363 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO 2. (1990) 363-372 ON LAMB’S PLANE PROBLEM IN MICROPOLAR VISCOELASTIC HALF-SPACE WITH STRETCH RAJNEESH KUMAR Department of Mathematlcs, Doaba College Jalandhar, India M.L. GOGNA Department of Mathematics Kurukshet ra University Kurukshetra, India LOKENATH DEBNATH Department of Mathematics University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816, U.S.A. (Received November i, 1988 and in revised form December 30, 1988) ABSTRACT. space A study is made of Lamb’s plane problem in mlcropolar viscoelastic half- with stretch. The viscoelasticity is characterized by the rate-dependent theories of mlcro-viscoelastlclty generalizing the classlcal Kelvln-Voigt theory. displacement components, force stress, The couple stress and vector first moment are obtained for a half-space subjected to an arbitrary normal load. Two particular cases of a horizontal force and a torque which are time harmonic have been considered. Several limitlng cases are obtained as special cases of the present analysls. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Lamb’s problem, Micropolar Viscoelastic Medium and Fourier Transforms. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 73D30. INTRODUCTION. Lamb’s problem [I] has received considerable attention by several researchers in different elastic media with various kinds of loading. In particular, Nowackl and Chadha [3] has Nowackl [2] have studied the Lamb problem in mlcropolar elastic media. investigated the Lamb problem in mlcropolar elastic media and discussed the propagation of waves in a seml-lnflnlte mlcropolar elastlc solid due to loading at the plane boundary of a seml-half space. Acharya and Sengupta [4] have recently studied the same problem in a thermo-elastlc medium under the influence of temperture. They have examined the longltudlnal and transverse thermo-elastlc waves in a mlcropolar R. KUMAR, M.L. GOGNA AND L. DEBNATH 364 semi-infinlte space bounded by a plane in which a normal loading is applied. recent paper by Ray and Sengupta [5], a study micropolar is made of a two-dimensional waves in a More recently, medium. thermo-viscoelastic In a Kumar and Chadha [6] and Chadha, Kumar and Debnath [7] have made an investigation of the Lamb problem in a microelastic half-space with stretch, and in a thermoelastic micropolar medium with stretch. Based upon the linear theory of micropolar viscoelastic waves due to Eringen [8- 9], a study is made of Lamb’s plane problem in micropolar viscoelastic half-space with the effect of stretch. The displacement components, force stress, couple stress, and vector first moment are determined for a half-space subjected to an arbitrary normal Two particular cases of a horizontal force and a torque which are time harmonic load. are cited as examples of the general theory. 