2) n where (k) is a D-sequence (here n DEFINITION. It k is said that a are positive real numbers). n D-sequence (n) is of the type (A) if the following conditions are satisfied i) exp(-k s) the Ditichlet series (this gives that n6IN-[0] j=n be its sum at the point 8 (s) n v> ii) 0 ]>0 8n pO is easy to see that L Po Let (8) n where 8 n "P 9 s o e n (s) [s6(/>q] P =I exp(-S(kn-k)) (kn) is a (kn) If the D-sequence that converges on the sequence of functions (8 ) where n n is bounded on 9 s EXAMPLE.- If o s); the sequence of functions is bounded on iii) exp(-s(kj-kn )) [s6 Ig>O P converges on n j=l D-sequence and is of the type (kn) (h) is of the type (A) 3 p>0 ] Inf(k-’l-k,n-,, =P then it then we can easily show 0 Now let us prove Jentzsch’s theorem for L-dirichletian element. This theorem for Dirichlet series with complex exponents was proved by T.M. Gallie [3]. First let us consider the associated Dirichlet IrA 1 An where series of If] An expt-k n s) is defined by (1.4). Let Op be the abscisse of pseudo convergence of g fA lim sup n- P when L 0 apfA ifA] Then we know that log An kn is the same as fA c the abscisse of convergence of IfA]. OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES Let n’ and n 53 n’ be two natural numbers such that (n,n’) denote the set, indexed by > E Let n n,n’ which are zeros of the of points of LC-dirichletian polynomial n’ S n, E let =n JP-’(s) exp(-sk) n’(S) denote the union of all sets En, n, (n,n’) corresponding to all pairs E be the set formed by the points which are zeros for an infinity of d where E (s) Let us put E is the derived polynomials S n,n It is evident that E g and E set of E is a closed subset of ( and EduE E g D Ew and hence -g (which implies @) Then we have (k) < o c Let us suppose that the theorem is not true. Then there exists S v n’>n>no s6d(b,p) n,n IPn (s)exp(-kn s) 3 V n(=ns,) n>n’o V N -g) and a disc ([;-g such that included in 8’>* (Fr(2>o) (-g) c centred at < 8’ mn lexp(-knS) s6d(b,p) have n’(=n 0 C we get V nan Let S O’ V sd(b,p) I n ,n I n(S)] n>n I/k n (s) =nl > 8 and put and hence Hence putting n o fA c we Max(no,n’o,n")o 0 IPn(s)exp(-knS)l n ’ < A exp(k n ). From the definition of n A n < exp(o’k n) v 3 fA 0" >0" of radius and Let us take a certain 8’ Log[l+sup[ Isl/s6d(b,p)]] -Inf[o/s6d(b,p)] IPn(s)exp(-k n s) b ,(s) 0 An(l+Is I) (mn/k n) E d(b,p) (Fr(.o)N b 6 Ve have i’ (79 is of the type n PROOF. 3 no n>n’o @ then we have > 0 m -E vVe suppose in what follows that w< point [S n g Vhen the D-sequence THEOREM 2. and D P(s)exp(-k.s) < exp((m+o’)k and is defined to be equal to n) v s6d(b,p) T n i’ exp((I/kn) iOg Sn n(S) l’n (S (s)) n I’ n (s)) where I/kn 54 M. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAM Im Log S n n(S) 6 ]-T,r] For each integer n >n the function I T (s) is holomorphic on d(b,p) We have T d(b,p) 9 s n I ,n n ,n n i/k n i/k v I( Pj(s)exp(-ls)) n {exp(k n (w+o’) +Iogn)] n(S)l j=n I I’ s6d(b,p) ITn log n exp(w+o’) exp() n (k n) Since (A) which implies is of the type (Tnl Hence the sequence of functions mal on d(b,p) Let extract’ed From any (T,,** i, n subsequence of which converges uniformly on 0 we have limexp(-lIn) n n-== is bounded and hence nor- nnl n d(b,p) be a compact subset of L Int D2) # wo we can extract a subsequence such that E and the limit function is holomorphlc on the Int Let E 1 lim T n- n I ,n v S6K d(b,p) Now 