2011 06 15
The Special Education Advisory Committee of the Upper Grand District School Board met on
Wednesday, June 15, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at 500 Victoria Road North,
The following Association Members were present:
Pauline Busby, Community Living Guelph-Wellington, Heather Clemmer, Easter Seals
Ontario, Stacey Stevens, VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children, Sue Shaw, Autism OntarioWellington County, Katie Vanderyt, VIEWS for Children Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision
and Laurie Whyte, FASworld Canada (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders).
Present from Staff were:
Heather Boswell, Superintendent of Program, Bonnie Burgess, Coordinator,
Communication, Speech and Language Services, Ann Charles, Elementary Principal,
Yvonne Cummings, Elementary Teacher, Rosemary Fyfe, Superintendent of Education,
Chris Kay, Elementary Principal, Janet Merrick, Elementary Principal, Sue Adams, Marg
Finlayson, Lesley Anne Jordan and Barb Tomkins, Special Education Consultants, Tanya
Morton and Jason Swan, Itinerant Technology Resource Teachers, Sandra Szpular,
Collaborative Projects Lead/Special Education Coordinator, Bonnie Talbot, Principal of
Program, and Jennifer Waterston, Trustee.
The following SEAC members sent regrets: Stephen Gayfer, Secondary Vice-Principal,
Marty Fairbairn, Trustee, Kim Brenner, Parents for Children’s Mental Health-Wellington
County, Beth Haworth, Community Member at Large and Sharon Dills, Learning
Disabilities Association of Wellington County. Absent: Jason Offer, Association for Bright
Children of Ontario (ABC).
Laurie Whyte called the meeting to order.
Pauline Busby spoke about the prom taking place this evening for students in the
developmental disability programs. The theme was Tropical Nights.
Moved by Pauline Busby
That the agenda of the June 15, 2011 meeting be approved.
The motion carried.
Moved by Jennifer Waterston
That the minutes of the meeting held on May 11, 2011 be approved.
The motion carried.
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Superintendent of Education, Rosemary Fyfe, and Elementary Principals, Ann Charles and
Janet Merrick presented information on Policy/Program Memorandum No. 150 – The School
Food and Beverage Policy.
Rosemary Fyfe provided background about the School Food and Beverage Policy
Committee noting it has grown in size and responsibility since they began last year and
partners with the Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health Unit. She introduced Ann
Charles and Janet Merrick, two members of the Committee.
Janet Merrick provided an overview of the policy which must be fully implemented by
September 2011. The policy was developed to promote healthier lifestyles for children and
provide healthy foods choices. This applies to all food sold in publicly funded elementary
and secondary schools in Ontario (i.e. food sold in cafeterias, vending machines, catered
lunches, bakes sales). The policy does not apply to food offered at no cost or fundraising
initiatives off school property. There are 10 special-event days throughout the year when
schools would be exempt from the nutrition standards. These days must be chosen in
consultation with school councils.
Ann Charles highlighted the 3 categories food and beverages fall under – Sell Most, Sell
Less, and Do Not Sell and explained the differences between each of the categories. The
Health and Physical Education curriculum also supports healthy eating. As many
elementary schools rely on the sales of items that fall in the do not sell list (i.e. chocolate) for
fundraising, they will be looking for different ways to fundraise. In secondary schools, the
deep-fryer machines have been replaced with ovens. The secondary school chefs and
program managers continue to meet and plan in order to be compliant with the policy.
The committee has attended training sessions provided by the Ministry of Education.
Following these sessions, the committee has provided training to elementary teachers,
trustees, student senate and provided monthly updates to Principals and Vice-Principals.
Resource guides are available on-line. Copies of two resources “At-A-Glance Guide to
Ontario’s School Food and Beverage Policy” and “Bake It Up!” were distributed this evening.
All schools have received 2 copies of these booklets as well.
Sue Shaw commented she was pleased to hear that schools are encouraged to consider
alternatives to food as reinforcements.
Jennifer Waterston thanked the committee for their work around the policy.
Laurie Whyte asked about secondary students who participate in the food school programs
and whether they would miss this opportunity due to the new policy. Rosemary Fyfe replied
that these programs will continue. To help, the food school chefs and teachers continue to
meet and plan. Secondary schools will be offered training through the Ministry in the fall.
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Marg Finlayson and Lesley Anne Jordan, Special Education Consultants along with Tanya
Morton and Jason Swan, Itinerant Technology Resource Teachers provided an update
about the Learning Disability Technology Resource Program. This program began as a pilot
program in 2009-2010 in the Dufferin area and was expanded to the North Wellington area
this year.
Through a PowerPoint presentation, Marg Finlayson began by explaining that data has
been collected over the past year in order to track the progress of students in the program.
Achievement was reviewed using report card data, CASI, and EQAO results. The data
indicates students have maintained achievement levels and some have made significant
gains. Tanya Morton reviewed the trends and conclusions with students using CASI. Jason
Swan presented the qualitative data.
Tanya Morton spoke about the next steps and goal setting. They will continue to teach
students about learning disabilities and provide targeted sessions for self advocacy skills for
these students. Parent information nights will also be offered again next year.