2. BASIC CONSTITUTIVE AND FIELD EQUATIONS. Making reference to Eringen [8-10] and Nowackl [11], the constitutive and field equations for mlcropolar viscoelastic solids with stretch in the absence of body forces, body moments and stretch forces are + 2 (a + a (mjl 8o ekji,k + (8 + 81 -) ink, kSji + {(v- ) + (v- + [( + ) + ( + lJ ao + #,j [( + a) + 80 ekJl (I + k,i’ 2 V u+ [( + al)] + 2(a + a - (2.1) kjik ), ) (ui, j )o:} j’,i (2.2) )ow:l ’,i’ (2.3) a) + ( -) + al --] I grad dlv u 2u rot p 8t (2.4) 2 2 -4( a-n o where tji,mji and j J 2 o are and I, , is the a, 8, Y, , t J rot t 2 (2.5) (2.6) 2’ the components 80 no of force stress, couple stress and vector J is the rotational inertia, u is the displacement microrotation ao’ 1) 2 first moment, p is the density, vector, + 2 ( + ) * 1 vector and is are material constants. the scalar microstretch, LAMB’S PLANE PROBLEM IN MICROPOLAR VISCOELASTIC HALFSPACE WITH STRETCH 3. 365 BASIC EQUATIONS AND THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS We consider a seml-inflnlte homogeneous, isotropic, micropolar viscoelastic solid We take the rectangular Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z with the origin at the plane boundary of the half-space, z > o and the z-axls is normal to the medium. We assume that there is a uniform stretch in the x-dlrectlon and a given with stretch. _ loading function g(x,t) normal to the free surface z We the consider two-dlmensional problem microrotation are independent of the y coordinate. (Ul, u__ o, u 3) and (o, 2’ o). o. that so the Hence, we may displacement We introduce displacement potentials $(x,z,t) and $(x,z,t) defined by u + and u 3 (2.6) can be written in terms of $ and $ as Sx Sz Sz Sx" Consequently, equations (2.4) (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) (3.4) where 2 3 v2 --+ ,2 c2 2 2 3 -, (I + c 2 2 2ao/J’ Pl c4 or m2 3 [{(c c 2 ) V2 Eliminating / c2= ( + 2)/, c2= (T + e)/J, c (TI + el )/J’ 2 (+ 2 )/, al)/P’ c3 2alp, 2 p 2allP 4a/J, Y2 T nolao" 4alia, 3 from (3.2) and (3.3), we obtain 3 2 2} 3t {(c 23 + c 2 3 2 -) v a + (P + P ) and write (v2 + 3 2 + 3 2) Y --at a 1 ) (,2) (2 + o (3.5ab) The boundary conditions of the problem are (3.6abcd) where (3.7) (3.8) 366 R. KUMAR, M.L. GOGNA AND L. DEBNATH [(T + e) + m32 (R) X3 -z + Co (’Y1 + 82 el) -’] 6o } ox (3. 3 In addition, we assume that , , m2 and tend to zero as z =. SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. 4. We apply the double Fourler transform (k,z,s)of f(x,z,t) defined by (Mylnt-U and Debnath, [13]) as =ff (k,z,s) exp{i(kx + st)} f(x,z,t) dxdt (4.1) and its inverse is given by ff f(x,z,t) exp[-i(kx+st)] (k,z,s)dkds Applications of this transforms to equations (3.1) d 2 d ;=o, 2 2 (3.4) gives 2 d (4.2) 2 2 o, d 2 (4.3) 2 (dz 2 (4.4) 0 4 where s 2 2 2 k c s 2 + s 23 2 (s22 2 s4= k k 2 2 2k isc2 2 s c-is c -- 2) (s 23-k 2 2 s + T3 c s + 2 s2 2 2 (c2-1s 2 -s z B1 c ,2 2 2 (c3-1s c ,2 3 - c2 (4.6) (4.7) -s z + C e -s z + 2 (T2-1sy) 2 (c2-1s c 2 2) (c3-is 2 (4.4) with the boundary conditions at infinity are -s z B e 2 (2-is)] (p l-iS p’ 4 A e e 2 (4.8) The solutions of (4.2) -s z T2-t sT-s 2 2 c3-1s c 3 2 (4.5) Cle 3 3 (4.9ab) -s z