1 N.,o such that InthNIntE1 . is a compact subset of [J Then the subsequence extracted from the arbitrarily extracted sub- sequence of morphic in (T,, converges uniformly on ’n Int(EiLJl) one at each point of K UE1 El This results that the sequence bitrary compact subset of lim v e>0 n’l(=ns and hence T n I’ n d(b,p) N (s) (([;-ge-eo) v o (Tnl,n) conver- 1 is any arbitrary compact subset of sd(b,p) ns 6 d(b Q) f] O to a limit function holo- EUE1 and takes Hence the limit function takes the value ges to the same limit function on As UE and continuous on the boundary of the value one at each point of Let d(b,p) be a compact subset of Then we have i. ,o such that d(b,p) and Int K [ Int E 1 1 Then n L pj(s) exp(-xjs) ,e)>nl n>n’l J=nl E1 < (l+e) kn is any ar- we have OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES IPn(So )exp(-%so)l V n>n 55 Snl ,n(So) -Snl ,n-I (So) < z(i+4 kn which gives IPn(So)exp(-knSo) Log k 6.(s o so 6 is arbitrary. /).oI-* Log(l+) kn n as m 0 Lo9 2 > Hence we arrive at a contradiction that which establishes the result. Finally, let us prove a theorem on the overconvergence of If] defined by (7). Before proving the theorem let us note that Let REMARK ’3. D-sequence of the type If s 6 mh sl/sE] n ciently large Lg (A) As Log An k -; A c >0 8" < -gc mA .- c o and a lim e m + __n k n with we have I+Loi.I+A # 8" sequence IPn(s)exp(-k n s) An(l+Is l)mnexp(-ok n ). An(l+mA )mnexp(mAkn) where compact set mh is finite for suffiLog(l+mA)+m n -8*Log(l+mA)-m A THEOREM 3. -When and be a we have kn Hence is a A IPn(S) exp(-kn s) 6.(s) and (k n) -6 We have IPn(s)exp(-knS) then sup[ be any compact subset of A A c (k n) o -c c 8*Log(l+m A) m A If -8" is a D-sequence of the type if there exist an infinite subsequence of strictly positive numbers (8) (n) (h) ;6 8" < IN, of IN-J0] such that += and V kn +i > (1+{9)k n (2.3) 56 M. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAM [Snv(S)} then the sequence ges at each point with f Snv(S) j=l P.(s)exp(-kjs),j conver- s If] defined by PROOF. manner- n of any open simply connected subset (whose intersection in non empty) of an open set included in (I;-g* in which the )*,8* function vEIN, where is holomo[phic. Let us choose 3 bounded domains A1 A2 A3 A2 holomorphic. Furthe let I f the function* ([;-g* A3 -g* in an open subset of and A ,i 2 in which Fr(A I) Fr(A 2) Fr(A and in the following 3 and A3 is included If] defined by 3) is satisfy a condition of Hadamard’s type, namely Log.M 3 bE] 0,1[ where 2 g E( ,2,3) It is easy to see that > 8 A aA 1 + (1-b) Log M 3 3 Let us cons ide the set c A is non empty and is an interval. A a 1 Max[ If(s) I/sEFr(Ai)] M V b Log M v e>0 and / aA -e 1 Inf[5(s)IS6l) D A1 Let CZA1 sup Then We can easily show that, which implies that ai is a finite number. Hence 1 from lemma 2, 8’E]B*’aAI hence for j=n+l n > n nl n>n IPn(s)exp(-k n s) sEFr(AI 1 IPj(s) exp(- kjs) < j=n+l exp[-k (a A exp[-Xn+l(CA 1-’)] Since (k n) is a D-sequence of the type a finite number strictly positive lexp[-(k V nEIN exp(-kn(a A -8)) < j=n+l thus we have for each -k B(8’) n+l )s[ nn 1 (A) 8*)] j=n+l and such that B(’) where exp[-( A -’)(kj-k n+l )} a A -8’ > 0 1 es ZA-8’ there exists 57 OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES IPj(s) exp(-kj s) j=n+l [66R 12 Now let v Let Isl/s63 sup[ mA 3 nan’ > mn kn -cfA (s) Log A n > in k (1+IS