UPPER GRAND DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES The Special Education Advisory Committee of the Upper Grand District School Board met on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at 500 Victoria Road North, Guelph. The following Association Members were present: Kim Brenner, Parents for Children’s Mental Health-Wellington County, Pauline Busby, Community Living Guelph-Wellington, Heather Clemmer, Easter Seals Ontario, Sharon Dills, Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County, Beth Haworth, Community Member-at-Large, Jason Offer, Association for Bright Children (ABC), Don Richardson, Integration Action for Inclusion in Education and Community (Ontario), Sue Shaw and Carrie Proudfoot, Autism Ontario-Wellington County, Stacey Stevens, VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children and Laurie Whyte, FASworld Canada (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders). Present from Staff were: Heather Boswell, Superintendent of Program, Leta Vos, Special Education Consultant, Trudy Counter, Coordinator-Communication, Language and Speech Services, Christine Kay, Elementary Principal, Sandra Roberts, Secondary Vice-Principal, Sandra Szpular, Collaborative Projects Lead/Special Education Coordinator and Bonnie Talbot, Principal of Program. The following Trustees were present: Marty Fairbairn and Jennifer Waterston. The following member was absent: Katie Vanderyt, VIEWS for Children Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Stacey Stevens. That the agenda of the November 9, 2011 meeting be approved. The motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Pauline Busby. That the minutes of the meeting held on September 14, 2011 be approved. The motion carried. Special Education Advisory Committee Minutes … Page 2 November 9, 2011 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Marty Fairbairn. That the minutes of the meeting held on October 12, 2011 be approved. The motion carried. SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE TRAINING AND ORIENTATION SESSION Trudy Counter, Coordinator - Communication, Language and Speech Services introduced Alison Morse who provided the training and orientation session this evening. Alison Morse has held a variety of roles including being one of the founding members of the Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders (OAFCCD), the Co-Chair of Provincial Parent Associations Advisory Committee (PAAC) on SEAC, Provincial Coordinator for Easter Seals and a member of The Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE). She has also delivered parent workshops and conferences. Alison Morse began her PowerPoint presentation with a slide “All Kids Can Learn….” She spoke about Bill 82, the Legislation in the Education Act regarding special education. Tonight she focussed on the regulations and standards. In the Education Act, Regulation 464/97 refers to Special Education Advisory Committees, the membership, roles and responsibilities of the committee members, the chair and board personnel who support the members of SEAC. The Special Education Report is a requirement for all school boards. The Parent Guide to Special Education must include information and describe the IPRC process in parent friendly language. Both documents are to be available to the public. The importance of SEAC members understanding how special education programs and services are funded was stressed, and the five components of the Special Education Grant were reviewed. The Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) process is legislated through Regulation 181/98. SEAC members should have knowledge of this so they are able to assist parents with information about how the process works. The list of five Ministry of Education recognized placements and the appeals process were referenced. There are a variety of resources available for SEAC Members. A few examples include the SEAC E-Learning Site, the Minister’s Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE), a website that contains Ministry of Education memos pertaining to special education and the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) website containing special education related resources. The composition and role of MACSE, the Special Education Advisory Committee for the Minister was shared. The 2011-2012 priorities for MACSE are mental health and transitions. Also shared was information about PAAC on SEAC. CD’s of the “PAAC on Special Education Advisory Committee Minutes … Page 3 November 9, 2011 SEAC Effective Practices Handbook for SEAC Members 2010” were made available. In closing, Alison Morse spoke about SEAC effective practices, preparation lists, skills for SEAC members (i.e. listening, problem solving, team building), communication tips, and guiding principles to build credibility. A list of additional resources was also reviewed with a reminder that the Special Education Report is a key resource for SEAC members. OPEN FORUM Don Richardson