Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 19 NO. 3 (1996) 613-614 613 A NEW CRITERION FOR STARLIKE FUNCTIONS LING YI Department of Mathematics llarbin Institute of Technology IIarbin, P ft. China SHUSEN DING Department of Mathematics The Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida, 32306-3027 (Received November 22, 1994 and in revised form January 19, 1995) ABSTRACT. In this paper we shall get a new criterion for starlikeness, and the hypothesis of this criterion is much weaker than those in [1] and [2]. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Starlike functions, univalent functions, analytic functions. 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 30C45, 30C55. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES. Let A be the class of functions f(z), which are analytic in the unit disc D {z Izl < 1}, with 0. Let S be the set of starlike functions, S f(0) f’(0) f(z) e. A, Re(zf’(z)/f(z)) > O, z E D}. R. Singh and S. Singh in [1] proved that if f(z)E A and Re[f’(z)+ zf"(z)] > O, z a_. D, then 1. f(z) s. -, Recently, R. Singh and S. Singh in [2] proved that if f(z) A and Re [f’(z) + zf"(z)] > then f(z) S. In this paper we shall show that the asscrtion of R.. Singh and S. Singh holds under weaker hypothesis. LEMMA 1. for all real z, y _< Suppose that the function : C D C satisfies the condition Re(iz, and all z e D. If p(z) + pz +... is analytic in D and z D, a much y; z) < 6 +- Re(p(z), zp’(z); z) > 6, for z e D then Re(p(z)) > 0 in D. A general form of this lemma can be found in [3]. In [4] the authors got the following result. and LEMMA 2. Let a > 0, # < 1. If the function p is analytic in D, with p(0) Re [p(z) + ozp’(z)] > fl, then Re(p(z)) > (2#- 1)+ 2(1- #)F(1, function. This result is sharp. , + 1" -1), z zE D D, where F(a, b, c; z) is a hypergeometric By taking a in lemma 2, we obtain LEMMA 3. Let # < 1. If the function p is analytic in D, with p(0) ne [p(z)+ zp’(z)] > #, then Re(p(z)) > (2#- 1)+ 2(1 -#)/n2, z z eD D, and the result is sharp. and 614 2. L. YI AND S. DING MAIN RESULT THEOREM. If I(z) A and + zf’Cz)] > Re [/’(z) 4(1 in 2) -0.263, z +2 (1) D then f(z) e S. PROOF. By using lemma 3, from (1) we have 3(1 -In2) > 0, 2(I I2) + Re(f’(z)) > I- From (2) and lemma 3, we have Re f(z) > -2 + z Now, we let -2 + 2(-I.a p(z) (:) z.D. 3 2(1 zf’(z)/l(z) and ,X(z)= f(z)/z, then p(z) is analytic in D and p(0)= 1, Re{,(:)} > A simple computation shows that f’(=) + f"() a(z)[p(=) + =’()1 (p(=), =n’(=); z), where (u, v; z) ,X(z)(u + v). Using(l), we have Re[(p(z), zp’(z).z)] > 1Now for all real ::, y < -1/2(1 + ::u), we have Re [q,(/::, y; z)] for each z D. (U- x2)RelA(z)] < -(1 + 3x)Re [,(z)] < -Re [,()] Note z s for each : D. (4) from(4) weget 4(1 for all (3) z 6 D. 0.526, In 2) + in2) +2 D. Thus by lentna 1, Re [p(z)] > 0 in D, that is, f(z) q S. . , {I e .,4. Re[f’(z) + zf"(z)] > z e D}. It was proved in [4] that if f() R(o) o -m -0.61), then/(z) is univalent, and the constant ao can not be replaced 3 by any less one. Our present theoren yields R C S. Thus, a natural problem which arises is to find inf{B" R(B)c 8}. REMARK. For < 1, let R(O) (1 (i-.)’+) REFERENCES [I] R. SINGH and S. SINGH, Starlikeness and MariaeCurie Sklodowska, Lublin, convexity of certain integrals. Ann. University XXXV, 16, Sec.A(1981), 45 47. [2] R. SINGH and S. SINGH, Convolution properties of a class of starlike functions.pr0. 106 (1)(1989), 145- 152. [3] S. S. MILLER and P. T. MOCANU, Second order differential equations in the complex plane. J. Math. Anal. Appi. 65(1978), 289 305. [4] LING YI, BO GEJUN and LUO SItENGZI[ENG, On an inequality for some analytic functions, J. Math. nes. and Exp. (2)13(1993), 259- 262.