The Special Education Advisory Committee of the Upper Grand District School Board met
on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at 500 Victoria Road
North, Guelph.
The following Association Members were present: Kim Brenner and Carole Craig,
Parents for Children’s Mental Health-Wellington County, Sharon Dills, Learning
Disabilities Association of Wellington County, Carrie Proudfoot, Autism OntarioWellington County, Stacey Stevens, VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children, Don
Richardson, Integration Action for Inclusion in Education and Community (Ontario).
Present from Staff were: Trudy Counter, Coordinator of Communication, Language
and Speech Services, Heather Galoska, Elementary Curriculum Leader, Mark Howe,
Special Education Consultant, Christine Kay, Principal, Tracey Lindsay, Superintendent
of Program, Sandra Szpular, Special Education Coordinator / Collaborative Projects
Lead, Cheryl Van Ooteghem, Principal of Program, Dr. Lynn Woodford, Manager of
Mental Health/Addiction Programs and Services, Sandra Roberts, Vice-Principal
Trustees Present: Marty Fairbairn and Jennifer Waterston
Regrets: Pauline Busby, Community Living Guelph-Wellington, Jason Offer,
Association for Bright Children-ABC, Laurie Whyte, FASworld Canada, Sue Shaw,
Autism Ontario-Wellington County
Absent: Beth Haworth, Community Member-at-Large
Marty Fairbairn welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
Jennifer Waterston moved that the agenda of the January 8, 2014, meeting be
The motion carried.
Jennifer Waterston moved that the Minutes of the meeting held on December 11,
2013 be approved as printed.
The motion carried.
As a follow-up to the feedback given at the December SEAC meeting about the motion
approved at the November SEAC meeting and subsequently received by the board,
Tracey Lindsay, Superintendent of Program, reported that the suggestion made to have
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information around the number of accommodations in the IEP available in writing for
parents in order to be transparent and ensure everyone has a clear understanding will
be discussed at the January Special Education Review Committee meeting.
Don Richardson asked for clarification about the limit to the number of accommodations
remaining the same and suggested we review the role of SEAC as it pertains to motions
approved by SEAC and presented to the board. Marty Fairbairn commented that
Trustees received the motion and that he believes staff has heard the concerns raised
by members. Tracey Lindsay responded that although the limit to the number of
accommodations in the IEP remains the same, we are able to exceed this number when
necessary. Jennifer Waterston explained the role of trustees is to set policies and while
trustees appreciate receiving information it was felt this motion was to direct staff.
Tracey Lindsay commented that the discussion with the Special Education Review
Committee will be around communicating with staff and parents that the number of
accommodations can be increased if necessary, reminding everyone that the
accommodations listed are to be precise and specific for each student. Don Richardson
requested a written response to the motion that was passed at the November SEAC
Superintendent of Education, Bonnie Talbot provided the accessibility training through a
powerpoint entitled “Integrated Standards and the Human Rights Code”. This training is
mandatory for all paid staff, SEAC members and Trustees.
Bonnie Talbot began by outlining the profile of a disability in Ontario and reviewing the
goal of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act to have an accessible Ontario
by 2025, as well as highlighting the Upper Grand DSB Policy Statement contained in
Accessibility Standards Policy. She explained the accessibility training requirements
and timelines for staff including the Customer Service Standard, the Integrated
Standards and the Human Rights Code as it pertains to people with disabilities and
additional awareness training for all educators. A short video was shown summarizing
what we were discussing. Bonnie Talbot commented on the importance of knowing that
according to the Human Rights Code, a disability covers a broad range and degree of
conditions. Some of the disabilities a person may have, as well as the various barriers
for people with disabilities were reviewed.
The timelines in order to be compliant with the Integrated Accessibility Regulation
Standards (IASR) 2011, in the areas of Information and Communications (accessible
format, libraries, website), Employment (accommodations), Transportation (field trips)
and Public Spaces were read. Comments and feedback about any accessibility issues
can be provided to the board through feedback forms available at all sites, board email
(First Class) as well as online through the board website.
Following an inquiry from Carrie Proudfoot about getting accessible material into the
schools quicker, Bonnie Talbot and Sandra Szpular responded that we have started to
collect different resources and we do have someone working on this.
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Carole Craig inquired about how parents are being made aware of the Individual
Student Transportation Plans and how transportation is requested for students. Sandra
Szpular and Tracey Lindsay spoke about the work being done to have these completed
for students currently receiving transportation and for all new students noting the
process for receiving transportation would still involve a request for transportation and
approval of such request based on the criteria. Tracey Lindsay responded to the inquiry
from Carrie Proudfoot about how parents are made aware of transportation offered by
commenting this would be done at various different levels - parents, school, outside
agencies if it was determined there was a need for transportation. Don Richardson
commented this could be an attitudinal barrier as some families may not understand
what services are available through the board. Bonnie Talbot responded that we are
continuing our work on attitudinal barriers. She also commented that she does receive
requests for transportation from parents through our school principals adding we do our
best to get information out. Sandra Roberts referenced the transportation information for
students with special education needs contained in the Special Education Plan. Bonnie
Talbot concluded by noting we will communicate this feedback with staff.
Cheryl Van Ooteghem, Principal of Program introduced Heather Galoska, Elementary
Curriculum Leader who presented the “Primary/Junior EQAO Results 2012-13”. The
EQAO Assessment is written by all Grade 3 and 6 students in May and June each year.
Heather Galoska began by sharing the primary EQAO comparison charts containing the
scores over the past five years for the province and Upper Grand DSB in reading,
writing and mathematics. The junior results in the three areas were also reviewed. As a
result of the scores, the focus this year will be on mathematics through improving
teaching practice and working with students. The EQAO Average Scores by Skill,
Overall Expectation and Strand in Grade 6 Mathematics was reviewed and it was
explained that this provides information on the areas we need to focus on.