I) +0 Log n (l+mA3) mA3 Log(l+mA3) mA3 with c 3 and is an interval in R which shows that 12 m ._._n Log Then LogAn 6(n,s) We have - 5(n,s) n’(=n s) nan’ (2.4) B(8’)exp{-kn+l(CAl- s’)} I/0D a 3 S63 < i /a *Log(l+m53) mA3 Then c < -o c -8 supI 2 Let a53 and hence e>0 /’ah3-e 53 3 which implies that Inf[5,(s)Is We can easily show that a finite number. Once again, from lemma 2, we get cA3 B’>* 3 n 2 n>n2 sFr(A 3) a53 is < exp[ IPn(S) exp(-knS) which gives n2-1 n(n 2) V s6Fr(A3) j=l IPj(s)exp(-kjs)l j=l n2-1 n IP(s)exp(-kjs)l+ J=n 2 n =n 2 Let us choose cases. Case 1. n where ’ > If such that CA3-8’ > 0 A3- ’ 0 Now we examine the two then n exp(-kj(A3-’))= eXPn(aAf’)) B"(8’) # exp[-(a A is the sum of the series j=O -’)(k?kn)} < B"(’)exp(kn(CA3-’)) exp(-2(A--8’)k j) 3 H. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAM 58 Case 2. A3-B’ If <0 then n n n l=n2 i=n 2 l-n 2 (kn) Since the D-sequence B’(8’) strictly positive n j=l (^) there exists a finite number such that exp-(kn-k j) laA3-8’}] V n61N-[0] is of the type B’(8’) which implies that n j=n 2 exp(-kj(A3-8’)) B’(8’)exp(knl%3-8’l) Max[B’(8’),B"(’)] B’"(8’) On putting we have n =n B’" (8’)exp(k exp(-kj(t3-8’)) 2 n ICA;8’ I) (2.5) Using the generalized form of Hadamard three circle theorem 3 b610, I[ bLogM LogM2, 1, + (1-b)LogM [4] we have 3, where Max[ M. IRn (s) I/s6Fr(hi) 1,2,3 with R n (s) f(s)- Xa j=l From (2.4) we have for Pj(s)exp(-kjs) n n > %; M I, because of B )exp[-(kn+l)(l-8 )] B(8 (2.3) Max[ Let B’ (8’) o ( -’)] )exp[-(l+)kn--l On putting lf(s)l/s6Fr(h3) we have from (2.5) for M3, < B(8 n a n B o+B’’(’)exp(k Max(Bo B"(8’) + M) j=l 5(s)exp(-kJs)l/s6Fr(h3) 2 n’ ) Then for n a n 2 (2.6) OVERCONVERGENCE OF SERIES M 3, , B’o (’) exp(knlaA 3- 8’l) (2.8) Then using (2.7) and (2.8) in (2.6)we get, for Log Since 59 b Log B(’)+Cl-b)Log B’ o n max[nl,n2} ()+I-b(l+%)(cA 1-’)+l-b) )-lim and hence lim Log M 2 which proves the theorem. When the polynomial Pn (s) reduces to a complex number we n,o get the famous Ostrowaski’s theorem [I] for Dirichlet series. Our theorem contains en Fr /o PROOF. a point p > 0 (S n) (8 n) of strictly positive numbers such that kn+ 1 > v 3 n’ nan’ and f is a singular point for then anS mn In theorem 3 if we replace (2.3) by the condition that there exists a sequence lim n-- Pn (s) G.L. Lunt’z theorem [5] as a particular case when COROLLARY. a (l+en)kn defined by (2.2). In particular if is a natural boundary for (Fr/o)-g then each point of (Fr 2o)c_ (-g f Let us suppose that the corollary is false. Then there exists b 6 (Fr 9 wo on which f converges on )[ (E-g and a disc is holomorphic. d(b,p) d(b,p) b centred at and of radius As a result of theorem 3 the sequence From remark 2 There exists necessarily points common to [f] diverges on (E-e-/eo and ;-g-o d(b,p) For these points there is a contradiction which establishes the corollary. ACKNOWLEDGENT. The second author would like to thank French Government for financial support. REFERENCES Legons sur les progr&s rcents de la thorie des sries de Dirichlet, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1933. 1. BERNSTEIN V. 2. BLAMBERT M. and SIMEON J. Sur une technique d’tude des proprits de converqence des sries de Dirichlet exposants complexes, An. Fac. Ci. Univ. Porto, 56 (1973), 1-33. 60 M. BLAMBERT & R. PARVATHAM GALLIE T.M. 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