D e 4 (4.10ab) LAMB’S PLANE PROBLEM IN MICROPOLAR VISCOELASTIC HALF-SPACE WITH STRETCH where it is assumed that B a2B, C aj Pl_i sPl’ Re(sj) J 0 for I, 2, 3, 4 and (4.11ab) a3C, [(c 22 sc2 i 2 (sj k 2 + s 2 ], J (2.10) and combined with (4.gab) A A (4.10ab), we A 4 -) {_!, E-’ E-’ E 2 3 (4.12ab) 2,3 (3.1) to the boundary conditions (3.6abcd) Applying the Fourier transforms (A, B, C, D) obtain (k,s) 4.13abcd where (r3t 4 A A m A m 3 (4.14abcd) (r4t 2 r2t4) s k .2, Jffil -2i*ksj 21* ksj, J=2,3 m j= -qlm3 ), l(r2t 3 r3t2). (* + 2*) qj (r2t 4- r4t2) (q3ml m2(r3t 4 r4t3), ml(r3t 4 r4t3) 2 A4 *(k 2 + s) + (y + e*) r -q2ml + r4t 3) (qlm2 m3(r2t 4 r4t 2) A , (sj2 a k 2 2aj) J-2,3 J=2,3 sjaj, j= J=4 iBok, i Bokaj J=2,3 3aoSj I -is k* - * B -is a*=a-is a ,y* V -isv * e-ise Application of the inverse Fourier transformation to (4.9ab) , -s f f 9"-- f f 367 Ae lz-i (kx+s t -s z (Be 2 + C e -s z 3 (4.19) dkds, e -i (kx+s t (4.10ab) gives dkds, (4.20) 368 R. KUMAR, .L. GOGNA AND L. DEBNATH -s z f f (R) Using (4.19) -s z 3 2 2= f (2 +3 c -s4z-i(kx+st) dkds. D e e -i (kx+s t (4.21) dkds, (4.22) (4.22), we obtain the formal solutions for the displacement components, mcrorotations, force stress, couple stress and vector first moment in the form Ul 2-- ff Fl(Z’k’s) (k,s) e u3" 2-- ff F2(z’k’s) (k,s) e 2 :- t33 t31 m32 X3 - Fl(Z,k,s F2(z,k,s k s) + (4.25) St)dkds’ (4.26) (4.27) (4.28) ff F7(z’k’s) (k’’s)e-i(kx + St)dkds’ (4.29) - [ikAle -SlZ + s2A2 e -s z [SlAle -s z 2 -s _ik(A2 e 2 + a 3 A3 [{(A* + 2U*)s 2 [2il*k SlA e * -SlZ + = F7(z,k,s) = [18ok(a2A [(y* + e*) e 2 + (4.30) 3 )] (4.31) (4.32) -s z 2 a*)s + (* 2 a*)s3+(l*-s z 2 a3A3 -s z 2 -211*k(s2A2e Ale a*) k 2 2* e e a3s3a3 -s z 3 3 -s + s3A3e 3z )] k2-2a* ct2}A2e a*) a3} A3e -s z + -s z 2 -s3z ], 3z ), {(I* + (a2s2a2e e -s z e k s3A3 + A3 e -s 2 A2 e + 2z -s z (a +{(I* + F6(z,k,s) (4.24) dkds, ff F6(z’k’s) (k’s)e-i(kx + St)dkds’ = F4(z = F5(z,k,s) = F3(z,k,s) (4.23) f Fs(z,k,s) ’(k,s)e -i(ks + St)dkds, 2-- where -i(kx + st) ff F4(z’k’s) (k’s)e-f(ks 2 6 )dkds, ff F3(z’k’s) (k’s)e-t(kx + St)dkds :!_ I__ -t(kx + st -s z 3 ], (4.33) -s z 2 (4.34) -s z -tBoka4e 4 ], (4.35) -s z + aos4A4 e 4 (4.36) LAMB’S PLANE PROBLEM IN MICROPOLAR VISCOELASTIC HALF-SPACE WITH STRETCH 5. 369 PARTICULAR SOLUTIONS OF INTEREST. We first consider a time harmonic concentrated normal load in the form g(x,t) P (x) e it (5.1) where P is a constant and (x) is the Dirac delta function and is the frequency. The double Fourier transform of g(x,t) is (k,s) P (s-o) Consequently the solutlons assume the form Ul P27 f [Fl(z,k,S)]s. exp[1(kx + t)]dk u3 2- 2 f [F2(z’k’s)]s=exp[-1(kx = f [F2(z’k’s)]s=exp[-1(kx P t33 t31 f [F4(z’k’S)]s =mexp [-i (kx + t 27 f [Fs(Z’k’S)]s =mexp + t) dk - )’3 67 -i (kx f [F6(z’k’S)]s =toeXp[-1(kx f [FT(z’k’S)ls =exp (5.3) (5.4) + t)]dk 2-- P 2 m32 + mt)]dk (5.2) dk + tot)]dk (5.5) 5.6 (5.7) + t dk -i (kx Neglecting the viscous effects, we obtain the corresponding results for the mcropolar elastic half space with stretch [Gl(z k