As a result of information gathered and evidence that supports the success of the program,
it is being expanded to include the Centre Wellington area next year.
Following a question from Sue Shaw about Special Equipment Amount (SEA) equipment
and who may access the equipment purchased for students, Marg Finlayson responded that
the equipment belongs to the board and although designated for a particular student, it can
be shared. Heather Boswell added that some students may have a strong feeling of
ownership which requires sensitivity on the part of teachers.
Heather Clemmer inquired about who decides if a child requires equipment. Marg Finlayson
outlined the steps involved in determining this noting that all schools have access to most
software that would be provided on SEA equipment.
Bonnie Burgess, Coordinator of Communication, Language & Speech Services and Sandra
Szpular, Special Education Coordinator spoke about the shift in service for deaf and hard of
hearing students for next year.
Bonnie Burgess spoke about the number of Upper Grand DSB students who attend E.C.
Drury School which focuses on the use of American Sign Language (ASL) as a means of
communication and the Waterloo Board where the focus is on developing oral language
skills. Since more parents would like their children to attend their home school, we have
been developing a plan to have Upper Grand DSB students in the Waterloo Board return to
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our board.
To support this shift in service, we are hiring an Itinerant Special Education Teacher–
Deaf/Hard of Hearing. We are also outfitting the classrooms in one of our secondary schools
with FM Systems. Bonnie Burgess and Sandra Szpular have had conversations with the
families of these students to address any questions or concerns regarding this change.
This year, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Team have been updating FM equipment. The
Itinerant teachers have used a variety of technology with students, attended professional
development and researched information on a variety of topics as caseloads became more
complex. Next year, the focus will be on assessments for goal setting, the use of hearing
aids and FM systems for intermediate and senior students, an increased use of technology
with all students and IEPs that reflect the use of their equipment. In addition, an Educational
Audiologist has been hired for 10 days per year. The Staff Web Portal will outline the service
delivery model, and a link to a website that simulates hearing loss. The committee was
shown clips two students speaking about what they liked and disliked about the FM System.
Bonnie Burgess thanked Stacey Stevens for her guidance around planning for having
students returning to our board.
Katie Vanderyt inquired about what schools are being considered. Bonnie Burgess replied
that we are planning this at College Heights S.S. due to the large cluster of students at this
school requiring deaf and hard of hearing service.
Stacey Stevens thanked Bonnie Burgess and Sandra Szpular for their hard work.
Sandra Szpular, Special Education Coordinator/Collaborative Projects Lead presented the
latest revisions to the Draft - Special Education Report which was emailed to committee
members for final review.
This past month, the Individual Education Plan (IEP) section has been revised. We have
incorporated the requested changes to the Transportation section and the Coordination of
Services with Other Ministries or Agencies has been revised to provide further detail.
Information submitted by SEAC Committee members has now been incorporated.
The Protocols for Partnerships: Policy/Program Memorandum 149 information has been
added to the report. This information outlines the purpose of PPM 149 and differentiates
the Third Party Protocol and PPM 149 Protocol and Agreement.
The Parents’ Guide to Special Education is being reviewed by members of the Special
Education Department.
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Our next step is to work with our webmaster to ensure this document is in accessible format
and the links are active.
Katie Vanderyt mentioned Summer Camps will be offered at W.Ross MacDonald in
Heather Clemmer spoke about the camps and fundraising events being offered through
Easter Seals.
Stacey Stevens reported that the camp for hearing impaired children and their families will
be held Haliburton the first weekend in August.
Laurie Whyte inquired if anyone from our Board was attending the Fetal Alcohol training in
Toronto. Heather Boswell responded that although Barb Tomkins had signed up to attend,
the session has been cancelled due to the low number of registrations.
Attention was drawn to a letter received from Pamela Brown, Co-Chair Guelph Wellington
FASD Action Group, who would like to present at a future SEAC meeting. Sandra Szpular
will contact Pamela Brown to gather more information.
Heather Boswell referred to the minutes of the May SEAC meeting and Laurie Whyte’s
inquiry about how funds allocated for aboriginal education are used. Doug Morrell,
Superintendent of Education, has provided further information in response to this inquiry
which will be attached the meeting minutes.
Interviews were held for the Itinerant Special Education Teacher – Deaf/Hard of Hearing
and for the Special Education Consultants positions today.
The PlaySense Exam Escape information that was sent to secondary schools in Centre
Wellington and Guelph area with developmental disability programs. Heather asked that this
be emailed to the appropriate developmental disability program classroom teachers to be
sent home with the students.
The SEAC Meeting Dates for 2011-2012 were distributed. This information will be emailed
to all members as well.
The Special Olympics was held on the May 19th. Although it was quite wet and muddy, a
good time was had by all attending.
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June 15, 2011
Jennifer Waterston reported at the June 14th meeting, the motion to approve the budget was
passed. The budget will be presented at the Board meeting on June 28th for final approval.
There were no changed to the budget information presented at the May SEAC meeting.
Moved by Jennifer Waterston that the meeting be adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
The motion carried.