Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 2 (1990) 321-330 321 ON CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX ORDER H.S. AL-AMIRI and THOTAGE S. FERNANDO Department of Mathematics and Statistics Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA (Received November 15, 1988) ABSTRACT. its generalization, K(b) of starlike functions of complex order b was introduced and Aouf and M.A. Nasr. The authors using the Ruscheweyh derivatives 0 and the class K(b) of functions close-to-convex of complex order b, b introduce c S*(b) The class studied by M.K. Ko(b). the classes Kn(b) where n is a nonnegatlve integer. Sharp coefficient bounds are determined for sufficient conditions for functions to belong to distortion and covering theorems for Kn(b) n KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. The authors also obtain some All results are sharp. n Starlike Kn(b) S*(b) and determine the radius of the largest K (b) belongs to K (I). disk in which every f Kn(b). Here as well as several close-to-convex functions functions, of complex order, Ruscheweyh derivatives, Hadamard product. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. Primary 30C45. I. INTRODUCTION. E Let A denote the class of functions f(z) analytic in the unit disk {z: < I} having the power series zl f(z) z + [. amZ (1.1) z e E. m=2 Aouf and Nasr [1] introduced the class S*(b) of starlike functions of order b, where b is a nonzero complex number, as follows: S (b) + f: f e A and Re f(z) > 0, z e E}. We define the class K(b) of close-to-convex functions of complex order b as K(b) if and only if f e A and follows: f Re {I + zf’g;(z) for some starlike function g. I)}> 0, z E, (1.2) H.S. AL-AMIRI AND T.S. FERNANDO 322 classes The Rn, N n O introduced by Singh and Singh and where N O is the set of nonnegatlve [2], f Rn if and only if f e A and integers, were z(Dnf(z)) Re > Dnf(z) O, z e E, (1.3) where Dnf(z) z f(z) * (1.4) z) n+l’ (1 . . and (*) stands for the Hadamard product of power series, i.e., if f(z) 0 n a z n g(z) 0 b z n n then f(z)* g(z) 0 a b z nn n The operator Dn is referred to in Ai-Amiri [3] as the Ruscheweyh derivative of Note that R0 is the familiar class of starlike functions, S*. More, it is order n. known [2] that Rn+ 1CRn, NO, n and consequently R consists of functions starlike in n E. Let f g Kn(b) n E NO, b is a nonzero complex number, denote the class of functions A satisfying for some g Here R n K0(b) K(b). Many authors have studied various classes of univalent and multivalent functions using the Ruscheweyh derivatives D n, n N O In particular one can look at the work of Ruscheweyh [4]. In Kn(b, n e N O for Kn(b) and several Section 2 determines coefficient estimates of functions in 3, we obtain some distortion and covering theorems section sufficient conditions for functions to be in Kn(b). The radius of close-to-convexlty for the class of close-to-convex of complex order b is also determined in section 3. 2. COEFFICIENT ESTIMATES. In this section, sharp estimates for the coefficients of functions in determined in Theorem 2.1. First, we need the following lemmas. LEMMA 2.1. For n NO, let + (2b- 1)z (Dnf(z)), (1 Then f E z) 3 K (b). PROOF. n Let g A be defined so that z Dng(z) (1 z) 2 Kn(b) (2.1) are CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX ORDER A brief computation gives The definition of Rn implies g e R n [ + n The 2. I. function . representation in E f(z) --z + mffi 2 . m--2 c Then 4 m z e E. as f defined c z m m E R n (2. in 1)b + l]z where n has the m. power series (2.3) NO n! m! (n+mA brief computation gives PROOF. D n g(z) (n + m n: (m z + mffi 2 Since g E + z , z n! <M- I)! 1)! [(m (n + m z + Let g(z) LEMMA 2.2. I] z(Dnf(z))’ Dng(z) K (b). This proves that f REMARK 323 Rn, D n g(z) S E Thus, 1)! m 1)’ cz m the well known coefficient estimates for using starlike functions one gets (n+m-1)!l cm m, m > 2, n! (m- 1)! and the proof is complete. Imam z + Let f(z) LEMMA 2.3. Cm 12 4 [ 1)! (m 1)! (n + m kffi 2 PROOF. z + Let f(z) mffi2 + for some g e R n a z [ z(D n If f K (b), n E NO, then 12 (k a z m f(z))’ D g(z) n m I) 12[ be in Kn(b). 