s)] + t)]dk u P u3 2-- f [G2(z’k’S)]sffimexp[-1(kx 2 P s =exp[-i(kx f [G3(z’k’s)]s =mexp [-I (kx + mt)]dk + t) dk (5.9) (5.10) (5. t33 2-- f [G4(z’k’S)]s=exp[-1(kx + t)]dk, (5.12) t31 2-- f [Gs(z’k’S)]sfexp[-1(kx + mt)]dk, (5.3) m32 3 2 P-2, f [G6(z’k’s)]s =mexp[-1(kx f [G7(z’k’s)[]s=exp[-1(kx + mt)]dk, + t)]dk (5.14) (5.15) R. KUMAR, M.L. GOGNA AND L. DEBNATH 370 where G l(z,k,s) o G2(z’kis)-- G3(z’k’s) G4(z’k’s) --- -s [ikAll -s [Sll A 11 e o -8 (a21 A2 o 11 11 21 z + z -tk(a21 e -s z + -s [2iUkSl 1A 11 [( + o z 11 II s21 s e)(a21s21A21e 2 A o (5.18) ), -s e 11 z -2ik(s 21A21 e -s21 z -s31z )], -s 21 -s21 z -8 +a31s31e -s z + a31A31 e 31 31 z -i6okA41 e -s (5.19) 21 (5.20) -s4z )], (5.21) -s z z + 3aoS4A41 e 4 ], (5.22) (5.23) + c2 2 (s31 k s 2 2 2 j z 2’ 2 31 _k (5.17) 2 c s21 2 2 -s31z )], 2 + {(U+a)s 21 + o k 31 A31e (5.16) (-a)k2-2aa21 }A21e -s31 z 2 +{ (+a)s31 +(-a)k2-2aa31 }A31e e =G7(z,k,s) =- [lok(a21A21e 2 -s21 z + -s31z ], s31A31e 31A31 e o G6z,k,s) s21A21e -s21 z + a31A31e 2 2U)Sll -,k2} A e [{(% + =’-o G5(z’k’s) e =Cj+c 2 c3 P c3 2c 2 (5.24) (s2-T2) 2 2 c c3 2 2 k ), J (5.25) (5.26) 2,3 2 r4t 31 )(q llm21 -q2 ml r31t4 Y2 + (r2 t4-r4t2 )(q3 m -ql Im31 (5.27abcd) All m31(r21t4-r4t21) m21(r31t4-r4t31) &21 mll(r31t4-r4t31 )’ A31ffimll(r4t21-r21t4)’ A41fmll)r21t31-r31t21), ( + 2.)si Xk 2 J=l (5.28ab) qJl -2i ksj J=2,3 LAMB’S PLANE PROBLEM IN MICROPOLAR VISCOELASTIC HALF-SPACE WITH STRETCH 371 21.ksj 2 + (U+a)sj rjl (" + tjl iSokajl (5.29ab) (-a)k2-2aajl J--2 g)ajl Sjl 3 J=2,3 (5.30) j=2,3. (5.31) If we neglect both the viscous and stretch effects, we obtain the corresponding displacements, microrotation and stresses for the micorpolar elastic half space. For the sake of brevity, we avoid writing down these results. We next consider the effects of the harmonic torque with its axis parallel to the z-axis in the form M[(x-a) g(x,t) (x+a)]e -imt where M is the magnitude of the torque. (k,s) The double Fourier transform of (5.32) gives to 2 (4.29), we obtain f [Fl(Z,k,S)]s= msln(ka)e-ikXdk (5.34) Q f [F2(z,k,S)]sftosin(ka) e-tkXdk, (5.35) Q f [F3(z,k,S)]s=tosin(ka) e-ikxdk, (5.36) Q u 3 (5.33) 2iM sin ka (s-m) Using this expression in the equations (4.23) u (5.32) t33 Q f [F4(z,k,S)]s= sin(ka)e-tkXdk (5.3z) t31 Q f [Fs(z’k’s)]s=sin(ka)e-ikXdk (5.38) Q )-k 3 where Q 3 [F(z,k s)] stn(ka)e-ikxdk, f (FT(z,k,S)]s=msin(ka)e-lkXdk’ Q iM e -it (5.39) (5.40) (5.41) These results are in excellent agreement with those for the cases without viscous and/or stretch effects which have been discussed by several authors including McCarthy and Eringen [9], Kumar and Chadha [6] Nowacki and Nowaki [2], and Acharya and Sengupta [4]. R. K, M.L. G OGNA AND L. DEBNATH 3?2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This work is partially supported by the University of Central Florida. REFERENCES I. LAMB, H., On the Propagation of Tremors Over the Surface of Elastic Solid, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 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