introduced himself and spoke about Integration Action for Inclusion in Education and Community (Ontario), a provincial organization with representation on SEACs supporting inclusion. He also referenced the book “Leadership for Inclusion” he referred to at the October SEAC meeting and informed his colleagues that audio and ebooks can be downloaded at their local Library. Sandra Roberts introduced herself as the new secondary Vice-Principal representative on SEAC and provided background on the different positions she has held throughout her career. Stacey Stevens spoke about the SEAC training she attended through VOICE. Presentations were made by Ministry personnel around SEAC and funding. Also presented was information about MACSE and PAAC on SEAC. VOICE is promoting “Dress Loud”, a campaign to bring awareness to the fact that deaf children can learn to listen and talk. Heather Clemmer reported the Easter Seals Camp Woodeden has a new multi-sport activity centre in London, Ontario which will enable them to offer a wider range of activities. An Easter Seals skate fundraiser is taking place in January and provides an opportunity to skate with Toronto Maple Leafs hockey players. Kim Brenner reported that on November 24, 2011, Parents for Children’s Mental Health is conducting training in Waterloo. The Chapter Leaders retreat is taking place the end of November. The Family Information Fair in Fergus was well attended. Carrie Proudfoot spoke about an Autism Awareness Day held on October 1, 2011. There was also a Coffee Social held on October 26, 2011. A Christmas Party is scheduled for December 4, 2011, at the Holiday Inn – Scottsdale in Guelph. There has been an increase in awareness and activity on Facebook around Autism. Pauline Busby reported the ARC Industries Annual Open house is scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2011. Aside from the baked items for sale, this is a good opportunity to view the facility. Also reported was Community Living will be offering some programs (i.e. computer, knitting) for people who have graduated and are not attending a program. Further information will be provided. Special Education Advisory Committee Minutes … Page 4 November 9, 2011 Sharon Dills spoke about the Homework Help and the IEP/IPRC workshops hosted by LDAO in October. Both sessions were well attended. In December, Brenda Sherry will be presenting on new technology. The LDAO Newsletter will be distributed in December. Laurie Whyte reported KidsAbility is sponsoring a Fetal Alcohol Day at Bingemans on November 14, 2011. There will be different panels at this event (i.e. parents, special education teachers for children with FASD, occupational therapists). UPDATES FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PROGRAM Heather Boswell began by providing an update on Special Equipment Amount (SEA) technology systems noting that approximately 500 systems have been provided to our students between May 2010 and September 2011. Sandra Szpular reported on the Forum on Mental Health that took place on November 7, 2011. The focus this year was on a new resource for educators “Making a Difference” An Educators’ Guide to Child and Youth Mental Health Problems. This forum was attended by a variety of board staff and our community partners. Also mentioned was a Ministry of Education memo providing information on the supports for boards around mental health. In the Upper Grand DSB, we are continuing to work on Collaborative Agreements with our community agencies as they are an essential part of these partnerships. The Educational Assistant allocations have been reviewed and the necessary changes made. These will be reviewed again in the new year. The Kiwanis Christmas Luncheon is scheduled for December 8, 2011 at the Italian Canadian Club. Heather will be attending the Regional Special Education Council meeting on November 10, 2011 in Toronto. MEETING SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATION(S) AND MOTION(S) The Election of Chair and Vice-Chair of SEAC will take place at the December 14, 2011 meeting. If you are interested in either position, please let Heather Boswell know. Don Richardson inquired about the Parent Guide for Special Education that was not discussed at the October SEAC Meeting to which Heather Boswell replied this would be an item on an upcoming agenda. Carrie Proudfoot inquired about UG2GO stating that she is unable to login to this site. Bonnie Talbot was asked to look into this. Information will be reported back to SEAC. Special Education Advisory Committee Minutes … Page 5 November 9, 2011 TRUSTEE REPORT Marty Fairbairn spoke about the Accessibility Plan presented at Business Operations meeting. This will be presented at the December 14, 2011 SEAC meeting. Also reported was mental health was one of the main discussion points of the OPSBA program work team. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Jennifer Waterston that the meeting be adjourned at 9:13 p.m. The motion carried.