Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1990) 139-144 139 VOL. 13 NO. EIGENVALUES OF THE TIME DEPENDENT FLUID FLOW PROBLEM I. EL-SAYED M. ZAYED and EL-SAYED F. ELSHEHAWEY Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences United Arab Emirates University Ai-Ain, P.O. BOX !5551 United Arab Emlrates (Received April 19, 1988 and in revised form November 19, 1988) ABSTRACT. The direct and inverse boundary value problems for the linear unsteady viscous fluid flow through a closed conduit of a circular annular cross-section R with arbitrary tlme-dependent pressure gradient under the third boundary conditions have been Investigated. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Inverse boundary value problems, unsteady viscous flow, closed conduits, annular cross-section. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 76D05, 31A25. I. INTRODUCTION. The problems of unsteady fluid flow through a closed conduit of annular cross- (see, for example Bansal [I], Muller [2], and Wadhwa [6]). In this paper we shall [5], [4], [3], Szymanskl Sanyal OJalvo combine the Ideas of OJalvo [3] and Zayed [7] to solve the third boundary value section R have been solved by many authors problem (2.1) are considered. requires the (2.3) mentioned in Section 2, where the direct and inverse problems For inverse problems, we shall follow Zayed’s work [7], which determination of the geometrical properties of the circular annular cross-sectlon R from the complete knowledge of Its spectrum, Spec (R), that is Spec (fl) {0 < I 2<3 < k (I.I) ’’’+ using the asymptotic expansion of the spectral function 0(t) tr(e-tV2) (R)E e-t (1.2) k=1 for small positive t, where is the Laplace operator in R 2. Note that the spectrum (I.I) is discrete and consists of all %’s such that there exist non-zero solutions of ; each % is written In the spectrum of as a number of times equal 140 to E.M. ZAYED AND E.F. ELSHEHAWEY its multiplicity, fnct[on that {: is dim Note also that }. the spectral (1.2) for the vibrating membranes has been studied by many authors using the [7], Gottlleb [8,9], Kac [I0], Sleeman heat equation approach (see, for example Zayed [II,12], and Zayed and Stewartson [13]). In this paper, the authors have arrived at the fact that the same analysis of the spectral function (1.2) for the vibrating annular membrane case, holds for the case of unsteady viscous flow through conduits, even though the governing partial differential for unsteady viscous flow through conduits of annular cross-sectlon 2. . This fact enables us to determine the spectral function (1.2) equation is different. FORMULATION OF THE MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM. In this section, we discuss the following Inltial-boundary value problem of a circular annular cross-sectlon with radii a and b; b > a, for unsteady viscous fluid flow when the pressure gradient F(t) is an arbitrary function of time t: u -F(t) + v t u {- It -f (r--r-)} in fl, t > O, (2.1) together with the initial condition u(r,0) e. 0, a < r (2.2) b, and the artlflcial third boundary conditions (_ r where u + the is u lU (- r=a kinematic + O, "f2u) r=b coefficient (2.3) of viscosity, it is and Y1 and Y2 are positive constants. [3], Following the method of Oja]vo problem (2.1) u(r,t) (r) k(t) I kffil where (r) + V(r) F(t), (2.4) 2 (-2 r- drd) , the solution of are the etgenfunctions of the problem d in which easily seen that, (2.3) can be written in the form / [d__ (r) dr k + < (r) k (r) ’1 (r)]r=a =[ d rr k (r) + r Y2 < (2.5) b (r)]r=b O, (2 6) 1,2,3,... are the corresponding eigenvalues, while Vir) satisfies the k problem d 2 d (r2 + -) V(r) [d--V(r) dr + , IV(r)]r=a a d [- < r < V(r) + (2.7) b, Y2V(r)]rfb O. (2 8) EIGENVALUES OF TIME-DEPENDENT FLUID FLOW PROBLEM 141 If, now, V(r) from (2.7) is expressible In the form z v() k--1 (t) then should be determined from the inltlal value problem d + VXk) k (t) k(O) hkF(0) (-d- where hk, (2.9) k(r), h k k 1,2,3,... are hk some dF(t) (2 10) d- Let constants. when satisfy the following conditions: (1) 0 (ill) TI, (2 < 2 << 3. < TI << 0 I, Y2 >> now us YlY2 >> the discuss (ll) "fl >> problem I, I. THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM IN THE CASE I’ 2 >> I. In thls case, it Is straightforward to show that ) Y(r 0 (3.1) [2 yI-1 y,(a2k )o + Yo(a )] and -1 V(r) = {(r -1 -1 [2(a1 -1 Y1 a where z_ are 2 a 2 2ay 2 2 b) + (a -1 Y2 +ina g] b + (__I_ In _r) X 2 b )] (3.2) roots of the equation 0. (3.3) E.M. ZAYED AND E.F. ELSHEHAWEY 142 k(t) The function has the form k(t) h HF() e k + e{F(O) d}e -t (3.4) o b / where hk On inserting dr (3.51 b f (r) r dr (3.2) and (3.4) into (2.4) we arrive at the solution of our (3.1), YI’ Y2 >> problem when V(r)k(r) r a I. [7], Using the same analysis of Zayed the asymptotic through of annular function 8(t) for spectral the of expansion conduits we deduce after lengthy calculations that cross-sectlon fl in the case unsteady where viscous yi,Y2 >> flow can be written In the form: 4 wt b a -I a and r 4. YI -I b2 }-F-+.._ 2 (R)’ we obtain Y2 b (See -I )] Y2 l’z’(3.6) 0(t) as t /0. This is the same form as (4.7) in Zayed Note that if + (b + Y1 8( wt -1 a 2[(a + a2) (b2 (t) [7] for the vibrating annular membrane. the results of Dirlchlet boundary conditions on r and Winelnger [6] and Sleeman and Zayed [12]). WadJwa THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM WHEN y| >> 1,0 < Y2 << I. In this case, we can show that k(r) has the same form as (3.1), while V(r) takes the form -I V(r) =-;’v [Y2(2aYl a + a2 b (- [2 where rr 2 2a 2) Y1 ’1 + In r) a x 2b] (4.1) a + In -6) -] are roots of the equation ;k J’ (b ) + Y2Jo (b )] o O. [ ,IYo’(a ’ ’’ + Yo (a (4.2) 143 EIGENVALUES OF TIME-DEPENDENT FLUID FLOW PROBLEM On inserting (4.1) and (3.4) into (2.4) we arrive at the solution of our (3.1), Y1 >> problem in the case where < Y2 << I, 0 1. In this case, one can show after some reduction that the asymptotic expansion of 8(t) for unsteady viscous flow through conduits can be written as: 2 (b 4t 8(t) a 2) 2[b- (a + + -I YI )] Y2b + 8(vt) 2 7 --at +- 32 2 + 64 2 1 f2 b----} a (rl:) 2 128 + O(t) as t O, (4.3) (4.6) in Zayed [7] for the vibrating annular membrane. we obtain the results of Dirlchlet boundary condition on r 0, a, I Y2 and Neumann boundary condition on r b. (See Sleeman and Zayed [12]). REMARK 4.1. The solution of our problem in the case where 0 < I << I, 2 >> can which has the same form as If and be deduced from the previous case with the interchanges I --/ 2 and a b. Finally, we close this paper with the remark that the expansions of 8(t) (area, length of the boundary, number of holes, curvatures ...) for unsteady viscous flow through conduits, which are very determine the geometry of R of the boundary, similar to those obtained in Zayed ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. comments. [7] for the vibrating annular membrane case. 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