1 l- Then (1.5) implies + w(z) w(z) and where w e A such that w(0) (2.5) z e E, 0, w(z) and Iw(z)l for 324 z H.S. AL-AMIRI AND T.S. FERNANDO E. Let g(z) z + w(z) . . Then (2.5) and the Definition 1.4 imply c z m m= 2 (n + k I)! (k I)! k=2 {n! 2bz + [kak l)Ck]Z k} + (2b (n + k -I)..! (k- I)’. k=2 Ck)zk (kak (2.6) Using Clunle’s method, that is to examine the bracketed quantity of the left-hand side in (2.6) and keep only those terms that involve z k for k m- for some fixed m, moving the other terms to the right side, one obtains m-1 l[n!2bz + Lr kffi2 (n + k- I)’. (k l)! . m [’kak + (2b (n + k I)’ (k-l)’ k=2 I.c kz kl, (kak- Ck)Z k + kffim+l Akzk" Let m-1 l[n!2bz Lr + k=2 (n + k I)! 1)! (k m (n + k I)’ I) (k k=2 t8 Let z 0 < r re in (2.7) and using . < 1. k=2 n!2 1-and mam In particular, when m (z) z k + 2 AkZ k=m+l -l)Ck]Z k} k (2.7) Ck 12 r2k [kak ml 41b12r2 + kffi2 - + (2b (z) dz for both expressions of 0 we get (n + k- I)! (k-l) < Upon letting r f Computing Iw(z)l < (kak Ck [kak [ (n + k(k- 1)! 1)’12 Ika k+ (2b 1)ckl 2 r2k. after some easy computations we obtain Cm 2 2 we have k=2 (k- 1)! 325 CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX ORDER The proof of the lemma is complete. [ z + Let f(z) THEOREM 2.1. m= 2 a z m m If f e K (b) where n e n NO then (m- I)’ < (nn! / m- 1)! [(m 1),b, + 1]. This result is sharp. An etremal function is given by (2.3). lam [ z + Let f(z) PROOF. mffi z + g(z) I cmzm" a z m 2 m be in K n (b) We claim that for m ) Let the associate function of f, 2 and n e m=2 2lb[ (n + m- I) m (n + k- I)’ n! (k-l)! [. + NO, k= 2 (2.9) -Ck We use the second principle of finite induction on m to prove (2.9). For m 12a 2 -c21 2, ( <n n! + I), assume (2.9) is true for all m (p. I(P + l)ap+ Cp+ =2 n! p! (n + p) n! p! | (n+p)! + 2 --2 P k-2 - ! I)! (n + n!(-1)’ 2 + Taking m in (2.4), we get p, the above yields Cp+ll 2 , 4 4 p + I12 Now using (2.9) since k l(p+l)ap+ 2(b) is true as shown in (2.8) (n + I) 21bl J Ibl 2 (n +k i)! "! (k- )! (n + k 1) n’ <k- ), P 1512 (n + k- 1) n! (k- I) .C. (n+k- I)! kffi2 2 ,ck iCkl2 kffi2 I+2 [ I%1 (n + k- I)! k=2 k-I I (" + - ] Now H.S. AL-AMIRI AND T.S. FERNANDO 326 Applying the principle of mathematical induction on p, it is easily seen that the sum of the last two terms appearing in the bracketed expression in the right hand slde of the above is equal to !2 n!(n (k+ I)! I)! k Consequently it follows that This shows that p + I. (2.9) is valid for m I.m -%. < (n + I)! m Hence, by the second principle of From Lemma 2.2 and 2.9 it follows that finite induction, the claim is correct II (2.,0) .>2. Finally from Lemma 2.2 and 2.10 we deduce that Hence the proof of the Theorem 2.1 is complete 0 in Theorem 2.1 we have the following corollary. Putting n COROLLARY 2 z + If f(z) a mffi 2 I%1 For <- m is a close-to-convex function of complex )lbl + I. This result Is sharp. 1, Corollary 2.1 is reduced to the well known coefficient bounds for the close-to-convex functions due to Reade [5]. order b, then REMARK 2.2. b Next we have two theorems that provide sufficient conditions for a function to be in Kn(b). THEOREM satisfied in Let f e A and n E, then f Kn (b). 2.2. Re Re Re (iv) Re E N O If any of n + [(D f(z))’ I]} > O, {I + [(I -z)(D f(z))’ I]} > 0, {I + [(l I]} > 0, -z) f(z))’ {I + 1]} > {1 n 2 z )(D [(I 2 n (D n f(z))’ 0. the following conditions is 327 CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX ORDER PROOF. The proofs follow by choosing g as below: g(z) (i) z, n! (m (n + m 1)! m 1) z n! (2m (n + 2m 2)! 2m-1 2)! z z + g(z) (ii) m2 [ z + g(z) (iii) m=2 n! m! 1) (n + m + g() (iv) m2 HgORgN + Let f() 2.3. a m-2 m=2 [ (ii) m=2 1)! 1)! m (n + m n! (m I)! 1)’ 2(n + (iii) am+1,l (n / m n! (m lbl, (iv) N0’ each of the following Kn(b). [am[ [b[. (n + m)(m + 1) a Ima m m +m-2[ n!(n +(mm_-2) m+l [(m- 1)am_l- Ib[ (n + m)(nm(m+ m_ -l)l)(m + 1) I, where a 21(n + 1)a2 al (n + m)(n + m PROOF. 