Of the grade 3 students participating in the assessment, 20 percent were identified as
having special education needs – excluding students identified as gifted, with 98
percent of these students participating in the assessment. Of the grade 6 students
participating in the assessment, 23 percent were identified as having special education
needs with 98 percent participating. The results in the primary and junior levels showed
the number of students with special education needs scoring at or above the provincial
standard. The percentage of these students receiving accommodations was also
The BIPSA Special Education Goals showed the 2012 score and goals as well as the
2013 score which increased in primary reading however showed a decrease the junior
mathematics score.
The accommodations available were reviewed including: setting; presentation format;
and response format as well as other accommodations available for all students.
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Heather Galoska spoke about how we are reflecting on our practice. She also spoke
about the Math Class Support chart - Minds On, Action, Consideration, Independent
Practice which shows how this might look in an integrated classroom. She concluded
by talking about the Curriculum department approach, initiatives, Special Education and
Curriculum and the guidance provided by the Ministry to assist with closing the gaps for
students in the area of mathematics.
Heather Galoska responded to Don Richardson’s inquiry about SMART goals noting the
class profile (diagnostic assessment) is used to assist teacher planning. Cheryl Van
Ooteghem offered to present further information and share the different initiatives we
have going on in the area of mathematics and special education at a future meeting.
Tracey Lindsay commented that we are limited in the kind of board data we are able to
collect given that teachers can choose what diagnostic tools they use. Therefore, the
board-wide data we can collect is the EQAO and report card data. We are however
encouraging teachers to start using diagnostics, and building on the board approved list.
Dr. Lynn Woodford, Manager of Mental Health/Addiction Programs and Services, began
by speaking about the resource mapping completed last year followed by the Mental
Health and Addiction Strategy developed by the Mental Health Steering Committee
which was distributed to members. An example of some of the work that is being done
by students and staff in our board to help de-stigmatize mental health in our board, one
of the videos created as part of the final task for Ms. Emrich's Grade 7 students in
Stand Up unit was shared about the stigma around mental health and to build
Dr. Lynn Woodford reviewed the overview statement contained in the Strategy and the
key messages to promote mental well being. The Mental Health Strategy Pillars include
the mission, vision and values/commitments. The six short term, seven medium term
and eight long terms goals achieved were all reviewed. The Strategy contains the areas
of strength, need and priorities for the Strategy identified from the findings of the
resource mapping. The Community Collaboration Committees that Dr. Lynn Woodford
is part of were listed and she shared her role on these committees.
Two new documents that are being rolled out in our board are “Leading Mentally
Healthy Schools” developed by School Mental Health – ASSIST to assist administrators
building mentally healthy schools and supporting staff and students. The “Supporting
Minds – An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and Well-being”
document also looks at how to create mentally healthy classrooms, support students
and provides an overview of common mental health problems encountered in school
age children and youth, the role of educators and understanding supports. Early
intervention is key to assist students have better success. As this document is still in
draft, feedback may be provided directly to the Ministry or to Dr. Lynn Woodford.
In response to inquiries about supporting students with special education needs, Dr.
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Lynn Woodford commented that a lot of the strategies in the document are good for all
students. Don Richardson congratulated Dr. Lynn Woodford on the action plan and
thanked her for the work done. Following comments about dovetailing this with the
Special Education Plan and inquiries about how this could be tied into the curriculum,
Tracey Lindsay reported the Ministry of Education is working on a document showing
how all the pieces fit together. Dr. Lynn Woodford added that part of the training and
building awareness will include how to connect with community resources. Tracey
Lindsay talked about Dr. Lynn Woodford and Sandra Szpular’s involvement with the
community which is great and commented on how we have the capacity to assist within
our system.
Sandra Szpular, Special Education Coordinator/Collaborative Projects Lead introduced
some updates for the Special Education Plan in the area of Behaviour/Mental Heath
Intervention Team and new information about the Mental Health Psychology Support
Program for Secondary Schools (MHSS-Psychology). The other changes are contained
in the Guidelines for IPRC Identification section in the Mild Intellectual Disability,
Developmental Disability and Gifted information. These changes will be made for
clarity, to provide more detail and to better fit with the DSM-5.
This will be discussed further at the February SEAC meeting by Dr. Mary Susan
Don Richardson referred to the Integration Action for Inclusion in Education and
Community inservice session held in November in Waterloo. They are planning to hold
a provincial activity in Kingston this spring.
Stacey Stevens spoke about the Audiologist 101 session taking place at KidsAbility
Waterloo on January 21st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. for parents and caregivers of children
with hearing loss.
Tracey Lindsay reported on the Kiwanis Luncheon that took place on December 12th for
students in our developmental disability programs.
The Special Education Class Placement requests for September 2014 will be reviewed
and considered for placement by staff and members of the Special Education Review
Committee at the January 14th meeting.
The Gifted program Parent Information evening is scheduled for January 11th from 7:00
to 8:00 p.m. at Waverley Drive P.S.
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The Educational Assistant allocation was increased (mid-year) due to increased needs.
We will be reviewing the allocations again this month and re-assigning where required.
The Program Committee meeting scheduled for January 7th was postponed until
January 21st due to the inclement weather.
Due to the re-scheduling of the Program Committee meeting, there was no information
to report this evening.
Action Item:
Don Richardson requested a written response be presented regarding the motion put
forward at the November SEAC meeting “That the Board dispense of the limit of 10
accommodations per category in the IEP Engine software”.
Carole Craig suggested time be allocated at the February meeting to discuss the
“Supporting Minds – An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and
Well-being” document.
Jennifer Waterston moved that this Committee adjourn at 9:45 p.m. to report to
the Board.
The motion carried.