1)la2[ respectively. For n e m conditions is sufficient for f to be in (i) m and 1)(m + 1) I) + (n + m- 2)! 2)! n! (m [ m=2 ,Ibl’ am/l!, [(m 1)am_l where a 2(n + m m- l) a m 1. We prove the sufficiency of part (1) since the proofs of the remaining parts are slmilar to the proof of (1). From (1) of Theorem 2.2, f c Re {1 Kn(b) + [(Dnf(z)) if f satisfies the condition 1]} > 0, z c E. (2.11) Condition (2.11) would be satisfied if [(Dnf(z))’ is true. < 2, z c Z However upon substituting (Dnf(z)) in I] (2.12) one needs only show + [ m(n + m n’ (m I) m-1 a z I)’ m (2.12) H.S. AL-AMIRI AND T.S. FERNANDO 328 II - m(n + m n. (m [m =^Z I)! ,,,(.+m- ): mn, (m I)! am z m= 2 -*I m(n + m )’ n! (m- l)t. m= 2 Ib (2.13) 2, z eE. . Assuming (1) of this theorem we have l < a z m )! ,am’ < + 2. Thus (2.13) is established and the proof of the sufficiency of part (i) is complete. REMARK 2.3. I, Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 are reduced 0 and b For n to theorems of Ozakl [6]. 3. DISTORTION THEOREMS. The objective of this section is to obtain some distortion theorems for the class {z/Is < The radius of the largest disk E(r) Kn(b). r}, 0 < r 4 such that if K (I) can be determined as a consequence of one of those results. f e K (b) then f n n Let f e K (b) THEOREM 3.1. n e N n 1-i2b- II= 3 (1 + r) Izl r 12b- 3!It Then for O .,. ,, <-1+ i,Dn f.z..’ < and , 12b (3. I) r) (1 An extremal function f is given by (2.1). K (b). Then (I.5) implies for some g e R n This result is sharp. PROOF. Let f n z(D n f(z))’ I) w(z) w(z) + (2b Dng(z) where w e A and , Izl lw(z) -[2bl[.r + r in E. z E E, Izl This gives for , iz(Dn f(z))’ , vng(z) + -r < j2b- (3.2) r The definition of Rn implies Dn g(z) is a starlike function. Hence by the well known bounds on functions which are starlike in E, we get for r zl r (I + r) 2 IDn g(z)l < r < (I (3.3) r) 2 Using (3.2) together with (3.3) one can get (3.1) and the proof of the Theorem 3.1 is complete. Taking (1) n 0, and (ll) n 0, b in Theorem 3.1, one can immediately obtain the followlng corollarles, respectlvely. COROLLARY 3. I. If f is a close-to-convex function of complex order b where COROLLARY 3.2. If f is a close-to-convex function then for zl r < I, 329 CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX ORDER 1 -r (1 + r) l+r < 3 f’(z) 3 "(1 r) For the proof of Theorem 3.2, we need the following well known result [7; p. 84] concerning the class P of functions p(z) which are regular in E such that Re p(z) > p(0) and 0, z e E. Let p e P. LEMMA 3.1. Then for +r ,p(z’ -r 2 Izl r < I, 2 2 -r (3 4) 2 This result is sharp. Let f e K (b), n THEOREM 3.2. n D n g(z) Then for some g e R n r 2[b[r 2 r and for Izl < r I, (3.5) 2" K (b) implies that for some g e R f n n [z(D + where p e P. O An extremal function is given in (2.1). This result is sharp. PROOF. N + (2b- 1)r 2 f(z))’ [z(D n n D f(z))’ n p(z), z e E, g(z) Hence (3.5) can be obtained by substituting p(z) in (3.4). It is interesting to note that the result in Theorem 3.2 does not depend on the value of n. in Also, it can be used to solve the problem concerning the radii of Kn(b) Kn(1). THEOREM 3.3. Let n e N O If f e K (b), then f e K (I) for n n Izl < r’ where r This result is also sharp. Let f PROOF. K (b). n An extremal function z(D n f(z))’ Dn g(z) at + (2b -r l)r 2 and radius -r right half plane if r REMARK 3.1. < r’. Taking n is given in (2.1). Then according to Theorem 3.2 there is some g e R n such lles in the closed disk with center 2 It can be shown that this disk lles in the This completes the proof of Theorem 3.3. 0 in Theorem 3.3, one can see that, r’ is the sharp radius of close-to-convexlty for close-to-convex functions of complex order b. H.S. AL-AMIRI AND T.S. FERNANDO 330 REFERENCES I. AOUF, M.K. and NASR, M.A., Starlike Functions of Complex Order b, J. Natural Sci. Math. 25(1), (1985), 1-12. 2. SINGH, S. and SINGH, S., Integrals of Certain Univalent Functions, Proc. Amer. 3. 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